See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Penetration of dynamically installed anchors in clay Article in Géotechnique · September 2013 DOI: 10.1680/geot.11.P.137 CITATIONS READS 97 1,230 4 authors, including: Conleth O'Loughlin Christophe Gaudin University of Western Australia University of Western Australia 150 PUBLICATIONS 2,344 CITATIONS 182 PUBLICATIONS 4,162 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Mark Randolph University of Western Australia 396 PUBLICATIONS 18,211 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Pullout capacity of anchors View project Instrumented Free Fall Sphere View project All content following this page was uploaded by Conleth O'Loughlin on 19 April 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE O’Loughlin, C. D. et al. (2013). Géotechnique 63, No. 11, 909–919 [] Penetration of dynamically installed anchors in clay C . D. O ’ L O U G H L I N , M . D. R I C H A R D S O N † , M . F. R A N D O L P H a n d C . G AU D I N This paper utilises centrifuge data to explore the penetration response of dynamically installed anchors in normally consolidated clay. The data indicate that for anchors with no flukes, expected anchor tip embedment depths are two to three times the anchor length for impact velocities approaching 30 m/s, with a strong dependence on the net density of the anchor and smaller dependence on the impact velocity. Total energy, defined as the sum of the kinetic energy of the anchor at the mudline and the potential energy released as it penetrates the seabed, is shown to be a useful quantity for comparing the embedment depth of anchors with markedly different geometries and mass, impacting the soil at different velocities. The centrifuge data were used to calibrate an analytical embedment model, based on strain-rate-dependent shearing resistance and fluid mechanics drag resistance. The merit of the anchor embedment model has been demonstrated by predicting the final embedment depths for a series of offshore field trials to within 4% of the measurements. KEYWORDS: anchors; centrifuge modelling; offshore engineering INTRODUCTION Dynamically installed anchors (see Fig. 1) are rocket or torpedo shaped, with one such variant having a diameter of 1.2 m, a height of 13 m and a dry mass of 80 t (Lieng et al., 2010). Smaller-diameter (0.76–1.07 m) anchors, 12–15 m long and with a dry mass of between 24 and 98 t have been used offshore Brazil (Medeiros, 2002; Brandão et al., 2006). After release from a designated height above the seabed, the anchor gains velocity as it falls freely through the water column before impacting on and embedding within the sediments. As anchor capacity is determined by the shear strength of the soil in the vicinity of the embedded anchor, confidence in the geotechnical performance of dynamically installed anchors is dictated to a large degree by the success of predicting the anchor embedment depth after free fall and the strength recovery after installation (the latter aspect having been investigated by Richardson et al., 2009). A key aspect of predicting the anchor embedment depth is quantifying the penetration resistance over the high range of penetration velocities and hence strain rates. Failure to account for enhancement of penetration resistance due to the high strain rates associated with dynamic installation has been shown to give prediction errors of the order of 40% (O’Loughlin et al., 2004). The shear strength of clays is well known to be a function of strain rate (Casagrande & Wilson, 1951; Graham et al., 1983). Sheahan et al. (1996) reported shear strength increases of up to 11.5% per log cycle increase in shear strain rate for normally consolidated Boston blue clay samples undergoing triaxial compression. Chung et al. (2006) showed that field T-bar penetration resistance increases by ,20% per log cycle increase in penetration velocity for lightly overconsolidated Burswood clay. This represents good agreement with work reported by Lehane et al. (2009) that demonstrated a 14% and 18% increase in ball and T-bar penetrometer resistance per log cycle increase in penetration velocity in normally consolidated and overconsolidated kaolin clay. However, these and similar studies are generally limited to strain-rate variations that span only two to three orders of magnitude, compared with approximately seven orders of magnitude in the case of dynamically installed anchors. This paper re-examines previously published centrifuge data to explore the penetration behaviour of dynamically installed anchors in normally consolidated clay. This behaviour is reflected in a simple embedment model that scales the undrained shear strength according to logarithmic and power functions, allowing for quantification of the strain-rate behaviour for the more extreme dynamic anchor problem. CENTRIFUGE TEST DATABASE The centrifuge database compiled for this paper encompasses various series of centrifuge tests performed at 200g, as reported in Richardson et al. (2006, 2009), Richardson (2008) and O’Loughlin et al. (2004, 2009). It comprises 155 dynamic anchor installations in normally consolidated kaolin clay exhibiting a prototype shear strength gradient in the range k ¼ 1.0–1.3 kPa/m between samples. The anchor models, which varied in aspect ratio (length/diameter, L/d ), mass m, fluke arrangement and tip geometry, were dropped through an installation guide from (model) heights of up to 300 mm above the sample surface, resulting in anchor impact velocities (i.e. anchor velocities at the mudline, vi ) of up to 30 m/s. Details of the 25 model anchors are summarised in Table 1 and are shown in Fig. 2. Anchor impact velocity, mass and embedment depth Typically, the impact velocities achieved in the centrifuge tests ranged from ,10 to ,30 m/s, which compares well with field experience: vi ¼ 10–22 m/s (Medeiros, 2001), vi ¼ 24.5–27.0 m/s (Lieng et al., 2010) and vi ¼ 16–27 m/s (Brandão et al., 2006). The dependence of final tip embedment, ze , on mass and impact velocity is summarised in Fig. 3(a) for an anchor aspect ratio L/d ¼ 12.5. The centrifuge data for anchor A1 exhibit a degree of scatter that reflects slight variation in undrained shear strength both between samples and over the course of testing in any one sample. Over the range of measured impact velocities, anchor A1 Manuscript received 11 November 2011; revised manuscript accepted 31 October 2012. Published online ahead of print 23 April 2013. Discussion on this paper closes on 1 February 2014, for further details see p. ii. Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia. † Advanced Geomechanics, Nedlands, Australia. 909 O’LOUGHLIN, RICHARDSON, RANDOLPH AND GAUDIN 910 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 1. Dynamically installed anchors: (a) torpedo anchor (after Araujo et al., 2004); (b) OMNI-Max anchor (after Shelton, 2007); (c) deep penetrating anchor (Deep Sea Anchors, Table 1. Model anchors Anchor ref. A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 Flukes Tipy Padeyey Length, L: mm Diameter, d: mm Tip length, Ltip : mm L/d Material{ Effective anchor density: kg/m3 Mass, m: g 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E E E E H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H F F F F F H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 24.0 36.0 36.0 48.0 60.0 72.0 72.0 84.0 9.0 18.0 27.0 27.0 12.0 24.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.0 6.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 14.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 B B/A B/A A B/A B B B B B B A A A A A A A A B B B A B B 7661–7929 4088 3062 2690 3902 8135 8892 7250 6742 7508 7708 2283 2434 1945 2499 2531 2526 2395 2597 7938 7451 7447 1998 8002 7967 14.3–14.8 8.2 6.2 5.4 9.6 0.9 1.8 2.0 3.0 4.7 7.4 1.4 2.3 1.9 3.2 4.2 5.0 4.7 6.0 3.0 7.1 11.4 3.0 7.2 18.0 Fluke length, L ¼ 37 mm; fluke width, w ¼ 9 mm; fluke thickness, t ¼ 0.4 mm. f f f y E, ellipsoidal; F, flat; H, hemispherical (Lpad ¼ Ltip ). { B, brass; A, aluminium. PENETRATION OF DYNAMICALLY INSTALLED ANCHORS IN CLAY 911 wf tf Lf Lpad L L L Ltip d Ltip Ltip d d (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2. 1:200 reduced scale anchors: (a) four-fluke, ellipsoidal-tip anchor (L/d (c) zero-fluke, hemispherical-tip anchor (L/d 1–14) 50 5 10 Impact velocity, vi: m/s 15 20 25 30 35 A1: 0 flukes, m ⫽ 14·3–14·8 g A2: 0 flukes, m ⫽ 8·2 g A3: 0 flukes, m ⫽ 6·2 g A4: 0 flukes, m ⫽ 5·4 g A5: 4 flukes, m ⫽ 9·6 g 100 150 0 0 5 Impact velocity, vi: m/s 10 15 20 12.5); 25 20 Final tip embedment, ze: mm Final tip embedment, ze: mm 0 0 12.5); (b) zero-fluke, ellipsoidal-tip anchor (L/d 40 60 80 100 200 120 140 250 A6: m ⫽ 0·9 g, L/d ⫽ 1·0 A8: m ⫽ 2·1 g, L/d ⫽ 2·0 A10: m ⫽ 4·7 g, L/d ⫽ 4·0 (a) (b) Fig. 3. Anchor embedment depth dependence on impact velocity and mass for: (a) L/d (m ¼ 14.3–14.8 g, i.e. average equivalent prototype mass ¼ 115 t, L/d ¼ 12.5) achieves final tip embedments of 150– 220 mm, which corresponds to 2.1–2.9 times the anchor length. This is in good agreement with reported field experience of 1.9–2.4 times the anchor length for a 79 t anchor A7: m ⫽ 1·8 g, L/d ⫽ 1·5 A9: m ⫽ 3·1 g, L/d ⫽ 3·0 A11: m ⫽ 7·4 g, L/d ⫽ 6·0 12.5; (b) L/d 1–6 with L/d ¼ 10.8 and four wide flukes (Lieng et al., 2010), 2.1 times the anchor length for a 98 t anchor with L/d ¼ 15.9 and four narrow flukes (Brandão et al., 2006), and 2.4 times the anchor length for a 40 t anchor with L/d ¼ 15.7 and no flukes (Medeiros, 2001). O’LOUGHLIN, RICHARDSON, RANDOLPH AND GAUDIN Frictional resistance Richardson (2008) conducted several dynamic installation tests in which the 5–10 mm layer of surface water (to ensure sample saturation) was temporarily removed. Over the same range of measured impact velocities, tip embedment depths for those tests were on average 20% lower than for those in which the surface water was present. While it is acknowledged that water will indeed be present during offshore installations, these results suggest that water may be entrained in a boundary layer along the anchor wall during installation. This would reduce the effective normal stress at the anchor/soil interface, resulting in a reduction in the friction on the anchor shaft, which would promote embedment. Tika & Hutchinson (1999) have also commented on the reduction in strength observed in high-rate ring-shear tests during which water was permitted to penetrate the shear zone. Richardson et al. (2009) showed that highvelocity embedment reduced the short-term capacity of the anchor, compared with that for low-velocity embedment (anchor released at the soil surface). Since the short-term capacity is dominated by the effective stress level prior to dissipation of the excess pore water pressures generated in the boundary layer, this also suggests significant water entrainment during dynamic embedment. The question as to whether the soil separation occurs along the anchor shaft is considered in Fig. 4 by examining data for anchors with the same diameter and mass but different lengths. If soil separation was to occur, then short and long anchors should reach the same final embedment depth, as the bearing resistance would be equivalent, and soil separation would provide no frictional resistance. However, the data in Fig. 4 show that longer anchors embed less than shorter anchors, which is consistent with higher frictional resistance afforded by greater available wall soil/ anchor surface area. Soil separation does not appear to occur to any significant degree for the range of velocities considered here (, 20 m/s), which is consistent with observations by Murff & Coyle (1973), who noted that soil separation occurred only above a critical velocity of 28 m/s. Total energy Figures 3(a) and 3(b) illustrate the difficulty in comparing embedment trends between anchors of different geometries and mass. The comparison can be simplified somewhat by considering the sum of the kinetic and potential energy Impact velocity, vi: m/s 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 A20: m ⫽ 3·0 g, L/d ⫽ 1 A23: m ⫽ 3·0 g, L/d ⫽ 3 A10: m ⫽ 4·7 g, L/d ⫽ 4 A18: m ⫽ 4·7 g, L/d ⫽ 12 20 Final tip embedment, ze: mm Interestingly, the tests with zero impact velocity (anchor tip positioned at the clay surface prior to release) also achieve relatively high tip embedment depths, which suggests a strong dependence on anchor mass. This is supported by the lower mass anchor data in Fig. 3(a) (anchors A2 to A4), which clearly show an increase in tip embedment with increasing mass. Also shown in Fig. 3(a) are the limited data available for anchor A5 with L/d ¼ 12.5 and four flukes (see Table 1 for fluke dimensions). Interestingly, anchor A4 (m ¼ 5.4 g, no flukes) and anchor A5 (m ¼ 9.6 g, four flukes) show similar penetration trends, despite the difference in anchor mass. The increase in mass in anchor A5, which would promote penetration, is offset by the increased wall surface area and associated increase in frictional resistance, which resists penetration. The effects of mass and aspect ratio are examined in Fig. 3(b), which plots drum centrifuge data for L/d in the range 1–6. The data clearly show an increase in tip embedment with an increase in L/d, but this is due to increasing mass. As will be shown later, anchors of a given mass and diameter show decreasing tip embedment with increasing L/d. 40 60 80 100 120 140 Fig. 4. Anchor embedment depth dependence on aspect ratio (relative to final embedment depth) of the anchor as it impacts on the soil. This is demonstrated in Fig. 5, where tip embedment for the entire centrifuge database is plotted as a function of the total energy of the anchor, defined as Etotal ¼ 12mv2i þ m9gze (1) where m9 is the effective mass of the anchor (submerged in soil), and g is the Earth’s gravitational acceleration ¼ 9.81 m/s2 : A unique relationship now exists for a given anchor diameter, with larger diameters giving lower embedment. These data are re-plotted in non-dimensional form (removing the influence of diameter and soil strength gradient) in Fig. 6, together with available field data for dynamically installed anchors. The effective anchor diameter, deff , accounts for the additional projected area from the anchor flukes. The centrifuge and field data in Fig. 6 now form a relatively tight band, particularly considering the assumptions employed regarding shear strength gradients and anchor geometries for the field data. A conservative fit to the data may be expressed as Total energy, Etotal: J 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 25 Final tip embedment, ze: mm 912 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 L/d ⫽ 12·5, d ⫽ 6·0 mm, m ⫽ 5·4–14·8 g, ellipsoidal tip, 0 flukes L/d ⫽ 12·5, deff ⫽ 7·4 mm, m ⫽ 9·6 g, ellipsoidal tip, 4 flukes L/d ⫽ 1–14, d ⫽ 6·0 mm, m ⫽ 0·9–7·4 g, hemispherical tip, 0 flukes L/d ⫽ 1–3, d ⫽ 9·0 mm, m ⫽ 3·0–11·4 g, hemispherical tip, 0 flukes L/d ⫽ 1–2, d ⫽ 12·0 mm, m ⫽ 7·2–18·0 g, hemispherical tip, 0 flukes Fig. 5. Anchor embedment depth dependence on total energy at mudline PENETRATION OF DYNAMICALLY INSTALLED ANCHORS IN CLAY 913 Etotal/kd4eff 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ⫻103 5 Soil buoyancy (Fb) 10 ze /deff 15 ze 20 deff æ E total 艐ç ç kd 4 è eff Fluke reverse end bearing (Fbear) 1/3 ö ÷ ÷ ø 25 Fluke friction (Ffrict) 30 35 Fluke end bearing (Fbear) 40 Centrifuge tests (equivalent prototype scale): m ⫽ 43·2–118·4 t, deff ⫽ 1·20 m, ellipsoidal tip, 0 flukes Shaft friction (Ffrict) m ⫽ 76·8 t, deff ⫽ 1·47 m, ellipsoidal tip, 4 flukes m ⫽ 7·2–59·2 t, deff ⫽ 1·20 m, hemispherical tip, 0 flukes m ⫽ 24·0–91·2 t, deff ⫽ 1·80 m, hemispherical tip, 0 flukes Submerged weight (Ws) m ⫽ 57·6–144·0 t, deff ⫽ 2·40 m, hemispherical tip, 0 flukes Field tests: m ⫽ 79 t, deff ⫽ 1·37 m (Lieng et al., 2010) Inertial drag (Fd) m ⫽ 74 t, deff ⫽ 1·17 m (Brandão et al., 2006) m ⫽ 98 t, deff ⫽ 1·17 m (Brandão et al., 2006) Tip end bearing (Fbear) m ⫽ 39 t, deff ⫽ 1·56 m (Zimmerman et al., 2009) Fig. 6. Comparison of centrifuge and field embedment data ze d eff Etotal kd 4eff Fig. 7. Forces acting on a dynamically installed anchor during installation !1=3 (2) This relationship harmonises a very large dataset that encompasses a wide range of anchor masses, geometries and impact velocities. ANCHOR EMBEDMENT MODEL As anchor capacity is determined by the local shear strength of the soil, the prediction of anchor capacity is dictated to a large degree by the success of predicting the final anchor embedment depth after free fall. The embedment of projectiles penetrating the seabed after free fall in water may be quantified by considering Newton’s second law of motion, and the forces acting on the projectile during penetration. Several studies (e.g. True, 1976; Levacher, 1985; Beard, 1981; Aubeny & Shi, 2006; Audibert et al., 2006) have adopted such an approach, with variations on the inclusion and formulation of the various forces acting on the projectile during penetration. A similar approach is adopted here with the forces acting on the anchor during penetration shown by Fig. 7, leading to a governing equation of m d2 z ¼ W s F b Rf ðF frict þ F bear Þ F d dt2 (3) where m is the anchor mass, z is depth, t is time, Ws is the submerged anchor weight (in water), Fb is the buoyant weight of the displaced soil, Rf is a shear strain rate function, Ffrict is frictional resistance, Fbear is bearing resistance, and Fd is inertial drag resistance. Frictional and bearing resistances are expressed as F frict ¼ Æsu A (4a) F bear ¼ N c su A (4b) where Æ is a friction ratio (of limiting shear stress to undrained shear strength), Nc is the bearing capacity factor for the anchor tip or fluke, and su is the undrained shear strength averaged over the contact area, A. The inclusion of a fluid mechanics drag term, Fd , in equation (3) is warranted in view of the very soft viscous clay that is often encountered at the surface of the seabed. Inertial drag is formulated as F d ¼ 12C d rs Ap v2 (5) where Cd is the drag coefficient, rs is the density of soil, Ap is the projected anchor area, and v is the current anchor velocity. The frictional resistance term (equation (4a)) comprises friction on the shaft and the flukes, whereas the bearing resistance term (equation (4b)) comprises bearing on the base of the anchor shaft and flukes. Reverse end bearing at the upper end of the anchor shaft (padeye) and flukes would also be included when the cavity created by the passage of the advancing anchor does not remain open. It is assumed here that full closure will occur behind the anchor flukes, owing to their relatively low thickness and apparent planestrain conditions, whereas hole closure will occur only behind anchor shafts with L/d < 2 (assumed limit for a flowround probe). Aubeny & Shi (2006) also assumed that a cylindrical void forms in the wake of dynamically installed impact penetrometers (L/d ¼ 4.25); this assumption is supported by evidence from radiographs of centrifuge clay samples (Poorooshasb & James, 1989) showing open pathways in the wake of dynamically installed cylindrical projectiles (despite closed entrance craters). In reality it is likely that hole closure occurs eventually, but not within the 10–15 ms taken for dynamic penetration in the centrifuge. In view of this assumption, the soil buoyancy term (Fb ) is calculated as the displaced volume of soil multiplied by the effective unit weight of soil (6.4 kN/m3 ), where the displaced volume is limited to the volume of the anchor for L/d < 2, and the combined volume of the flukes 914 O’LOUGHLIN, RICHARDSON, RANDOLPH AND GAUDIN and a cylindrical shaft from the anchor tip to the soil surface for L/d . 2. Effect of strain rate on undrained shear strength The dependence of shear strength on shear strain rate is generally formulated using either semi-logarithmic or power functions (e.g. Biscontin & Pestana, 2001), and has been accounted for in equation (2) by scaling the bearing and frictional resistances by a rate function Rf , expressed as ª_ ª_ or Rf ¼ (6) Rf ¼ 1 þ º log ª_ ref ª_ ref where º and are strain-rate parameters in the respective formulations, ª_ is the strain rate, and ª_ ref is the reference strain rate associated with the reference value of undrained shear strength. Experimental evidence shows that the strainrate dependence of soil strength tends to increase with increasing strain rate (Lunne & Andersen, 2007). Therefore caution is needed in using the above expressions (particularly the semi-logarithmic function) to adjust shear strength over several orders of magnitude difference in strain rate. Ideally, the reference shear strength should be obtained at a reference strain rate, ª_ ref , that is relatively close (within two or three orders of magnitude) to that relevant for the application. In the centrifuge tests considered here, the shear strength was measured using a 5 mm diameter T-bar penetrating at 1 mm/s (i.e. 0.2 diameters per second) in conjunction with the theoretical T-bar factor of 10.5 (Randolph & Houlsby, 1984). The T-bar factor is, in principle, correlated against low-strain-rate tests, where the effects of the high strain rates that occur during a penetrometer test are partly compensated for by loss of strength of the soil due to cumulative strains (Einav & Randolph, 2005; Zhou & Randolph, 2009). During anchor penetration, the shear strain rate will vary through the soil body, but it is reasonable to assume that at any given location the operational strain rate may be approximated by the normalised velocity, v/d. As discussed in the following section, base (static) values of friction and end-bearing parameters were back-analysed with reference to static penetration tests of the anchor, which were conducted at a penetration velocity of v ¼ 1 mm/s (so v/d ¼ 0.17 s1 ). This normalised velocity may therefore be used as a reference value for assessing the shear strength for high penetration rates. Essentially, equation (6) may be replaced by " # " # v=d v=d (7) or Rf ¼ Rf ¼ 1 þ º log ðv=d Þref ðv=d Þref where (v/d )ref ¼ 0.17 s1 : Calibration Equation (3) requires an assessment of the shear resistance terms Æ and Nc , in addition to selection of an appropriate drag coefficient. The adhesion factor, Æ, during installation may be conveniently estimated as the inverse of the soil sensitivity (Andersen et al., 2005). For kaolin clay with a sensitivity St ¼ 2.5 (Watson et al., 2000) this would give Æ ¼ 0.4, consistent with back-figured Æ values from suction caisson installations in kaolin (e.g. Gaudin et al., 2006; Chen & Randolph, 2007). O’Loughlin et al. (2009) measured the penetration resistance at the top of an ellipsoidal-tipped anchor with no flukes and L/d ¼ 12.5 during penetration at 1 mm/s, and showed that analysis of the measured resistance using Æ ¼ 0.4 yielded Nc ¼ 12. For consistency, Nc ¼ 12 is adopted here for both the ellipsoidal- and hemispherical-tipped anchors. However, as the ellipsoidal tip is almost four times the length of the hemispherical tip, the area over which bearing resistance acts is limited to the projected area at a tip length ¼ d/2 (i.e. the actual tip length of the hemispherical tip). The bearing capacity at the base and upper end of the anchor flukes has been modelled as a deeply embedded strip footing using Nc ¼ 7.5 (Skempton, 1951). Adopted Cd values are in line with computational fluid dynamics results reported by Øye (2000) and Richardson (2008): Cd ¼ 0.63 for the ellipsoidal-tipped, four-fluke anchor A5; Cd ¼ 0.24 for the ellipsoidal-tipped, flukeless anchors A1 to A4; and for hemispherical-tipped anchors A6 to A25, Cd ¼ 0.35 for L/d ¼ 1 (i.e. a sphere) reducing to Cd ¼ 0.23 for L/d > 4. The motion of the anchor and hence the magnitude of the penetration resistant forces may be estimated from a finite difference approximation of equation (3). The contributions of these anchor resistance forces are plotted in Fig. 8 for anchors A6, A10 and A17 (i.e. hemispherical-tipped anchors with no flukes and L/d ¼ 1, 4 and 12; Figs 8(a) to 8(c) respectively), and also for anchor A5, an ellipsoidal-tipped anchor with four flukes and L/d ¼ 12.5 (Fig. 8(d)). To facilitate comparison, the anchor impact velocity, undrained shear strength gradient, strain rate parameter and anchor density were kept constant for each simulation: vi ¼ 20 m/s, k ¼ 1.0 kPa/m, ¼ 0.06 (power law) and anchor density ¼ 7850 kg/m3 (such that the model anchor mass is 0.89 g, 4.88 g, 15.54 g and 19.25 g for anchors A6, A10, A17 and A5 respectively). The comparison of the resistant forces for each anchor in Fig. 8 leads to the following comments. (a) Inertial drag is seen to be the dominant resistance over shallow penetrations, as the velocity of the anchor is high, and the resistance from the shear strength of the soil is low. The relative contribution of inertial drag resistance decreases as the anchor length and hence frictional resistance increases: for example, inertial drag is dominant over the initial 38% embedment for anchor A6 (L/d ¼ 1), reducing to 14% for anchor A10 (L/d ¼ 4) and 8% for anchor A17 (L/d ¼ 12). (b) Despite the very low projected tip area compared with wall area, end-bearing resistance contributes significantly to the total resistance, even for high L/d ratios. For hemispherical-tipped anchors with no flukes, end-bearing resistance exceeds frictional resistance up to L/d ¼ 10, despite the wall area being 36 times the projected tip area. For anchor A5, with relatively large flukes, frictional resistance exceeds bearing resistance once the full width of the fluke is embedded, and by a factor of up to 3.5 thereafter; this is due to the significantly greater wall area afforded by the flukes, and also the reduced bearing area assumed for the ellipsoidal tip. (c) Strain-rate effects are seen to increase the frictional and bearing resistance significantly; for the cases considered here the increase is approximately twofold (e.g. : Rf ¼ [(v=d)=(v=d)ref ] ¼ [(20=0:006)=0:17]0 06 ¼ 1:81) over the bulk of the embedment. (d ) Soil buoyancy increases with depth where no hole closure is assumed (L/d . 2), and in all cases is approximately half the strain-rate-enhanced bearing resistance. Where hole closure is assumed (L/d , 2), soil buoyancy increases until the anchor fully penetrates the soil, and then remains constant with depth. A number of analyses were conducted in which hole closure was assumed (for all L/d ratios) and reverse end bearing at the anchor padeye was modelled for L/d . 2. The results indicate that the reduction in soil buoyancy due to hole closure is overcompensated (by between 13% and 23% of the total PENETRATION OF DYNAMICALLY INSTALLED ANCHORS IN CLAY 0 0 Penetration resistance: N 2 3 4 1 5 6 0 0 2 4 915 Penetration resistance: N 6 8 10 12 14 16 Fd Tip embedment: mm Fd 20 A1: L/d ⫽ 1 Tip embedment: mm 10 20 30 Rf · Fbear Fb 40 Fbear 50 0 5 10 30 35 40 0 Ffrict Fb Rf · Ffrict Fbear Rf · Fbear (b) 0 10 20 Penetration resistance: N 30 40 50 60 70 80 Fd Tip embedment: mm Tip embedment: mm 100 50 A17: L/d ⫽ 12 100 150 Fd Fb Fbear Rf · Fbear Rf · Ff rict Ffrict A5: L/d ⫽ 12·5 100 150 Fb 200 250 300 80 140 (a) Penetration resistance: N 15 20 25 50 200 60 120 60 0 A10: L/d ⫽ 4 40 Rf · Fbear Ffrict 250 (c) resistance for all L/d . 2) by the introduction of reverse end-bearing resistance at the anchor padeye. However, this increase is not only a function of the anchor geometry, but also varies with impact velocity and the effective unit weight of the soil. Rf · Ffrict (d) Fig. 8. Penetration resistance profiles for various anchor geometries: (a) A1, L/d (four-fluke anchor) 1; (b) A10, L/d 4; (c) A17, L/d 12; (d) A5, L/d 12.5 Velocity: m/s 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 Anchor embedment: mm Figure 9 compares velocity profiles of the anchor during embedment in soil for anchors A1 and A4 with anchor drop heights in the range 0–200 mm. The instrumentation used to measure anchor impact velocity also gives an indication of the anchor velocity profile over the first anchor length of penetration (shown by the symbols in Fig. 9). Strain-rate dependence has been quantified by back-calculating º and (for the logarithmic and power laws respectively) so that the theoretical embedment depth matches the measured embedment depth for each test. The resulting theoretical velocity profiles are compared with the measured profiles in Fig. 9, where the agreement between measured and calculated velocity is reasonable, particularly for the tests with non-zero impact velocity. The theoretical velocity profiles in Fig. 9 can be considered representative of either the logarithmic or power rate law, as there are no observable differences in the calculated velocity profiles using either rate function. Both the calculated and measured profiles show the anchor velocity to increase during shallow embedment. This observation is most prominent for the test with zero impact velocity, where the theoretical velocity increases from 0 m/s at the clay surface to a maximum velocity of ,6.5 m/s at ,0.5 anchor lengths. The net increase in velocity during shallow penetration is also seen to reduce (for a given anchor) as the impact Fbear 100 β ⫽ 0·129 λ ⫽ 0·569 β ⫽ 0·110 λ ⫽ 0·421 β ⫽ 0·112 λ ⫽ 0·443 β ⫽ 0·136 λ ⫽ 0·648 150 200 β ⫽ 0·134 λ ⫽ 0·634 β ⫽ 0·131 λ ⫽ 0·601 250 Predicted, equation (3) A4: m ⫽ 5·4 g, 0 mm drop height (drum) A4: m ⫽ 5·4 g, 50 mm drop height (drum) A4: m ⫽ 5·4 g, 200 mm drop height (drum) A1: m ⫽ 14·8 g, 100 mm drop height (drum) A1: m ⫽ 14·3 g, 150 mm drop height (drum) A1: m ⫽ 14·3 g, 200 mm drop height (drum) Fig. 9. Predicted and measured anchor velocity profiles velocity increases. This is to be expected, as the closer the impact velocities approach the anchor’s terminal velocity, the less acceleration will occur within the soil. As soil strength increases with depth, at some depth the inertial drag and O’LOUGHLIN, RICHARDSON, RANDOLPH AND GAUDIN 916 shear resistance outweigh the submerged weight of the anchor, and the anchor decelerates. The depth at which the anchor begins to decelerate reduces with increasing impact velocity, reflecting the increase in inertial drag and shear resistance with velocity (or strain rate). Figure 9 also shows that the strain-rate parameters increase with increasing impact velocity. This is made clearer by Fig. 10, which plots back-figured º and as functions of vav /deff (where vav is the average anchor velocity during penetration). Back-figured values corresponding to tests on anchors with an effective anchor density less than ,2000 kg/m3 (see Table 1) are not included in Fig. 10, as back-analysis for these cases yielded much lower strain-rate parameters (º , 0.2 and , 0.06). Although the reason for this is not yet understood, equation (3) evidently overestimates the penetration resistance for near-buoyant objects dynamically penetrating soil. Fig. 10 shows that the ranges of º and are typically 0.2–1.0 and 0.06–0.17 respectively as vav /d increases from 500 to 4250 s1 (vi ¼ 0 to ,30 m/s). Values of º ¼ 0.2–1.0 imply 20–100% increase in soil strength, and hence in penetration resistance per log cycle of penetration velocity or strain rate. The lower bound of this range is compatible with previous studies: for example, º 0.2 determined from field and centrifuge T-bar tests in Burswood clay (Chung et al., 2006), º ¼ 0.2 and 0.15 respectively for T-bar and ball field tests in Bothkennar clay (Boylan et al., 2007), and º 0.15 inferred from mobilised shear strength data for three piles in soft clay (Oslo, Gothenburg and Mexico City; Bjerrum, 1973). The lower bound ¼ 0.06 is in agreement with ¼ 0.06 determined from ball centrifuge tests in kaolin clay (Lehane et al., 2009), whereas the entire range is similar to the ¼ 0.05–0.1 range reported by Biscontin & Pestana (2001) and Peuchen & Mayne (2007) for shear vane tests in various clays. The observed variation of º and suggests that, over several orders of magnitude increase in strain rate, shear strength increases more rapidly than can be fitted using either the logarithmic or power law. Similar observations have been made by Biscontin & Pestana (2001), Peuchen & Mayne (2007) and Lunne & Andersen (2007). An important point is that the strain rates (proportional to v/d ) in the centrifuge tests are on average 200 times equivalent strain rates in the field, as the absolute velocities are comparable, but the anchor diameter is scaled by 1:200. As shown by Fig. 10, values of vav /deff in the centrifuge tests are in the range 500–4250 s1 , compared with vav / deff 20 s1 for a typical dynamically installed anchor in the field (vav ¼ 20 m/s, deff ¼ 1 m). Hence appropriate strain-rate parameters for use in the field are likely to fall at the lower extreme of the range quoted above, and would therefore be similar to parameters deduced from variablerate penetrometer tests. These have tended to give º values in the range 0.15–0.2 (Low et al., 2008), or values of 0.06–0.08 (Lehane et al., 2009). Application to full-scale tests Evaluation of a deep ocean nuclear waste disposal option in the 1980s included a number of field trials in which various projectiles were dynamically embedded in the seabed in a manner similar to that for dynamically installed anchors. The most successful and well-documented trials took place in the Atlantic Ocean at Great Meteor East, which is an area at the western extremity of the Madeira Abyssal Plain (about 800 km west of the Canary Islands), in water depths of approximately 5000 m (Freeman & Burdett, 1986). An extensive geotechnical database has been established for Great Meteor East (e.g. Freeman & Burdett, 1986; Freeman & Schüttenhelm, 1990; Baudet & Ho, 2004; Brandes, 2011). These data indicate that the seabed sediments consist of thick turbidite layers of up to 5 m, alternating with thin (,10 cm) layers of pelagic sediments. The sediments are very soft, with natural moisture contents generally in excess of the liquid limit, and unit weights typically about 14 kN/m3 : Undrained 0·20 0·15 β 0·10 0·05 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 vav /deff: s⫺1 1·20 1·00 0·80 λ 0·60 0·40 0·20 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 vav /deff: s⫺1 Anchors A1–A4, L/d ⫽ 12·5, m ⫽ 5·4–14·8 g, 0 flukes Anchors A5, L/d ⫽ 12·5, m ⫽ 9·6 g, 4 flukes Anchors A6–A25, L/d ⫽ 1–14, m ⫽ 0·9–18·04 g, 0 flukes Fig. 10. Back-analysed strain-rate parameters PENETRATION OF DYNAMICALLY INSTALLED ANCHORS IN CLAY shear strength determinations have been made using a combination of miniature shear vane and triaxial tests on gravity cores up to 35 m in length. Freeman & Schüttenhelm (1990) suggest that the triaxial shear strength data are best approximated by su ¼ 1.3 + 1.48z kPa over the available sampling depth of 33 m. Freeman & Burdett (1986) suggest that the most reliable undrained shear strength ratio su = v9 ¼ 0:375, corresponding to an su gradient k ¼ 1.5 kPa/m. This is in reasonable agreement with su = v9 0:31 and k ¼ 1.35 kPa/m reported by Brandes (2011) over the upper 15 m. In view of these studies, the undrained shear strength profile for the field predictions has been approximated by su ¼ 1.5z kPa. Trials referred to as the ‘Tyro 86 experiments’ (Freeman et al., 1988), focused on a hollow steel projectile with length 3.56 m, diameter 0.356 m (i.e. L/d ¼ 10) and dry mass in the range 1755–3210 kg. Velocity profiles during seabed embedment are shown for the successful tests in Fig. 11, in addition to corresponding predicted profiles obtained using equation (3). Despite the high terminal velocities in the field trials (up to 70 m/s) and the relatively low projectile diameter, v/d does not exceed 200 s1 , and therefore a typical lower bound ¼ 0.07 has been adopted for the predictions (average of ¼ 0.06–0.08 from variable-rate penetrometer tests; Lehane et al., 2009). The field predictions make the same assumptions as for the centrifuge tests, assuming no hole closure behind the advancing penetrometer, adopting Nc ¼ 12 (where the tip bearing area is limited to the projected area at a tip length ¼ d/2) and Cd ¼ 0.24. Given that the deposits are described as being of medium to high sensitivity (Baudet & Ho, 2004), Æ was taken as 0.2, consistent with St ¼ 5 for a medium-sensitivity deep-water sediment (assuming Æ ¼ 1/St ). The predictions in Fig. 11 are seen to be in good agreement with the measured profiles, with final embedment depths that are consistently within 4% of the measurements. This is particularly encouraging, as measured shear strength deviates from su ¼ 1.5z kPa between 15 and 30 m (Brandes, 2011), and the available shear strength data extend only to 35 m. The most significant deviations from the measured embedment are for tests 8605 and 8610. However, the predictions are in excellent agreement with the measured profile over the initial 45 m of embedment, at which point the predicted and measured velocities deviate. This suggests that at these test locations the strength of the soil below 45 m is greater than the assumed shear strength profile. CONCLUSIONS This paper considers published centrifuge data to explore the penetration response of dynamically installed anchors in normally consolidated kaolin clay. The main findings are summarised as follows. (a) Anchor embedment depths are in good agreement with published field data, and are a function of the (effective) mass, impact velocity, geometry and fluke arrangement of the anchor. Anchor tip embedment increases with increasing impact velocity and anchor mass, and anchors of a given mass and diameter show decreasing embedment with increasing length. Total energy has been shown to be a useful approach for comparing anchors with markedly different geometries and mass, impacting the soil at different impact velocities. The approach produces a unique relationship between normalised total energy and embedment depth ratio. (b) The question of whether soil separation occurs during dynamic penetration was examined by comparing the embedment response of anchors with the same mass and diameter but with different L/d ratios. The embedment of the short (low L/d ) anchors was consistently higher than that of the long (high L/d ) anchors, which suggests that Velocity: m/s 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Velocity: m/s 60 70 80 0 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 No. 8613 m ⫽ 1755 kg No. 8601 m ⫽ 1870 kg 20 30 No. 8606 m ⫽ 2345 kg 40 No. 8608 m ⫽ 2330 kg 50 0 10 Embedment: m Embedment: m 20 917 No. 8605 m ⫽ 3165 kg 30 40 No. 8604 m ⫽ 2300 kg No. 8603 m ⫽ 2345 kg 50 No. 8610 m ⫽ 3130 kg 60 60 70 No. 8612 m ⫽ 3145 kg 70 Measured Predicted Fig. 11. Predicted and measured velocity profiles: free-fall penetrometer tests at Great Meteor East 70 80 O’LOUGHLIN, RICHARDSON, RANDOLPH AND GAUDIN 918 soil separation does not appear to occur (over the full length of the anchor) for impact velocities lower than 20 m/s. However, there are also indications that water entrainment plays a role in increasing the penetration, reducing the effective contact stress along the anchor/soil interface. (c) The centrifuge data have been used to calibrate an anchor embedment model based on strain-rate-dependent shearing resistance and fluid mechanics drag resistance. Although the inclusion of drag resistance is seen to be important for short anchors (low L/d ) and over shallow penetrations, as L/d increases the contribution of drag resistance becomes small relative to the dominating effect of strain-rate-enhanced shear resistance, which was modelled using both logarithmic and power functions. The back-figured strain rate parameters º (logarithmic function) and (power function) are seen to increase with increasing impact velocity, and are in the ranges 0.2–1.0 and 0.06–0.17 respectively as the impact velocity increases from 0 to ,30 m/s. The lower bounds of both strain-rate parameters are consistent with results from variable-rate penetration tests (e.g. Low et al., 2008; Lehane et al., 2009). These lower-bound values are considered more appropriate for field conditions, as the strain rates in the centrifuge tests are on average 200 times equivalent strain rates in the field, since the absolute velocities are comparable but the anchor diameter is scaled by 1:200. (d ) The anchor embedment model produced velocity profile predictions that agree well with corresponding velocity profiles from a series of full-scale free-fall penetrometer tests, with predicted final embedment depths that are within 4% of the measurements. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work described in this paper was supported by the Australian Research Council Linkage programme and Woodside Energy Limited. It forms part of the activities of the Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS), currently supported as a node of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering, and by The Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust. NOTATION A Ap Cd d deff Etotal Fb Fbear Fd Ffrict g k L Lpad Ltip m m9 Nc Rf St su t tf v vav contact area projected area drag coefficient diameter effective diameter total energy buoyant weight of displaced soil end-bearing resistance inertial drag resistance frictional resistance Earth’s gravitational acceleration undrained shear strength gradient with depth length length of anchor padeye length of anchor tip mass effective mass submerged in soil bearing capacity factor shear strain rate function sensitivity of soil undrained shear strength time fluke thickness velocity average velocity during penetration vi Ws wf z ze Æ ª_ ª_ ref º rs v9 impact velocity submerged weight fluke width depth final tip embedment adhesion factor strain-rate parameter (power law) strain rate reference strain rate strain-rate parameter (logarithmic law) density of soil vertical effective stress REFERENCES Andersen, K. H., Murff, J. D., Randolph, M. F., Cluckey, E. C., Erbrich, C. T., Jostad, H. 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