Occidental of Oman Vehicle Workshop Health, Environment & Safety Inspection Checklist Contractor: Ryboa Haima Trading Co LLC Workshop Supervisor: Ashraf Location: Inspection Team: HSE/s Ronore Lapat, Amado Tolentino, Marlon Paderan Light Vehicles Vehicles Document No: OMAN-HES-110-005 Approved by: VP-HES Effective Date: 15/04/2016 06-08-2023 Date: Ryboa Haima Workshop Yard Heavy Vehicles Plant Total: Oxy Vehicle & Plant Inspector: Oxy Vehicle & PlantInspector: N o 01 DESCRIPTION / STANDARD YES / NO REMARKS Offices have adequate lighting & AC. 2 Workshop has clearly defined work areas. 3 Workshop lighting adequate. All fixed lights working . Lighting in workshop is excellent. 4 Ventilation adequate. Exhaust fans working/guarded. Industrial fan is still not working. 5 Clearly visible safety signs where required. Signs with pictures or in language of workers. Some signage are ripped off. 6 Adequate storage for materials in workshop, shelving secured/not overloaded, safe access. 7 Electrical Outlets: Rev A Date Closed Workshop Building. 1 8 Action a) Correctly wired, correct plugs used no adapters. b) Leads in good condition, no taped joints. Electrical panel(s) clearly marked/accessible. Panel doors kept closed. Already informed Ashraf since last month’s internal yard audit. 5/7/2023 Page 1 of 4 Occidental of Oman Vehicle Workshop Health, Environment & Safety Inspection Checklist N o DESCRIPTION / STANDARD YES / NO OMAN-HES-110-005 REMARKS Battery charging area isolated. 10 Adequate toilets/wash facilities and areas clean. Check sinks/soap/paper towels or electric dryer. 11 Adequate drinking water available. Need to provide drinking stations. 12 Building has installed fire alarm system and is working. 13 General condition of the building walls, roof and false ceiling. 9 Action Date Closed 5/7/2023 02 Storage Areas, Machines, Electrical, Filter & Tire Rooms. 14 Lighting adequate. No dark corners. 15 Walkways/access areas have no slipping/tripping hazards. 16 Adequate storage for materials. 17 General condition of storage areas, electrical & tire shops. 18 Yard Area 19 Staff Welfare Need to provide drinking stations. 20 Other 21 Vehicle Wash Point 22 First Aid & Eye Wash 23 Electrical Appliances Industrial fan is still not working. 24 Tools Rev A 5/7/2023 Already informed Ashraf since last month’s internal yard audit. 5/7/2023 Page 2 of 4 Occidental of Oman Vehicle Workshop Health, Environment & Safety Inspection Checklist OMAN-HES-110-005 Comments: Scattered cigarette butts in the smoking area. Acetylene cylinder has no cap in storage area (side of OPAL office). Exposed electrical wiring of A/C in Opal office. Fruits found in worker’s tool storage. Improvised tool used by tire man. Used filter storage already full, need to dispose. Some signage is ripped off. Insufficient lights in tire room. Switch on/off not working in the tire storage. Poor illumination in store room. Stock filing of boxes is too high in store room. Wash bay mud bucket is already full, need to dispose. Scattered wood pallet is tower lights area. Good Observations: Well organized items in Chemical Storage with Safety Data Sheets. Scrap materials are properly stored. Good housekeeping in entire workshop area. Rev A Page 3 of 4 Occidental of Oman Vehicle Workshop Health, Environment & Safety Inspection Checklist Scattered wood pallet is tower lights area. STATUS: OPEN Rev A Wash bay mud bucket is already full, need to dispose. STATUS: OPEN OMAN-HES-110-005 Poor illumination in store room. STATUS: OPEN Used filter storage already full, need to dispose. STATUS: OPEN ACTION TAKEN: Always reminding this issue to concern person. Page 4 of 4 Occidental of Oman Vehicle Workshop Health, Environment & Safety Inspection Checklist Stock filing of boxes is too high in store room. STATUS: OPEN Rev A Improvised tool used by tire man. STATUS: OPEN OMAN-HES-110-005 Fruits found in worker’s tool storage. STATUS: CLOSED ACTION TAKEN: Educated the RH workshop about food safety. Some signage is ripped off. STATUS: OPEN Page 5 of 4 Occidental of Oman Vehicle Workshop Health, Environment & Safety Inspection Checklist Electrical panel cover should always keep close. STATUS: CLOSED Industrial fan is still not working. STATUS: OPEN ACTION TAKEN: Always reminding this issue to concern person. OMAN-HES-110-005 Acetylene cylinder (full or empty) should always have a cylinder cap. STATUS: OPEN ACTION TAKEN: Always reminding this issue to concern person. Exposed electrical wiring of A/C in Opal office. STATUS: OPEN ACTION TAKEN: Already informed it the workshop supervisor. Inspector’s Signature: Name Job Title Ronore Lapat HSE 06-August-2023 Amado Tolentino HSE 06-August-2023 Marlon Paderan HSE 06-August-2023 Rev A Signature Date Page 6 of 4 Occidental of Oman Vehicle Workshop Health, Environment & Safety Inspection Checklist OMAN-HES-110-005 Report Issued to: Name Job Title Majid Said Al Harthi Operations Manager Supervisor Md Ashraf Rev A Signature Date 06-August-2023 06-August-2023 Page 7 of 4