Uploaded by Lena Truong

Infant Case Study: Development & Feeding Concerns

STUDENT VERSION: Infant Case Study Generated by Chat GPT
1. Recognize and analyze data from a well-child visit and compare to age-appropriate standards of
growth and development.
2. List all client needs based on the analysis of cues and prioritize the top 2.
3. Evaluate the accuracy of the hypotheses and interventions generated by AI.
4. Develop an anticipatory guidance plan to support positive outcomes for growth and development.
Patient: Emma Thompson Age: 6 months Gender: Female Weight: 7.2 kg (15.8 lbs) Birth Weight: 3.5 kg
(7.7 lbs) Delivery: Full-term vaginal delivery
Chief Complaint: Emma's parents bring her to the pediatric clinic concerned about her development and
feeding patterns.
History of Present Illness: Emma was born at term after an uneventful pregnancy. She had a normal
Apgar score at birth and was discharged on time. However, her parents have noticed that she doesn't
seem to be developing as quickly as their older child did. Emma's parents are also concerned about her
feeding habits, as she often seems fussy during feedings and spits up frequently.
Developmental History:
Motor Skills: Emma has achieved the typical milestones for her age, such as lifting her head when lying
on her stomach, and she can roll over from front to back. However, she hasn't yet started to sit without
Cognitive Skills: Emma shows interest in colorful toys, follows moving objects with her eyes, and smiles
responsively. She has started making babbling sounds.
Feeding: Emma is breastfed exclusively. Her parents have noticed that she often pulls away during
feedings and sometimes cries when offered the breast.
Past Medical History: Emma's medical history is unremarkable. She had a mild case of upper respiratory
infection at 4 months of age, which was managed at home with no complications.
Family History: There is no family history of developmental delays or congenital disorders.
Physical Examination:
Vital signs: Temp 98.6°F (37°C), HR 140 bpm, RR 30 bpm
Are these VS normal for age?
Growth parameters: Weight: 7.2 kg (15.8 lbs); Length 65 cm (25.6 inches), head circumference 42 cm
(16.5 inches).
Calculate the height, weight, and head circumference percentile using this tool.
What do the percentiles suggest about this infant’s growth pattern?
General: Emma is alert and responsive, making eye contact with the healthcare provider.
Neurological: Reflexes are intact, and there are no signs of abnormal movements.
Cardiovascular and Respiratory: Normal heart and lung sounds, no murmurs detected.
Abdomen: Soft and non-tender, no palpable masses.
Skin: No rashes or lesions noted.
Emma's developmental progress seems to be slightly delayed, particularly in regards to sitting
unsupported. Her feeding pattern and fussy behavior during feedings raise concerns about potential
feeding difficulties.
Refer Emma for a developmental assessment to monitor her progress and identify any potential issues.
Recommend parents to keep a feeding diary to track her feeding patterns, including timing, duration,
and any associated discomfort.
Provide guidance on appropriate feeding techniques and positions.
Schedule a follow-up appointment in one month to assess Emma's developmental progress and discuss
any concerns.
1. Did you agree with the assessment and plan?
a. No, not worried about development
b. Objective growth measures all normal
c. Meeting all milestones
2. Are there other client needs not considered by AI?
a. Methods of feeding
b. Evaluate parent support
c. Evaluate overfeeding
d. Evaluate for gas/upset stomach
e. May be teething
3. What education would you provide to the parents to promote growth and development in
this infant?
a. Try bottle feeding breast milk
b. She is normal for her age
c. Education on positions for feeding
d. Rolling over
e. Safety issues for choking, baby proof home
f. Engagement, teething, and feeding cues
Ice rings