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HLTH2001 Week 3 Worksheet: Health Course Tasks

HLTH2001 Week 3 – Worksheet
1. Watch the video by Prof Paul Dugdale (48mins), refer to the associated handouts and make your own
2. Read both the Declaration of Alma Ata and Declaration of Astana and make notes re purpose and gaps
3. Follow the three links to AIHW. These links contain a great amount of relevant information. Take time
over the next week or so to thoroughly cover the content. Time permitting and to get a more in-depth
understanding of the relevant topics follow the embedded links and read into the referenced material
under each topic.
4. Select one of this weeks readings and write a 150 word (+/-) 10% academic summary for submission.
5. List three additional key readings you found that added value to this weeks learning.
6. Be prepared to discuss these questions (and others in the workshop / tutorial sessions)
a. Think of three episodes of care you have received care - one primary, one secondary and one
episode of tertiary care that you have personally received.
b. What was the most important thing about the care that you remember?
c. What is your view of universal health coverage and how do the UN/WHO sustainable
development goals (SDG) deliver health?
NB. You do not need to disclose the care if you do not wish to.
7. Health OP-ED – from this weeks newspapers or reputable online source, select a health related story
and write a short 350 word OP-ED
8. Submissions
#4 and #7