Uploaded by Sameh BENAMMAR


Date of birth:
Home Address:
Marital Status:
Moile number:
El Aghba - 2087-Tunis-Tunisia
Married, 2 children
00216 58 46 38 70
sameouech@yahoo.fr / samehbenammar2@gmail.com
Current Designation:
Current Employer:
Employment Category:
Agricultural Chief Engineer plant in production and protection
Directorate-General for Plant Health and Control of Agricultural Inputs/Ministry of
Agriculture Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia.
To look for a professional career where I can work in a healthy environment empty of
rhythm, and positive vibes collaboration, objectives to realize, challenges
First semester of Master degree in Sustainable Agriculture
National Agronomist Engineer Diploma (Horticulture : plant
production and protection)
Two-year intensive program preparing for the national competitive
exam for entry to engineering schools (biology and geology)
ISA-CM (Higher Institute of Agronomy,
Chott- Mériem) Sousse Tunisia
ISA-CM (Higher Institute of Agronomy,
Chott- Mériem) Sousse,Tunisia.
INAT (National Agronomic Institute of
Tunisia) Tunis, Tunisia.
A-Level degree in Experimental Sciences
Lycée ELhadika, Tunis, Tunisia.
05/08/2019-to date
Plant Pest Protection Specialist
Sub-Directorate of Plant Health Control at Border Control Points (BCPs)
Directorate-General for
Plant Health and Control
of Agricultural Inputs
(Tunisian Ministry of
- Manages transboundary plant pests and diseases through a combination of
surveillance, early detection, forecasting, early warning, contingency planning,
rapid response and promotion of environmentally sound management and control
techniques: National Focal Point for Fall armyworm (FAW);
- Plant pests identification and diagnostics ;
- Support the preparation and implementation of the plant pests' preventive
and contingency plans;
- Provide training to national staff involved in plant pests surveillance and
plant health emergency management;
- Coordinate implementation of plant pests' national and regional strategies;
- Coordinate the daily operation of plant pests survey and management
operations with the regional staff involved in plant pests surveillance;
Responsible for the implementation of the National Information System of Plant health
and Agricultural Inputs (SISPIA)
Sub-Directorate of Plant Health Control at Border Control Points (BCPs)
- Define the specific information requirements that must be met by the
Information System solution "SISPIA";
- Identifying the primary owners and users of data along with existing
hardware and software;
- Develops a detailed description of the functions that the Information
System must perform, involve identifying who needs what information, where,
when, and how;
- Creates and Designs the functional specifications and flow charts of the
Information System solution taking in account all the managerial, organizational,
and technological components;
- Maintains the Information System by planning, monitoring, and
coordinating users at central and regional level;
- Monitor the development of the Information System and carry out
evaluation reviews with a view to its development and improvement;
- Offers coaching, leadership, and training to manage staff performance;
- Maintains safe and healthy working environment by ensuring that
Information System’s users complies with organizational policies;
- Assesses Information System operating issues, and planning solutions to
prevent their recurrence and supervising their implementation;
- Participates in planning procedures to meet the growing needs of the
National Information System.
Pesticide compliance analyst specialist
Pesticide Analysis Laboratory
Directorate-General for
Plant Health and Control
of Agricultural Inputs
(Tunisian Ministry of
- Test compliance pesticide formulations for compliance with the State of
Tunisia rules and the Collaborative International Pesticide Analytical Council
(CIPAC) related guidelines;
- Technical and Metrology manager ;
- Quality managers deputy ;
- Provide support and guidance on pesticide use/management issues in
relation to plant health;
- Implements the use of approved methods and procedures in the analysis
of samples, and of Quality Assurance practices and procedures in all analytical and
study processes;
- Develops methods and procedures needed for laboratory analyses used in
the determination of quality, formulation standards and compliance where no
approved procedures exist.
2007 – 2008
Private Sector
Agrochemicals Inputs Registration and Development Specialist
SOCCOPEC Group, Tunis, Tunisia.
- Define the experimental programme that include the development of new
pesticide products;
- Take part in planning and implementation of field experimental activities ;
- To interpret data in order to make contributions to decisions;
- Knowledge of national pesticide policies and procedures (laws and
- Preparation, management and submission of product registration
submission and documents.
2005 – 2006
Private Sector
In charge of in vitro potato seed production
MABROUKA Company, Ben Arous, Tunisia.
- Assess the microplants transfer and isolated facility for the production of
seed potato tubers;
- Ensure Good Agriculture Practices during all the field activities in the
agronomic plots (irrigation and fertigation, safe crop protection).
 Member of the Technical Working Group responsible for the development of the National EAgriculture Strategy in Tunisia.
 Member of the Technical comity SISPIA;
 Support the NPPO Reporting activity, including facilitating the international reporting
obligations process and related interpretation, translation and publishing.
 Collaborates and Coordinates the NPPO Network (CRDAs and FAO) and international
 Collaborates and coordinates with CRDA, Regional Commissary for Agricultural Development
on matters relating to pest surveillance;
 Represents the Ministry at conferences, workshops, and seminars locally and internationally
 Supervising students
 Prepares and issues reports of findings and recommendations.
 Designs and conducts research, data collection, validation and analysis.
1. National Digital Agriculture Development Specialist :
- Define the specific information requirements that must be met by the Information System
- Identifying the primary owners and users of data and who needs what information, where,
when, and how;
- Maintains safe and healthy working environment
- Monitor the development of the Information System and carry out evaluation reviews with a
view to its development and improvement.
2. The Plant Pest Specialist
- The implementation of all Plant pests survey, monitoring, and reporting programs, including
trapping, early warning and eradication/control (management )and forecasting systems;
- Strengthen plant health emergency management capacities and contingency planning, and
control campaign planning and management.
- Identifies and participates in proposing scientific inquiry for wide area Pest Management and
Agricultural Inspection Programmes;
- Developing Strategies and Plans to prevent the introduction and the spread of quarantine
pests to ensure their official control.
- Designs, evaluates and optimizes comprehensive strategies for detecting populations of
invasive transboundary plant pests and diseases that threaten strategic agricultural arops;
3. Pest risk analysis (PRA) specialist
- Provides technical expertise in response to requests for information for conducting Pest Risk
Analysis for imported and exported plants and plant products Analysis in accordance with the
International Plant Protection Conventions;
- Advise on mainstreaming risk analysis, pest list development, risk categorization and regional
- Research, gather and document data, write, and present reports on various plant pests that
may enter, establish, spread or impact Tunisia;
- Collects submits date, analyzes and generates technical scientific information and
government reports on the potential impact of introduced or exotic pests on agriculture or natural
resources in Tunisia;
- Knowledge of the Government/Ministry’s policies and procedures
- Good knowledge of international standards and agreements related to phytosanitary matters
and the trade in agricultural produce ;
- Good knowledge of plant epidemiology and surveillance ;
- Sound knowledge of Pest Management ;
- Knowledge of the plant quarantine system in Tunisia.
4. Analysis Specialist
- General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ISO/IEC
- Laboratory plant pest diagnostic on the detection/identification of organisms regulated as
quarantine pests;
- Pesticide compliance analysis (gas chromatography GC-FID and High Performance Liquid
1) Training on «Initiation to the standard ISO 17025 : 2017 ».
Date: From 11 to 12 May 2023
Organizer : FAO office in Tunisia, as part of the ASCO project
Venue : Hammamet, Tunisia.
2) E-training on « Fundamentals of Pest Risk Analysis ».
Date: From 27 to 31 March 2023
Organizer : the National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad, Telangana.
under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Scheme
3) E-training on « Development of PRAs, inspection, sampling and monitoring programs
for the management of fire blight».
Date: 09 March 2021
Organizer : FAO office in Tunisia, as part of the ASCO project.
Animated by: Ms Mariangela Ciampitti, Plant Health Expert.
4) E-training on « Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) »
Date: 12 and 18 February 2021
Organizer : FAO office in Tunisia, as part of the ASCO project
Animated by: Ms Mariangela Ciampitti, Plant Health Expert.
5) Study mission on «Organization of the Information Systems of the National
Phytosanitary Services in Italy»
Date: From 28 November to 3 December 2021
Organizer: the Institute IZS A&M (The Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e
del Molise "Giuseppe Caporale")- FAO office in Tunisia, as part of the ASCO project
Venue: Teramo, Rome, Italie.
6) Training on « Fertilizer Quality Control »
Date: From 4 to 16 February 2019
Organizer : Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, under the Indian Technical and
Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Scheme
Venue: Mumbai, India.
7) Internship on « Shiraka Food Safety Course : First and second module »
Date: From 18 to 26 June 2018 and From 30 October to 01 November 2018
Organizer: The Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation and the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
Venue: Wageningen, The Netherlands and Casablanca, Morocco.
8) Internship on « International Food Safety Regulations» including a FSMA-Food Safety
Modernization Act and a HACCP Training Program.
Date: From 5 to -18 November 2017
Organizer: The University of Missouri-Columbia under The Cochran Fellowship
Venue: Missouri State, United States of America.
9) Training of Trainers (ToT) « on ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 General requirements for the
competence of testing and calibration laboratories »
Date: From October 2016 to March 2017
Organizer: The Tunisian Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment under The EU , CBRN
Centres of Excellence Initiative_the Project 35 “Management of Hazardous Chemical and Biological
Waste in North and West Africa and in Tunisia”
Venue: Africa Hotel Tunis, Tunisia.
10) Training of Trainers (ToT) on « The management of hazardous chemical products and
Date: From 26 to 28 September 2017
Organizer: The Tunisian Ministry of Local Affairs and Environment under The EU , CBRN
Centres of Excellence Initiative_the Project 35 “Management of Hazardous Chemical and
Biological Waste in North and West Africa and in Tunisia”
Venue: Tunis, Tunisia
11) In-HouseTraining on « hardware, software and equipment of Agilent Technologies ; use
and routine preventative maintenance and troubelshouting»
Date: From June - July 2017
Organizer: Précision électronique
Venue:Tunis, Tunisia
12) University training :
i. Three month internship end-of-study project
Title : Effect of Hydrogen Cyanamide on Bud Break, flowering and Fruit Yield of Peaches
and Nectarines in orchads.
Date: Winter 2003
Venue: the agricultural holding SADIRA Company, Ben Arous, Tunisia
ii. One month internship
Title : The profession of an agricultural engineer and introduction to the development of technical
solutions to the problems of an agricultural production unit.
Date: Summer 2002
Venue : the agricultural holding MABROUKA Company, Ben Arous, Tunisia
iii. 15-day internship
Title: The cultivation techniques applied to stone fruit trees in the orchards during the spring season.
Supervisor: Mr Mohktar MECHICHI
Date: Spring 2002
Venue: the agricultural holding MABROUKA Company, Ben Arous, Tunisia
One month internship
Title: Viral sanitation of citrus and other fruit species
Supervisor: Ms Salma
Date: Summer 2001
Venue: the SAM (Station d’Appui de la Manouba), Manouba, Tunisia
WORKSHOP AND SEMINARS (organization and participation: oral presentation)
1) Workshop on « Finalization of the National E-Agriculture Strategy in Tunisia »
Date: From 6 to 7 July 2023
Organizer: FAO office in Tunisia jointly with the National Agriculture Observatory
(ONAGRI), under the Projet TCP/SNE/3801 «1000 Digital Villages Initiative: Digital Rural
Transformation to combat hunger, poverty, and inequality in Maghreb countries»
Venue: Hammamet, Tunisia.
2) In-house Seminar on «the digitization of the phytosanitary services»
Date: 23 February 2023
Highlights: Participation by an oral communication titled «Establishment of a National
Information System for Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs SISPIA»
Organizer: the directorate general of plant health and control of agricultural inputs
Venue: tunis, Tunisia
3) The third national workshop on Fall Armyworm (FAW) « Implementation of a national
surveillance program using the FAO Fall Armyworm Monitoring and Early Warning System
(FAMEWS) mobile app data»
Date: 07 February 2023
Organizer: FAO office in Tunisia jointly with the Directorate-General for Plant Health and Control
of Agricultural Inputs under the project TCP/SNE/3901" « Emergency preparedness and response
to strengthen management capacities of Maghreb countries to mitigate the impact and risk of
Fall Armyworm in North Africa »
Highlights: participation by an oral communication titled « Fall armyworm surveillance program
in Tunisia: early detection and monitoring»
Venue: Sousse, Tunisia.
4) National workshop on « The Fall armyworm management : Farmer field school approach
and the use of the Fall Armyworm Monitoring and Early Warning System (FAMEWS) for the
surveillance of the pest »
Date: From 23 to 25 November 2022
Organizer: FAO office in Tunisia jointly with the Directorate-General for Plant Health and
Control of Agricultural Inputs under the project TCP/SNE/3901" « Emergency preparedness and
response to strengthen management capacities of Maghreb countries to mitigate the impact and
risk of Fall Armyworm in North Africa »
Venue: Tabarka, Tunisia.
5) National workshop on « Development of the National E-Agriculture Strategy in Tunisia»
Date: From 18 to 20 October 2022
Organizer: FAO office in Tunisia jointly with the National Agriculture Observatory
(ONAGRI), under the Projet TCP/SNE/3801 «1000 Digital Villages Initiative: Digital Rural
Transformation to combat hunger, poverty, and inequality in Maghreb countries»
Venue: Gammarth, Tunisia.
6) Seminar on « the creation and implementation of a National Information System for the
Veterinary and Phytosanitary control services of the Ministry of Agriculture Water
Ressources and Fisheries of Tunisia»
Date: 18 July 2022
Organizer: FAO office in Tunisia jointly with the Directorate-General for Plant Health and Control
of Agricultural Inputs and the Institute IZS A&M
Highlights: the preparation of a presentation performed by the General Director of the DGSVCIA
titled «Presentation of the National Information System for Phytosanitary Services (SISPIA) »
Venue: Palace Hotel Gammarth, Tunisia.
7) Preparation of an oral presentation during a work meeting with the Italian central
phytosanitary services performed by the Tunisian sub-director of phytosanitary control at the
borders Points
Date: 03 December 2021
Highlights: Preparing and performing of an oral presentation «Organization and activities of
the Directorate General of Plant Health and Control of Agricultural Inputs» the Tunisian
Venue: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Rome, Italy.
8) Online information day on «Management of Virus Diseases under Greenhouse conditions»
Date: 10 June 2021
Organizer: the Agricultural Extension and Training Agency (AVFA)
Highlights: Preparing and performing of two oral presentations «Major Virus Diseases of
Greenhouse Vegetables » and « Preventing viral diseases in Greenhouse Vegetable Crops at each
stage of cultivation »
9) National workshop on «the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention. Training on the
key RC obligations and identification of elements of National action plan»
Date: From 20 to 22 December 2016
Organizer: FAO office in Tunisia jointly by the secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention
Venue: Golden Tulip El Mechtel Hotel, Tunis, Tunisia.
 Mars 2023 : accepted article Jouda Mediouni Ben Jemâa, Abir Soltani, Tasnim Djebbi,
Dalton Kanyesigye, Michael Hilary Otim, Hichem Asses, Imed Jaouadi, Sameh Ouechtati
of Mythimna (=Leucania) loreyi (Duponchel, 1827) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Tunisia"
.Accepted by the Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection (TJPP).
 January, March 2023 “Elaboration of the National E-Agriculture Strategy in Tunisia”
 April 2022: Report about the “Organization of the phytosanitary Information Systems
of the National phytosanitary services in Italy “. This report was validated by the senior
coordinator of the ASCO project (FAO).
 January 2022: Report on “the National Information System of Plant health and
Agricultural Inputs (SISPIA) progress” under the supervision of Mr Andréa VITELLI,
expert in design and development of information systems working on behalf of IZS
 January 2021-2022-2023: Participate in the elaboration of the Annual Workplan and
the strategic priorities of the the Directorate General of Plant Health and Control of
Agricultural In puts.
 07 September 2021 and 12 August 2022: contribution to the first Audit of Tunisia in
order to evaluate the system of official controls for the export of plants and plant
products to the European Union, conducted by Directorate-General For Health And
Food Safety- Health and food audits and analysis from 16 to 27 November 2020;
(report reference DG(SANTE) 2020-7088). The audit was closed with success on 16
February 2023. Through the redaction of :
The official letter send from the Director General of the Tunisian NPPO to the DirectorateGeneral For Health And Food Safety (DG SANTE)– Health and food audits and analysis;
The Competent Authority's comments on the draft report ;
The Competent Authority's response to the report's recommendations.
 2020-2021-2023 : Published articles in the Plant Health And Agricultural Inputs
SVCIA Bulletin N°3 (from October- November- December 2020) on “the emerging
pathological situation of pepper cultivation in greenhouses in the region of Bembla,
Monastir, Tunisia”.
SVCIA Bulletin N°7 (from October - November- December 2021) about “Study mission on
the central phytosanitary Information Systems of the National phytosanitary services in Italy
carried out from November the 28th to December the 3rd 2021”
SVCIA Bulletin N°10 (from July-August-September 2022) about “An Information day about
the establishment of a National Information System for Veterinary and Phytosanitary
Services belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries of Tunisia
within the framework of the ASCO project”.
SVCIA Bulletin N°12 (from January-February-March 2023) about « Developing and
implementing an action plan to prevent the introduction into, establishment and spread
within the Tunisian territory of FAW» and «the organization of the third national workshop
on Fall Armyworm (FAW) »
 June 2021-May 2022 Redaction and verification of the Functional Specifications
National Farmer Registry ;
Farm data review ;
Official Laboratory management;
Phytosanitary control procedures for nurseries ( 04 procedures);
Phytosanitary procedure to prevent the introduction into, establishment and spread within
the Tunisian territory of quarantine pests (commonly known as a national strategy) ( 01
procedures) ;
Trapping procedures ( 02 procedures) ;
Plant health activities and surveillance procedures for non-quarantine pests in strategic crops
: Surveillance, monitoring, morphological identification and management of pests, evaluation
of the phytosanitary situation (commonly known as a national campaign and/or programs)
(05 procedures) ;
Control procedures of the chemical inputs (pesticide for agricultural use, fertilisers) (04
procedures) ;
Official procedures for the Registration and the Protection of Plant Varieties (03 procedures)
Import and Export official control (04 procedures) ;
August 2021: technical poster on “Good Agricultural post-harvest management
Practices to prevent the spread of viruses in greenhouses vegetable crops”.
December 2018: Report on “ Enhancing the traceability of olive oil for export: study
case Organic olive oil, in collaboration with “Office des Terres Domaniales OTD” and
validated by the Director General of Plant Health and Control of Agricultural Inputs.
Meticulous work habits, attention to detail,
High level of integrity, professionalism and sense of service
Excellent reading comprehension and analytical skills,
High ability to work independently and to function as an effective team member.
Strong organizational and multi-tasking skills.
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Good problem-solving and decision-making skills
Building Effective Working Relationships
Arabic: Mother tongue
French : Speak and write excellent
English : Speak and write fairly
Italian : Working knowledge of Italian
Training on «Enhance skills on communication for the Staff of the Directorate General
of Plant Health and Control of Agricultural Inputs»
Date: From 7 to 8 July 2022
Organizer: FAO office in Tunisia, as part of the ASCO project
Venue: Hammamet, Tunisia.
Proficiency in the use of the relevant computer applications