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Plate Tectonics Lesson Plan: Grade 10

Topic / Title
Plate Tectonics (Marking the Boundaries)
Grade Level
Grade 10
Time Allotment
60 minutes
Learning Competency/ Objectives
At the end of the period, students should be able to:
1. Describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major
mountain belts;
2. Determine the scientific basis for dividing the Lithospheric plates.
ELICIT (Access prior knowledge). 5 minutes
In the previous lesson, you learned about the different layers
of the earth. We have also tackled about plate movements and
it’s major consequences. One of these, is earthquake.
Yesterday, we recalled about the three types of seismic waves
released during an earthquake. Primary (P) , Secondary (S),
and Long surface (L) waves. We discussed about how the first
two waves are used in locating the epicenter of an earthquake.
The teacher will then ask the question:
“ Can somebody state how to locate the epicenter of an
earthquake based on the activity that we have performed
In 5 minutes or less, Answer the following questions:
1. What is the formula in computing for the distance of
epicenter from a seismic station?
2. Assuming that the scale on the map is 2.0 cm : 400
km, what is the formula in computing for the distance
on the map to locate the epicenter of the earthquake?
ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic (short; question or picture). 5
The teacher will ask the students to turn their books on page
7 and will then the questions:
1. What is the difference between fig 1 and the regular
world map?
2. What do you think is the basis of dividing the world in
such a manner?
We will find out the answers from the activity that we will do
The teacher will then ask the students to bring out their
materials needed that was assigned today.
EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience). 25 minutes
Student’s LM
 Map of
Let’s Find Out: Distribution of Volcanoes, earthquake
epicentrs, and major mountain belts; determine the
Map of active
scientific basis for dividing the lithospheric plates.
volcanoes of
the world
 Map of
ranges of the
 2 pcs. Plastic
 2 Marking
pens of
EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and
students). 20 minutes
The teacher will discuss the following answers to Activity 2:
 How are earthquakes distributed on the map?
The world’s earthquakes are not randomly distributed over
the Earh’s surface. They tend to be concentrated in narrow
zones. Some are located near the edges of the continents,
some are in the mid continents, while others are in the
Why do you think it is important forus to identify areas
which are prone to earthquakes?
It is important to identify areas prone to earthquakes so that
necessary precautions could be done.
How are volcanoes distributed?
Volcanoes are randomly distributed. Majority of them
are found along the edges of the continents.
Compare the location of majority of earthquake
epicenters with the location of volcanoes around
the world.
Earthquake epicenters and volcanoes are both situated
at the same locations.
How will you relate the distribution of mountain
ranges in the distribution of earthquake
Mountain ranges are found in places where volcanoes
and/or earthquakes epicenters are also located.
What do you think is the basis of scientists in
dividing the Earth’s lithosphere into several
Geologic activities such as seismicity (occurrence of
earthquakes), volcanism and mountain formation are
the basis of scientists in dividing Earth’s Lithosphere.
ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned in the Explain).
5 minutes
How will you apply the concepts that you have learned this
morning in your day to day life/
EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept)?
The output of their activity today and their answers to the Science quiz notebook
guide questions will serve as their evaluation and will be and Pen
Activity output
recorded as their performance task/science lab activity.
EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context).5 minutes
Bond paper, pen
Based on the lesson, what have you learned? Give your
insights by presenting it through graphic organizer. Answer
DepEd Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material and Teacher’s guide
Science links
lesson Plan above gives equal opportunity for students to show their skills and their
abilities. The differentiated activities provide students with developing their cognitive,
psychomotor and affective domains.