S.T.B.S. COLLEGE OF DIPLOMA ENGG. SURAT – 6 COMPUTER DEPARTMENT Experiment List(extra)- (9/12/2019 TO 8/04/2020) SUBJECT : Advance Java FACULTY:DIVISION:- 1761-CE Programming SUBJECT CODE: 3360701 Exp No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Pratixa P. Vaghashia Name of Experiment BatchPlan Date Actual Date Create smiley in applet Write an Applet to receive the value of the parameter message from the html file and display it on the webpage Write an Applet that displays the string "STBS" in different sizes from the top to the bottom of the screen Develop an applet to display the message "Happy New Year" within a text field Extend the previous program so that the message "Happy New Year" will appear within a text field when the button with the caption "Year" is pushed, while the message "Happy New Millenium" will appear within the text field when the button with the caption "millenium" is pushed build an applet that receives the radius of a circle through a text field and computes the area when the button "Area" is pushed. The area should appear in a seperate text field. the first text field should be preceeded by the label "Enter the Radius", while the second text field should be preceded by the label "Area is equal to". Create four checkboxes with the captions "GROCERIES","COSMETICS","PLASTICS" and "STATIONARY". Create an instance of TextArea control. As and when any of the four check boxes is clicked, report the event in TextArea. Create user interface using swing which accepts two numbers and calculates additin,substraction and division . Write servlet application which display context and init parameter from web.xml file (FACULTY) (H.O.D.)