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Global Population Statistics Worksheet

What is Philippines’s population projected to be in 2050 .
Ans. 144,488,158
Share percent to world 1.5
2. What is Philippines’s population projected to be in 2051.
. .
3. What was the world population in mid-2021? 7.8 billion
4. what percentage of pregnancies are unintended? 48 percent
Note that world population figures are best estimates demographers
can make, but are not precise counts. According to research compiled
by the Guttmacher Institute and several UN agencies, nearly half of
all pregnancies are unintended.
5. By approximately how many people does the world grow each This is
fairly consistent across income groups around the world. year?
78 million
6. Which world region has the most people?
Ans. Asia
7. Which world region is experiencing the fastest population growth?
Ans. Africa
8. Which has NOT been a major cause of the global population
over the past 2 centuries? Ans. Increase in birth rate
9. True or False: Now that the U.S. fertility rate is well below
growth? Africa replacement level (1.6 children per woman in 2021),
all U.S. population growth is due to immigration.ans. False
10. The United States, which makes up about 4 percent of the
world’s population consumes approximately how much of the world’s
Ans. 17%
The current population of Philippines is 113,777,751 as of May 12, 2023, based on
interpolation of the latest United Nations data. The population of Philippines is projected at
111,046,913 or 111.047 million as of July 1, 2021. The total population in Philippines is
projected at 109,581,078 or 109.581 million people for the year 2020. Philippines ranks
number 13th in the world by population in the list of 235 countries/territories. Philippines is
ranked 7th among 51 countries in Asia.
The Philippines' population peak will be 2076, with 153.36 mn people after the Philippines'
population decreases year by year. The Philippines population is projected to reach 123.70
million in 2030 and decrease further to 144.49 million in 2050 and 146.33 million by 2100. The
Philippines accounts for 1.4 percent of the world population. However, its global share will
decline by 1.4% in 2076 and is projected to decline at 1.3% by 2100.
Philippines was at 24th position globally in 1950, and its rank is projected to increase at 15th
in 2100.
The legal basis of the Philippine Population Program is Republic Act 6365, otherwise
known as the “Population Act of 1971.” It created the Commission on Population
(POPCOM). It was amended in 1972 by Presidential Decree No. 79.
As mentioned in PD 79, the tandem of Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning
is the basic program of the Philippine Population Program (PPP). The PPP was later
renamed the Philippine Population Management Program (PPMP
HEREAS, Republic Act 6365, entitled "An Act Establishing a National Policy
on Population, creating the Commission on Population and for other
purposes" was enacted into law on August 15, 1971;
WHEREAS, in order to effectively implement the population program, vital
amendments to R.A. 6365 are necessary;
WHEREAS, the population program is an integral and vital part of social
reform and economic development;
WHEREAS, one of the objectives of PROCLAMATION NO. 1081 is to effect
social, economic and political reforms, and thus bring about the
transformation of a new society in our country, a society designed to improve
the quality of life of each Filipino;
WHEREAS, family planning and responsible parenthood assure greater
opportunity for each Filipino to reach his full potential and to attain his
individual dignity;
Changes and modifications in this Revised Population Act shall be made from
time to time, as necessity requires, to be correspondingly announced by me or
by my duly authorized representative.
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, also known as the
Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, and officially designated as Republic Act No.
Where we can find over strained infrastucture due to population growth
A. Rural areas b. in forest areas c. in desert areas d. in urban areas
Answer d
Which of the following is the main reason for not providing emplyment to the growing
A. Majority of the population own their business B. majority of the population have plenty
of amounts with them C. majority of the population is poor D. majority of the population is
Answer d
Which one of the following is the main reason for decrease in the per capita income?
A. Due to decrease in gross national product
B. Due to decrease in population growth
C. Due to increase in population growth?
D. Due to equitable distribution of income
Answer c
According to 2011 census what is the annual exponential growth in india?
A. 1.34% b. 1.45 c. 1.64 d. 1.75
Answer c
Which of the one following is the step to control population growth in India
A. Killing all newborn babies
B. Not providing medical
C. Lowering Infant mortality rate
D. Early marriage to girls
Answer c
Demography -is the statistical study of human populations.
Which of the following is a potential outcome of overpopulation?
a. Resource depletion
b. Increased waste
c. Political instability
d. All of these
What kind of growth does a straight line on a graph represent?
a. Exponential
b. Linear
c. Compounding
d. Negative
What is it called when new entities are themselves capable of still more entities?
Ans. Compounding
If the birth rate in a particular country is .06 and the death rate is .01, what is the
growth rate?
a. .05
b. .06
c. .07
d. .01
What do population growth and credit card interest have in common?
a. They both show linear growth.
b. They are both easy to control.
c. They both increase at a compounding rate.
d. Nothing
Which of the following is a density dependent conflict?
a. A physical altercation over access to water in a region
b. A violent reaction between two elements of different densities
c. An attack that occurs as retaliation for an earlier attack
d. None of these
A certain town reached the maximum number of squirrels that can its environment can
sustain. What is that number called?
a. Environmental capacity
b. Full capacity
c. Carrying capacity
d. None of these
Experts have projected the human population to reach 12 billion by 2040. How
many humans are projected by 2080?
a. 24 billion
b. 20 billion
c. 18 billion
d. 16 billion
What percentage of the world population does not have access to clean drinking water?
a. 11%
b. 12%
c. 13%
d. 14
Who has the greatest impact on population growth?
a. Both males and females have equal impact
b. Males have greater impact
c. Females have greater impact
d. Neither males nor females have any impac
Demography analyzes how age affects which of the following?
a. Fertility
b. Survival
c. Population growth
d. All of these
Which of the following is a tool for showing an age ‘snapshot' of a population at a given
a. Age photo
b. Age pyramid
c. Age meter
d. Age web
Why are age pyramids typically widest near the bottom?
a. The elderly are usually the median age group
b. Children are usually the smallest age group
c. The elderly are usually the largest age group
d. Children are usually the largest age group
Which of the following is not a lifestyle stage through which women go?
a. Pre-pubescent
b. Reproductive
c. Pubescent
d. Menopausa
Which of the following is a way in which age affects growth rate?
a. Older people are more susceptible to disease
b. Older people have more children
c. Younger people have fewer children
d. None of these
For human population growth to be zero, what does total fertility need to be?
Ans. 2
In developing countries, how many infants out of every 1000 die before their first birthday?
a. 48
b. 38
c. 28
d. 18
Which of the following is responsible for the difference in growth rates between
developed and developing countries?
a. Age
b. Nutrition
c. Women's rights
d. All of these
In Kenya, adding 1 year of education to a woman's life reduced the likelihood of
teenage birth by what percentage?
a. 20%
b. 15%
c. 5%
d. 10%
What is the shift in demographics that accompanies development called?
a. Demographic shift
b. Demographic transition
c. Gradual transformation
d. None of these
The US Constitution requires that a census be taken at least every how many years?
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 25
Which of the following does the Census not keep track of?
a. Shoe size
b. Age
c. Ethnicity
d. Employment status
What is the point at which oil consumption begins to drop called?
a. Oil drop
b. Oil fall
c. Peak oil
d. Oil crest
How is our population growth unlike bacterial growth?
a. Bacteria reproduce sexually
b. We can opt to slow our growth
c. Bacteria can opt to slow their growth rate
d. An open field of grasses and wildflowers
What can people do to avoid reaching peak oil?
a. Create more oil
b. Reduce consumption below the level of exponential growth
c. Maintain current consumption levels
d. Peak oil is a myth
Mortality -the state of being subject to death
On average, how many members are there in every household in the Philippines?