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Utilitarianism Essay: Ethics & Decision Making

Give your argument / explanation on the following issues using the basis of utilitarianism.
1. Anti-Terror Act of 2020 was signed into law last Friday. According to those who oppose
this law, there are some provisions in this law that is deemed unconstitutional and a threat
to our individual rights. One example is Section 3 and 16 of the law which permits the
secret wiretapping of suspected terrorist, which violates the right to an individual privacy.
Can the government infringe individual rights? Why or why not?
No, the government cannot infringe the individual rights, because individual rights
cannot be owned or controlled by the government, but rather it innately belongs to
every Filipino. Likewise, the government cannot secretly wiretap any individual who
are suspected as a terrorist without any proof. It should be noted that the most effective
counter-terrorism actions should prevent terrorism in our country and accuse the ones
who are responsible for terrorism and at the same time should not be in conflict with
the human rights. Specifically, the infringement of the individual rights itself is an
unlawful act which should not be done by the government. Focusing on the decisions
made by the government based on utilitarian way of thinking, it is acceptable that the
government can infringe individual rights since the privacy can be sacrificed for the
common good. However, thinking in a utilitarian way is not always good, that is why
there are some issues concerning this way of thinking. It has been said in the lesson
that utilitarianism does not care of how we attain our actions as long as it produces
happiness to many people, this means that the lives of the people who have been
afflicted with the law does not matter as long as it will make happiness for the many
and I think that it is very unethical.
2. Is it justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans, than to build a
hospital because there are fewer sick people?
It is not justifiable to build a basketball court because there are basketball fans, than to
build a hospital because there are fewer sick people. Most Filipinos nowadays are
always intrigued when it comes to basketball, as a result, it became the mostly
encountered program especially in every barangay. Moreover, we could always come
across basketball court which are being used by the community in order to play. I think
that focusing on programs which has a longer-term effect on the people will be more
justifiable like building hospitals than shorter-term like building basketball courts.
Specifically, thinking in a utilitarian way, it will be more justifiable in building a
basketball court since there are basketball fans which will create more happiness than
building a hospital because it will create small amount of happiness since there are
fewer sick people. However, this situation lacks ethical depth since saving every life is
more reasonable even if there are only fewer sick people.
3. Cite at least 3 decisions that you have made in your life and explain why do you think you
made those decisions in a utilitarian way.
As I think of my past decisions in life, I have found that most of my decision was in a
utilitarian way of thinking. The first utilitarian decision that I have made in my life was
when my mother told me that I am not allowed to go outside even though I have told
her in advance that me and my friends are going to a road trip. Because of this, I have
decided to escape through the back door and use our motorcycle to go out with my
friends. Even though my way of achieving my plans were bad, still, the result created
happiness on me and my friends because our plan to have fun was attained. I think that
I have made those decisions in a utilitarian way because the means of pursuing on going
out with friends created unhappiness to my mom, however, it did create a greater
amount of happiness to me and my friends, specifically, the result was good. The
second utilitarian decision that I have made in my life was when I was going to treat
my nephew in a restaurant because I have promised to him that I will treat him a long
time ago. However, as I look into my wallet, the money was not sufficient enough to
buy him food in the restaurant that is why I have grabbed some money in my savings
so that I can treat my nephew. Specifically, I think that the decision that I have made
was in a utilitarian way because the actions that I have decided created more happiness
than pain since we are enjoying the moments with each other and the food that we are
eating. Even though the pain was my savings got decreased, it has still produced more
happiness than unhappiness. The third utilitarian decision that I have made in my life
was when I was still in high school, there was a teacher who cannot effectively explain
the lesson that was being taught to us. Moreover, it was very hard for us to comprehend
the lessons since we can only rely on the book and the teacher about the lessons.
Because of this, we have resorted to copying and cheating so that we can pass the
subject being taught by the teacher. I think that this decision was in a utilitarian way
because the means of the action was not acceptable but the results gave happiness to
all of the students. Though, the pain of the action was there, the pleasure experienced
in the results of the happiness was worth it.