Introductionto Risk Analysis Unit 1 Introduction to Quantitative Process Risk Analysis 1 Risk Analysis Hazard vs. Risk Some important Definitions-I Safety: The freedom of injury, damage or loss of resources. Hazard: The condition that can result in or contribute to a mishap. It is the potential to cause harm, harm including ill health, injury or even fatality or damage to the property, plant, product or the environment. Sometimes it may lead to the production loss or increased liability. Mishap: Mishap that is unintended event that can cause injuries, damage or loss of resources. Risk: Risk is the probability or a chance or occurrence of undesired event and the severity of resulting consequences. Risk analysis: Process of assessing, managing, and informing others about existence, nature, magnitude, probability, contributing factors, and uncertainties of potential losses (or gains). Some important Definitions-II Risk Assessment: The process of Qualitative (analysis) risk categorization or Quantitative risk estimation. Qualitative: Descriptive( non-numerical data) Quantitative: Numeric variables (e.g., how many; how much; or how often). Risk Management: The process of risk identification, risk assessment, risk disposition and risk tracking and control. Probability: The chance or the likelihood of occurrence of an event or a particular event. Reliability: The probability that an item will perform its intended function for a specified mission or profile, so reliability may be attributed to the different safety devices, different process conditions etc. Risk level:(size or magnitude) due to hazard exposure under known conditions: both the probability (or frequency) of upset scenarios and the outcome consequences are needed to estimate risk. Some important Definitions-III Voluntary risks: A risk that result from hazards of activities people choose to engage in. Examples: driving a car, riding a motorcycle, climbing a ladder, entering a laboratory, skydiving, vehicle racing, hauling in a farm harvest … [working in a plant?] Involuntary risks: Result from hazards of activities or events without prior consent or choice of persons. Examples: Acts of nature such as lightning, fires, floods, tornados, exposure to environmental contaminants For which of these two types of activities are people more willing to tolerate risk or to accept a higher level of risk? Why? . Probability or Frequency Probability or likelihood A quantitative measure of the certainty or uncertainty in the occurrence of a value, value range, event, or an event sequence. Probability is defined as a number without units within [0,1]. Frequency Number of occurrences of an event per unit time, often hour or year, or per distance, area, or volume. Frequency of occurrence is used also to estimate probability of occurrence within a particular time, distance, area, or volume. . Hazard Not always identified until an accident occurs. Essential to identify the hazard and reduce the risk well in advance of an accident, so that we can minimize the losses For each process in chemical plant, one must as the following question and answer for all those questions. 1. What are the hazards? 2. What can go wrong? 3. What are the chances? (calculating the risk) 4. What are the consequences? Categorizing the Hazard There are two (diff) type of basic category of hazard. 1. Acute Hazards: Having an immediate and obvious impact that is for example risk of falling or being wounded because of the slippery or wet floor. 2. Chronic hazards: Having more hidden, cumulative or long-term impacts. For example, workplace bullying where the long-term impact result in the stress or other psychological injuries. Grouping of the Hazard Hazard generally fall into following six groups 1. Physical hazard: Slippery floor, object in the walkways, excessive noise, fire etc. 2. Chemical hazards: Gases, dust, fumes, vapors and liquid. 3. Ergonomic hazards: poor design of equipment, workstation design sometimes postural or work floor problems, manual handling, repetitive movement. 4. Radiation hazard: Microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, laser, X-ray, gamma rays etc. One may encounter these type of radioactive hazards. while characterizing the various chemical samples 5. Psychological hazards: Shift work, stress, workload stress, dealing with the public stress, harassment, threat of danger, discrimination etc. 6. Biological hazards: Presence of a bacteria, virus, fungi, parasites, through a cut, insect bite, or a contact with infected person or contaminated object. Hazard consequences Adverse Consequence Human Impacts Environmental Impacts Economic Impacts Consumer Injuries Off-site contamination (Air, Water, Soil) Property damage Community Injuries On-site contamination (Air, Water, Soil) Inventory loss Onsite personal injuries Production outage Unit personnel injuries Loss market share Lost of employments Legal Liabilities Psychological Effects Negative Image Examples of Hazard and their impact Hazard Identification and Control policy Systematic process hazard identification Systematic control policy. 1. Provide a procedure that is reasonable, practicable, integrates different type of identification, reporting and investigation of foreseeable hazard related to the work activities and in consideration with the workers, the timely elimination or minimization of risk to health and safety using the hierarchy of risk control. 2. Ensure a presence of a formal process of hazard identification and risk assessment which will effectively manage the hazard that occur within the workplace. Hazard Identification Protocol Hazard identification and risk assessment are sometimes combined into a general category that is called the hazard evaluation. Risk assessment is sometimes called the hazard analysis. 1. Risk assessment procedure that determines the probability which is frequently called the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). 2. The procedure that determines the probability and consequences is called the Quantitative Risk Analysis(QRA). 1. Hazard identification can be performed independent of Risk Assessment. So, these two things are altogether independent. What is Risk Assessment Risk assessment that is the process of quantifying the probability of harmful effect to individual from a certain human activities It includes the Incident identification and Consequence Analysis Incident identification this describes how an incident occurs; it frequently includes an analysis of various kind of probabilities. So, enlist all kind of probabilities that may happen Consequence Analysis, this describes the expected damage, this includes the loss of life, damage to the environment or the capital investment or the capital equipment and the days outage Give an example of a risk-free activity. Why Risk Assessment? Protect our self Because the risk assessment is the key to prevention of accident Elevate safety aware ness and ownership Aware about the various kind of hazards, risk and control and practicing safe science Compliance with regulatory bodies Because “Risk” is the combination of likelihood of an occurrence of a hazard event or exposure and the severity of injury or ill health or fatality that may be caused by the event or exposure. So, life of workers, protection of environment (other human beings) and reduction in economic loss Risk Concept What can go wrong? How likely is it? What are the impacts? Risk Level Manage Risk Risk management includes the control and monitoring of acceptable risk as well as the communicating the risk to the nearby people or those who may get affected with that risk. 5-steps for risk assessment The 5-steps 1. Identify the Hazards 2. Identify who might be harmed 3. Evaluate the Risks 4. Records the Findings 5. Review the assessments Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). Rigorous technical discipline, that has been used in the countless complex technological applications such as airline industry or nuclear power plant to reveal design, operation and maintenance aspect, to enhance the safety and reduce the cost Risk in PRA is feasible detrimental outcome of an activity or action. Risk is characterized by two quantities 1. Magnitude (severity) of the possible adverse consequences 2. Likelihood (probability) of occurrence of each consequences. Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) Formal and systematic approach to estimate the likelihood and consequences of the harmful procedures and expressing the results quantitatively as to risk to people, environment or in business Assesses the robustness and validity of quantitative results by identifying critical assumptions and risk driving elements. Studies are typically required for the construction and processing facilities, high pressure pipelines and storage facilities at important sites including LPG, LNG, etc. Contributes to improved decision making by highlighting the accident scenarios that contributes most to overall risk. Objective of Quantitative Risk Analysis Identify the hazard associated with facility Determine the potential frequencies and consequences of the identified hazard. Determine the system availability of the protection system Quantify the risk associated with a facility( e.g Risk Contours, Individual Risk per annum, potential loss of life (PLL) and F-N curve.) Suggest the recommendation to reduce the risk to human life, assets, environment or business interruptions to as low as reasonably practicable Risk Contours : Lines that connect points of equal risk around the facility ("isorisk" lines). F-N curve: A plot of cumulative frequency versus consequences (often expressed as number of fatalities). Risk Levels • Risk assessment and management is an approach to achieve a cost effective balance between a risk level and a return level, which includes direct/indirect costs, performance, profits, good will, reputation,… • A risk level that is acceptable or tolerable to one person, organization, or community, may not be acceptable to another person, organization, or community. [Why?] 10 If Risk Cannot Be Reduced to Zero, What Should be Our Target? Risk Analysis Models Models to represent engineering systems: • Deterministic → predict exact or unique result (with specific uncertainty), e.g., what caused a component or system to fail. • Probabilistic → predict output range probabilities of variables or system behavior to estimate uncertain events that could result in losses 16 Areas of Risk Applications Risk Analysis Category To Estimate Health Disease and loss of life Safety Harm due to natural events, fabricated products, technologies, systems Security Harm due to war, terrorism, riot, crime, misinformation Financial Individual, institutional, and societal monetary losses and gains Legal Probability of innocence or guilt beyond reasonable doubt Environmental Losses due to noise, contamination, and pollution in ecosystems 17 Risk Applications, Examples • Patient risk of anesthesia or medicines • Seismic risk analysis and mitigation to affect building codes and strategies • Inspection and monitoring of critical infrastructure, e.g., major bridges • Monitoring and maintenance schedules of chemical processes and plants as part of industrial risk management 18 Engineering Risk Analysis Methods and Decisions During Life Cycle of a System Conceptual design Design Development Regulation (Risk Management) Operation (Risk Management) Decommissioning Decisions about alternative design options Decisions to prevent, reduce or eliminate hazards minimize life-cycle cost, maximize performance Identify & test systems that contribute most to risk, quality assurance, warranty development Decisions concerning system elements that contribute most to risk, set monitoring and performance criteria, perform inspections Decisions to optimize cost of operation, tests, and maintenance, define surveillance requirements, schedules, replacement policies & decisions, aging estimation & management, security measures Decisions for safe decommissioning alternatives, 19 select disposal methods, assess long term liability Consider the following Design Approaches, Which LifeCycle Stage Do They Belong To? 1. 2. 3. 4. Inherently Safer Design Circular Economy HAZOP Value Engineering Elements of Risk Analysis Risk Management Risk Assessment Decision Making Estimation of probabilities and consequences Risk Communication Exchange, share, discuss the risk and consequence analysis & decisions Evaluation, minimization, and control of risk within acceptable limits 22 (adapted from Modarres, RAE) Risk Assessment Questions of risk assessment: 1. What can go wrong?— Identify and characterize hazards, develop scenarios from initiation to outcome events due to the hazards 2. How likely? — Estimate probabilities of scenario events including barriers, and scenario outcome events 3. What are the consequences? — Estimate magnitudes of scenario outcome events. 23 Types of Risk Assessment • Quantitative Risk Assessment: Calculate risk in form of a numerical probability (or frequency) of an event and the outcome consequence magnitude. Generally needed for most critical parts of a system. • Semi-quantitative RA: Use order of magnitude for frequency and for outcome magnitude for non-critical parts of a system. • Qualitative RA: Use of linguistic or ordinal scales (e.g., low, medium, high; 1, 2, 3) for probability or the outcome magnitude. Often used for screening, but to be useful, the linguistic or ordinal scale ranges must be defined 25 Hazards and Scenarios • To assess risk, hazards must first be identified and characterized. • Scenario development: Events, event conditions, and event sequences leading to potential loss outcomes involving the hazards must be identified. 26 Methodology of Risk Assessment-I Scenario development with estimation of probability and consequence of each credible scenario. 1. What can go wrong? 1.Identify hazards: with a nature to cause losses (chemical, biological, thermal, mechanical, electrical, radiation). 2.Identify system barriers. Each hazard is analyzed to select barriers to prevent or mitigate exposure to the hazard. 3. Identify challenges to barriers. Each barrier must be tested, monitored, and serviced to maintain its function and respond to system demands. 27 3. Consequences? 2. How likely? Methodology of Risk Assessment-II 4. Frequency or probability. Scenarios that pose similar hazard exposure can be represent outcome occurrence categories grouped to frequency 5. Consequence evaluation. Losses are estimated and modeled using knowledge and history of the hazard behavior and amount of exposure. Note that this 5-item risk assessment approach is another28 expression of the 3-item approach. Risk Management (RM) Decision making activities to reduce loss event probability, and minimize consequences due to risk exposures, selecting actions based on assessed risk values, economic and technology constraints, and legal and political issues. Techniques, methods: Focus Areas: • Inherently safer design, technology • Minimize hazards • Cost-benefit analysis • Prioritize risks levels • Risk effectiveness • Predictive failure analysis (reliability) • Decision Analysis • Assess the performance • Strategies to analyze, minimize, control risks • Assess effectiveness and revise strategies 29 Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) Risk = F(s, c, f) s = hypothetical scenario c = estimated consequence(s) f = estimated frequency This ‘‘function” can be extremely complex and there can be many numerically different risk measures (using different risk functions) calculated from a given set of s, c,f. Acute, rather than chronic, hazards are the principal concern of QRA. Chronic effects such as cancer or other latent health problems are not normally considered in CPQRA Remember the difference between Incident and incident outcome. A single incident can have many outcomes. Leak of flammable and toxic gas could cause A jet fire A vapor cloud explosion A vapor cloud fire A toxic cloud Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) QRA provides a tool for the engineer or manager to quantify risk and analyze potential risk reduction strategies. Risk reduction measures can be applied to the major hazard contributors and assessed using cost-benefit methods. Quantitative approach for safety is not new to chemical process industries. For every process, the kinetics of the chemical reaction, the heat and mass transfers, the corrosion rates, the fluid dynamics, the structural strength of vessels, pipes and other equipment as well as other similar items are determined quantitatively by experiment or calculation, drawing on a vast body of experience. Incident • Incident • Incident outcome • Incident outcome case Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis (CPQRA) Use of vapor dispersion model, fire and explosion model Fault trees and Event trees Impacts on people, environment and property Potential consequences with frequency of event Identify the major sources of risk and determine if there are cost-effective process or plant modifications which can be implemented to reduce risk. Identify and prioritize potential risk reduction measures if the risk is excessive Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Assessment (CPQRA) • The full logic of a CPQRA involves the following component techniques: • 1. Definition • 2. System Description • 3. Hazard Identification • 4. Incident Enumeration • 5. Incident Selection • 6. Model Construction • 7. Consequence Estimation • 8. Likelihood Estimation • 9. Risk Estimation • 10. Utilization of Risk Estimates Complete CPQRA Procedure • Definition: Converts user requirements into study goals ( Table 1.4) ( originates from external sources such a regulatory bodies or form internal initiative (senior management) and objectives. • User requirement: Standards, economic criteria, Risk targets etc. • Objectives could be: • Determination of societal risk from company operations that include any of a specified list of chemicals. • Determination of risk to employees from modification to an existing process unit • Identification of cost-effective risk reduction measures for achieving target risk level of an existing process unit. • Evaluation and ranking of competitive process strategies considering impact to surrounding community • Determination of relative effectiveness of each of several alternatives to reduce risk from a single piece of equipment. • Depth of Study Complete CPQRA Procedure A careful determination of the depth of study is essential if CPQRA goals and objectives are to be achieved, adequate resources are to be assigned, and budget and schedules are to be controlled.