ASNT Level III Study Guide Ultrasonic Method by Matthew J. Golis The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT Level III Study Guide Ultrasonic by Matthew J. Golis The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. thod The Ultrasonic Testillg Level III Study Guide. prepared by Dr. Matlhew J. earlier efforts by Robert Baker and Joseph Bush. Goli~. is partially based on Publication and review of this Study Guide was under the direction of the Level III Program Committee (known as the National Certification Board). Published by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing. 1nc. 171 1 Arlingate Lane Colum bus, OH 4322 8-05 18 (800) 222-2768 © 1992 by The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. ASNT is nOl responsible for the authenticity or accuracy of infonnation herein. Published opinions and statements do not necessarily reOeclthe opinion of ASNT. Products or services lhat are advertised or mentioned do not carry the endorsement or recommendat ion of ASNT IRRSP, The NDT Techlliciall and www.asnLorg are trademarks of The American Society for Nondestructive Test ing, Inc. ACCP, ASNT, Level III SllIdy Gllide. Materials Emlltalioll, NDT Handbook. NOlldestructive Te sting Halldbook. Research ill NOlldestructi\'e Evaillation and RNDE and are regi stered trademarks of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Inc. AS NT exists to create a safer world by promoting the profession and technologies of nondestructive testing. ISBN- 13: 978-0-931403-29-3 ISBN- IO: 0-931403-29-4 Printed in the United States of America. first printing 02/92 second printing with revisions 04100 third printing with revisions 09/01 fourth printing with revisions 08/06 fifth printing with changes 06/08 Preface This slUdy guide has been developed to assist persons preparing to take the Ultrasonic Level III examination offered through ASNT. It is intended to fea ture the major concept s considered central to the traditional uses of Ultrasonics NDT as it is practiced throughout the USA, and to present abstracts of several of the Iypical tech nical speciali ties. codes, and standards from whic h "appli cations" quest ions are sometimes derived. It is not intended lO be a comprehensive coverage of all possible technical issues that may appear on the Level III test, but rather it is intended to reflec t the breadth of the possible technology topics wh ich comprise potential questions material. It is vital that the suppl emental references be carefully reviewed to amplify on the statements in the Guide in order to place each technical topic into its proper contex l. The problcms at the end of each sectio n are int ended to be used as feed back regarding the user's understanding of the concepts discussed in the sections. They require both a general understanding of many of the topics as well as an abi lity to solve complex interpretation and analysis issues. Mixed systems of units are used (both Eng lish and metric) because both are found in contemporary codes and specifications. They sometimes ca ll for interpretat ions of graphs. plots, and related fi gures. which are an integral pan of the language of the engineering sciences and techno log ies. Suggestions for improvement to the Guide, its questions, or the related codes and spec ifi cations should be sent to Ed uca ti onal Materials Supervisor. ASNT, 1711 Arlingate Lane, PO Box 28518, Columbus. OH 43228-0518. The author acknow ledges the suppo rt given to this project by the technical reviewers, publications staff at ASNT, and particu larly the Technical Services Department . who recogni zed the need fo r this document and made the necessary arrangemen ts for gettin g it comp leted. iii Contents 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 II Chapter I - Physical Principles Wave Characteristics Reflection Refraction Mode Conversion Critical Angles Diffraction Resonance Attenu ation Chapter I Review Questions 29 Chapter 2 - Equipment Basic Instrumentation Transducers and Coup ling Spec ial Equipment Features Chapter 2 Review Questions 35 39 40 41 49 Chapter 3 - Common Practices Approaches to Testing Measuring System Performance Reference Reflectors Calibration Chapter 3 Rev iew Questions 17 20 26 55 56 58 58 60 63 64 65 7] 72 7. 76 77 78 81 82 83 84 87 Chapter 4 - Practical Considerations Signal Interpretation Causes of Variability Special Issues Weld Inspection Immersion Testing Production Testing rn~ service Inspection Chapter 4 Re view Questions Chapter 5 - Codes and Standards Typical Approaches Summaries of Requirements ASTM Excerpts Taken from ASTM A609 ASME Excerpts Taken from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Military Standards Excerpts Taken from MIL-STD-2154 Building Codes Excerpts Taken from a Representative Building Code Chapter 5 Review Questions v 93 93 Chapter 6 - Special Topics Resonance Testing Flaw Si zin g Techniques 99 103 104 105 Appendix A - A Representati ve Procedure for Ultrasoni c Weld In spection Fonn A. Ultrasonic Testing Technique Sheet Form B. Ultrasonic Inspection Results Form Review Questions for a Representati ve Procedure for Ultrasonic Weld In spection 109 Appendix B - Li st of Material s, Ve loc ities, and Impedances 111 Appendix C - Answer Key to Chapter Review Questions 113 Appendix D - References vi Chapter 1 Physical Principles Chapter 1 Physical Principles Sound is the propagation of mechanical energy (vibrations) through solids, liquids and gases. The ease w ith whi ch the sound travels, however, is depe nde nt upon the detailed nature of the material and the pilch (freque ncy) of the sound. At ultrasoni c freque ncies (above 20.000 Hertz [H z]) , sound propagates we ll through most e lastic or ncar-el astic so lid s and liq uids, partic ularl y those wi th low viscos iti es. At freq uencies above 100 kil ohertz (kH z), sound energy can be fo rmed into beams, s imi lar to that of ligh t, and thus can be scanned throughout a mate rial, 1I0t unl ike that of a flas hl ight used in a darkened room. Such sound beams follow many of the physical rules of optics and thus can be reflected , refracted, di ffracted and absorbed (when nonel aslic materials are in volved). At ex tremely high freque ncies (above 100 mcgahcrll. rMH zl), the sound waves are severely attenuated and propagati on is lim ited to Sh0l1 trave l di sta nces. The comillo n wave modes and their characteri stics are summari zed in Table 1.1. Wave Characteristics The propagat ion o f ultrasonic waves depends on the mechani cal characteri stics of densi ty and elasti city, the degree to which the material support ing the waves is hOlllogeneous and isotropic, and the d iffracti on pheno mena found wi th continuous (or quas i-continuous) waves. Contin uous waves are described by thei r wavelength . i.e., the di stance the wave advances in each repeated cycle. T-h.i.£...wave length is proportional to the veloc ity at which the wave is Table 1.1. Common Wave Mode Characteristics Mode Notable Characti'risti cs Velochy Aite-rnate Names l.ongitudinHI Bulk wave in all media In·line motion Pressure Wave Dilatational (Straight Be-am) Trun~wrsc Bulk wa\e in solids Polarized. e,g. Sv. SH Transverse motion Shenr Torsional (Angle Beam) Surface (GUided) Boundary wave in solids Polarized vertically Elliptical motion Polarized horizontally Rayleigh Wa\e PI;Jte (Guided) ( ... ) F(f. T. rn) Twin-boundary wave· solids F(f.T.m) Symmetrical Hourglass motion Asymmetrical Flexing motion Common colloquial tenns Signifies approximate relationship for common Illllterials Depends on Frequency. Thic kness. lind Material 3 Lamb Wave advanc ing and is inversely proportional to its frequency of oscillation. Wavelength may be thought of as the distance from one point to the nex t identical point along the repetitive waveform. Wavelength is described mathematically by Equation I- I. Tabl e 1.2 it is seen that. in steel. a longitudinal wave travels at 5.9 km/ s. while a shear wave travels at 3.2 km/s. In aluminu m. the longitudinal wave velocity is 6.3 km/s while the shear ve locit y is 3. 1 kmls. The wavelengths of sound for each of these material s are calculated using Equation I- I for each applicable test frequenc y used. For exampl e, a 5 MHz L-wave in water has a wave length equal to 1483/5( I 0)6 m or 0.298 mill . Wavelength = Ve loci ty Frequency (Eq. I-I ) When sound waves are confined within boundaries, such as alo ng a free surface or between the surfaces of sheet material s, the waves take on a very different behavior, being controlled by rhe confining boundary condition s. These types of waves arc cull ed gu ided waves, i. e., they are gu ided along the respec tive surfaces, and exhibit veloc ities that are dependent upon elastic moduli , density, thickness, s urface conditions, and relative wavelength interac tio ns with the surfaces. For Rayleigh waves, the useful depth of penetration is restricted to about one wave length below the surface. The wave motion is that of a retrograde ellipse. Wave modes such as those found w ith Lamb waves have a ve locity o f propagation depende nt upon the operating frequency, sample thickness and clasti c moduli . They are di spersive (ve loci ty changes with frequency) in that pulses transmitted in these modes tend to become stretched or dispersed as they propagate in these modes and/or material s whi ch ex hibit frequen cy-depe ndent velocities. The velocity at which bulk waves travel is determined by the material' s elastic moduli and density. The expressions for longitudinal and tra nsverse waves are g iven in Equations 1-2 and 1-3. respectively. , V= p(1+ ~ )(1- 2~ ) (Eq . 1-2) (Eq. 1-3) where VL is the longitudinal bu lk wave velocity, VT is the transvcrse (shear) wave velocity, G is the shear modulu s, E is Young's modulus of e lastici ty ~ is the Poi sson ratio, and p is the material densi ty . Reflection Typical values of bulk wave velocities in common malerials are given in Table 1.2. A more complete list is given in Appendix A. From Ultrasonic waves, when they encounter a di screte change in materials, as at the boundary of two dissimi lar materials, are usual ly partially reflected. If the incident waves are perpend icular 10 the material interface, the refl ected waves are redirected back toward the source from which they came. The degree to which the sound energy is reflected is dependent upon the difference in acoust ic properties, i.e., acoustic impedances, between the adjacent materi als. Table 1.2. Acoustic Velocities, Densities and Acoustic Impedances of Common Materials Muterilll V ( m /s) V (m/s) Z [JIil!./c m J ) Steel 5900 3230 45.0 7.63 Aluminum 6320 3130 17.0 2.70 Plexiglass 2730 t430 3.2 1.17 Water 1483 - 1.5 1.00 Quartz 5800 2200 15.2 2.62 Acoustic impedance (Eq uat ion 1-4) is the product of a wave's veloci ty of propagation and the density of the material through which the wave IS passlOg. Z= P X V (Eq. 1-4) 4 where Z is the acou stic impedance, p is the density, and V is the applicable wave velocity. transmitted wave may be ( I) refracted (bent), depending on the relative acou stic velocities of the respective media, and/or (2) partially con verted to a mode of propagation different from that of the incident wave. Figure 1.1 a shows normal reflection and partial transmission , while Figure 1.1 b shows oblique reflection and the partition of waves into reflected and transmitted wave modes. Table 1.2 lists the acoustic impedances of several common materials. The degree to which a perpendicular wave is reflected from an acoustic interface is gi ven by the energy rcflcction cocfficient. The ratio of thc reflected acoustic energy to that which is incident upon the interface is given by Equation 1-5. Referring to Figure 1.1 b, Snell's Law may be stated as: . " (V,)sma . sm..., = ~ (Eq. 1-6) For example. at a water-plexiglass interface, the refracted shear wave angle is related to the incident angle by (Eq. 1-5) where R is the Coefficient of Energy Reflection for normal incidence sin ~ ~ (I43011483)sin IX ~ (O.964)sin a. Z is the respective material acoustic impedances with ZI = incident wave material , Z~ = transmitted wave material , and T is- Lhe Coefficient of Energy Transmission. Note: T+R = l For an incident an gle of 30 degrees , sin ~ ~ 0.964 x 0.5 and ~ ~ 28.8 degrees Mode Conversion It should be noted that the acoustic velocities (VI and V2) used in Equation 1-6 must conform to the modes of wave propagation which exist for each given case. For example, a wave in water (which supports only longitudinal waves) incident on a steel plate at an angle other than 90 degrees can generate longitudinal, shear, as well as heavily damped surface or other wave modes, depending on the incident angle and test part geometry. The wave may be totally reflected if the incident angle is sufficiently large. In any case, the waves generated in the steel will be refracted in accordance with Snell' s Law, whether they are longitudinal or shear waves. In the case of water-to-steeJ, approximately 88 percent of the incident longitudinal wave energy is reflected back into the water, leaving 12 percent to be transmitted into the stee!. ! These percentages are arrived at using Equation 1-5 with Z ,\ ~ 45 and Z '" ~ 1.5. Thus, R ~(45 - 1.5)'1 (45 + 1.5)' ~ (43.5/46.5)' ~ 0.875 , or 88 percent and T ~ I - R ~ I - 0.88 ~ 0.12, or 12 percent. Refraction Whcn a sound wave cncounters an interface at an angle other than perpendicular (oblique incidence), reflections occur at angles equal to thc incidcnt angle (as measured from the normal or perpendicular axis). If the sound energy is partially transmitted beyond the interface, the Figure 1.2 shows the distribution of transmitted wave energies as a function of incident angle for a water-aluminum interface. For example, an L-wave with an incidence angle of 8 degrees in water results in (1) a transmitted shear wave in the aluminum with 5 percenl of the incident beam energy, (2) a transmitted 'When Equation 1-5 is e~ pressed for pressure waves rather than the energy contained in the waves. the te rms in parentheses are not squared. 5 Figure 1.1. Incident, reflected, transmitted, and refracted waves at a liquid-solid interface a. -- b. I R z, v Norma l Incidence v, T Oblique Incidence L-wave with 25 percent and (3) a renected L-wavc with 70 percent of the incident beam energy. It is evident from the figu re that fo r low incidence ang les (less than the first cri tical ang le of 14 degrees), more than one mode may be generated in the alum inum. Note that the sum of the reflected longitudinal wave energy and the transm itted ene rgy or energies is equal to unity at all angles. The relati ve energy amplitudes partitioned into the different modes are dependent upon several variab les. including each material' s acoustic impedance. each wave mode veloc ity (in both the inciden t and refracted materials), the incident angle. and the tran smitted wave mode(s) refracted angJe(s). Critical Angles The critical angle for the interface of two medi a with dissimil ar acollstic wave velocities is the incident angie at which the re fracted angle equals 90 degrees (in accordance wi th Snell 's law) and can only occur if the wave mode vel oci ty in the second medium is greater than the wave ve locity in the inc idcnt medi um. It may also be defined as the incidcnt angle beyond which a specific mode can not occur in the second medium. in the case of a water-to-steel interface. there are two critical angles derived from Sne ll' s law. The fi rst occurs at an incident angle of 14.5 degrees for the longi tudinal wave. The second occ urs at 27.5 deg rees for the shear wave. Equation 1-7 can be used to calculate the critical incident angle for any material combinati on. Figure 1.2. Reflection and transmission coefficients versus incident angle for water/aluminum interface .. c '0 IE •.• 8 0.8 0.1 ~ - ~~ \.z.. ~, M 0.3 1i:i 0.2 .' f..- .. .... ........ \ ........ .. Transmuted ...... . LongilUdinal .- ..... Wave I _ _ _ --....' (Eq. 1·7) For example. the fin.t critical ang le for a water-alum inum interface is calculated using the criti cal angle equation a<., Transmitted Shear Wave , I ::i "'0l-..= -::.-'= -'c..::L"'.:u~!:--!:-~\---f;--!;.81216202421)23640 Incidence Angle (degrees) a Cril 6 = sin- I (J.f83 / 63::!0) = 13.6 degrees Diffraction sin$ = 1.2!: D Plane waves advanci ng through homogeneous and isotropic e lastic media tend to travel in straight ray paths unless a change in med ia properties is encountered. A flat (much w ider th an the incident beam) interface of differing acoustic properties redirects the incident plane wave in the form of a specu\arly (mirrorlike) refl ected or refracted plane wave as (Eq. 1-8) D' N= - 4A (Eq. 1-9) where $ is the beam divergence half angle, A is the wavelength in the media, discussed above. The assumption in th is case is that the interface is large in comparison to the incident beam's d imensions and thus docs not encou nter any "edges." D is the diameter of the aperture (transducer), N is the length of the Near F ield (Fresnel Zone). On the ot her hand, when a wave encounte rs a po in t renec lor (small in comparison to a wave length), the reflected wave is reradiated as a spherical wave front. Th us, when a plane wave encou nte rs the edges of reflective interfaces. such as ncat" thc tip of a fat igue crack, specular reflections occur along the "flat" surfaces of the crack and cy li ndrical wave lets are launched from the edges. S ince the waves are coheren t, i.e., the same frequency (wavelength) and in phase, the ir red irecti on into the path of subsequent advancing p lane waves results in incident and reflected (scattered) waves interfe ri ng, i.e., forming regions of reinforcement (constructive in te rference) and cancellat ion (destructive interference). Note: The mu ltipl ier of 1.2 in Equation [·8 is fo r the theoret ical null. 1.08 is used for 20 dB down poi nt (10 percent of peak), 0.88 is used for 10 dB down po int (32 percent of peak) and 0.7 for 6 dB down po int (50 percent of peak). For example, a 20 mm diameter, L-wave transducer, radiating into steel and operating at a frequency of 2 MHz. will have a near field gi ven by 3 N= T hi s "in terfering" behavior is characteristic of contin uous waves (or pulses from "ringing" ultrasonic transducers) and, when applied to edges and aperrures serving as sources of sound beams, is known as wave diffrac tion. It is the fu ndamen tal bas is for concepts such as transducer beam spread (direct ivity). near field, wavelength-limited flaw detection sensitivity, and assists in the sizing of discontinui ties using dual transducer (crack-tip diffraction) techniq ues. Figure 1.3 shows examples of plane waves bei ng changed into spherical or cylindrical waves as a result of diffraction from poin t reflectors, linear edges and (transducerlike) apertures . [20{lOr x 2(10)'] 4xS.9{lO) 3 = 200 3 - (lOr = 33.9 nun S.9 and half-beam spread angle given by . - ,{ 1.2xS.9(1O)3 } 02d egrees $ = Sill 3 6 = 1. 20(10) x 2(10) If the J 0 percent peak value was desired rather than the theoret ical null, the 1.2 would be changed to 1.08 and 4> would equal 9.2 degrees. Using the multiplier of 0.7 for the 6 dB down value, the half angle becomes 6 degrees. Resonance Another form of wave interference occurs when normally incident (at normal incidence) and reflected plane waves interact (usually within narrow, parall el in terfaces). The am plitudes of the superimposed acoustic waw s are additive when the phase of the doubly reflected wave matches that of the incoming Beam spread and the length of the near field for round sound sources may be calculated using Equations 1-8 and 1-9. 7 Figure 1.3. Examples of diffraction due to the presence of edges ;f;(~ *:.~ a. Point Refl ector b. Edge Reflector c. Square Aperture d. Round Aperture incident wave and creates "stand ing" (as opposed to trave ling) acoustic waves. When standi ng waves occur, th e item is said to be in resonance, i.e., resonating. Reso nance occu rs when the th ickness of the item equals half a wavelength 2 or its multiples, i.e., when T = V12 F. Th is phenomenon occurs when piezoe lectric transducers are el ectrically excilCd at their characte ri st ic (fund amental resonant) frequency. It also occu rs when longitudin al waves travel through thi n sheet materials during im mers ion testing. materials (that are generall y homogeneous but contain even ly distribu ted scutterers, e.g., gas pores, segregated inclu sions, and grain boundaries), the waves are parti ally re nected at each disconti nuity and the energy is said to be scattered into many different directions. Thus, the acoustic wave that starts out as a coherent pl ane wave fro nt becomes parti all y redirected as it passes through the materi al. The relati ve impact of the presence of scatte ring sources depends upon the ir size in co mparison to the wavelength of the ultrason ic wave. Scatterers much smaller than a wavelength are of little consequence. As the scatterer size approaches that of a wavelength, scattering within the material becomes increasingly troublesome. The effects on such signal attenuat ion can be partially compe nsated by using longer wavele ngth (lower frequency) sound sources, usuall y at the cost of decreased sensi ti vity to discon tinu ities and resolution. Attenuation Sound waves dec rease in intensity as they travel away from their source, due to geometrical spreading, scatterin g, and absorption. In fin e-grained, homogeneous, and isotropi c elastic materials, the strength of the sound fie ld is affec ted mainly by the nature of the radiat ing source and its attendant direct ivi ty pauern . Ti ght patterns (s mall beam angles) travel farther than widely diverging pattern s. Some scatters, such as colu mnar grai ns in stainl ess steels and lami nated composites, ex hi bit hi ghly anisotropic elastic behavior. In these cases, the incident wave front becomes distorted and often appears to change direct ion (propagate better in certain preferred directi ons) in response to the maleriar s anisotropy. This behav ior of some materia ls can totally destroy the usefulness of the UT approach to materials evaluation. When ult rasonic waves pass through common polycrystall ine elastic engineeri ng ' If a layer between two differing media has an acoustic imped· ance equal to the geometric mean of the outer two and its thickness is equal to one-quartcr wavelength. 100 percent of the incident acoustic energy. at normal incidence. will be transmitted through the dual interfaces beeause the interfering waves in the layer combine to serve as an acoustic impedance transformer. 8 Table 1.3 shows some typical va lues of allenualion for common NDT applications. Be aware that attenuation is highly dependent upon operating frequency and thus any stated values must be used with caution. Sound waves in some materials are absorbed by the processes of mechanical hysteresis, internal friction, or other energy loss mechanisms. These processes occur in nonelastic materials such as plastics, rubber, lead, and nonrigid coupling materials. As the mechanical wave attempts to propagate through such materials, parI of its energy is given up in the fo rm of heat and is not recoverable. Absorption is usually the reason that testing of soft and pliable material s is limited to relatively thin section s. Because many factors affect the signal s returned in pulse.echo testing. direct measurement of material attenuation can be quite difficult. Detected signals depend heavily upon operating frequency, boundary conditions, and waveform geometry (plane or other). as well as the precise nature of the materials being evaluated. Materials are highly variable due to their thermal history, balance of alloying or other integral constituents (aggregate. fibers, matrix uniformity, water/void content, to name a few ). as well as mechanical processing (forging. rolling, extruding, and the preferential directional nature of these processes). Attenuation is measured in terms of the energy loss ratio per unit length, e.g .. decibels per in. or decibel s per meter. Values range from less than 10 dB/m for aluminum to over 100 dB/m or more for some castings, plastics, and concrete. Table 1.3. Attenuation Values for Common Materials Nature of Material Attenuation* (dB/m) Principal Cause Normalized Steel 70 Scatter Aluminum , 6061-T6511 90 Scatter Stainless Steel, 110 ScatterlRedirection 380 Absorption ,XX Plastic (clear acrylic) *Frequency of2.25 MHz, Longitudinal wave mode 9 Chapter 1 Review Questions Q.l· J Sound waves continue to lf3vel: A. until they are reflected by material su rfaces. B. gradually di ss ipating by the effects of beam spread. C. gradually diss ipating by scattering and absorption. D. all of the above. Q. J -2 Wavelength may be defined as: A. frequency divided by velocit y. B. the di stance along a wave train frolll peak to trough. C. the di stance from one point to the next identica l point along a wavetrain. D. the di stance along a wavclrain from an area of high particle motion to one of low particle motion. A dissipated. B. discontinuous. C. dispersive. D. degenerat ive. multi ply ve locity by frequency. divide velocity by frequency. divide frequency by velocity. nOlle of the above. Q . l -S Plate thickness = 25.4 mm, pulse-echo, straight beam measured elapsed time = 8 ~ s. What is the most likely material? A. carbon steel B. lead C. titanium D. alumi num Q. I-4 The wavelength of a 5 MHz sound wave in water is: (VL = 1.4S( IO)Scmls) A. 0.01 in. B. 0.10 in. C. 0.296 m. D. 3.00mm. Q.I-9 It can be deduced from Table 1.2 that the densities of: A water and plexiglass are in the ratio of 1.16: 1. Q. I-5 Th ickness resonance occurs when tran sduce rs and test paris are excited at a frequency equal to: (where V = sound veloci ty and T = item th ickness) A. B. C. D. A. materi als with higher densities will usuall y have higher acoustic velocities. B. materials w ith hi gher moduli will usuall y have higher velocit ies. C. wave veloc ities rely most ly upon the ratios of e lastic modu li to materi al dens ity. D. VT wi ll always be one-half of VL in the same material. Q. I-7 Veloc ity measurements in a material revealed that the veloc ity decreased as frequency increased. This material is called: Q. I-3 To determine wavelength : A. B. C. D. Q. I-6 The equations that show VL and VT be ing dependent on e lastic propert ies suggest that: B. steel and aluminum are in the ratio of 2.8: I. C. quartz and al uminum are in the rati o of 1.05: I. D. all of the above. 2TIV. T/2V. VI2T. 2v/T. Q.l-IO The acoustic energy refl ected at a plexiglass-quartz interface is equal to: A. B. C. D. 11 64 percent. 41 percent. 22 percent. 52 percent. Q.I-II The acoustic energy transmitted through a plexiglass-water interface is equal to: Q.I-16 From Figure 1.2 it is evi dent that the sum of the inc ident wave's part itions (transmitted and reflec ted) is: A. 87 percenl. S. 36 percent C. 13 percent D. 64 percent A. highly irregular at low angles, but constant above 30 degrees. B. lower at angles between 16 and 26 degrees. C. rarel y more than 0.8. D. al ways equal to unity. Q.I- 12 The first critical angle at a waterplexiglass interface will be: A. 16 degrees . Q.I-17 The principal attenuation modes are: B. 33 degrees. C. 22 degrees. D. none of the above. A. absorpt ion, scatter, beam spread. B. beam spread, collimation, scauer. C. scalier, absorption, foclising. D. scatter, beam spread, adhesion. Q.I- 13 The second critical angle at a waterpl ex iglass interface will be: Q.I-18 Attenuation caused by scatterin g: A. 22 degrees. A. increases with increased frequency B. 33 degrees. C. 67 degrees. D. none of the above. and grain size. B. decreases with increased frequency and grain size. C. increases with higher frequency and decreases with larger grain size. D. decreases with hi gher frequency and decreases with larger grain size. Q.1-14 The inc ident angle needed in immersion testing to deve lop a 70-degree shear wave in pl exiglass usi ng the information in Table 1.2 equal s: A. 83 degrees. B. 77 degrees. C. 74 degrees. Q.I-19In very fine-grain, isotropic crystalline material, the principal loss mechanism at 2 MH z is: D. 65 degrees. Q.I-15 Figure 1.2 shows the partition of incident and tran smitted waves at a water-aluminum interface. At an incidence angle of 20 degrees, the renected wave and tran smitted waves are respective ly: A. B. C. D. 60 percent and 40 percent. 40 percent and 60 percent. 113 and 2/3. 80 percent and 20 percent A. B. C. D. scatter. mechanical hysteres is. beam spread. absorption. Q.I-20 T wo plates yield different backwall renections in pulse-echo testing ( 18 dB) with their on ly apparent difference being in the second materi al's void content The plates arc both 3 in . thick. What is the effect ive change in acoustic attenuation between the first and second plate based on actual metal path di stance? A. B. C. D. 12 3 dB/in. 6 dB/in. 18 dBlin. none of the above Q.I-21 The equation, sin $::: 0.7 IJD, describes: A . beam spread ang le at 50 percent decrease in signal from the centerline value. B. one-half the beam spread angle at 50 percent decrease in signal from the centerl ine value. C. one-half the beam spread angle at 20 percent decrease in signal from the centerli ne value. D. one-half the beam spread angle at 100 percent decrease in signal from the centerline value. Q. I-22 The beam spread half-angle in the far field of a I in. diameter transducer sending 5 MHz long itudinal waves into a pJexiglass block is: A. 0.5 degrees. B. 1.5 degrees. C. 3. 1 degrees. D. 6.2 degrees. Q. I-23 The near field of a round 1/2 in. diameter contact L-wave transducer being used on a steel test part operating at 3 MHz is: A. 0.5 in. B. I in. c. I em. D. 2cm. Q. I-24 The depth of penetration of the sound beam into a material can be increased by: A. using a higher frequency. B. using a longer wavelength. C. usi ng a smaller transducer. D. usi ng a lower frequency and a larger transducer. 13 Chapter 2 Equipment Chapter 2 Equipment Basic Instrumentation The basic electronic in strument used in pu lsed ul trasoni c test ing contai ns a source o f voltage spikes (to acti vate the sound source, i.e., the pulser) and a di spl ay mechanism that permits interpretation of rece ived ultrasonic acoustic impul ses, i. e., the sweep ge nerato r, receiver and display scanner or cathode ray tube (CRT). A block di agram of the bas ic uni t is shown in Figure 2. 1. Seve ral operati ons are synchroni zed by the clock (timer) circuitry whic h triggers appropriate components to initiate actio ns including the pui ser (that activates the transducer), the sweep generator (that forces the electron beam within the cathode ray tube to move hori zontall y across the screen), and other special circuits as needed including markers, sweep de lays, gates. electroni c di stance ampli tude correction (DAC) unit s, and other support c ircuit s. Pul se signals fro m the rece iver search unit 3 are ampl ifi ed to a leve l compat ible with the CRT 'The tern} pulse is used in twO contexts in ullrJsonic NDT systems. The electronic system sends an exciting electri cal "pulse"to the transducer being used to emil the ultras.onic wave. This electrical pulse is usually a unidirectional spikc with a fast rise-t ime. The resulting acoustic "wave packet" emilled by lhe transducer is the ultrasonic pulse. characterized by a prcdominant central frequency at the transducer's naturallhickne~s resonance. Figure 2.1. Block diagram of basic pulse-echo ultrasonic instrument. Timer Sweep Generator / CRT Pulser Y • ~A H. v. V Lt It 17 t- '--' Table 2.1. Instrumentation Controls Effects InSlru ment Control ('ulser Pulse Length (Damping) Comments on Signal Respon se If shon , improves depth resolution; I f long. improves penetration Repetition Rate Receh'cr Frequcncy Response If high. brightens images-but may cause wra p·around "ghost" signals Wide Band- faithful reproduction of signal. higher background noise Narrow Band- higher sensitivity. smoothed signals. rcquires ma tched (tuned) syste m If high. improves sensitivity. higher background noise Gain Display Sweep Material Adjust Delay Calibration critical fo r depth information I)ermits "spreading"of echo pulses for detailed analysis Rcjcct Suppresses low-level noise. alters opponent vcnical linearity Smoothing Suppresses detailed pulse structure Output (Al;mll, Record) Gates Time Window (Delay, Width) Selects portion of display for analysis, gate may diston pulses Threshold Sets automatic output sensiti\'ity I'ol arity Pcnnits positi ve and negative images, allows triggering on both increasing and dec reasing pulses of an ultrason ic test. If desired, a particu lar port ion of the trace may be Hgated" and the signal within the gate sent to some external device, i.e. , an alarm or recording device, which registers the presence or absence of echo signals that are being sought. and appear as ve rtical excursions of the e lectron beam sweeping across the screen in response to the sweep generalOf. The rece ived signals are often processed 10 enhance interprelation through the lise of filte rs (that lim it spurious background noise and smooth the appearance of the pul ses), rectifiers (that change the oscillatory radio-frequency [RF] signals 10 unidirectional "video" spikes), and clipping circuits (that reject low- level background signals). The final signals are passed on to the ve rti cal denection plates of the CRT or display unit and produce the time-delayed echo signals interpreted by the UT operator, commonl y referred to as an A Scan (signal ampli tude displayed as a fun ct ion of lime). C haracteristics of the initi al pu lse (shape and fre quency con tent) are carried forward th roughout the syste m, to the transducer, the test item, back to the transducer, the receiver, the gate, and the CRT. In essence, the information content of the in itial pul se is modified by each of these items and it is the result of thi s collective signal processing that appears on the screen. All of these func tion s are within the control of the operator and their collec ti ve sett ings represent the Hsetup" of the instnllnen l. Table 2. 1 li sts the variables under the control of the operator and the impact they have on the validity 18 The initi al pulse may range from several hundred to over 1000 V and have a very short rise· time. In other syste ms, the in itial pulse may represent a portion of a sinusoidal osc illati on that is tuned to correspond to the natural frequ ency of the transducer. The sinu soidal exc itation is often used where longer duration pulses are needed to penetrate highly attenuative materials such as rubber and concrete. Signals may be di splayed as RF waveforms, representing a close replica of the acoustic wave as it was detected by the receiv ing transducer, or as video waveforms, (half- or fu ll-wave rectified), used to double the effectivc viewing range of the screen (bottom to top rather than centerline to topfbottom), but suppressing the phase information found only in RF presentation s. Signals from the receiv ing transducer (usua ll y in the millivolt range) are too small to be directly senilO the display unit. Both linear and logari thmic amp liriers are used to raise signal levels needed to drive the display. These amp lifie rs, located in the receiver sections of the A Scan units, must be able to produce output signals that are linearly related to the input signals and which supply signal process ing intended to ass ist the operator in interpreting the disp layed signals. To enhance the ability to accurately identify and assess the nature of the received ultrason ic pulses, particu larly when there exists an excessive amount of background signals, various means of signal processing are used. Both tuned receivers (narrow-band instruments) and low pass filters are used to se lect ively suppress portions of the received spectrum of signal frequencies which do not contain useful informat ion from the test material. Am pl ifiers may raise incoming signal s to a maximum level, fo ll owed by precision attenuators that decrease the signal strength to usable levels, i.e. , or capab le of being positioned on the sc reen face, capable of chang ing am plification ratios in direct response to the "Gain" con trol. Linear system s, such as the ultrasonic in strument's receiver sect ion (as well as each of the elements of the overall system), are characterized by the manner in which they affect incoming signal s. A common approach is to slart with the frequency content of the incoming signa l (from the receiv ing transducer) and to desc ribe how that spectrum of frequencies is altered as a result of passing through the system element. Di screte attcnuators (which have a logarithm ic respon sc) arc currently used due 10 their ease of precise construction and simpfe means for altering signal levels which extend beyond the vicwing range of the sc reen. Their extensive use has made "decibel notation" a pan of the standard terminology used in describ ing changes in signal levels, e.g., receiver gain and material atten uation. Equation 2-1 (ratios to dec ibels) shows the relationship between the ratio of two pul se ampli tudes (A 2 and A I) and their equ ivalence expressed in decibel notat ion (NdIJ (Eq.2-1 ) Inversion of thi s equation results in the usefu l expression A/A I = 1(}"'1'.1O, where a change of20 dB , i.e., N = 20, makes ION/2Q = 10 1 = 10 Thus 20 dB is equivalent to a ratio of 10: I. When both useful target information (which may be predominantl y contained in a narrow band of frequencies generated by the sending transducer) and background noi sc (which may be distributed randomly over a broad spectrum of frequencies) are present in the signal emering the receiver, selective passing of the frequencies of interest emphasizes the signal s of interest while suppressing the others which interfere with interpretation of the CRT display. When an ultrasonic instrument is desc ribed as being broadband, that means a very wide array of frequencies can be processed through the in strument with a minimum of alteration. i.e .. the signal observed on the screen is a close, but ampl ified, representation of the electrical signal measured at the receiving transducer. Thu s both useful signal s and background noise are present and the signal-to-noise ratio (SIN) may not be 19 Figure 2.2. Comparison of time domain and frequency domain representations of typical signals found in ultrasonic testing • time time [Input] [Output] Hand Ilass] [ Response Frequency Domain Frt(IUcncy H.e.<;ponse A A frequency frequ ency very good. The shape and amp litudes of the signa ls, however, tend to be an accurate representation of the recei ved response from the tran sducer. A probe or search unit may contain one or more transducers. plus facinglbacki ng materials and connectors in order to meet a specific UT design need. A narrow-banded instrument, on the other hand , suppresses that portion of the frequen cy content of the incoming signal that is ou tside (above or below) the ··pass'· frequency band. With the high-frequency noi se suppressed, the gain of the in strument can be increased, leading to an improved sensitivity. Howeve r, the shape and re lati ve amplitudes of pulse frequency co mponents are often altered. Fi gure 2.2 graphi ca ll y shows these effects for a typica l ultrasonic signal. A critica l element of eac h searc h unit is the tran sducer's active material. Com monly used materia ls ge nerate stress waves when they are subjected to elec trical stimuli , i.e., piezoelectrics. These material s arc characteri zed by thei r conversion factors (electrica l to/from mechanical), thermal/mechanica l stabili ty, and other phys ical/chemical features. Table 2.2 li sts many of the material s used and some of their salient fea ture s. The cri tica l temperature is the temperatu re above which the maleri al loses its piezoe lectric characteri sti c. It may be the depoling temperature of the ferroelcctrics, the deco mposition temperature fo r the lithium sulfate or the Curie temperature for the quartz. Transducers and Coupling A transducer. as appli ed to ultrasonic test ing. : ... the mean,"> by which elec trica l energy is " med illlo acoust ic energy and back again. n.:- j.e-... l ...·e. adapted for UT. has been called a . l. ~c h unit. a crystal. and a transducer. 4 "The 1erm 1rallsduccr i~ generic in lh:u il applies 10 any device thnt converts one form of cnerg~ into another. e.g .. light bulbs . electric he:uer\ and ~olar co llector,. 20 Table 2.2. Piezoelectric Material Characteristics Material Efficiency T R Irnpedance TIR Quartz X-cut C ritical Temp (0C) (Z) 15 .2 PZT5 Lead Zirconate Titanate 10 14.6 8.4 BaTi Barium Titanate PMl'" Lead Metaniobatc 0.21 32 LSI-I 6.9 - 2.0 Displacement (dJl) Electrical Density Note (g.ll) pO 57 2.65 (1 ) 576 2.3 33 193-365 374-593 20-25 7.5 (2) 31.2 115-150 125-190 14-21 5.4 (2) 20.5 550 80-85 32-42 6.2 (2) 11.2 75 15-16 156-175 2.06 (3) Lithium Sulfate Hydrate LN 2.8 0.54 1.51 34 6 23 4.64 Lithium Niobatc PVDF 6.9 1.35 9.3 4.1 165-180 14 140-210 1.76 Poly( vinylidcnc Fluoride) Notes: (1) Mechanically and chemically stable; X-cut yields longitudinal wave motion while V-cut yields distortional transverse waves. (2) Ferroelectric ceramic requiring poling and s ubject to extensive cross-mode coupling. (3) Soluble in water, R estimated at -2. (4) Flexible polymer. (4) Figure 2.3. Quality factor or "Q" of a transducer Time Domain Frequency Domain Amplitude 1.0 0.7 a. a. Frequency b. Amplitude 1.0 0.7 b. Frequency 21 The qual ity factor, or "Q," of tuned ci rcu its, search un its or indiv idual transducer elements is a performance measu re of their freq uency selecti vity. It is the ratio of the search unit 's fundamen tal (resonance) freque ncy (f) to its bandwidth (f2 - f l) at the 3 dB down points (0.707) and shown in Figure 2.3. The rat io of the acoustic impedance of the transd ucer and its facing materials governs how welllhe sound from the transducer can be coupled into the material and/or the backing material. From the table of piezoelectric material characteri stics, it is apparent that none of the materials is an ideal match for NOT. Thus du al transducer search units are sometimes made such that the transmitter and receiver are made of di fferent transducer material s in order to take advantage of the ir respecti ve strengths and to minimize their weaknesses. As a result of diffraction effects, the sound beam emitted fro m search units tends to spread with increasing distance away from the sou nd source. The sound beam ex iting from a transducer can be separaled into two zones or areas. The Near (Fresnel) Field and the Far (Fraunhofer) Field are shown in Figure 2.4 with the shaded areas represent ing regions of relatively high pressure. The near fie ld is the region directly adj acent to the transducer and characte ri zed as a collection of symmetrical hi gh and low pressure reg ions caused by interfering wavefront s emanating from a continuous, or near continuous, sound source. Hu ygen's principle treats the transducer face as a seri es of poi nt sources of sound , whi ch interfere wi th each other's wavelets throughout the near field. Each point source emits spherical wavefronts which start out in phase at the transducer surface. At observation points somewhat removed from the plane wave source (the transducer face), wavefronts from variou s point sources (separated laterall y from each other) interfere as a resu lt of the differing distances the waves had to travel in order to reach the observation point. Both hi gh and low pressure zones result, depending on whether the superimposed aggregate of interfering waves arc constructive (in phase) or destructi vc (180 degrees out of phase). As a special case, the variat ion in beam pressure as a fu nction of di stance from a circular transducer face and along its major axis is given by Eq uation 2-2. y+ = D 2-I'?(2m+ 1)2. 111=0 ± l, ±2, ... i m //I 4A(2m + 1) ' , (Eq.2-2) where Y+ is the position of maxima along the central ax is, D is the diameter of a circular radiator, and A is the wavelength of sound in the med ium. Figure 2.4. Conceptual representation of the sound field emitted by a circular plane~wave piezoelectric transducer 1+'----N----+i·1 Near Far (Fres nel) (Fralin/lOfer) 22 Since ')...2 is in significant compared to D2 for most ultrason ic testing frequencies, particularly in water, at the last maximum, (m = 0), Equation 2-2 becomes: y,+ o resolution but allow less penetration into com mon engineering materials. A short time-duration pulse of only a few cycles is known as a broadband pulse because its frequency-domain eq ui valent bandw idth is large. Such pulses exhibit good depth resolution. , ~ D- 41. (Eq. 2-3) Th is point defines the end of the near field and is the same expression as given in Equation 1-9. At distances well removed from the sound source (the far field), the waves no longer interfere with each other (since the di ffere nce in travel path to the center and edge of the source are much less than a wavelength) and the so und field is reduced in strength in a monotonic manner. In the fa r field, the beam is diverging and has a sphericall y shaped wave front as if radiating from a point source. The far field sound field intensi ty decreases due to both the distance fro m the source and the diffraction-based direc ti vity (beam shape) factor. Maximum pressure amplitudes exist along the beam ce nterline. Figure 2.5 shows a graphi cal representation of a typical di stance-amplitude variation for a straight beam transducer. The penetration, depth resolution, and sensit ivity of an ultrasonic system are strongly dependent upon the nature of the pulse emitted by the transducer. High-freq uency, short-duration pulses exhibit bener depth Figure 2.5. Typical straight beam DAC curve Near F"icl!.f-!ar Field i y; Metal Travel Distance -----+ Most search units are constructed with a backing material bonded to the rear face of the transducer that provides strength and damping for the transducer elemen t. This backing material is usuall y an epoxy, preferentiall y fill ed with tungsten or so me other hi gh-density powder that increases the effective density of the epoxy to somethi ng approaching that of the transducer element. Thus the tungsten assists in matching the acoustic impedance of the transducer (which is usually relatively high) to the backing material. When the backing is in intimate contact with the transducer, the pulsc duration is shortened to a few osc ill atio ns and decreased in peak signal amplitude. The pulse energy is therefore partitioned between the item being tested and the backing material (which removes the rearward-directed waves and absorbs them in the eoarse·surfaced epoxy) . Search unit s corne in many types and styles depending upon their purpose. Most search units use an L-wave-generati ng sound source. "Normal" or "straight" beam search units, the , colloquial names given to longitudinal wave transducers when used in contact testing , are so named because the sound beam is directed into the material in a perpendicular (normal ) direction. These units generate longitudinal waves in the material and are used for thickness gaging and flaw detection of laminar-type flaws. Both contact and immersion search units are readil y available. To improve near-surface resolu tion and to decrease noise, standoff devices and dual crysta l uni ts may be used. Transverse (shear) waves are introduced into test material s by inclining the incident L-wave beyond the first critical angle, yet short of the second critical angle. In immersion testing. thi s is done by changi ng the ang le of the search unit manipulator. In the case of cylindrical products, shear waves can be generated by offsetting the transducer from the centerl ine of the pipe or round bar being inspected. Fi gure 2.6 shows a 23 Figu re 2.6. Introduction of shear waves through mode conversion 10· . -;;; 7-\1 , Search Unit Incident Beam _ 45 Degree Refracted Beam ~ typical testing configuration for solid round material s. For the case of a 45-degree refracted beam, a rule of thumb for the di splacement d is 116 the rod diameter. In contact testing. the so-called angle-beam search unit s cause the beam to proceed through the material in a plane that is normal to the surface and typically at angles of 45 , 60, and 70 degrees. Transverse waves are introduced by pre-cut wedges which, when in contact with metal s, generate shear waves through mode conversion at the wedge- meta l interface. (Sec Figu re 2.7). Hi gh-freq uency (ultrasonic) sound waves travel poorly in air and not at all in a vacuum. In order fo r the mec hanical energy generated by a transducer to be transmilled into the med ium to be exam ined, a li quid that bridges the gap between the tran sducer and the test piece is used to coup le the acoustic wave to the item be ing tested. T his liqu id is the "couplant" often mentioned in UT. When immers ion testin o" is being conducted, the part is immersed in water which serves as the couplant. When contact testing is be ing conducted, liquids with varying viscos iti es are used in order to avoid unnecessary runoff, particu larly with materia ls with very rough contact surfaces or when testing overhead or vertica ll y. Liquids tran smit longitudinal sound waves rather well. but because of their lack of any signifi cant shear moduli (except fo r highly viscous materials), they do not transmit shear waves. s Couplants should wet the surfaces of both the search uni t and the material under test in order to exclude any air that might become entrapped in the gap(s) between the transducer and the test piece. Couplants must be inert to both the test material and the search unit. Contact couplants mu st have many desirab le properties including: wetability (crystal, shoe, and teSt material s), proper viscosity, low cost, removability, noncorros ive and nontoxic properties , low attenuation, and an acoustic impedance that matches well with the other materials. In se lect ing the couplant, the operator must consider all or most of these factors depending on the surface fini sh, type of material , tem penHure, surface orien tatio n, and avail abil ity. Th e couplant shou ld be spread in a thin , uniform film between the transducer and the material under test. Rough surfaces and vertical or ove rhead surfaces requi re a hi ghe r viscos ity coup lantthan smooth , horizontal surfaces. Materi als used in thi s application include vari oll s grades and viscosities of oi l. g lycerin , paste couplants using cellul ose gum (which tend to evaporate leav ing litt le or no res id ue), and vari ous mi sc ible mix tures of these materi als using water as a th inn er. Because stainless stee ls and other high-nickc l alloys are susceptible to stress- re lated corrosion crack ing in the prcsence of sulphur and chlorin e, the use of couplants contai ning even trace amounts of these material s is prohibi ted. Most commercial coupl ant manufacturers provide certificates of conform ance regarding absence of these c lements, upon request. In a few hi ghly spec ial ized appli cat ions, dry couplants, such as a sheet of elastomer, have been used. Bond ing the tran sducer to the test item, usuall y in di stributed materials characteri zatio n studies, is an accepted practice. High pressure and intermittent co ntact without a coupling medium, has also been used o n ' Because the acoustic impedance of ai r is so much different than thai of the commonly used trJnsducers and test materials. its presc~ce ~flects an obj~t ionable amount of acoustic energy OIl coupl ~ng tn!crfa.ces. but LS the main reason ullrasonic testing is effective with aLr-filled cr.acks and similar critical discontinuitics. 24 high-temperature steel ingots. Although these approaches have been reported in the literature, they are not commonly used in production appl ications. Figure 2.7. Contact shear wave transducer design Angle Beam Wedge Water is the most widely used couplant for immersion testing. It is inexpensive, plentiful, and relatively inert to the material s involved. It is so metimes necessary to add wetting agents, antirust additives and antifouling agents to the water to prevent corrosion, ensure absence of air bubbles on test part surfaces, and avoid the growth of bacteria and algae. Bubbles are removed from both the transducer face and the material under exam ination by regular wiping of these surfaces or by water jet. In immersion testing, the sou nd beam can be focused using plano-concave lenses, producing a higher, more concentrated beam that results in better lateral (spatial) resolution in the vicinity of the focal zone. Thi s focusing moves the last peak of the near field closer to the transducer than that found with a flm transducer. Lenses may be formed from epoxy or other plastic materials, e.g., polystyrene. The focal length is detennined using Equation 2-4. (I1-J) R = F-- (Eq.2-4) 11 where R is the len s radius of curvature, F is the focal length in water, 1/ is the ratio of the acoustic L-wave velocities, /I = V/V where 1 VI is the longitudinal velocity in epoxy, V2 is the velocity in water. For example, to get a focal length of 2.5 in. using a plexiglass lens and water, the radius of curvature equation uses a velocity ratio of n = 1.84 and the equation becomes R = 2.5 (0.84/1.84) = 1.14 in. L s Focusing has three principal advantages. First, the energy at the focal point is increased, which increases the sensitivity or signal amplitude. Second, sensit ivity to reflectors above and below the focal point is decreased, which reduces the ';noise." Third, the lateral resolution is increased because the focal point is normally quite small, permitting increased definition of the size and shape of the reflector. Focusing is useful in applications such as the examination of a bondline between two materials, e.g., a compos ite material bonded to an aluminum frame. When examined from the composite side, there are many echoes from within {he composite which interfere with the desired interface signal; however, focusing at the bondline reduces the interference and increases system sensitivity and resolution at the bond line depth. Where a shape other than a si mple round or square transducer is needed, particularly for larger-area sound field sources, transducer elements can be assembled into mosaics and exc ited either as a si ngle unit or in special timing sequences. Mosaic assemblies may be linear, circular, or any combination of these geometries. With properly timed sequences of exciting pulses, these units can function as a linear array (w ith steerable beam angles) or as transducers with a vari able focus capabi lity. Paint brush transducers are usually a single element search-unit with a large length-to-width ratio and are used to sweep across large segments of material in a single pass. The sound beam is 25 broad and the lateral resol ution and flaw sensi tivity is not as good as smaller transducers. Special Equipment Features The basic e lectronic pulser/receiver di splay units arc augmented with spec ial features intended to ass ist operators in easing the burden of maintaining a hi gh leve l of alertness during the often unin teresting process of conduct ing routine inspections, particularly of regular shapes during origi nal manufacture, as well as obtain ing some type of permanent record of the results of the ins pect ion. A SCl:m information represents the material cond ition through whi ch the sound beam is passing. The fundamental A Scan display, although hi ghl y informative regarding material homogeneity, does not yield infonnation regarding the spatial distribution of ultrasonic wave reflectors until it is connected with scanning mechanisms that can suppl y the physical locat ion of the transducer in conjunct ion with the reflector data obtained with the A Scan unit. When cross-sect iona l information is recorded lI sing a rectilinear B Scan system, it is the time of arrival of a pu lse (vertical direction) ploued as a fun ction of the transducer position (horizontal di rection) that is di splayed. Circu lar objects are often displayed using a curvili near coordinate system whi ch displays time of pulse arrival in the radial direction (measured from the transducer) and wi th transducer location fo llow ing the surface contour of the test objecl. When pl an views of objects are needed, the C Scan system is used and is partic ul arl y effective for flat materials includi ng honeycomb panels, rolled products, and adhesively bonded or lami nated composites. The C Scan is developed usin g a raster scan pattern (X versus Y) over the test part surface. The presence of questionable conditi ons is detected by gat ing signals fallin g withi n the thick ness of the part (or moni tori ng loss of transmi ss ion) as a function of location. C Sca nning systems usc either storage oscilloscopes or other recording devices, coupled to au tomati c scanning systems which represent a " plan ," i. e., map. view of the part, similar to the view produced in radiography. Figure 2.8 shows examp les of these display options. Accumulation of data for display in the form of B or C Scans is extracted lI sing electronic "gates." Gates are circu its which ex tract time and amplitude information of selected signals on the A Scan presentati on and feed these as analog data to other signal process ing or displ ay circu it s or devices. The start time and durat ion of the gate are operator se lectable. CRT representations of the gate are raised or depressed baseli nes, a horizont al bar, or two vertica lli ncs. Availab le Figure 2.8. Comparison of common display modes / Front Surface .....-- Lamination A Scan B Scan LJL....Jf\:...~== Back Surface Top of Plate Bottom of Plate II C Scan 26 with adjustable thresholds, gates can be set to record signals whic h either exceed or drop be low spec ified threshold seuings. Details of rece ived signals can be seen and/or disregarded through use of the RF di spl ay and the Reject controls, respect ive ly. The RF display shown in Figure 2.9 is representative of the actual ultrasonic stress pul ses received. In thi s mode, the first oscill atio n (downward at 17 ~ s) shows the nature of the pul se (compress ion or rarefacti on) when rece ived. Note the in version of the shapeofth e pulseaI19,2 1, ... , microseco nds du e to phase inversion caused by reflectio n from a "free" boundary . This phase reversal can be llsed to disc riminate between " hard" boundaries (hi gh impedance) and "soft" boundaries (low impedance such as air). Figure 2.9. RF display showing phase reversal upon reflection I ~ "0 _ = ~ ;:.::: 0 Q.~ f- E~ < II II r I -I 16 18 20 22 24 Time (Microseconds) The reject control, o n the other hand, tends to discri minate agai nst low-leve l signals, th rough use of a threshold , below which no information is made avail able to the operator. Earl y vers ions of the reject circuitry tended to alter the verti cal linearity of UT systems; however, thi s condition has been corrected in several of the newer digital fl aw detector in struments . 27 26 Chapter 2 Review Questions Q.2- 1 Barium titanate is a piezoelectric materi al which: Q.2-5 A 5 MHz, 0.5 in. diameter, flat search unit in water has a ncar field length of approximately: A. occurs naturally. B. is piezoe lectric al temperatures A. 7 in. B. 2 in. above the critical temperature. C. has a high acoustic impedance. D. is highly soluble in water. Q.2-2 Du ri ng an immersion test, numerous bubbles are noted in the water attached to the test item. These bubbles are small relati ve to the part size. What steps should the operator take? c. D. 3-1/3 in. 5-1/2 in. Q.2-6 A concave lens on a transducer will result in the near field in water being: A. twice as long as with a flat lens. B. three limes as long as with a fl at lens. C. the same length as with a flat lens. D. shol1er than with a fl at lens. A. Remove the bubbles by blowi ng them off with an air hose. B. Ig nore the bubbles because they are small and wi ll not interfere with the test. C. Remove the bubb les, with brush or other mechan ical means such as rubbing with the hand while the test is stopped . D. Count the bubbles and mark thei r echoes on the test record. Q.2-3 A couplant is needed for a test on a hot steel plate (250 ' F). Whieh of the follow ing materials can be used? Q.2-7 A 10 MHz, 0.5 in. d iameter search unit is placed on steel and acrylic plastic in succession. The beam spread in these two materi als is approx imately: A. 3 and 1.5 degrees, respect ively. B. 1.5 and 3 degrees, respectively. C. equal in the (Wo materials. D. less than the beam spread of a 15 MH z search un it of the same diameter. Q.2-8 Focused transducers are useful because the: A. smaller beam diameter increases the A. water B . mercury c. tractor o il D. none of the above Q.2-4 A couplant is needed for a test on stainless steel welds. Numerous couplants are availab le. Which should be chosen and why? A. a couplant free of ch lorine because thi s element corrodes stainl ess steel number of scans required to examine an object. B. lateral resol uti on is improved. C. lateral reso lution is unimportant. D. focal po int is located beyond the end of the near field length of a similar, unfocused transducer. Q.2-9 In spite of the fact that a long pul se has bener depth penetration than a short pulse, the use o f a lo ng pul se is not recommended because: B. glycerin because it is no nflammable A. the long ringing may interfere with C. oil because it is easily removed D. water because stainless steel does not corrode in water nearby pu lses. B. the shorter pulse will provide beller penetration. C. a long pu lse contains less energy than a shorter pulse. D. a long pulse is recommended . 29 Q.2. 10 Backing material on a transducer is used to: A. damp the pulse and absorb the sound from the back of the transducer. B. decrease the thickness oscillations. e. increase the radial mode osci ll ations. D. increase the power of the transmiued pulse. Q.2· l l Ang le beam search units are used to: A. inspect bUll joint welds in thick·wall steel piping. B. produce shear waves through mode conversion. e. examine material vo lumes inaccessib le to nonnal beams. D. all of the above. Q.2.14In Figure 2.6 and using the conditions of Q.2-13, what is the offset distance needed for a 45-degree refracted longitudinal wave to be generated? A. 0.395 in. S. 0.450em C. 0.505 in. D. 1.026cm Q.2-15 It is desired to detect flaws 1/4 in. or less from the entry surface using angle beam shear waves. The search unit must be selected with the choice between a narrow band and a broadband unit. Which should be chosen and why? A. The narrow band unit because it examines on ly a narrow band of the material. B. The broadband unit because the entire volume is exam ined with a long pulse. e. The broadband unit because the near surface resolution is better. D. The broadband unit because the lateral resoluti on is excellent. Q.2· 12 An angle beam transducer produces a 45-degree shear wave in steel. What is the approximate inciden t angle? (velocity in steel = 0.125 in.lms, veloc ity in plastic : 0.105 in.!m,) A. 54.9 degrees B. 19 degrees C. 36.4 degrees D. 45 degrees Q.2-13 In Figure 2.6, the aluminum rod being examined is 6 in. in diameter. What is the offset di stance needed for a 45-degree refracted shear wave to be ge nerated? [L-wave veloc ity in aluminum = 6.3 ( 10)5 cm/s, T -wave velocity in aluminum = 3. 1 ( I O)Scmls, velocity in water = 1.5 (lO)s cm/s] A. 0.513 em B. 1.026 in. C. 2.052 in. D. 1.505 em Q.2-16 In a longitud in al-wave immersion test o f commercially pure titanium plate (V, : 6.1 ( 10)' COlis, VT : 3.12 ( 10)5 cm/s). an echo pulse from an internal defect is observed 6.56 Il s fo llow ing the front surface echo. How deep is the renector below the front surface? A. 2cm B. 4cm e. I em D. 2in. Q.2-17 A change in echo amplitude from 20 percent of full screen height (FSH) to 40 percent FSH is a change of: A. S. C. D. 30 20dS. 6dS. 14dB. 50 percent in signal ampli tude. Q. 2-18 In Figure 2.10. what is the rate of attenuation, expressed in dBlin .. of the 5 MHz transducer as observed in the far field? The horizontal scale is 0.5 in. per divi sion and the vel'lieal scale is linear. A. 1.00 dB/in. B. 2.22 dB/in. C. 2.55 dB/in. D. 3.25 dBlin. Q. 2-l9 In Figure 2.10. what is the rate of attenuation of the 2.25 MHz transducer using the condition s of Q.2-18? A. 2.0 dB/in . B. 3.5 dB/in . C. 4.0 dB/in. D. 8.0 dB/in. Q.2-22 A change of 16 dB o n the attenuator corresponds to an amplitude rat io o f: A. 6.3: I. B. 5.2: I. C. 7.4: I. D. 9.5: I. Q.2-23 When checked again st a previous calibration level. a search unit which is classified as highly damped is considerably more sensit ive. A check of the RF waveform shows that the unit rings for at least three times the nu mber of cycles previous ly achieved. What condi tion mi ght explain this phenomena? A. The search unit has been dropped and the facing material has been cracked. B. The backing material has separated from the crystal , thu s decreasi ng the mechanica l damping. C. The housing has separated from the transducer and thinks it is a bell. D. The coax connector is fill ed with water. Q.2-20 What lens radiu s of curvature is needed in order to havc a 2 cm diameter, 5 MH z tran sducer focus in watcr at a distance of 4 em from the lens face? [V1/10 = 1.49 ( 10)' CIll/S, V,,", = 2.67 ( 10)' CIll/S I A. 1.77 em B. 3.50cm C. 3. 17 in. D. 2.23 in. Q.2-24 The sound beam emanating from a continuous wave sound source has two zones. These are called the: 0.2-21 Two signa lS were compared in amplitude to each other. The second was found to be 14 dB less than the first. This change cou ld have represented a change of: A. Fresnel and Fraunhofer zones. B. Fresnel and near fie ld s. e. Frau nh ofer and far fields. D. focused and unfocused zones. A 70 percent FSH to 14 percen t FSH. B. 100 percent FSH to 50 percent FSH. e. 20 percent FS H to 100 percent FS H. D. 100 percent FS H to 25 percent FS H. .•, "0-e Figure 2.10. Distance-amplitude response of two 3/4 in. diameter search units 5 MHz 3 ".:•• 2 d -' 1 c 0 '~"• 0 2.25 MHz Metal Travel Dista n ce 31 Chapter 3 Common Practices Chapter 3 Common Practices Approaches to Testing Most ultrasonic in spection is done using the pul se· echo technique wherein an acoustic puise, reneeted from a loca l change in acoustic impedance, is detected by the original sending sound source. Rece ived signal s indicate the presence of di scontinuities (i nternal or external) and their di stances from the pulse-echo transducer, which are directly proportionailO the time of echo-pul se arri val. For this situation. access to only onc side o f the test item is needed , which is a tremendous advantage over throu gh-transmi ssion in man y applications. For maximum detection reliability, the sound wave ~ hould encounter a rc n cctor at normal incidence to its major surface. If the receivi ng transducer is separated from the se nding transducer, the configuration is called a pitch-catch. The int.erpretation o f discont inuity locati on is determined us ing triangulation techniques. When the rcceive r is positioned alo ng the propagatio n axis and across from the transmitter, the technique is call ed the through -tran smi ss ion approach to ultrasoni c testing. Figure 3. 1 shows these three modes of pul se-echo testing with Iypica l inspection appl ications. [n the through-transmission techn.ique. the sound beam travels through the test item and is rece ived on the side oppos ite from the transmitter. Two transducers. a transmitter and a rece iver, are necessary. The time represented on the screen is indi cat ive of a single traverse through the material , wi th coupling and ali gnment bein g critica l to the technique's success ful application. [n some two-transducer pitch-catch techniques, both transducers are located on the same side of the materi al. The time between pulses corresponds to a sin gle tra verse of the Figure 3.1. Pulse-echo inspection configurations Pitch-catch Pulse-echo l1a !.& ~ (WeldRoot) (Plate) Through-transmission Delta R r---T (Honeycomb) (Weld Porosity) R 35 sound fro m the transm itter to the reflector and then to the receiver. One approach uses a "tandem" pitch-catch arrangement, usuall y for the centra l region of thi ck materials. In this technique, the transmitter sends an angle beam to the midwall area of the materi al (often a double V we ld root) and deflections from vert ical pl anar surfaces are rece ived by one or more transducers located behind the transminer. Another pitch-catch tech niq ue, fou nd in immersion testing, uses a focused receiver and a broad-beam transm itter, arranged in the shape of a triangle (delta technique). This technique rel ies on reradiated sound waves (mode conve rsion of shear energy to long itudinal energy) from internal reflectors, with background noise reduction through use of the focused receiver. When sound is introduced into the materi al at an angle to the surface, angle beam testing is being done. When thi s angle is red uced to odegrees, it is called "straight" or "normal" beam exami nation and is used extensively on plate or other flat materi al. Laminations in plate are readily detected and sized with the srraight beam technique. Although it is poss ible to transmi t shear waves "st raight " into materi als, longitudinal waves are by far the most common wave mode used in these appli cations. Sou nd bea ms can be refracted at the interfaces of two diss im ilar med ia. The angles can range fro m just greater than 0 degrees to 90 degrees (correspo nding to thei r li mit ing critical incident angle conditi on) if the second medium has the hi gher acoustic wave veloci ty. Shear wave angle beams are usua ll y greater than 20 degrees (in order to avoid the presence of more than one mode being present withi n the material at the same time) and less than 80 degrees (in order to avoid the spurious generation of surface waves). Angle beams (both shear and longitudinal) arc often used in the exami nation of welds since cri tica l flaws such as cracks, lack of fu sion, inadequate penetration. and slag have dimensions in the throughwa ll direction. Angle beams are used because they can achieve c1ose-to-normal incide nce for these reflectors with gene rall y vertical surfaces. Other types of structures and configurations are exami ned using angle beams, partic ul arly where access by straight beams is unsati sfactory, e.g., irregul arl y shaped forg ings, castings, and assemblies. Surface (Rayleigh) waves are not as common as the long itudinal and shear waves , but are used to great advantage in a li mited number of applications that requi re an abi li ty of the wave to follow the contours of irregul arly shaped surfaces such as jet engine blades and vanes. Ray leigh waves extend from the surface to a depth of about one wavelength into the material and thus are onl y sensitive to surface or very ncar-surface fl aws . They are very sensit ive to surface condi tions including the presence of res idual coupling compound s as well as fi nger dampi ng. Ray leigh waves are usually generated by mode conversion using angle beam search un its des igned to produce shear waves j ust beyond the second critical angle. Two major modes of coupling ultrasound into test parts are used in UT: contact and immersion. The manuaJ contact technique is the most common fo r large items whi ch are diffic ult to handle. e.g., plate materi als, structures, and pressure vessels. Both straigh t and angle beams are used. Coupl ing for the manual contact technique requires a medium wi th a hi gher viscosity than that of water and less than that of heavy greases. In mechanized (automated) test ing, the coupl ant is often waler that is made to now between the transducer and the test pi ece. During manua l tests. the operator provides the couplant repetiti vely during the examination. Manual contact testi ng is very versatile si nce search units are easily exchanged as the needs arise, and a high degree of flex ibi li ty ex ists for angul at ion and changes in directi ons of inspection. Test items of many different confi gurations can be examined with little difficulty. One of the prime advantages of contact testing is its portability. UT instrument s of briefcase size and weighing less than 20 Ibs are readily avai labl e. With this type of instrumen t and contact tec hniques, UT is performed almost anywhere the inspector can go. Ski ll ed operators can make evaluations on the spot and with a high degree of re li abi lity. Immersion testi ng uses a column of liquid as an intermediate med ium for conducti ng sound 36 "'a\'es 10 and from test parts, Immersion testi ng can be performed with the test item immersed in \\ater (or some other appropriate liquid) or throug h use of vari ous devices (bubblers and squi l1ers) that mainlain a continuo us watcr path betwee n the Iransducer(s) and the test item. Most examinations are conducted using automatic scanning systems. The immersion technique has many ad vantages . Many sizes, shapes and styles of searc h units are availab le including flat , foc used, round, rectangular. paintbrush, and arrays , Automated examin ation is easi ly accom modate. Surface fin ish is less troubleso me si nce transducer wear doe s not take place. Various size and shape objects may be tested. Scann ing can be faster and more thorough than manual scanning. Recordin g o f pos ition and fl aw data is straight forward . Data prec ision is hi gher si nce hi gher freq uency (and more fragile) transdu cers can be used. Di sad vantages include long setup time, maintenance of coupling liquids. preset scan! artic ul ation plans reduce usc of spontaneous posi tionin g, high signal loss al test part-water in te rface, hi ghly critical positi oning/angulation problems. and system align ment in gene ral. Of all the adv:,ulI ages, perhaps the most important is thc ability to use different search unit sizes and shapes in an automat ic inspection mode. Beam focus ing is commonly used to improve spat ial resolution and increase sensitivity; however, scan times increase dramatically. Automated testing has man y advantages, incl uding increased sca nning speed. reduced operator dependence. and adaptability to imag ing and signal processi ng equi pment. Immersion tank s may be long and narrow (for pipe and tubing in spection) or short and deep (for bulky forgi ngs), In general, tanks are equ ipped with a mean s for filling. drain ing, and fi lteri ng the water. The tank may contain test item manipulators (for spinning pipe and rotating samples) and a scanning bridge system (for translat ing search units along rectilinear and/or polar coord inates). Tan k capacities range from one or two cubic feet to a few thousand cubi e feet. Most tanks are equ ipped wit h one or more scanning bridgcs whi ch trave l on tracks the length of the tank and are under the control of the operator or an automatic test sy ste m. The bridge across the tank contains rails on which the search Figure 3.2. Typical immersion ultrasonic scanning system 37 unit manipulator rides. Other equipment carried on the bridge may incl ude the ultrasoni c instrument, a C Scan or other recorder, and signal processing equipment needed to ex tract information from the ultrasonic signals. Figure 3.2 shows an example of a typical tank configuration used for inspect ion of smaller items. of water at the test pi ece. The search unit, located inside and coaxially with the nozzle, emits a sound beam axially through the stream. Figure 3.3 shows a conceptual draw ing of an ultrasonic water jet (sq uirter). If the nozzle is designed properl y and the water flo w parameters are set correct ly, there are no bubbl es at the interface of the water and the test piece and sound can be transmitted into the piece. The sound beam impinging on a test part is restricted in cross-secti onal size by the stream of water which acts as a wavegu ide and collimator. Both the squi rter and the bubbler (water co lumn) can be used wi th pulse-echo or lhrough· transmi ss ion techniques and can take advantage of beam foc using. If the free slream of the squ irter is long, the deflection due to gmv ity may have to be considered in the scanning plan. In scanning flat test objects with a longitudinal beam, the search unit manipulator traverses the test item in a raster· like pattern (tra verse-i ndex·traverse-index· ...· ... ). The recorder, "enabled" using the gating circuits, records the data in sy nchroni sm with the position of the search uni t manipulator. There are several types of manipulators used for handling test parts. These manipulators shi ft or rotate the test item under the bridge in such a manner that the search unit may scan the requ ired speci men surface. Rotational axes may be hori zontal, vertical , or other desired angles. Manipulator mot ion may be under the control of the operator or the automatic system. Control centers may be programmed to perform very basic scan patterns or, in the case of some computer·based systems, very complex operations. Most scans are preprogrammed and thus are not changed readily . It is often desirable to keep a test item relat ively dry wh ile performing ultrasonic examinations. One way of doing thi s and yet maintain many of the advantages of immersion testing is to use wheel transducers. The wheels used for UT testing are sim ilar to automOli ve tires in that they are largely hollow and there is a fl ex ibl e "tread" in contact with the test item. In the UT wheel, the search unit is mounted on a gimbal manipulator inside the tire and the tire is filled with a liqu id - usually water. The search unit is aimed through the tread (a thin elastomeric me mbrane such as polyurethane). The gimbal mounting permits the incident sound It is imperative that the search unit be in the des ired posi tion at all times so that the sound beam is in terrogating the intended test area. Thi s is accompli shed by a positioner attached to the end of the search tube used to "point" the search unit in the desired direct ion. Thus the search unit has several degrees of positi onal freedom (X, Y, Z, 8, $). Figure 3.3. Diagram of a water jet for ultrasonic tests It is not always feasible to immerse a test object in a tank for UT testing. Limits are imposed by the size and shape of the test object as well as by the capaci ty of the tank . To circumvent these problems, scan ning systems are often provided with squirters or water columns. While differing sli ghtl y in design, each of these serves the same purpose - to establish a column of water between the search unit and the test item through wh ich the sound beam will pass. Squirters employ a nozzle which squirts a stream 38 To Ultrasonic instrument 1 ( • • Transducer Water Couplant • beam to be orien ted so that it produces either shear or longitudinal waves (or other modes) in the test part as if immers ion testing were taking place. Because the tire is flexible and conforms to the surface, littl e external cou pl ant is needed. At times, howe ver, a sma ll spray of water or alcohol is introduced just ahead of the wheel to exclude the possibili ty of small amounts of air becom ing trapped at the wheel' S contact surface. Th is thin layer of liquid evaporates rapidly without damage to the test item. Although wheels are somewhat limited as to the shapes of materia ls they can ex amine, th ey are useful on large, reasonably nat surfaces. More than one whee l can be used at the same time , e.g., tandem configurati ons are poss ible. They are useful in hi gh temperature app lications (where the liquid is continuously coo led) and sets of transducers can be placed wi th in a sing le wheel. A major problem is the elim inat ion of internal echoes from structural members within the liquid chamber. These echo problems are usually eliminated by careful design incorporating the empirical placement of baffles and absorbers. Tn both manu al and automatic scanning , the pattern of scanning is important. If too many scan traverses are made the part will be overtested, with time and money be ing lost. On the other hand, if the coverage of the scans is insuflic ienL, sections of the part wi ll not be examined and defec ts may be missed. Therefore, time dedicated to developi ng a scanning plan is seldom wasted. In developing the plan, whi ch lays out the patterns of search unit manipu lation, it is necessary to cons ider appUcable codes, smndards, and specifi cations as we ll as making an engineering evaluation of the potenti al locations, orientations. sizes, and types of flaws expected in the part. After these criteri a have been deve loped, sound beam modes, angles, beam spread, and attenuation must all be considered to ensure that all of the material is interrogated in the desired direction(s). Thi s in formation is used to establish scan lengths. di rect ion, overlap. index increments, and electronic gate seuings. Measuring System Performance UT calibrat ion is the practi ce of adj usting the ga in , sweep, and range, and of assessing the impact that other parameters of the instrument and the test confi guration may have on the re li able interpretation of ultrasonic signal echoes. Gain seuings are normally established by adj usting the vertical height of an echo signal, as seen on the CRT, to a predetermined leve l. The level may be required by spec ification and based on echo respon ses from specific standard rc nectors in material similar 10 that which will be tested. Sweep di stance of the CRT is estab li shed in terms of eq ui va lent "sound path." where the sound path is the di stance in the material to be tested from the sound entry point to the reflector. It is important to establ ish these parameters. Gain is establi shed so that comparisons of the reference level can be Illade to an echo of interest in order to dec ide whether the echo is of any consequence and. if so, then to aid in the determination of the size of the reflector.1i Sweep distance is establi shed so that the location of the re Oector can be detenn ined. Hori zontal lineari ty is a measure of the uniformity of the sweep speed of the instrument. The in strument must be wi thin the linear dynami c ranges of the sweep ampl ifiers and assoc iated c ircuitry in order for e lectron beam position to be directly pro portional to the time elapsed fro m the start of the sweep. It may be checked using multiple back·echoes from a flat plate of a conve nient thickness, i.e., I in. With the sweep set to display mult iple back-echoes. the spacing between pul ses should be equal. The instrument should be recali brated if the sweep linearity is not wi thin the specified tolerance. Yerticallinearity impli es thallhe height of the pulse displayed on the A Scan is directly proportional to the acoustic pul se rece ived by the transducer. For example, if the ec ho increases b) ~It is important to recognize that the use of amplitude to ~ize a reflector is subject to large. uncontrolled errors and must b< approached with caution. 39 50 percen t, the indicated ampl.itude on the CRT should also change by 50 percent. Thi s variable may be checked by establi sh ing an echo signal on the screen , changing the vertical amplifier gain in set increments, and measuring the correspo nding changes in A Scan response. An alternate check uses a pair of echoes with amplitudes in the ratio of 2: I . Changes in gain should not affect the 2: 1 ratio, regardless of the amplifier" s senings. It is of note that when electronic DAC units are used in an ultrasonic system, the vertical amplifier's displayed output is purposefully made to be nonlinear. The nature of the nonlinearity is adj usted to compensate for the estimated (or measured) variat ion in the test material/inspect ion system's aggregate decay in signal strength as a funct ion of di stance (time) from the sending transducer. Reference Reflectors There arc severa l reflector types commonly used as a basis for establi sh ing syste m performance and sensit ivity. Included among them are spheres and flat-bollom holes (FBH), notches, side-drilled holes (SDH), and other spec ial purpose or designs. Table 3.1 summari zes these reflectors and their advantages and limitat ions. Figure 3.4. Spherical reflector measuring sound field 3 , , "1 Focal Point v"'·'----- Focused Search Unit omn idirectional sound wave response. The effecti ve refl ectance from a sphere is much sma ller than that received from a nat reflector of the same diameter due to it s sphcricaJ directivity pattern. Most of the reflected energy does not return to the search unit. Spheres of any material can be used; however, steel ball bearings are the norm si nce these are reasonably priced, extremely precise as to size and surface finis h, and available in many sizes. Flat renectors are used as cal ibration standards in both immersion and contact testing. They are usually flat-bottom drilled holes of the des ired diameters and depthS. All flat renectors have the inherent weakness that they requi re Spherical reflectors are used most oflen in immersion testi ng for assessing transducer sound careful sound beam-renector axis al ignment. Deviation s of little more than a few degrees will fields as shown in Figure 3.4. Spheres provide lead to sign ificant ly reduced echoes and become excellen t repeatability because of their unacceptable for calibration. However, Table 3.1. Reference Reflectors Used in Ultrasonic Testing for flaws of crosssec tion less than the Type Characteristics Uses beam width and wi th a perpendicular Solid Sphere Omnidirectional Transducer sound field ali gnment, the signal assessment amplitude is Simulates ncar-surface cracks Notches Flat, corner proponional to the area of the refl ector Flat-Bottom Hole (FBH) Disc reflector Reference gain as shown in Figure 3.5. Generally, if a Side-Drilled Hole (SOH) Cylindrical symmetry Distance DAC calibration flaw echo am plitude is equal to the Special Custom reflectivity Simulate natural flaw conditions amplitude of the 40 longitudinal waves and a mult itude of shear wave angles. It is essential that the hole surface be smooth, thus reami ng to the final diameter is often the fi nal step in preparing such holes. Figure 3.5. Area-amplitude relationship for FBHs 100 ~ 90 >? 80 - ~ .c OIl "<) :t .. #8 70 1/ 60 6 SO jo'" 40 "= 30 20 ii5 10 4 • os V Point of "1/ .#2 0;:)10 20 S~.~d~r~iz~ti,on, 30 4 0 ; :. ) 0 6 0 7 0 Area Units calibration re nector, it is assumed that the naw is at least as large as the calibration reflector. Used in sets with differing di stances from the surface and different diameters, side-drilled holes are freq uent ly used for developing dista nce-ampl itude correction curves and for setting overall sensiti vity of shear wave test in g schemes. After the sweep cii stance is set. signal s from each reflector are 80 maximi zed (by maneuvering the search unit) and the resu lts are recorded on the screen using erasab le markers or stored in a di gital fo rmat. The peak signals from each renector are then connected by a smooth line and it is thi s line that is called the di stance-amplitude correction (DAC) curve. Notches are frequentl y used to assess the detectabilit.y of surface-breaking flaws such as cracks, as well as for instrument calibration. NOiches of several shapes arc used and can eit her be of a rectangular or " Vee" cross section. Notches may be made wi th milling cutters (end mills), circular saws, or straight saw s. End-mill (or EDM) notches may be made with highl y variable length and depth dimensions. Circular saw cut s are limited in length and depth by the saw diameter and the configuration of the device hold ing the saw. Even though it is somewhat more difficult to achi eve a desired length to depth ratio with the ci rcular saw, these notches are used frequently because of their resemblance to fatigue cracks, e.g., shape and surface finish. Notches may be produced perpencii cular to the surface or at other angles as dictated by the test configuration. On piping, they may be located on the inside diameter and! or the olltside diameter and aligned e ither in the longitudin al or transverse directions. Calibration The setting of basic in strument con trols is ex pedited by the use of several standard sets of blocks containing precision reflectors arranged to feature a specific characteri st ic of the in spection systems. For example, area-amplitude blocks contain flat-bottom holes of differing diameters, all at the same di stance from the sound entry surface. The block material is normally sim ilar to that of the tcst material. In the distance and area amplitude blocks, a hole is placed in a separate cylinder, 2 in. in di ameter. Other blocks, intended for the same purpose of establi shing the correlation of signal amplitude with the area of the reflector, may contain a number of hol es in the same block, usually a plate. Hole sizes increase in sixty-fourths of an inch and are designated by that value. For exampl e, a III 6 in. (4/64 in. ) hol e is a #4 hole. Area ampli tude blocks are used to establish the area/amplitude response curve and the sensitivity of the UT system. Maximum signals are obtained from each of the holes of interest and the signal amplitude is recorded. These values may be compared to ec hoes from the same metal path and reflector sizes estimated for the test item. Figure 3.6 shows a cross-sectional diagram of a block composed of Side-drilled holes are placed in calibration blocks so that the axi s of the hole is parallel to the entry surface. The sound beam impinges on the hole, normal to its major axis. Such a reflector provides very repeatable calibrati ons, may be placed at any desired di stance from (he entry surface and may be used for both 41 di stance. Distance-amplitude blocks are useful in setting instrument sensitivity (gain) and if present the electronic distanceamplitude correction circuits. Figure 3.7 shows a composite set of DAC and area-amplitude calibration curves taken from a block containing three different hole sizes (I mm, 2 mm and 3.25 mm), measured al distances ranging from 2.5 mm to 32 mm. Figure 3.6. Schematic diagram of FBH calibration block Entry Surrace ~ r ----+-:]\O\~~ Mat.dal Alloy ",;;;::,j::::::::?~<~l~l Hole Size x 1164 in.) (Diameter Metal Distance (1.5 in.) There are numerous blocks corrunerciaJly avai lable that are Plug used in calibrati ng UT L~~~~~~~~~~~~~--':':':::~~~~~ . ~~~_ instruments, both for sweep 4340 steel, w ith a FBH size of 5/64 in. (#5 hole) distance (sound path) and for sensitivity (gain) as and a travel distance of 1.5 in. well as depth resolution. Included in thi s group are the ~IW (International Institute of Welding), DSC (distance and sensitivity calibration), DC Distance-amplitude blocks differ from (di~tanc.e calibration block), SC (sensitivity area-amplitude blocks in that a sin oole diameter• cahbratlOn block), and the A WS RC (Resolution 0al-bOl.tom hole is placed at incrementally Calibration Block). mcreasmg depths from very near the entry surface to a desired maximum depth. Sets of Other special blocks are often required in blocks are avajlable in different materials and response to specification and Code requirements with diameters ranging from Number 1 to based on the construction of the blocks, using Number 16 and larger. Distance-amplitude materials of the same nature as those to be blocks arc used to establish the distance/ inspected. Included are the ASME weld amplitude response characteri stic of the UT inspection blocks such as the SDH for angle system in the test material; the measured beam calibration , curved blocks for pipin g! response includes the effects of attenuation due nozzles simulation, and nozzle dropouts (c ircular to beam spread and scattering and/or absorption. blanks cut from vesse l plates) for custom nuclear With this curve establi shed, the operator can in-service inspection applications. Finally, compensate for the effects of attenuation with Flat Bottom Test Hole Figure 3.7. Combined distance and area-amplitude response. 0 -" c • ,. " l.~ - LEGEND E X • .... E '.0o., .5 , o. • '6 '(.,'\.'\,\>' '0 '0'0 '0'0 'q 'q '~~!:'~~~ ~ '0 .~ I:.f. -;.. "9 Distance from Block Face to Hole millimeters (inches) 42 ~ -;.. .~ 2 mm hole 3.25 mm hole 1 mm hole attempts are ongoing to develop schemes for making reflectors which directl y behave as racks and to ge nerate actual cracks. panicu larly in tergranular stress corrosion crac ks. Table 3.2 summari zes many of these blocks and their intended uses. One o f the best known calibration blocks is the IIW b loc k shown in Fi gure 3.8. Thi s block I:> used primarily for measuring the refracted ang le of ang le beam search units, setting thc meta l path , and establi shin g the sensitivity for \~e ld in specti on. To measure the refracted angle. the sOLind beam ex it point is determined on the 4 in. radiu s. The angle is then determined by max imi zin g the signal from the large side-drilled hole and reading the ex it-poin t posi tion o n the engraved scalc. Various rcflectors are provided in modified IIW blocks to provide the capability to set the sweep distance. These incl ude grooves and notches at various locations wh ich yield cchoes at prec isely known di stances. The block may al,o be uscd for sctting di stances for normal b tra ight bcam) search units usi ng the I in. th ickness of the block. Di stance resolution may also be c hecked o n the notches adjacent to the 4 in. radiu s surface. Because different manufacturers provide variations in the confi guration of the block, other specific uses may be dev ised. The di stance ca libration (DC) block is spec ifica ll y designed for selling up the sweep di stance for both no rlllal and ang le beam testing fo r e ither lo ngitudinal, shear, or s urface waves. For straight beam ca li bration, the search unit is placed on the I in. or 112 in . thi ck portion and the sweep di stance adjusted. For angle beam ca libration. the search unit is placed o n the flat surface at the center of the cy lindri cal surfaces. Bea m direction is ill a plane normal to the cy lindcr axis. When the beam is dirccted in such a manner, cchoes shou ld occur at 1, 2, or 3 in . intervals. With a surface wave search unit at the centerline. a surface wave may be calibrated for di stance by observin g the echoes from the I and 2 in. radii and adj usting the control s according ly. A min iat ure multipurpose block is shown in Fig ure 3.9. The block is I in. thick and has a 1/ 16 in. d iameter side-drilled hole for sensiti vity seuings and ang le determinations. For strai ght beam calibration , the bloc k provides back re nect ion and Table 3.2. Ca libration Rlock Usage multipliers of I in. For angle beams, the search unit is placed Chllrllclcril'tic Block Designation on the tlat surface ij II\\, DSC AS!\1E DC AWS SC A (SDH) ( RC) with the beam directed toward Sweep R:lI1 ge X/O XlO XlO XlO 0 0 either of thc curved surfaces. If toward Sel1~itivjty XlO X/O XlO X 0 0 the I in. radius, echoes will be Ex it Poi11t X X X received at I in .. 4 Exit Angle X X X in., and 7 in. intervals. If toward DAC XlO 0 the 2 in. rad ius, the intervals w ill be X Depth 0 2 0 2 in. , 5 in., and 8 in. Resotution Refracted angles are Curvature X' measured by Compensation locating the exit Legend: point using either of X - Shear Wave the curved surface s. 0- Longitudinal Wave The response from I - SCI of Curved Blocks Used the side-drilled hole 2 - Nea r Surface Only is maximized and 43 Figure 3.8. IIW block for transducer and system calibration a. \?; 91 IT LlI 01 a. W ' 50'40' vVV b. IUr"" 10' ) 10' ' '' ... //:~ <. d. b. ~ 91 O /w ", ... 'fl I / 80' 19 IC{ <. High Resolution I ~ Main Pulse ,. I I 2 J L.ow Resolution L--A I '" Main Pulse ) d. r the angle read from the engraved scales. Single po int (zone) sensitiv ity can be estab li shed by max imi zing the signal from the SOH. or An example of a special block designed to compensate for convex surface effects is shown in Figu re 3. 11. Included are the geometrical fea tures with tolerances needed in the constnlction of typical calibration blocks. Distance-amplitude correction curves can be developed for any number of test part thicknesses using the SO H block shown in Figure 3. 10. By placing thc angle beam transducer on surfaces which change the sound path distance, a series of peaked re spon ses can be recorded and pl oued on the CRT screen in the form of a OAC over the range of distances of interest to inspect ion. A more suitable, but ex pensive, approach to the testing of complex parts involves the use of sac rificial samples into which are placed wave reflectors such as FBHs, SO Hs, and notches. (See Figure 3. 12.) 44 Figure 3.9. Miniature angle beam calib ration block 1)-1 L 6.25mm (0.25 in.) 1'-1 P-2 I"f ----" :! ' r-t---- ,u, f ,- -t 25mm :.,•• ( I in.) -.L , P_I " ·2 R·2 R·' o 60° " . ~ o " , " '.' f igure 3.10. Calibration block for DAC development using angle beams 2 in. long to 1/4 in. diameter Oat end: mill notches 2% T deep • / t. t ,,--_2_;_"'_7 ' -_ +_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,::;:::/ 3 in. [Note (1)J /. TI4 + " I ")' ) - - - - - , , ' . . " ----<;."0", ,',' #Of-- Clad LNote (4)J .. // .....' - n2 JT~4~~~~:t~~~~~~;;;;~·~·'~·~~ 1-1/2 in. Minimum _ l Through Clad T hickness 2% T Deep into the Base Metal 6 in. [Note (I)] hOles rLj~ Tl2 (Note ( 1)1 Drilled and reamed 3 in. Deep [NOIe (1)1 45 Figure 3.11. Convex surface reference block G I' ·1 Grain Flow ® mm m " Lm mm ::11~1 :: :: ® c ® 0 1 A c ~ m ~ I~I~~L E E .~ ~ ::: ::: ::: '0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N R E E ~ N :: :: ±O.Q2S mm (0.001 in.) LEGEND ' ~3 @ 90 degrees ±30 minutes typical Tolerance: ±0.025 in. Tolerance: ±O.Ol in. 100 RHR maximum to p sur face Figure 3.]2. Use of reflectors in sacrificial (simulated) test parts Search Unit Rotor Spider Test Surface , " ' , " " ,' , , " ' , " ', "" ' ' ,' ,, " " ' ,, ,,~ ,, "" "" Reference Notch 0.75 mm (0.03 in.) Deep o o o 46 Refere nce bloc ks based upon imbedded DalUra l refl ecto rs such as cracks by diffu sio n bonding. altho ugh use ful for the purposes of ~ta bli s hin g a base line for self- teaching adapti ve learn ing nctworks and relatcd tec hno logies. are \ery d iffic ult to dupl icate and suffer from an mability of developing an exac t corre lat ion with natu rall y occurring fl aws. Of co ncern is the inabili ty to dupli cate test sa mpl es on a widespread productio n basis; once dcstructi ve correlations are carried out, remaking the same config urat ion is questio nable. Even when such reflectors ca n be duplicated to so me exte nt, the nat ura l vari ability of fl aws found in nature sti ll tends to make thi s approach 10 reference ... [andard s hi ghl y questi onable. In all cases, the block materials used fo r ca li bration purposes must be sim ilar to the test mate rials to which the techniq ues wi ll be appli ed. The conce pt of trans fer functio ns has bee n used with limited ... ueccss in most criti cal calibrati on settings. 47 Chapter 3 Review Questions Q .3-5 A reflector signal was found to be 6 dB less than that from the cali bration reflector at the same sound path. The calibration reflector was a No . 8 FBH. W hat can be sa id about the unknown refl ector? Q.3- 1 Calibration is the term lI sed to: A. describe the means to measure the diameter of a shaft. B. set up the lest item for examination in accordance with ru les estab li shed by the NIST (forme rly the NBS). C. describe the means to establish the work in g characteristics of a search unit. D. describe the process of estab li shing the gain level and the sweep distance of the UT in strument. A. It is 4/64 in. diameter. B. It is 8/64 in . diameter. C. It is probably 8/64 in. diameter or larger. D. It is an unknown size. Q.3-6 In Fig ure 3.7, the response froml hc 3.25 mm FB H at a depth of25 mm, is above that detected fro m the I mm FBH by: Q.3-2 An area-amp li tude block has the designation 4340-4-0500. T hi s indicates that it is: A. an alumin um block with a #3 hole at a depth of 5 in. B. a steel block with a 1/16 in. ho le at a depth of 5 in . C. a steel block w ith a #5 hole at a depth of 4 ill. D. a Titanium block with a #4 hole at a depth of 5 in. A. 24.0 dB. B. 18.2 dB. C. 12.0 dB. O. 10.8 dB. Q.3-7 The half-angle beam spread o f the reflected wave front fro m a #8 FBH in an aluminum "A" block bei ng immersion tested using a 25 MHz transdu cer is: Q.3-3 T he term "sweep distance" is used to describe: [VL = 1.5 (Water); VL , = 6.3; VT _A1 = 3. 1: ... all times ( 10)5 em/s . f, A. how fas t the sound is able pass through the materi al. B. the equ ivalent sound beam path d isplayed on the CRT in terms of unit distances in the test material. C. the ve locity with which the search unit is moved across the materiaL D. how electrical energy passes from the transducer to materi al being tested. A. B. C. O. Q.3-4 A calibrated CRT screen is necessary for: 1.30 degrees. 5.47 degrees. 22.77 degrees. 48.50 degrees. Q.3-8 A DAC Curve is to be establi shed using the SD Hs in the block as shown in Figure 3.10. Three points have been establi shed: 118,2/8, and 3/8 nodes from 1/4, 1/2,314 T SO Hs. What would be the next point? A. measurement of signa l amplitudes to determine distance to the reflectors. B. measurement of electric curren ts generated by the piezoelectric crystal. C. measurement of d istances from the beginn ing to the end of the scan path. D. measurement of d istance along the sound path to establ ish thickness or refl ector location. A. B. C. O. 49 4/8 5/8 6/8 8/8 node node node node Q.3-9 Which of the follow ing is an advantage of side-drill ed hole reflectors for calibration? A. They can be placed at essentially any distance from the entry surface. S. T he surface of [he ho le is rough, providing a strong, specular rell ection. C. The hole depth is li mited to 3 times the d iameter. D. The hole diameter can be used d irectly and easily to measure the size of an unknown reflector. Q.3-10 When measuring the angle on an ang le beam search unit using an nw block, two signa ls are noted. The first measures at an angle of 49 degrees and the second peaks at an angle that is est imated to be 25 degrees. Plastic longitudinal velocity = 2.76 mm/ ms; steel shear velocity = 3.23 nun/ms; longitudina l ve loc ity = 5.85 mm/ ms. Identify the signals. Q.3-12 A search unit wi th a foca l length in water of 4 in. is used. A steel plate, 8 in. thick, velocity = 0.230 in./ms, is placed at a water path of 2 in. from the search unit. At what depth is the foca l po int in the steel? A. 1.0in. B. 2.0 in. 0.5 in. e. D. 0.8 in. Q. 3- 13 During an examination, an indication of 25 perce nt FS H is detected and max imized. For better analysis the gain is increased by 12 dB and the indication increases to 88 percent FS H. What va lue shou ld have been reac hed and what is the apparent problem? A. 50 percent FS H and the screen is nonlinear B. 75 percent FS H and there is no problem C. 100 percent FSH and the sweep speed is nonlinear D. 100 percent FS H and the sc reen is nonlinear A. First is shear, second is longitudinal. S. First is longitud inal, second is surrace. C. First is longitud inal , second is Love wave. D. First is longitudinal, second is shear. Q. 3- 14 The difference between through-tran smi ss ion and pitch-catch techniques is: Q.3- l l When usin g a focused, straight beam search unit for lamination scanning in an immersion test of a steel plate, a change in water path of 0.2 in. wi ll result in the focal point moving in the steel a di stance of: A. that the tran sducers in through-transmission face cach other, while in pitch-catch the transducers are often side-by-side in the same housing. S. that the transducers in through-transmiss ion are side-by-side, while in pitch-catch the transducers are fac ing each other. C. that the transducers in through-transmission are always angle beam. D. that in through-transm iss ion the depth o r the flaw is easily determined. A. 0.2 in. B. 0.2 m Ol. e. 0.05 in. D. 0.8 in. so Q.3· 15 In the tandem tec hn ique a signal is received frolll the test matcrial. The reflector Illay be located: Q.3- 19 While pe rformi ng a straight-beam , immers ion test , an ind ication is noted lying midwall . W hat immed iate act ion should the operator take? A. near the front surface. S. at the back surface. C. somew here near midwa ll. D. by any of the above, depe nding o n the material thi ckness. the refracted ang le. the distance betwee n scarch uni ts, and the d istance between transducer and the reflec tor. Q.3·16 In a tandem 70·degree pilch-catch shear wave arrangement , the plate bein g in spected is 2 in . thick and the regio n of interest is midway betwee n top and bottom surfaces. How far behind the transmi tter shoul d the rece iving transducer be located? A. 0.68 in. B. 1.88 in. C. 4.00 in . D. 5.50 in . A . Report it to hi s/her supervisor. S. Chec k to e nsure that the search unit to part di sta nce is correct. C. Rcplace the component wi thin anothcr iden tical one to see if the same ind icat ion ex ists in the second unit D. Check 10 ensure the refracted angle is 45 degrees. Q.3-20 The refl ected pul se reaching the im mersio n transduce r from the back surface of a 4.5 in . al umi num plate standing in a tan k of water is cqual to _ _ o f the energy pulsc which was transmitted fro m the transducer. (Z" = 17. Z"20 = 1.5) A. 6.22 percent B. 70.2 percent C. 50.7 percen l D. 14.7 percent Q.3 -1 7 Angle beam search un its are frequently used in we ld testing. One reason for th is IS that the angle beam: Q.3-2 1 A test on a thick part will be performed using a foc used search un it with a 0.50 in. long foca l zone as determined by the 3 dB down poi nts. To ensure complete coverage at uniform se.nsitivity, the operator shoul d take which of th e following acti ons? A. is more se nsitive to slag and poros ity. B. is more sensitive 10 inadeq uate penetration an d cracks. C. does not attenuat e as it traverses the material. D . provides mu lt iple back-surface echoes for thi ckness testing. A. Set the foc al ZO Il C mid way in the pari and proceed w ith the examination. B. Set the foca l spot at the front surface such that the di vergent beam will attain max imum coverage. C. Set the focal zone al the back surface because th at is the most critical area. D. Perform multi ple examinations with the metal pat h dec reased by no more than 0 .5 in . pe r examinatio n. Q.J. 18 An automated examination o f a large cy linder is to be performed usi ng a focused search unit (focal poi nt = 0.050 in . di ame ter, foc al lcngth = 2 in .. and crystal d iamete r = 0.500 in.) . To ensure 10 percent overl ap between scans. of the follow ing. what increment shou ld be used? A. 0 .005 in . B. 0.495 in . C. 0.040 in . D. 0.0495 in. 51 Q.3-22 A pair of squirters each with a 9 in. water stream are used in the examination of a large panel in the through-transmission mode. The search units are arranged in a horizontal position. It is desi red to locate discont inuities within 0.0 10 in. of their true posi tion. The ana lyst should take which of the following actions? A. Assume that the coordinates given by the scanning system are correct and use those values for the coord inates. B. Determine the curve of the Waler stream due to the influence of grav ity and adjust the coordinate va lues to compensate for the deflection. C. Overlay the test record on the part and mark the reflector locations. D. Precisely meas ure from the index point on the panel to the indicated location and mark the part. Q.3-23 In prepari ng a scanning plan (the set of d irections describing the performance of an ultrasonic examinat io n), which of the follow ing parameters should be considered, as a minimum ? A. sound beam diameter, refracted angle, beam direction. gate settings, starting point for the first scan , number of scans B sound beam diameter, refracted angle, operator' s name, gate settings, starting point , number of scan s C. sound beam diameter, refracted angle, beam direction , expected flaw s, instrument serial number D. sound beam far field length, refracted ang le, beam direction, gate seuings. starting point. number of scans Q.3-25 A major problem in the use of search unit wheels is: A. insufficient traction lead ing to skidding and bad wrecks. B. eli mination o f troublesome in terna l echoes. C. installing adequate brakes. D. selecting a rigid tire material Q.3-26 A scanning plan is a: A. document which out lines the various steps in preparing a procedure. B. document whi ch defines the most effic ient way to ana lyze the data. C. documen t whi ch gives the detailed steps entailed in examini ng the test item. D. document which gives the compl ete hi story of previous examinations. Q.3-27 In contact testjng. the back surface sig nal fro m a 2 in. plate was set at full screen height Pass ing ove r a coarse grai ncd area, the back surface signal dropped to 10 percent of the full scale signal. What wou ld be your estimate of the change in attenuation in this local area based on actual metal path dista nce? A. B. C. D. na' pla'e o r Pol YSlyrene Q.3.24 A 3 in. 'hi ck during im me rsion test ing exhibi ts an echo fro m the back surface of the plate that is of that received from the front surface . ( Both sides immersed in water,ZPoI =2 .7,ZIl1O . = 1.5 .) , A. B. C. D. 8.4 percent 84.00 percent 8.16 percent 6.88 percent 52 20 dB/ in. 10 dB/ in . 5 dB/in. 10 percent/in. Chapter 4 Practical Considerations Chapter 4 Practical Considerations Many issues of a practical nature ari se during both routi ne and speciaJi zed ultrasonic inspecti on activities. Issues o f concern include interpretation o f echo signals (as viewed on the A Scan), equipme nt adjustme nt to exped ite interpretati o ns, and set-up conditions for producti on inspections. S ignal ampli tudes arc generally relia bl e for the reseu ing of instrumentatio n, based upon controlled calibration bl oc ks and the ir rderence refl ectors. But the ampli tude of the pul ses received fro m naturall y occ urring refl ectors has a high level of variability depending on the refl ector's orientation and morphology, neither of which are known in most circum stances. Signal Interpretation Corre lations of signal ampl itudes wi th specifi c re fl ectors are generall y recogni zed as a valid means of establi shin g the level of sensiti vity of an ultrasonic system. Thu s fl at-bottom ho les, with cross-sections smaller than the sound beams incident upon them and ori ented at normal incidence, do ex hibit sig nal responses that are proportional to the area of the re fl ector. But correlati on with naturally occurring di scontinui ties of irregular shape and orie ntation has proven to be less th an accurate, largely due to an inability to sati sfy the no rmal incidence requ irement and to the fact that the reflect ing surfaces are rarely fl at and smooth . Where natu ral di scontinuiti es ex hibit these conditions, as w ith s mall lami nations in plate material s, the area relatio nShi p has validity. Although the degree of signal-fl aw correlation at a single transducer location is less than desired , observing changes in signal response as the transducer is moved along, across, over, and around a suspect area can suggest if the reflector is round or flat (linear), rough or smooth, parallel or vertical, and fill ed with materials which have a higher or lower density than that of the surrounding material. Table 4. 1 li sts the techniques used in making these determination s. The interpretation of ultrason ic pul ses received fro m test pan renect ive surfaces can be very complex. depending upon the geometry of the test piece and the wave mode/scan a pproach hc in g used. The most reli able measure avail able from an A Scan system is the li me of arri va l of acoll stic pul ses , due to its lack o f ambiguity when testing fine-grained . homogeneous materi als. tn contact testing o f materials w ith known and constant sound wave velocities, the time of arri va l is directly proport ional to the di stance between the contact surface and the refl ector. The precise time of arri val is usuall y determin ed by whe n the pul se initially de parts from the scree n baseline. Systems using threshold devices to trigger del ay time monitors can be in error, de pending upon the slope of the pul ses ri se time and the leve l to which the threshold device is set. The s ignal peak is less reliabl e for thi s time meas ureme nt because pul ses may spread follow in g passage through di spersive media. Estimating lhe actual time the e nvelope of the RF signal reac hes a max imum is also a somewhat uncert ain approach. De pending upon which portio n of the pul se is used for trave l time measureme nt s, the estim ates of thi ckness and di stance to refl ecti ve surfaces can vary by one or more wavelengths. Finger damping is a technique where by a moiste ned fi nger, pl aced o n the surface o f a test piece at a location where sound waves are present, w ill affect the wave pro pagation and will oft en be detecta bl e as sli ght changes in signal 55 Table 4.1. Signal Interpretation Schemes ChBracte ristic Ac tion A Scan Response Orientiltion (Front Surface) Rotate. Approach Maximize signal Vertical Tr:lIIslate, Across "Walking signal" Flatness Rot:lIe Unidirect ional Spherical Rotate Omnidirectional Thickness Both (many) sides Thin if one side predominates Graphical plot Length (large) Tr:lIIslate in major direction Drop-off at ends Depth/width (large) Translate in minor direction Drop·off at edges Graphical plot Tip diffrac tion Surface Texture Smooth Rough Crisp, fast rise Jagged. wide pulse MullirefleclOf Multi·echoes Contents RF phase reversal ampl itudes on the CRT. Thi s technique is very effect ive in separat ing collect ions of signals, part icularl y when some of them are caused by spurious reflections from corners, weld crowns, or other surfaces which are readily accessible to the inspector. Causes of Variability There are many instrument variab les whi ch can have a signifi cant bearing on the outcome of a test and the interpretat ion of data. Horizontal sweep extent and accuracy affect estimates of time du ration from initial pul se to significant echoes. These are used as measures of thickness ("'straight beam" testing) and slant dislance ("angle beam" testing) and should ex tend over the entire range of interest Although amplitude is not a reliable indicator of a natural discontin ui ty's actual size, due to variations in shape, aspect angles, tran smiss ion properties of base material s, and othcr factors, it is often indi cat ive of the relative size of many common renectors and is vita l for being able to establish an instrument 's sellings with respect to a calibration reflector or for reestab li shing settings from one inspection to the nex t. Ideall y, an ultrason ic system should be capable of detecting reneclOrs throughout the region from the sound entry surface th roughout the test item's en tire vo lume. However, the length of the incidel1l sound pu lse (due in part to transducer element ringing) rcpresents a distance within which echoes, particu larly weak ones, cannot be di stingui shed from the reflection caused by the entry surface itse lf. If short duration pulses are used, i.e. , if high- frequency, we ll -damped transducers are used, the near surface resolution is significant ly improved over system s using long duration pulses. In contact testing, the ability to detect reflectors just under th e near surface is furthe r aggravated by the "dead zone" that ex ists immed iately after the in itial electrica l pu lse. The dead zone is caused by an inabil ity of saturated electrical components to respond linearl y to incoming signals as a result of their having been overdriven by the in itia l pulse. The " near-surface resolution"/dead zone problem can be solved by 56 determines, to a high degree, the characteristics of the sound beam including shape. ncar-field length, focal point (if appropriate), and refracted angle. The transducer (with its mounting and backing members) also determines the pul se shape, frequency, and lengt h in conjunction wit h the electrical exc iting pu lse and the instrument load imposed on the crystal. testi ng parts from oppos ite surfaces rather than from onl y one side. Some codes and speci fi cat ions have reject cri teria based on the size of the flaw. W here two re flecto rs ex ist in approximately the same plane and are in close proxim ity to eac h other, it is importan t to be ab le to differentiate one from the ot her. Systems with ve ry narrow beams are capab le of sat isfyi ng thi s requirement and are said to have good lateral resolution. Lateral resol ution is principall y a funct ion of the search unit's beam width. Thi s factor is very important in imaging systems where clear delineation of s mall and indi vidual fl aws is desired. Because of these factors, it is important that the proper search unit be chosen, and each search unit characleri stic be checked against the desired va lues on the UT in strument to be used in the examination . Manufacturers often provide cert ifi cates with the measured values deemed important by the manufacturer. These include, but arc not limited to, photographs of the RF waveform , the frequency spectrum con tent , and a di stance/amp li tude characteri stic curve measured on a test b lock. Usuall y a value for the damping factor is calcu laled. Since this factor is not defined the same uni ve rsally, it may be desirable to determine the definitions used in the calcu lation. For exam pl e, definitions may be based on the number of cycles or half cycles meeting a certa in parameter, e.g., the number of negative half cycles in a pul se greater than the amplitude of the first negative cycle. Each of these definitions serves the same purpose in Sensitivity is a measure of the abili ty to detect small reflectors. Systems w ith high level s of amplification (hi gh gain) are usually systems wi th a high sens itivi ty. However, when the ultrasoni c system is considered in its entirety. seve ral factors can alter the sensi ti vity that might be expected for a g iven co mbination of instru ment, transducer, test material, or discontinuity of interest. The important factors affect ing sensil ivi ty arc li sted in Table 4.2. The search unit is the most important component in the UT system. Thi s device Tahle 4.2. System Factors Affecting Detection Sensitivity Fllctor Gain Transducer Comment Conversion efficiency Field concentrators Coupling Coef - d}} . Sl} Lenses, beam pattcrn Amplifier Electronic amplification High linear gain . l-ligh sensitivity Pulse Length Masks nearby reflectors Depth resolution, bener penetration Wavelength Reflectance. directivity Smaller L - beller sensitivity, resolution. higher noise (poly mtls) Signal processing Gain x:::bandwidth = constant Smoothing, IiIlering, reject reduce sensitivity Nois(' sources Random Electrical (outside, inside) Lights, welders. cranes plus circuit cross-talk, instability Transducer construction Material surface Material homogeneity. isotropy, and geometry Cross-coupling, damping Coupling Uncertainty of velocity. scatter Geometrical reference surfaces Coherent 57 different ways, i.e., to describe the pulse length and shape. Test item surface condition is an important variable, especially when performing con tact tests. A rough surface affec ts the exa mination in man y ways, including causin g d ifficu lty in mov ing the search uni t across the part; causing local variations in the entry angle resulting in scattering the beam; causing reverberations of the sound in the pockets o n the surface, resulting in a wide front surface echo wi th a resulting increase in the dead zone; using excess coupl ant and making coupling difficult ; possi bly caus ing po rtions of the examinatio n volume to be mi ssed; and causing rapid wear of contact search units. In some cases, it may be necessary to sand or grind the scanning surface prior to the examinat ion in order to accompli sh the test. Rough sand castings, some forgi ngs, and welded surfaces typically require rework prior to the UT test. Extreme ly smooth surfaces may be d ifficult to test using the contact tec hnique because the cou p Ian! may not wet the surface. This can lead to air be ing trapped betwee n the search unit and the part. Thi s pheno menon is readi ly observed when using transparent angle beam wedges. Part confi guration (geo metry) plays an important ro le in definin g each examination 's operational parameters and practices. Geometry and access often decide the choice between contact and immersion tesling; however, there are no rules which relate the compl exi ty of shape to making the choicc. Technique selection is governed by many things such as equipment avai lability, part criticality, confi gurat ion , operator experience, and knowledge; a number of highl y symmetrica l parts, e.g., plates , pipe, cones, spheres, and cy linders, lend themselves to both immers ion and contact auto mated testing. Irreg ularl y shaped pans are onen beyond the capability of conventional au to mated scanning systems and are better left to manual exam inations. With the advent of computeri zed scanners with learning modes. the operator leads the system through o ne examination and the com puter then automaticall y repeats the exa min atio n. The presence of irrelevant signals from geometric features is a major in spection consideration. The most common of these is the back surface echoes from pl ate material (where mul ti ple echoes are freq uently present). Fortunate ly, these are easily recognized. In other cases, however, irrelevant echoes such as from the root of a weld, may not be easily differentiated from actual fl aw indications. In these cases, careful analys is is required incorporati ng consideration of beam spread and mode conversion as well as the normal issues of transit time. Changes in beam direct ion and ve loc ity due to materi al conditions must be fa ctored into these analyses . Refl ec tions from internal stmcturaJ features must also be recogni zed and considered. Special Issues The largest application of UT is for fl aw detection. It is used in rece ivi ng inspection of raw materi als, for in-process in spection of items under construction, and fo r in-service inspect ions (as part of ongoing maintenance programs). Although most appli cations involve metallic materials, UT is also found in the inspection of plastics, composi tes, concrete, lumber products, and affili ated spec ialty materi als. Weld Inspection Ultraso nics is a primary method of weld in spection, part icularl y when major construct ion projects are involved. Welds, including their heat affected zones, are exam ined because the probability of fa ilure is hi gher in these areas than in most base materials. Although weld metal is normall y stronger than the base metal, stress ri sers may occur due to we ld conto ur, processing, or the presence of defects. The we ld process itself creates residu al stresses whi ch, when added to applied stresses, may cause crac king due (0 fatigue or stress corrosion . Exam ination of butt welds in materials from about 1/4 to 15 in. thi ck are normally performed using an angle-beam, shear wave tec hnique because the sound can be ori ented at near-normal incidence to the critical fl aws, i.e., cracki ng, inadequate penetration, and fu sion. The bodies of the welds can be inspected wi tholl t removing 58 Figure 4.1. Angle beam geometry used in weld inspection --I II I I T I· -I Skip Distance = 2T tan ~ the weld crown. When part geometry allows, the exam should be conducted from each side of the weld. Refracted angles are chosen according to the fusion line angle, material thickness. or other expected defect orientations. Figure 4.1 shows the basic geometry used for defining the angles and paths followed by sound beams when doing shear wave (angle beam) testing. As shown, the sound, introduced at an angle which complements the geometry being examined, follows a sou nd path that often reflects from the opposite surface, particularly for platelike product form s. The V -shaped path permits inspection looking "down" into the weld in the first leg of the Vee while the second leg is the region used to look "up" into the weld. By scanning the transducer toward and away from the weld, the sound can be made to interrogate the entire volume from two or more sets of angles. Analysis of signals observed on the A Scan display requires converting the information found along the sound path (along the Vee path) into positional data related to the base material and weld centerline. This is done using conventional trigonometry to sol ve for eq uivalent surface distances, e.g., ski p distance, or depths below or above the base material surface. For example, for the I in. plate shown in the figure and using a 70-degree angle, the ski p distance (distance from tran sducer exit point to location at which center of sound beam reaches the top surface after reflection) is given by 2T tan ~ = 2 tan 70° = 5.5 in. For thi s same case, the sou nd path is given by 2T leos ~ = 2/eos 700 = 5.85 in. Common problems found during weld examination involve rough surfaces (including weld spatter), irregular part geometry (including hidden cond itions such as counter-bores in piping systems), and physical inaccessibility (due to in sulation and being embedded in reinforcing structures). During production and under some in-service inspections, examinations may be done at elevated temperatures which can aJter the effective soun d velocity of the material, transducer performance (particularly refracted angles or critical temperature limits), and operator's performance. All of these factors must be addressed and considered in the procedure. Where irregular inner surface conditions exist, interpretation of reflector signals is often very difficult. For example, the presence of a baCking bar (placed at the root of the weld in order to ensure adequate penetration and fusion) tends to entrap the incident sound waves which reverberate around the bar and eventually exit along the same path by which they entered the backing strip. Thus, strong echo signals are returned to the sendi ng transducer at an apparent depth of sl ightly more than the thickness of the base material. The interpretation might be that a large defect exists just beyond the root area of the weld on the opposite side of the weld. Another troublesome welding configuration is introduced by the prese nce of a counter-bore "ledge," machined or ground into the inner radius of a pair of fitted pipes, so placed in order 59 Figure 4.2. Reference standard for weld inspection using notches ,--I' 11)'_~< & I :" cO " /I ~I "" h- t t 4xMinirnum I' t 'I LI'_~-./'..Jl1.-!,~:,=-'-'<1'-----"1 4x Minimum 12 II LEGEND , ' c' 3 ;----3,-- ' 5 L ------fO ,.-, - -- -,. --'- -(' '- l. Angled notch 2. Undercut notch length per welding specification 3. Separation two times transducCl" width or 2 in. maximum 4. Crack, LF and LP notch length two times transducer width or 2 in. maximum 5. Hole size maximum allowable 6. Hole size minimum allowable 7. Notch depth tIlO maximum 8. Hole depth t / 2 maximum 8 '- -- ,:.6 '- -- that the ir initi al fit-up (gap and ali gnmen t) is generally uniform. Such a geometry can give rise to strong geometrical refl ector signals in the immediate vicinity of the weld root, an area well known for the initi ation of stress corros ion cracks in stain less steel piping systems. If the angles of inspect ion and cou nter-bore arc such penetration is permitted, ultrasoni c testing is usually not recommended. In ot her cases, such as stai nless steel pip ing, ultrasonic inspect ion may be success ful in the base materia l (a wrought product) but not in the we ld zone (a cast product). that the refl ected wave is below the fi rst cri tical angle, interna l mode conversion can take place with a longitudinal wave travel ing in a direction other than that of the reflec ted shear wave. Immersion Testing Figure 4.2 shows the use of notches introduced in to a separate sample of the welded structural steel to serve as a mock-up for the weld inspector to accurately locate where on the CRT echo signals can be expected to appear. Welds such as fillet welds and d iss imilar metal we lds may requi re the app licat ion of d iffere nllechniq ues in order to exa mine all port ions of these welds and the ir heat-affected zones. Due to the geometry of many fi ll et welds, particu larly those in whic h incomplete The immersion method of coupling ultrasound to test parts permits a wide variety of test conditions to be used without the need for custom-des igned transducer assem blies, and with consistent coupling characteri stics, aJlow ing for imaging of test parts with regular shapes, i.e., plate, rod, cy linder, pipe, and simple forg ings, and assemblies such as honeycomb panels. The flexibility of immers ion testing is both a blessing and a bane in that it permits the use of a single SCI of test equipment (transducers, mostly) to be lIsed for a large variety of inspect io n protocols (i nspection angles, modified beam paHerns, regulated scanning patterns, and hi gh sensitivity transducers), bu t it involves relative ly 60 expensive systems and signi ficant ly extends the setup time fo r each inspection. Align ment of sound beams to test part surfaces is expedit ed by the use of the multipl e reflecti ons wh ich occ ur as a result of sound be ing reflected from the water-test part interface back to the transduce r face, and re-reflected back and forth between the transducer and the test part . By monitoring these mult iple reverberat ions while angu lating the transducer man ipulator, the presence of the largest array of mult iples ensures that the sound beam is aligned perpendicular to the test part's fro nt surface and th us the sound beam is normal to the surface. In immersion testing, because of the large difference between the ve locities of sound in water and metalli c part s, thi s ali gnment is cri tical because sli ghtl y off-axis beams are refracted by a leverage fac tor of approx imately 4: I. Figure 4.3 shows the presence of water multi ples as well as the multiple echoes developed withi n the flat steel pl ate. The gain used in im mersion testing is rather high, due to the large amoun t of sound energy lost at lhe water-test part interfaces which are often very different in acoust ic im pedance. When the transducer is rela.tive ly close to an item with parallel surfaces, the CRT often displays an array of multi ple reverberations from within the item, as well as from the water mu lti ples. In thi s case, the water mu ltiples are read il y identified by displaci ng the transducer along its longitudinal axis toward the test item. As the transducer moves, the water mult ipl es wi ll tend to gather closer together as the transducer approaches the test part, tending to "walk th rough" the test part multiples, and eventually piling up at the first interface signa l. Immersion testing is used in the pu lse-ec ho mode as well as through-transmission. A variation on the through-transmission approach uses a fixe d beam reflector placed beyond the test panel and adj usted so that its echo can be detected by the sending transducer in the pulse-echo manner. Thi s de layed refl ector-pl ate signal is indicati ve of the strength of the sound beam after passi ng through the panel two times. A weak refl ector-pl ate signal (if properly aligned) usuall y signi fies a material with a high level of attenuati on due to ils composition, or the presence of highly attenuating voids or scallerers which may not result in a discrete back scattered echo of their own. Angle beam, shear wave testing is often achieved by rotat ing (sw iveling or angulatin g) the transducer with respect 10 the sound entry surface. For cylindrical items, it can also be done by offsetting the transd ucer to the point where the curvalUre of the test part yields a refracted shear wave as shown in Figure 4.4. The Figure 4.3. Multiple echoes found in immersion testing Initial Pulse Inter face Echo Second Interface Echo Backwall Echoes 2 Tr ansducer Multiple Echoes ] 3 Water Standoff ~S'-te-e-:-I~rI-i--=' 61 Figure 4.4. Shear waves induced in tubular materials E Water "l. E E d _ _ _ Tra nsducer focused Longitudinal Source Beam -+-+- + --=--+-+- R LEGEND 4t :: Angle of incident sound beam o VLW VSM VLM d BW sin 41 = Angle of refracted sound beam = Longitudinal velocity in water '" Shear velocity in metal = Longitudinal velocity in metal = distance of transducer centerline offset from normal to cylinder outside diameter :: Beam width = (VLWN11) sin a curvature of the test surface results in the refraction of the sound beam in a manner that tends to spread the sound with the water-i tem interface func tioning as a cylindrical lens, di verging the beam. Areas with concave surfaces. such as inner radiused forgings, are sometimes difficult to in spect because they focus the sound beam into a narrow region, maki ng compl ete, uniform coverage quite difficult. It is poss ible to compen sate for some of these contoured surfaces through the use of speciall y designed transducers or the introductio n of contour-correct ing lenses applied to fl at transducers. Fi gure 4.5 shows the effect of contour correction on the A Scan d isplay obtai ned wi th and without correction being used. By matching the curvature of the sound beam to the curvature of the tube, a set of well spaced multiple reverberation s from within the tube wall is clearly ev ident. When using transducers equipped with focu sing lenses for the purpose of increasi ng flaw sensi tivity or lateral resolution, the in troduction of flat surfaces associated with test parts al so di storts the beam pattern, tending to foreshorten the foc al length due to the refraction of the wavefro nts enteri ng the higher velocity metalli c parts. The foc al di stance is usually reduced in length equi va lent to one-fourth of what it would have been in the water without the presence of the metallic test part. The facto r of one-fourth ari ses from the ratio of the longitudinal wave acoustic veloc ities within the water and metallic, respecti vely. Figure 4.6 conceptually demonstrates this effect. The automation of immers ion inspections relies on the use of special circuits (gates) that send control signals to recorders, alarms, transporters, and marking devices in response to the presence (or absence) of special ultrasonic echo response pul ses. By using time delay circuit s, initi ated by e ither the ini tial exc itation pu lse of the pul ser/rece iver units or by reflectio ns from the front surface of the test part, the time of arrival of ultrasoni c echoes with respect to benchmark echoes (rece ived from fron t surfaces, back surfaces or other strategic 62 Figure 4.5. Contour correction through focused transducers o I I o Flat Transducer ,, ,, , " -t-t-+ Contoured Transducer Thbing refl ecting surfaces) indicates when discontinuities are present within the test part. The use o f fron t surface gating is a very effecti ve way of having the gate follow a s li ghtl y curving surface, relievi ng the need for identi cal tracking of mechan ical posilioncrs and rig id test part surfaces. The re li abl e tri ggering of recorders and alarm systems relieves the operator of continual moni toring and perm its other acti vities to take place while immers ion testing is progressing. Problems found in automatic immersion testing incl ude the continual maintenance of the condition o f the water (corrosion inhibitors, an li-foulants, wetting agents) and the outgassing of test parts during testing. The outgassi ng is most troublesome due to the formation of bubbles on the surfaces of materials upon their introductio n in the water tanks. Although wiping them off removes much of the problem, the bubbl es tend to continue forming even after being submerged for relative ly long periods of time. Upon test part remova l, care must be taken to thoroughly dry and protect the items since they will be prone to suffer corrosive attack. As w ith any heavy-duty mechani cal pos itio ning system, wear and backlash in drive trains tend to introduce a mechanical hysteresis which can affect the results ex pected from C Scan recorders and other image generating devices. Production Testing Immersion testing is the preferred approach to automated testing due to the abse nce of contact coupling problems, min imum deteri oration of performance due to use, and ability to use hi gh frequency systems withom concern for fragile transducer fracture. As with many industrial processes, UT testing is reali zing the benefits of computer integration in test applications and the interpretation of resul ts. This phenomenon has opened many previously inaccessible areas of testing. Computer integration is providing examin ation of complex shapes, real-time analysis o f data with accept/reject decisions, different data di spl ays, signal analysis and pattern recognitio n, a hi gh degree of operator independence, and hi gh speed calibration . Computer integratio n is an ex pen sive and time-consuming activi ty requ iring cons iderable engi neering and development effort. 63 Figure 4.6. Second lens effect of metallic test parts when using foc used transducers Focused Transducer = f::;".... ...... Lens _ Beam Beam Refracted with ,...,W .,..;;;t;;;.:,.,....."'tt,f-G .:......_a_t_"...,Convergence Metal ' · r N~ ew P!,lIlt 0 Focus In Metal A' .'/. ':', : :' I : •: , " ' .•.. ./ .y .. Divergence Bel'ond Focus Lrocal Distance if in Water product rather than on the product itself, and is used extensively in the nuclear power and petrochemical industry. This serv ice is often performed under poor working conditions, requiring highly qualified personnel and appropriate teChniques. Field test ing is a conglomerate of applications and lechniques used in a variety of industries for a variety of reasons. Numerous testing laboratories provide field testing services and can provide quick response with qualified personne l. Ultrasonic fi eld testing is used on pipe li nes, building construction, maintenance, and fa ilure analysis. Field testing techn iques are many and varied, and change from day to day, depending upon the particular job at hand; hence the requirement for qualified personnel. Field techn iques include straight (normal) beam, angle beam, and surface waves. In construction, these are used to detect fabrication defects in maintenance; service induced defects and corros ion are the usual culprits. Most of this work is manual because the appl icat ions are so varied and job site inspect ion is requ ired. Compuler integration into imaging processes offers advanced data analysis capab ilities because of its ab ili ty to visualize the size, shape , and locat ion of re nectors. Images can be rotated and otherw ise man ipu lated to maxi mi ze the information available to the analyst. Through color or gray scale coding, amplitude and depth information can be integrated into the di splays to enhance the quali tati ve interpretation of the data. Quantitative information is also available, but as in the case of virtually all nondestructive inspection methods, it is corre lated to material performance on ly through infere nce and not throu gh direct measurement. The prime advantage to the analyst is the simultaneous display of large amounts of both signal response and positiona l data. In -service Inspection In- service inspection and maintenance naw detect ion are used pri marily to locate service- induced naws such as fatigue and other load-induced cracks. In-service inspect ion is performed on equipment used to produce the 64 Chapter 4 Review Questions QA-4 An immersion, pulse-echo test is QA-I In a through-transmission, immersion examination of an adhesively bonded lap joint, the signal is noted to decrease in amplitude in a small area of less than II I 6th in. diameter as recorded on a C Scan. What condition might cause this indication? performed on a thin adhesively bonded joint between a composite material and an aluminum substrate. The sound beam enters the joint normaJly and from the composite side. The amp litude gate is set on the interface between the co mposite and the aluminum. If the joint is unbonded, the sig nal shou ld: A. a bubble on the surface of the joint or an unbanded spot in the joint B. the joint is tightly bonded in this area C. there is nothing that cou ld cause this conditi on - it is an anomaly D. the adhesive has melted in this area causing an increase in sou nd transmissivity A. decrease, because water has a lower velocity than the aluminum. 8. decrease, because water in the un bond will conduct sound better than air. C. increase, because air in the un bonded area will reflect more sound energy than the aluminum. D. increase, because the compos ite will resonate. QA-2 Advantages of computer controlled ultrasoni c testing include: A. lower capital equipment costs. B. high dependence of the test results on QA-5 Three major sources of noise which the capability of the operator. C. real -time analysis of test results. D. no need for instrument calibration even though such action is required by the specification. interfere with the signal s on the CRT are: A. front surface roughness, hydraulic motors, and enlarged grain structure. B. back surface rough ness, electric motors, and decreased grain structure. C. depth, size and location of defect. D. front surface roughness, arc welding operations, and enlarged grain structure. Q.4-3 During the test of a fiberglass-epoxy composite, numerous echoes are recorded in the pulse-echo mode. What action should be taken? A. The part shou ld be rejected because all echoes are from flaws. B. The part should be rejected because the supervisor was not there to give advice. C. The part should be accepted because all composites will have numerous echoes. D. The procedure should be consulted to determine the analysis technique and the acceptJrejecn::riteria. QA-6 A single Vee, bun weld in a 3 in. plate is being exam ined using a 60-degree shear wave. An indicati on on the CRT appears at a sound path distance of 9 in. At the same time the exit point of the transducer is 7.8 in. from the centerline of the weld. This suggests the reflector could be: A. a crack in the near side HAZ. B. lack of fusion at the weldlbase material interface. C. a slag inclusion in the cenler of the weld. D. an undercut condition on the far side of (he weld. 65 QA-7 Under the conditions above, but with the ind ication at a 6 in. sound path distance and with the exit point 5.2 in. from the weld centerline, another strong indication is received indicating a probable reflector in the the we ld. Figure 4.7. A. root area of B. crow n area of C. midsect ion of D. base metal adjacent to QA-I I Under the above condition s, an L-wave is internally mode converted at an angle wi th the sin b given by: QA-8 Under the conditi ons above, but with the indication at a sound path di stance of 9 in. and with the exit point 8.1 in. fro m the weld centerline, the refl ector lies in a plane that is fro m the center of the weld. A. B. C. D. A. 0. 1 in. (on the far side) sin ~ = (V/Vs) sin (i ncident angle). sin 13 = (V/Vs) sin 45 degrees. sin p = (VJV,) sin 90 degrees. sin ~ = 4 si n (i nc ident angle). QA- 12 A pipe being exami ned automatically using immersion techniques (with mode conversion to a 45-degree shear wave at the pipe wall-water interface) is experienci ng a wobbling displacement (transverse to the pipe ax is) of ± IO percent of its nominal offset value. The corresponding change in inspection angle would be: B. 0.3 in. (on the near side) C. 0.3 in. (on the far side) D. 0.5 in. (on the near side) QA-9 Under the conditi ons above, the reflec tor is at a depth of (measured from the transducer side). A. 1.5 in. B. 1.0 in. C. 2.0 in. A. +l l ,- 14percen t. B. + 13, - 12 perce nt. C. + 10, - 10 percen t. D. + 14, -10 percent. D. 2.25 in. QA- IO In a th ick-walled piping weld inspection , the counter-bore on the 10 refl ects the incident 45-degree shear wave so that it strikes the top surface (outer diameter) at normal incidence. In order for thi s to happen, the taper on the counterbore must be: (See Figure 4.7.) Q.4-1 3 During production testing, a rod is passing under a transducer in a stuffing box (immersion testing). What is the expression that relates pu lse repetition rates (of the UT instrument, i.e., PRR) wi th the longitudin al speed of travel (Vp) of the test part, given a transducer of width D? A. 30 degrees. B. 45 degrees. C. I 1.25 degrees. D. 22.5 degrees. A . D= VplPRR B. PRR = D xVI' C. VI' = DIPRR D. none of the above 66 Q.4- 14 An inspection specification ca ll s for three hits of an echo in order fo r the flaw to be considered valid and for the alarm to sound. The maximum axial speed of test part movement is therefore for a I in. d iameter tran sducer (assume no beam spread) and a PRR of 600 pu lses per second (PPS ). A. 1800 in .!s B. 600 in .!s C. 300 in.!s D. 200 in .ls Q.4- 15 A 1.5 in. butt weld is to be exam ined from both sides using a 70-degree shear wave. The scan program ca ll s for be ing able to inspect 3 legs (1.5 Vee paths). Weld access fo r completing thi s pattern wi ll requ ire ± plus the physical dimen sions of the tran sducer assembly. Q.4-17 A 0 degree ax ial test is bei ng performed o n a stee l railroad ax le 8 ft long and 6 in. in diameter. A strong but un steady signal is seen near the center of the CRT screen. A similar signal is seen from the Olher end of the axle. The follow ing condi tions are given: Screen Distance: 10 ft ( 12 in.ldiv.), Damping: Min imum , Gain: 85 dB , Pul se Repetit ion Rate: 2000 pu lses per second , Frequency: 2 MHz, Range: 50 in. , Reject: Off, Filter: Off, Sweep Speed: As Req ui red, Sweep Delay: As Required What action should the operator take? A. Record the indication and notify supervisor. B. Change Ihe PRR 10 1000 pu lses per second and observe the effect. C. Compare the signal to the reference standard and reject the ax le if the reference level is exceeded. D. Determine if the signal respond s to finger damping by touching the opposite end. A. 4.50 in. B. 8.24 in. C. 12.36 in . D. 24.73 in . QA-16 The sou nd path sweep setting on the LO Division CRT for the above case should bc: A. 1.35 in.ldiv. B. 1.00 in.!div. C. 1.25 in .ldiv. D. 0.50 in .!di v. Q.4-1 8A 10 ft long turbi ne shaft is to be inspected from one end wi th 0 degree, longitudinal wave for radial , circumferential fatigue cracks in an area between 90 and 110 in. from the inspection end. The available instrument screen can di splay a maximum of 80 in. How should the operator proceed? A. Give up . B. Sct up 20 in. sc reen and delay the start to 90 in . C. Sct up an 80 in. screen and delay the start to 30 in. D. Assume there arc no cracks and turn in a report. 67 Chapter 5 Codes and Standards Chapter 5 Codes and Standards Every ultrasoni c examination should be governed by one or more procedures that are structured to compl y wi th the rules and criteri a of applicabl e codes, standards, and/or speci fi cations. S impl e maintenance tasks such as thickness measurement for corTOsion detectio n may not be governed by any regulatio n, but a spec iri c procedure should still be fo llowed in order to ensure the gathering of valid and accurate data. Typical Approaches Ultrasonic examinations in a criti cal or well- regulated indu stry are often covered by multiple doc umen ts. For example, the nuclear power generation industry uses proced ures written in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code. The Code, in rurn, is supported by publi shed applicab le American Society of Testing and Matcrials (ASTM) Standards. Somet imes these are aug mented by company, customer, or Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulatory Guides, i. e., supplemental detai led speci fi cat ions. In order to mcctthc intent of these documents as well as their obvious stated requirements, the Level In must be able to understand t.he point of view that led to the statements within the document s and be able to ensure an employer that ultrasonic inspection activities, documented in straightforward procedures, are in compliance with the entire spectnlm of applicable codes and standards. TIlC manner in which requirements are stated in codes and standards varies from document to document. Some, such as the ASTM standards, tend [0 emphasize the manner by which inspection activities are to be conducted, but leaves the issue of acceptance criteria to be decided between buyer and service organization. In thi s way, the actual procedures to be followed are left up to the senio r technical personnel who mu st agree upo n an appropriate set of acceptance criteria and related operatio nal iss ues. In the ASME Code, o ne sect ion of the Code (Sect ion V) serves the same purpose as the ASTM standards and even uses some of them as the technical basis for ultrasonic acti vities. Because the Code addresses several levels of component crit icality, however, acceptance criteria, requiremen ts fo r perso nnel certificat ion, and definit ion of what will be in spected are reserved for other sections, namely the product-speci fi c referenc ing sect ions. For example, Sections 11J (for new Nucl ear construction), VIII (for new Pressure Vessels construction) and XI (for Nuclear In-service in spection) defin e the acceptance criteria and personnel certification iss ues completely separate from Section V, Nondestructive Examination. In order to adequately address the ultrasoni c in spection requirements in this case, all applicable sections o f the Code, including {he supplemental Code Cases that clarify spec ific issues, must be considered when operating procedures are being prepared to meet thi s well -known code. In the above cases, a fai r amount of latitude is g iven the user of the codes and standards in regard to the detaiJ s of assessing whether an ite m is acceptable or not. The American Welding Society (AWS) Structu ral Welding Code (used in building, bridge, and o il rig inspection) is far more prescriptive in the manner by which transducers shall be selected , in which region s of specific welds they are to be used, what compensation for attenuation and beam spread are to be used in analyzing in spectio n results, and how welds shaH be laid ou t and marked. 71 Table 5.1. Typical Code and Standard Requirements Issue Approac h es Examples Transduce r selection Ranges (size and angle) Prescribed angles Angles for each case ... transducers betwt!en 40 & 80 degrees ... transducers of 45, 60, 70 degrees .. .45° in mid-section, 70° near surface Scan t echniques General coverage Intervals Overlap Scanning levels Rates ... scan in two orthogonal direction ... use 9-inch centers for grid ... overlap each pass by 10% of active area ... scan sensitivity to be 6 db above ref ... maximum scan rate of6 inches per sec. Calibration Instrument Transducers ... vertical, horjzontallinearity ... beam location (IHV), depth resolution, response from SDH, F8H, notch ... set DAC at 80% FSH, electronic 1;I:lIiIl8$ ... recalibrate at start, sh ift, changes Distance correction schedule Special proble ms Component curvature Transfer Use fig X.f to correct for curved items Use dual tronsduL-ers to :.-et transfer Reporting Formats/forms Analysis Authorizations Form xyz to be used in recording data Classification ofre/Zector found by .. All reports signed by Levell! & III Accep tun ce criteria General types Dimensions Collections Reject all crocks and lack of fusion Reje<:t slag over 3 / 4 in 2" plate Reject pore spacing of 3 within 2" Personne l cer tification Per undefined procedure Per SNT-TC-IA Per MIL-STD-41O or 250-1500 Supplier to have certification program Written practice to SN7'-7'C-IA, 1988 Procedure per .... Records of e xamination List of documentation Retention period Final documentation shall include ... . Supplier to retain records for 5 years In a sim il ar vei n, many military standards, because of their hi ghl y restricted appl ications to certain component s and con fi gurati ons, tend to establish more structured approaches to specific confi gurations of test parts and require inspection personnel to use these customized approaches in conduct ing ultrason ic inspections. Table 5.1 li sts several of the typical items included in codes and standards which need to be addressed as clements of the manner in which ultrasonic in spect ion procedures are to be carried out. For example, an ult rasonic procedure, as ciled in some requirements must address the fo ll owing items: (I ) instrument (selection, operating ranges), (2) calibration standard (tie- in to test material s), (3) search H unit type, size, frequency (wave geomcLry), (4) screen settings (metal path), (5) area to be scanned (coverage inten sity), (6) scanning techn iqlle (manual/coupl inglautomat ic), (7) indicat ions to be recorded (minimum sensit iv ity) , (8) data record fo rmat (form s to be fo llowed), (9) accept/reject criteria (bas is or specification reference), and ( 10) person nel quali fication s (cert ifications). The degree to which these and other item s are controlled is usuall y dependent upon the cri ticali ty of the appl ication. Summaries of Requirements Excerpts of contem porary specifications, taken from both commercial and military 72 pract ice, are displayed on the fo ll owing pages in order to gain an overview of thei r typical conten ts and to be used as source materi als for questi ons li sted at the end of thi s section. They are not complete in their coverage and should not be considered a surrogate for the original issues of these documents. 73 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) ASTM standard s are largely structured to defi ne the basic operations which are to be done in conductin g nondestructive inspections in an orderly and technically sound manner and often wi th regard to specific materials. However, because they are intended to be used in many different si tuati ons, the details of operational practices are often left to supplemental contract uaJ agreements between buyer and seller of the inspect ion services. Thu s, some of the requiremen ts of these standards tend to serve as recommendat ions for specific actions or candidates for requirements; if not, alternates are agreed to by the buying and selling part icipants. O n the following page is an excerpt from ASTM A 609, "Standard Specification for Longitudinal Beam Ultrasonic lnspection of Carbon and Low-all oy Steel Castings." It has defined a syste m of reference blocks using nat-bottom holes, whi ch can be used as the basis for developing distance-amplitude corrections and establishing a reference sensiti vity for straight beam in spection systems to be used on cast steel components. It further defines conditions under which inspections are to take place (material conditions, scan rates, DAC [ARL] development, reporting requiremen ts), but it does not give specific information regarding recalibration intervals, quality levels, or personnel certificatio n. These are, in large part, left up to the buyer to incl ude as supplemental requi rements. 7S (Excerpts Taken from ASTM A 609*) Standard Specijicationjor Longitudinal Beam Ultrasonic Inspection oj Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Castings 1. Scope reflection from block and casting in same thickness, conditions. 7 .4 ...Attenuator only control that can be changed during inspection. Signals may be increased for visibility but retumed to base level for signal evaluation. Calibration rechecked periodically using transfer block as basic reflector. 7.5 ... Regions having parallel walls and exhibiting loss of back reflection shall be rechecked and treated as questionable until the cause(s) is resolved using other techniques. 1.1 This specification covers the standards and procedures for the pulse-echo ultrasonic inspection of heat-treated carbon and low-alloy sleel casting by the longitudinal·beam technique. 2. Basis of Purchase 2.1 When this specification is to be applied to an inquiry. contract, or order, the purchaser shall fumish the following information: 2.1.1 Quality levels for the entire casting or portions thereof. 2.1.2 Sections of castings requiring inspection, 8. and 2.1 .3 Any additional requirements to the provisions of this specificaUon. 3. Equipment 3.1 Electronic Apparatus: .. .Pulse-echo, 1-5 MHz, linear ± 5% for 75% of screen height. 9. 4. Acceptance Standards 9.1 ... Criteria for individual castings should be based on a realistic appraisal of service requ irements and the quality that can normally be obtained in production of the particular type of casting. 9.2 Acceptance quality levels shall be established between purchaser and manufacturer on the basis of one or more of the following criteria. 9.2. 1 No indication equal to or greater than that specified in one 01 the quality levels listed in Table XI, or 9.2.2 No questionable areas trom paragraph 7 .5, unless proven acceptable by other means. 9.3 Other means may be used to establish the validity of a rejection based on ultrasonic inspection. 3.2 Transducers: 3.3 Data Reporting 8.1 ... Total number, location, amplitude and area of all indications equal 10 or greater than 100 percent ARL, questionable areas (7.5), testing parameters and sketch showing uninspected areas and location and sizes of reportable indications. ... L-wave, 1-1 1/8 dia, 1 in. square; prefer 1 MHz beyond 2 in. depth. Reference Blocks: ... FBH, # 16, DAC - 1-10 in ., cast materials that have a metallurgical structure similar to the castings being inspected. Other blocks may be used provided they are proven to be acoustically equivalent to the cast steel. The hole bottom shall be cleaned and plugged. Each block identified. Block specifications: 32 ons, flaVparaliello within 0 .00 1 in., hole diameter 1/4 ± 0.002 in., perpendicular within 30 min. Table Xl Rejection Level Personnel Requirements 4.1 The seller shall be responsible for assigning qualified personneL .. , a qualification record shall be available upon request. 5. 6. 7. Casting Conditions 5. t Heat treat before UT. 5.2 Surfaces shall be free of interference. Test Conditions 6.1 Each pass of transducer to overlap. 6.2 Rate less than 6 in i s. across the CRT. 7.2 ... Mar1<. the FBH indication height for each of the applicable blocks on the CRT screen. Draw line through indication mar1<.s. Set peak at 314 screen height. This is the amplitude reference line (ARl). 7.3 ... Use transfer mechanism to compensate for surface roughness differences. Use back wall Arca Level inch2 1 2 3 0.8 4 5 6 7 Procedure 7.1 Adjust sweep to put back wall at least halfway Quality 1.5 3 5 8 12 16 Notes: Table XI applies to signals above the 100% ARL line. 1. 2. The areas refer to casting surface area over which a continuous indication exceeding ARL exists. Beam spread and curvature must be considered where long distances and curved castings are involved. *Ex tracted. with pcnnission. rrom t he Annual Book or ASTM Standards, copyright American Society ror Testing and Materials, 19 16 Race Street. Philadelphia. PA 19 103. 76 ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) ASME has structured its nondestructive testing requirements as part of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. This comprehensive set of rules defines the allowable design practices, materials, construction practices, examination approaches, and documentation needed to ensure consistent construction of new boilers, pressure vessels, and ancillary components including piping systems, containment systems, and support systems. The Code is subdi vided into section s devoted to specific classes of components (pressure vessels, boilers, piping) and supporting technologies (welding, nondestructive examination, materials). Thus items "constructed in accordance with the Code" often must satisfy a multillide of requirements. The following pages include brief excerpts from Section V, "Nondestructive Examination," as well as very brief examples of how the referencing sections of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are used for the introduction of specific requirements. An example of ultrasonic testing of ferritic cast materials was chosen to compare the ASTM spec ification and the modified set of requirements of Sections III and V. The important area of weld inspection is included to highlight the use of special purpose calibration blocks (as opposed to commercially available standard cal ibration blocks, i.e. , the IIW block) and to describe methods of verifying instrument linearity and accommodating test part curvatures. 77 (Excerpts Taken from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code*) Section V (Nondestructive Examination) Article 5 - Ultrasonic Examination Methods fo r Materials and Fabrication T·510 SCOPE This Article describes or references requirements which are 10 be used in selecting and developing ultrasonic examination procedures for welds, parts, components, materials and thickness determinations. This Article contains all of the basic technical and methodological requirements for ultrasonic examination. When examination to any part of this Article is a requirements of a referencing Code Section, the referencing Code Section shall be consulted for specific requirements for the followIng. Personnel Qualification/Certifications Procedure Requirements andlor Techniques Examination System Characteristics Retention and Control of Calibration Blocks Acceptance Standards for Evaluation Extent and Retention of Records Report Requirements Extent of Examination andlor Volume to be Scanned S-Wave - per Figure plus other holes, notches for reference. Method - Straight Beam per SA-609 exclusive of paragraph 7.3 (transfer method). - Angle Beam 80% peak, SOH OAC curve from bk>ck T-541.4.3 Examination. per SA-609 plus .. (a) A supplementary angle beam examination shall be performed on castings or areas of castings where a back reflection cannot be maintained during the straight beam examination, or where the angle between the front and back surfaces of the castings exceeds 15 deg. (b) The requirements for extent of examination and acceptance criteria shall be as required by the referencing Code Section. T-S22 Written Procedure Requirements Ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure. Each procedure shall Include at least the following information, as applicable. (a) , (b), (0), .. . (I), (m) , (n), (0) NB·2574 Ultrasonic Examination of Ferrltlc Steel Castings Ultrasonic examination shall be performed in accordance with T-54 1.4 of Article 5 of Section V. T-S23.1 Examination Coverage 10% overlap of piezoelectric element Rate SS inls unless calibrated elsewise NB-2574_1 Acceptance Stds, (a) The Quality Levels 01 SA-609 shall apply per (1) Levell , T<2 in . (2) Level 3, 2!>T:S4 in. (3) Level 4, T>4 in. (b) Supplemental Requirements (1) Length vs. Level Levell, 1.5 in. Level 2, 2.0 in. Level 3, 3.0 in. Level 4, 3.0 in. (2) Q Levell applies to first inch of any volume of material. (3) Measured change in depth up to lesser of one-half wall or 1 in . (4) Two or more indications in the same plane, separation<longest dimenSion, within (b)( l ). (5) Two or more indications greater than next higher Q-Ievel permits. T·S30 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Frequency' (1·5 MHz) Screen Linearity - ± 5 % in 20-80% range Control Linearity - ± 20% amplitude ratio Check Calib. at beginning, end, personnel change, suspected malfunction Linearity methodology prescribed . T-540 APPLICATIONS T· 541 Materi al Product Fo rms Plate , Forgings-Bars, Tubular Products T -541 .4 Castings. When ultrasonic examination of ferritic castings is required by the referencing Code Section, all sections, regardless of thickness, shall examined in accordance with SA-609; supplemented by T-Sl0, T-S20, as well as T-541.4.1 , T-541.4.2 and T-S41.4.3 T-S41 .4.1 Equipment Transducer: 1-11/8dia, I in2t MHz, others allowed if sensitivity o.k. T-541.4.2 Calibration Blocks - same material specification, grade, product form, heat treatment, and thickness ± 25%. Surface representative. l-Wave - per SA-609 Excerpts from Section /If (Nuclear Construction), a sample of a referencing Gode section. * Extracted, with pennission, from the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel of Mechanical Engineers, 345 E.'lst 47th Sucet, New York , NY 100 17. 78 Code, co pyright American Socicty T-541.5 Bolting Material T-580 EVALUATION With DAC, any reflector wh ich causes an indication in excess of 20% of OAC to be investigated to criteria of referencing Code. T-542 Welds Requirements for UT of full penetration welds in wrought and cast materials including detection, location, and evaluation of reflectors within the weld, heat affected zone , and adjacent material. Covers ferritic products and pipe. Austenitic and high nickel alloy welds covered in T-542.8.5 T·590 REPORTS AND RECORDS A report shall be made indicating welds examined , locations of recorded reflectors with operator 10. Records of calibrations (instrument, system, cal block ID) shall also be included. T-542.2 Calibration Basic Calibration Block Material - Same product form and material specification or equivalent P-Number grouping. P-Nos. 1, 3, 4, and 5 are considered equivalent for UT. Test with Straight Beam . Clad - Same welding procedure as the production part. Surface representative. Heat Treatment - At least minimum tempering treatment of material spec for the type and grade and postweld HT of at least 2 hr. Geometry - see Figure 5.2 Curvature - >20 in. dia, considered flat - <20 in. dia, see Figure 5.1 System Calibration Angle Beam (Ref: Article 4, Appendix B) (a) sweep range - 10% or 5% full sweep (b) distance-amplitude correction - 20"lol2dB (c) position (d) echo from surface notch UW-53 TECHNIQUE FOR ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF WELDED JOINTS Ultrasonic examination of welded jOints when required or permitted by other paragraphs of this Division shall be performed in accordance w ith Appendix 12... Appendix 12 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF WELDED JOINTS 12-1 SCOPE This Appendix describes methods which shall be employed when UT of welds is specified in this Division . Article 5 of Section V shall be applied for detailed requirements. A certified w ritten procedure is required. Straight Beam (Ref: Article 4, Appendix C) (a) sweep range - 10% or 5% full sweep (b) distance-amplitude correction - 20°/o/2dB 12-2 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION SNT-TC-1A Frequency (a) change of system component (b) before, end of examination (series), each 4 hrs, and at personnel change . 12-3 ACCEPTANCE-REJECTION STANDARDS All indications over 20% DAC shall be investi· gated to determine shape, identity, and location . Rejection criteria: (a) interpretations of crack, lack of fu sion or incomplete penetration, regardless of length. (b) liner type reflectors exceeding the reference level and the length exceeds (1) 1/4 in . for T <3/4 in. (2) T/3 in . for 3/4:SrS2 1/4 in. (3) 3/4 in. for T>2 1/4 in. If the weld joins two members having different thicknesses at the weld, T is the thinner of these two thicknesses. T-542.6 Welds in Cast Ferritic Products... Nominal frequency is 2.25 MHz, unless material requires the use of other frequencies. Angle selected as appropriate for configuration. DAC not required in first onehalf vee path in material less than 1 in. thick. T-542. 7 Examination of Welds Base Metal - Free of surface irregularities. - Scan with L-wave for laminations at 2X sensitivity. Longitudinal Reflectors - Manipulate, rotate, perpendicular to weld axis at 2X sensitivity over reference level. Transverse Reflectors - Manipulate along weld at 2X from both directions. r-542.7.2.5 Evaluation An indication in excess of 20% OAC shall be investigated to the extent that it can be evaluated in terms of the acceptance standards of the referencing Code Section. T-542.8.5 Austenitic and High Nickel Alloy Welds Ultrasonic examination is more difficult than in territic materials due to variations in acoustic properties of austenitic and high nickel alloy welds, even those in alloys of the same composition, product form, and heat treatment. It may, therefore, be necessary to modify andlor supplement the provisions of th is Article in accordance with T110(c) when examining such welds . 12-4 REPORT OF EXAMINATION Retain report for 5 years . Include re qu ired entries from Section V plus a record of repaired areas and a record of all reflections from uncor· rected areas having responses that exceed 50% of the reference level including location, response level , dimensions, depth below surface and classification . (Excerpts from Section VIII (Pressure Vessels) 79 Figure 5.1. Basic calibration block 2 in. long to 1/4 in. diameter nat end; millllotches 2% T deep ,/ • ,', t ,,-_2_;n_'_7''--_ +________,,::;::? t 3 in. [Note (l)J ,,;/ /. Through Clad Thickness 2% T Deep into the Base Metal I )-----p'''f-- Clad [Note (4)] T/4 ,'/ ,',' ',' 6 in. [Note (I)] 1- 1/2 in. Minimum _I Drilled and reamed hOles r-Tj:'" Tl2 fNote (\)] 3 in. Deep [Note (I) I 8a<i< W,14 Tbk ~ ..... (tl C.tib .... _ "~ 810<11. TbKli.naS!D Dj;upclrr (:s.... ( J l( lin .... ' JJI6 ... 1/4;n. 5116 ;ft_ :Win 0. .. 2 'ft. _ah ~ ,n. 0. ... 4 ift. lhrouall 6 in. 0. ... 6 ,n. ''''''''all 8 (n. 0.,<.8 ,n. ,tItousJI10 in. Ove. to in. throusJI t2;". 0.", t2 in. throusJI t4;". Over t4 in. 'in.'" 7;" ... , 'Ii.... ' II;".... ' 7/16 "'_ )] in. 01" (Nooc(211 IN"" (1)J In ift Noles: (\) Minimum Dimensions. (2) For euch increase in thickness of2 in. or fraction thereof. the hole diameter shall increase 1/ 16 in. (3) The tolerances for the hoic diameters shall be ± 1I)2 in.; tolerances on notch depth shall be +iO and -20%; tolerance or hole location through the thickness shall be ± IIS; perpendicular tolerance on notch reflccting surface shall be ±2 deg. (4) Clad shall OOt be inc luded in T. T-593 Examination Records (a), (b), (c), ... (k), (I), (m) lists information 10 be included such as procedures, equipment, personnel, and map of indications. Figure 5.2, Ratio limits for curved surfaces Appendi x I - Screen Height Linearity Get dual signal on screen with amplitude ratio of 2:1, with the larger set at 80% FSH. Adjust gain to successively set the larger indication from 100% to 20%, in 10% increments (2dB steps) and read smaller indication at each selling. Reading must be 50% of the larger, within 5% FSH. = ,2 "il = Appendi x II - Amplitude Controt Linearity Get single signal on screen and change gain sellings in accordance with table. The indication must fall within the specified limits. Sellings and readings are to be estimated to the nearest 1% of full screen. ~""'1----"i D .) ----. -- 8 Origina l Limits Setting Change in Gain Control Indication (%FSH ) (dB) (%FSH) 1-;-:-;--;4''7;7,.,._",,,,,_,, - ,,,--:1-f-:-,-=", 4.8 2.9 1.7 u 80% 80% 40% 20% ·6 dB -12 dB +6 dB +12dB ~ .~ 32·48% 16·24% 64-96% 64-90% '" 80 0 __~--~-~-------~,~--~ l 5 10 15 20 E xamination Surface Diameter, In. Military Standards Military standards tend to use hi ghl y spec ific instructions as part of their req uirements, incl uding the design and use of ca li bration blocks, methods of system performance analysis, and other operating instructions. Included below are excerpts from MIL-STD-2154 which is intended to standardize the process for applying ultrasonic inspection in the evalu ation of wrought metals and their products greater than 0.25 in. thick. It is applicable to the in spection of forgings, rolled billets or plate, extruded or rolled bars, extruded or rolled shapes, and parts made from them. It does not address no n-metals, welds, casti ngs or sandwich structures. It addresses both immersion (type J) and contact (type II) methods of inspection of wrought aluminum (7075-T6, 2024), magnesium (ZK60A), titanium (Ti-6A I-4V annealed) and low alloy steel products (4130, 4330, 4340), using five classes of acceptance. 81 (Excerpts Taken from MIL-STD-2154) !nspeclion, Ullrason ic, Wrollghl Metals, Processfor 1. SCOPE Water path ± 1/4 in. of standardization, maximize water-metal interface signal, develop DAC if needed, angle transducer 23 0 ± 4 to get S-wave from 45-70 degrees in aluminum, steel and Ti. Set primary reference response a180% FSH. Set scan index at between 50 and 80% of the half-amplitude response distance from reference standard. Establish for each transducer used. Establish transfer factor using 4 points from differenllocalions based on back surface reflections or notches, but only if the response is more or less than the comparable Signal from the reference standard, allowable range between 60 and 160 percenl Of ± 4 dB. Detection of flaws in wrought metals having cross section thickness equal to 0.25 In. or greater. 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Orders shall specify type of inspection and quality class in drawings including identification of directions of maximum stresses. Personnel shall be Level II or better, Mll-STD-410. Levell Special permitted per 410. Detailed procedure to be prepared for each part and type of inspection. It shall cover all of the specific information required to set-up and perform the test, i.e. , (a) , (b), (e). " (0), (p), (q) , 5. DETAIL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Malerials. Couplants - Immersion (Type I), free of visible air bubbles, use preapproved additives i.e. inhibitors, wetting Acceptance Criteria Discootinuities are evaluated with gain sel for 80% FSH on a test block with hole diameter aquallo the smallest acceptable for the applicable class and wilh a melal Iravel distance aqualto the reflector depth within - ±10%. agents - Contact (Type II) , viscosity and surtace wetling sufficient to maintain good energy transmission. Standard Test Block Materials - listed alloys or from the same alloy as the part, free from spurious indications. To be tested to class AA using Immersion, L-wave. 5.2 Equipment. Frequency: 2 .25 - 10 MHz, Ref: ASTM E317 Gain : ± 5% FSH over full range Alarm: Front surtace synchronization Transducers - L-wave, 3/8 - 3/4 in. dia. - S-wave, 1/4 - 1 in. dia. or length Manipulators - Angular adjustment - ± 1 degree - Linear accuracy - ± 0 .1 in. 5.3 Reference standards. Flat surface - #2,3,5,8 FBH per E-127 Curved surtace - R < 4 in., special block Angle Beam - IIW, for transducer exit/angle SDH block, rectangular beam hollow cylinder block, pipes Verification - drawings/radiographs, comparison amplitude plots, linearity plots, surface finish, maleriat certs. 5.4 Inspection procedures. Scan parallel to grain flow up to speeds that found reflectors in base materials and at reference amplitude, angulale to maximize, check high stress regions Near surface resolution limit for 2: 1 SIN - 1/8 in. for 1 in. range thru t /2 in. for 15 in . range failure = test from both sides Immersion - Acceptance Criteria Matrix Quality a... AAA AA A B C Single ( U -n1l) (II FBII) · " "" "".. . "" ----- Multiple LlMlir (ind ,) 10% lli 118 In , , I I ---NfA----------· " 'Y'wo or more less than I ,n. apart . For L-wave inspections, loss of back reflection exceeding 50 percent shall be cause for rejection unless due to non-parallelism or surface roughness. Linear discontinuity length is measured using the 50% drop method . 5.5 Quality assurance provisions. System performance to be checked prior to, at 2 hour intervals during continuous testing , at instrument setting changes or modules, and after testing. DAC setups are to be checked daily for the thickness range 01 material being inspected. Data records shall be kept on file in accordance with contractlorder. Location and general shape (size) 01 rejectable indications are to be recorded. Indications in excess of acceptance criteria are permitted if they will be subsequently removed by machining. A C Scan shall be made that shows the location and size (by discontinuity grade) with respect to the material being scanned. 82 Building Codes Nondestructive testing requirements are ofte n melded into the detailed requirements associated with the construction of welded structures stressed with static loads (buildings), dynamic loads (bridges), or tubular structures. Different sets of acceptance criteria are used based on the intended purpose of the structure. The base metals involved are mostly carbon and low alloy steels, commonl y found in the fabrication of steel structures. severity class is determined by the degree to which the flaw indication exceeds the reference level, as modified by sound path attenuation , and the weld thickness and search unit an gle. The classes and reject criteria are as following: Class A (large) - All are rejectable Class B (medium) - Reject if longer than 3/4 in. C lass C (small) - Reject if longer than 2 in. C lass D (minor) - All are acceptab le The wording and approaches included on the next pages use typi cal criteria based upon static loads. Included are those for scanning levels (which change with sound path) and bases for rejection depending upon flaw class. The flaw The presence of more than one class in close proximity are addressed in special notes, as are the trealment of primary tensi le stress weld s and eleclroslag welds. 83 (Excerpts Taken from a Representative Building Code) 1. INSPECTION Personnel Qualification Personnel pertorming nondestructive testing other than visual shall be qualified in accordance with the current edition of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A. Only individuals qualified for NDT Levell and working under the NOT Level II or individuals qualified for NOT Level II may perform nondestructive testing. Extent of Testing Information furnished to the bidders shall clearly identify the extent of nondestructive testing (types, categories, or location) of welds to be tested. ULTRASONIC TESTING OF GROOVE WELDS General The procedures and standards described below are to be used in the ultrasonic lesting of groove welds and heataffected zones between the thicknesses of 5/16 in. (B.O mm) and 8 in. (203 mm) inclusive, when such testing is required. These procedures and standards are not to be used for testing tube-to-tube connections. Variation in lesting procedure, equipment, and acceptance standards may be used upon agreement with the Engineer. Transducers L-wave, 1/2 S Area ~ 1 in2 2-2.5 MHz resolve #3-hole S-wave, (518-1) x (518-13/16) ralio:l .2: 1 angle: ± 2 degrees (70, 60, 45) clearance: 1 in. Reference Standards IIW Block + portables Resolution Block Qualification Frequency Horiz lin - 40 hrs. Gain· two months Probe Noise - 40 hrs. Shoes & Angles - 8 hrs. 6.18 Calibration for Testing Sensitivity/Sweep Prior to test at location 30 Minute inlervals Changes in personnel , equipment or electrical disturbances Zero Reference Level Gain setting @ 80% FSH from 0.06 in. SOH Testing Procedures Positional Layout X, Y Surface condition clear Lamination check- L-wave Ali bult joint welds shall be tested from each side of the weld axis .. ., It is intended that, as a minimum. ali welds be tested by passing sound through the entire volume of the weld and the heat-affected zone in two crossing directions, wherever practicaL Ultrasonic Equipment 1-6 MHz, Pulse-Echo Horizontal linearity- 2% Stability - ±1 dB for 15% voltage change Gain - 60 dB, ±1 dB Ta ble B-l Ultrasonic Acceptance-Rej ection Criteria (St atic) Weld Thickness· in in. (mm ) and Search Unit Angle Discontinuity Severity Class Class A Class B Class C Class D 5116(8) thru >31' thru 314(19} 1-112(38) 70· 700 700 .5& lower .2& lower -2& lower •• .3 -1 0 .7 ., >1·1/2 thru 2·112(64 ) .1 .2 6fY' .1 & lower .2 .3 ., >2-112 thru 4(100 ) >4 thru 8(200) ". 700 6fY' ". 70· 60· ". .3& lower -5& lower -2& lower 0& lower -7 & lower -4 & lower -1 & lower ., -,-3 -1 0 .1 .2 - .5 -5 -3 -2 0 .1 . •• .7 -2 <0 .2 .1 .2 .3 .5 .4 -'<0 .2 -1<0 .2 .2 .3 . 8& +5 & .3& •• & .8& .3& .3& .5& .3& .3& ., & "P "P "P "P "P "P "P "P "P "P "P 84 Evaluation - Set signal from indication at 80% FSH. Difference between "Indication Lever setting and ~Zero Reference Level" setting is measure of severity. For sound paths over 1 in., attenuation compensation (2 dB/in. over 1 in.) is used. "Indication Rating" = Indication Level - Zero Reference Level - Attenuation Each weld discontinuity shall be accepted or rejected on the basis of its indication rating and its length. Notes: 1. Where possible, all examinations shall be made in Leg I unless otherwise specified. Examinations in Leg II or III shall be made only to satisfy provisions of this table or when necessary 10 lesl weld areas made inaccessible by an unground weld surface, or interference with other portions of the weldmen!. 2. Whenever indications occur at the weld metallbase metal interface, they shall be further evaluated with 45 , 60, or 70 degree transducers, whichever sound path is nearest 10 being perpendicular to the suspected fusion surface. 3. B is the malerial surface opposite to the surface from which the initial scanning is done. 4. Al ternative angles permitted if flush Ref. 6.19.5 .2. Table B-2 Scanning Levels Sound pa th** in inc h es (mm) Abo ve Ze r o Refer e n ce, dB th rough 2-1/2 (64mm) >2-1/2 through 5 (64-127 mm) >5 th rough 10 (127-254 mm ) >10 through 15 (254-381 mm) 14 19 29 39 " This column refers to sound path dista nce; NOT mate ri a l t hi ck ness Table B-3 Procedure Lege nd Material Thickness (inches) Top Quarter Middle H a lf B ottom Quarter Procedure Numbe r 5/16 to 1-3/4 70" 1-3/4 to 2-1/2 2-112 t o 3-112 3-112 to 4-1/2 4-112 to 5 5 to 6-L'2 6-112 to 7 60" 70" 70" 70" 70" 70" 70" 70" # 1 # 4 45" 6O"B 6O"B 45"B 45°B # 5 # 7 #10 #11 #13 60" 60" 60" 45" 45" 70" 45" A B 85 Chapter 5 Review Questions Q.5~ I A governing specifi cation calls for shear wave, angle beam examination of the component. What angle should be used? A. 45 degrees when inspecting a thi ck, 45 -degree preparation weldmcnt. B. 60 degrees when inspecting a I in. thi ck weldment. Q.5-4 A set of curves of amplitude versus area were developed for examination o f a steel forging. A refl ector was found which was determined to be larger in ex tent than the sound beam diameter. Which criterion, of those given below, shou ld be used to size the refl ector? C. Both A and B. A. Directly compare the amplitudes and select the size giving the same amplitude. S. Multiply the reflector amplitude by 1.36 and select the equi valent size from the curves. C. Move the search unit in orthogona l directions until the amplitude drops to SO percent of maximum to establi sh the boundaries of the refl ector. D. Multipl y the sound beam diameter by 1.36 to yield the refl ector size. D. The angle(s) permitted by procedure qualifi cation. Q.5-2 Accept/reject criteria may be specified in a code, spec ification , or the procedure. Upon what should these accept/reject levels be based? A. accept/reject criteri a should be based upon the experience of the operator B. upon the item's end use and the criti cal flaw size C. minimum size that can be detected D. upon the largest size that can be detected Q.5-3 What is the critical fl aw size in a forging to be used in an aircraft landing gear? A. B. C. D. 0.200 in. long 2 mm long by 3 mm wide a flaw that will grow during serv ice a flaw whi ch may cause failure during service 87 The Following Questions Apply to Q.5-5 Q. 5-6 Q.5-7 Q.5-8 Q.5-9 ASTMA 609 Reference standards are to be constructed Q.5-1 0 The work order has designated the fro m materials that: inspectio n to be done lO a quality level of "4" throughout a disk-shaped casting, 12 in. in diameter and 4 in. thick. Which A. come from the same heat as the test of the observed di scontinuities are parIs. rejectable? E. represe nt the alloy and heat treatment of each part. C. have been L-wave tested to ensure A. signal 50 percent above ARL, 2 in . freedom from major flaws. long by 2 in. wide D. have a si mil ar metallurgical structure. B. signal 20 percent above ARL, 2.6 in. in diameter Personnel conducting UT shall be C. signal 100 percent ARL, 1.5 in . wide certifi ed in accordance with: by 3 in. long D. signaJ 90 percent ARL, area of 6.2 in .2 A. SNT·TC· JA B. the manufacturer's written practice (procedure), Q.5-1 1 The instrument reca libration schedul e C. the buyer's wril.len practice caUs for the system to be checked (during (procedu re). test ing): D. nothing, they do not have to be certified. A. prior to, every 4 hours, at personne l changes and at testing end. Reference bl ocks are to be made using 8. every 8 hours per union contract. FBHs: C. if system performance suggests proble ms are present, e.g. , the battery li ght starts to fl ash. A. ranging in s ize fro m 3/64 - 8/64 in. B. of a single size equal 10 1/4 in. D . period ica ll y, using the transfer block as a basic reflector. C. al depth s covering the range from 1-8 in. D. nonc o f the above. Q.5- 12 A region wi th loss of back reflection (below 50 percent) has been found; the nex t step is to: Scanning practices ca ll for transducer position s lO: A. inspect the region using another means such as radiography . A. be fro lll two orthogonal direction s. B. overlap each other by 10 percent. 8. inspect the reg ion using angle beams fro m two directions. C. change at rates at least equallO 6 C. recheck to e nsure operati onal errors were not at fault. D. none of the above. D. li st as "questionable area" in final report. The ARL is to be set o n the sc reen such that: A. the peak signal amplitude eq uals 3/4 FSH. B. surface effects are refl ected as a rev ised ARL. C. the backwall echo is in the middle third of the sweep. D. scanning can be done at 6 dB over re ference level. 88 The Following Questions Apply to ASME Section V, Article 5 Q.5- 13 Reference standard s (calibration blocks) are to be constructed from materials that: A. came from the same heal as the test paIls. B. have a si milar metallurgical structures as the lest part s. e. are the same materi al specificat io n, grade, and heat treatment as parts. D. are of the same thick ness as the test Q.5-17 A 3.5 in. thick casting, intended for a nuclear appli cation , is being inspected to T-54 1.4. The quality level is to be ass igned: A. in cooperation with the buyer as per Par. 2 of SA 609. (Note: SA 609 is identical to ASTM A 609.) B. as leve l 3, s ince the thi ckness is parts. between 2 and 4 in. C. as levell , for near surfaces and leve l 3 for middle 1.5 in. D. fo ll owing a forma l NRC review for approval. Q.5-14 Person nel co nducting UT shall be certified in accordance with: A. SNT· TC·JA . B. the referencing Code section. C. the vendor's written practice. D. the Code of Ethics for ASME. Q.5-18 For a 3.5 in. nuclear grade casting, which of the following indications is (arc) considered rejectable? Q.5- 15 The cali bration blocks for L-wave testing of casti ngs shall use SDHs as show n in : A. B. C. D. A. 120% ARL, Depth = 0.75 in. , Area = 1.3 in .2, Length:;:; 1.0 in. B. 110% ARL, Depth = 1.25 in., Area = 1.8 in. 2 , Length = 2.75 in. C. >100 % ARL, Depth = 2.0 in. , Area = 3.1 in. 2, Length = 2.0 in. D. all of the above II W block. Figure 5.1. SA·609. none of the above. Q.5 - 16 Scanning practices call for transducer positions to: Q.5-19 Compensation for differences betwee n calibration blocks and cast lest part s is: A. be from two orthogonal directions. B. overlap each other by 10 percent. C. never scan at rales in excess of 6 D. none of the above. A. made by adjusting the reference ga in in accordance with backwall reflections. B. made by adju sting the reference gain us ing pairs of matched transducers. C. not all owed. D. not addressed. Q.5-20 Several sc reen height linearity checks y ielded the half amplitude results li sted below for initial settings of 100, 80, 60, 40, and 20 percent FSH. Which set of readings (%FS H) is considered Ollt of ca libration ? A. 54,42,27, 19,9 B. 50,34,26,20, II C. 48,3 7,32,21, 10 D. 45,44,33, 18,9 89 T he Following Q uestions Apply to the Representative Bui/ding Code Q.5-2 1 A check of transducer perform ance using the IfW block indi cated the follow ing angles were being used. Wh ich se( s) is Q.5-23 How long would the ind icatio n have to be in o rder to be considered rejected for the above q uestion? not in compli ance wi th the requirements A. longer than 2 in. B. longer than 3/4 in. C. any length D. it would be acceptable regardless of of the Representat ive Building Code? A. B. C. D. 68,72,44,62 46, 69,63, 59 45,7 1,59,62 43,62,72, 68 length Q.5-24 The transducer in the above problem was bei ng used in accordance wi th Procedure Number: Q.5-22 T he signal from a weld discontinu ity, set at 80 percent FS H, results in the gai n being set at SO dB. The reference re nector req ui red a gain setti ng of onl y 44 dB . The travel path was less than 1 in. The materi al thickness is 2.6 in. and a 45-dcgree angle beam transducer was used. What is the flaw severity class? A. #4. B. #5. C. #7. D. all of the above. A. A B B C. C D. D 90 Chapter 6 Special Topics Chapter 6 Special Topics This section di scusses a few items which represent technologies which are not in the mainstream of UT but are of imporlance in that they represent former app li cat ion areas of interest and/or emergi ng issues which will become part of the way UT is performed in the future. Resonance Testing The resonance technique is, perhaps, the oldest acoust ic/ultrasoni c nondestructive testing technique other than the visual method. Metal structu res, especia ll y casti ngs and forg ings, wi ll audi bly ring when struck a sharp blow. An experie nced listener could often tell by the ringing tone whether the part was flawed or not. A structure sLlch as a bell when severely fla wed sounds wrong to most anyone, experienced or not; however, the accuracy of this technique left much to be desired. W ith the advent of equipment capable of operati ng at ultrasoni c freq uencies, resonance was one of the first techn iques used for thickness measurement ; al though some flaw detection, such as for lamin ations, was also performed. When a pi ezoelectric crystal is exc ited wi th a voltage vary ing at the resonant frequency, the mechani cal energy produced is great ly increased. Th is frequency is achieved when the wavelength in the material is twice the thi ckness or a multiple thereof. In general use, a transducer is exc ited by a time-varying frequency designed to sweep the crystal through the fundamental and several harmonic freq uencies. W hen a resonant cond ition is ac hieved, it is sensed as an increased loading on the transducer by the electronics and di splayed on the readout de vice. Since the diffe rence between harmonic freque ncies is equal to the fundamenta l frequency, it does not matter whi ch harmoni cs are excited. Resonance testi ng was commonly used, especially in the basic materia l ind ustries such as the steel producers, as a qual ity control measure for both thickness and lam inar defects. Improved e lectronic ci rcuits have been used to create pu lse-echo devices whi ch are more accurate and easier to use and interpret. As a result, resonance testing is no longer in common use except for some primary materials characteri zations. Flaw Sizing Techniques Flaw detect ion w ith ultrasonics is at an advanced state o f the art. S ignifi cant flaw s in most str uctu res can be detected . When a UT indication is identified as a flaw, normally some estimate of its size is required. Below is a list of variables which affect these measurements. This li st inc ludes, but is not li mited to, fl aw type, flaw shape, location, multiple fl aws in same location, geometric reflectors in same location, grain s ize and orien tation, fl aw orient ation, part confi guration, search unit characteristics, and sound beam characteristics. Each of these variables can affect the measurement to a degree whic h is not the same from flaw to flaw. In general, there are two flaw size categories which are usually treated differently, those wi lh flaws larger than the beam diameter and those smaller than the beam diameter. As a result of these factors, no one technique provides accurate flaw sizing on all flaws; however, numerous techniques have been dev ised fo r flaw sizing. Most of these are based on some considerat ion of signal amplitude. 93 Flaws can generally be described by three dimensions, length, width, and height , where the length and height are in a plane normal to the direction of max imum stress and the width is in the direction of the stress. In most situations li ttle emphasis is placed on the determination of width since it has lillie effect on the stress pattern. Length is measured normal to the stress and parallel to the test item surface, whil e height is measured normal 10 both the stress and the surface. Of these two, length can ordinari ly be measured successfull y with the desired accuracy. Height, on the other hand , is much more difficult to measure. For lami nar-type flaws, the length and width refer to the dimensions in a plane paralle l to the entry surface. Orientations of these dimensions is a mailer of procedure or choice. Small fl aws may be class ifi ed into two categories, fl aws smaller than the wavelength and fla ws larger than the wavelength. A c ircu lar disk fl aw much small er than the wave length will reflect a spherical wave wi th pressure proportional to the third power of the flaw diameter and inverse ly proportional to the wavelength . Very small flaws re fl ect very li ttle e nergy and are difficult to detect. Flaws larger than the wavelength and less than the beam diameter reflect sound proportionally monotoni ca ll y with flaw size. That is, as the flaws get larger, the amplitude increases, although not in a li near fashion. Two approaches commonl y used include area-amp litude blocks and the Krautkramer DGS (d istance-gain -size) diagram. tn the first, specimens are prepared with di fferen t size reflectors. The amp li tude from the fl aw is compared directly wit h the amp litude from a known re flector. When a match is ach ieved, the flaw is ass igned the reflector size. In the DGS diagram, a series of curves with fl aw size as the parameter are plotted on an amp Iitude- versus-sou nd-path -diagram. Backsurface echo amplitude is plotted on the same diagram. Flaw ampli tudes are then used to ass ign a flaw size where the equi valent flaw size is a circular disk. Large fl aws arc measured by scan ning or by time-d ifference measurements, and, of course, these may be combi ned. In lamin ar flaw measurement, the search unit is moved back and forth until the ampl itude of the fl aw Signal drops to a predetermined level. Us ing this technique, the fl aw perimeter can be determj ned. Thi s tech nique is usually quite satisfactory. Thi s method is not the same for ang le beam measure ments whic h are usuall y used in weld examination. Measurement of the through wall dimen sion (height) is much more diffi cult. Several techniques have been developed in relationship to thick-wall weld examination and a few of these will be discussed. One of the most common techniques is the so call ed "dB drop" techni que. In this technique, the maximum amplitude signal is located and the sound path and location recorded . The search un it is then moved toward the reflector until the signal drops by a prese lected amount, usually 6 dB. At thi s point , the sound path and location are recorded. Thi s step is repeated with movement away froIll the reflector. Plots of the data using the known refracted angle provide a measure of the heigh t of the reflector. A si mil ar but slightly differe nt techn ique is the leadi ng-lagging ray approach. In thi s, the search un it is maneuvered across a side-drilled hol e reflector in a cal ibration block as in the dB drop technique on a reflector. These data arc used to establi sh the leading and laggi ng beam edge angles. In the examinat ion, the locat ions of the search unit are establi shed as in the dB drop techniq ue bUl the plots are made on the basis of the pre-established beam edge angles. In the dynamic time of flight techn ique, a focused, longitudinal wave, angle beam search unit mounted on a mechanical scanner passes the search unit across a crack. The sound path reflection from the crack is recorded with the search unit position. The distance to the tip of the crack is determined by triangulat ion and the minimum sound path. Thi s techniq ue shows promise of good accu racy in some applications. Several techniques rel y on the detection of diffracted waves e manat ing from the lips of a 94 crack. These very low ampli tude waves, if detected and iden tifi ed, can be used to measure the fl aw height. In the satellite pulse techn ique the screen is calibrated in through wa ll di mension rather than in metal path to the reflector. The distance from the tip-diffracted pu lse (satellite) to the comer echo is a direct measurement of the flaw height. This tec hnique has been successfully applied to measure intergranular stress corrosion cracks in the nuclear e lectric power indu stry. Original exam in ation with lip-diffraction used through-transmi ssion techniques. This technique is still used in selected application s. In this techn ique, angle beam search units are placed on each side of a crack on the entry surface. These are manipulated until the peak is maximized and the crac k tip is then located by triangulation . 95 Appendices Appendix A A Representative Procedure for Ultrasonic Weld Inspection 1.0 SCOPE: 5.1.2 Using the selected angles and material thickness(es) , calculate the expected beam path and range of straight beam coverage required. 5. 1.3 Using Table C of Scan Levels shown in Section 9.0, identify the scan levels to be used for each segment of the weld. 5. 1.4 Using Reference Table D, identify the indicating rating levels which correspond 10 Classes I through IV and enter them on Form A. 5.1.5 Enter any other special requirements for a specific configuration or job in the comments section 01 Form A. 1.1 This procedure is to be used for detecting, locating and evaluating indications within the weld and heal affected zone of carbon steel and low alloy welds using the contact inspection technique. 2.0 PERSONNEL: 2.1 Personnel performing this examination shall be qualified in accordance with PO-I which is in accordance with the guidelines 01 SNT· TC·1A (1988). Only Levell! or 111 personnel shall evaluate and report lesl results. 3.0 REFERENCE : 3.1 NE· l "Nondestructive Testing Equipmenr, Rev. O. 5.2 Prepare all applicable surfaces for UT inspection: 5.2.1 Clean con tact surfaces of weld spatter, dirt, rust, grease and any roughness that will interfere with the free movement of the search unit or would prevent the transmission ot ultrasonic vibrations. 5.2.2 Smooth weld surfaces adequately to prevent interference with the interpretation of the examination . Weld surfaces shall merge smoothly into the surfaces of the adjacent base metal. 4.0 EQUIPMENT: 4.1 Pulse-echo Instruments and Transducers shall be selected only from the equipment inventory which has been qualified and calibrated to meet the requirements of NE·l , -Nondestructive Testing Equipment.4.2 The calibration block to be used for production inspection shall be Ihe DSC (Distance/Sensitivity) block. 5.3 Verify all equipment qualification and system calibration checks prior to testing: 5.3. 1 Verify that all equipment to be used has been qualified in accordance with NE-l and the schedule requirements of Table A. 4.3 Couplants may include cellulose gum (mixed with water) or glycerine. 5.0 PROCEDURE : 5.1 Review each test item's inspection requirements to be aware of contract stipulations for each weld joint configuratioo prior to conducting production weld inspection. Select an established Technique Sheet for the weld joint configuration or create a new one that identities the inspection parameters of transducer angles, applicable segments of the weld(s) to be examined, maximum beam path and companion longitudinal wave scan region, scan levels, and acceptance criteria in accordance with Form A, shown in Section 10.0 of this procedure. I! a new Technique Sheet is prepared by other than the Level III individual, the Technique Sheet shall be reviewed and approved by the Level III prior to use during production inspections. 5. 1.1 Using Relerence Table B shown in Section 9.0 ot this procedure, identify the transducer angle(s) required to totally inspect the material Ihickness(es) and joint design(s) being considered . 5.4 Conduct and Maintain System Calibration Checks: 5.4. 1 Conduct the inspection system calibration in accordance with NE-l , being sure that the reject control is turned off and remains off throughout the inspection process. 5.4.2 Calibrate the inspection "system~ (instrument, cable and transducer) before first use and a. Every 60 min., b. At the completion of each examination or series of similar examinations, c. When examination personnel change, and d. When ele<:trical Circuitry is disturbed in any way, e.g ., changes in transducer, battery, ele<:trical outlet, co-axial cable or power outage. 5.4.3 Straight Beam Calibration a. Using a location on the base metal free of any indications, set sweep range to 99 Table A. Schedule of Equipment Qualification Check Transducers· Angle Before First Use Resolution Dimensions Approach Distribution Index Point Sound Path Angle Internal Refle<:tion After 4 hours of use Index Point Sound Path Angle Instrument Horizontal linearity Vertical Linearity Horizontal Linearity Vertical Linearity • Straight Beam T ransducer s are to be checked for resolution before first. use. After 80 hours use Internal Reflection Form B and columns X. Y, Depth, Length , and Comment. d. Satisfactory base metal tests results are to be indicated for each weld by placing a check mark in the column identified "L-wave" in Form B. clearly display both the first and second back surface reflections. b. Set the pulse reflected from the first back surtace to a height of 80% FSH. 5.4.4 Angle Beam Calibration a. Using the DSC block, adjust the instrumenllo represent the actual sound path distance using either the 5 in. or 10 in. range on the CAT screen. b. Using the DSC block, adjust the maximum attainable signallrom the 0.06 in. SDH to 50% of FSH and record the "Reference Level" reading of the gain control, on Form B, "Ultrasonic Inspection Results." 6.0 WELD AND HAZ EXAMINATION USING ANGLE Base Material Examination: 5.5.1 Using a calibrated 2.25 MHz longitudinal transducer over the area identified in the Technique Sheet, scan the base malerial through which angle beam testing will take place using a 20% overlapping pattern and at a speed not to exceed 6 in. per second. This initial base material examination is for the purpose of assuring a predictable environment for the angle beam testing that is to follow and is not to be used as an acceptancelrejection examination. 5.5.2 If any area of the inspected base metal exhibits total loss of back reflection or any indication equal to or greater than the original back-reflection height, its size, location and depth shall be reported on the Form B, shown in Section 10.0 a. Size is to be determined using the 50% amplitude loss (6 dB) method for discontinuities larger than the transducer. b. Size is to be determined using the transducer edge approach method for discontinuities smaller than the transducer. c. Unsatisfactory regions are to be identified using the shaded areas in 100 BEAM TRANSDUC ERS : 6 .1 Using the 2.25 MHz angle beam transducer identified in the technique sheet and operating at a scanning level about the 0.06 in. SOH reference level in accordance with the technique sheet, scan the entire volume of the weld and HAl (a) using a 30% overlapping pattern. (b) while continuously rotating the transducer a few degrees alternately to each side and (c) at a speed not to exceed 6 in. per second. Enter all applicable information onto "Ultrasonic Inspection Results," Form B, as each item in the form is identified. For butt welds, repeat the scan from the opposite side of the weld. 6.1.1 Repeat 6.1 for all requ ired examination angles as identified in the technique sheet. 6.1.2 If pari of the weld is inaccessible for examination due to base material laminar con tent or restrictive geometric conditions, full weld coverage shall be attained using one or more of the following alternatives. a. Grind the weld surtace{s) flush and scan on the weld surtace. b. Scan from other accessible surlaces. c. Use other search unit angles such as 45°, 60 Q , or 70° . 6.2 Evaluation of Discontinuities 6.2.1 When an indication of a discontinuity appears on the screen, use the gain control (or attenuator) to adjust the maximum attainable indication to 50% of the CRT's FSH . Record the gain control reading (dB) on Form B, "Ultrasonic Inspection Results" shown in Section 10.0, in the "Indication Level" column. 6.2.2 Estimate the effect of sound attenuation by subtracting 2 in. from the sound path distance to the indication and multiply the remainder by 3 (i.e., triple the remainder). Record this value (dB) in the "Indication Factor" column of Form B. 6.2.3 Determine the "Indicating Rating~ by subtracting the sum of the ~ Indicat ion Lever and the "Indication Factor" from the "Reference Level" setting and record the result in the "Indicating Rating" column of Form B. 6.2.4 Evaluate the length of each discontinuity by measuring the distance between the center line of the transducer's 50% drop locations. 6.2.5 Classify (I , II, III, IV) each discontinuity in accordance with the criteria listed in the Technique Sheet and establish its accepU reject status based on each indication's class, length, and sepa ration from nearby surfaces and adjacent indications. 6.2.6 For each weld that is inspected. the results of that inspection shall be recorded using Form B, however only the weld 10. L-wave check, acceptance status and comments (if any) need be noted for those welds free of any measurable ultrasonic indications. 7.0 DOCUMENTATION: 7.1 Record the detailed test results of all inspections on Form S, ~Ultrasonic Inspection Results," as shown in the attachments. 7.2 Mark locations of unacceptable indications directly over the discontinuity and note the depth and class of each discontinuity on nearby base metal. 8.0 REPAIRS: 8.1 After weld repairs have been made, re-examine repaired areas in accordance wi th this procedure and enter results on the interlaced lines of Form B. 9.0 REFERENCE TABLES: (See Tables B, C, and D) 10.0ATTACHMENTS AND SAMPLE FORMS: (See Forms A and B) Table B. Testing Angle Selection Material Thickness (inches) 0.30 - 1.50 >1.50-1.75 >1.75-2.50 >2.50-3.50 >3.50-4.50 >4.50-5.00 >5.00-6.50 >6.50-7.00 Angles of Inspection Top Middle Bottom 70 70 60 45 60 60 45 45 70 70 70 70 70 60 70 45 70 70 70 70 60 60 45 45 General Notes: 1. The "Top" of the weld extends one-quarter through the thickness of the base material and is the region closest to the surface from which the angle-beam scanning takes place. The "Bottom" of the weld is the quarter· thickness region opposite from the scan surface. The "Middle" zone is the central region of the weld and is equal to one-half of the thickness of the base material. 2. Inspections should be made in first Jeg of beam path. 3. Legs II and In can be used when access is limited. 4. All fusion-line indications shall be further evaluated with transducers which exhibit beam paths nearest to being perpendicular to the suspected fusion surface. 101 Table C. Ultrasonic Scanning Levels Sound Path (in.) Above Zero Reference dB thru 2·1/2 >2·1/2 to 5 >5 to 10 >10 to 15 12 19 29 39 Table D. Ultrasonic Acce pt-Reject Criteria Weld Thickness (inc h es) Class r' Angle [! III IV" 0.30·0.75 +5 +6 +7 +8 70" >0.75·1.50 +2 +3 +4 +5 70" >1.50·2.50 +1 -2 +2 & +3 ·1 & 0 +4 & +5 +1 & +2 +6 +3 60" 70" >2.50·4.00 0 -2 -5 +1 &+2 ·1 & 0 -4 &·3 +3 &+ 4 +1 & +2 ·2 to +2 +5 +3 +3 45" 60" 70" >4.00·8.00 -1 -4 -7 0&+1 ·3 &·2 ·6 &·5 +2 & +3 · 1 to +2 ·4 to +2 +4 +3 +3 45" 60" 70" • and below •• and above General Notes: 1. Class II and III indications shall be separated by at least 2L, L being the length of the longer naw. 2. Class II and III indications shall not begin at. a distance less t han 2L from weld ends carryi ng primary tensi le stress, L being the indication length. 3. Weld thickness shall be defined as the nominal thickness of the thinner of the two parts being joined. 4. Rejectable are all Class I indications, Class II indications in excess of 0.60 in. , and Class III indications over 1.25 in . All Class IV indications are considered acceptable. 102 Form A. Ultrasonic Testing Technique Sheet REF NUM BER: _T,-,S"-W,,,- _ __ DAT E: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ APPROVED: _ _ _ _ _ __ Applicable Leve l III )oi nl(s) Th ickness: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Transducer Angles: TO P: _ _ _ _ __ MID: _ _ _ _ __ BOT : _ _ _ __ L-wave Range: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Scan Leve l: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Rating/Class/Reject Criteria: _ _ db /I / All Sketch of Inspection Scheme _ _ db / II / L>O.60 in. _ _ db / III / L> 1.25 in. (M) _ _ db / IV / Accepl COMMMENTS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Prepared By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Level FORM: UT-TSI ,8/89 103 II III ~ il ANGLF; LINE RH I WELD dO SOI!/SU fAIII n~ ~' 1. L-WAVE (Its ) I.EG I INDICATION ill NO. LEVEL PATH Location STATUS COM.MENT SOUND NO. ~ I E'G II FACTOR HATING CLASS LENGTH ACCIREJ X Y DEPT H I ~ 'o" :0 ~. " ~ 'g "o ~ ~. 2 :0 ~ ....<: ... E- 3 li ~ , 5 6 il Review Questions for a Representative Procedure for Ultrasonic Weld Inspection Q-A 1 With scanning being done from the top surface of a 1-1/4 ill. thick weldment, the scanning level for inspection of the rOOt area would be, with respect to the reference level: Q-A4 One of two C lass II indications in a 0.75 in. weld that is carrying primary tensile stress is 0.45 in . from the end of the weld and 0.15 in. long. The other is 0.25 in. long and they are within 0.35 in . of each other. The statu s of the weld should be identified as: A. 12dB. B. 14dB. C. 19dB. D. 29dB. A. acceptable, based on proximity to the next nearest indication. S. acceptable, based on indication-Iength-to-weld-thickness ratio. e. rejectable, based on proximity to the end of the weld. D. rejectable, based on proximity to the next nearest indication. Q-A2 The reference level recorded using the DSC block for the above case was 32 dB. A n indicati on detected near the root of the weld was 34 dB when corrected for attenuation. Thus the indication is to be designated as being: A. B. C. D. Class Class Class C lass I. II. III. IV. Q-A5 A Class III indication found at a fusion interface in a weld that is in a region which is carrying a primary tensi le st ress is I in . from the end of the 0.75 in . thick weld and within 0.5 in. of another Class II indkation that has been determined to be 0.2 in. long. The Class III indication has been determined to be 0.5 in. long. The status of the weld should be identified as: Q-A3 The weld joint being inspected has a backing bar near the 114 in. foot with a 45-degree groove angle and unground weld crown. Having found an indication at a depth equal 10 112 the thickness of the base material and in the vicinity of the interface between the base metal and the weld metal, further investigations should be conducted using: A. an L-wave transducer to ensure the base material is free of laminations or any other sou nd reflecting conditions. B. the same angle beam transducer that detected the indication , only scanning from the opposite side of the weld. e. a 45-degree angle beam transducer and a beam path within the first leg of the Vee path. D. a 45-degree angle beam transducer and a beam path within the second leg of the Vee path. 105 A. acceptable, based on proximity to the next nearest indication. S. acceptable, based on the indication being at a fusion interface but less than 1.25 in. e. rejectable, based on proximity to the next nearest indication. D. rejectable, based on proximity to the end of the weld. Q-A6 An indication in the top quarter of a 3 in. thick weld has been exam ined using three di fferent angle beam transducers (45, 60, and 70 degree), each of wh ich has res ulted in a rating equal 10 0 dB. The indication should be identified as: Q-A9 Inspections conducted in accordance with the procedure are based on contact testing using as a couplant. A. water bubblers and similar water-based scanning dev ices B. water and cellulose gum mixtures adjusted for surface conditions C. industrial grade o il s and greases adj usted for surface conditions D. commercial mixtures of proprietary fluids designed to reduce residues prone to cause corrosion in carbon steel A. Class I. B. Class II. C. Class III. D. Class IV. Q-A 7 The procedure calls for compensating fo r attenuation effects through the use of correction factors which, upon examination, appear to be based upon: Q-A 10 When usi ng a 70-degree transducer to examine the root area of a single Vee wel d, the scannin g level must be increased by 7 dB over the thin materi als scanning level (12 dB) for base metals with thicknesses between: A. an effective near fi eld that does not exceed 2 in. B. an e ffecti ve beam spread and/or scatter that is at a rate of 3 dB per in. beyond the near field. C. both A and B. A. 0.50 and 1.00 in. B. 0.75 and 1.53 in. C. 0.85 and 1.7 1 in. D. 0.95 and 2.25 in. D. the changes in ultrasonic wave energy scatter caused by changes in allowable operating freq uencies. Q-A8 A transition butt weld is to be exami ned in accordance with the procedure . The weld is to be a smooth transition from a 3.75 in. thick base material to a 3.25 in. thick material. The proced ure calls for the weld to be examined usi ng: A. a 70-degree transducer from both sides. B. a 45-degree transducer from both sides .. C. a 60-degree transducer from both sides. D. a ll of the above. Q-A II The scannin g level for use with a 60-degree transducer is set for 29 dB above the reference level established during the system calibration. Thi s scanning level is thus applicab le to materi al thic knesses in the range fro m: A. 2.50-5 .00 in. B. 5.00-10.00 in. C. 3.54-7.08 in. D. 4.00-8.00 in. Q-A 12 1n preparing for the angle beam inspection, a longitud ina l wave scan of Lhe base metal is conducted throughout a region extending at least to either sidc of the weld center li ne when a 1 in. welded plate is to be inspected. A. I in. B. 1.7 1 in. C. 2.25 in. D. 2.75 in. 106 Q-A 17 If part of the weld is inaccess ible for examination due to base materi al lamin ar content or restrictive geometric cond itions, the best alternative and permitted approach to testing a weld is to: Q-A 13 Sound path angle and index (exit) point need to be checked: A every 4 hours of use. B. every 60 minutes. C. when examinati on personnel chan ge. D. at the comp let ion of each series of similar exam inatio ns. scan the we ld using search unit ang les other than that initi all y selected , such as 55 or 65 degrees. B. exam ine the weld fro m other accessible surfaces using the magnetic particl e method and using the yoke or prod techniques. C. grind the weld surface(s) nu sh and scan on the weld surface using the long itud inal wave technique. D. none of the above. A Q-A 14 Longitudinal wave testing conducted for the purpose o f sc reening base materials prior to ang le beam testing for we ld di scontinui ties, requires an overl ap scan pattern of at least: A. 10 percent. B. 15percent. C. 20 pe rce nt. D. none of the above. Q-A 15 Lami nar types of di scontinui ties are to be recorded on Form B (the "U ltrason ic In spectio n Results" sheet) provided they exhibit a pul se height equal to or greater than : A. 50 percent B. 75 pe rcent C. 80 perce nt D. 90 percent FS H. FSH. FSH. FSH. Q-A 16 Angle beam testing conducted for the purpose of detecting di scontinuities within welds and thei r adjacent heat-affected zones requires an o verl ap scan pattern of at least: Q-A 18 An indication is fo und at a sou nd path distance of 5.6 in. T hu s the effect of sound attenuatio n to be entered into Fonn B is estimated to be: A. 8dB. B. 9 dB. c. 10dB. D. II dB. Q-A 19 A series of welds are examined and found to be free of any objectionable indications. Thu s: Form B need not be fill ed out in its entirety. B. the statu s of each we ld needs to be marked as acceptable. C. the indicatio n of sati sfactory L-wave inspection needs to be marked wi th a check mark . D. all of the above. A A. 10 percent. B. 15 percent. C. 20 percent. D. 30 percent. 107 Q-A20 A series o f welds are examined and found 10 con tain several unacceplable indications. Thus: Q-A22 An indicat ion in a 3 in. weldmen t yields an indication level of + I dB fo r the 45-degree tran sducer and -2 dB for the 70-degree transducer. The indication shou ld be identified as: A. each unacceptable weld needs to be marked with a check mark at the end of each weld loaded in tension. S. each unacceptable ind ication location needs to be marked direct ly over the d iscontinuity. C. location and depth/class of each discontinuity need to be marked directly over the discontinuity and nearby on the base material , respectively. D. Form S , completed in compliance with the procedure, is the full documentation required for each indication. A. Class 1. B. Class II. e. Class 1Il. D. Class IV. Q-A23 An indication in the middle of a 5 in. weldment has been identified Class 111 with a 6 dB down length of 1.1 in. This indication, in accordance with the procedure, is: A. considered acceptable. B. considered rejectable. C. 1O be considered for furthe r exanunalion by other NDT means. D. none of the above. Q-A21 In reviewing a completed Form S , it is found that two complete sets of discontinuity data are recorded for a rcnector found at the same locat ion and depth in the same weld. The second set of data is recorded on the line directly below the first set of data. Both sets indicate an unacceptabl e condition. It is evidentlhat: Q-A24 An indication 1.75 in. long and in the vicinity of the base-metal to weld-metal fu sion line of a 5 in. weldment has been tentati vely identified as Class IV us ing a si ngle angle beam transducer. This indication , in accordance wi th the procedure, is: A. a repair has been completed and the repair has been judged to be unacceptable. B. the inspector mi sread the data taken during the ins pect ion. C . a repair is in process and the data will be changed pending the inspection of the repaired region. D. none of the above. 108 A. considered acceptable since all Class IV indications are considered acceptable. B. considered rejectable si nce it exceeds the 1.25 in. lim it for fu s ion type flaws. C. to be considered for fu rlher exami nation by transducers with angles closest to being perpendicu lar to the fusion line. D. to be subjected to X-ray examination in order to obta in a second "techn ical" opin ion. AppendixB Answer Key to Chapter Review Questions Chapter I I.D 2. C 3. B 4.A 5. C 6. C 7. C S. D 9. B 10. B II. A 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. A 16. D 17. A IS. A 19.C 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. D Chapter 2 I. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. D 7. A S. B 9. A 10. A II. D 12.C 13. B 14.C 15.C 16.A 17. B IS. B 19. B 20. A 2 1. A 22. A 23. B 24. A Chapter 3 I.D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. D 7. B S. B 9. A 10. D II. C 12.C 13. D 14.A 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A 2 1. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. C Chapter 4 I.A 2. C 3.D 4. C S. D 6. C 7. A S. B 9. A 10. D II. A 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. B IS. B Chapter 5 I.D 2. B 3. D 4.C S. D 6. D 7. B S. D 9. A 10. B II. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. both A andC 19. C 20. none or the above 21. 22. 23. 24. 109 B C A B Appendix A A I. C A2. A A3. D A4. D AS.C A6.A A7. C AS. D A9. B AIO.C All. A A12. D AI3. A A I4.C AIS. C A16. D A17. D AIS. D A19. D A20. C A21. A A22. B A23. A A24. C Appendix C References 4. Krautkramer, J. and H. Krautkramer. Ultrasonic Testin g of Materials, 4th ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, Inc., 1990. I. Bray, D.E. and R.K. Stanley. Nondestructive Evaluatioll: A Tool ill Design, Ma nufacturing and Service. Boca Raton: CRC Press , 1997. 5. McMaster, R. c.. editor. Nondestructive Testing Handbook, VoL I-II. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1959. 2. Metals Handbook, ninth ed ition, Volume 17, "Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control." Metals Park, Ohio: ASM International, 1989. 6. Birks, Albert S. and Robert E. Green , tcchnicaJ edi tors; Pau l Mcintire, editor. Nondestructive Testing Han dbook, second edition ,Vo lu me 7: Ultrasonic Testing. Col umbus, Ohio: The American SocielY ror Nondestructive Testing, inc., 1991. 3. Silk, M.G. Ultrasonic Transducersfor Nondestructive Testillg. Bristol , Eng land: Adam Hilger Ltd., 1984. 111 The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. 1711 Arlingate Lane PO Box 28518 Columbus,OH 43228-0518 Catalog No. 2261