Uploaded by Jaimie Sinous

Fetal & Newborn Circulation Study Guide

Fetal Circulation:
The ______ circulatory system provides the _____ with _________ and ______ while removing
____ and ______ ______ from fetal circulation
Steps of Fetal Circulation:
The ________ pulls __________ blood from moms circulation to the _________ ____
Oxygenated blood flows to the _____ , where some of the blood will go the livers circulation
through the hepatic portal, but most will be _______ by the ______ _______ to the _________
____ ____
The blood from the inferior vena cava enters into the ________ _______, majority of this
_____________ blood will be shunted through the _________ _______ to the ______ atrium
Left side:
____________ blood continues from the ______ atrium to the left ________ then to the ______,
Oxygenated blood circulates to the ______ extremities and _____ through the ascending
______, blood will return through the _________ _____ _____ to the right ______
Right side:
From the _____ atrium blood goes to the ______ ventricle then to the ____________ __________,
From the pulmonary arteries most of the blood will enter the ___________ _________ then go to
the ______, a small amount of blood will travel to support the maturing ______, return is
through the ___________ veins to the _______ ventricle, to the ______. Blood in the aorta will
pass to ____________ aorta. Blood will continue down to the thoracic abdominal _____, then
blood is supplied to the _______ body extremities, after blood supplies these areas it travels via
_______ arteries into the _________ _______ arteries, then to the ___________ __________ to the
_____, the placenta will then recirculate with ________ and _______ and the cycle will begin
*The ductus venosus is a shunt that allows _________ blood in the ________ ____ to bypass the
____ and continue straight to the heart via the ________ _____ ______, it is located within the
*The ductus arteriosus is a hole that allows blood to skip the circulation to the ______ , and it
connects the _______ to the _________ _________, it is located/connected to the left
___________ ________
*The foramen ovale is a hole between the _______ and _______ atria, it allows blood to bypass
the lungs and cross from one atria to another
What happens at birth?
Cord is __________,
Lungs _______
_______ clear
________ blood pressure
_________ pulmonary pressure
Closure of ________ ___________
Increased _______ in the _______ _________
Closure of the __________ ________
Close of the _________ _________ and ________ ________ completes the transition of fetal
circulation to newborn circulation
The First Breath:
Chemical Factors
1.) _______ causes _____ _______ _____ (Po2) to drop and __ to drop
2.) _____ ______ _______ (Pco2) begin to _____ and prompt the _______ to initiate ________
3.) ____________ are activated
4.) _________ contracts
5.) Infant takes first breath
Sensory Factors
Newborns experience overwhelming _______ when leaving a comfortable warm environment
to enter one filled with ________, ________, ________, and __________ stimuli. Newborns can be
stimulated with ___________ rubbing, which awakens the infant and initiates breathing
Thermal Factors
After months of development in a warm (__._) fluid filled environment, the newborn enters an
environment that ranges from ___ - ___, the drastic change in temperature helps _________ the
initiation of respirations
Mechanical Factors
Removal of fluid from the ______ with the replacement of ______ (vaginal birth promotes the
thoracic squeeze which ________ intrathoracic pressure and helps push _____ out of the _____
______ expansion after delivery stimulated the release of __________, which is a ________
detergent like _____________ that causes a _______ surface tension within the _______, this
allows ______________ within alveoli after each ___________
Cardiovascular Transition of Newborn:
Newborns skin presents with ______________
Heart rate is ____ - ____ bpm immediately after birth (during crying rate can increase to
___bpm), 30 minutes after birth heart rate is at ___ - ____bpm
Respiratory rate is ___ - ___ breaths per minute, ______, diaphragmatic, _______,
periodic breathing brief pauses __-__ seconds, __________ and _____ movements are
____________, apnea cessation more than __ seconds should be reported ___________!!!
Capillary refill is ____ _____ _ seconds
Thermogenic Adaptation:
Is closely related to the infants rate of __________ consumption and ________.
The neutral thermal environment is an environment in which the infant uses the _________
amount of ______ to maintain a _________ body temperature.
Nonshivering Thermogenesis (NST) is a cold-induced _________ increase in ______ production,
not associated with ________ activity of shivering, it is a __________ process located primarily in
_________ ________ tissue (baby fat).
Monitor newborn closely for ____________ (temperature less than __._)
Normal Axillary temperature is the _________ method for temperature check normal ranges are
__._ - __._
Normal Rectal temperature is the _____ core temperature, but not typically done, normal
ranges are __._ - ___._
Heat Loss & Preventing Cold Stress:
Evaporation: is a _____ of _____ that occurs when ______ is converted into ______.
Nursing interventions: placing ___ on _____, remove all _____ ________, thoroughly ___
Conduction: is a _____ of _____ to a ______ surface through _______ skin contact such as ______
_______, _____
Nursing interventions: placing infant on ___-______ radiant warmer, _____ to ______ will
regulate temperature, using ______ _______ and voiding _____ _______
Convection: is the _____ of heat from the ____ body surface to a ________ ____ currents. Occurs
with ______ in room fans, near windows
Nursing interventions: ______ newborn from draft areas, also put ________ on to
prevent _______ to drafts
Radiation: ______ loss occurs when there is a ________ between ______ that are ____ in
________ _______ with each other
Nursing Interventions: ___-_____ radiant warmer present at ______ and ______ from
cold area
Hematopoietic Adaptation:
Blood volume: varies according to ___________ age (full term is __-__ ml/kg of body weight)
Blood components:
_______________ and _____________ have a ________ number than adults at birth
_____________ is the percentage of ___ = __-__%
Polycythemia is ___________ high ___ greater than __%, can place infant at high risk for
________ or _____ ________
Leukocytes are _________ in ___, the average WBC in term infant is _,___-__,___mm3)
Platelets ___,___ - ___,___mm3 - Vitamin _ helps with clotting
Hepatic Adaptation:
Pathological/Physiological Jaundice:
Pathological: occurs within __ hours of life, results from discord that cause excessive _______ of
___ leading to increased production of ________
Physiological: occurs after the first __-__ hours of life. Peak _rd to _th day in full term infant.
Becomes visible when total serum bilirubin levels (TSB) reaches _-_ mg/dl
Moves ________ when total serum bilirubin levels reaches _-_mg/dl
*normal bilirubin at birth is _mg/dl or less
Gastrointestinal Adaptation:
Stomach capacity is _ml/kg at birth and __mls by the end of the first week of life
Bottle feeds Q _-_ hr and breastfeed is Q _-3 hrs/day ( _-__ feedings/day)
________ is the primary ________ in breast milk and is ________ digested
Bowel sounds are present at __-__ minutes of life
First stool “_________” at _-__ hours of life is a _________ - ______ and ______. Absence
of meconium by __ hours may be a ______ ______ or a __________ anus
Transitional stool is a ________ consistency and changes from greenish to ______ or
__________ brown
- Breast fed infants expel a _______ _____ colored ____ stool “_______” consistency
- Bottle fed infants expel a _______ to _____ “________ or _____” consistency due to ____
in the formula
Genitourinary Adaptation:
Bladder capacity is _-__ml
Fluid requirements __-__ml/kg increase to ___-___ ml/kg
Urine output _-_ ml/kg/hour increase to _-_ml/kg/hour
Specific gravity is _.___-_.___
First void should be within __ hours **NOTIFY MD IF NO VOID
By day _ of life should have _-_ voids/day
By day _ of life should have _ or moe voids/day
First void may be _______ from ______ or contain ______ crystals
Weigh ______ if concerned
Immunological Adaptation:
___ (passive acquired immunity)
______ immunoglobulin that ______ through the _______
Primarily in the ______ trimester
Preterm infants born before __ weeks are at greater risk for ______
___ (passive acquired immunity)
Important to ______ infant against ________________ and ____________ infections
__________ and breast milk are important sources of IgA
___ are produced in response to ______, ________, ______, an increased IgM at birth is
suggestive of ________ to a maternal ________
Psychosocial Adaptation:
First Period of Reactivity
Birth to __ minutes after birth, newborn is _______, active, may appear ________, ________, lip
________ (good time to _____)
Period of Decreased Responsiveness
May last _-_ hours, periods of _____ and/or decreased _______ (good time to have mom _____)
Second Period of Reactivity
May last ________ to _______ hours, newborn _______ and shows increase interest to stimuli
(elevation of ______ _____ and adjustments after birth with _________, and increase ______
Expected Reference Ranges:
Head circumference = __ - __._ cm (__._ - __._ inches)
Chest circumference = __._ - __ cm (__-__ inches)
Newborn length= __-__ cm (__-__ inches)
Abdominal circumference= __._ - __ cm (__-__ inches) * measured directly _____ the _________
(should be the same as _____ circumference in the normal newborn)
Weight = (_._ - _.__lb) *are preformed starting at ______
Large for gestational age (LGA) = weight ____ the __th percentile at ___ week
Small for gestational age (SGA) = weight falls ____ the __th percentile for the infants
Initial Medications Given:
____ and _____
Vitamin _ is given __ at the _______ _________ (thigh)
The erythromycin ophthalmic ointment is given in _____ eyes after _______
Hepatitis B Vaccine:
To prevent Hepatitis B virus
First dose is given within __ hours of birth
_._ml IM, middle third of the anterior _____ ______ (preferred in newborns)
_________ ________ is necessary
Series of _ total injections
→ #1 given at _______
→ #2 at _-_ months
→ #3 at _ months
Car seat Testing:
< __ week gestation
Low birth weight < ____ gms (_._lbs)
_________ muscle tone
Requiring _______
Monitor for period ______ or ___________ while sitting in a car seat prior to discharge
Skin Variations:
Stork: birthmark on the ______ of the ______, may ______ or lighten
Milia: small, _______ spots/cysts on skin
Mongolian spots: flat _________ to ____ skin marking usually on ____
Erythema Toxicum: baby _____
Nevus Flammeus: is on ____ side, ___ birthmark
Strawberry Hemangioma: a clump of tiny _____ _______ that form under the skin, may
get _______ or small
Newborn Reflexes:
Moro/Startle reflex: Sudden _______ or __________ when startled newborns _______ its
back and throw back its ________
Magnet: Applying _______ to soles of _____, newborn will ______ back against ________
Stepping: baby appears to take _____, when held _______ with his/her ______ on the
Tonic Neck/Fencing: When your baby is _______ _______ and their head is turned to the
______ or ______ , the _____________ arm _______ while the other arm _______ next to
their head
Galant/Trunk Incurvation: holding the newborn and stroking along _____ the newborn
to should _______
Crawling: appears as the infant is _________ while on _______
Suckling/Rooting: when something touches babies _________ he/she should start to
_____ it
Extrusion: newborn will ______ ______ any substance placed on the ________ protective
reflex prevents the swallowing of inedible stuff.
Palmar grasp: an involuntary _______ -_________ movement involving the ______ and
Plantar: ________ and ________ of all ____, as if the toes were firmly grasping the
stimulating object
Crossed Extension: allows the body to _________ on ____ side for a _______ on another
Abnormal Findings:
Heart Murmurs:
Often heard first __-__ hours of life
Evaluation after the first __ hours to rule out ___________ disorder
Resting heart rate _________ than ___ bpm
Resting heart rate ________ than ___ bpm
CCHD testing:
O2 sat to see if ___ vs. ____ ductal are _____