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assignment earth and science

“Conquering Darkness, Devouring Space”
It all started after about a billion years ago. Each phase of life and non-life begins and ends again. In the
hundreds of years, I have traveled through a vast space of a place, I still wonder how I ended up in an
empty space.
I was in a place where it was so dark and I seemed to be floating in space that I couldn't find the tunnel
back to the place where I started. But for a few seconds I was floating with a tiny, hazy and smoky floating
thing that gave some color to the dark space. I looked at it from where I was standing and peered at what
was that thing that I could see that was flashing and very bright. It's so many like particles floating in space
that it's so bright and life-giving.
When I stopped my curiosity while floating I heard an explosion "Baaaaannnnggggg!" an explosion so
powerful that the glare it caused made me close my eyes, and when I opened my eyes the seemingly
empty space it had so many stars and huge rocks floating in the space of black and gray color.
My eyes could clearly see the pepper-like clusters of stars in the sky, which I looked at closely, it was hot
and very bright. And the galaxy is made up of eight planets with their own characteristics. In my journey I
witnessed the beginning but the ending seemed to be the question that troubled my mind. Every second,
minute, hour, and day, week, month, and over the years, and many decades, the element is gradually
formed in space. That it began with a star called the "Big Bang", it is called the "Big Bang" because of its
expansion and explosion.
After the explosion that occurred in space. I was stunned and amazed at the beauty of the universe. I
walked while floating towards the rotating galaxies I walked, it was very bright and had different colors in
the atmosphere. Even the stars I can touch and see up close. I see particles like atoms. After my walk I
went to the moon.
In my observation of the vast space and the elements it has floating and gathering I sat a moon until I fell
asleep on it. And when I woke up I realized that all my travels were just a dream that I had set foot in
space. When I realized this was the answer I was looking for on how my journey began and ended and
finding an answer to the question "What is the root of the formation of the universe?"