Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 1 af 8 Assignment 1 I nedenstående tekst er et antal ord understreget. Blandt disse ord skal du finde ét adjektiv, der står i superlativ, to adverbier, der beskriver et verbum, to adjektiver, der står i positiv, to verber, der kan bruges som substantiv og endelig to substantiver, der kan bruges som verbum. Udfyld skemaet nedenfor, og vær opmærksom på, at ikke alle de understregede ord skal anvendes. That day, she searched the whole apartment for the wallet. At last, as the sun was setting, she had collapsed in tears on the sofa. “But it’s right here in my purse,” Mrs. Trapolli said, innocently. Only then did Maia recall the cab driver’s uneasy hurry. “Did you pay him while I was in the store?” But Mrs. Trapolli had turned silent again, like a scolded child. The wallet, of course, was empty; $86 for a $16 cab ride! Even when Maia had first moved in, Mrs. Trapolli was a generous woman, offering to buy her chocolates, glass figurines in shop displays. But now all the restraints on that part of her personality seem to have been lifted. Maybe she has always wanted to live like a rich person, shower others with rewards for merely being in her presence. And how can anyone punish her for this? When the past is disappearing so quickly, what’s left of a person but momentary pleasures? At last, Gloria gathers the papers into a pile and starts to button her coat. To the girls, she yells, “Are we going to Woodbury Commons today or not?” In the hall, Dawn laces up her boots, and Amy snaps the metal buttons on her jacket. “I wanted to do all my Christmas shopping online this year,” Gloria begins to say, absently. “But the sizes are impossible. You’re a 12 in one store and a 14 in another. I don’t know why they can’t make all the sizes the same, like food labels. Doesn’t that make sense?” “It makes very much sense.” The easiest part of her job is to agree with Gloria when she makes such pronouncements. ”Maia in Yonkers” by Sana Krasikov, The Atlantic 2007 Find og angiv: Dine valgte ord: et adjektiv, der står i superlativ Easiest Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 2 af 8 to adverbier, der lægger sig et verbum Innocently and quickly to adjektiver, der står i positiv Silent and offering to verber, der kan bruges som substantiv Hurry and Snap to substantiver, der kan bruges som verbum Pile and button Assignment 2 Skriv en sammenhængende tekst på 100 til 150 ord om billedet. I din tekst skal du anvende de relative pronomener that, who, whose og which. Understreg de anvendte pronomener, og forklar din brug af dem i et separat afsnit. In the Picture, there are many various people, which include children, adults Males and females. They all seem to be having a lot of fun. The ones who are truly making the environment lively are particularly the children playing with water. They have no worries and living their to the fullest. Whose children they are is not clear though. But still even the old people are happy to see them having fun. It reminds them of their own youth in which they accomplished many things that will pass on history with themselves one day. Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 3 af 8 Assignment 3 Besvar både opgave 3A og 3B Assignment 3A “But for the country’s farmers, this is simply about sustaining the food in their rice bowls.” Angiv verballeddet i ovenstående sætning, og angiv, hvilken tid verballeddet står i, samt hvorvidt verballeddet står i simpel eller udvidet tid. Angiv desuden, om sætningen står i aktiv eller passiv. Verballeddet er: Verballeddets tid: Simpel/udvidet tid: Aktiv/passiv: ”is simply about sustaining” Present tense Simpel Passiv Assignment 3B “But for the country’s farmers, this is simply about sustaining the food in their rice bowls.” Omskriv ovenstående sætning til: præsens som et spørgsmål præteritum præteritum med nægtelse perfektum pluskvamperfektum med nægtelse Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 4 af 8 futurum med spørgsmål Omskriv sætningen til: Skriv din sætning herunder: præsens som et spørgsmål Is this simply about sustaining the food in the country’s farmer’s rice bowl? præteritum But for the country’s farmers, this was simply about sustaining the food in their rice bowls . præteritum med nægtelse But for the country’s farmers, this was not simply about sustaining the food in their rice bowls. perfektum But for the country’s farmers, this has simply been about sustaining the food in their rice bowls. pluskvamperfektum med nægtelse But for the country’s farmers, this had not simply been about sustaining the food in their rice bowls. futurum med spørgsmål Will this simply be about sustaining the food in the country’s farmers’ rice bowls? Uddrag fra: “How palm oil ban has made the EU a dirty word in Malaysia” Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 5 af 8 Assignment 4A-2 We are better than this! Good afternoon, ladies & gentlemen. I am very honored to be attending this charity event for rainforest protection. As a biologist, my job is to travel around the world and explore different regions to discover new animal species. The best place to do so is the tropical rainforest, but during the expedition, I was met with a horrible view. Whole forests burnt down just to make room for palm oil plantations. Therefore, I was asked to give a speech, which addresses the issue. Today we have gathered here to address a matter of great importance and urgency. The use of palm oil and its impact on our environment, communities, and economy1. Palm oil has countless various utilizations. It is one of the most widely used vegetable oils in the world. The other applications range from food production to cosmetics, biofuel, and pharmaceuticals2. However, in recent years the expansion of palm tree plantations has had a profound impact on our planet, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity3. This is a rather challenging and complex issue, with many perspectives and competing interests at hand. Nonetheless, I believe that it is essential for us to engage in an informed and meaningful discussion about palm oil and its upcoming future. Today, in this speech, I hope to shed light on some of the key issues and challenges and explore some of the opportunities and solutions, which lie in the near future. Let us commence by assessing the gravity of the situation and the critical role, which we all play in shaping the future of our dear planet. Firstly, I would like for us to take moment and reflect on the consequences of our actions. Every time we purchase a product containing palm oil, we are contributing to the destruction of precious ecosystems, the extinction of wildlife, and the exploitation of communities that depend on these lands for their livelihood. 1 “Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap”, a video, Business Insider YouTube channel, 16-11-2019. Viewed 07-09-2020. (00:10 - 00:20) 2 “Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap”, a video, Business Insider YouTube channel, 16-11-2019. Viewed 07-09-2020. (00:38 - 00:45) 3 “Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap”, a video, Business Insider YouTube channel, 16-11-2019. Viewed 07-09-2020. (05:42 - 05:46) Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 6 af 8 The truth of the matter is, that palm oil is responsible for widespread deforestation4 and its environmental impacts are far-reaching and long-lasting. This does not only result in the destruction of forests for palm oil cultivation but also the destruction of habitats for countless species. In addition to that, it also contributes to the loss of soil fertility and global warming, which in general causes instability on the planet. The destruction of forests for palm oil production is like cancer that is spreading rapidly, eating away at the heart of our planet and leaving behind a trail of despair and destruction. Now let us take a moment of silence for those who have lost their homes in these forests. It is truly heart-wrenching. Now try to imagine yourself in their shoes, how would it feel to become homeless in a matter of days because of a new palm oil plantation? They must have felt very fearful and miserable as their homes were destroyed. This is not just an environmental issue but a humanitarian one, that is affecting the lives of a magnificent number of species. Therefore, we must start to act now and end this nightmare by working toward a better future. Furthermore, Tropical forests are the richest when it comes to biodiversity. It is also very crucial for Earth’s natural system as every organism has its own role to play. By the extinction of just one species, a whole ecosystem falls into chaos. Now imagine the catastrophe if multiple species went extinct. To lessen Europe's reliance on palm oil. EU has recently placed a ban on Palm oil biofuel. This has had a huge impact on the people of Malaysia, who heavily rely on palm oil production for their livelihood5. The ban has been a huge blow to the Malaysian economy and has left families struggling to make ends meet. It has torn apart the fabric of their communities and left them struggling. It is not a fair strategy to limit the usage of palm oil since the people of Malaysia are being punished for a problem that is not of their making. The ban is hurting Malaysian people. The ban is damaging the Malaysian economy. The ban is unfair and unjust. 4 5 “Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap”, a video, Business Insider YouTube channel, 16-11-2019. Viewed 07-09-2020. (05:42 - 05:46) Hannah Ellis-Petersen, “How palm oil ban has made the EU a dirty word in Malaysia”, an article, The Guardian website, 25-042018. Viewed 07-09-2020. Line(05 - 15 ) Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 7 af 8 But on the other hand, we also need to acknowledge the positive attributes of palm oil, which include cost-effectiveness compared to other vegetable oils. Making it an affordable option for various consumers. Moreover, the palm plant is highly efficient, producing high yields per hectare6, which helps to meet the growing demand for edible oils7. The use of palm oil is like a double-edged sword, providing both benefits and challenges that must be carefully balanced. We must find a way to reap the benefits of palm oil, without sacrificing the environment and the future of our planet. This leads us to the conclusion, the use of palm oil has a significant impact on our environment, economy, and communities. Deforestation and loss of biodiversity has led to the suffering of many species by rendering them homeless or pushed into extinction. This requires immediate action, but unfair bans are not a reasonable strategy. At the same time, we need to take the efficiency of palm plants into consideration as a source of edible oil. The challenge, we are facing is surely complex, and there are no easy answers or simple solutions. However, I believe that with hard work we will be able to find a way to balance the benefits with the environmental needs. Therefore, we must act now. We must act before it's too late. We must act to protect our planet. We must act to protect the future. Word count (938) 6 Professor Datuk Dr Ahmed Ibrahim, “Accept palm oil as a wonderful gift”, a letter to the editor, The Star website, 01-05-2018. Viewed 0709-2020. Line (34 - 37 ) 7 Professor Datuk Dr Ahmed Ibrahim, “Accept palm oil as a wonderful gift”, a letter to the editor, The Star website, 01-05-2018. Viewed 0709-2020. Line (44 - 47) Eksamensnummer: Zohaib Asghar Fag: Engelsk A Dato: 12/02/203 side 8 af 8 Sources - “Why Palm Oil Is So Cheap”, a video, Business Insider YouTube channel, 16-11-2019. Viewed 0709-2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvKgnRPThKI - Hannah Ellis-Petersen, “How palm oil ban has made the EU a dirty word in Malaysia”, an article, The Guardian website, 25-04-2018. Viewed 07-09-2020. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/26/how-palm-oil-ban-has-made-the-eu-a-dirty-word-inmalaysia - Professor Datuk Dr Ahmed Ibrahim, “Accept palm oil as a wonderful gift”, a letter to the editor, The Star website, 01-05-2018. Viewed 07-09-2020. https://www.thestar.com.my/opinion/letters/2018/05/01/accept-palm-oil-as-a-wonderful-gift