Uploaded by Anandmohan singh


When expor ng materials under a work contract service, it is important to dis nguish between the
descrip on of the materials and the appropriate Harmonized System (HS) code. The descrip on
should accurately represent the materials being exported, while the HS code classifies the goods for
customs purposes. Addi onally, a service code may be required to indicate that the export is being
carried out as part of a work contract service. Here's how you can handle these elements:
1. Descrip on of Materials:
Provide a clear and detailed descrip on of the materials being exported. Include relevant
informa on such as the type, composi on, func on, and any specific characteris cs or specifica ons
of the materials. For example:
- Type: Steel beams
- Composi on: Mild steel
- Func on: Construc on framework material
- Specifica ons: Dimensions, weight, etc.
2. Harmonized System (HS) Code:
Assign the appropriate HS code to the materials being exported. The HS code is an interna onally
recognized classifica on system that assigns a unique code to each product category. It helps
customs authori es iden fy and categorize goods for customs clearance and tariff purposes. To
determine the correct HS code for your specific materials, you can refer to the official HS code list
provided by your country's customs authority or consult with a customs expert familiar with the
applicable regula ons.
3. Service Code:
In the shipping bill or customs documenta on, you may also need to include a service code to
indicate that the export is associated with a work contract service. The specific service code to use
will depend on the classifica on system or guidelines provided by the customs authority in your
country. Contact the customs authority or consult with a customs expert to determine the
appropriate service code to include.
Remember that these requirements may vary depending on the country and specific regula ons. It is
advisable to consult with the customs authority or a qualified customs expert to ensure compliance
with the documenta on requirements and proper classifica on of the materials being exported
under a work contract service.