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Material Balances Lecture & Problem Review

Material Balances
Lecture on Chapters 14 - Part B
Problem Review
ENGR 150
Homework Solutions Chapters 14
Problem 14.1
[Solving (a) for A =
2150-18.5 - B]
{0.05)(2131.5 - B) + 0.11B = 177.4 - 18.5
106.6 - 0.05 B + 0.11 B = 158.9
0.06 B = 52.3}
{2150 - 18.5 - 872}
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Homework Solutions Chapter 14
Problem 14.3
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Homework Solutions Chapter 14
Problem 14.10
(P = Vapor Products)
Diagram to show givens
& unknowns vital
(wastes = inerts +
{(initial %)(2 t/h) =
(P)( unknown %) + (W)(final %)}
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Quick Review
Defined the principle of the Conservation of
Investigated the use system approach to
solve material balance problems
Reviewed procedures for solving Material
Balance problems
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Review Problem 14.2
At Grace Foods facility, a cereal product containing 53% water is
produced at a rate of 750 lb/hr A dried product containing 75% cereal is
desired. How much water must be removed in an 8 hr period and how
much dry product is produced?
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Problem 14.2 Rate Process
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Review Problem 14.5
Casein, a dairy product used in making cheese, contains 25% moisture when wet.
A dairy sells this product for $40 / 100 kg. If requested they will dry the casein to
12% moisture. The drying costs are $5.00 / 100 kg of water removed. What
Should the dairy sell the dried product in order to realize the same margin of profit?
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Problem 14.5
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Review Problem 14.7
Three brine solutions B1, B2, B3 are mixed. B1 is 50%of the total mixture.
Brine B1 is 2.5% salt, B2 is 4.5% salt, and B3 is 5.5% salt. To this mixture
Is added 35 lbm of dry salt while 280 lbm of water is evaporated leaving 3,200
lbm of 5.1% brine. Determine the initial amounts of B1, B2, B3.
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Problem 14.7
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Review Problem 14.11
A freezing process takes in 1.5 t/h of saltwater ( 4% salt ) and produces
salt-free ice and a brine solution ( 8.5% salt ). How much ice is produced in
an 8 hour day?
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Problem 14.11
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Understanding Material Balances is essential to process
Principle of the Conservation of Material is fundamental
Procedure for defining any systems includes:
Write the specific equations for overall and constituent balance
Solve for unknowns using an independent set of mass balance
Always check that all values balanced
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode
Prep for Exam #2 on November 4th
Flow Charts – Appendix E
Statistics – Chapters 10 & 11
Engineering Economics – Chapters 8 & 9
Material Balances – Chapter 14
Problems Types
True / False (20 pts)
Multiple Choice (20 pts)
Matching (20 pts)
2 Word Problems (20 pts each)
ENGR 150
Instructor: Doug Rode