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Heat Exchanger Repair: Standardized Welding Procedures

J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Standardized Repair Procedure for Failures in Heat Exchangers
Mohamed Fayas Saffiudeen . Fasil T. Mohammed . Abdullah Syed
Submitted: 4 April 2023 / in revised form: 21 June 2023 / Accepted: 22 June 2023
ASM International 2023
Abstract Shell and tube heat exchanger failures during
service have been a significant cause of petrochemical
plant turnarounds and shutdowns. These failures not only
cause an interruption in production operations and substantially impact financial losses but also necessitate
immediate attention concerning different types of repairs
and maintenance. Welding repair has recently become a
significant concern because several process facilities have
been in operation for more than 40 years, the world widely
pioneering in the oil and gas refineries. Heat exchanger
materials have lost strength and toughness due to degradation such as temper embrittlement, galvanic corrosion,
and also other damages such as pitting corrosion, excessive
wear, fatigue failure, and creep due to continuous longterm operation. This paper discusses the standardized
welding procedures of heat exchanger failures during the
turnaround period or due to aged conditions in various endusers worldwide. In other words, this paper summarizes the
details of all the welding repairs of more than 100 heat
exchangers during the study period. The frequent maintenance was refurbished successfully, and the standard
procedure was prepared accordingly. Some critical tasks
are explained, such as technical planning for welding
repair, integrated challenges associated with working in the
radiologically controlled zone, repair performance, organizational involvement, and fulfilling the standards such as
ASME, NBIC, SAES, and SES codes.
M. F. Saffiudeen (&) F. T. Mohammed A. Syed
Department of Mechanical Skills, Jubail Technical Institute,
Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Jubail, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
e-mail: saffiudeen_m@RCJY.EDU.SA
Keywords Heat exchanger Welding Visual testing Liquid penetrant testing Magnetic particle testing Ultrasonic testing Radiographic testing Hardness test Repair Maintenance
A heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat energy
between process fluids without mixing them. It can be
either used for heating processing fluid or can also be used
for cooling a process fluid. In boilers and condensers, the
heat energy is transported as latent heat while as sensible
heat in coolers and heaters [1]. A heat exchanger is very
flexible in design, which makes it ideal for tailoring as per
the process industries’ requirements based on various heat
transfer properties [2, 3]. In oil and gas plants, heat
exchanger repairs help reduce downtime and promote the
smooth operation of the plant [4]. Heat exchanger failure
leads to a loss of production and capital. Catastrophic
failure can result in harm and death. Fatigue, creep, corrosion, oxidation, and hydrogen attack cause most heat
exchanger components to fail. Fouling, scaling, salt deposition, weld flaws, and vibration are typical reasons for
failure [5]. Junfang Lu et al. developed an effective ASME
IX welding procedure qualification program for pipeline
facility and fabrication welding while ensuring suitability
for use and appropriate notch toughness requirements. This
paper also discussed topics such as base material selection,
welding process, welding consumable consideration, and
weld test acceptance criteria [6]. Tube-to-tubesheet welding for various material combinations (carbon steel–
stainless steel, stainless steel–stainless steel, and alloy
steel–alloy steel) is qualified as per ASME Section IX QW-
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
193 standards [7]. Endramawan et al. determined that the
specimen can be accepted based on the acceptance criteria
of ASME standards and provided a standard description for
acceptance criteria of defect indication on weld result
based on ASME standards [8]. Phillip E. Prueter et al.
studied the Battelle structural stress welded fatigue
methodology outlined in ASME Section VIII Division 2
and compared it with British standard PD 5500 [9]. Standard American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Section IX is the most used standard for welder qualification. Committees and subcommittees of volunteer workers
are interested in advancing the quality and efficiency of the
welding industry by developing this code. ASME specializes in welder qualification and welding procedures. A
‘‘construction standard’’ such as ASME Part VIII Division
I must be used in conjunction with Part IX for fabrication
samples was done by using non-contact and air-coupled
ultrasonic procedures [18]. As a result, it was challenging
to prevent service-related failures that may destroy the
exchanger for a certain period [19, 20]. William et al. gave
an overview of failure assessments in which the various
corrosion processes were the primary contributing factors,
as well as a discussion of the many forms of corrosion that
may occur in heat exchangers [21]. There have been previous reports of several service-induced failures, including
corrosion (uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion, crevice
corrosion, stress corrosion, intergranular corrosions, etc.),
thermal fatigue, erosion, clogging, plugging, tube-to-tubesheet failures, oxidation, scales, gasket surface damage
vibration, in-service crack, tubesheet erosion, and hydrogen deprivation [5, 22–31]. This paper gives a detailed
explanation of the standardized procedure for different
welding repairs scenario occurring in heat exchangers.
Literature Review
Repair of Heat Exchangers
Carlos et al. studied the failure analysis of a dissimilar weld
carbon steel (SA-106 pipe) shell to the duplex stainless
steel tubesheet (SA-182-F51/F60) in a heat exchanger, and
failure was due to sulfide-assisted stress corrosion cracking
[11]. Lia Lu et al. studied the failure analysis of tube-totubesheet welded joints in a shell-tube heat exchanger. The
tube material was 304 stainless steels, and the tubesheet
was carbon steel SA516 Gr.70 and concluded that bad
welding was one of the reasons for the failure of the 30-day
new heat exchanger [12].
According to Hessel Greaves, heat exchangers are
widely used for heat transfer purposes, but improper design
and maintenance may lead to early damage and a lack of
efficient heat transfer [13]. The most common materials for
the fabrication of heat exchangers are carbon steel, whereas
stainless steel is employed when corrosion and strength are
the key factors. Expansion joints are employed for the
compensation of various thermal expansions with dissimilar materials. The rate of thermal expansion is affected by
the fouling by reducing the total heat transfer [14]. Failure
analysis of heat exchangers was done by internal rotary
inspection system (IRIS) by examination of entire retubing,
and it was concluded that partial retubing is sufficient to
enhance efficiency and cost reduction on alloy steel heat
exchangers [15]. Farrahi et al. have studied that deep
cracks in tube-to-tubesheet welding can sometimes become
impossible to repair, making them useless. Also, seal
welding of the tubes to prevent leaks may increase the
plastic strain and fraction formation around them [16].
Many performance enhancement methodologies were
proposed by Othman [17]. Zeynab Abbasi et al. investigated that the detection of burn-through damage in welded
Shell and tube heat exchangers are commonly found in all
petrochemical plants. Different types of repairs will occur
according to their process and product. All the below
repairs procedures are applicable only to carbon steel shell
and tube heat exchanger, and the original code of construction did not require notch toughness testing and
without post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) as per NBIC
part 3 repair and alterations welding method 1 [32].
Ultimately for the repair or alteration to qualify as an NBIC
repair, the authorized inspector must complete the section
titled ‘‘authorized inspection’’ on either the form R-1:
Report of Repair or the form R-2: Report of Alteration.
These repairs include, but are not limited to, weld repairs,
weld build-up of corroded areas, installation or replacement of nozzles, attachment of parts such as studs for
insulation, and mounting clips for ladders to pressure parts.
It is important to note that the attachment of non-pressure
bearing parts to pressure boundary components constitutes
a repair [32].
All the repairs discussed in this research fall in the
category of repair. It is mandatory to fill out R-1 forms.
Nozzle Replacement in a Heat Exchanger
Heat exchanger nozzle repair or replacement will occur due
to thickness loss. Different sizes of nozzles are available in
heat exchangers, but mostly small sizes such as 1‘‘ or 2’’
get corroded and need to replace frequently. Below is the
standardized procedure to replace the nozzle. In this project, nozzle fabrication was on a shop job, and balance
activities were carried out on the site. Therefore, the FS1
joint was shop weld (SW), and NS1 was field weld. (FW).
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Carry out receiving inspection of materials, complete
material identification, traceability, and certificate
review [33–35].
Mark and cut the pipe spool and verify the dimension as
per the issued construction drawing and fit-up the
nozzle pipe to the flange (FS 1). Refer to Fig. 1.
Welding of nozzle pipe to flange according to the
approved WPS (welding procedure specification) and
construction drawing. The welding process was gas
tungsten arc welding (GTAW) ? Shielded metal arc
welding (SMAW). Refer to Fig. 2. (Punch as FS1) [36].
Carry out visual testing (VT), penetrant testing (PT),
and radiographic testing (RT) as per inspection and test
plan (ITP) [10, 37].
Mark the cutout location and diameter from outside of
the vessel as per the issued construction drawing.
Remove the reinforcement pad (RF pad) and existing
nozzle by grinding and/or gas cutting and followed by
beveling for new nozzle installation. (If an RF pad is
Extreme care shall be observed during cutting to avoid
damage to the parent metal.
Exchanger internals shall be covered properly with thin
metallic sheets or fire blankets.
Verify bevel edges; PT test shall be done on bevel
edges [10, 37].
The carryout nozzle fit-up to the shell. Alignment,
orientation, and elevation shall be checked as per the
issued construction drawing. (Punch as NS 1) Refer to
Fig. 2.
Once fit-up is completed and accepted by the client,
proceed with welding as per approved WPS (GTAW ?
SMAW) and weld map [36].
After completing all welding activities on nozzles,
grind completely and flush all excess weld metal on the
shell external up to the shell surface.
Verify nozzle dimension after welding.
Carry out PT and ultrasonic testing (UT) shear wave
test on the nozzle to shell welding prior to RF pad fit-up
and welding. (If RF pad was used). In the case of
critical equipment, PAUT (phase-arrayed ultrasonic
testing is required) [10, 37].
Carry out RF pad welding (GTAW) and perform PT as
per approved ITP.
Carry out the pneumatic test on an RF pad at 5 psi or as
per the general arrangement drawing (GA) drawing. (If
an RF pad was there) [32, 38, 39].
Perform a hydro test on the exchanger at the required
test pressure and witness by the authorized inspector (if
required), client, and end-user [10, 32, 38, 39].
Verify nameplate marking and get authorized inspector
(if required) authorization to attach after allowed [32].
Prepare R-forms and get an authorized inspector (if
required) to review and certify them [32].
Weld Build-up on Welding Seam Joints in the Heat
Fig. 1 Detail of nozzle
Due to continuous in-service, weld seam joint thickness
loss occurs on circumferential seam (CS) joints and long
seam (LS) joints. Most thickness loss on the joint is 10–
20% of the total weld joint area, in which repair is costeffective. Below is the standardized procedure to weld
build-up on the joints.
Prepare the surface at the wasted area by grinding and
conducting PT prior to weld build-up. The existing
general drawing welding detail is shown in Fig. 3 [37].
As per the general drawing (refer to Fig. 3) total of 13
CS joints and six LS joints. Mark the joints as per the
end-user inspection report or as per the purchase order
The weld area should be preheated and maintained at a
minimum temperature of 300 F (149 C) and interpass
Fig. 2 Nozzle welding identification
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Table 1 Detail of weld joint and defect area
temperature \ 230 C, as per NBIC NB 23 part 3 para
no.:, alternative welding method 1 [32].
Perform weld build-up around long and circular seams
on the pitted area as per Table 1 using approved WPS
(SMAW) [36].
Preheat shall be maintained at least four times the
thickness of the material on all sides of the weld
location [32].
All weld build-up shall be ground smooth with the
parent metal.
Carry out VT, PT/MT, UT (thickness verification), and
hardness test as per ITP [10, 37].
Perform a hydro test on the exchanger at the required
test pressure and witness by the authorized inspector (if
required), client, and end-user [10, 32, 38, 39].
Verify nameplate marking and get authorized inspector
(if required) authorization to attach after allowed [32].
Prepare R-forms and get an authorized inspector (if
required) to review and certify them [32].
A-5 (two locations)
200 ? 285
B-10 (three locations) 730 ? 993 ? 554
Repair by Plate Insert (Patch Plate)
To repair the damage or cause corrosion for the shell on
the heat exchanger, the permanent method is to cut the
damaged section away and then insert the plate; this
method was otherwise called as external fillet welded patch
method, shown in Fig. 4.
The rounded corner of the fillet welded patch to be used
to patch the vessel must be at least equivalent to the curvature of the radius of 1 inch (25 cm) as per standards. To
avoid causing stress concentration, we need to insert
another patch near the original, and it must have a distance
more than or equal to that given by the code, as illustrated
in Fig. 6.
Distance between the toes of the fillet weld [ 4 Rt
ðEq 1Þ
Defect area (mm) Material loss (mm)
where R = shell inside radius of exchanger and the t =
shell thickness of the exchanger. Below is the standardized
procedure for the external fillet welded patch method.
Fig. 3 Detail of welding joints
Joint no.’s
A survey shall be conducted to locate the wasted area
for weld build-up and areas where inserts are required
and get authorized inspector review and concurrence
before repair.
Carryout receiving inspection of materials, complete
material identification, material thickness, and grade
shall be as per original construction. Traceability and
certificate review of the plate to be inserted [33–35].
Roll the plate for insert, mark, and cut out the portion of
the heat exchanger for all pits marked with over 8 mm
as per scope (Plate thickness varies according to project
The patch plate shall have a weep hole(s) of 6-mm
diameter to relieve any gas pressure that may develop
when welding the pad to the shell [32].
Perform fit-up of insert plate and welding of insert
plates using approved WPS (SMAW) and as per Fig. 5.
After welding completion, the inner surface of the plate
to shell/head weld must be flushed to meet the required
profile of shell ID [36].
Carry out VT, PT/MT, RT, and hardness tests as per
ITP [10, 37–39].
Carry out dimensional inspection as per UG-80/81 and
ensure that the radius of the rounded corner is at least
equivalent to the curvature of the radius of 1 inch
(25 mm), as shown in Fig. 6 [32].
Perform a hydro test on the exchanger at the required
test pressure and witness by the authorized inspector (if
required), client, and end-user [10, 32, 38, 39].
Verify nameplate marking and get authorized inspector
(if required) authorization to attach after allowed [32].
Prepare R-forms and get an authorized inspector (if
required) to review and certify them [32].
Repair of Ovality in Channels Head
During the turnaround, cleaning of the heat exchanger was
mandatory to increase efficiency. Clean the heat exchanger; the opening of the channel head leads to an ovality in
the channel head or channel cover. Unless it is open, it is
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Fig. 4 External fillet welded
patch method [40, 41]
Fig. 5 External fillet welded patch method [40, 41]
Fig. 7 Temporary bracing arrangement
Fig. 6 External fillet welded patch method [40, 41]
hard to find the ovality in that exchanger. Below is the
standardized procedure to repair the ovality in the channel
head of the heat exchanger.
Identify the equipment by verification of tag no.,
nameplate, and drawings provided by the end-user and
prepare the initial inspection report.
Carryout receiving inspection of materials, complete
material identification, traceability, and certificate
review if needed [33–35].
Check the condition of dismantled components and
perform visual and dimensional inspections before
starting repair activities. And identify the location to
be corrected.
Cut the temporary stiffener into the required length as
per the approved drawing shown in Fig. 7
Weld the fabricated stiffeners beam inside the channel
head on one side as per approved WPS (SMAW) [36].
Use a hydraulic jack to move out flanged ends of the
channel shell until roundness is achieved, bringing it to
the maximum possible roundness. Jacking shall be
performed below 120 C [32].
Grind the stiffener welded area and carry out minor
weld build-up as per approved WPS (SMAW). All weld
build-up shall be ground smooth with the parent metal
and shall be examined with PT and hardness test
[36, 37].
Perform PT on jacked and welded areas. Completely
remove all traces of the penetrant and developer before
proceeding to the next step [10, 37].
Verify the dimension of corrected ends after releasing
hydraulic jacks. No support shall be available at the
time of inspection.
A flange cover should be installed on the channel cover
and witnessed by the client.
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
If required, perform lapping and skim machining in
both the channel head and cover flange.
Perform VT and PT on the machined area of the
channel head and cover flange. Completely remove all
traces of the penetrant and developer before proceeding
to the next step [10, 37]
Perform a hydro test on the exchanger at the required
test pressure and witness by the authorized inspector (if
required), client, and end-user [10, 32, 38, 39].
Verify nameplate marking and get authorized inspector
(if required) authorization to attach after allowed [32].
Prepare R-forms and get an authorized inspector (if
required) to review and certify them [32].
Repair of Burn-through on the Shell
Fig. 8 Bolt torquing sequence
Bolt Hole Repair Procedure for Floating Heads
During the shutdown, when opening the heat exchanger,
bolt holes may be damaged due to continuous in-service
conditions. There are two best engineering practice procedures during bolt torquing.
During the welding on the shell (such as patch plate or
nozzle-to-shell welding), burn-through may happen due to
material compatibility or the welder’s quality. Below is the
standardized procedure to repair the burn-through on the
shell of the carbon steel heat exchanger.
Identify the defect location and mark the area to be
rectified from inside and outside of the shell.
Grind the edges to sound metal and examine them by
VT/PT. Completely remove all traces of the penetrant
and developer before proceeding to the next step [32].
Complete weld build-up from inside of the vessel as per
approved WPS (SMAW) [36].
The weld area should be preheated and maintained at a
minimum temperature of 300 F (149 C) and interpass
temperature \ 230 C, as per NBIC NB 23 part 3 para
no.:, alternative welding method 1 [32].
All weld build-up shall be ground smooth with the
parent metal and shall be examined with MT [37].
Grind the weld to sound metal and carry out PT from
outside of the shell [37].
Complete weld build-up from outside of the vessel as
per approved WPS (SMAW) [36].
Carry out VT, PT/MT, hardness test, and UT on the
weld and 25 mm all around the weld for volumetric
examination [10, 37].
Perform a hydro test on the exchanger at the required
test pressure and witness by the authorized inspector (if
required), client, and end-user [10, 32, 38, 39].
Verify nameplate marking and get authorized inspector
(if required) authorization to attach after allowed [32].
Prepare R-forms and get an authorized inspector (if
required) to review and certify them [32].
Bolted joints must be tightened uniformly and in
Bolts must be tightening increasingly by 30, 60, and
100% of torque as per Fig. 8.
In case, the above standard procedure is not followed,
there will be a high chance of bolt hole damage. The
outline of channel head (flange) holes was not circular
(ovality in shape) due to bolts not tightening uniformly or
in-service damage. Since the bolt holes were not circular,
we needed to insert the plug and welding, along with
necessary non-destructive testing (NDT) as per inspection
and standards requirements.
Below is the standardized procedure to repair the bolt
hole repair on the floating head of the heat exchanger.
Perform initial dimensional inspection.
Carryout receiving inspection of materials, complete
material identification, traceability, and certificate
review if needed [33–35].
Chamfer all the bolt holes from both sides.
Cutting and chamfering the cylindrical plugs according
to the dimensions of holes [10, 32].
Fit-up the cylindrical plugs inside the existing hole, and
tack welding should be done.
After fit-up, welding and flushing of plugs shall be
performed as per approved WPS (SMAW) [36].
After the completion of weld deposition, PT shall be
performed. Completely remove all traces of the penetrant and developer before proceeding to the next step
After the complete welding and NDT of the plugs, the
gasket seating face area of the girth flange on the
floating head shall be pre-machined as per the drawing.
J Fail. Anal. and Preven.
Perform VT supplemented by dye penetrant testing and
PMI after the completion of machining on all girth
flanges [37].
Drill the holes on the girth flanges as per the
dimensions specified in the design drawing.
Perform PT on drilled hole’s internal area [10, 37].
Validate dimensions based on values taken before
remedial work to ensure that the component’s concentricity has not been changed beyond the allowable
design tolerance.
A gasket shall be match fitted to ensure that an
acceptable degree of concentricity has been achieved
after repair activities.
Perform a hydro test on the exchanger at the required
test pressure and witness by the authorized inspector (if
required), client, and end-user [10, 32, 38, 39].
Verify nameplate marking and get authorized inspector
(if required) authorization to attach after allowed [32].
Prepare R-forms and get an authorized inspector (if
required) to review and certify them [32].
All the standard welding repair procedures for different
failed heat exchangers described were implemented
effectively without any personnel injury. It was conducted
at the radiographic controlled area inside the various plants
located all over the world, such as Saudi Aramco Plants,
SABIC, and its affiliates plants. In all aged facilities,
welding repair is a significant factor for effective maintenance and safe operation. In conclusion, this paper
highlights the standardized procedure before, during, and
after the welding repairs with non-destructive testing for
heat exchanger failures as per standards. The critical
repairs such as nozzle replacement, repair of weld build-up
on circular and long seam welding, repair by plate insert
for large-area material loss (due to corrosion and pitting),
burn-through welding, repair of ovality in channel head,
repair of burn-through on shell, and bolt hole repair on the
floating head on heat exchanger were done as per the
procedure in line with the NBIC code for pair of ASME
BPVC Section VIII, Division 1 code vessels. Also, the
standard procedure follows the guidelines of Saudi Aramco
engineering standards and SABIC engineering standards as
well. All these standard welding repair procedures were
accepted and approved by an authorized inspector from an
authorized inspection agency (AIA) and end-user and can
be repeated for future use.
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