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Flu Transmission Methods & R0 Explained

Flu Transmission
Influenza can be highly contagious, particularly among
persons without pre-existing antibodies against influenza,
such as young children during the inter-pandemic phase
influenza and anyone during a pandemic. Roughly 50% of
all infections are however asymptomatic; asymptomatic
infection is especially common in children. The influenza
virus is transmitted in most cases by droplets through the
coughing and sneezing of infected persons, but it can be
transmitted as well by direct contact.
Direct-contact transmission involves skin-to-skin contact
and physical transfer of microorganisms to a susceptible
host from an infected or colonized person, such as occurs
when personnel turn patients, bathe patients, or perform
other patient-care activities that require physical contact.
Direct-contact transmission also can occur between two
patients (e.g., by hand contact), with one serving as the
source of infectious microorganisms and the other as a
susceptible host. Indirect-contact transmission involves
contact of a susceptible host with a contaminated
intermediate object, usually inanimate, in the patient's
environment. Contact transmission of influenza may occur
through either direct skin-to-skin contact or through indirect
contact with virus in the environment. Transmission via
contaminated hands and fomites has been suggested as a
contributing factor in some studies. However, there is
insufficient data to determine the proportion of influenza
transmission that is attributable to direct or indirect contact.
Droplet transmission occurs when contagious droplets
produced by the infected host are propelled a short distance
through coughing or sneezing and can come into contact
with another person's conjunctiva, mouth or nasal mucosa.
Influenza can be transmitted by large droplets, which
generally travel 3 to 6 feet. Since these droplets generally
are large (greater than 10 micrometers) and do not stay
suspended in the air, this mode of transmission is not
affected by special air handling or control of room pressures.
Large droplets appear to be the primary route of nosocomial
[hospital acquired] transmission.
Droplet nuclei (airborne) transmission entails the production
of infectious droplet nuclei, generally 5 micrometers or less
in diameter. In contrast with larger droplets, these droplets
can remain suspended in the air and be disseminated by air
currents in a room or through a facility to be inhaled by a
susceptible host. Small droplet nuclei and aerosols can
remain suspended in the air for prolonged periods and travel
significant distances. Small particles appear to be more
infectious, with both the degree of infectivity and the severity
of illness and is directly related to particle size. Aerosols
smaller than 10 microns have been shown to cause more
severe disease and require a smaller inoculum than large
intranasal droplets. Preventing the spread of droplet nuclei
requires the use of special air handling and ventilation
There is no evidence that influenza transmission can occur
across long distances (e.g., through ventilation systems) or
through prolonged residence in air, as seen with airborne
diseases such as tuberculosis. Organisms transmitted in
this manner must be capable of sustaining infectivity,
despite desiccation and environmental variation that
generally limit survival in the airborne state. However,
transmission may occur at shorter distances through
inhalation of small-particle aerosols (droplet nuclei),
particularly in shared air spaces with poor air circulation. An
experimental study involving human volunteers found that
illness could be induced with substantially lower virus titers
when influenza virus was administered as a small droplet
aerosol rather than as nasal droplets, suggesting that
infection is most efficiently induced when virus is deposited
in the lower rather than the upper respiratory tract.
Direct transmission involves direct body-to-body surface
contact. Indirect transmission occurs via contact with
contaminated intermediate objects such as contaminated
hands or inanimate objects such as needles or countertops.
Aside from being actually coughed or sneezed upon by an
infected person, the most common way to catch the flu is by
touching something which has been coughed on or sneezed
upon by an infected person. For instance, the person that
used the shopping cart before you had the flu. They covered
their mouth with their hand when they coughed then used
that very hand to push the cart around the store. Now your
hands are touching the same place. Without thinking while
shopping, you rub your eye or nose and you have introduce
the virus to your most vulnerable point of infection. Good
hand washing does more to prevent the spread of flu than
anything else.
Evidence supporting the relative contribution of each route
of transmission for influenza is limited; however, droplet
transmission is thought to be the predominant form of
spread in a setting with an appropriate number of air
exchanges and standard ventilation. In the absence of
appropriate ventilation and air exchange, airborne
transmission may play a greater role, such as in a crowded
space where air exchange is limited.
Flu Transmissibility / Reproductive Number
Influenza viruses are genetically variable, and
transmissibility is difficult to predict. With a novel flu virus the
R0 will start out low, probably a little above 1, and then with
each generation of transmission it will increase as the virus
adapts to the human population. The speed with which
transmissibility can improve highlights the unpredictability of
influenza viruses. The reproduction, or transmissibility (RO)
rates refer to the average number of secondary cases of
disease generated by a typical primary case in a susceptible
population; an RO rate of 1.0 would thus indicate no
The reproductive number at a given time, represented as
R(t), is the average number of secondary cases infected by
each primary case infected at time t. This number must be
held steadily below one for the spread of the virus to decline;
while this objective may or may not be possible for pandemic
influenza without a vaccine, the level of R(t) is perhaps the
best single measure of the effectiveness of control
measures at a given time.
The reproduction, or transmissibility (RO) rates are situation
specific and can be highly variable, with person-to-person
transmission probabilities are highest in households; lower
in the day-care centers, playgroups, and schools; and even
lower in the neighborhoods and population at large. For
influenza a person with flu-like symptoms at a workplace
may not self-isolate before the end of the working day, which
will be a substantial delay on influenza's rapid time scale of
development and spread.
Flu may spread rapidly because it has a very short
generation time, even if it has a low R0. One study assumed
human viral reproduction, or transmissibility rate (RO) [the
"reproductive number"], ranging from about 1.0 to 2.0, and
set the generation time (Tg), meaning the average interval
between infection of an individual and infection of contacts,
at 2.6 days. This Tg factor was arrived at on the basis of
analysis of past estimates of transmissibility of respiratory
diseases and is less than the approximately 4 days
assumed in most past modeling studies, say the authors. A
predicted attack rate of 50% to 60% derived from these
factors was consistent with the first two waves of past flu
Influenza, which has a very short generation time, will
spread very quickly even if each individual does not spread
it to many others. ß(t) can be estimated from experimental
infections. Some suggest a mean of 3 days (when variance
= 0.5 × mean2), whereas viral shedding peaking at 2 days
suggests that S(t) has an estimated mean of 2 days. This
results in a range of attack rate estimates of 30% < ? < 50%.
Some analyses report that influenza typically has a
transmission rate of about 10. But others suggest that flu is
not as highly transmissible in a community setting as has
been imagined. The R0 for the 1918 pandemic was
estimated to be only 1.8 in one study, while the 1918
pandemic strain's R0 was estimated at around 2 by another
estimate. According to another analysis, the estimated
proportion of the population with A/H1N1 immunity before
September 1918 implied a median basic reproductive
number of less than 4. Another study estimated R0=1.89
from influenza case incidence data for the first wave of
pandemic influenza A (H3N2) starting in July 1968 in Hong
Kong. These results suggested that the reproductive
number for 1918 pandemic influenza was not large relative
to many other infectious diseases. Other recent estimates of
R0 for seasonal and pandemic flu typically range from 1.5 to
3. Estimates of the reproductive number (R) from England
and Wales (1958-1973), for a mixture of influenza types and
subtypes, ranged from 1.4 to 2.6. In contrast, SARS had an
R0 of 3 (excluding super-spreaders), and measles has an
R0 of 10 to 15, pertussis (16 - 18) or polio (8 - 12).
Estimates of R0 based on the initial epidemic growth rate
may underestimate the true value of R0. Data from an
influenza outbreak in an English boarding school has
been used to estimate model parameters by trajectory
matching. The most commonly used framework for
epidemiological systems, the SIR (susceptible - infectious recovered) model, yields an R0 of 4.38, whereas for the
SEIR (susceptible - exposed - infectious - recovered) model
yields an R0 of 16.9. A maximum bound for R0 can be
obtained by analyzing the case data from an outbreak of the
1978 H1N1 flu in a boys boarding school, yielding an upper
bound of R0 < 21.
Another estimate of the reproductive number for 1918
influenza was made by fitting a deterministic SEIR
(susceptible - exposed - infectious - recovered) model to
pneumonia and influenza death epidemic curves from 45 US
cities: the median value was less than three. The estimated
proportion of the population with A/H1N1 immunity before
September 1918 implies a median basic reproductive
number of less than four. These results suggested that the
reproductive number for 1918 pandemic influenza is not
large relative to many other infectious diseases.
If the basic reproductive number (R0) was below 1.60, some
simulations show that a prepared response with targeted
antivirals would have a high probability of containing the
disease. The higher the R0, however, the lower the
likelihood of containing the virus. When the R0 is set at 2.4,
for example, the outbreak quickly grows uncontrollably large
in most cases of some simulations.
How Flu Spreads
Person to Person
People with flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts
think that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu
cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people
who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might
get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching
their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.
When Flu Spreads
People with flu are most contagious in the first three to four days after their
illness begins. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1
day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.
Children and some people with weakened immune systems may pass the virus
for longer than 7 days.
Symptoms can begin about 2 days (but can range from 1 to 4 days) after the
virus enters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to
someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are
sick. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms.
During this time, those people may still spread the virus to others.
Period of Contagiousness
You may be able to pass on flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as
well as while you are sick.
People with flu are most contagious in the first 3-4 days after their illness
Some otherwise healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1
day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.
Some people, especially young children and people with weakened
immune systems, might be able to infect others with flu viruses for an even
longer time.