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Comp 170: Intro to Object-Oriented Programming Course Overview

Comp 170 –
Introduction to Object
Oriented Programming
Course Logistics
and Sakai
• This course is organized into 1, 2, or 3 sessions
per week, with associated weekly slides & videos
– In-class lectures will be short, with most time for Labs
• There is a separate folder for each Chapter of the
textbook in the Resources area of Sakai
– These folders contain pre-class and in-class lecture
slides plus Lab, video links, and other course material
– There are also Weekly Lessons that tie the textbook
chapters to specific weeks in the course
• There will be Sakai Assignments to Submit
homework as well as Lab exercises; all
of them will have due dates and assigned points
– There may be additional extra credit assignments
Course Logistics
and Sakai
• General Resources and Pre-class Material
folders are also available in Sakai Resources
– For example, there’s a General Resources document
about moving from Python to Java if you know Python
• Other useful Sakai COMP 170 course areas
– There is a Syllabus area with the course syllabus
and preliminary course schedule
– There is a Panopto area that includes video recordings
to watch before the weekly classes; links to Pearson
textbook “VideoNotes” are in each per-chapter folder
– Finally, there is a combined 170 Sakai forum where you
can ask questions or provide useful information
• We will use Zoom software for online class
sessions or to provide online office hours
Course Logistics –
Course Slides & Videos
• This class has textbook and course lecture slides on Sakai
plus corresponding video lectures provided as textbook
“VideoNotes” and per-chapter Panopto videos
– you will need to review those before each class session;
there may also be in-class lecture slides
that we will go over each class day
• Here are the 170 weekly class schedules for Fall 2023:
– Tuesday-Thursday: 170-001, 170-003
– Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 170-002
– 8-week online only, days TBD: 170-700
• Weekly class schedules for future semesters will be provided
Course Logistics –
Sakai Forum and VM
• Instructor information is listed on Sakai – use the
Sakai Forum to ask questions or raise issues
– TA information will be listed on the Sakai Home page
• You will be using a Windows “Virtual Machine”, or
VM; that is, a per-student Windows machine that
you connect to using your web browser from any
PC – your laptop/desktop or any on-campus PC
– Your VM comes with course software already installed
– Connect to your VM at URL https://perlis.cs.luc.edu
using your Loyola userid and password pxxxxx,
where xxxxx is the last 5 digits of your student ID #
– Use Windows VM login id cs with password Cs4luc
There is a Panopto video about using Sakai and the VM.
Course Textbook – 1
• We will use Building Java Programs A Back to
Basics Approach, 5th Edition, by Stuart Reges and
Marty Stepp, as the primary course textbook
– Note that this textbook will also be used for the
follow-on CS course, COMP 271, Data Structures I
• There are some alternative versions of this
textbook that you can use (see the following
slide for how to purchase these versions)
– We’ve listed the alternatives from least expensive
to most expensive
– You may be able to purchase a used copy of the
textbook from the Loyola bookstore, since this
textbook has been used for several years now
Course Textbook – 2
• Rent the textbook for one semester (suitable for COMP 170 or
COMP 271 independently)
– From Amazon as a physical textbook - cost $35.23, at this website:
– From a site called VitalSource as an electronic textbook (advantage: instant
access) - cost $44.99, at this website:
– From a site called RedShelf as an electronic textbook for the same price here:
Note: the “lifetime access” options below are cheaper than purchasing two
single semester accesses if you plan to use the textbook for both 170 and 271
• Get lifetime access to the textbook (helpful if you plan on taking
COMP 170 followed by COMP 271):
– From VitalSource or RedShelf as lifetime access to the electronic textbook cost $74.99 at either of the websites above
– From Amazon as a physical textbook - cost $126.61 at this website:
Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach: Reges, Stuart, Stepp,
Marty: 9780135471944: Amazon.com: Books
Course Logistics –
Code Step by Step
In addition to the course textbook there are exercises that
you will do in a required online tool called CodeStepByStep
(Code SxS); here are instructions for how to connect to that
tool before the course starts:
• Your instructor will auto-enroll you in the tool and provide
you with an initial password you will use along with your
Loyola UVID to access Code SxS - please change that
password the first time you enter the tool by going to
• Note that using Code SxS is required for COMP 170,
and enrollment by your instructor is "opt-out" only - if you
do not want to be auto-enrolled by your instructor then
choose another class instead of COMP 170.
Preliminary Course
Schedule (Fall 2023)
• We will cover about one Chapter of the BJP textbook each week
or two through Chapter 8 and associated activities and exercises;
there will also be a team-based class project starting in Weeks
10 and 11. This schedule is also in the Sakai  Syllabus folder.
Pre-class – Course Overview, Software Setup, Student Surveys
Week 1 – Chapter 1A, 1.1-1.3: Introduction – Programming and Java
Week 2 – Chapter 1B, 1.4-1.5: Algorithms and Static Methods – Monday is Labor Day, no class
Week 3 – Chapter 2A, 2.1-2.2: Basic Data Concepts, Variables
Week 4 – Chapter 2B, 2.3-2.5: The for Loop, Managing Complexity, Case Study
Week 5 – Chapter 3A, 3.1-3.2: Introduction to Parameters and Return Values
Week 6 – Chapter 3B, 3.3: Objects & Classes and Strings, Scanner170 for Input, Array Basics;
Review of topics, Exam 1 (thru 3A)
Week 7 – Chapter 4A, 4.1-4.2: Conditional Execution: if/else, Cumulative Algorithms –
mid-Semester Break at the beginning of Week 7
Week 8 – Chapter 4B, 4.3-4.4: Text Processing, Methods with Conditional Execution
Week 9 – Chapter 5A, 5.1-5.3: while Loop, Files & Arrays, Fencepost Algorithms, boolean Type
Week 10 – Chapter 5B, 5.4-5.6:User Errors, Assertions and Program Logic; Final Project Proposal
Week 11 – Review of topics to date, Exam 2 (through 5B); Project Work
Week 12 – Chapter 6, 6.1-6.4: File-Reading, Token- & Line-Based Processing, File Output; Project
Week 13 – Chapter 7, 7.1-7.3: Array Basics, Traversal Algorithms, Reference Semantics; Project
Thanksgiving Week for Fall 2023 – no classes Wednesday through Saturday
Week 14 – Chapter 8A, 8.1-8.3: OO Programming, Object State & Behavior, Constructors; Project
Week 15 – Final Project Work and Presentations, Final Exam review
Week 16 – Final Exam