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AOG Year Two Bundle

What is The AOG?
It’s hard to imagine that we’ve been publishing for two
whole years! It started 40ish years ago. I still remember
the day my cousin brought out a blue book with a white
sketched dragon on its cover and a pile of strange dice.
He told eight year old me that we were going to play a
game where I could be anything I wanted (as long as it
was an elf, dwarf, human, or halfling). I immediately
developed a love of bringing people along on journey
after journey, and through all the moments and four
decades of playing, the trip has never lost its wonder.
Now, I think we are best described as a network of
Table Top Role Playing Gamers (Mostly D&D). I had
been sharing my work online for some time but decided
in April 2021 to open a Patreon and Discord. Honestly,
I knew I was behind the Patreon Train, but it made
sense as a platform. I’m not interested in money, but I
am interested in sharing with and helping others in the
hobby. So I run the site 100% free of any paywalls.
More like a Digital Magazine than a Patreon.
Two years now and we’ve certainly grown. We host One
Shots through our active Discord. I do a lot of requests
for our supporters and some commission work. I coach
many of our subscribers regularly on DMing and fantasy
cartography. My son writes our “Year One” series which
are adventures designed for entry level DMs and
players, and we use our content to run an after school Jr
High Group. We keep pretty busy over here!
But Enough about us! On to the Content!
What do we have there?
You’ll find over 400+ Maps
Almost 50 full Adventures
Guides to our settings that contain over 150 NPCs
Supplements, Stories, Essays, and more
Year One Adventures
These loosely connected One Shots are designed for
new players, but Easily adaptable for experienced DMs.
Underground Combat Club (Level 3) The party finds
itself in the center of a bloody fighting arena.
Perilous Peaks And The Birds of Prey (Level 3) Our
adventurers head off to deal with some nasty
creatures living atop a nearby mountain.
Highway Hogs of Hickory Hollow (Level 3) The party
chases down some wereboar bandits.
Odd Ancestory and Ancient Axes (Level 3) Help a
Dwarf become a legend by retrieving his Granddaddy’s Ancient Axe!
Troglodyte Troubles (Level 4) This one has our
players taking on some rather filthy foes.
Down The Drain (Trog Sequel) (Level 4) The party
needs to plug the cavern the creatures came from.
Missing Messenger (Level 4) The players will need t
find an important messenger that has disappeared.
Ol’ Nan’s Glorious Grocery List A goofychase around
a city to gather ingredients for Magic meatloaf.
The Worst Happiest Day of Her Life (Level 5) Help
save the day when kidnappers ruin a wedding!
One Giant Roadblock (level 5) A giant is causing
Mayhem in the roadways
Hooded Hog of Hickory Heights (Level 6) The
wereboar problem persists, our heroes need to end it
once and for all.
Standard One Shots
Standard one shots of varying difficulty and length.
Satyr-Day Night Fever (Level 1) A naughty little Fey
has gotten himself and the party into a lot of trouble.
The Cannons of Kavasto (Level 1) The party gets
roped into a struggle between local crime lords.
Some Things Should Not Walk (Level 3) Find and
explore a lost artificer’s workshop that is overrun
by… furniture?
Mountain of Frozen Fangs (Level 4) Climb an icy
mountain looking for a lost treasure.
Night of the Bullywog (Level 4) Survive a Bullywog
onslaught and then take the fight back to them!
Feast of the Raptor Queen (Level 5) Villagers have
been kidnapped. Race to find them before they are
sacrificed and eaten.
Murder on the Imposter Express (level 5) Board an
Astral Sea Train and discover who is murdering
passengers before they murder you!
The Druid’s Atrium (Level 5) A concerned Druid
wants to hire the party to escort her to the Atrium so
that she may commune with the land there and make
certain that it remains a place of peace.
The Mistress of Keepsakes (Level 5) Listen – strange
women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis
for a system of government. However, a strange
woman on a tropical island who has a desire for
oddities and artwork is a great start to an Adventure.
Murder at the Drowning Lass (Level 6) A treasure
worth killing for is out there waiting to be found.
The Cavern of Eight (Level 6) Deadly Islands.
Treacherous Waters. Ancient Secrets. What more
could an Adventurer want?
Disaster At Badur’Tor (Level 7) Unravel the secret
that destroyed a Dwarven mining town.
Sirens of the Sorrow Song Shoals (Level 7) Brave
the Sorrow Song Shoals to find The Siren’s Chest, a
ship full of gold and gems never made it to port.
Holiday Adventures
We try and do holiday adventures every year… try…
Carted Away (or Rabbit Trail) (Level 3) A cart of
Holiday Goods has gone missing… in the Feywild.
March of the Tin Soldiers (level 4) The Grank has
captured Julensen Stonecutter’s Sleigh (Santa), and
will soon release an army of toy soldiers on the town!
Over the River and Through the Woods (Level 5)The
Voice of Winter is up to no good! Stop him before he
defeats Juliensen Stonecutter (Santa)
The Hushed King Trilogy
Battle the Hushed King and his minions all the way
from the depths of the Whisperwood to his fortress in
the Shadowfel.
Terror in the Whisper Wood (Level 5) Something
terrible is lurking in the Whisperwood and the
Halflings that live there need help!
The Cavern of Lost Hope (Level 6) Drive back the
Hushed King’s agents attempting to free him.
The Silent Throne (Level 7) Travel to the Shadowfel
and defeat the Hushed King once and for all.
Bumpkin Quest
Welcome to Green Valley, The down-home home of
Rural Fantasy Misadventures and Grass-Roots
Shenanigans. The Valley is Filled with Colorful
Characters, Brimming with Odd Ball Neighbors, and
has more than a few Local Yokels. Welcome to
Bumpkin Quest.
Campaign Guide: Includes 4 Starter Quests
Morely House
Adventure and Guide Book 40+ Maps and Dozens of
NPC fill the pages of this massive exploration of a
Haunted Mansion. There are dozens of possibilities
for gameplay, and comes complete with the
Adventure Masquerade and Massacres. Perfect for a
Halloween Jaunt or a short series fo adventures.
A Touch of Black, Campaign
A dark deals and dark beings stalk our player. Take a
jaunt into the wretched city of Deleran’s Crossing in our
ongoing Horror Campaign.
Warehouse of Woe (Level 1) Travel to Deleran’s
Crossing and secure your Employer’s goods against
thieves and other more dangerous problems.
Condemned (Level 1) Forced to make a deal with the
local authorities the party heads into the sewer to
find a missing foreman.
The Haunting of House Trellu (Level 2) The Players
must deal with their employers haunted estate and
all the trash her Aunt hoarded there.
Black Taxes (level 2) There are a few things certain
in life. Death and Taxes. And government
overstepping its power on local citizens.
Candle in the Window (level 3) Secrets deepen as a
new power begins to influence the Player’s goals.
The Shadows of Song Dell (level 4) Journey deep
into the Gray Wood and explore the cursed town of
Song Dell.
Pitiful Little Things (level 4) Rescue a stolen child
before an ancient aberation consumes it.
Along Came the Spider (Coming Soon) The Party is
going to attempt to stop a Hag driven tradegy.
“Attempt to” is the key phrase here.
Beligeriare’s Baubles
A McGuffin Quest gone wrong puts the players literally
into trouble. They’ll have to find a way out of the trap
and deal with the one who put them there.
Temple of the The Bronze Dove (Level 5) Head into
the desert and find the fabled Bronze Dove
Lost in Deleran’s Crossin (Level 5) Something has
gone wrong and the players are now trapped in
Deleran’s Crossing!
The Towers of Sand and Sky (Level 5) Escape from
Deleran’s Crossing and defeat the foe that trapped
you there!
Taalist: The AOG Setting Guide Our Campaign
Deleran’s Crossing: A Town of Tragedies Once the
most ideal city in the realms, not a town rotting to
the core. The perfect place for a Horror Campaign.
Kavasto, City of Thieves Organized and disorganized
crime rule the streets in this city. Clean it up or bleed
it dry, your choice!
World and Region Maps
Cities and Settlements
Interesting Locations
Caves, Ruins, and Dungeons
Random Encounter Maps
World and Region Maps
Cities and Settlements
Interesting Locations
Caves and Dungeons
Random Encounter Maps
I do want to take one last moment to sincerely thank you for looking at our content. It
means a lot to us as creators. If you enjoyed the work please leave us some comments on
wherever you found this adventure. You can support more content like this and our
endeavor to introduce TTRPGs to young people by subscribing to our Patreon.
FACEBOOK Amplus Ordo Games
DISCORD Join the Network
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PATREON Amplus Ordo Games
To the Long History of Open Gaming that allows our
adventures to be written with certain Rule Sets in
mind but stay system neutral.
The fine and harfworking folks at WotC, Piazo,
Kobold Press, and others for publishing with
Creative Commons and Open Licenses.
All Maps and Handouts were done by Designers at
AOG likely using Inkarnate
PDF Formatting done using The Homebrewery