S C IE N C E A N D E D U C A TIO N IN K A R A K A L P A K S TA N К,ОРАК,АЛПОГИСТОНДА ФАН В А ТА Ъ Л И М ISSN 2181-9203 К.АРАК.АЛ П АК.СТАН Д А И Л И М * Э М ТЭ Л И М Н АУКА И О Б Р А З О В А Н И Е В К А Р А К А Л П А К С ТА Н Е к Science and Education in Karakalpakstan I,SSN 2181-9203 Science Magazine Chicf Etlitor: rcglOn... Reltnov A' Ll.LJtemtuatov Erccutivc sccrctaru: Sh.N.Abdinazirnov Editoriul board: Llazarbaer'.l l)r ol Ph- acndentic ,{r'irnbet0r' N. l.. l)' ol lrconr)I ic Scielrces ILrrilrnranrbelor LR. I)octor of Gcogr-aplrv ..\tarrir,aznva ().,\. D ofnrodical scieuccs ..\lcLrrir, \l:. Dmtor of pedagoer I lharrlullacr Kh. l)'of l:,corronric Scisrces I inrartla Q.li. L)octor of law I.lerdinrurali:rr,a ..\.K. Drlilrx ol Phrlosophr .\lrdullaowr J,A. D'of IIisl. Soicnses .{llanazalol K. PhD irr Goog;aphv A\irnbr:tor, \1..1. PhD iu T,;clurical Soionccs .\uczrx O. I).rntrx ol'Ioch. Sciences IJairrrarrov K.L I)r'of lechnical Sciences I],'ki;ra ( i. I}rctru,rl l'hilol,'Br .Tarin'rbc1()v K.l I. Dtlclor of Philologl, Isnravilert K.'\. Dr o1'phvs-t)taIh sclsllc,js h;rllplrergonor, 11.'l. D'o{ Tech. Soionc,ls Kallplrereorov :\.1. Dr of 'l'eclr. Sciences Qdllvrir.azor, \{.Sh. }}r ofI'list. Scieuces Kulanbaev K. l)octor t.rf Phikrlogr. Krrtliribergenuv K.K. D' of phvs-ntalh soicuccs [trsltier H. D trl Birrl Suicrrecs \.larnbcln:rzrr|.L[ 8. S. L)r- ol .\gr. Sciurrccs \lantltclilllar'cva S.\1. of Iliol. Scicnces \luslint,n' \irlr,rrrirrl l) [] I)r,,1'lljsl. Scicrrccs \. l)lrctrr of pedagoqv / l. Dr ol ps\clrol{)g\ scicnccs ()r-ipova \'1.H. l)r ofTech. Sciences Paluanivazor, P.K. PlrD Flislo* Rrzhap,x' .\. D'ofl'cch. Scienccs Satlrrlliror',\. D' of phvsrnath soioncr;s. acad 'lirr,ircr \l ll. l) ,'l-pltrs-rnallr seiurrcus 'l,r'cttir'rz,'r L SIt l)r'11 \r.:t. Sriutc;. I ltcbarcY l. I. I)ootor ol pddagog\' I lolbaev l. L)'o1'phvs-rrrallr scierroes Shcnlluhanledovil \. l)octt:'r' ol Ph\losophv F,gurrberdicv Ir. D' o1' tlootrorlic Scienccs 'i'lorurrurakl, (i. PlrD irr Philololrr Ktrhelsirrxt D.T. lirD irr Plrilok'gr Krrtbanbrer, Surtjirrtor .l l)i. ..\. l'hl) l: .. A.(i. I7 L'lt. I1_ .SC'/t'.\.(.1/:lS Changi:s in tho tcmpcraluro in tho southcni .,\ral Seir - llcgdullaycv Dcput]' cditor in chicf: \lunrzavcrr \ N Sultashol'a O.()., F'ayzullner,a A.l(, l,irka.vev A.[;., Rc]rrrov Q.D., Kaipbcrgcno\, r\.1'., Artiqov i\{.B. Ilesearch ofthe process ofreducing sulhrr ra,ith application ola distiller liquid 'l'umunbo,v-.cv ILl,)., Ibnrgirnol A.TJI,, lishbol"cr' lU.l]. L.lnclsrnic species olflora Kuhitang Ridgc fioliev A.Il., .Ndylova A.'I., Alxlul'alihrninov LYu.,:\rtikl'ir O.N. Applioation ol'HPl_C scparatiui nrolhocl ofqinscnosidcs rn a polllinvl alcohol-hondud stationar\,phasc...........,.. llegi:rnora Ii.It. lixn'eme lrtlrntlatv of the space r'rf seaklr, additive order preservine I;uncliorrals ur the plaltc Kudirvlrergenov Ii., llegianola Ii. I:ltlice afllne h<rlextntrtrphisrns o1' tte sltace of oap{crllds lltr 35 .,1 GIU C L' LIL :R.,l I Nulrmrtov Sh.N., l{ambetnazaruv E.8., }Iurnbetnlzlr.ol. B.S, Drvclopmull ol soilprotectinp. technologies in trenling cotlorr line intetvals in tlre ara o1'lhe soulhem r\ral Sea ... Nhnrbetnirzlltv ll.S., Oteulier,,I.ll. I)eveloping in'igrtional svstetll cutnecled to biological peculialilies of collott t-r'pes in the condjtion of Parlure-allLrvial soil of lte llepublic of Karnk rl pnk ilrr r II li:l 1.-INIT I E S Jurmr muratov R. l!. Irni phrgcnor .\. lhe use ol conrputer progralns I'. lle Seotor 60 SCI ENC ES n)elhodology of teaching chentistrv based ou 64 rr chumistr'\'cducaliur......... Tho slatonont ofstuclving ofthe 7l lcslcnr Europeau lauguaues in thc rugion I rrrkestarr.. I'irni-r'irzovu Sh.O, lirrrnrrlion ol-slutlenls' reading skills ,\dilova N. Clross ctrllru.ll rtanaslinlsllt and polituress in edrrcation procass at Kar.akalpak 75 79 8l 'r'srlr -\llitn:rzarov f).T. Lullabv lis tr gcnre tlpr-: ol thc Karakalpak ualicrrral li_rlklor! Kalicv N.\{. Thc rotaissanc,-r,;ra ol ths Khor,;zm .\ri;hilsr.;lurg llolashevl A,'1. Inrplerltdllation of}rlipped Classroonr \.lodel in ltlSl,classes... Shtrnutatovir lrl.S., ltubcysinova D.'l'. Pcculiarities of lhe lbmralion of Isiunic values iu lhe Karakalpak 1}mi1v... ...... Kclimbao'a li. Role cil'courputers in leanring Euglish. l{enlimuator.u [,.r\. Srgnilicanr,e r.rl'nrolivalion in Englislr language leaming process... ...... Iiutibaoa 8., Iltrlimova I'L Organi:z:rlionll antl l,ogal lbnns o1'stale adnlutislralion in lhc lleld oftoulisrl in thc RepLrhlic ofl]zhekistan Kube-vsinova D,T., Kutibrcvrr l,l.D., Nizannrtilirrov K.K., Qutlinturntov Ii.Q, Legal educatiorral clustcrs elernent oftlre legal educaliorr svstelll in the republic ofKalakalpakstan.... ... . r\lclov O., Or,tzimlxtol Sh. Wa-r's ttnd lcollritlrrcs lo irrcrsasc lhe nrolivalir-n ol pupils i1 lix'ciun languauc lesson 95 o0 105 109 il3 l|i' 1 lB a Editorial address: Strcet. I llh.,{btliror'. Nukus. 2.1{) I 00. !) i;or the accttraor ol lhe irrlirI.nration presenlcd in thc.iclurnal are thc auflrr.rrr ot fhe arliclc ().zhekistorrIlespLrblrkasiiia'lltp.ltltpMarxaltaou\\':JvpI1l.laI.u()AK'l.artib-qoidakonrissivasiqarori24.t)5'2() ||ocrarrog.'rcguc(ol'ItJcc,l'Inol)c|\l'][,Il)oRaIiIr0l]AKPccnl,6.wrrr,rVr6crttcrarri1)IrKa6t{I{cTcMHr{rlL]0B Rcsolrr1iorrofthcRcgrrIatiotlC]onnnlsSio1lo|thcSr4n.c1l1cnttcStatiollCotntttissiono|thcRc1")bli0 J$5/2. ic: Kn r a ko lpa 9t as an il l 50 ol lhc Kosnazarov S.l',, Firipbergenor' .{.T. Cheurical languag,: as a lrcalts of llro$,locls,j A,II. 45 55 \Ilmbctnazat'ov B.IJ. F,t:ortotnir: I)evclttpnrcnt opporlunilios rn thc AgrrcullLrral Ropuhlie ol Lrrakulptrkstut .. .. Bckianova 4l S'CYt'.\(-fi!' Pctlagogr' 1)ltl) in l)lrrl,l,'pr I'hrrrc: 22.1-60- 25 lrasc o{' "lurmmut'atcx Nl,A. Noutronactivatiorr anal],sis aud Ilvdrogcochcntistn. of natrrral n'atcrs oi thc Ilopuhlic ol Karakalpakslan... ... ... ... Nulmurodov 1.1., Khudoyberrliycr' 1,.1., Akhtamou i\'l.Z lrrtostigttion ol'<tptirnunr condilions ol lhc process of oLrtaining Thennal-.{lkaline phosplrates... Slirlu L rrir l9 28 \Iuftull:r.vcvr N{.8. Thc stLrdr ol' cdaslonrcric ooutlxrsilion prop,irlies on outubinalitn til'rtibtrors lillod br'\ltnlmr-'rillutitc o{ *r-.rrakalpakslau............ ol- l4 l',\ kt ta I i n i vc rs i t..t, 123 Science and Edttcution in Ksrukulpukstan 2019 lb 4 /,S,Sl/ 2181-9203 WAYS AND TECHNIQUES TO INCREASE THE MOTI OF PUPILS N A FOREIG]\ LANGUAGE Summuryt. This article i,s about sl.rategies und lechnityugs that cun'h:Z'\fi' to develop cognitive motives.fttr lectrningJ'orreign languctges in elementary^ .school. Key words. Mativation, motive, strateg,t, techniclttc, gume, imuges, description, s ong, di alogue, non-stand ard I esson. Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explair-r behavior. [t represents the reasons for people's actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can also be defined as one's direction to behavior or what causes a person to want to repeat a behavior and vice versa. A n-rotive is what prompts the person to act itt a certain way or at least develop ar,r inclination for specific behavior. For exantple, when someone eats food to satisfy tlre need of hurrger, or when a student does his/her work in sclrool because they rvant a good grade. Both show a similar connection between what rve do and why we do it [a]. The eflbctiveness of mastering a foreign language depends not only on the pupil's strategy, but also on the teaching strategy. The maxirtllm etfect can be achieved in harmony of these strategies. An imporlant factor helping to achieve this goal is to increase the effectiveness of the teacher's pedagogical impact on pupils, their communication in the lesson in conditions of complete social and psychological compatibility. Each teacher rvants to make their occupation interesting and exciting, to ensure that the cognitive interest of schoolchildren and their creative thought activity develop. How to make yorr lesson interesting, fascinating ard to ensure that children leam language nraterial well and firrnly? After analyzing a rvide variety of techniques for organizing educational activities, yolr can apply role-playing game, the game in general, especially at the initial stage of teaching. To achieve this goal, namely the development and improvement of comnrunication skills of younger pupils, a game technique should be used in the lessons. As you know, a ganre is a specially organized activity requiring a strain of emotional and mental strenglh. The game always involves a decision - what to do, what to say, how to win. The desire to resolve these issues sharpens mental activity. And if the child speaks a foreign language, this opens Llp rich educational opporlunities. Childlen do not tlrink about it. For them, the game is, above all, an exciting experience. In the game everyone is eqr-ral. She is f-easible even to rveak pupils. Moreover, a poorly trained pupil may be the first in the game. resourcefblness and quick wit are here, at times, more important than knowledge of the subject. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasn and joy, a sense of feasibility of tasks - all this enables children to overcome the shyress that prevents thenr from freely 123 Science and Educution in Ksrukulpukstun 2019 Jyb 4 1,SS1/ 2IBl-g203 using the words of- a fbreign language in their speeclr, ald has a beleficial eft'ect on leaming outcomes. The linguistic material is imperceptibly assimilated, and at the same time a feeling of satisfbction arises - "it turns out, I can already speak alo'g with everyone." Thus, ganles in the educational process have great potential fbr the further fonlation and activation of pupils' skills and creative thinking, cognitive activity. Along with the galne teclrnique in the classroom, ruosr teachers .rse the "lmages" teclrnique, which helps pupils develop speaking skills, creative initiative, recreating the imagination of language skills, which are given special attention hele this is the ability to convey images using English, using forms of verbal and non- verbal communications. The vocabulary of pupils is activated, an emotio'alintellectual attitude to the use of knorvledge in an unconventional communicative situation is fonned. The "Describe and depict" technique is one of the ways to engage pLrpils irr the conlmunication process using tlreir own vocabulary in a foreign ianguage. This teclrnique is urliversal, it can be used to consolidate vocabulary a,rd g.a,r,r ar. [l:27] To develop communication skills, we use songs. Tlre songs are intereitingio pupils by lvhat tliey talk about and in rvhat musical fonn they are presented. Songs motivate pupils to inform about something, to inquire, that is, the communication factor slrould take first place. When learning a song, pupils receive ltew infomration, whiclr stimulates cognitive activity. For example, by leaming a song "Head, shoulders, knees... " pupils will learn how parls of the body are called in English. It is impossible not to mention the aesthetic motivation. It affects the fonnation of positive feelings, emotions, develops imagination. All this is possible when pupils are happy to intonate favorite song in a foreign language. The use of songs encollrages: . improving pronunciation skills; ' allorvs you to aclrieve accuracy in arlicr-rlation, rhythnr and intonation; . deepens knowledge of tlre English language; . enriches vocabulary; . develops reading and listening skills; . stinrulates nronologic and dialogical expression; . develops both prepared and spontaneous speech. Moreover, the song introduces into the process of leaming the language an element of festivity, not traditionalism, which has a significant rmpact Jn the emotional sphere of pr-rpils. It is clear that foreign language activity on the background of music contributes not only to menrorizing tlre mateiial, br-rt also relieves fatigr"re in the learning process. When selecting content, it is necessary that the teaching material be emotionally saturated, memorized. Clear, concrete images should be included in tle lesson material. If pLrpils do not see pictr-rres of social life, cultr-rres, countries, people, then they learn only verbal fomrulations, deprived of vital content, rvhich at. q.iickty t1A LLA Science und Etlucution in Karukulpakstan 2019 Jyb 4 LS,SN 2181-9203 fbrgotten. In rvorking rvith pupils, in addition to the text of the textbook and teacher, there is a rich opportunity to use video lessons. 12.551 The greatest interest alnong pupils is caused by communicative tasks related to foreign language communication. Children remenlbet"words better if they have to use them in speech. Dialogue in the English lesson serves as a motive for them to learn new worcls. The resr-rlts shorv that communication techniques are a f-avorite activity of participants in the classroom. Despite all the variety of nrethods and techniqr-res in teaching English to yournger pupils, there were still sonrc diffrculties. Teaching English to childrerr of prirnary school age (grades 1 and 2) is based on their age and psychological characteristics, namely: tatigue, involuntary attention, subconscious level of memorizatron. At the same time, the rrrain difficulties in tl're development of communication skills include motivational problems, such as: - pupils do not have enough linguistic and speech means to solve tlre task; - pupils are not involved in a collective discussion of the lesson for one reason or another, - pupils do not withstand the required amount of comnrunication in a foreign language, especially poorly performing children. Therefbre, it is necessary to take into acconnt the physiological and psychological characteristics of children and provide for such Upes of work that rvould relieve stress and fatigue. At the initial stage of leaming English, physical activity is included in the lesson using various types of movenents and dances. But dr-rring its irnplementation, the goal is set before pupils to remember lingr"ristic rlaterial. Tlre use of poems and rhymes allows yor-r to firrdy remember the basic grammatical models and use them in everyday practice. In addition, the learning process turns into an exciting game that maintains interest in this subject. [3:30] Non-standard fonns of the lesson play a major role in maintaining and saving interest in the subject, the development of cogrrrtive activity, and the transfer of insr.ruction frorn teaching to managing independent educational and cognitive activity of pLrpils. A non-standard lesson includes the rnost diverse, emotionally vibrant, nontraditional teaching methods and techniques that not only increase the motivation for teaching children, but also serve to develop cer-tain abilities: the ability to recite poems, developing pronlnciatron skills, and to stage a parlicular situation as a literary one, lifb-like, singing in a foreign language, the ability to respond and give your assessment in conversation, cormnunicate infbrlration about events and facts, observe speech etiquette, become familiar with traditions, customs and cultural heritage of English-speaking countries. All the activities of pupils in the lesson are subordinated to the main comrnunicative goal of teaching English. It is irnportant that the children be liberated, together with the teacher, "make" a lesson, the knowledge and possession of the language and speech material by the pupils determines the effectiveness of the formation of the communicative skills of yoLlnger pupils, how much the rvillingness and desire of the clrildren to participate in 125 Science and Education in Kurukulpukstan 2019 lW 4 /,S,SN 2181'9203 intercultural communication in English. This is possible if the main form of educational activity of pupils is not listening, speaking, reading or writing in a foreign language, but lively and active communication rvith the teacl"rer and with each other. In older to interest children in learning a foreign language, it is necessary to organize such an educational process that would cause high motivation and ensure their activity in the lesson. These methods and teclrniques that contribr-rte to the development of broad cognitive motives in primary school age, because this age is favorable for the developrneril of cognitive motives. References yanka na nachalnoy i sredney stupeni angliyskogo l. Bocharova L.P. Ign na urokax obucheniya // inostrannre yazrki v shkole. Nr 3 fTekst] I - 1996 - s.26 2. Galskova N.D Teoriya i praktika obucheniya inostranntm yankam.M.,2004. - s. 55 3. Fursenko S.V Grammatika v stixax. // (KARO) 2005.- s.30 4. en.wikipedia. org/wiki,Motivati on#cite-ref- 1 Reqtume. Llshbu ntuqoladu boshlang'ich sin/da xorijiy tillurni o'rgani,shda kggnitiv ntotivlami rivojlantirishga yordam beradigan strategiyalar va ttsluhlcrr huclidu s0': hrtrudi. Pesru.ug B omott cn?an1be onucuaarcmcg cmpanleeuu Lt mexHLtKLt, Komopue .tto?))m nolrcqb pd.36u.mb KoeHunlltzubte .troml.utu {).'tn LByqe+utt uHocm.paHHux n3bwo+ 6 t t eLte.tt bt toii utt<o.l e. Kulit so'Zlur. Motivatsiycr, motiv, strategiya, ush'tb, o'yin, tasvirlar, tavsil, ksg, nou n'u nav i y d u r's. Knnqeeote CilOBO, Momtt.eatp,ttT, J,tomu*, Cmpctmeeun, mexHunq, uapcl, o\pu3bt, ot'rltcoHl,rc, n ecHtt, duu.loz, uecm uudapmu w tt ypoK. c1o',s hi c1, cli a t26