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Municipal School Board Meeting Minutes

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Nueva Vizcaya
Municipality of Bayombong
March 21, 2023 2:00PM
Mayor’s Office Conference Room, LGU Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaa
In attendance: see attached
The prayer was led by Ms. Manuela N. Fabro followed by the acknowledgement of
participants given by Ms. Marievic P. Wayas.
Hon. Antonio Sergio G. Bagasao, Municipal Mayor and Chairman of the Municipal School
Board presided over the meeting.
1. Municipal Education Summit
2. Other Matters
Ms. Marivic C. Bacud, PSDS of Bayombong II DIstrict presented the overview of this
activity in which this will communicate the direction of the LGU in partnership with the
stakeholders thru the leadership of the Municipal Mayor. This will be a 1 whole day
orientation/workshop wherein the vision and mission of LGU and DepEd will be aligned
together to address the needs of children. The tentative date will be on March 28, 2023
with an estimate of 128 participants including the School Principals, Brgy. Captains, PTA
Presidents, PTA Federation Presidents, Sangguniang Bayan Chairman, Committee on
Education and Barangay Kagawad Chairman on Education and other stakeholders. The
venue will be at the LGU Gymsanium if available. The working committee will be chaired
by the Muncipal Mayor, Hon. Antonio Bagasao, Co-Chair will be Ms. Marivic Bacud,
PSDS Bayombong I District, Ms. Merlyn S. Abat, PSDS Bayombong I District and Hon.
Seth B. Navis SB Member, Chair. Committee on Education, the members are the Budget
Officer, Municipal Treasurer, Municipal Accountant. She also said that the logistics,
meals and snacks will be shouldered by the LGU while the programs, invitations and
preparation of venue will be by the Deped. She added that they will invite Hon. Eduardo
Tiongson, Vice-Mayor of Solano, Nueva Vizcaya and the Focal Person of Northern
Luzon Synergia as speaker, Ma’am Bacud requested thru Hon. Tiongson to invite Ms.
Nene to be part of the summit if she’s available or will send an Audio Visual Presentation.
She also said that she will ask Hon. Bagasao if he has anyone he wants to invite as a
resource speaker in which knowledgeable and expertise in partnership with best
Hon. Antonio Sergio G. Bagasao, Municipal Mayor asked the members if the date is
okay to everyone even if it is very close.
Mr. Edmundo De Castro said that there is a problem in the schedule because the
scheduled demonstration teaching and interview of applicants will be on March 27 to
April 5 as scheduled hiring of applicant teachers.
Hon. Bagasao asked the body if it is in conflict what will be the possible available
schedule, the body answered that it will be in April after the Holy Week.
Ms. Bacud said that the screening of applicants will start this week, since the summit
will only take a day, they will seek for the approval of the SDO that this will be the
schedule of the summit. She also suggested that they can adjust the date of the
screening and leave the 28 for the specific activity because the summit is the signal of
our participation in Synergia. and in April will be the training on sports in the preparation
of the CAVRAA.
Hon. Bagasao said to the body that sometimes there is always a need to sacrifice in
the same manner that we wanted to put this project on stream. He promised that they
will be taken care of for one day. The body agreed to the schedule of the Educational
Summit on March 28, 2023.
Hon. Bagasao asked if there is a budget for this type of activity, and according to Mr.
Alvin Abellar, the Mayor can use from the Grants and Donation.
Mr. Flodemonte Gerdan, PTA Federation President of Bayombong II District said that
they are thankful to the Honarable Mayor for the acceptance of the responsibility, he
was wondering a while ago when the supervisor was presenting the activity for the
summit all he knew was it was already communicated to the Mayor. He suggested to
the good supervisors that if there is an activity like this, before it will be brought out to
the MSB meeting it should be communicated first to the Mayor so that the Mayor will
look if there is available funds and that should be the normal way.
Hon. Bagasao added that the reason why they’re doing this activity is because during
the Executive-Legislative Agenda that was crafted, the vision is to strengthen and
upgrade the status as educational center , but how can be do it if the sectors involving
education do not know each other, the first thing to do is to organize and hear inputs
from everyone/stakeholders involve education.
Ms. Remedios Panganiban, Federation PTA President of Bayombong I District asked
the supervisor if they are ready for the resource speakers because to hold such a thing
needs much preparation especially the audience, the communication problem should
be much better if we will be equipped with something to show them so that it will be
more clear and the participants will enjoy.
Ms. Bacud answered that one of the resource speakers as mentioned is Hon.
Tiongson, who will be orienting on Synergia, helps to work on the questionnaires and
he will facilitate the one topic. Ms. Bacud will get the time of Madam Nene who is also
one of the resource speakers if available in person and if not she will be giving her audio
visual presentation/talk or through live streaming. In partnership, she said that they will
invite Mr. Ross Todaco from the SDO, due to the timeframe there are only 3 speakers
that will be accommodated.
2. Scouting Membership
As per issued memorandum reiterating the support of LGU in the membership
campaign and other matters with regards to the implementation of scouting worldwide. As
to the participation of the Municipal Mayor, he will be the Municipal Chairman of Boy Scout
and already registered as the chairman of the municipality for the Boy Scout of the
Philippines-Nueva Vizcaya Council and the donning will be at the next MSB meeting.
Mr. Edwin Buntog, Council Scout Executive shared some facts regarding the Boy Scout.
Scouting was started wayback 1910 and it was introduced in Nueva Vizcaya in 1950. There
are a lot of schools who are not able to organize yet and maybe through the help of the
Mayor, he can sponsor some. As per DILG Memorandum 2018-11 under paragraph 5
“Sponsor and pay for the membership fees of public school children in their respective
areas, or grant financial assistance to their respective counterpart councils in furtherance of
the scouting movement which may be chargeable against local funds subject to the
availability of funds…”. With regards to the activities like camping, training, there is also a
memorandum issued by the DILG-DBM-DepEd JMC no. 1 Series of 2020 under paragraph
1.2.2. Regarding the payment of expenses include but not limited to scouting activities which
can be charged to the Municipal Special Education Fund (MSEF). The Boy Scout will be the
partner of DepEd in the development of the values of the children, and also conduct
leadership activities. The members of Boy Scout will be insured for one year and in case of
an accident they can have financial assistance from the Boy Scout.
Hon. Bagasao said that this will be something to consider by the LGU, because based on
his experience this can help the children and also a way for the children to bond outside the
Ms. Panganiban shared to the body that she was a lifetime member of the Girl Scout of the
Philippines-Nueva Vizcaya, wherein they have the same objectives with the Boy Scout,
mostly for the development of the character, she also share that before they have a very
good membership because it was included in the list of contribution of children but because
of the Memorandum regarding the no contribution policy, they have a very hard time
registering the members, hence, they acknowledge the support of the LGU in the registering
the girls scout.
Hon. Bagasao said that this request will be considered subject to the availability of funds
and he will make an effort to source out funds.
3. Hiring of MSEF Paid Teachers
According to the Honorable Mayor, at first he didn't have an idea regarding the hiring
of the MSEF Paid teachers until there were a lot of applicants who came to his office, so he
asked the district supervisor the process for them to appoint MSEF Teachers.
Ms. Merlyn S. Abat, PSDS of Bayombong I District informed the body that they has
an approved appropriation of 558,000.00 equivalent to the 12 months salary of the 3 MSEF
Paid teachers, but of this month they only employed 2 teachers based on the Teacher need
analysis of the DepED, moreover, their district has been implementing education programs
for the Muslim learners thru the Madrasa Education Program which aims to provide muslim
learners with appropriate relevant education opportunities under DepEd Order No. 41 series
of 2017, in relation to this, they have 1 male muslim teacher called “Ustad” who is under the
contract of service subsidize by the SDO-NV receiving only a compensation and allowance
of 7,500.00 per month so they requested the Mayor to allot 2,500.00 per month from the
savings of the district from January-March from the salary of MSEF Teachers in addition of
his allowance from the SDO. The mentioned savings has a total amount of 45,000.00
wherein the compensation for the Ustad will be 25,000.00 for 10 months. Ms. Abat also
informed the body that the 2 MSEF Paid Teachers of their District came from Vista Alegre
and District IV, in which they are included in the RQA of the SDO.
Hon. Bagasao said that they agree that they need to employ MSEF Teachers while waiting
for their plantilla position, so the budget for MSEF is necessary. The discussion focuses on
the process of hiring MSEF Teachers, according to the district supervisor they will to be
screened at the SDO and be ranked depending on the scores and the priority is given to
those with high scores, if there is nothing available from those, then the lower ranking
applicants will be chosen.
Ms. Marilou Tugade, school head of Sta. Rosa reminded the body that during the previous
meeting the additional criteria regarding the hiring of MSEF Teachers must be from the
Municipality of Bayombong.
Hon. Bagsao said that for him he prioritizes the constituents from Bayombong, this topic is
thrown to the body to know the criteria to follow, so that the mayor will know the steps when
there will be applicants.
Ms. Marietta Ma. Purita Dummanao, School Head, Bayombong South E/S said that hiring
of MSEF Teachers has been a long time ago and the MSEF hired teachers should always
come from the RQA of the division office.
Ms. Florence F. Esparrago, School Head PAIMA NHS, shared her input that the RQA
means the applicants are qualified because they met the 70% cut-off score from the
assessment of the division, if not they are only included in the masterlist. She suggested
that in hiring of the MSEF Teachers, the requirement is they must be included in the RQA if
possible, to justify that they passed and if there is no more in the RQA that is the time to
choose from the masterlist and if not in the masterlist either they can look in the
specialization and that is the time to look to the applicants who are not in the RQA nor in
the masterlist but are from Bayombong, so that the applicants can gain experience.
Hon. Bagasao said that it is the first time that this topic was raised, then the application will
be on the succeeding appointments, will maintain status quo and in the next will follow the
Mr. Alvin Abellar, Municipal Accountant share his opinion regarding the hiring of MSEF
Teachers even not in the RQA, there is an AOM-fund utilization of MSEF, they were advise
to hire from the RQA, which means they will look applicants from the RQA. He also added
regarding the request of Bayombong I District for the salary of the Ustad, that he has doubt
in mentioned savings though the savings is okay because the salary of the 1 MSEF teacher
can be use as salary but his concern was the nature of expense for the salary was change
though the purpose is for educational, it will become a subsidy, wherein it will be for admin
Hon. Bagasao, said that the purpose of this request is to help the teacher in the Madrasa
learning program because 7,500.00 is a small amount and this intention is good because it
is an educational program. Sometimes technicality can limit the intent of the program.
Mr. Abellar commit to the body that he will ask the COA for the proper way on this matter.
Ms. Jovencita C. Balut, CSO said that the best advice for the applicants is to let them qualify
to the RQA, let them qualify themselves.
Ms. Panganiban said that she still signed papers for selecting and hiring of the RQA and it
is found there that there are so many applicants and they undergo certain process give them
the benefit of the things that they have undergone because if only the reason is she/he is
form Bayombong it is unfair to those who are in the RQA.
Hon.Mayor again reiterates that the criteria should be included in the RQA, and can add
some criteria that form Bayombong but the primary criteria must be included in the RQA
because it is also the requirement of the COA. If nothing can be obtained from the RQA
then it will be obtained from the masterlist and be referred to the COA.
Mr. Gerdan, said that in the selection of teachers, to be able to avail the MSEF/PSEF fund
must be coming from the RQA, and this guidelines was set by the DepEd, he asked why
are there so many who don’t qualify, is there something wrong with the process, or is the
standard too high, the point is why would they hire other teacher from outside Bayombong
when we are utilizing the fund coming from the Municipality of Bayombong paid by the taxes
of people of Bayombong. There are applicants from the municipality but not qualified in the
RQA, so as a suggestion they will look for remedy so that the applicants from Bayombong
will qualify.
Ms. Bacud said that anyway they were in the process of screening, taking in to account of
the comments, suggestions and recommendations from the body especially from the mayor,
now that they have already on the process of screening of the applicants, especially those
failed to apply, because in the last tranche of the RQA, it was already exhausted in both
district, they have complied to the guidelines and policies but when there were none, then
it is now the discretion of the District Supervisor who is the available applicant to be placed,
but this time that they will have a process of screening of applicants for CY 2023, she
recommend to the School Heads that they post the vacancy to the conspicuous place in
their area so that the applicants will come to their school to apply and then the school will
forward to the District Office, and the District Office will endorse the applicants to the Division
Office. If there are applicants who failed to but they are interested, they can refer it to the
District Office and they will be accommodated by the fact that they are in the municipality,
they are the priority.
As recap by the Mayor, the protocol in hiring MSEF Paid Teachers, they should be included
in the RQA, and within that set of qualified applicants listed in the RQA priority will be from
Bayombong, in case that there is no one qualified they will get from the masterlist and refer
to COA. According to Ma’am Balut we encouraged them to go and passed the RQA. The
Municipal Mayor will personally talk to the applicants.
4. Other Matters
1. Budget Preparation
Hon. Mayor informed the body that the budget preparation for the MSEF and the
regular budget of the LGU must be together. So that by the time that they are collating
the programs , if there will be additional needs of the Educational Sector then it will
be included in the regular fund. He hopes that the MSEF Budget for next year will
follow the timeline, by October it must already be done, so that whatever they present
to the Sangguniang Bayan for approval it already includes the needs of the
educational sector.
2. Participation of Private School in MSEF
Hon. Mayor asked if the MSEF is only for Public School, because during the
Provincial Meet, the Mayor and the Private Schools teachers had an emergency
meeting because they’ve asked for financial support because they are the one that
can help the municipality to get awards during the sports activity. In addition to the
question, if the Private school will be included in the Synergia.
Ms. Marilou Tugade said that during the term of Mr. Edward Santiago as the District
Supervisor, the private schools were included in the MSEF so they are a bit shocked
why they weren’t involved in the MSEF.
Mr. Alvin Abellar, said that previously this was allowed but when the COA saw it, they
issued an AOM regarding the matter, and advice them to stop doing it because the
next time it will be included disallowance is possible, and Private schools are not
included in the disallowance but those who have signed the papers.
Hon. Mayor asked if it is allowed from the Grants, and according to Mr. Abellar it is
allowed because it is under the General Fund.
Ms. Tugade informed the body that the Private Schools are included in the Sports
Activity yearly because they are contributing awards to Bayombong. As per Mayor,
he agreed that they must be involved, and suggested that they will be invited during
MSB meetings only with regards to budgeting of sports, etc.
Mr. Abellar clarified regarding the concern of Ms. Tugade that it is a sports
event, the mentioned budget that the Private schools were included is for the
Learning tools/Sports tools which is not allowed by the COA but with the activities
they will be included.
In summary, talking about Education, it includes the Private Sector but in the MSEF,
it is exclusively for Public School and other funds will be used for the Private schools.
3. Implementation of MSEF PPAs
Engr. Wilfred Delos Santos, Municipal Engineer reminded the School heads for the
implementation of their MSEF and invited them to go to his office for the preparation
of their Program of Works so that as early as now the POW so that the projects will
be implemented.
in addition, Hon. Mayor informed the body that they improved a lot in the procurement
process wherein they have additional staff and the BAC has its own office, they ensure that
all the documents are secured.
Mr. Abellar said that they always tell the School Heads that they should implement their
MSEF and not extend past the 4th quarter especially if the program is under the MOOE.
He hopes that the programs will be implemented before the fourth quarter.
The idea is not to delay the process and will not wait for the fourth quarter, the
implementation for the Infrastructure projects is implemented on time.
Mr. Cachola, School Head Casat E/S informed the body that Mr. Leonardo Juan visited their
school for the inspection but he thinks that maybe that’s in Casat NHS.
Hon. Mayor said that as per inspection he saw that at Casat their fence is falling, so he
ordered Mr. Juan to inspect the said project because the fund to be utilized is from the
calamity fund.
Ms. Agnes Ilarde, School Head Casat NHS said that the falling fence of their school
happened during the earthquake, her fear is if this will not be fixed, it is possible that it will
erode. She informed that she has already requested the PLGU and the PDRRMO fund will
be used so her request is for the repair of classrooms damaged by the Earthquake.
4. MSEF Budget
Hon. Mayor gave additional information to the body that the basis of MSEF is on the
collection of the RPT and requested the Municipal Treasurer to give an update on the
collection compared to last year.
According to Ms. Ma. Ceselma B. Parong, Municipal Treasurer informed that as per AOM
the LGU off shoot the target for the year 2022, from the target collection of 4,000,000.00 the
LGU have attained more or less 6,000,000.00. the target collection from the MOUSE that
compose of the delinquency accounts because we have a tie up partnership in the Provincial
Treasury Office we issue a compromise agreement scheme, there are still lot of delinquent
accounts and the basis for the target collection is based on the current collectibles, so
because the LGU was off-shoot because there are still collectibles from delinquent
accounts. She requested the teachers to have a Tax Campaign and inform the parents of
their children to pay their tax.
Hon. Mayor said that they are expecting additional funds to be used for the MSEF.
5. Magsaysay E/S
Mr. Edmundo De Castro, School Head of Magsaysay ES requested for a letter/order
for the Brgy. Secretary of Magsaysay to refrain from slowly encroaching and taking
some part of the school lot. She again constructed a small room in the school lot, so
to refrain from taking more and more lots, Mr. De Castro requested an order to stop
the illegal activity.
Hon. Mayor said that there should be no on-going construction because it is status
quo and the lot will be surveyed. The Mayor said that he will call and talk with the
person concerned.
6. Bayombong West ES
Ms. Nenette Magno, School Head Bayombong West ES informed the body that the
MSEF allotted to their school 4 years ago for the installation of steel casement with
glass windows- Santos Glass from Batu Ferry was not implemented. With the help
of the PTA the steel casement was installed however they already went to the shop
and reminded them to install the glass last september but unfortunately until now it
is not yet done. So she asked for suggestions on what to do regarding this matter.
As recommended by Engr. Wilfred, to talk with them at Barangay and the Business
Permit will not be renewed.
Mr. Alvin also recommended to the School Head to make a demand letter demanding
them to do the project and if failure to comply then they will meet with the Barangay.
7. Brigada Eskwela
Ms. Florence, informed the body that Paima NHS, Busilac E/S, Ammococan E/S,
and Lingay E/S were evaluated during the Brigada Eskwela entry of the Division
yesterday, and the one documents that needed were the RIS or complete set of the
liquidation papers which they need for the Brigada Eskwela evaluation, since many
of the projects came from the MSEF, they want to show that it is supported by the
MSEF, so they were requesting some of the documents for the attachment and
requested for the next projects to that all the documents will be furnished to the
schools complete set for any monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Mr. Alvin said that regarding the documents they can have a copy form the office of
the Accountant, he advises them that they can request them as long as they know
the name of Payor, month and the activity. the documents were already digitized and
it is now easy to find documents from 2019 onwards.
Ms. Merlyn Abat informed the body that there will be 105 persons who will be going
to the CAVRAA in which 10 athletes from elementary, 56 athletes from secondary 22
coaches and 17 working committees.
Mr. Jamestown Infanta, Sports Coordinator, asked the Hon. Mayor, if there will be
anything that the LGU can give to the contingents who will be joining the CAVRAA
meet, he added that they are knocking to his benevolent heart to once again extend
his support for the Bayombong Team for the CAVRAA meet.
Hon. Mayor said that they will submit their detailed request regarding the matter and
he will find funds for this. He added that the goal is to improve the standing during
the meet, so he said that they must prepare a budget earlier and include sports.
There being no other matters as well as topics and issues to discuss, the motion of MR.
AMHERSTINE BOY B. BATA the meeting was adjourned at exactly 4:30 in the afternoon.