BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- MESRA, RANCHI COURSE STRUCTURE Course Structure and Curriculum of the 5 -year Integrated M. Sc. in Quantitative Economics and Data Science course (based on CBCS system and OBE model recommended scheme of study) Semester I Semester II Introductory Analysis Intermediate Analysis Statistical Methods I Statistical Methods II Foundation of Economics with Necessary Mathematics Introductory Microeconomics Probability I Linear Algebra and Vectors and Matrices Introduction to Structure (GE-1) Programming and English/MIL Communications (AECC) Data Programming Language and Data Base Management System (GE-2) Environmental Science (AECC) Semester III Semester IV Differential Equations Optimization Techniques Intermediate Microeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics Introductory Macroeconomics Stochastic Processes Probability II Sampling Techniques and Design of Experiments (SEC-2) Linear Statistical Models (SEC-1) Economic Development and Demography Introduction to Sociology and Political Science Introduction to Psychology (GE-4) (GE-3) Page 1 of 3 BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- MESRA, RANCHI COURSE STRUCTURE Semester V Semester VI Parametric Inference Nonparametric Methods and Decision Theory Multivariate Data Analysis Applied Econometrics International Trade Statistical Machine Learning I Basic Econometrics Game Theory Topics on Indian Economy/Behavioural Financial Economics/Money and Financial Economics/Economics of Social Sector Institutions/Entrepreneurial Economics (DSE-3) (DSE-1) Public Economics/Environmental Economics- Statistics Comprehensive/Dissertation(DSE-4) Economics I /Open Economy Macroeconomy(DSE-2) Semester VII Semester VIII Advance Analysis Advance Optimization Large Sample Theory Categorical Data Analysis and Statistics in Bayesian Paradigm Time Series Econometrics Algorithms for Big Data I Statistical Machine Learning II Resampling Techniques and Statistical Computation Regression Techniques Developmental Economics Advance Microeconomics Advance Macroeconomics Semester IX Semester X Design and Analysis of Algorithms Project Randomized Control Trials Track Course- 3 (DSE-7) Cross-section and Panel Econometrics Track Course- 4 (DSE-8) Track Course- 1 (DSE-5) Track Course- 5 (DSE-9) Track Course- 2 (DSE-6) Track Course- 6 (DSE-10) Page 2 of 3 BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY- MESRA, RANCHI COURSE STRUCTURE There would be three Tracks of Specialisations in the Final year.These Tracks are: (i) (ii) (iii) Economics Finance Data Analytics The lists of courses under these three Tracks are the following. Track I: Public Policy, Health Economics, Environmental Economics II, Agricultural Economics, Industrial Economics, Growth Theory, Labour Economics, and International Macroeconomics and Policies, and International Finance. Track II: Quantitative Finance, Computational Finance, Corporate Finance, FinancialEconometrics, International Finance, Developmental Finance, and Energy Derivatives. Track III: Data Mining and Data Visualisation, Social Dynamics and Social Network, Business Intelligence and Data Engineering, Algorithms for Big Data II, and Inferencefor High Dimensional Data. (‘International Finance’ is listed in both Tracks I and II keeping in mind its relevance and importance in both ‘Economics’ and ‘Finance’ specializations.) The students of Final year are required to take a total of six courses from thesecourses in the last two semesters. They have to choose first any two Tracks of Specializations from these three Tracks, and then one course from each of the chosen two tracks in Semester IX and two courses from each of the chosen twoTracks in Semester X. Page 3 of 3