BI for AI: Brand Innovation in the age of Artificial Intelligence HUL LIME 2023 List top 5 consumer pain points Category Name: State the Category Selected Summary of Consumer immersions (30 words) How many people did you speak with and what was their demographic split. Product Ideas Consumer Pain Point 1 Product Idea 1: Product Idea 2: Consumer Pain Point 2 Product Idea 3: Consumer Pain Point 3 Consumer Pain Point 4 Consumer Pain Point 5 Product Idea 4: ► Product Idea 5: Product Idea 6: Product Idea 7: LIME. SEASON ~xv Shortlist product ideas on this chart, be Tell us why you two product ideas are you choosing with clear reasoning. Reasoning For Product Idea 1 (30 words) Size of Prize Use data and insights here to reason well. Reasoning For Product IdeafTO words) Use data and insights here to reason well. Brand right to win Detailing Product Ideas Attributes Product Description Product Idea 1 Benefits Attributes Product Description Product Idea 1 Benefits a LIMM SEASON ~xv Create Visualisations For Your Top Product Idea Give product title - upto 20 words Summarise your product idea in a consumer friendly manner. Product Price: Insert Product Image State 3 Product Attributes / Benefits (20 words each) Do make sure to highlight consumer pain points, state what the product solves aka the promise and why consumers should believe the brand will fulfill the promise. 41 —M L.I.MJS. SEASON 'Xv