NetAct™ 15 License Manager Help DN0630515 Issue: 3-0 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This documentation is intended for the use of Nokia Solutions and Networks customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be used, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Solutions and Networks. The documentation has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Solutions and Networks welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products are given “as is“ and all liability arising in connection with such hardware or software products shall be defined conclusively and finally in a separate agreement between Nokia Solutions and Networks and the customer. However, Nokia Solutions and Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia Solutions and Networks will, if deemed necessary by Nokia Solutions and Networks, explain issues which may not be covered by the document. Nokia Solutions and Networks will correct errors in this documentation as soon as possible. I N N O E V EN T WI LL N OKI A S O L UT I ON S A N D N E T W O R K S B E L I A B L E F O R E R R O R S I N T H IS DO CU M EN TAT IO N OR F O R A N Y D A M A G E S , I N C L U D I N G B U T N O T L IM I T ED TO SPEC IAL, D IR E C T, IN D I R E C T, I N C I D E N TA L O R C O N S E Q U E N T I A L O R AN Y LOSSES, SU CH A S B U T N O T L I M I T E D TO L O S S O F P R O F I T, R E V E N U E, B USI NESS IN T ER RU P T I ON , B U S I N E S S O P P O RT U N I T Y O R D ATA , T H AT M AY A RI SE F RO M T H E USE OF T HI S D O C U M E N T O R T H E I N F O R M AT I O N I N I T. NSN is a trademark of Nokia Solutions and Networks. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © Nokia Solutions and Networks 2014/12/15. All rights reserved. Nokia Solutions and Networks is continually striving to reduce the adverse environmental effects of its products and services. We would like to encourage you as our customers and users to join us in working towards a cleaner, safer environment. Please recycle product packaging and follow the recommendations for power use and proper disposal of our products and their components. If you should have questions regarding our Environmental Policy or any of the environmental services we offer, please contact us at Nokia Solutions and Networks for additional information. License Manager Help Contents 1 About License Manager..................................................................................................................................5 2 Opening the License Manager application...................................................................................................7 3 Closing the License Manager application.................................................................................................... 8 4 Checking NetAct cluster information............................................................................................................9 5 Checking recent operations......................................................................................................................... 10 6 License operations........................................................................................................................................ 12 6.1 Importing licenses to NetAct................................................................................................................... 12 6.2 Browsing licenses....................................................................................................................................14 6.3 Downloading network element licenses..................................................................................................16 6.4 Distributing licenses from a pool............................................................................................................ 18 6.5 Deleting licenses from the network elements.........................................................................................21 6.6 Exporting license files............................................................................................................................. 23 6.7 Terminating licenses................................................................................................................................23 6.8 Upload license status from a network element...................................................................................... 24 6.9 Scheduling license upload status........................................................................................................... 25 6.10 License notification handling.................................................................................................................27 7 Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view.................................................29 8 Changing feature state................................................................................................................................. 33 9 Managing license pool substitution............................................................................................................ 35 9.1 Registering licenses for pool substitution............................................................................................... 35 9.2 Exporting license pool substitution request............................................................................................ 37 9.3 Importing license pool substitution permissions..................................................................................... 38 10 Managing feature templates....................................................................................................................... 40 10.1 Creating feature templates....................................................................................................................40 10.2 Distributing feature templates using guided distribution....................................................................... 42 11 Managing notifications................................................................................................................................46 11.1 Setting global notifications.....................................................................................................................46 11.2 Setting feature notifications................................................................................................................... 47 11.3 Setting license notifications................................................................................................................... 49 12 Configuring License Manager.................................................................................................................... 51 12.1 Setting automatic licensing configuration..............................................................................................51 12.2 Managing license labels........................................................................................................................52 3 License Manager Help 12.3 Configuring license sets........................................................................................................................53 12.4 Configuring user settings...................................................................................................................... 55 12.5 Configuring global settings....................................................................................................................56 13 Generating license reports......................................................................................................................... 58 13.1 Generating report on NetAct software features.................................................................................... 58 13.2 Generating report on operations history............................................................................................... 60 13.3 Generating report on license files of network elements....................................................................... 63 13.4 Generating report on license substitutions........................................................................................... 66 13.5 Generating report on network element license files of given state.......................................................69 13.6 Generating report on licensed features of network elements...............................................................72 13.7 Generating report on remaining capacity in pool licenses....................................................................75 13.8 Generating report on comparison of templates to network element.....................................................76 13.9 Generating report on comparison of templates to network element on feature level............................79 4 License Manager Help About License Manager 1 About License Manager The License Manager is a web-based application, which is a centralized solution for managing license files. The graphical user interface can be used to perform the following operations: • importing license files to the NetAct • browsing installed licenses • downloading network element licenses • distributing pool licenses • deleting licenses from network elements • exporting licenses to local workstation • terminating imported licenses from the NetAct Database • browsing network topology with network elements • changing feature states of network elements • uploading license status • scheduling license upload status • substituting pool licenses • generating reports and exporting report data to the CSV files • setting feature templates and guided distributing • setting notifications • managing license labels • managing license sets • license expiration handling • monitoring the status of ongoing operations • monitoring the license state change • monitoring the synchronization request Remember: You need to have special permission to perform operations using License Manager. To check which permission you need to perform each operation, check Permission Management Help. To see information about the License Manager software version, click the About button. For more information about License Manager and license management, see the License Manager Overview document. Tip: If the number of all items is greater than number of items displayed in the table, you can navigate between pages, using navigator pane situated in the middle of the table footer. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 5 License Manager Help About License Manager You can also change the number of items displayed in the table per page, using drop-down menu situated on the right side of the table footer. Tip: On the left side of the table footer there is indication of the total number of items (Total:), the number of displayed items after using the Filter option (Results:) and the number of checked items (Selected:). Tip: To select all licenses on page, or deselect all licenses or all licenses on page, choose one option from the arrow-down drop-down list next to the checkbox in the header row of the table. Tip: For an easier preview of tables' content, you can sort elements listed in tables, in an cending or a as- descending order, by clicking the respective column header. Note: Sorting is applicable only for convex headers. Tip: Application refreshes data automatically. Otherwise, click the Refresh button above the table to see entered changes. Tip: All mandatory fields in wizard are marked with yellow asterisk, to inform you which fields must be filled to continue a task. Restriction: While using the License Manager application, do not use back and forward buttons in the web browser. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 6 License Manager Help Opening the License Manager application 2 Opening the License Manager application 1. Open a web browser. 2. Log in to the NetAct Start Page. 3. Choose one of two methods to open License Manager: • click Configuration → License Manager Or • select Show all applications option from the drop-down menu on the top-right corner of the NetAct Start Page and click the License Manager icon Expected outcome The License Manager application opens. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 7 License Manager Help Closing the License Manager application 3 Closing the License Manager application Closing the application does not affect the license files and ongoing operations. Close the Internet browser window with the License Manager application. Closing the tab of the Internet browser window do not log out the current user. Click the Log out button, to log out the current user. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 8 License Manager Help Checking NetAct cluster information 4 Checking NetAct cluster information You need NetAct cluster information, specifically the target identifier (Target ID) of the NetAct cluster, to retrieve a software license or a pool license from the NSN Central Licensing System (CLicS). The alphabet related information (Start NMS alphabet, Current NMS alphabet, End NMS alphabet) defines which alphabet a cluster uses when it generates NMS-generated licenses from the pool licenses. To check NetAct cluster information Click the Cluster Info button in the main bar. Expected outcome The Cluster Info dialog opens with detailed information about the NetAct cluster. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 9 License Manager Help Checking recent operations 5 Checking recent operations You can check the progress and results of the recently started operations, using the Recent Operations view. 1. In the main menu, click History → Recent Operations. 2. In the Recent Operations view, use the following filter options to see recent operations in more effective way. a) Use advanced filter option to filter operations by license and network element details. 1. Click the Advanced filter button on the right side above the operations table. 2. In the Advanced Filter pop-up dialog, fill in at least one of the following options you want to filter by and click the OK button. • License filename In the License filename: section, enter a name of the license file, for which you want to see recent operations. • NE In the Select NE by: section, from the drop-down list choose the way of defining network element and enter respective value. Available options are: DN and Target ID. Expected outcome All requests matching the filter criteria are displayed in the Recent Operations table. Used filtering criteria are listed above the table preceded by the Advanced filter summary: icon. b) Use one or more of the following basic filter options to filter by basic information about recent operations. • type of the operation In the Operation type column, from the drop-down list select operation you want to filter by using checkboxes and click the Apply button. • start time of the operation In the Start Time column, enter the date you want to filter or click the Calendar icon to display the Time boundary window, where you can select start and end dates, then click the OK button. • user who performed the operation In the User column, enter the user name you want to filter by. • status of the operation Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 10 License Manager Help Checking recent operations In the Status column, from the drop-down list select desirable status and click the Apply button. 3. Select the operation for which you would like to see more details by clicking the operation row in the request table. Expected outcome The Tasks of selected operation table is displayed below and shows details about highlighted operation and its tasks. In the displayed table you can use different filter criteria depending on a type of the operation, to find needed information. You can also trigger failed operation once again. To do this, choose appropriate task(s) of selected operation using check box(es) in the first column and click the Repeat task button on the left side of the table. 4. Click the Clear filter button, to remove all applied filter criteria and see all the recent operations. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 11 License Manager Help License operations 6 License operations 6.1 Importing licenses to NetAct You can upload license file in the XML format or you can upload multiple, archived licenses in the following formats: zip, tgz, tar.gz. After uploading, you can import license files to NetAct from a local terminal. To import licenses to NetAct 1. In the main menu click Licenses → License Import. 2. In the License Import view, click the Upload button. 3. Click the Browse... button and browse the folder where the license files are stored. Choose the file to be uploaded and click Open button. Note: Only one license file can be uploaded at one time. Expected outcome The upload operation starts and progress bar appears. After upload operation, license files appears in the table in the License Import view. The import license files table is refreshed automatically and shows all uploaded licenses. Note: If license was already imported, the table contains information about date of previous import in Last imported column. If the uploaded license expired or is faulty, it does not contain check box and cannot be imported. Status column in the table provides detailed information about license failure. Tip: To remove all licenses from the table, click the Clear button on the right side above the table. Tip: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 12 License Manager Help License operations You can check the detailed information about the license by clicking on the license filename. 4. (Optional) To attach a label to the license file, select the check box(es) next to the desired license(s), click Labels option on the right side above the table, and from a drop-down menu select already created labels. Tip: You can attach the label to the uploaded license files for an easier identification. When label is attached to the selected license(s), label name appears in the License label column. In addition icon appears next to the label name, which means that label will be attached after successful import. You must create a label, before it is attached to the license file. a) To create a new label, choose Create new... option from Labels drop-down menu. Type or paste label name into text field and click Save button to create new label or Cancel button to cancel operation. b) To remove label from the license(s), select desired license(s) using check box(es), and choose Remove current option from the Labels drop-down list. Labels disappear from the License label column. Remember: If you assign labels to license files in the License import view, labels are assigned only to successfully imported licenses. 5. Select license(s) you want to import and click the Import button. Expected outcome The following notification banner appears with information that the import operation has been started. Successfully imported licenses are available in the License Browser view. Figure 1: Import notification banner To see the import operation details, follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears with the latest operation highlighted. Tip: To return to License Import view, click the Go back to License Import view button on the right side above the table. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 13 License Manager Help License operations For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. 6.2 Browsing licenses You can browse all types of licenses using the License Browser view. License Browser view allows you also to export and terminate all types of licenses, download NE licenses to network elements, distribute pool licenses and delete pool licenses from network element. To browse licenses 1. In the main menu, click Licenses → License Browser. Note: During operating License Manager application you can always go to the License Browser view by clicking the License Manager logo at the top-left corner of the browser window. Expected outcome The License Browser view appears. You can choose a type of displayed licenses by selecting appropriate tab in the License Browser view. Available tabs are NetAct Software Licenses, NE Licenses, Pool Licenses and All Licenses. 2. To view additional information about features in case of software licenses and the license target in case of NE licenses or pool licenses, click on the row with license. Expected outcome The Targets of Selected License table appears below with information about the license target. Note: If there is no adaptation for a certain network element, information about the target is not displayed. This is configuration problem and it is not caused by the License Manager application. 3. You can also click link in the License filename column to see the detailed information about the license. Expected outcome Pop-up window appears with license details. 4. To filter licenses, click the Filter button on the right side above the table. Expected outcome Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 14 License Manager Help License operations The Filter dialog appears. To easily browse the installed licenses, you can filter out the irrelevant entries. Filter settings are separated and memorized for each tab. Licenses in the following views: NetAct Software Licenses, NE Licenses and Pool Licenses are filtered by license type and this criterion cannot be removed from the filtering criteria. You can filter which licenses are shown, according to type of license and the following criteria: • area (NetAct application area) • feature code • feature name (the name of the feature in textual format) • label (the additional description of the license file) • license code • license filename • license name (the name of the license) • license set (the name of license set) • network technology • serial number (serial number of the license) • target ID (target identifier of the license) • target type (the type of the network element that is specified in the license file) a) Select a criterion from the Filter by: drop-down menu. You can select multiple criteria by clicking the Add criterion icon. To remove filtering criterion, click the Remove criterion icon. You can merge the filtering criteria using OR and AND operators. Operator OR means, that all licenses, which fulfill at least one of the selected criteria are filtered. AND operator means, that only the licenses which fulfill all criteria are listed in the table. b) You can define which licenses should be included in the License keys table content by checking appropriate check boxes in the Include in license table: option below the filter criteria. In case of NetAct Software Licenses you can choose, if expired licenses should be visible in the table. In case of NE licenses you can choose, if expired licenses and downloaded to their all or filtered targets licenses ought to be listed in the table. In case of Pool Licenses you can decide if expired licenses and empty pool licenses (with capacity equals zero) should be shown in the table. c) Click the OK button to filter licenses in the License keys table according to the selected criteria. The License keys table with filtered licenses displays. Used filtering criteria are listed above the table preceded by the Issue: 3-0 Filter summary: icon. DN0630515 15 License Manager Help License operations Clear filter button on the right side above the table. To clear filtering criteria, click the Note: If you checked any of check boxes in the Include in license table: option in the Filter dialog, Clear filter button does not clear this choice. If you want to unchecked them, you must do it manually. To refresh the License keys view, click the Refresh button. 5. (Optional) You can edit labels of the license files for an easier identification. a) Select the check box(es) next to the desired license(s), to add a label to the license file. Click the Labels option on the right side above the table, and from a drop-down menu select already created labels. Expected outcome Label name appears in the Label column. Note: Label must be created before it is attached to the license file. a) Choose the Create new... option from the Labels drop-down menu to create a new label. Type or paste label name into text field and click the Save button to create new label or the Cancel button to cancel operation. b) Select desired license(s) using check box(es) to unassign label from the license(s), and choose the Remove current option from the Labels drop-down list. Labels disappear from the License label column. NMS generated licenses have the same label as the pool license, it was generated from. In case, you want to edit a label of NMS generated license, the following warning appears. Figure 2: NMS generated license label change warning 6.3 Downloading network element licenses License Manager application allows you to download licenses to selected network elements. To download network element licenses 1. In the main menu click Licenses → License Browser. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 16 License Manager Help License operations Expected outcome The License Browser view appears. 2. In the License Browser view, select the NE Licenses tab. Expected outcome NE licenses imported to NetAct appear in the table. 3. Select the license(s) to be downloaded by checking check box(es) in the first column of a table. If the number of licenses in the table is large, you can filter licenses in the table according to appropriate criteria. For instructions on how to filter licenses in the table, see Browsing licenses on page 14 section. 4. Click the Download button. Expected outcome License Download To Network Elements wizard appears with the selected licenses assigned to the dedicated target network elements. If the license check box is unchecked or disabled you are informed about the reason by a proper icon in the Info column of the table. The following table lists names and meaning of the symbols appearing in the Info column: Symbol Name and meaning Already downloaded. This symbol indicates that the license has been already downloaded to the network element. Target not integrated. This symbol indicates that the target element has not been integrated to this NetAct cluster. Multiple MOs for Target ID. This symbol indicates that the target identifier is included in more than one managed object in topology. This can happen due to network element rehosting. Unsupported SW version. This symbol indicates that the software version of the network element is not supported by the License Manager. 5. Click the Next button to go to the Summary view of the License Download To Network Elements wizard. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 17 License Manager Help License operations Expected outcome The table appears with summary information about license(s), selected for downloading to the target network elements and information about target elements. 6. Click the Finish button to download licenses to the network elements. Expected outcome The notification banner appears with information that the download operation has been started. Figure 3: Download notification banner To see download operation details follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears, with the latest operation highlighted. Tip: To return to License Browser view, click the Go back to License Browser view button on the right side above the table. For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. 6.4 Distributing licenses from a pool 1. In the main menu click Licenses → License Browser. Expected outcome License Browser view appears. 2. In the License Browser view, select the Pool Licenses tab. Expected outcome Pool licenses imported to NetAct appear in the table. 3. Select the pool license(s) to be distributed to the network element(s) by selecting check box(es) in the first column. Note: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 18 License Manager Help License operations If the number of licenses in the table is large, you can filter licenses in the table according to appropriate criteria. For instructions, on how to filter licenses in the table, see Browsing licenses on page 14 section. 4. (Optional) You can assign a license set to the selected license(s), which can be useful during automatic license distribution. To assign license set, select the check box(es) next to the desired license(s), click the License sets option on the right side above the table, and from a drop-down menu select already created sets. When license set is assigned to a proper license(s), information appears in the License set column in the Pool licenses tab. a) If you want to create a new license set, choose Create new... option from License sets dropdown menu. Enter name of license set and click Save button to create new license set or Cancel button to cancel operation. Note: For more information on how to create new license set, see Configuring license sets. b) To unassign some of created license sets, select check box(es) next to the proper license(s) and choose Remove current from License sets drop-down menu. License sets disappear from the License set column. 5. To distribute selected license(s) to the network element, click the Distribute button. Expected outcome Pool License Distribution to Network Elements wizard opens. 6. In the Define Network Elements view, select a way of defining NE(s) from the Browse by: dropdown menu. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element, by checking the checkbox next to this element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. Selected network elements appear listed in the table. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 19 License Manager Help License operations c) Check the network element(s) in the table and click the Next button. Click the Back button to go back to the previous step. If you select Maintenance region then a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check desired network element(s) in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. Click the Back button to go back to the previous step. If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check the network element(s) in the table and click the Next button. Click the Back button to go back to the previous step. If you select Target Id then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste target IDs into text box and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in a new line. c) Check the network element(s) and click the Next button to go to the further step or the Back button to go back to the previous step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste distinguished names into text box and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in a new line. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 20 License Manager Help License operations c) Check the network element(s) and click the Next button to go to the next step or Back button to go back to the previous step. 7. In the Allocate Capacities view, enter values of capacity you want to distribute in the Allocated column in the table. On/Off licenses have an Unlimited value in the Allocated column. 8. Click the Next button to go to the Summary step of the Pool License Distribution to Network Elements wizard. Expected outcome Summary view appears with status table. NOTICE: If downloaded capacity exceeds the network element hardware maximum capacity, a proper warning appears. You can choose a type of displayed information by selecting appropriate tab in the Summary view. In the Distribution tab, you can see the table with summary information about license(s), which you want to distribute. In the Pool Licenses Capacity Usage tab, you can see table with detailed information about capacity balance for this license(s). 9. Click the Finish button to distribute allocated capacity. Expected outcome NMS generated licenses are created and distributed to the network elements. The notification banner appears with information that the distribution operation has been started. Figure 4: Pool distribution notification banner To see the distribution operation details, follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears, with the latest operation highlighted. For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. 6.5 Deleting licenses from the network elements 1. In the main menu click Licenses → License Browser. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 21 License Manager Help License operations Expected outcome License Browser view appears. 2. In the License Browser view, select the Pool Licenses tab. Expected outcome Pool licenses imported to NetAct appear in the table. 3. Select licenses you want to delete from the network element(s) by checking the check box(es) in the first column of the table. Tip: To select or deselect all licenses or all licenses on page, choose one option from the arrow-down drop-down list next to the check box in the first header row of the table. Note: If the number of licenses in the table is large, you can filter licenses in the table according to appropriate criteria. For instructions, on how to filter licenses in the table, see Browsing licenses on page 14 section. 4. Click the Delete from network element button. Expected outcome Delete Licenses from Network Element view appears with summary of all licenses selected to be deleted. If the license you want to delete is still valid, you are warned about it by the following warning. Figure 5: License delete warning You can click license filename to receive detailed information about this license. 5. Click the Finish button to delete licenses from the network elements. Expected outcome The notification banner appears with information that the delete operation has been started. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 22 License Manager Help License operations Figure 6: Delete notification banner To see delete operation details follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears, with the latest operation highlighted. For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. 6.6 Exporting license files You can export license file(s) to your workstation. Single license file is exported as an .XML file and multiple licenses are exported as a .ZIP archives. To export the license(s) 1. In the main menu click Licenses → License Browser. Expected outcome License Browser view appears. 2. Select appropriate tab in the License Browser view, to choose the license(s) you want to export. 3. Check the desired license(s) you want to export by selecting check box(es) in the first column of a table and click the Export button. If the number of licenses in the table is large, you can filter licenses in the table according to appropriate criteria. For instructions on how to filter licenses in the table, see Browsing licenses on page 14 section. 4. You are prompted to save the exported file on your local file system. Click the OK button to save file or Cancel button to abort the operation. 6.7 Terminating licenses Terminate operation removes licenses from NetAct cluster and is irreversible. To terminate license(s) 1. In the main menu click Licenses → License Browser. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 23 License Manager Help License operations Expected outcome License Browser view appears. 2. Choose the license(s) you want to terminate by selecting appropriate tab in the License Browser view. 3. Check the desired license(s) you want to terminate by selecting check box(es) in the first column of a table. 4. Click the Terminate button. Note: Before terminating a pool license, you need to delete all NMS licenses generated from this pool. Note: In case of NetAct Software Licenses, licenses with active licensed features cannot be terminated. To terminate desired NetAct Software License you need to have a replacement license for that software feature already imported to NetAct. Expected outcome The Confirm terminate operation dialog opens with list of license(s) you want to terminate. 5. Click the Terminate button to perform the operation, or click the Cancel button to abort the operation. WARNING! Terminating is an irreversible operation, it means it will not be possible to import and use terminated license never again. 6.8 Upload license status from a network element Attention: After each manual license operation performed on network element, upload status operation should be started to synchronize license information from the network element with the NetAct database. To upload license status from a network element(s) 1. In the main menu click Licenses → Network Element Browser. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 24 License Manager Help License operations Expected outcome The Network Element Browser view appears. 2. In the Network Element Browser view, check network element(s) for which you want to perform upload status operation. For more information on how to find a certain network element, see Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view on page 29 section in this document. 3. Click the Upload status button. Expected outcome The notification banner appears with information that upload status operation has been started. Figure 7: Upload status notification banner To see the upload status details follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears, with the latest operation highlighted. Tip: To return to Network Element Browser view, click the Go back to Network Element Browser view button on the right side above the table. For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. 6.9 Scheduling license upload status You can schedule license upload status operation to be performed in selected days of a week or a month at the selected time. To schedule license upload status 1. In the main menu click Tools → Scheduling. Expected outcome The Scheduling view appears with a table of already scheduled upload status operations. 2. To schedule new license upload operation, click the Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 Schedule new operation button. 25 License Manager Help License operations Expected outcome The Schedule New Operation wizard appears. 3. In the Operation details view select type of network element from the Target type: drop-down menu. 4. Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. By default All network elements are selected. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. 5. In the Description: field you can add a description for scheduled operation. The description is going to be visible in the Description column of scheduled operations table, and facilitates identifying particular operation. 6. Click Next button to go to the further step. 7. If you selected the Defined targets, choose the desired group of network elements from the topology in the Define Network Elements view. To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree and click the Next button to go to the next step. Remember: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. 8. In Schedule view select the time when the scheduled operation will be performed. By default the current time is set. You can set the time, by typing an hour and minute in the proper boxes of Time [HH:mm]: field. The following values: 0-23 for hours and 0-59 for minutes are permitted. You can also use arrows situated on the right side of text boxes to set time. 9. From the Schedule by day of: drop-down menu, select Week, if you want to have scheduled upload status operation in a day(s) of a week, or Month if you want to select days of month, when the operation will be performed. 10. Select day(s) of week or month, when the operation will be performed, by clicking on them in the Days: option. To deselect desired days click on them once again. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 26 License Manager Help License operations Expected outcome Selected days of week or month are highlighted. 11. Click the Finish button to schedule new operation. Expected outcome New operation is added to the scheduled tasks table. 12. To edit scheduled task, check the check box in the first column of the table next to the scheduled Edit scheduled operation button at the top of the table. task you would like to edit, and click You can edit only one scheduled task at one time. 13. To remove scheduled task(s) from the table, check the check box(s) in the first column next to the scheduled task(s) you would like to remove, and click the Remove scheduled operation(s) button at the top of the table. 14. To refresh data in scheduled tasks table, click the Refresh button. 6.10 License notification handling During opening the License Manager application, the following warning dialog may appears with information about licenses which are about to expire and about pool licenses and features running out of capacity. Figure 8: License notification dialog To hide this warning for open session, tick the Hide warning during this session check box and click the Close button. To see details about licenses whose validity date comes to the end and pool licenses and features whose usage cross capacity thresholds, click the Show details button. Notifications Status window opens, where you can preview notifications with details for Expiring Licenses, and for Features Running Out of Capacity and Licenses Running Out of Capacity by selecting appropriate tab in the Notifications Status window. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 27 License Manager Help License operations Remember: You can be notified by License Manager about the licenses which are about to expire also via an e-mail. For more information on how to enable e-mail notification mechanism, see Managing notifications on page 46 section in this document. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 28 License Manager Help Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view 7 Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view License Manager Network Element Browser view allows you to find a proper network element and perform one of the following operations: • Manage licenses – Download license – Delete license – Substitute license • Manage features – Download feature – Delete feature – Change feature state • Upload license status • Apply feature template to network element(s) (for AXC and WBTS network elements) To manage licenses and features using Network Element Browser view 1. In the main menu click Licenses → Network Element Browser. Expected outcome Network Element Browser view appears. 2. Select a way of defining network element, from the Browse by: drop-down menu. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element, by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 29 License Manager Help Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view If you select Maintenance region then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. If you select Working set then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. If you select Target Id then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste target IDs into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in a new line. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste distinguished names into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in a new line. 3. Check the desired network element(s) in the table and perform one of the below operations: a) To manage license(s) of the selected network element, click the Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 Manage licenses button. 30 License Manager Help Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view Expected outcome Network Element Licenses view appears. In this view you can perform following operations: download licenses to network element, delete licenses from network element and create new substitute request. Tip: To return to Network Element Browser view, click the Go back to Network Element Browser button on the right side above the table. For more information on how to download licenses to network element, see Downloading network element licenses section. For more information on how to delete licenses from network element, see Deleting licenses from the network elements section. For more information about substitution, see Managing license pool substitution section. b) To manage feature(s) of the selected network element click the Manage features button. Expected outcome Network Element Features view appears. In this view you can perform following operations: download licenses to network element, delete licenses from network element and change feature state. Tip: To return to Network Element Browser view, click the Go back to Network Element Browser button on the right side above the table. For more information on how to download licenses to network element, see Downloading network element licenses section. For more information on how to delete licenses from network element, see Deleting licenses from the network elements section. For more information on how to change feature state, see Changing feature state on page 33 section. c) To upload license status from the selected network elements, click the Upload status button. For more information on how to upload status, see Upload license status from a network element on page 24 section. d) (Only for AXC and WBTS network elements) To apply feature template to the selected network elements, choose feature template from the <Select feature template> drop-down list and click the Issue: 3-0 Apply to network element(s) button. DN0630515 31 License Manager Help Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view For more information on setting feature template, see Managing feature template section. e) (Only for AXC and WBTS network elements) To view additional information about feature template distribution on selected network element, choose feature template from the <Select feature template> drop-down list and click on the status in the Auditing status column. Available statuses are Equal, Insufficient and Exceeding. Expected outcome Feature Audit Details dialog displays with detailed information about different feature capacities and the auditing status per feature. Note: If you notice any incosistency between the License Management and the Configuration Management data in the Network Element Browser view, click the Refresh button. In case the data are still different, perform the topology refresh operation. For more informaton on how to refresh topology, see Configuring global settings. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 32 License Manager Help Changing feature state 8 Changing feature state Changing feature state functionality allows you to change the state of selected features for BSC, CDS, FLEXINS, HLR, MGW and MSC network elements. Available feature states are On, Off or Configured. 1. In the main menu click Licenses → Network Element Browser. Expected outcome Network Element Browser view appears. 2. In the Network Element Browser view, check certain network element(s) on which you want to change a feature state. For more information on how to find a certain network element, see Managing licenses and features using Network Element Browser view on page 29 chapter. 3. Click the Manage features button. Expected outcome Network Element Features view appears. Note: To return to Network Element Browser view, click the Go back to Network Element Browser view button on the right side above the table. 4. Check the feature for which you want to change its state. 5. Click the Feature state change button. Change Feature State on Network Element view appears with features of the selected network elements listed in the table. 6. In the Feature state column select new feature state from the drop-down menu. The following icon appears: , which stands for changed feature state from the current state. To cancel feature state change operation, click the Reset to current value button. 7. Click the Next button to go to the Summary step. Summary view appears with information about changed states. 8. Click Finish to change feature states on the network element(s). The notification banner appears with information that feature state change operation has been started. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 33 License Manager Help Changing feature state Figure 9: Change feature state notification banner To see the change feature state operation details, follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears, with the latest operation highlighted. For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 34 License Manager Help Managing license pool substitution 9 Managing license pool substitution Pool license substitution is an operation which can be performed in case of selecting a wrong target in pool license distribution or in case of broken hardware. License substitution is applicable for pool licenses and for all NMS generated licenses. It means that cannot be performed for NE licenses, neighboured NMS licenses with no parent license in the pool and for conflicted licenses. The pool license substitute process contains three phases performed in NetAct, registering the licenses for pool substitution, exporting license pool substitution request and importing license pool substitution permissions. 9.1 Registering licenses for pool substitution The first phase of the license pool substitution process is to register the license(s) which you want to have released back to the pool. To register licenses for pool substitution 1. In the main menu click Licenses → Pool Substitution. Expected outcome The Pool Substitution view appears. 2. Click the New request button to create a new substitution request. Expected outcome Create New Substitute Request view appears. 3. In the Define Network Elements step, select way of defining network element from the Browse by: drop-down menu. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) Select network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click parent node of network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. This network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 35 License Manager Help Managing license pool substitution Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. d) Check the network element(s) in the table and click Next button to go to the further step. If you select Maintenance region then a) Select network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. This network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. d) Check the network element(s) and click the Next button to go to the further step. If you select Working set then a) Select network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. This network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. d) Check the element(s) and click the Next button to go to the further step. If you select Target Id then a) Select network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste target ID into text box and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. c) Check the network element(s) and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished name then Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 36 License Manager Help Managing license pool substitution a) Select network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste distinguished name into text box and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. c) Check the element and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Not integrated Target ID then a) Select network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste target ID into text box. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. c) Click the Next button to go to the next step. 4. In the Select Reason step, select reason for substitution from the Reason: drop-down menu. 5. (Optional) In the Additional information: text field you can write an additional explanation of reason for substitution. 6. Check license(s) for substitution from Licenses of the selected target: and click the Finish button. Click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Note: For substitution in case of broken hardware all licenses are checked by default and can not be unchecked. Expected outcome Network element with license(s) for substitution is added to the table in the Pool Substitution view. To view additional information about licenses registered for substitution, click on the row with substitution request. Second table appears below with information about the licenses. 9.2 Exporting license pool substitution request The second phase of the license pool substitution process is exporting license pool substitution request. To export license pool substitution request 1. In the main menu click Licenses → Pool Substitution. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 37 License Manager Help Managing license pool substitution Expected outcome The Pool Substitution view appears. 2. In the Pool Substitution view, select the row with registration for substitution using check box in the first column of the table and click the Export request button. 3. Specify the folder where the Substitute Request file will be generated. 4. Deliver the generated file to NSN using NOLS. Expected outcome NOTICE: You will receive a Substitute Permission File from NSN. The file must be imported within 30 days from its creation. 9.3 Importing license pool substitution permissions The third and the last phase of the license pool substitution process is importing the Substitute Permission file received from NOLS. There may be multiple Substitute Permission files per one Substitute Request file because the request may be processed in more than one part. Note: The Substitute Permission file must be imported within 30 days of its creation date. To import license pool substitution permissions 1. In the main menu click Licenses → Pool Substitution. Expected outcome The Pool Substitution view appears. 2. In the Pool Substitution view, click the Issue: 3-0 Import permission button. DN0630515 38 License Manager Help Managing license pool substitution Expected outcome Substitution - Import Permission view appears. 3. In the Import Permission File step, click Browse... button to search for a Substitute Permission file. 4. Select permission file and click the Open button. Expected outcome Progress bar appears and illustrates progress of the import operation. If the import operation fails, you will be informed about this by an error message with a reason of failure. By default Delete substituted licenses from network element check box is selected. If you do not want to delete substituted licenses uncheck this option. 5. Click the Next button to go to summary. 6. In the Summary step, click finish to import the Substitute Permission file. Expected outcome The notification banner appears with information, that substitution operation has been started. In case of successfully imported license substitute permissions file, license capacity will be returned to the pool. Figure 10: Pool substitution notification banner To see the pool substitution operation details, follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears, with the latest operation highlighted. For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. After license pool substitution operation is completed, pool substitute request is deleted automatically. You can also delete not finished requests by yourself. To perform this operation, in the Pool Substitution view, select check box next to the request you want to delete and click the Delete button. In the confirmation dialog click Yes to confirm operation or No to cancel. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 39 License Manager Help Managing feature templates 10 Managing feature templates 10.1 Creating feature templates You can define the set of features with their capacity and save them as a feature template. Then you can distribute these templates to the selected network element(s) using guided distribution functionality. You can also edit and remove previously defined feature templates. To create feature template 1. In the main menu click Tools → Feature Templates. Expected outcome The Feature Templates view appears. 2. Click the New template button. Expected outcome The Create Feature Template wizard appears. 3. In the Assign name step, type or paste the name of the feature template in the Name: textbox. 4. Select network element type from the NE type: drop down menu. 5. Select the Custom template radio button, if you want to create custom template, or select the Network element based template radio button, if you want to create feature template based on configuration of selected network element. Click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. (Only for Network element based template) In the Define Network Elements step, select the way of defining network element from the Browse by: drop-down menu. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click parent node of network element to expand its child elements. Then expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 40 License Manager Help Managing feature templates Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check one of listed network elements in the table and click the Next button. If you select Maintenance region then a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check one of the listed network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), are listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check one of the listed network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check one of the network elements listed in the table on the right side and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in a new line. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 41 License Manager Help Managing feature templates b) Check one of the network elements listed in the table on the right side and click the Next button to go to the next step. 7. In the Select features step, select features, you want to include to the template, by checking check boxes in the first column and click the Next button to go to the next step. 8. In the Allocate capacity step: a) Type or paste label of the license in the Label column. Guided distribution will consider only the licenses which match the defined label(s). By default, no label is specified and any pool license for the desired feature can be selected. b) Specify template capacity value which will be distributed, in the Template capacity column. On/off licenses, by default, have Unlimited value in the Template capacity column. c) Click the Next button. Expected outcome The Summary view appears with summarized information about features included in the scope of the template. 9. Click the Finish button, to create, previously defined feature template. Expected outcome Newly created template appears in the table in the Feature Templates view. Note: To see feature template details, click on the row with template. Second table appears below with detailed information about selected template. 10. To edit existing feature template, select the check box next to the template you want to change and click the Edit template button. 11. To remove existing feature templates, select the check boxes next to those templates and click the Remove templates button. Expected outcome The Confirm template removal dialog appears. Click the Yes button to confirm template removal or No button to cancel the operation. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 42 License Manager Help Managing feature templates 10.2 Distributing feature templates using guided distribution Guided distribution allows you to distribute multiple licenses based on a template to one or multiple network elements. To distribute licenses by using guided distribution 1. In the main menu click Tools → Feature Templates. Expected outcome The Feature Templates view appears. 2. In the Feature Templates view, select one template you want to distribute by checking the check box in the first column. For more information on how to create a feature template, see Creating feature templates on page 40 section. 3. Click the Apply to network element button. The Pool License Guided Distribution To Network Element wizard appears. 4. In Define Network Elements step, define the target element to which you want to distribute feature template. For more information on how to find a certain network element, see Distributing licenses from a pool. 5. In the Assign Licenses view, select the license file(s) using check box(es) and click the Next button to go to the further step. Note: All of the already generated NMS licenses are taken into consideration while calculating the capacity assigned from the pool. All those already generated and not distributed NMS licenses are downloaded in the end of the guided distribution. The download operation is visible as a separate operation in Recent Operation view. If there is only one already generated and not distributed NMS license with capacity higher than the template capacity, this NMS is skipped and the required capacity is allocated from a pool license. The distributed capacity and the capacity of already generated and not distributed NMS licenses are summarized and the total value is subtracted from the template capacity. The capacity of those NMS licenses is visible in the Existing NMS capacity column. It is possible that there is no need to allocate capacity from the pool. The following warning message appears: Already generated licenses will be downloaded. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 43 License Manager Help Managing feature templates If the distributed capacity is equal or higher than the template capacity, a warning message appears: Template already distributed. If there is no pool license with free capacity, then a message appears: There is no license fulfilling the template definition. If a capacity is set in the template and there is no pool license assigned to it with such a capacity, an information appears: Not enough capacity selected for feature. In case of network element hardware max capacity is lower than the template capacity, then a massage appears: Template capacity exceeds HW max capacity. If there is not enough capacity to allocate in the single pool license, then a message appears: Not enough capacity in single pool. When there is no need to distribute additional capacity to this NE, a message appears: Template capacity was already distributed. Expected outcome The Summary view appears, with summarized information about all allocated capacities and licenses. You can choose type of displayed information by selecting appropriate tab in Summary view. In the Distribution tab, you can see the table with summary information about license(s), which you want to distribute. In the Pool Licenses Capacity Usage tab, you can see the table with detailed information about capacity balance for this license(s). In the Feature Usage tab, you can see the table with detailed information about capacity balance for licensed feature(s). 6. Click the Finish button to distribute licenses. Expected outcome NMS-generated licenses are created and distributed to the network elements. The notification banner appears with information, that guided distribution operation has been started. Figure 11: Guided distribution notification banner To see the distribution operation details follow the link into notification. The Recent Operations view appears with the latest operation highlighted. Note: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 44 License Manager Help Managing feature templates To return to Feature Templates view, click the Go back to Feature Templates view button on the right side above the table. For more information on recent operations, see Checking recent operations on page 10 section. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 45 License Manager Help Managing notifications 11 Managing notifications 11.1 Setting global notifications Global notifications view allows you to set general information related to licenses and features warnings. You can set number of days before license expiration when you want to be informed when license is going to be expired. You can also set capacity threshold values for pool licenses and features after which you want to receive notification that pool license or feature capacity is going to be exceeded. In addition you can choose if you want to receive notifications also via an e-mail. To set global notification 1. In the main menu click Tools → Notifications. Expected outcome The Notifications view opens. 2. Select the Global tab. Note: Global tab is selected by default. 3. In the Expiration settings section, you can change the warning settings related to licenses. For licenses you can: • set number of days before the license expiration in which you will be warn when license is going to be expired • for software licenses you can set number of days before right to use period ends in which you will be notify when license right to use will expire Note: Number of days should be in range from 30 to 90 days. 4. In the Threshold settings section, you can change the warning settings related to features and pool licenses. For features you can: • set a percentage value of feature capacity to see warning when feature capacity is less than set value • turn on/off the notifications for all features Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 46 License Manager Help Managing notifications For pool licenses you can: • set a percentage value of pool licenses capacity to see warning when pool license capacity is less than set value • turn on/off the notifications for all pool licenses 5. In the Email settings section, choose if you want to receive e-mail notifications from the Send mail notification: drop-down menu. By default Off option is selected. In case you choose On option, perform following steps: 6. Enter e-mail server address in Email server: field. 7. In the Email messages section, enter an e-mail address in Email sender: field, to be informed from who the e-mail was sent. In Email subject: field, you can change the subject of the message or leave the default topic. In Add recipient: field enter e-mail address to which notification emails will be sent, and click icon. You must add at least one recipient. If you want to delete an address from the recipient list, mark the address in the Email recipients: box and click icon. 8. To save all global settings, click Save button. If you want to discard the changes, click Cancel button. 9. You can see status of all notifications collected in one place with detailed information about all licenses which are about to expire and all features and pool licenses for which capacity is going to be exceeded. To do this, click Show notifications status button at the top of the Global tab. Expected outcome Notifications Status window opens. You can preview notifications details for Expiring Licenses, Features Running Out of Capacity and Licenses Running Out of Capacity by selecting appropriate tab in the Notifications Status window. 11.2 Setting feature notifications Feature notifications view allows you to set additional e-mail notifications for desired features, which inform you about exceeding capacity related to this particular feature. To set feature notification 1. In the main menu click Tools → Notifications. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 47 License Manager Help Managing notifications Expected outcome Notifications view opens. 2. In the Notifications view, select Feature tab. 3. To set feature notification, click New notification button in the Feature tab. Expected outcome Create Feature Notification window opens. 4. Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. 5. Enter feature code of desired feature in Feature code: field. Tip: When you start typing, suggestion box with feature codes containing typed text appears to help find desired feature. 6. Enter a percentage value in Warn if capacity is less than (%): field, for which you want to receive notification. Tip: After entering a value, a tool-tip with capacity calculated as a percentage of total capacity for feature displays. 7. Set the E-mail sender and E-mail subject. You can also add additional recipients by adding e-mail address in Add recipient: field and clicking the icon. If you want to delete an address from the recipient list, mark the address in the Email recipients: box and click the icon. Note: To check multiple e-mails in Email recipients: box, hold CTRL or SHIFT button when checking the emails. 8. Click the Save button to create feature notification, or click the Cancel button to discard the changes. 9. You can modify notification, by checking the check box in the first column next to the notification you would like to modify and clicking Edit notification at the top of the table. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 48 License Manager Help Managing notifications Expected outcome Edit feature notification window opens, where you can change desired settings. Click Save button to apply the changes, or Cancel button to cancel operation. 10. You can also delete notification(s), by checking the check box(es) in the first column next to the notification(s) you would like to delete and clicking Remove notification(s) at the top of the table. Expected outcome Confirm feature notification(s) removal dialog appears. Click Yes button to confirm the operation, or No button to cancel the operation. 11.3 Setting license notifications License notifications view allows you to set additional e-mail notifications for desired pool licenses, which inform you about exceeding capacity related to this particular license. To set license notification 1. In the main menu click Tools → Notifications. Expected outcome Notifications view opens. 2. In the Notifications view, select License tab. 3. To set license notification, click New notification button in the License tab. Expected outcome Create License Notification window opens. 4. Enter license filename of desired license in License filename: field. Tip: When you start typing, suggestion box with license filenames containing typed text appears to help find desired license. 5. Enter a percentage value in Warn if capacity is less than (%): field, for which you want to receive notification. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 49 License Manager Help Managing notifications Tip: After entering a value, a tool-tip with capacity calculated as a percentage of total capacity for license appears. 6. Set the E-mail sender and E-mail subject. You can also add additional recipients by adding e-mail address in Add recipient: field and clicking the icon. If you want to delete an address from the recipient list, mark the address in the Email recipients: box and click the icon. Note: To check multiple e-mails in Email recipients: box, hold CTRL or SHIFT button when checking the emails. 7. Click the Save button to create license notification, or click the Cancel button to discard the changes. 8. You can modify notification by checking the check box in the first column next to the notification you would like to modify and clicking Edit notification at the top of the table. Expected outcome Edit license notification window opens, where you can change desired settings. Click Save button to apply the changes, or Cancel button to cancel operation. 9. You can also delete notification(s), by checking the check box(es) in the first column next to the notification(s) you would like to delete and clicking Remove notification(s) at the top of the table. Expected outcome Confirm license notification(s) removal dialog appears. Click Yes button to confirm the operation, or No button to cancel the operation. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 50 License Manager Help Configuring License Manager 12 Configuring License Manager 12.1 Setting automatic licensing configuration The Automatic licensing view allows you to configure automatic license distribution by defining network element license distribution triggers and Pool Auto Distribution option. Network element license distribution triggers define the events when licenses are automatically uploaded/downloaded to network elements. Available options are • Upload licenses on NE license state change • Upload licenses on NE synchronization request • Download deleted licenses on NE request Pool Auto Distribution option allows to redistribute capacity (up to available capacity amount) for that particular feature if the network element requests for this. If such occurrence takes place a new NMS license is generated for that network element. Licenses are generated from an available pool of licenses, which can be defined be license sets functionality. If the Pool Auto Distribution option is disabled and network element capacity request was submitted then operation will fail for that network element. To configure automatic licensing 1. In the main menu click Tools → Configuration. Expected outcome The Configuration view appears. 2. In the Configuration view select the Automatic Licensing tab. 3. In the Upload and download configuration section turn on/off license distribution triggers. 4. To save the changes click Save button, or click Cancel to revert all of your changes. 5. You can decide for which features upload and download configuration will be applicable. To change configuration of selected feature click the Edit automatic distribution button in the Actions column of the Features table. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 51 License Manager Help Configuring License Manager Expected outcome Two icons appears, Save new value icon and Cancel icon, instead of icon. 6. To turn on/off pool auto distribution option for selected feature, select/deselect check box in the Pool Auto Distribution column of the Features table. 7. To save modified parameter value click the and back to the previous value click the Save new value button. To cancel this operation Cancel button. 12.2 Managing license labels The Label view allows you to create new license labels, and remove or edit the existing ones. You can attach labels to licenses during importing licenses, viewing licenses and during creating feature template. To manage license labels 1. In the main menu click Tools → Configuration. Expected outcome The Configuration view appears. 2. In the Configuration view select the Label tab. Expected outcome Table with list of available labels appears. Tip: In the Licenses attached column, the number of licenses to which the label is currently attached to is displayed. 3. To add new label click the New label button. Expected outcome Create Label window opens. 4. Enter or paste new label in the Label name: field, and press the Save button. Click the Cancel button to back to the previous view. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 52 License Manager Help Configuring License Manager Expected outcome Created label appears as a the top row in the table. If the label is incorrect, you will be notified about it. License label is incorrect in the following cases: • is empty • contains character * • contains more than 100 characters • label name is the same as label name of already existing one 5. To edit a label, check the check box in the first column of the table next to the label you would like to edit, and click the Edit label button at the top of the table. Expected outcome Edit label pop-up window opens in which you can change the name of label. Note: Only one label at a time can be edited. 6. Click the Save button to enter changes. Click the Cancel button to return to the previous view. 7. To remove label(s), select the check box(es) in the first column of the table next to the label(s) you would like to remove, and click Remove label(s) button at the top of the table. Expected outcome Confirmation dialog appears. 8. Click Yes button to remove the label and detach it from license(s). Click No button to cancel operation. 12.3 Configuring license sets License sets functionality allows user to assign a license or group of licenses to a proper set to manage licenses in more effective way. License sets option is used during automatic license distribution, to indicate which licenses can be distributed. To configure license sets 1. In the main menu click Tools → Configuration. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 53 License Manager Help Configuring License Manager Expected outcome The Configuration view appears. 2. In the Configuration view select the License Sets tab. Expected outcome Table with already created license sets appears. 3. To create new license set, click New license set button. Expected outcome Create license set window opens. 4. In new pop-up window enter the name of license set in the License set name: field, and click the Save button. Click the Cancel button to back to the previous view. Expected outcome New license set appears as a the top row in the table. 5. To edit already created license set, select the check box in the first column next to the license set you would like to modify, and click Edit license set button at the top of the table. Expected outcome Edit license set pop-up window opens in which you can change the name of license set. 6. Click the Save button to enter changes, or click the Cancel button to return to the previous view. 7. To remove already created license set(s) select the check box(es) in the first column next to the license set(s) you would like to delete, and click Remove license set button at the top of the table. Expected outcome Confirm license set removal pop-up window opens in which you can confirm (Yes button) or cancel (No button) the removal. 8. To send already created license sets to the network and assign it to selected maintenance region, click Issue: 3-0 Apply to MR. DN0630515 54 License Manager Help Configuring License Manager Expected outcome The License set assignment view is displayed. 9. In the License set assignment view, select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. 10. Check network element(s) from maintenance region tree. To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Check network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appear listed in the table on the right side. Expected outcome Created license set is assign to desired Maintenance Region. For more information on how to use license sets, see Distributing licenses from a pool. 12.4 Configuring user settings Parameters in User Settings tab allows you to control the number of items displayed per page in License Manager application tables. The User Settings tab allows you to define new parameter values or return to the default value of modified parameter. To configure user settings 1. In the main menu click Tools → Configuration. Expected outcome The Configuration view appears. 2. In the Configuration view select the User Settings tab. Expected outcome Table with listed parameter keys appears. 3. To modify value of parameter key, click the Edit parameter value button in the Actions column for the parameter you would like to configure. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 55 License Manager Help Configuring License Manager Expected outcome Cancel icon and the Two icons appears, the to default value and Save new value icon, instead of Reset Edit parameter value icons in the Actions column. Drop-down menu appears in the Parameter value column. 4. Choose a new value for the edited parameter by using drop-down list in the Parameter value column. 5. To save modified parameter value click the Save new value button in Actions column. To cancel this operation and back to the previous value click the Cancel button. 6. You can bring back the default value for modified parameter. To perform this operation, click the Reset to default value button in the Actions column. 12.5 Configuring global settings This section describes how to configure global settings. In the Global Settings tab you can configure for how long generated reports will be stored by the License Manager. In addition you can refresh topology presented in the License Manager tool. To configure global settings 1. In the main menu click Tools → Configuration. Expected outcome The Configuration view appears with available configuration tabs. 2. Select the Global Settings tab. 3. In the Report configuration section, from the Remove reports archive after (days): drop-down list choose number of days after which archived reports will be removed. Available options are 30, 60 or 90 days. By default 30 days are selected. 4. To save report configuration, click the Save button or click the Cancel button to restore previous value. 5. In the Network topology section, click the Refresh topology button to adjust the License Management topology to the Configuration Management data. Note: If the target ID for any WBTS visible in License Manager varies from its actual target ID, you need to perform integration data upload for this WBTS in NetAct Monitor. For more Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 56 License Manager Help Configuring License Manager information on how to trigger integraton data upload, see Executing integration data upload in the Integrating RNC and WBTS to NetAct document. Expected outcome Topology refresh confirmation pop-up dialog appears with description of refresh operation. 6. Click the Yes button to start refreshing topology or No button to abort operation. Expected outcome Progress bar appears to inform you about status of the topology refresh operation. After completing topology refresh, go to the Network Element Browser view and click the Refresh button to see adjusted topology. Note: It is recommended to refresh topology only if you remark some data inconsistencies. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 57 License Manager Help Generating license reports 13 Generating license reports You can generate various types of reports on licenses, features, and network elements using the Reports view. In addition Reports view allows you to perform the following operations: • Viewing reports Note: This option is unavailable for reports containing more than 1000 rows. • Export previously generated reports in a CSV format to a local drive • Remove report(s) • Repeat generation of particular report Note: Report on operations history is non repeatable and cannot be generated again from an existing one. Report on operations history must be created as a New report. For information on how to create a specific report, see the following sections. 13.1 Generating report on NetAct software features 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the NetAct software features report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. a) Type a name for a report in Report name: field, or leave the default name. b) Select the application for which you would like to create report from the Area: drop-down menu. By default all applications are selected. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 58 License Manager Help Generating license reports c) Select the related product for which you would like to create report from the Network Technology: drop-down menu. By default all technology are selected. d) Uncheck the License state: you want to exclude from the report scope. By default all license states are checked. Available license statuses are: • Valid, if application notified, has a feature and a proper license is installed. • Expired, if application notified, has a feature and a proper license is installed but it's validity time expired. • No license, if application notified, has a feature and a proper license is not installed. • Invalid, if application notified, has a feature and a proper license is not accepted by the network element. e) Click the Next button to go to the next step, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. In the Columns view, select report columns. Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report scope. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 6. Click the Finish button to generate NetAct software features report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information that report has been generated. When a report creation is finished, it appears as a top row in the Reports view. Figure 12: Report notification banner 7. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 Refresh button. 59 License Manager Help Generating license reports Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of a web browser. 13.2 Generating report on operations history 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the Operations history report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. a) Type a name for a report in Report name: field, or leave the default name. b) Enter Start date by clicking the Calendar button and selecting the start date from the calendar or type the date in the Started after: field in the following format: <YYYY-MM-DD>. c) Enter End date by clicking the Calendar button and selecting the end date from the calendar or type the date in the Started before: field in the following format <YYYY-MM-DD>. d) From the Operation: drop-down menu select kind of operation you want to include to the report scope. By default all operations are selected. e) From the Status: drop-down menu select current status of the operations you want include to the report scope. By default all statuses are selected. f) Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. By default All elements of selected type are selected. g) Click the Next button to go to the further step, click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 60 License Manager Help Generating license reports On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. If you selected the Defined radio button, select way of defining NE, from the Browse by: dropdown menu in the Targets view. To implement this step choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. d) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Maintenance region then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Working set then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. c) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 61 License Manager Help Generating license reports Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. d) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in a new line. c) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. b) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in a new line. c) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. In the Columns view, select report columns. Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report scope. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 7. Click the Finish button to generate Operations history report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information, that the report has been generated. When a report creation is finished, it appears at a top row in a Reports view. Figure 13: Report notification banner 8. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 Refresh button. 62 License Manager Help Generating license reports Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of web browser. 13.3 Generating report on license files of network elements 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the License files of network elements report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. Expected outcome The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. a) In the Report name: field, type a name for a report or leave the default name. b) From the Target type: drop-down menu select target type of network element. c) Select the customer from Customer: drop-down menu. By default All option is selected. d) In License type:, uncheck the license type you want to exclude from the report. By default all license types are checked. Available license types are: • NE license • NMS generated e) (Optional) In the Licenses expiring by the end of: field, click on the filed and type a date in YYYY-MM-DD format or click the calendar icon to set a date indicating that only licenses with an earlier or the same expiration date will be included in the report, i.e. licenses which expire before or on the entered date. Note: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 63 License Manager Help Generating license reports By default no date is entered, which means that report will contain all licenses of selected network element. f) Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. By default All elements are selected. g) Click the Next button to go to next step. Click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. If you selected the Defined radio button, select targets on which the operation was performed. Select way of defining NE from the Browse by: drop-down menu in the Targets view. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Maintenance region then a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 64 License Manager Help Generating license reports If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. In the Features view of report wizard, select features by checking check boxes in the first column and click the Next button. 7. In the Columns view, select columns to be visible in the report. By default all report columns are selected. Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report. 8. Click the Finish button to generate License files of network elements report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information, that the report has been generated. When a report creation is finished, it appears as a top row in the Reports view. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 65 License Manager Help Generating license reports Figure 14: Report notification banner 9. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Refresh button. Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of web browser. 13.4 Generating report on license substitutions 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the License substitutions report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. Expected outcome The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. a) Type a name for a report in Report name: field, or leave the default name. b) Enter Start date by clicking the Calendar button and selecting the start date from the calendar or type the date in the Registered after: field in the following format: <YYYY-MMDD>. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 66 License Manager Help Generating license reports c) Enter End date by clicking the Calendar button and selecting the end date from the calendar or type the date in the Registered before: field in the following format <YYYY-MMDD>. d) From the Reason code: drop-down menu select reason of substitution request, you want to include to the report scope. By default All reasons are selected. e) From the Request state: drop-down menu select state of request, you want to include to the report scope. By default All states are selected. f) From the License substitution state: drop-down menu select state of substitution operations. By default All states are selected. g) (Optional) You can type or paste a serial number in the Serial number: field or name of the license file in License filename: field. h) Select network element type, from Target type: drop-down menu. i) Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. By default All elements of selected type are selected. j) Click the Next button to go to the further step, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. If you selected the Defined targets, select targets on which the operation was performed. Select way of defining NE from the Browse by: drop-down menu in the Targets view. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Maintenance region then Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 67 License Manager Help Generating license reports a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. In the Columns view, select report columns. Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report scope. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 7. Click the Finish button to generate License substitutions report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 68 License Manager Help Generating license reports Expected outcome Notification appears with information, that generating the report has been started. When a report creation is finished, it appears as a top row in a Reports view. Figure 15: Report notification banner 8. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Refresh button. Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of web browser. 13.5 Generating report on network element license files of given state 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the Network element license files of given state report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. Expected outcome The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 69 License Manager Help Generating license reports a) Type a name for a report in the Report name: field, or leave the default name. b) Select the state of a license from the License state: drop-down menu. c) Select the target network element type from the Target type:drop-down menu. d) Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. By default All elements are selected. e) Click the Next button to go to the further step, click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. If you selected the Defined targets, select targets on which the operation was performed. Select way of defining NE from the Browse by: drop-down menu in the Targets view. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Maintenance region then a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 70 License Manager Help Generating license reports a) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. In the Columns view, select columns to be visible in the report. By default all report columns are selected. Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 7. Click the Finish button to generate Network element license files of given state report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information that the report has been generated. When a report creation is finished, it appears at a top row in a the Reports view. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 71 License Manager Help Generating license reports Figure 16: Report notification banner 8. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Refresh button. Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of a web browser. 13.6 Generating report on licensed features of network elements 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the Licensed features of network elements report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. Expected outcome The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. a) Type a name for a report in Report name: field, or leave the default name. b) Select the target network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. c) Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. By default All elements of selected type are selected. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 72 License Manager Help Generating license reports d) Click Next button to go to the further step, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. If you selected the Defined targets, select targets on which the operation was performed. Select way of defining NE from the Browse by: drop-down menu in the Targets view. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Maintenance region then a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 73 License Manager Help Generating license reports b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. In the Columns view, select report columns. Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report scope. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 7. Click the Finish button to generate Licensed features of network elements report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information that report generating has been started. When a report creation is finished, it appears as a top row in the Reports view. Figure 17: Report notification banner 8. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 Refresh button. 74 License Manager Help Generating license reports Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of web browser. 13.7 Generating report on remaining capacity in pool licenses 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the Remaining capacity in pool licenses report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. Expected outcome The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. a) Type a name for a report in Report name field, or leave the default name. b) Select target type from the Target type: drop-down menu. c) Select the scope of the report from the Scope: drop-down menu. If you want to get a report including remaining capacity for each pool license, select Per pool license. If you want to get a report including remaining capacity for each feature, select Summary. d) Select the label from the Labels: drop-down menu, if you want to define the licenses which will be included in the report scope. By default Any labels are selected. e) Select customer from the Customer: drop-down menu, if you want to define the customers whose licenses will be included in the report scope. f) Click the Next button to go to the further step of report wizard, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 75 License Manager Help Generating license reports On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. In the Features view, select features, you want include to the report scope, by checking check boxes in the first column and click the Next button. 6. In the Columns view, select report columns. Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report scope. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 7. Click the Finish button to generate Remaining capacity in pool licenses report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information that report has been generated. When a report creation is finished, it appears as a top row in a Reports view. Figure 18: Report notification banner 8. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Refresh button. Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of web browser. 13.8 Generating report on comparison of templates to network element 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 76 License Manager Help Generating license reports You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the Comparison of templates to network element report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. Expected outcome The Criteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select following options. a) Type a name for a report in Report name: field, or leave the default name. b) Select the target network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. c) Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. By default All elements of selected type are selected. d) Click Next button to go to the further step, click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. If you selected the Defined targets, select targets on which the operation was performed. Select way of defining NE from the Browse by: drop-down menu in the Targets view. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 77 License Manager Help Generating license reports c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Maintenance region then a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. In Templates view select template(s) according to your special needs and click the Next button. 7. In the Columns view, select report columns. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 78 License Manager Help Generating license reports Expected outcome Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report scope. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 8. Click the Finish button to generate Comparison of templates to network element report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information that report has been generated. When a report creation is finished, it appears as a top row in the Reports view. Figure 19: Report notification banner 9. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Refresh button. Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of a web browser. 13.9 Generating report on comparison of templates to network element on feature level 1. In the main menu click Tools → Reports. The Reports view is displayed. Tip: Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 79 License Manager Help Generating license reports You can preview previously generated reports by following the link in the Report type column. You can also open or save report in the CSV format by following the link in the Filename column. 2. In the Reports view, click the New report button. 3. Select the Comparison of templates to network element on feature level report type radio button in the Create New Report view and click the Next button. Expected outcome TheCriteria view appears. 4. In the Criteria view, select report criteria. a) Type a name for a report in Report name: field, or leave the default name. b) Select the target network element type from the Target type: drop-down menu. c) Select a type of target network elements, by checking desired Targets: radio button. To define appropriate target elements, select the Defined radio button. By default All elements of selected type are selected. d) Uncheck the Compliance condition: if you want to exclude them from the report scope. By default all options are checked. e) Click the Next button to go to the next step, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Tip: On each step of report creation, you can go back to Reports view by clicking the Cancel button. 5. If you selected the Defined targets, select targets on which the operation was performed. Select way of defining NE from the Browse by: drop-down menu in the Targets view. To implement this step, choose one of the following alternatives: If you select Topology then a) To find needed network element in the topology tree, click a node of parent network element to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the topology tree below the current network element by checking the check box next to this element. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 80 License Manager Help Generating license reports b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last parent in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Maintenance region then a) To find needed network element in the maintenance region tree, click node of maintenance region (MR) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. a) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Working set then a) To find needed network element in the working set tree, click node of working set (WSET) to expand its child elements. Then, if needed, expand the following child elements to find the desired network element. b) Check the network element(s) which are below the last node in the tree. These network element(s), appears listed in the table on the right side. Tip: You can list all network elements of the selected type, which are situated in the tree below the current element by checking the check box next to this element. c) Check desired network elements in the table and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Target Id then a) Type or paste Target ID into textbox and click the Find button. Target IDs should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. If you select Distinguished Name then a) Type or paste Distinguished name into textbox and click the Find button. Distinguished names should be separated with a comma or each of them should be in new line. b) Check desired network elements and click the Next button to go to the next step. 6. In Templates view select template(s) according to your special needs and click the Next button. 7. In the Columns view, select report columns. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 81 License Manager Help Generating license reports Uncheck the columns you want to exclude from the report scope. Columns with disabled check boxes are mandatory and are always included in the report scope. 8. Click the Finish button to generate Comparison of templates to network element on feature level report, or click the Back button to go back to the previous step. Expected outcome Notification appears with information that the report has been generated. When a report creation is finished, it appears at a top row in a the Reports view. Figure 20: Report notification banner 9. To view the generated report, follow the link in the banner or click the name of report in the top row in the Report type column. Remember: To save a report in the CSV format, follow the link in the Filename column. To refresh data in the Reports table, click the Refresh button. Expected outcome Report is displayed in the new tab of a web browser. Issue: 3-0 DN0630515 82