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Q: Skills for Success Level 2 - Listening & Speaking

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Book with iQ Online Practice
Q: Skills for Success
Level 2
Listening and Speaking Student
Q: Skills for Success Level 2
Think critically. Succeed academically.
Q: Skills for Success Level 2
Listening and Speaking
Student Book with iQ Online
Third Edition
Format: Mixed media format
Q: Skills for Success Third Edition builds on its
question-centered approach to help students
achieve academic success. 90% of teachers
believe that Q: Skills for Success has played a
significant part in improving the skills their
students need for academic study.*
Part of: Q: Skills for
ISBN: 978-0-19490514-5
Level: Level 2
Licence Length:
Language Level: A2
Teaching hours: 100
12 months
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Educational discount
Q: Skills for Success is renowned for helping
students to achieve academic success in English.
The Third Edition helps students to develop the
techniques and critical thinking skills they need
for academic study with new Critical Thinking
Strategies, updated texts and topics and 100%
new assessment.
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This pack includes:
Student Book
Key features
iQ Online Practice
Each unit video now has NEW "Work with the Video" pages in the Student
Book to guide students in watching, understanding, and discussing the
unit videos.
NEW Critical Thinking Strategies and activities in every unit help students
analyze, develop and justify their ideas. Online videos accompany each
strategy to help students gain a deeper understanding.
NEW skills videos provide illustrated explanations of skills and grammar
points in the Student Book to support students' skills development.
iQ Online Practice is now suitable for mobile use which gives students
greater flexibility in where and when they get extra skills practice, access
audio and video, and check their progress.
Teacher's Site
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1000's of activities
and ideas. Choose
by age group, book
title, topic or arena
of study.
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with Q: Skills
for Success
Third Edition
Vocabulary from the NEW Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon helps
students to develop essential spoken and written language for their
academic studies.
Vocabulary from the Oxford 3000™ and new Oxford 5000™ provide
students with the most frequent and relevant words they need in English,
as chosen by language experts.
Think critically.
Q: Skills for Success develops the critical thinking skills your students need.
What's new?
NEW Critical Thinking Strategies and activities in every unit to help
students analyze, develop and justify their ideas.
NEW author-voiced videos accompany each strategy to guide your
students' critical thinking and help them gain a deeper understanding.
Succeed academically.
Q: Skills for Success prepares students with the core language skills and the
softer skills they need for academic success.
The Third Edition promotes continuous learning and encourages students
to evaluate their own progress with detailed answer explanations and
reflection worksheets. Find all testing material online in the Teacher's
New texts and videos are on topics that have been chosen by teachers to
inspire students to engage with their learning.
A research-based vocabulary program focuses on the words students
need to know academically and professionally. The vocabulary syllabus in
Q: Skills for Success is correlated to the CEFR and linked to two word lists:
1. The Oxford 3000™ and new Oxford 5000™, which list the core words that
every learner needs to know, chosen by language experts.
2. The Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon (OPAL), which is collection of four
word lists that provide an essential guide to the most important words and
phrases to know in academic English. The OPAL includes both spoken and
written academic English and both individual words and longer phrases.
Extend learning beyond the classroom.
iQ Online Practice is now optimised for mobile use, allowing students to
get extra skills practice, access audio and video, and check their progress –
whenever and wherever suits them. This includes all Unit Videos, new
Critical Thinking Videos and new Skills Videos that provide illustrated
Q: Skills for
Success- Table
of Contents
Student Book
Sample Units
Q: Skills for
Success Scope and
Visit the
Teacher's Site
explanations of skills and grammar points in the Student Book.
The refreshed iQ Online Practice Discussion Board lets students discuss
their learning with their peers.
The updated Writing Tutor supports students to practice their academic
writing skills (available with Reading and Writing iQ Online Practice only).
For further practice and motivation, the new Extensive Reading program
o"ers sample chapters from Oxford Graded Readers aligned to each unit.
Part of... Q: Skills for Success
A six-level paired skills series that helps students to think
critically and succeed academically. The Third Edition builds
on Q: Skills for Success' question-centered approach with
even more critical thinking, up-to-date topics, and 100%
new assessment.
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