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High fidelity, physics-based sensor simulation for military and civil applications

High fidelity,
physics-based sensor
simulation for military
and civil applications
Chris Blasband
Jim Bleak and
Gus Schultz
The authors
Chris Blasband, Jim Bleak and Gus Schultz are all based
at Evans and Sutherland Computer Corporation, 600 Komas
Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84108 USA. Tel: (801) 588 1000;
E-mail: cblasban@es.com
Sensors, Simulation, Training
As real-time, high-fidelity visual scene simulation has
become ubiquitous in the training, modeling and simulation
community, a growing need for more than “out-thewindow” scene simulation has developed. A strong
requirement has developed for the ability to simulate the
output of different types of sensors, especially electro-optical
(EO), infrared (IR), night vision goggle (NVG) and radar
systems. To satisfy the need for advanced sensor simulation,
Evans & Sutherland (E&S) has developed a physics-based,
dynamic, real-time sensor simulation which allows users to
model advanced EO, IR and NVG devices that are fully
correlated with the “out-the-window” visual view. In this
paper, the unique sensor simulation capabilities of E&S will
be described. A brief description of the physics employed,
input and output are presented along with example images.
Electronic access
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is
available at
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is
available at
Sensor Review
Volume 24 · Number 2 · 2004 · pp. 151–155
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited · ISSN 0260-2288
DOI 10.1108/02602280410525940
Until recently, the training experience for civil
and military personnel has been focused on
providing a realistic visual view or “out-thewindow” view as seen by a pilot, tank operator
or soldier on the ground. The world is relying
more and more heavily on sensors in everyday
life. The military utilizes sensors in almost all
operations, as most battles are fought at night.
Civil airliners have sophisticated radar onboard
for weather avoidance and terrain avoidance.
Currently, many civil aircraft are being
equipped with advanced infrared (IR) sensors to
aid in landing under adverse weather
conditions. As such, the requirement for realtime simulation (60 Hz update rates) of
advanced sensors has become critical and will
continue to grow over time.
Real-time sensor simulation has become
a reality because of advances in custom and
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) graphics
hardware and software. The goal of simulating
a passive sensor (electro-optical (EO), night
vision goggle (NVG), IR) display in real-time is
to provide the sensor operator or pilot with a
realistic, accurate scene brightness distribution
that correlates fully with the out-the-window
The simulation of a passive sensor has two
main components:
(1) calculation of the “at-aperture” radiance
scene, and
(2) generation of sensor effects.
The “at-aperture” radiance scene represents the
amount of energy being received from all objects
in the scene, through the atmosphere and into
the sensor aperture. It is dependent upon the
time of day, time of year, position on earth,
material composition of the objects and terrain,
weather, atmosphere, sensor waveband and
other phenomenological components.
Passive imaging sensors utilize optics,
detectors, and signal and image processing
techniques to process the at-aperture energy
into a grayscale radiance image that can be
displayed on a monitor or other display. The
components of a sensor tend to blur, distort,
and degrade the image, creating sensor effects.
To properly simulate the final sensor display,
both at-aperture radiance and sensor effects
High fidelity, physics-based sensor simulation
Sensor Review
Chris Blasband, Jim Bleak and Gus Schultz
Volume 24 · Number 2 · 2004 · 151–155
must be accurately modeled. To satisfy the need
for advanced passive sensor simulation in realtime, E&S has developed, as part of its EPXe
technology [1], state-of-the-art software and
hardware to generate very accurate, realistic
EO, IR and NVG displays.
the real-time community which requires quick
turnaround time and utilizes visual, rgb textures
in its real-time databases. To accurately material
classify large areas in a reasonable amount of
time, E&S has developed a semi-automated tool
for generating material classified maps that are
fully correlated with the visual texture. That is,
the user specifies that a certain shade of green
represents grass, whereas another shade of
green is fallen leaves, and so on, for all visual
textures in the database. The classified textures
now give the additional information needed by
sensor simulation products. The user need to
set this up only once for any particular texture.
Once each texture has been mapped to real
materials, these mapping assignments can be
used for any sensor simulation (EO, IR, NVG,
radar, etc.) using those textures.
Figure 1 shows a visual texture of a desert
scene along with a material map generated with
the E&S tool. Each gray value in the material
map represents an unique material.
Calculation of the “at-aperture” radiance
Advanced physics computations must be
employed to accurately calculate the amount of
energy received at the sensor aperture. These
physics computations must include detailed
calculations of the reflectance and thermal
emittance of all objects in a scene based on time
of day, time of year, position on earth, observer/
sensor geometry, heat transfer boundary
conditions and the specific sensor wavelength
band of interest (e.g. mid-wave IR (MWIR),
long-wave IR (LWIR), etc.).
Real-time simulation requires “intelligent”
implementation of the physics equations that
govern energy generation and propagation.
Proper modeling of the at-aperture radiance
requires a full physics treatment of the terrain,
man-made cultural features, targets,
atmosphere, environment, and weather effects.
In other words, everything in the scene must be
E&S has developed robust, real-time
algorithms to calculate scene radiance based on
complex scene dynamics and specific sensor
parameters. Contributions from the sun, moon,
stars, sky shine and man-made light/heat
sources are all considered in the calculation of
the at-aperture radiance. The interaction of
these light/heat sources with natural and manmade materials is calculated for each pixel of the
Radiance calculations
Once the material of each texture element
(texel) is known, the typical equation used by
real-time toolkits to calculate the radiance is
given by the following general equation:
Rpixel ¼ Ldirect £ r £ cos ui £ tpath
diffuse solar=lunar reflections
þ Lambient £ r £ tpath
ambient=skyshine reflections
þ Lbb £ ð1 2 rÞ £ tpath
þ Lpath
thermal emission
path emission and scattering
Figure 1 Visual texture and material maps of terrain area
Material classification of visual textures
In general, the database required for sensors is
no different than the visual database. However,
sensors require knowledge of what real materials
exist in the scene. This knowledge is critical for
generating accurate quantitative rendering for
all sensor simulations.
The remote sensing community has
advanced tools for material classifying imagery,
however, these tools are typically not useful for
High fidelity, physics-based sensor simulation
Sensor Review
Chris Blasband, Jim Bleak and Gus Schultz
Volume 24 · Number 2 · 2004 · 151–155
where Rpixel is the pixel apparent radiance
(at observer), Ldirect the solar/lunar reflected
radiance at surface, Lambient the skyshine
reflected radiance at surface, Lbb the blackbody
radiance at surface, Lpath the atmospheric path
radiance between the surface and observer,
ui the angle between the surface normal and
direction to sun/moon, r the total hemispherical
reflectance, and tpath the atmospheric
transmission between the surface and observer.
All parameters are integrated over the userspecified wavelength band. It should be noted
that this equation can be used for EO, IR and
NVG simulations since all parameters are
integrated over the proper band.
The most difficult computation in the
radiance equation is the calculation of the
thermal emission. While the blackbody radiance
term is a good first approximation, it does not
consider the heat transfer that occurs in nature.
As such, this equation tends to produce very
blocky images that do not accurately represent a
true LWIR sensor. Heat transfer calculations are
critical to generating a realistic thermal image.
Surface properties
Surface properties include reflectance (and/or
emissivity) and solar absorptance for each
material. For the purposes of real-time sensor
simulations, all materials are assumed to be
opaque, i.e. their transmissivity is assumed to be
zero. With this assumption, the surface
emissivity is always one minus the surface
A set of spectral reflectance values is maintained
for each material type. Spectral reflectance
values in the waveband being simulated for a
particular material type are used in the thermal
Solar absorptance
A single solar absorptance value is maintained
for each material type. Spectral absorptance
values have been averaged over the significant
solar waveband into a single value. This average
solar absorptance is used in the thermal
Thermal calculations
To satisfy the need for accurate thermal
calculations, E&S has developed proprietary
algorithms that solve the true heat transfer
differential equation in real-time. These
algorithms include a full solar and lunar
ephemeris model that considers time of day,
time of year and position on the earth. The result
is that objects in simulated thermal images have
a proper gradation across the surface as seen in
real sensor imagery.
As a part of its thermal calculations, specific
parameters are calculated and stored for use by
the real-time system. These parameters are
defined below.
Boundary conditions
In addition to the material properties and the
surface properties, boundary conditions must
be specified for each particular material usage.
These boundary conditions specify how that
material type is used in the simulated
environment (e.g. whether it is thick or thin,
whether it is heated by its surrounding ambient
temperature or by the current ground
temperature, whether or not it is insulated from
or highly conductive to its supporting
temperature, its orientation and a specific
temperature if its supporting environment is at a
fixed temperature). Additionally, the
orientation of the object is considered to
account for solar loading, shadows falling on the
material, etc.
Diffusivity is defined as a material’s thermal
conductivity divided by the product of its
specific heat and density. A material’s diffusivity
determines how efficient it is at internally
transferring its thermal energy.
ðr £ C p Þ
Support temperature
The EPX sensor simulation allow one of the
four different support temperature types to be
specified: ambient air temperature, ambient
ground temperature, a fixed temperature, or a
host controlled temperature.
where r is the diffusivity (m2/s), k is the thermal
conductivity (W/m/8C), r is the density (kg/m3),
and Cp is the specific heat (J/kg/8C)
Secondary conductive heat transfer coefficient
For each material, a secondary conductive heat
transfer coefficient is defined that represents the
ability of the support temperature to affect the
High fidelity, physics-based sensor simulation
Sensor Review
Chris Blasband, Jim Bleak and Gus Schultz
Volume 24 · Number 2 · 2004 · 151–155
temperature at the back-side of the material
usage. High secondary conductive heat transfer
coefficients represent materials in “wet” contact
and will force the temperature at the back side of
the material usage to be very close to its defined
support temperature. Material usages that are
more insulated from their support temperature
will have low secondary conductive heat transfer
coefficients (1 or lower).
Based on complex sensor/scene interactions,
advanced algorithms are implemented to
generate very accurate, in-band, at-aperture
scene radiance values in real-time.
Figure 2 shows an at-aperture, LWIR
(8-12 m) simulated image of Fresno, CA, under
clear atmospheric conditions for a summer day
at noon.
For each material, a representative thickness is
defined. This thickness represents the thickness
of the material from its surface to where its back
side support temperature is applied. Thickness
ranges from less than 1 mm for leaves, other
vegetation, or very thin metal to over 0.5 m for
thick concrete or the turret on a tank.
Thicknesses that are specified to be greater than
a material’s diurnal depth will show no
appreciable change in the sensor image.
Diurnal depth
Diurnal depth is defined as:
; ðmÞ
DD ¼
vrC h
where k is the thermal conductivity (W/m/8C);
v ¼ 2pp, with f ¼ 1=24 h; Ch is the specific
heat (J/kg/8C); and r is the density (kg/m3)
Atmospheric and meteorological
To properly generate a sensor scene,
atmospheric and meteorological models must
be incorporated into the calculation of the pixel
radiance. E&S has proprietary algorithms to
calculate the path transmission, path radiance
and skyshine terms. Additionally, the real-time
system can make use of data generated from
government standard atmospheric codes such
as MODTRAN. The sensor simulation
software also predicts direct and diffuse solar,
down-welling IR, air temperature, aerodynamic
heating, convection, precipitation, and
additional terms required in thermal modeling.
Generation of sensor effects
Modern imaging sensors utilize optics,
detectors, and signal and image processing
techniques to render a spatial image that can be
displayed for a human operator. The optics,
detectors, etc., tend to blur, distort, and
degrade the image, creating sensor effects. Most
sensor effects cannot be modeled in software in
real-time. Complex processes such as blur,
AC-coupling and automatic gain control (AGC)
require a tremendous amount of processing.
The simulation of these sensor effects through
software only tends to reduce the frame rate to
15 Hz or below, which is unacceptable for most
training applications.
Real-time video processor
In order to simulate the sensor effects in realtime, E&S has developed an unique hardware
technology called the real-time video processor
(RVP). The RVP is a sensor post processor
which allows the users to model advanced
Figure 2 Simulated thermal image of Fresno, CA
Putting it all together
As described above, true physics computations
are utilized to generate accurate at-aperture
radiance scenes in real-time for each pixel.
High fidelity, physics-based sensor simulation
Sensor Review
Chris Blasband, Jim Bleak and Gus Schultz
Volume 24 · Number 2 · 2004 · 151–155
Figure 3 Simulated thermal image of Fresno, CA with and without sensor effects
sensor effects found on modern EO, IR and
NVG devices.
Users have complete control of the RVP card
through a user-friendly graphical user interface
(GUI). Users can control the amount of noise,
blur, AC-coupling, etc., through simple sliders
and input controls. This allows users to model
their exact sensor for real-time applications.
The result is a very realistic image that
accurately portrays the sensor being modeled.
Figure 3 shows the Fresno, CA scene presented
in Figure 2, now side-by-side with blur and
noise added.
E&S’ real-time sensor simulation package can
be used for a variety of applications including
sensors found on unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs), thermal imagers such as forward
looking infrared (FLIR) devices and intensified
imagers/night vision devices such as (NVGs).
Additional applications include:
sensor design,
pilot training,
operator training, and
system analysis, etc.
Sensors have become a critical part of today’s
world. From commercial airliners to most
military vehicles, sensors are employed for
a variety of applications including landing under
adverse weather conditions, “seeing” through
smoke, fog, etc., viewing the surrounding area
at night under very low light conditions and
guiding missiles to their targets.
As sensors are so critical to the success of
these types of missions and scenarios, it is
critical that pilots and sensor operators be fully
trained on the use of these sensors. To satisfy the
needs of the training and simulation
community, E&S has developed, as part of its
EPX technology, complete end-to-end sensor
simulation software and hardware that allow
users to simulate a true sensor display in
E&S employs novel techniques and
algorithms to accurately model the physics
required to simulate modern day sensors.
This includes accurate modeling of the terrain,
man-made cultural features, targets,
atmosphere, environment, and weather effects.
The result is a very immersive, realistic
experience for anyone who requires training on
today’s advanced civil and military sensors.
Further reading
Mayer, N (2000), Texel Based Material Encoding for Infrared
Simulation, Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation.
Shumaker, D., Wood, J. and Thacker, C. (1988), Infrared
Imaging Systems Analysis, Environmental Research
Institute of Michigan.
1 For more information on EPX please visit
Web site: www.es.com