MEDINA COLLEGE Maningcol, Ozamiz City, Philippines Semester Adopted: 1st Sem. AY: 2021-2022 Revision Status: 2nd Revision Revision Date: September 30, 2021 Recommended by: DANILO S. YOLIM, LPT, EdD, PhD, LLB Approved by: RICO C. MEDINA JR., EdD School of Arts and Sciences OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION (OBE) COURSE SYLLABUS Soc Sci 3 The Entrepreneurial Mind AY: 2021-2022 INSTITUTIONAL VMGO: Vision An educational community of men and women dedicated to the formation of the whole person with professional competence and commitment to promote local, regional, national, and global development. Mission As an institution of higher learning, the college commits itself to offer well-rounded program and to provide varied opportunities for students to grow professionally, spiritually, socially, and culturally. Goals In the pursuit of this mission, Medina College is guided by the following commitments: A. As a Christian community, it welcomes faculty, staff and students with other religious beliefs and respects the religious freedom of every member while providing opportunities for them to grow in their faith life. B. As an academic community, it strives to offer quality and responsive education to prepare its graduate for national and global competitiveness. C. As a Filipino community, it promotes the formation of the students’ awareness of their civic and social responsibilities and development of the students’ pride for nation’s rich cultural heritage. Page 1 of 13 PROGRAM VMGO Vision The College of Arts and Sciences envisions itself as a provider of transformative education in humanities, natural and social sciences so as to prepare students professionally in the service to God and country. Mission The College of Arts and Sciences of Medina College gives students ample opportunities to develop facilities and mastery in the use of English and Filipino as core languages. It commits to provide students with holistic training to enhance the practice of their profession PROGRAM INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (PILO) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Display oral and written proficiency.IGB Appreciate one’s literary heritage.IGC Exhibit excellence and service in their chosen career.IGB Readily and creatively respond to the social, political, economic, ecological and moral needs of contemporary Philippine society.IGB Enhance positive Filipino values, national consciousness a solidarity.IGA Value innovation, resourcefulness and research output.IGC Page 2 of 13 Course Title: The Entrepreneurial Ming Course Code: Soc Sci 3 Prerequisite: Course Credit: 3 units (54 hours) Course Placement: Second Year – Second Semester COURSE DESCRIPTION Art Appreciation is a three-unit (3) course that develops students’ ability to appreciate, and critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches this course equips students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order to hone student’s ability to articulate their understanding of the arts. The course also develops the students’ competency in researching and curating art, as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art productions. The course aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation for the Philippine arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their rootedness in Filipino culture. Program Objectives Course Learning Outcomes A B c d e f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Knowledge (K) 1. Understand the concepts and principles of entrepreneurship and business ventures; 2. Understand the dynamic role of entrepreneurship and small businesses; 3. Conceptualize the flow of resources and various processes in a small business; 4. Understand the concepts of financial management and accounting; Skills (S) 1. Evaluate a business or organization through PEST and SWOT analysis tools; 2. Conceptualize a feasible plan for a small business; * 3. Start, run, organize, and manage a freelance or a small entrepreneurial business; * 4. Write and balance financial statements of a small business; Page 3 of 13 * * * * * * * 5. Strategize and market products and services efficiently to target customers; Values (V) * * 1. Appreciate the value of financial literacy; 2. Adopt the culture of business-mindedness; 3. Develop the sense of accountability, discipline, and ethics from entrepreneurship or freelancing. LEARNING PLAN Page 4 of 13 * * * * * * * * * * * Topics Students’ Learning Outcomes Teaching-Learning Activities (OBE) On-site Learning Flexible Learning Learning Assessment Time Allotment References Self-directed Learning I. Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Week 17) 7 weeks Course Introduction 1. Entrepreneurship 2. The Entrepreneur 3. Common Forms of Entrepreneurship 4. Forms Business o According to Ownership o According to Purpose Define what entrepreneurship is (K1) (K2) Develop awareness of the characteristics and values of an entrepreneur (K1) (K2) (V2) Course introduction and setting up course objectives . Determine the various forms of entrepreneurship (K1) (K2) 5. Freelancing Determine the forms of businesses according to purpose and according to ownership (K1) Class lecture and discussion about entrepreneu rship 21 Hours Discussed the clarification s of school rules, class rules and course requireme nts using slide presentatio n Individual introduction or getting-toknow session Class lecture using the slide presentatio n Brainstorming on Distinguish ‘entrepreneur each form ship’ from one another and state its advantages and disadvantage What are your expectations from this course? Give names of famous entrepreneur s and their respective businesses. Page 5 of 13 Drucker, P. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles. HarperCollins Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia 1985. Cottrell, E. Entrepreneurship 101: Keys to Starting a Business. Entrepreneurial Leadership Center, Fall 2009. Fernandes, P. Entrepreneurship Defined: What It Means to Be an Entrepreneur. Business News Daily 19 February 2018. 75-entrepreneurship-defined.html Retrieved 2019. BizFilings. A Guide to Starting and Running a Freelance Business. Retrieved 2019. (K2) (V2) Understand the concepts of freelancing (K1) (K2) (V2) The various forms of entrepreneu rship are introduced in the class for discussion and analysis Watching the video how to make forms of entreprene urship Forms of business according to ownership is introduced Forms of and business discussed according to purpose is introduced and discussed using the slide show The characteristic s and values of entrepreneur ship are determined and discussed in groups Freelancing is discussed in a short lecture s Identify what form of business is a specified company and explain its characteristic s Students presents report on assigned topic about freelancing II. Marketing and Management 1. Basic Concepts of (W. 8-11) 4 weeks Understand Marketing Marketing The Page 6 of 13 What is 12 Hours Drucker, P. Innovation and Marketing and Management 2. Nature and Functions of Management 3. Marketing Mix o Product o Place o Price o Promotion o People o Packaging o Positioning 4. PEST and PESTLE Analysis 5. SWOT Analysis concepts of marketing and management (K1) (K2) Determine the nature and functions of management (K1) (K2) Adopt ethical principles on marketing and management (K1) (K2) (V2) (V3) Understand the concept of marketing mix and the P’s of marketing (K1) (K2) Strategize and market products and services efficiently to target customers (K1) (K2) (S5) Utilize environmental analysis tools used in businesses or organizations (K1) (K2) (S1) (V2) and managemen t are introduced and discussed in the class and management are introduced using the slide presentation The nature and functions of managemen t are introduced and discussed Ethical management and marketing are discussed using the slide show presentation The 7 P’s of marketing are discussed in the class Utilizing the slide show, go over the 7P’s in detail. characteris tics of a good manager are discussed marketing? What is management ? What are the types of management ? To organize and control oneself in order to accomplish the intended goals What are the functions of a manager? Singh, M. Basic Principles of Marketing and Management. Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning and Analyzing the Marketing Environment. White Paper. The Functions of Management. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. pers/WP1094_Defining_Management.p df Retrieved 2019. Quiz on 7 P’s of marketing Fallon, N. SWOT Analysis: What It Is and When to Use It. Business News Daily 2 March 2018. 45-swot-analysis.html Retrieved 2019. To carry out research in your target market and learn about their demands and wants Evaluate a given Page 7 of 13 Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles. HarperCollins Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia 1985. Evaluate a business or organization through PEST and SWOT analysis tools (K1) (K2) (S1) (V2) PEST or PESTLE analysis is introduced and discussed to the class SWOT analysis is introduced and discussed to the class Using a PowerPoint presentation conduct a PEST and PESTLE study to determine how your business is affected Prepare a report on how to use the PEST and PESTLE in the firm To discussed what is SWOT analysis using the slide presentation business or organization by using PEST and SWOT analyses tools Achieve of what they needs of the business III. The Business Plan (W. 1213) 2 weeks 1. What is a Business Plan and Business Understand what a business plan is and its A sample business plan is Lecture on business plans and Make a business Page 8 of 13 Students present their own business 6 hours Rampton, J. 7 Steps to a Perfectly Written Business Plan. Entrepreneur. 20 February 2019. Proposal 2. Steps in Developing a Business Plan 3. Creating a Business Plan or Business Proposal components (K1) (K3) (V2) Conceptualize a business by convening to the given steps in developing a business plan and proposal (K1) (K3) (S2) (V2) Write a feasible plan for his/her own business (K1) (K3) (S2) (S5) (V2) plan presented to proposals the class to using slide presentation be evaluated and to be discussed Students are instructed to research on guides and steps in developing a business plan Conduct business plan and business proposal report using PowerPoint presentation 1416 Retrieved 2019. plans or proposals to be implemented in real life LDSJobs. Developing a Business Plan. The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints (2019). eveloping-a-business-plan?lang=eng Retrieved 2019. To conduct a report by group how they make their business plan and business proposal IV. Business Implementation (W. 1418) 5 weeks 1. Concepts of Money Get acquainted to the various monetary concepts (K1) Understand the concepts of financial ‘Money’ is brainstorme d in the class Watching video how to earn money Money’ is brainstorm ed in the class Take a Page 9 of 13 What is money and how does it contribute to the society? 2 hours Lopez-Mariano, N. Elements of Finance. First Edition. Rex Book Store, Inc., Manila (2014). 2. Financial Management 3. Financial Accounting 4. Financial Statements o Income Statements o Balance Sheets 5. Financial Intermediation and Banking management and financial accounting (K1) (K4) Produce financial reports on one’s own business (K3) (K4) (S1) (S3) (S4) Evaluate and analyze financial statements (K1) (K3) (K4) (S1) (S3) Understand the concepts and principles of financial intermediation and banking (K3) (K4) (V1) (V2) Develop financial literacy (K4) (V1) (V2) (V3) Discussion on the history, forms, types, and nature of money Financial managemen t is introduced and discussed Samples of financial statements are presented and explained to the class Watching a film about the origins, varieties, and nature of money quick quiz to determine your financial stage What is financial management ? What is accounting? Accounting is defined and discussed using the slide presentation To evaluate or oversee the costs associated with making a financial investment Income statements are analyzed and discussed using the slide presentation Students produce an income statement and balance sheet reports of their business currently implemented 2 hours 2 hours 6 hours To conduct an income Is banking statement practical? budget analysis or problem solving Page 10 of 13 3 hours Balance sheets are analyzed and discussed Financial intermediati on and banking are discussed Balance sheets are analyzed and discussed using the slide presentation To conduct balance sheets statement Financial intermediatio n and banking are discussed using the slide presentation Open for bank account REFERENCES: 1. Caslib, Jr., B. N.,Garing, D.C., &Casaul, J.R. (2018). Art Appreciation, 1st Edition. Manila: Rex Book Store. 2. Ortiz et al, (1976). Art: Perception and Appreciation. , Manila: University of the East. 3. Perez et al, (2013). Alampat: An Introduction to Art appreciation. Davao: Blue Patriarch Publishing House Page 11 of 13 COURSE EVALUATION Course Requirements 1. Attendance: Regular attendance is necessary to ensure full understanding of the course content. It is important for students to participate actively in lectures, discussions, and activities. 2. Preparation and Participation: Students are expected to come to class having read the assigned readings and prepared to participate in discussions and activities. 3. Assignments and Quizzes: Timely completion and submission of all assignments and quizzes is a must. These assignments and quizzes are designed to reinforce the concepts taught in class. 4. Group Project: Students will be required to work in teams to complete a project related to drug classifications. This will require conducting research, preparing a presentation, and presenting to the class. 5. Exams: Students are expected to take all exams as scheduled. Exceptions will be made only in cases of medical or personal emergencies, with appropriate documentation. 6. Professional Conduct: As future nurses, students are expected to conduct themselves professionally during class and while interacting with peers and faculty. Grading System The final grade for the course will be calculated based on the following components: 1. Class Participation (15%): This includes participation in class discussions, workshops, and problem-solving exercises. 2. Quizzes (20%): Regular quizzes will be conducted to evaluate understanding of the lectures and readings. 3. Practical Exams (20%): This will involve practical calculations related to drug dosages and will assess the students' ability to apply their knowledge in practical situations. 4. Group Project (20%): Students will be required to collaborate on a project related to specific drug classifications and their impacts on patient care. 5. Final Exam (25%): A comprehensive written exam will be conducted at the end of the semester. This will cover all topics taught during the course. Schedule of Examinations Page 12 of 13 1. Quizzes: Quizzes will be administered throughout the course to assess students' understanding of the material covered in class. The dates for quizzes will be announced in advance. 2. Prelim Exam: The Prelim Exam will be held during the first half of the course, usually around the 4th or 5th week, depending on the course schedule. The specific date will be announced in advance. 3. Mid-term Exam: The Mid-term Exam will be held during the middle of the course, usually around the 7th or 8th week, depending on the course schedule. The specific date will be announced in advance. 4. Semi-Final Exam: The Semi-Final Exam will be held during the second half of the course, usually around the 11th or 12th week, depending on the course schedule. The specific date will be announced in advance. 5. Final Exam: The Final Exam will be held during the last week of the course. The specific date and time will be announced in advance, in accordance with the institution's examination schedule. Prepared by: Approved: DANILO S. YOLIM, LPT, EdD, PhD, LIB Vice President for Academic Affairs Dean - School of Graduate Studies RICO C. MEDINA JR., EdD School President Page 13 of 13