Uploaded by Laura Torres

Essay Checklist: Format, Content, Sources

Essay Checklist
As you are working on and preparing to submit your essay, go down this checklist and check off the
various criteria that your essay meets. If something is not checked, it is something you will need to
include or revise.
___My essay has a double-spaced heading, in the upper left hand corner of the first page, with the
information in the correct order: Student name, Instructor(s) name(s), Course, and Date (spelled out –
not just numerical);
___My essay is presented in 12-point font, with one-inch margins all around, and double-spaced (no
extra spaces);
___ Every new paragraph in my essay is properly indented (five spaces);
___ My essay has a title that is centered, in ‘normal ’font (not bold or italic, and not in quotes); my title
is relevant to the topic of my essay and is not simply “WA #5”);
___My essay has a Works Cited page presented in the correct MLA format (per the
instructions/examples in the textbook); this page is included as part of my essay document, NOT a
separate document.
___My finished essay is a minimum of five pages, double spaced (excluding the Works Cited, which does
not “count” in the minimum page requirement);
___I have proofread and edited my essay carefully and corrected any significant errors in grammar,
sentence structure, spelling, etc.
___My essay is on a topic that responds to the assignment directions;
___My essay contains both discussion of what I learned from my research AND my response to what I
learned; these two things are clearly integrated in my body paragraphs;
___My essay is supported with both my own opinions AND significant use of my source materials;
___ I have used my sources appropriately, employing the summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation
skills we have covered in class, as needed;
___My essay contains appropriate transitions to signal connections between points/ideas;
___My essay includes a Works Cited page
Incorporation of Sources:
___ I have used a minimum of FIVE sources in my essay;
___I have provided an introductory/signal phrase introducing the author and/or source for ALL direct
quotations, paraphrases, and summaries of material taken from my sources;
___I have used direct quotations correctly and have only used them where truly necessary (thus
avoiding the “Twenty Different Voices in My Essay” Syndrome);
___I have clearly distinguished between my own opinions/ideas and those of the authors of my sources;
___When summarizing or paraphrasing, I have used my own words and have clearly identified the
source of the material with appropriate signal phrases;
___I have avoided plagiarism by doing all of the above.
If you can check off all of these, your essay is ready to submit! GOOD LUCK!