Engineering Logistics Logistics Engineering Systems Approach and ILS Course members are expected to have read the material supplied for the lecture before the lecture commences. The questions below are provided to guide discussion of the readings. The exercise is to not to provide black and white answers to the questions but allow answering the questions open up discussion and reflection on ILS in the Australian Defence context. Syndicate Questions 1. Why does Cartee say the US Departments of Army Navy and Air Force needed to be amalgamated? • What was the GDP spent on Defense in the US? What was the economic situation? What was public opinion on Defense spending? What happened with the amalgamation in Australia? What were the reasons for amalgamation? Could ILS have assisted Tange? What does Giordano identify as the reasons behind the implementation of the DoD Directive 4100.35? Are systems of Giordano’s day reliable? • Do they have good logistical support? • What has changed? (Discuss Rizzo) What does Giordano state about the mindset of the designer? • Where does the ILS practitioner become involved in the lifecycle? • What, according to Giordano, is at the root of all logistical effort? According to Giordano what choices does the designer have for reliability? Does the ADF and Department of Defence “think logistics”? o o o o o o 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.