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Questions 13.1 and 13.2

1. In the periodic table, Y is below X in the same group. If the atomic number of X is 11, what is
the electronic configuration of Y?
2. The atomic number of Z is 20. Which of the statements are true about atom Z?
Z can conduct electricity
Z belongs to Group 2
Z belongs to Period 3
Z belongs to Period 4
3. Chlorine has a proton number of 17. In which group does Chlorine belong to in the
Periodic table? Name two elements that have the same chemical properties as Chlorine.
Explain your answer.
4. The proton number of element M is 17. The chemical properties of element M is identical to
the element that has proton number of_____.
A. 7
B. 9
C. 19
D. 27
5. Element A belongs to group I. What is the number of electrons in its outer most shell?
6. Below is the electron arrangement of different elements. Which of element is in period 4.
A. 2,8,4
B. 2,4
C. 2,2
D. 2,8,8,1