DEPARTMENT OF LIBERAL ARTS AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Visca Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A, Philippines Phone: (053) 525-0346 loc.1028 Email Address: Website: OUTCOMES-BASED EDUCATION (OBE) COURSE SYLLABUS Course No. Humn11 Course Title: Art Appreciation I. UNIVERSITY INFORMATION 1. Vision of the University A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation 2. Mission of the University Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. 3. VSU Quality Policy Statement Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 1 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 4. Quality Goals of the College of Arts and Sciences •Sustained Excellence in Instruction. Produce highly competent and worldclass manpower in science and technology (S&T), especially for agriculture, environmental management and industry who are proficient in communication skills, critical thinking and analytical abilities, •Innovative RDE System and Competitive S&T Products. Generate and disseminate relevant knowledge and technology that lead to improved productivity, profitability and sustainability in agriculture, environment and industry, •Adequate and Sustainable Resource Generation Activities. Generate adequate resources to support the University's instruction, research and extension pursuits and physical infrastructure needs in the face of declining government subsidy to state universities and colleges (SUCs), •Efficient, Effective and Client-Centered Administrative Support Services. Provide timely, accessible, acceptable and customer-friendly administrative support system that promotes partnership and sense of shared stewardship with students, faculty, alumni and other stakeholders. 5. Quality Objectives of the Department of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences 1. 2. Vision: Mission: General Objectives 1. Develop high caliber VSU graduates with strong background in the humanities and social sciences and who can provide effective leadership in scientific investigation. 2. Become a center in the application of new knowledge for cultural and social upliftment. Specific Objectives 1. Graduate Program 1. Provide a pragmatic leadership and expertise in language teacher training. 2. Promote productive scholarship through research-oriented projects and enriched curricular activities. 3. Encourage students to be self-reliant and practice independent thinking through extramural studies while still carrying out their jobs and other responsibilities. 2. General Preparatory Program 1. Provide basic liberal arts and social science courses such as English, Filipino, Humanities, Psychology, Social Science, Speech, Philosophy and Spanish, for all degree and non-degree programs of VSU. 2. Develop student’s communication sills useful in their fields of specialization. 3. Provide students with experiences designed to enhance their fields of specialization. 4. Enliven teaching approaches by accelerating general teacher improvement through in service trainings and professional exchange program. 5. Strengthen the development of instructional materials. A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 2 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 Continuously monitor and evaluate students’ performance to seek venues for improving instructions. Undergraduate Program 1. Prepare students for language and social science activities in agro-technical schools and colleges as well as language learning researches. 2. Expose students to language learning activities, theories and research methodologies in language, language acquisition, and language teaching. 3. Develop a sense of literary awareness, taste, and creativity and to promote appreciation of the performing arts. 4. Provide support to all students in understanding theories other courses through Instructional Materials (IM) that go across curriculum. Research 1. Provide students and teachers a climate that inspires the development of research-oriented minds by leading them through instruction. 2. Conduct researches that are truly responsive to institutional, local, regional or national goals and studies that could strengthen the department’s curricular programs. Extension 1. Prepare, collect and evaluate scripts with environmental and developmental concerns. 2. Provide necessary training to target clientele for the development of the community’s human resources for cultural and social development. 3. Present development plays, dramas with developmental themes that can really respond to the particular community needs. 4. Make all VSU staff available for consultancy and other services needed by target communities. 6. 3. 4. 5. II. PROGRAM INFORMATION 1. Name of the Program 2. CHED CMO Reference 3. BOR Approval None Program Specific CMO No. 23, series of 2013 NA 4. Program Educational Objectives and Relationship to Institution Mission Program Educational Objectives 1. Provide basic liberal arts and social science courses such as English, Filipino, Humanities, Psychology, Social Science, Speech, Philosophy and Spanish, for all degree and non-degree programs of VSU. 2. Develop student’s communication skills useful in their fields of specialization. 3. Provide students with experiences designed to enhance their fields of specialization 4. Enliven teaching approaches by accelerating general teacher improvement through in-service trainings and professional exchange program 5. Strengthen the development of instructional materials. 6. Continuously monitor and evaluate students’ performance to seek venues Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. a Mission* b c / / / / / / Page 3 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 for improving instructions. *a - development of a highly competitive human resource, b - cutting-edge scientific knowledge, c - innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment III. COURSE INFORMATION 1. Course Code 2. Course Title 3. Pre-requisite 4. Co-requisite 5. Credit 6. Semester Offered 7. Number of hours 8. Course Description HUMN11 ART APPRECIATION N/A N/A 3 Units 2nd Semester 3 hours/week Art appreciation is a three-unit course that develops students’ ability to appreciate, analyze, and critique works of art. Through interdisciplinary and multimodal approaches, this course equips students with a broad knowledge of the practical, historical, philosophical, and social relevance of the arts in order to hone student’s ability to articulate their understanding of the arts. The course also develops students’ competency in researching and curating art as well as conceptualizing, mounting, and evaluating art productions. The course aims to develop students’ genuine appreciation for Philippine arts by providing them opportunities to explore the diversity and richness and their rootedness in Filipino culture. 9. Program Outcomes (POs) in relation to the Program Educational Objectives (POEs) Program Educational Objectives Program Outcomes (POs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capacity to personally interpret the human a / experiences. Capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns and b think of innovative, creative solutions guided by ethical / standards. c Ability to appreciate and contribute to artistic beauty / Ability to view the contemporary world from both d / / Philippines and global perspective. e. Appreciate Human condition. / 10. Course Outcomes (COs) and Relationship to Program Outcomes (POs) After completing this course, Program Outcomes Code the student must be able to a b c d e perform the following COs: CO1 Develop understanding about art, its importance I I D E I and its impact on our daily living experience. CO2 Clarify misconceptions about subject and content I E E E by determining its D difference in terms of Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 4 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 concept, aesthetics and scope. CO3 Develop creativity and imagination and discover skills that can help learners hone unfulfilled potentials in the field of E I E D D arts connecting to the his/her roots and culture as means of selfexpression and culture preservation. … Legend: I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrative Each letter indicates the expected level of competency that each CO should provide for each PO. 11. Course Content and Plan Teaching and Learning Activities Topics Teaching Learning Activities Activities ORIENTATION AND INTRODUCTION OF THE COURSE Lecture • 1. Think – Pair Class A. Recall the using – Share Orientation Vision, Mission, PowerPoint What makes Goals, presentation VSU your 1. VMGO Objectives, Core school of 2. Core Values Values, and Acquire a choice? How 3. Quality Policy Quality Policy deeper can VSU Statement Statement of the appreciation respond to your 4. Class Policies Visayas State of the career goals 5. Course University. university and content vision, expectations? B. Learn the mission, Gather relevant course content, Values quality policy information on class policies, Integration: statement, VSU’s history and grading college goals and physical system. 1 The orientation and facilities. week allows objectives. students to develop 2. Video appreciation of the viewing of humble VSU’s beginnings and promotional future directions of video/s: the university. VSU Story Thus, it creates 2019: Going opportunities for Global students to 9laiBAkFjnQ persevere and embrace the excellence not as We ek Vision: Mission: Learning Outcomes A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Assessment Tasks Assignment: Conduct a research work about VSU highlighting the following: History Presidents Physical Facilities Achievements Programs offered Due date: February 18, 2022 Page 5 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 a culture but a lifestyle. CO1. Develop understanding about art, its importance and its impact on our daily living experience. Lecture Class Pre-test Module 1 1. Understand the PowerPoint participation/ The Importance, meaning and Quiz 1: Meaning and Importance of art; Presentation Note taking Video Slogan and/or Assumptions of 2. Characterize the presentation Poster Art assumptions of Learning Task Making art; 1 *Rubric 3. Develop an Video Viewing Lesson 1.2 understanding (Why Art is Quiz 2: Importance and about the different Important by One-minute Meaning of Art philosophical Katerina Vlog on the approaches of art; Gregos) Assumptions and of Art Lesson 1.3 4. Engage better Purpose and *Rubric Assumptions of with personal Functions of Art Art experiences of (Megan and in art. Franklin) Values Post-test Integration: Learning Task 2 Acknowledgement Supplemental 2-3 of the importance Reading of Art in man’s Art History existence Timeline (Jesse throughout history Bryant Wilder) and its impact in the daily living experience of the people in the society. CO2: Clarify misconceptions about subject and content by determining its difference in terms of concept, aesthetics and scope, and determine the important elements of art, and trace its development and impact to the works of our local artists and artisans. Module 2 Subject and Content of Art 1. Discuss the difference between the subject and the Lesson 2.2 content of art; and Content of Art 2. Enumerate the sources of the Values subjects of some Integration: of the most recognizable Appreciation of art works of art in forms of various Philippine art subject and Lesson 2.1 Subject of Art 4-5 Vision: Mission: At the end of this lesson, students can: Lecture Video presentation Virtual Meeting Participation/ Note taking Learning Task 3 Video Viewing The Value of Art Series by Sothedby’s Learning Task 4 Supplemental Reading A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Quiz 3 Identification Test Type (Subject and Content of Art) Quiz 4 Appreciating Art (Examine the artwork of a local artist in the Page 6 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 content as representation of man’s struggles and successes. history. Subject of Art Meanings, Kinds and Functions by Kenn Pine community) The Importance of Museums: Preserving Local Culture Module 3: Artists and Artisans At the end of this lesson, students can: 1. Determine the difference between Lesson 3.1 an artist and artisan Artists, Artisans, in terms of: and key players in the Art Market 6-8 Lesson 3.2 The Creative Process and Awards for Artists and Artisans Values Integration: Quiz 5 Lecture Video presentation Participation/ Note taking Purpose Medium; and 2. Identify and define Document an artists/artisan s in your local Community *Guide questions will be provided by the instructor the different individuals and groups who take on varied roles in the world of art and culture. Taking pride of our country’s artists and artisans who continuously envision and represent our culture and tradition. Module 4 Elements and Principles of Art Lesson 4.1: Elements of Art Lesson 4.2: Principles of Art Vision: Mission: Analyze the various elements present in visual art; Identify the principles of art; Define and translate principles Lecture/ Discussion Participation/ Note taking Art Analysis (Analyzing paintings by Filipino Artist) Rule of Thirds (Capturing photographs with A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Pre-test Quiz 6: Mi Obra Maestra *Apply 3 elements and 3 principles of Art (Creating Visual Art Page 7 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 Values Integration: 9-10 Improve students’ creativity by employing elements of art in their masterpieces. Module 5: History and Development of Philippine Arts Historical Development of Art Classical Medieval Renaissance Modern 1112 Values Integration: Appreciation of the important roles that art plays in history especially on developing and strengthening culture and tradition of particular civilization in a particular period. Vision: Mission: of design in an artwork; Identify the rule of thirds in photography; and description) Elements) Classifying types of Musical Instruments Quiz 7: Performance Task Photography *Take a photo applying the rule of thirds based on the suggested topics: ⚫ Environm ent ⚫ Daily life activities ⚫ Social issues ⚫ Poverty ⚫ Technolo gy Create an artwork depicting the various elements and principles of designs. Identify the underlying history, philosophy of the era or movement; Classify the various art movements by citing their important characteristics such as historical background, factors, influential person, sociopolitical issues and prevalent artists, art forms and media; • Present the history of the arts through the various eras or movements; and • Cite the important characteristics Participation/ Note taking Lecture/ Discussion Research (Different Cultural Practices/ Products) A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Quiz 8: Art and History in the Local Community *Find an artwork/art piece in your community *Trace its history based on the context of the historical development of art in the Philippines Page 8 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 in an artwork based on the era or movement. Midterm Examination April 6-12, 2022 CO3: Develop creativity and imagination and discover skills that can help learners hone unfulfilled potentials in the field of arts connecting to his/her roots and culture as means of self-expression and culture preservation. Quiz 9: Participation/ Note taking Module 6: Define and Reflection Appropriation, characterize the the Paper Improvisation, concept of art Lecture/ and Curation ⚫ Why do you appropriation, Discussion think art Improvisation, and Lesson 6.1: curation is Curation important? Art *Not more Appropriation than 300 Conceptualize and words create their own art Lesson 6.2: appropriation and Art art improvisation Improvisation Quiz 10: 13Create your 14 Lesson 6.3: Appreciate the own art Art Curation importance of art appropriation creation or Values improvisation. Integration: Development of students’ selfreflection and selfpride through the creation of their own art forms as representation of themselves. Module 7: Soul Making Explain the concept of soulmaking: Lecture/ Discussion Participation/ Note taking Lesson 7.1: 1517 What is Soulmaking? Explore and appreciate the human self Lesson 7.2: Who is the Soulmaker? Produced and artwork based on the concept of soulmaking Interview local artist/artisans Quiz 11: Document your own soulmaking Lesson 7.3: When and Where does Soulmaking Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 9 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 occur? Values Integration: Appreciate and respect Filipino aesthetics and skills in using art as a tool for expression in various fields (culture, religion, traditions and beliefs) Week 18 Final Examination * VSUEE/VC – VSU E-Learning Environment/ Virtual Classroom 12. Life-long Learning Opportunities 1. Integrate rich cultural and aesthetic experiences and to widen cultural horizons; 2. Develop ideas on oral, audio and visual presentations; 3. Acquire knowledge and understanding of fine arts, appreciating beauty, aesthetic growth and development; 4. Gain a general overview of the humanities, making them see their own world from many vantage points; and 5. Show an awareness of oneself as an interpreter of one’s life experience. 13. Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component (%) General Education: 100% Basic Education (Foundation): ________% Professional Education (Major Field): __________% 14. References and Other Learning Resources A. Textbook(s)/ E-Books Caslib Jr., B. N., Garing, D. C., & Casaul, J. R. (2017). Art Appreciation (1st ed.). REX Bookstore. Ariola, M.M. (2018). Art Appreciation (1st ed.). Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc. Panisan W., Bongabong MC., Trinidad M.A. (2018) Art Appreciation. Mutya Publishing House, Inc. B. Other Learning Resources Journals Videos Websites Webinars Open Educational Resources 15. Course Assessment and Evaluation The performance of students will be assessed and evaluated based on the following: 50% Midterm + 50% Final Term = 100% (Overall Final) Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 10 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 Ite m No, 1 2 3 Assessment Tasks Writing Task Performance Task Midterm and Final Exams 4 … CO s CO 1 CO 2 Assessment t Tasks Quiz 1: Slogan and/or Poster Making Quiz 2: One-minute Vlog on the Assumptions of Art Quiz 3 Identification Test Type (Subject and Content of Art) Quiz 4 Appreciating Art (Examine the artwork of a local artist in the community) Percentage Contribution (1) 30 40 No. of Times in the Semester (2) 6 7 Individual Task % Contribution (1/2) 5%/WT 5.71%/PT 30 2 15%/LT 100% - - Weight in Percent Minimum Average for Satisfactory Rating Target and Standards 20% 10% At least 70% of the students have at least 60% score 50% 30% At least 70% of the students have at least 60% score Quiz 5 Document an artists/artisan in your local Community *Guide questions will be provided by the instructor Quiz 6: Mi Obra Maestra *Apply 3 elements and 3 principles of Art CO 3 (Creating Visual Art Elements) Quiz 7: Performance Task Photography *Take a photo Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 11 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 applying the rule of thirds based on the suggested themes: ⚫ Environment ⚫ Social issues ⚫ Poverty ⚫ Technology 30% 20% At least 70% of the students have at least 60% score Quiz 8: Art and History in the Local Community *Find an artwork/art piece in your community *Trace its history based on the context of the historical development of art in the Philippines Quiz 9: Reflection Paper Why do you think art curation is important? *Not more than 300 words ⚫ Quiz 10: Create your own art appropriation or improvisation. Quiz 11: Document your own soulmaking TOTAL 100% Grading System (% Passing: 60%) Range 96-100 92-95 88-91 84-87 80-83 76-79 72-75 Vision: Mission: Grade 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Range 68 - 71 64 - 67 60 - 63 50 - 59 40 - 49 30 - 39 01 - 29 A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Grade 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 5.00 Page 12 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 16. Course Policies 1. Student shall report to the class on time. Should there be any absence made due to illness, the student is required to submit a medical certificate or an excuse letter signed by the parent or guardian. However, three consecutive tardiness is equivalent to one absence. 2. Assignments and projects shall be submitted on or before the set deadline. Late papers shall not be accepted. 3. A copy of a rubric will be given to the students for their perusal as to how their material and activities shall be graded. 4. The schedule of quizzes will be unannounced, so there will be no special quizzes that will be given to those who were absent unless they have a justified reason. 5. Participation in class dialogues is required. Silence must be observed. 6. Grades will only either be passed or failed, INCs will not be given. 7. During lectures, unnecessary noises should be regulated. 8. Electronic gadgets should be turned off/silent during lectures or discussions. 9. For the computation of the Final Grade (FG), the Midterm Grade (MG) shall be added with the Grade After Midterm (GAM) then divided by 2. 17. Course Materials and Facilities Available • Art Appreciation Textbook by William K. Panisan, et. Al. • PowerPoint Presentation • DLP • Videos 18. Revision History Revision Date of Date of Highlights of Revision number Revision implementation of 3 October 5, January 15, Rearrangement Contents and adding of 2020 2021 topics. 4 February February 1, 2022 2022 15, Content and Activities Revised by Gernah May Santianes Y. Joseph E. Padilla Gernah May Y. Santianes Joseph E. Padilla J-Annie G. Ebit April Rose VillaberAlojado 5 February February 1, 2023 2023 20, Updated the format/template prescribed by the UIMD office Gernah May Santianes Y. Modified the Teaching and Learning Activities based on a face-to-face set up. Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 13 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25 19. Preparation Name Gernah May Y. Santianes Joseph E. Padilla Prepared by Signature Date Signed III. INSTRUCTOR/PROFESSOR INFORMATION 1. Name of Instructor/Professor Gernah May Y. Santianes Joseph E. Padilla Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences 09276937794/09959728112 2. Office and Department 3. Telephone/Mobile Numbers 4. Email Address 5. Consultation Time Gernah May Y. Santianes Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Joseph E. Padilla Wednesday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. 20. Department Instructional Materials Review Committee: Committee Name Member: Member: Chairperson/ Department Head: Verified by: Validated by: Signature Date Signed Signature Date Signed Cherry Rola, D. A Maria Vanessa E. Gabunada, PhD Jett C. Quebec, PhD Name Ma. Theresa P. Loreto, PhD Dean, CAS Nancy D. Abunda Head, OIMD Note: 1) The number of POs will depend on each degree program offered 2) COs and Relationship to POs a. (I) - Introductory – an Introductory Course to an outcome b. (E) - Enabling – an Enabling Course or a course that strengthens the outcome c. (D) - Demonstrated – a Demonstrative Course or a course demonstrating an outcome. _____________ Distribution of copies: OIMD, College, Department, Faculty and ODQA Vision: Mission: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation. Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment. Page 14 of 14 TP-IMD-08 V02 11-14-2022 No. 2nd 22-23-25