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Elementary Spanish I Syllabus - Luzerne County Community College

Luzerne County Community College
Syllabus Summer 2023
College Mission: Luzerne County Community College provides excellence in education, fosters student
success in achievement of goals, and positively impacts Luzerne County and the surrounding Northeastern
Pennsylvania region.
Course Number: SPA-101
Course Title: Elementary Spanish I
Instructor: Mrs. Jessica Stephens
Contact Info: jstephens@luzerne.edu
(570) 258-5690 (available 9:00am - 4:00pm)
Credits: 3 lecture hours (0 lab or clinical hours)
Course Description:
Designed to teach basic skills; comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. Students
will learn to write controlled sentences on selected subjects and vocabulary. Spanish
culture and songs are included. (No pre- or corequisites.)
Course Goals:
This course provides students the opportunity to:
1. acquire basic speaking, writing, reading and listening skills in Spanish
2. study and review grammar
3. learn vocabulary
4. understand Spanish culture and tradition
Student Learning Objectives or Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Goal 1:
1A: identify basic ideas in contemporary simple language
1B: demonstrate comprehension of simple printed material
1C: demonstrate accurate use of nouns, adjectives and verbs
1D: participate in simple conversations
Goal 2:
2A: demonstrate correct gender agreement
2B: demonstrate correct number agreement
2C: demonstrate correct subject-verb agreement
2D: demonstrate correct pronoun reference agreement
2E: apply syntactic structures correctly
Goal 3:
3A: express basic vocabulary such as days of the week, months, numbers, colors
3B: express family vocabulary such as mother, father, brother, sister…
3C: use common vocabulary in simulated situations such as travel, office, classroom
Goal 4:
4A: Describe Spanish traditions
4B: Discuss Spanish culture
Sequence of Learning Topics or Activities:
1. greetings, introductions, ser, nouns, articles, numbers 0-30, time
2. classroom, classes, days, schedules, -ar verbs, questions, estar, numbers 31+
3. family, descriptions, professions, possessive adjectives, -er & -ir verbs, tener, venir
4. pastimes, sports, places in the city, ir, stem-changing verbs, irregular yo verbs
5. travel, months, seasons, weather, ordinal numbers, more estar, ser vs. estar, direct
object pronouns
Assessment and Grading: **No extra credit**
Credit (20%) – These assignments have unlimited attempts and no late penalties.
They are to reinforce the information from the text. You will complete
them on vhlcentral.com.
Projects (30%) – A small project is usually assigned in each lesson to review the
grammar and vocabulary topics. A 20% late penalty will be assessed for
any projects completed after the due date. You will find these on
vhlcentral.com and Blackboard.
Quizzes (20%) – These include vocabulary and grammar quizzes. You only get
one attempt to complete them. Quizzes must be taken by the due date
unless there is an emergency. Forgetting to take a quiz is not an
excuse and you will not be given a chance to make it up. You must
contact me within a week to make it up because of the emergency. You
will find these on Blackboard.
Tests (30%) – These are on the vocabulary and grammar from the entire lesson.
You only get one attempt to complete them. Tests must be taken by the
due date unless there is an emergency. Forgetting to take a test is not
an excuse and you will not be given a chance to make it up. You must
contact me within a week to make it up because of the emergency. You
will find these on Blackboard.
Course Grading
Below 60
Course Policies:
A. Academic Honesty Policy
All Luzerne County Community College students must maintain honest and ethical
standards in all assigned academic work. Academic work submitted or otherwise
presented by students will honestly represent their personal effort to meet the
requirements of the course.The LCCC Library provides assistance on how to cite sources,
both in person and via the Citing Sources link of the LCCC Library Web page. A first
offense will result in a zero for the assignment/test/quiz. A second offense will result in a
zero for the course.
B. Translation Programs
Although some translation programs have come a long way, they still cannot do syntax.
You cannot translate word for word from one language into another. Therefore, the use
of a translation program can only help you so much. It is best to find a word or two here
and there than to try to write sentences and paragraphs with any translation program. If
you use a translation program, I will be able to tell. Work with what you know and you
will be better off. You will most likely be required to rewrite anything I feel was not
written in your own words. If it continues to happen, you will get a zero for the
Reference, Resources, and Learning Materials:
A. Required Text:
Portales Introductory Spanish 1 by José Blanco with access code to
B. Blackboard Learn access
C. other free technology aids for projects
D. Required browsers: most recent version of Chrome or Safari
E. microphone
Course Schedule
Week of:
Assignments are due Tuesdays
Lesson 1 vocab, culture, vocab quiz, grammar, grammar quiz
May 31
Lesson 1 grammar, project, culture, test
June 7
June 14 Lesson 2 vocab, culture, vocab quiz, grammar, grammar quiz
June 21 Lesson 2 grammar, culture, project, test
June 28 Lesson 3 vocab, culture, vocab quiz, grammar, grammar quiz
Lesson 3 grammar, culture, project, test
July 5
Lesson 4 vocab, culture, vocab quiz, grammar, grammar quiz
July 12
Lesson 4 grammar, project, culture, test
July 19
Lesson 5 vocab, culture, vocab quiz, grammar, grammar quiz
July 26
Lesson 5 grammar, project, culture, test
Aug 2
This schedule is subject to change!