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Sociology Exam: Social Interactions & Culture

DIRECTION: Choose the correct answer from the
given choices. Write letters only.
1. What is the study of society, patterns of social interactions,
and culture everydaylife?
A. Anthropology
B. Sociology
C. Political Science
D. Social Science
2. If we want to know why certain social phenomena
happened, such as the television program Eat Bulaga’s
Kalyeserye gaining millions of tweets worldwide, What field
of socia science answers these occurrences?
B. A.Anthropology
B. Sociology
C. Political Science
D. Social Science
3. A group of people is responsible for discovering and
digging up old communities. Based on the fossils and artifacts
found during the excavation, they try to put these pieces of
evidence together to describe the community, it’s people,
their culture, and traditions.
What do you think are these people?
A. Archeologists
B. Ethnologists
B. Historians
D. Sociologists
4. Farming legislative policies abolishing or limiting political
dynasties all over the Philipines. What discipline is the
scenario about?
A. Anthropology
B. Sociology
C. Geography
D. Political Science
5. The following are goals of Sociology, EXCEPT ONE. What is
A. Obtain possible theories and principles about society as
well as various aspects of social life.
B. Study the nature of humanity to further examine our roles
within a society.
C. Appreciate that all things in society are interdependent.
D. See the commonalities among people (tradition, language,
kinship, etc.)
6. What customary patterns of everyday life that specify
what is socially correct and proper in Everyday life?
A. Mores B. Norms C. Laws D. Folkways
A. Mores B. Law C. Folkways D. Norms
11. What is a perciption that arises from the fact that
cultures differ and each culture defines reality differently?
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Relativism
B. Xenophobia
D. Xenocentrism
12. What idea that all norms, belief and values are
dependent on their cultural context?
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Relativism
C. Xenophobia
D. Xenocentrism
13. What natural process of biological changes occuring in
population across successive
A. Evolution B. Unfolding C. Culture D. Diversity
14. What species that is known also as “Handy MAn”?
A. Homo Erectus
B. Homo Sapiens
B. Homo Habilis
D. Homo Florensiences
15. What kind of subspecies known as Cro-Magnon
characterized to be anatomically modern humans and lived in
the last Ice Age?
A.Homo Erectus
B. Homo Sapiens
C. Homo Habilis
D. Homo Florensiences
16. what Societies that belong to the knowledge and
information resulting to the invention of gadgets and
A. Horticultural Societies B. Pastoral Societies
B. Post-Industrial Societies D. Industrial Societies
17. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. In PAstoral Societies society people started on how to
learn to domisticate animals for food and clothing to satisfy
the greater needs of the group.
B. In Industrial Society society people started to learn on how
to domesticate animals to satisfy the greater needs of the
C. In Agricultural Society society people started to learn on
how to domesticate animals to satisfy the greater needs of
the group.
D. In Horticultural society people started to learn on how to
domesticate animals to satisfy the greater needs of the group.
7. What practical application of knowledge in converting new
raw materials into finished product?
A. Norms B. Technology C. Folkways D. Mores
18. What is continuing process whereby an individual
acquires a personal identity and learn the norms, values,
beahaviour, and social skills?
Social Control B.Socializatio C Folkways D.Social Integration
8. Gary graduated a year ago, Despite of having a lot of job
offers he chooses to remain jobless and hang around with his
friends. What phenomena does Gary’s behaviour?
A. Lagay B. Istambay C. Jobless D. Lazy
19. Tim is the only son of Mayor Nova and Governor Alfredo.
He is a responsible son but prefer to act as a woman. What is
the best kind of status does he have?
A. Conformed B. Achieved C. Ascribed D. Social
9. If grades were to be the basis of Rena’s standing in her
UCSP class she would surely fail but since her teacher is a
childhood frien of her mother she got a passing grade. What
phenomena that the situation shows?
A. Sipsip B.Padrino/Padrina C. Istambay D. lagay
20. Von is the only boy in the family. Everyone is very excited
for him to get married at the right time because he is the only
person who could continually carry their family name but
Von doesn’t have any plans to get married because he
wanted to be a priest. If Von persure his dream what kind of
status does he have?
A. Conformed B. Achieved C. Ascribed D. Social
10. What folkways with ethical and moral significance which
strongly held and emphasized?
21. Jerry celebrated his 18th birthday and confess that he will
become a father soon. Reaching the legal age is what kind of
A. Conformed B. Achieved C. Ascribed D. Social
29. 30. Which of the following is not a manifest function of
A. Courtship
C. Cultural Innovatiion
B. B. Socialization
D. TRansmission of Culture
22. What adaption is the withdrawal from the society, caring
neither about success nor about working?
A. Ritualism B. Innovation C. Conformity D. Retreatism
30. 31. Which of the following ways is conflioct theorist
A. Challenge to gifted studets
B. Teach respect for authority
C. REinforce Division of economic status
D. Help students who need additional support
23. A newly transferred student from private school to public
attended the class for the first time. Despite having different
beliefs and behaviour with his classmate he chooses to adapt
and act the same way his classmate does to gain acceptance
and to avoid rejection. What kind of conformity does he
Identification B.Internalization C. Ingrational D.Compliance
24. David was recruited by his friends to join the Youth Club
where their goal is to evengelize other youths and help them
to become closer to God. He easily adapts their behaviour
because it is congruent and consistent with his value. What
type of conformity does he showed?
A.Identification B.Internalization C.Ingrational D.Compliance
25.Virgil is a newly hired employee in an architectural firm.
Despite of having different behaviour with his co employees
and his boss, he started to adopt the induced behaviour
because he axpects to gain rewards and to avoid punishment.
What type of conformity does he showed?
A. Identification B.Internalization C Ingrational D.Compliance
31. 32. Who needs serving the education under the
functionalist theory?
A. Families B. Government C. Individuals D. Society
32. 33. What term describes the asignment of students to
specific education programs on the basis of previous test
scores or grades and their perceived abilities?
A. Labelling
B. Hidden Curriculum
D. Self-Fullfiling Prophecy
33. 34. Which of the following is the example of nonformal
A. Adult night classes
C. Doctorate Propgrams
B. Primary Schooling
D. Senior HIgh School
34. 35. What class is known as “leg division of the society”?
A. Intellectual Class
C. Mercantile Class
B. Administrators Class
D. Labor Class
25. 26. Banks play an important role as an internediary or go
between the financial system. Which of the following are not
the three main functions of banks?
A. Bank issues stock to members.
B. Banks are depository of savings.
C. Bank issue loans to both people and companies.
D. Banks are largerly responsible for the payment system.
35. 36. A person who places a high value on or pursues things
of interest to the intellect or the more complex forms and
fields of knowledge, as aesthetic or philosophical matters,
especially on an abstract and general level. What class is the
statement belong?
A. Intellectual Class
C. Mercantile Class
C. Administrators Class
D. Labor Class
26. 27. there are establishments which are not owned and
controlled by the government. What is a private company or
group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a
person) and recognized as such In law?
A. Banks B. Cooperative C. Corporation D. State
36. 37. A system revolved around three separate and
sovereign yet interdependent brances: the legislative branch
(the law-making body), the exsecutive branch (the lawenforcing body), and the judicial branch (the law-interpreting
body). What class is the statement belong?
A. Intellectual Class
C. Mercantile Class
B. Administrators Class
D. Labor Class
27. 28. Some non-state institution are for profit and others
are non-profits and some are for personal investments ond
for financial help. What do we call an organiation whose
membership consists of workers and union leaders united to
protect and promote their common interest?
A. Cooperative B.Corporation C. TUCP D. Trade Union
28. 29. As you reach the right age to create your own family,
it is very necessary to really find companion that has the
same life goals with you. What is an important social
institution wherein two persons, a man and a woman either
into family life?
A. Marriage B. Partnership C. Union D. Live in
37. 38. What class is business enterprise included?
A. Intellectual Class
C. Mercantile Class
B. Administrators Class
D. Labor Class
38. 39. What view that all genders including men and women
should receive an equal treatment and therefore should not
be discriminated against based on their gender?
A. Ethnic Conflict
C. Feminist Movement
B. Gender Equality
D. Racal Discriminstion
39. 40. Believing that the traditional clothing of a culture
other than your own is “strange” or “incorrect” is an example
A. Ethnocentrism
C. Cultural Relavitism
B. Racism
D. Stereotyping
40. 41. In 1913 the Natives Land Act reserved 90% of the
country for whites, who then made up to the 21% of the
population. Under the formalized racism of apartheid 3.5m
blacks were forcibly move to isolated reservations call
“homelands. The statement above belong to?
A. Ethnocentrism
C. Cultural Relavitism
C. Racism
D. Stereotyping
41. 42. There is a widespread belief that girls are better at
language than boys, and that boys are better in math, is an
example of?
A. Ethnocentrism
C. Cultural Relavitism
D. Racism
D. Stereotyping
42. 43. Which of the following are not laws protecting person
with disabilities in the Philipines?
A. Anti-Bullying
B. Equal Opportunity Employment
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
43. 44. Which of the following is not a treatment for ethnic
A. Expulsion B. Assimilation C. Amalgation D. Inclusion
44. 45. Republic Act (RA) no. 10963 or the TRAIN law aims to
make the Philipines Tax system simplier, farier, and more
efficient to promote investments, create jobs and reduce
poverty. Which of the following involves addressing the RA?
A. Social Inequalities
C. Unemployment
B. Poverty
D. Economic loss
45. 46. Which of the following are not the basis in measuring
economic status?
A. Export and Import
C. Life Expectancy
D. None of the above
46. 47. Change is constant and it happenes in contemporary
societies. Which of the following is not the reason of social
A. Social Change
C. Cultural Change
B. Political Change
D. Climate Change
48. Which of the following is the cause of social change?
A. Technology
C. Mortality
B. Localization
D. None of the above
47. 49. A child sees a new type of dog that they’ve never
seen before and immediately points to the animal and says,
“Dog!” What type of sources of social, political and cultural
change is?
A. Acculturation
C. Innovation
B. Assimilation
D. Diffusion
50. Native Americans replacing or modifying certain societal
or cultural elements such as dress, language, or religion upon
contact with Europeans. What type of sources of social,
political, and cultural change is?
A. Acculturation
C. Innovation
B. Assimilation
D. Diffusion