476346 Audit Permit Completed RYBOA HAIMA-Power LV-LCW Audit Audit For ID: 475289 Title: Completed By: Ahmed Al Hattali Date: 18-Aug-2023 14:51 Type: Worksite Audit RYBOA HAIMA, WDT CABLE INSTALLATION AND TERMINATION ON WORK AT HEIGHT AT CHEMICAL YARD. Site Observations 1. Is the correct location documented? Yes 2. Is the job description clear and related to the task being conducted? Yes 3. Has relevant toolbox talk been conducted and has the work crew signed as required (has the driver attended the tool box)? Yes 4. Has the tool box talk been signed by all personnel and was the it relevant to the work being performed? Yes 5. Are all correct signatories in place and affected parties signatories in place? Yes 6. Are all appropriate hazards, PPE requirements identified and controls followed? Yes 7. Are barriers & warning signs posted? Yes 8. Have the gas tests been performed by an authorized gas tester? N/A 9. Is the step by step job plan clear and does it cover the work scope being conducted? Yes 10. Has Contractor's HES representative visited the site? Yes 11. Does the Worksite Supervisor understand the task to be performed? Yes 12. Does the work crew understand the task to be performed? Yes 13. Can the Worksite Supervisor communicate effectively in English? Yes 14. Has the Worksite Supervisor acknowledged any adjacent worksite activities or hazards likely to impact this task? Yes 15. Have the work crew been observed while working? Yes 16. Are all tools and equipment in good working condition? Yes 17. Does the Worksite Supervisor have a clear line of sight on all sites he is responsible for? Yes 18. Is the housekeeping satisfactory? Yes 19. Are all the site conditions safe? Yes 20. Has the audit been completed WITHOUT a Stop Work Authority call being made? Yes 21. Is the crew aware of any potential hand and finger pinch points? Yes 22. Comments Yes Comment / Observations: Supervisor and crew members aware with hazard and understood the task, ware proper PPE Section Total Printed 02-Sep-2023 15:52 Copyright © 2023 Sphera Ltd. Yes 21 No 0 N/A 1 476346 Audit Permit Completed RYBOA HAIMA-Power LV-LCW Line and Equipment Opening 1. Has a list of the previous material and the SDS for the material been made available? N/A 2. Has the proper PPE been identified and made available for the line or equipment opening? N/A 3. Has flushing/purging (if required) and proper isolation been conducted for the equipment? N/A 4. Comments N/A Section Total Yes 0 No 0 N/A 4 Lifting Operation 1. A "Qualified Person" (Banks man & Lifting Supervisor) is on location during all lifting activities? Yes 2. A written lift plan has been completed for this lift (If required)? Yes 3. The forklift/Crane Operators license, training, and/or credentials are on location and are current? Yes 4. Does the crane have regular and annual documented inspections completed and available? Yes 5. Slings and shackles to be used for the lift are in good condition and inspected before use and correctly color coded? Yes 6. DROPS – Is the worksite free of potential dropped objects? Yes 7. Comments Yes Comment / Observations: Using manlift with valid inspection and all items was secured Section Total Yes 7 No 0 N/A 0 Excavation 1. Has the excavated area been scanned for underground hazards electrical cables, pipelines etc? N/A 2. Are marked up drawings of the scanned area approved by Oxy Supervisor available in location? N/A 3. If the excavation is to be entered, is the proper Confined Space Entry permits in place? N/A 4. Is all equipment and materiel located safe distance away from the excavation site? N/A 5. If the excavation is to be entered, is proper access/egress available? N/A 6. Comments N/A Section Total Yes 0 No 0 N/A 6 Audit Total Yes 28 No 0 N/A 11 % 100 0 Authorization History Detail Name Job Title Date Complete performed. Audits state is now Completed. Ahmed Al Hattali Power | Electrical Supervisor - LV 18-Aug-2023 14:51 Printed 02-Sep-2023 15:52 Copyright © 2023 Sphera Ltd.