MATH 383 section 3 Fall 2023 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Instructor: L. Rozansky Office: Chapman 433 Phone: 962-9616 email: Class hours: MWF: 12:20 – 1:10 p.m. at Phillips 332 Office hours: MW: 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. or by appointment by Zoom Zoom: Invite Link 5UT09 Passcode: 641553 The lectures will be recorded, the recordings and the notes will be uploaded to Text: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra by Edwards, Penney and Calvis Course description: This course covers subjects in linear algebra and differential equations. For linear algebra we cover linear space, linear equation, linear transformation and determinants. For differential equations we cover first order differential equations, linear differential equations and systems of linear differential equations. The material will include sections from Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Homework is assigned at The course ID is rozansky42314 Instructions: To register for MATH 383. First Course in Differential Equations.: 1. Go to 2. Sign in with your Pearson student account or create your account. Instructors, use or create a Pearson student account to register as a student. Don't use your instructor account. 3. Select any available access option, if asked. o Enter a prepaid access code that came with your textbook or from the bookstore. o Buy instant access using a credit card or PayPal. o Select Get temporary access without payment for 14 days. 4. Select Go to my course. 5. Select MATH 383. First Course in Differential Equations. from My Courses. If you contact Pearson Support, give them the course ID: rozansky42314 The homework will be worth 30 points. Approximate Exam days: Exam 1: Friday, Sept. 22 Exam 2: Friday, Oct. 27 Each exam is worth approximately 75 points. Final Exam: There will be a final examination in the course scheduled at 8:00 —11:00 am on Monday, December 11. Under no circumstances will the final exam or the make-up be given early. The final exam will be cumulative and worth approximately 150 points. Honor Code: It is expected that each student in this class will conduct him or herself within the guidelines of the Honor System. All academic work should be done with the high level of honesty and integrity that this University demands.