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Chemical Industries Analysis Lecture Notes

Paint and Coating
- Description
Paint: Liquifable composition that converted a substrate from a thin layer → opaque solid
Coating: applied to improve surface properties: Appearance, adhesion, corrosion
resistance, and scratch resistance
- Components
1. Pigment
= are granular solids incorporated into the paint to contribute color, toughness,
and texture
= Natural: clays, calcium carbonate, mica, silica, and talcs
Synthetic: engineered molecules, calcined clays, etc.
= Hiding pigments (Titanium dioxide etc) protect the substrate from the UV
= Fillers (lime, clay) are the type of pigments that serve to thicken the film
2. Binder/Vehicle
= is the film-forming component of paint
= imparts adhesion → binds the pigments together → strongly influences such
properties as flexibility and toughness
3. Solvent
= to adjust the properties and viscosity of the paint
= Optional
= Properties:
- Volatile and does not become part of the paint film
- Controls flow and application properties
- Affects the stability of the paint while in liq state
= Function
- Carrier for the non-volatile components
- Impart their properties temporarily: once the solvent evaporates, the
remaining paint is fixed to the surface
= Solvents lower the viscosity = act as the carrier for the solids (used to dissolve
the solid resin)
= Ex: VOC and Water
4. Additive
= to improve:
- Flow properties
- Finished appearance
- Pigment stability
= Ex: emulsifiers, biocide to fight bacterial growth
- Type
a. Solid
b. Gas
c. Liq
- Quality analysis
1. Coating thickness
= Equipment involved: Paint meter
→ Measures all coating on a metallic substrate using magnetic induction by the
change in magnetic flux density at the surface of a magnetic probe as it nears a
steel surface
2. Identification of color
= Equipment involved: Portable spectrophotometer
→ Applied for identification of color
3. Chemistry and topography of the surface
= Identify:
- Preservatives in treated timber
- Metal pre-treatment
- Surface contaminants that give rise to adhesion problems
= Technique performed: FTIR, SEM, AFM
4. Raw material
= Technique performed
- GC-MS, a more excellent method
- ICP-AES / XRF, Can be used for a detailed analysis of inorganic pigments
and extenders
5. Pigment Analysis
= Using SEM. Data provided: age, finish, and purpose of a particular layer
= Other techniques: FTIR (Organic), Electron microscopy (Inorganic, excellent for
single, top layer analysis, and paint smears), UV-Vis (can be used AFTER
pigment separated from the film former)
6. Solubility
= Can be analyzed by solvents
7. Cross-Sections
= examined by a microscope
= the analysis is done to determine the effective adherence of the paint to the
wall. The inter-coat adhesion can often be gauged by looking at the composition
of each layer.
Food Analysis
● Trends and demands
Food Industry
Regulations and Policies
Demand for high-quality,
safe, and nutritious foods.
Nutrition labeling is used
as a guide to choosing
To produce high-quality
food in order to meet
consumer demand
Nutrition labeling
regulations (BPOM, SNI)
Why do we analyze food?
- Government regulations
= Maintain quality
= Ensure the food industry provides consumers w wholesome and safe foods
= Inform consumers about the nutritional composition of foods
= Enable fair competition among food companies
= Eliminate economic fraud
Mandatory standards (of each industry)
a. Food regulations
= ex: margarine must contain >8-% fat. Those have less than 80% are
called low
b. Standards of Quality
= to set minimum req on the color, tenderness, mass, and freedom from
c. Standards of Fill-of-Container
= specifying how the degree of fill is measured. Ex: canned food
Voluntary standards
= ex: meat can be graded as prime, choice, standards, etc.
Nutritional labeling
= Consumers could make informed choices about their diet
= ex: fat in foods
= The price of certain foods is dictated by the quality of the contained ingredients
Food inspection
= To ensure that the food produced meets the appropriate laws and regulations
Food Safety
= Food manufacturers must ensure that these harmful ingredients are not
= Ex: for the canned food industry, they have to make sure that the can doesn’t
deliver any harmful metals to the food inside.
Quality control
= Characterization of raw materials
- To ensure that they meet certain standards
- So that the quality of the final product can be maintained
= Monitoring of food properties during processing
- To improve the OVERALL quality of food
- To reduce the amount of material and time wasted
= Characterization of final products
- To ensure that it meets the appropriate legal and labeling requirements.
= Hazard analysis
Physicochemical properties
1. Optical
= determined by the way that they interact w electromagnetic radiation in
the vis region of the spectrum (absorption, scattering, transmission, and
reflection of light)
2. Stability
= measures its ability to resist change in its properties over time
= analysis that determines the expiry date of a products
3. Rheology
= Study of the flow and deformation of the materials in response to some
applied force/stress condition
= Ex: margarine still should be spreadable when it comes out of a
4. Flavor
5. = determined by the way that certain molecules in the food interact w
receptors in the mouth and nose
Steps in analysis: sampling → perform → interpret the data
- Sampling depends on the purpose, property to be measured, nature of the total
population, and of the individual samples, and the type of analytical technique
used to characterize the samples.
Choice and validity of a method
Characteristics of the Method
Must be familiar with procedures
Ex: To modify method using HPLC, one can
consider the flow rate, mobile phase, and
solvent used.
Objective of the Method
Ex: methods used for rapid on-line
processing measurements may be less
accurate than official methods used for
nutritional labeling purposes
Consideration of Food
The accuracy of the method used is
affected by the food matrix.
Validity of the Method
Specificity, precision, accuracy, and
Selecting an appropriate technique
Simplicity of operation
A measure of how close one can
actually measure the true value of the
parameter being measured.
A measure of the lowest concentration
of a component that can be detected
by a given procedure.
A measure of the ability to detect and
quantify specific components even in
the presence of other similar
Many reagents and procedures used
in food analysis are potentially
during processing// after the sample
has been taken from the production
Nature of the food matrix
matrix material surrounding the
analyte often influences the type of
method that can be used to carry out
an analysis
Analisis Semen
- Jenis Semen
★ Semen Portland→ Produk yang diperoleh dari pulverizing/pencampuran clinker (Kalsium
silikat, 5 Jenis) dengan kalsium sulfat (gipsum)
Reguler → digunakan untuk konstruksi bangunan secara umum
Moderate-heat of hardening dan tahan sulfat → digunakan untuk bangunan
bawah tanah dan bawah laut
High-early-strength → cepat mengeras dan banyak mengeluarkan panas, C3S >
Semen reguler, Untuk pembuatan jalan
Low-heat : semen dengan panas hidrasi rendah → memerlukan panas hidrasi
rendah, C4AF dan C2S > semen reguler, C3S dan C3A < Semen reguler
Sulfate resisting → tahan sulfat, C3A < Semen reguler, C4AF > semen reguler,
untuk bangunan bawah tanah
Contoh analisis
★ Semen Pozzolan → material yang jika sendiri tidak bersifat sebagai semen tetapi jika
dicampur dengan batu kapur maka sifat itu muncul; Kekuatan awal lebih rendah
daripada semen Portland, tetapi setelah 1 tahun kekuatan menjadi sama; Keunggulan:
tahan terhadap korosi dari larutan garam dan air laut
★ Semen Alumina Tinggi → Dibuat dengan cara membakar campuran batu kapur dengan
- Sifat: Pengembangan kekuatannya sangat cepat, Sangat tahan terhadap air laut
dan air yang kaya dengan sulfat
★ Semen Silikat → Tahan terhadap segala macam asam anorganik dalam segala
konsentrasi, kecuali asam fluorida; Tidak cocok untuk pH diatas 7 atau dalam sistem
yang membentuk kristal; Penerapan: bahan pelekat bata di tangki reaksi asam kromat
dan tangki alum
★ Semen Belerang → Tahan terhadap garam dan asam yang tidak mengoksidasi; Tidak
dapat digunakan bila ada alkali, minyak atau lemak; Penggunaannya terbatas karena
ada perubahan struktur kristal pada suhu 93 celcius; dan Digunakan sebagai bahan
standar sebagai pelekat bata, ubin, dan pipa besi cor
★ Semen Magnesium Oksiklorida → keras dan kuat, tetapi mudah terserang air yang
menguras kandungan magnesium kloridanya; Penggunaan: Dasar pelantai dalam,
seperti ubin, terazo; dan Sifat: korosif terhadap pipa besi
- 3 MgO + MgCl2 + 11 H2O → 3 MgO.MgCl2.11 H2O
★ Semen tahan Korosi → Semen ini bersama dengan mortar digunakan dalam jumlah
yang besar untuk bahan tahan korosi untuk peralatan kimia seperti reaktor, tangki
penyimpan, menara adsorpsi, tangki penyamakan kulit.
★ Semen terkontrol → Untuk mencegah pengkerutan dan keretakan selama pemakaian;
Dengan kombinasi 10-20% kalsium sulfonaluminat (dari bauksit, gipsum, dan batu
kapur) dengan semen portland: dapat mencegah keretakan
- Produksi
→ Rawmix prep: The raw materials for Portland cement production are a mixture
of minerals containing calcium oxide, silicon oxide, aluminium oxide, ferric oxide and
magnesium oxide.
Proses pengerasan pada semen
= Semen + H2O = Pengerasan
= Pengerasan: hidrasi senyawa-senyawa di dalam semen yang disertai pelepasan
= Panas yang dilepas : panas pengikatan air
= Penentu pelepasan panas :
Clinker : C2S, C3S, C3A, dan C4AF
= Tingkat pelepasan panas:
C3A> C3S> C4AF> C2S
➢ Proses pengerasan pada C3A
= Reaksi C3A dengan air berlangsung cepat membentuk Ca-alumina (massa
yang keras), disertai pelepasan panas :
C3A + H2O → C3A. H2O + panas
= Sangat cepat menjadi keras sehingga menyulitkan pada pembentukan, perlu
dilambatkan dengan penambahan gips (CaSO42H2O) :
C3A + CaSO4 2H2O + 25H2O → C3A. 3CaSO4 31H2O
➢ Hidrasi C3S
= Reaksi dengan air sangat lambat. reaksi mula-mula terjadi pada permukaan
lalu membentuk kalsium silikat hidrat yang berbentuk gel
C3S + xH2O → C2S (x-1)H2O + Ca(OH)2
kalsium silikat hidrat
= Proses pengeringan selanjutnya : pengerasan dan terbentuk lapisan seperti
= C3S : berfungsi sebagai pembentuk kekuatan akhir dari beton
➢ C4AF
= menurunkan suhu pada proses pengerasan
C4AF + x H2O → C3A.6H2O + C3F. (x-6)H2O
➢ C2S
= pembentuk kekuatan awal dari beton
= Reaksi dengan air berlangsung dengan lambat
C2S + xH2O → C2S. xH2O
Analisis bahan dasar dan produk
= Tujuan: quality control
= Analisis Kuantitatif: Gravimetri, AAS, UV-Vis
→ gravimetri, spektrofotometri UV-Vis,
→ spektrofometri UV-Vis, AAS
→ Volumetri, AAS
→ Volumetri, spektrofotometri UV-Vis, AAS
→ Spektrofotometri UV-Vis, AAS
Preparasi :
Destruksi basah (pelarutan) : HClO4, H2SO4, HNO3, HCl
Destruksi kering (peleburan) : Na2O atau NaOH
1. Analisis Si
= Gravimetri
2 SiO2 (p) + 12 HF (l) → 2 H2SiF6 (l) + 4 H2O
Berat SiO2 yang hilang = W1 - W2
sederhana, mudah, dan cepat
kurang sensitif
untuk sampel dengan kandungan SiO2 tinggi
= UV-Vis
Lebih rumit
Sampel dengan kandungan Si yang sangat rendah
- Preparasi : seperti pada spektrofotometri UV-visibel
- Analisis :
= Proses atomisasi perlu suhu tinggi
= Bahan bakar-oksidan : N2O – O2/ udara
= Penentuan konsentrasi : Kurva standar
Sederhana dan cepat
sensitivitas rendah, suhu tinggi (rawan peledakan)
sampel dengan kandungan Si tinggi
2. Analisis Al
= Gravimetri
= UV-Vis (Kompleks aluminon)
→ Sama dengan analisis Si dengan mneggunakan instrumen yang sama
3. Analisis Mg, Ca, dan Fe
= AAS (Padatan didestruksi hingga diperoleh sampel berfasa cairan → dianalisis
dengan menggunakan AAS)
= Fe UV-Vis
= Ca Volumetri Kompleksometri
- Menggunakan larutan standar Na-EDTA
- Dasar: pembentukan kompleks Ca-EDTA yang berwarna
Analisis Industri Jamu
➔ Proses pembuatan jamu
➔ Analisis
Bahan Baku
= Cemaran logam, pestisida,
identifikasi senyawa aktif.
Aflatoksin B1&G1
= Cemaran logam, identifikasi
senyawa aktif
= Cemaran logam, COD, BOD
Angka lempeng total
Angka jamur
➔ Standardisasi (Kontrol mutu)
1. Kemurnian
2. Bebas serangga
3. Tidak boleh menyimpang bau dan warnanya
4. Tidak boleh mengandung lendir dan cendawan
5. Tidak mengandung bahan berbahaya atau beracun
➔ Syarat baku
1. Kadar air < 10%
2. Angka lempeng total < 10%
3. Angka kapang dan khamir < 10%
4. MIkroba patogen negatif < 10%
5. Aflatoksin < 30 bagian/mio
6. Etanol < 1% v/v (boleh)
7. Metanol < 0,1%/kadar etanol
➔ Parameter non-spesifik
- Kadar air dan susut pengeringan
- Kadar abu
- Sisa pelarut
- Residu pestisida
- Cemaran logam berat
- Cemaran mikroba
- Kadar sari larut air dan larut etanol
➔ Parameter spesifik
- Identitas
= tata nama, bagian tumbuhan yang digunakan, dan senyawa identitas
- Organoleptik
= menggunakan panca inedra untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk, warna, bau, dan
- Kandungan kimia
= memberikan gambaran awal jumlah senyawa terkandung
= menggunakan kromatogram: KLT, KCKT, KG
= metode untuk menentukan kadar total kandungan kimia: Spektrofotometri,
titrimetri, volumetri, gravimetri.
- Mintak atsiri
- Steroid
- Tanin
- Flavonoid
- Triterpenod
- Alkaloid
- Antrakinon
= metode untuk menentukan kadar kandungan kimia tertentu (senyawa aktif):
densitometer, KG, KCKT
➔ Prosedur uji fitokimia
Pada plat tetes, sejumlah sampel dioles
pada plat tetes kemudian ditambahkan
vanilin dan 2 tetes asam sulfat pekat
→ terpenoid + jika terjadi perubahan
menjadi warna merah sampai ungu
Sejumlah sampel dioles pada plat tetes
kemudian direndam asam asetat
anhidrid selama 5 menit, kemudian
ditambahkan 1 tetes asam sulfat pekat.
→ steroid + jika terjadi perubahan
menjadi warna hijau kebiruan
→ triterpenoid + jika terjadi perubahan
menjadi warna merah sampai ungu
Sampel dimasukkan ke dalam tabung
reaksi dan ditambahkan akuades,
dipanaskan 100 celcius 15 min. Setelah
dingin dikocok kuat arah vertikal
→ saponin + jika terbentuk busa
Sampel dimasukkan ke dalam tabung
reaksi. Ditambahkan butiran Mg, HCl 2N
dan dipanaskan 100 celcius 15 menit.
Setelah dingin ditambahkan 5 tetes amil
→ flavonoid + jika terjadi perubahan
menjadi warna merah-jingga pada lapisan
amil alkohol
Sampel dimasukkan ke dalam tabung
reaksi. Ditambahkan larutan HCl 2N dan
dipanaskan 100 celcius 15 menit.
Setelah dingin ditambahkan 5 tetes amil
→ tannin + jika terjadi perubahan menjadi
warna merah-jingga pada lapisan amil
Sampel dibasakan menggunakan
ammonia 10% dan diekstraksi dengan
pelarut organik (kloroform). Filtrat
kloroform diambil dan ditambahkan HCl
2N sementara lapisan air diambil dan
direaksikan dengan reagen Dragendorf.
→ golongan alkaloid + jika terjadi
perubahan menjadi warna merah bata
➔ Kadar air atau kadar susut → gravimetri
➔ Identifikasi senyawa aktif → KLT
➔ Penentuan ALT → SNI 01-2332.2-2006
= Media tumbuh bakteri: Plate count agar (PCA); Nutrient agar
= Prosedur
1. Dibuat seri pengenceran sampel dalam larutan buffer fosfat
2. Pipetkan dari setiap larutan pengenceran 0,1; 0,01; dll kemudian dimasukkan ke
dalam cawan petri steril (lakukan duplo)
3. Tambahkan pCA yang sudah didinginkan ke dalam masing-masing cawan lalu
campurkan hingga homogen
4. Setelah agar menjadi padar, inkubasi cawan-cawan tsb dalam posisi terbalik di
inkubator selama +- 24 hr di suhu 35 celcius (aerob)
5. Lakukan kontrol tanpa contoh dengan mencampur larutan pengencer dengan
media PCA
➔ Penentuan kapang dan khamir
= Media tumbuh: Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA)
= Prosedur sama seperti penentuan angka ALT namun: media yang digunakan adalah
PDA dan inkubasi dilangsungkan selama 7 hari dalam suhu 25 celcius
➔ Kadar sari larut etanol
= Prosedur
1. Sejumlah gram sampel dimaserasi dengan etanol 96% selama 18 jam
2. X mL filtrat diuapkan hingga kering dalam cawan dan panaskan hingga bobot
➔ Kadar sari larut air
= Prosedur
1. Sejumlah gram sampel dimaserasi dengan kloroform-air (2,5 kloroform hingga
vtot 1000 mL)
2. X mL filtrat diuapkan hingga kering dalam cawan dan panaskan hingga bobot
3. Perhitungan sama seperti kadar senyawa larut etanol
4. Kadar sari larut etanol
➔ Pestisida Organoklorin
= Metode digunakan untuk menetapkan residu pestisida aldrin, kaptafol, kaptan, dll
= Prinsip
→ Pestisida diesktraksi dengan campuran toluena dan 2-propanol, 2-propanol kemudian
dihilangkan dengan dicuci dengan air. Fase toluen dibersihkan menggunakan larutan
penjerap yang mengandung karbon aktif. Kadar pestisida dianalisis dengan GC dan
detektor ECD
➔ Cemaran Logam Berat
= Prosedur
1. As, Pb, dan Cd dilakukan dengan cara wet digestion
2. Dibuat kurva standar
3. Sampel ditambahkan HNO3/HCl/H2SO4 kemudian ditambahkan hingga
mengental atau kering
4. Ditambahkan dengan akuades/asam perklorat → dipanaskan hingga mengental
→ disaring
5. Sampel diukur dengan AAS
Analisis Kosmetik
● Skin
= General sensitivity test
- Draize’s test use. Applied to intact and abrase skin. Cover the applied skin w a
patch for 24 hrs. 1st: rabbit, if there’s no reaction then human application is
1. Patch test
= Purposes: (1) Diagnostic: discover whether the cosmetic used has
caused dermatitis (2) prophetic: To assess whether a new cosmetic
should be placed on the market or not
= Observation and the grade
No Reaction -----Erythema only +
Erythema with papules ++
Papilovascular +++
Ulceration or necrosis ++++
→ no reaction, subjects should be observed for 3 to 5 days to ascertain
any late reaction. Its advisable to find out whether material causes
= 2 kinds of patch test
a. Open patch test
- Cosmetics with higher % of potential irritants like hair
dyes, shampoos, hair tonics, patches should not be
Performed on sensitive part of skin, skin behind ears.
- Inspection after 24 hours.
b. Prophetic patch test
- performed on 10 humans, favorable results: 200 normal
subjects are used.
- Subjects are observed for a days. After 7-10 days,
- reapplied on, who didn’t show reaction. If still reaction,
New product can be placed on trial sale
2. Photo patch test
= Certain substances are not harmful by themselves but they become
harmful when exposed to sunlight. Substances that absorb light in
between 300-308 nm have the potential of photo toxicity
= Same as standard patch test, duplicate patches are applied and after
24 hrs one of the patches in pair is exposed to sunlight for 30 minutes &
covered again
= Moisturizing evaluation
- In vitro assessment: by defining the mechanism of water binding in the stratum
corneum. The method assess degree of moisture in skin and the hydration
effects of moisturizers through changes in mechanical properties of stratum
= Extensibility measurements of tensile properties
a. Gravimetric analytical method, establish relationship between relative
humidity and stratum corneum water content
b. Thermal analytical techniques, provide information on the significance of
temperature induced phase changes occurring in stratum corneum
In vivi assessment: To study hydration or moisturisation of skin: Dermatoscopy all
creams are evaluated for uniformity of color, smoothness and texture.
= Sunscreen Factor evaluation
- 2 methods: human and animal
- SPF: The ratio between the time needed to achieve erythema on protected skin
divided by the time needed to get it on unprotected skin
- SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays
- SPF 30 blocks 97% of UVB rays
- SPF 50 blocks 98% of UVB rays
= Face powders
- Evaluation:
Fineness of Powder
sieving/microscopic method
Density and uniformity of shade
For compact powder
Matter insoluble
Boil 1 g powder with 200ml, filter, dry
residue & find out.
Moisture and volatile matter
By drying powder at 105°C to
constant weight.
By making suspension in water of 10
adhesion with the compact or
pressed powder should be tested on
the skin
= Analysis of other skin products
- Anti-acne, Evaluation : Particle size of anti-acne compound, Antimicrobial
= Melting Point
- Indicate the limit of safe storage
- Determined by capillary tube method
= Softening point, gives indication whether lipsticks will able to withstand variation in
climate or not
= Color Match
- Pay off test
- Determination of consistency
= Solubility test
= Breaking point, to determine the strength of lipstick
= Skin irritation test
= Aging stability, stored at 40˚ c and periodical observation of oil bleed, crystallization of
wax on surface
= Surface anomalies, studied by the surface defects, such as no formation crystals on
surfaces, no contamination by fungi
= Non-volatile content
→ by taking defining amount of lacquers and applying on plate of flat surface. Weight of
the residual film after evaporation of solvent will indicate the non volatile content
= Hardness
→ measured by applying pressure mechanically
= Water resistance
→ applying a continuous film on a surface and immersing it in water. The weights before
and after immersion are noted
= Viscosity
= Smoothness
= Drying rate
= Foaming ability and stability
→ 50 ml of the 1% shampoo solution was put into a 250 ml graduated cylinder and
covered the cylinder with hand and shaken for 10 times
= viscosity
= Effect on Hair
= Effect on skin and eyes
= pH, it should be between 6.0-9.0 6
= Stability studies
→ The thermal stability of formulations was studied by placing in glass tubes and they
were placed in a humidity chamber at 45°C and 75% relative humidity. Their
appearance and physical stability were inspected for a period of 3 months at interval of
one month
= Cleansing action
→ place 5 g of wool yarn in grease in 200 ml of water containing 1 g of shampoo in a
flask, shake the flask for 4 minute at rate of 50 times a minute. Remove the solution
and take out the sample. Dry it and weigh it. The loss in weight will indicate the amount
of grease removed which is the cleansing action of shampoo
= Particle size
= pH of the aqueous solution = pH of dispersion of 10% of the product in water
= Consistency
= Volatile matters and moisture
→ a specific amount of product is taken in a dish and drying is done till constant weight
● Pour-plate technique
Membrane filtration method
→ A known amount of pretreated material or its dilution is passed through the
membrane → . Wash it 3 successive times each of 100 ml of buffered Nacl- peptone
solution → Transfer the membrane on the surface of solid agar medium in a sterile Petri
dish → incubated for a few days.
● For deodorants and antiperspirants
1. Aluminium and zinc in deodorants by gravimetric method or by flame atomic
absorption spectroscopy.
2. Zirconium in anti perspirants by colorimetric method or by flame atomic
absorption spectrometry.
3. Boric acid in deodorants and anti perspirants by ion- exchange method.
4. Chlorides and sulfates in deodorants by gravimetric method.
5. Methenamine and urea in deodorants by titrimetric method.
For Hair produc
1. Quinine in shampoo and in hair lotion by HPLC Oxalic acid and alkaline salt in
hair-care product by
2. filtration.
3. Free sodium and potassium hydroxide in hair straightener by filtration.
4. Mercapto acetic acid in hair-waving and in hair- straightening by iodometric
titration or gas chromatography.
5. Selenium disulphide as selenium in anti-dandruff shampoos by atomic
absorption spectrometry.
For teeth products
1. Chloroform and chlorates of alkali metals in tooth paste by gas chromatography.
2. Total fluorine in dental creams by gas chromatography.
3. Nitrite creams and pastes by Spectrophotometry UV-Vis.
4. Chloroform soluble material by GC
For coloring agents cosmetic products
1. Thin-layer chromatography
2. Liquid chromatography
3. Spectrophotometry
For preservatives agents cosmetic products
1. ion-pair and reversed-phase LC with UV/Vis detection,
2. Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
3. capillary electrophoresis (CE)
4. capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)
5. gas chromatography (GC) with flame ionization detector (FID), electron capture
detector (ECD) or mass spectrometry (MS) detector
For perfumes
1. ultra violet/visible spectrometry (UV/VIS), infrared spectrometry (IR)
2. nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),
3. gas chromatography (GC), both by injection or in headspace
4. (HS) mode
5. liquid chromatography (LC) and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) have also
been applied for quantitative and/or qualitative purposes in perfume analysis,
6. GC-MS