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Adobe AD0-E127 Practice Test Questions

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Adobe AD0-E127 Exam
Adobe Experience Manager Backend Developer
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Pass Adobe AD0-E127Exam with PassQuestion AD0-E127
questions and answers in the first attempt.
1.What is the name of the OSGI Configuration with which an AEM Forms developer configures a data
source from a relational database?
A. Apache Sling MySQL Connection DataSource
B. Apache Sling Connection Pooled DataSource
C. Apache Sling JDBC Connection DataSource
Answer: B
This is the name of the OSGI Configuration with which an AEM Forms developer configures a data source
from a relational database. It allows the developer to specify the connection properties such as driver
class name, connection URL, user name, password, and pool size.
2.An AEM Forms developer is tasked with generating multiple interactive communications using Batch
API. The developer decides to use an advanced property developer to create a custom service for
generating interactive communication.
Which advanced property is being used by the developer?
A. locale
B. recordPath
C. usePrefillService
Answer: B
This is the advanced property that an AEM Forms developer needs to use to create a custom service for
generating interactive communication using Batch API1. The recordPath property specifies the path of the
JSON array that contains the records (data) for generating interactive communications. For example, if
the JSON file has an array named customers, the recordPath property should be set to /customers.
3.Which script is part of the "Submit Action" that is used to create a custom AEM Forms?
A. run.POST.jsp
B. dialog.xml
C. editfields.jsp
Answer: A
This is a script that is part of the “Submit Action” that is used to create a custom AEM Forms2. It can be
used to perform custom actions after the form data is submitted, such as sending an email, invoking a
web service, or storing the data in a database.
4.An AEM form administrator is configuring the access rights for all new users in AEM and is making sure
that the default right necessary for users to read, modify, create and delete the content in AEM forms is
Which default right is being checked?
A. author
B. content-authors
C. dam-users
Answer: B
This is the default right necessary for users to read, modify, create and delete the content in AEM forms1.
The content-authors group has permissions to access and use the Forms console and the Forms Portal.
It also has permissions to create and manage forms and related assets.
5.Which JDBC exception in AEM Forms is thrown when a connection to the database server cannot be
established or is lost because of configuration issues?
A. JDBCDatabaseException
B. JDBCConnectionException
C. JDBCConfigurationException
Answer: B
This is a JDBC exception in AEM Forms that is thrown when a connection to the database server cannot
be established or is lost because of configuration issues2. It indicates that there is a problem with the
connection URL, the credentials, the network, or the database server itself.
6.Which log file in AEM contains all the logs related to user-generated repository changes, as captured in
AEM Forms?
A. access.log
B. stderr.log
C. audit.log
Answer: C
This is the log file in AEM that contains all the logs related to user-generated repository changes, as
captured in AEM Forms2. The audit.log file records the actions performed by users on the repository, such
as creating, modifying, or deleting nodes and properties. It also records the user name, session ID, date
and time, and path of the action.
7.Which default theme needs to be changed to create a custom Adaptive Form Client Library in AEM
Forms development?
A. guide.theme.contentpage
B. guide.theme.simpleEnrollment
C. guide.theme.applicationformheader
Answer: B
This is the default theme that needs to be changed to create a custom Adaptive Form Client Library in
AEM Forms development2. This theme provides basic styling for adaptive forms and can be used as a
base for creating custom themes.
8.Which access rights groups will a form developer need to add to create an AEM Forms Data Model?
A. fdm-author and forms-user groups
B. fdm developer and forms-member groups
C. fdm-practioner and forms-practioner groups
Answer: A
These are the access rights groups that a form developer needs to add to create an AEM Forms Data
Model1. The fdm-author group allows creating, editing, and deleting form data models. The forms-user
group allows accessing form data models.
9.An AEM Forms developer wants to render a PDF form to the client using the Form service. The
developer needs to invoke a certain method on the
com.adobe.livecycle.formsservice.client.PDFFormRenderSpec object to enable the client rendering.
Which option shows the correct way of using the needed method to accomplish the goal?
A. setEnableViewerPreferences(true)
B. setRenderAtClient(RenderAtClient.Yes)
C. setRenderAtClient(RenderAtClient.Always)
Answer: C
This is the method that an AEM Forms developer needs to invoke on the
com.adobe.livecycle.formsservice.client.PDFFormRenderSpec object to enable the client rendering. It
sets the renderAtClient property to RenderAtClient.Always, which means that the PDF form will always be
rendered at the client side using Adobe Reader or Acrobat.
10.Which statement can be used by an AEM Forms developer to create and test the call to the database
that executes a stored procedure in AEM forms JDBC connection?
A. Callable Statement Info Editor
B. Procedure Statement Info Editor
C. Returnable Statement Info Editor
Answer: A
This is a statement that can be used by an AEM Forms developer to create and test the call to the
database that executes a stored procedure in AEM forms JDBC connection1. It allows the developer to
specify the name of the stored procedure, the input and output parameters, and the result set.
11.An AEM Forms developer is tasked with the integration of AEM Forms with Adobe Analytics. The
developer needs to make sure that the data elements needed for AEM Forms to send data to Adobe
Analytics are configured.
Which two data elements must be configured? (Choose two.)
A. DataName
B. PageURL
C. SourceURL
D. FormName
Answer: B,D
These are two data elements that must be configured for AEM Forms to send data to Adobe Analytics.
The PageURL data element captures the URL of the adaptive form page that is being tracked. The
FormName data element captures the name of the adaptive form that is being tracked. These data
elements can be used to create rules and reports in Adobe Analytics.