Assessment PART A CNS Fell unconscious CVS HEENT Has history of falls RESP GI GU INTEG Skin breakdown on coccyx MS REPRO 53 yr old male, has 3 children PSYCH/SOCIAL Best friend and good support died 2 months ago, scared to go home, lives in Regina, has wife. He expressed he doesn’t know what diabetes. 53 years old. METABOLIC/ENDO Type 2 Diabetes Melitus PART A # _____ Priority Assessments: # _____ Nursing Dx: __________________________ Nursing Dx: __________________________ Supporting Data: Supporting Data: # _____ Nursing Dx: __________________________ Supporting Data: # _____ Client Initials: _______ Age: _______ Admitting Dx: ___________________ _______________________________ Nursing Dx: __________________________ Supporting Data: Med/Surg Hx: ___________________ _______________________________ # _____ # _____ Nursing Dx: __________________________ Nursing Dx: __________________________ Supporting Data: Supporting Data: Parking Lot: PART B Nursing Diagnosis Priority # Client Goals (Client will…….) Nursing Interventions (Nurse will…….) Evaluation (Was client goal met?)