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The Great Trail in Ontario: A Guide

The Great Trail in Ontario
Le Grand Sentier au Ontario
This marks the connection of Ontario’s section of The Great Trail of Canada in honour of Canada’s 150 anniversary of
Confederation in 2017.
From where you are standing, you can embark upon one of the most magnificent and diverse journeys in the world.
Ceci marque le raccordement du Grand Sentier à travers l’Ontario pour le 150e anniversaire de la Confédération
canadienne en 2017.
À partir d’où vous êtes, vous pouvez entreprendre l’un des voyages les plus beaux et les plus diversifiés du monde.
Whether heading east, west, north or south, The Great Trail—created by Trans Canada Trail (TCT) and its partners—
offers all the natural beauty, rich history and enduring spirit of our land and its peoples.
Que vous vous dirigiez vers l’est, l’ouest, le nord ou le sud, Le Grand Sentier du Canada—créé par le sentier
Transcanadien (STC) et ses partenaires—vous offre ses multiples beautés naturelles ainsi que la riche histoire et
l’esprit qui perdure de notre pays et des gens qui l’habitent.
Launched in 1992, just after Canada’s 125 anniversary of Confederation The Great Trail was conceived by a group of
visionary and patriotic individuals as a means to connect Canadians from coast to coast to coast.
Lancé en 1992, juste après le 125 anniversaire de la Confédération du Canada, Le Grand Sentier a été conçu, par un
groupe de visionnaires et de patriotes, comme le moyen de relier les Canadiens d’un océan aux deux autres.
Given Canada’s vastness, varied terrain and sparse population, it was a bold—almost impossible—undertaking.
Étant donné l’immensité du Canada, sa population clairsemée et la nature variée du terrain, c’était une entreprise
audacieuse—presque impossible.
Today, the Trail stretches nearly 24,000 kilometres, giving Canadians, now and for generations to come, a way to
honour our shared history by retracing many of the routes that charted our nation’s development.
Aujourd’hui, le Sentier serpente sur près de 24 000 kilomètres. Il permet aux Canadiens, maintenant et pour des
générations à venir, de rendre honneur à leur histoire commune en empruntant à leur tour de nombreux itinéraires
qui ont préparé le développement de notre nation.
Paddlers can explore the rivers and lakes first traversed by Indigenous peoples and voyageurs; hikers and horseback
riders can meander the paths travelled by our first settlers; and cyclists can pedal the former railways that powered
early industry.
With hundreds of sections, The Great Trail is a trail of trails, running through urban, rural and wilderness areas,
including all provincial and territorial capitals and many of our country’s provincial, territorial and national parks.
The Great Trail provides Canadians and visitors alike with free, accessible recreational infrastructure promoting healthy
living, active transportation and an appreciation for Canada’s natural heritage.
Each Trail section also serves to shine the spotlight on that region’s unique history, geographical charms and cultural
heritage, making it an important asset for local tourism.
One of the most heartwarming aspects of the Trail is its grassroots nature. For decades, volunteer groups and
communities from the Atlantic to the Arctic and the Pacific oceans, have worked diligently towards realizing the grand
dream of connecting Canadians to their land and to one another.
These dedicated Trail builders overcame the challenges of difficult terrain and scarce resources through hard work and
optimism, resulting in the creation of the world’s longest and grandest trail; one that connects over 15,000 communities.
Bolstering their efforts have been thousands of generous and loyal donors, all levels of government, and a host of
dedicated patrons, National Champions, board members and staff. While often invisible, their support has been critical
to the development of the Trail.
On behalf of the people of Canada, Trans Canada Trail extends its heartfelt gratitude to each and every person who
has helped to make this bold dream a reality.
Thank you for this wonderful gift, one that Canadians bequeath to one another, to the world and to future generations.
The Great Trail is a sacred place: a place to stand and reflect, a place for discovery and pleasure. It’s common ground
that gives birth to new dreams and destinies.
Find it. Use it. Cherish it.
No matter your age, your passions or your beliefs, there is a link that connects us all.
Les pagayeurs peuvent explorer les rivières et les lacs qu’ont traversés les peuples autochtones et les trappeurs;
les randonneurs et les cavaliers peuvent flâner dans les sentiers arpentés par les premiers colons; et les cyclistes,
pédaler sur les anciens chemins de fer, moteur des débuts de l’industrie.
Avec ses centaines de tronçons, Le Grand Sentier est véritablement un sentier de sentiers. Il se déroule à travers des
régions urbaines, rurales et sauvages, y compris les capitales des provinces et des territoires, et plusieurs des parcs
provinciaux, territoriaux et nationaux de notre pays.
Le Grand Sentier fournit, aux Canadiens comme aux visiteurs, une infrastructure récréative accessible et gratuite, qui
favorise un mode de vie sain, le transport actif et la contemplation du patrimoine naturel du Canada.
De plus, chaque tronçon du Sentier braque les projecteurs sur la région qu’il parcourt, son histoire unique, ses attraits
géographiques et son héritage culturel, ce qui en fait un atout certain pour le tourisme local.
Le Sentier résulte d’efforts communautaires, c’est l’un de ses aspects qui nous réchauffe le plus le cœur. En effet,
pendant des décennies, des groupes de bénévoles et des communautés—de l’océan Atlantique à l’océan Arctique
et à l’océan Pacifique—ont travaillé avec diligence à la réalisation de ce grand rêve : relier les Canadiens les uns aux
autres et à leur pays.
Ces dévoués bâtisseurs du Sentier ont surmonté les obstacles des terrains accidentés et des ressources limitées,
grâce à leur travail acharné et à leur optimisme, pour aboutir à la création du plus long et du plus grandiose sentier
du monde, qui rassemble au-delà de 15 000 collectivités.
Leurs efforts ont été soutenus par des milliers de fidèles et généreux donateurs, tous les paliers de gouvernement
et une foule d’amis du Sentier, de champions nationaux, et de membres du conseil d’administration et du personnel
dévoués. Quoique souvent invisible, leur appui a été essentiel au développement
du Sentier.
Au nom des habitants du Canada, nous, du sentier Transcanadien, adressons notre gratitude à toutes les personnes
qui nous aident à faire de ce rêve ambitieux une réalité.
Merci de ce cadeau merveilleux, que les Canadiens s’offrent les uns aux autres, et lèguent au monde et aux
générations futures.
Le Grand Sentier est un lieu sacré : un endroit où se tenir debout et réfléchir, un lieu de découvertes et de joies. C’est
un terrain d’entente, où les rêves et les destinées se révèlent.
Repérez-le. Parcourez-le. Chérissez-le.
Quels de soient votre âge, vos passions et vos convictions, il existe un lien qui nous unit tous.
Trans Canada Trail Ontario
Sentier Transcanadien Ontario
Trans Canada Trail Ontario (TCTO) is a provincial
non-profit organization that represents The Great
Trail in Ontario, founded in 1992. TCTO’s mandate
is to plan and support trail development across the
province, with help from local agencies, government
organizations, community associations and First Nation
Sentier Transcanadien Ontario (STCO) est un organisme
provincial sans but lucratif qui représente Le Grand Sentier
en Ontario. Il a été fondé en 1992. Son mandat est de
planifier et de financer le développement du Sentier dans
la province, avec l’aide d’associations communautaires,
de collectivités des Premières Nations, d’organisations
gouvernementales et d’organismes locaux.
Ontario’s section of The Great Trail stretches over 5,000
kilometres, and offers a diverse range of trails allowing
for a multitude of world-class outdoor experiences in
both urban, rural and wilderness settings in the southern
and northern regions of the province.
Le segment du Grand Sentier en Ontario s’étend sur plus
de 5 000 kilomètres et présente une grande variété de
pistes pour une multitude d’expériences de plein air de
calibre mondial, dans les environnements urbains, ruraux
et sauvages des régions du sud et du nord de la province.
The Great Trail in Ontario connects approximately 150
communities through a collection of interconnected
multi-use trails; giving preference to non-motorized
trail use. In Ontario, many greenway routes are
reserved for walking, hiking, running, and skiing; with
cycling and paddling routes. The province is home to
the longest section of The Great Trail’s coast to coast
to coast network, starting at the Manitoba border across
to North Bay, down to Hamilton, and from Windsor to
Le Grand Sentier en Ontario réunit environ 150
collectivités par un réseau de sentiers à usages multiples
raccordés les uns aux autres, en privilégiant les activités
non motorisées. En Ontario, plusieurs voies vertes sont
réservées à la marche, à la randonnée, à la course et au
ski; il y a aussi des pistes cyclables et des voies navigables
pour les sports de pagaie. La province comprend le plus
long segment provincial du Grand Sentier. Ce segment
commence à la frontière du Manitoba traverse la province
jusqu’à North Bay, descend pour atteindre Hamilton puis
Windsor et remonte vers Ottawa.
North Bay
North Bay’s section of The Great Trail passes through
one of the most historic areas of Canada, and is
aligned with three of the original cross-country trails
that were used to explore, develop and populate this
great country.
These trails were used first by First Nations people, who
led the early explorers and fur traders along the Trout
Lake – La Vase River to Lake Nipissing on their way to
the West. Some well-known names made their way
along the original trail such as Samuel de Champlain in
1615 and followed by Jean Nicolet, Jacques Cartier and
Alexander MacKenzie, to name a few.
The Canadian Pacific Railway arrived in 1882 on its way
west. The railway became the second cross-country
trail to pass through the city. The push to assemble rail
lines across the country to the Rockies was an effort to
join Canada from east to west.
This pavilion sits on a portion of the original transCanada Highway where in 1916, it crossed Chippewa
Creek and the CPR tracks to enter North Bay and
continued west across Canada.
The Kate Pace Way is North Bay’s contribution to The
Great Trail; one path in a vast network of modern day
trails in the region championed by Discovery Routes
Trails Organization.
À propos du pavillon de North Bay
La section de North Bay du Grand sentier traverse
l’une des régions les plus anciennes historiquement
du Canada et elle abrite trois des sentiers d’origine qui
traversaient le pays et servaient à explorer, développer
et peupler ce magnifique pays.
Ces sentiers étaient utilisés par les peuples des
Premières nations qui guidaient les premiers
explorateurs et les commerçants de fourrures le long
du lac à la Truite et de la rivière La Vase vers le lac
Nipissing dans leur progression vers l’Ouest. Certains
noms ont laissé leur trace sur le sentier d’origine
comme Samuel de Champlain en 1615, suivi de Jean
Nicolet, Jacques Cartier et Alexander MacKenzie, pour
n’en nommer que quelques-uns.
Dans sa progression vers l’Ouest, le Chemin de fer
Canadien Pacifique est arrivé en 1882 à North Bay.
Il est devenu le deuxième sentier pancanadien qui
passe à travers la ville. L’objectif était d’établir une
ligne de chemin de fer en direction des Rocheuses et
de relier la côte est à la côte ouest.
Ce pavillon est situé sur une section de l’autoroute
transcanadienne d’origine où, en 1916, elle traversait
le ruisseau Chippewa et les rails du CFCP pour entrer
dans North Bay et se poursuivait ensuite vers l’Ouest
Le sentier Kate Pace est la contribution de North Bay
au Grand sentier. Il est intégré dans un vaste réseau de
sentiers modernes dans la région qui est parrainé par
la Discovery Routes Trails Organization.
North Bay
The Great Trail Across Canada
Louise Bourret
The Addison Family
Rosemary, Ed
Emily and Pete
1st Copper Cliff
1995 ~ 1996 ~ 1997 ~ 1998 ~ 1999 ~ 2000 ~ 2001 ~ 2002
75 years of Service
Alerts Athletic Club
1923 ~ 2000
Of The Finnish-Canadian
Amateur Sports Federation
To our parents
In loving memory of
Laurie-Anne Chivers
Robert Samuel Agnew
M.Eng P. Eng
June 9, 1958 – August 14, 1959
Gerard & Louise Chivers
Soar with the Eagles
Catherine Chivers
Mum and Dad
Cynthia & Gregory Giesler, Matthew, Amanda and John
Ahmic Lake
whose love affair with amateur sports
inspired these deeds and the book
Sports Pioneers
and finally, this plaque.
Sudbury, Ontario
Caroline & Jody Kernichan, Jeremy and Jeffrey
Almaguin News
Your Weekly Newspaper
In loving memory of
Almaguin News
Alice Letitia
Armstrong Innis
Serving East Parry Sound
Since 1885
1906 - 1986
The Armstrong
Donald & Patricia Baker
Wayne J, Gary P,
Sherry M Haddow
Susan B Darling
Mark K, Michael D,
Arnold Jr*, Shawn C
Diane~Colleen Baker
Arnold J C & Monica M
Burk’s Falls - Powassan
50th Wedding Anniversary
Cullen~Jase Baker
Jennifer~Heather Haines
The Bernas Family
Joe & Betty
Dean & Karen
Chelsea and Cory
Pam (Bernas) &
Harald Kreps
Taylor, Allyson and Rachel
“CBC” Coniston Book Club
“Pro Patria”
1st Kincardine Scouts
25 Happy Yrs C&N Hazen 02
5 Thompsons
6 Willowdale Venturer Co.
7A New Liskeard Public
96 B.Ed Sec.6 Nipissing U
A.C.C.L.T. Témiscamingue
Abbott, Connor
Abbott, John
Abdullah, Ekrem
Aber, William
Abthorpe, Mr. & Mrs. Geoff
Adair, Bill & Faith
Adamchuk, Sharon
Adamchuk, Walter
Adams, Bob & Lois
Adams, C.Wm. & Shirley
Adams, Dawn Doreen
Adams, Gemma Elizabeth
Adams, Gerry & Bob
Adams, Mike & Lenore
Adams, Mr. Ron
Adams, Ralph & Ellen
Adams, Stephen & Maureen
Adams, Ward
Adamson, R. Bruce
Advanced Transmissions
Agar, Peter & Lillian
Aglaia, Florentis
Agombar, Gordon & Annie
Aikin, David
Airth, Doug
Aitken, Andy
Aitkin, Dr. Brian
Aladar R-R & Nattana D-W
Alary, Rejean
Alatalo, Ray & Patsy
Alcock, Gloria M.
Aldrich, M.R.
Alexander, Anne
Alexander, David & Family
Alexander, Douglas
Alexander, Jean & Doug
Alexander, Mirabai
Alexander, Ruth
Alexander, Tom
Alexander, Vivian
Algar, Jay
Algonquin Nursing Home
Al-Hamdani, Shafik
Alho Vaino/Senja/Aune/Leo
Alho, Joann/Edward/Lynn
Alho, Leo & Christine
Alkins, Bill
Alkins, Robert John
Allain, Jean
Allain, Luc
Allain, M & Perreault, H
Allain, Rob/Leigh & Girls
Allair, Dianne & Charlie
Allan, Kathryn & Bill
Allan, Mary R.
Allcock, William G.
Allen, Chase & Joe
Allen, D.
Allen, Deryck
Allen, Erik
Allen, Eve A.
Allen, Jennifer & Michael
Allen, Mark
Alles, Eloise
Allgood, Bradley
Allick, Gary
Allwood, Lori & Neil
Almond, Blair R.
Almond, Connor M.
Almond, Maxwell S.M.
Almond, Paula Marentette
Almquist, Carl E.
Amadeo, Frank Edward
Ames, C.C. (Doc) & Family
Amos, Sharon
Amundrud, Barbara & Gordon
Anchor Inn & Marina
Andaloro, Julie
Andersen*, Monica
Andersen, Lars & Dawn
Anderson, Bing & Isabel
Anderson, Brett Riley
Anderson, Brian & Elaine
Anderson, Carolyn
Anderson, Cheryl L.
Anderson, Debra Deniece
Anderson, George & Doris
Anderson, Jack & Pat
Anderson, Janette
Anderson, Jessica
Anderson, John & Gladys
Anderson, Katie
Anderson, Lance & Jeanne
Anderson, Neil & Roberta
Anderson, Nelson & Julie
Anderson, Ralph 08/10/00
Anderson, Richard & Joyce
Anderson, Rob
Anderson, Stephan & Tory
Anderson, Stephan Michael
Anderson, Tanner
Anderson, Wallace ~ 1929
Andras, John S.G.
Andrews, Daphne
Andrews, Judith
Andrews, Marjorie
Andrews, Matthew
Andrews, Nicholas
Andrews, Sabrina
Anfossi, Erik
Anglin, Robert & Margaret
Anness, Danold & Helen
Anness, Elaine
Apolloni, M. & Family
Apollonio, Marc
Apollonio, Stephanie
Apple Auto Glass
Apramian, David
Apramian, Tavis
Apramian, Zale
Arbic, Gail
Arbique, Gérald
Arbuckle, R./Chickalo, C.
Archer, Leonard
Archer-Heese, Gail
Archer-Heese, Mackenzie J
Ardiel, Grace W.
Ardy, Cameron Ethan
Armitage, Lindsay V.
Armitage, Mervin (Sonny)
Armitage, Penny
Armstrong, Bob
Armstrong, Daniel
Armstrong, Don
Armstrong, Everette
Armstrong, Freda
Armstrong, Gordon
Armstrong, Irene
Armstrong, Joe C.W.
Armstrong, Rebecca-Lynn
Armstrong, Robert & Jackie
Armstrong, Scott
Armstrong, Victoria-Grace
Arnill, Rev. Dr. Murray
Arnold, Christie
Arnold, Mark
Arnold, Mark/Christie/Family
Arola Family
Arruda, Bernardino
Arthurs, David
Arthurs, Kendra
Arthurs, Richard
Artindale, Andy & Marge
Asbrede, Franz Alex Ella
Ascough, Andrew
Ash, Mike
Ash, Tim
Ashmore, Kylee
Askin, Ada M. Bour
Askin, Alfred
Askin, Mary Anne
Askin, Muriel
Askin, Nancy
Askin, Robert
Aspley, Peter
Asquith, Doug
Asselin, Andre J.
Asselstine, William
Astbury, Roy B.
Astron Specialty Metals
Atcheson-Willis, Violet
Athey, Isobel & Alan
Atkinson, Alena & Ryan
Atkinson, Joanne
Atkinson, Ron & Kathy
Atkinson, T. J. D. C.
Atkinson, Trevor & Janice
Atwood Family
Atwood, Lenisa Jeanne
Aubé, Debbie
Aubin, Orlene et Pierre
Auclair, Liza D.
Auger, Marie & David
Auger, Ray, Deb & Kids
Auger, Shannon
Austin, Damon Godfrey
Autio, Erin
Autio, Matias
Autio, Reino J.
Avila 2000 ~ 2001
Axtmann, Michael
Ayora, Eric
Ayotte, André
Ayranto, Olavi
Azula, Paulina
Azzola, Lillian
B S P Prec Alpha Delta
Babcock, Christine
Backx, Daniel & Renée
Backx, Roxanne & Mitch
Backyard Birder Shop
Bacon, Barbara McLeod
Baczyk, Della A.
Baczyk, Rikki Lee
Baddeley, Kenneth
Badeau, Young Jacqueline
Baechler, Jordan
Baechler, Marion Genevieve
Baechlor, Marion
Bagatto, Dr. Giuseppe
Baglole, Karen-Marie
Bagno, Christina G.
Baier, Murray & Donna
Baillie, Craig
Bain, Dr. & Mrs. H.
Bain, Ella C.
Bain, Ella C~July 13, 1968
Bain, Kate
Bain, Malcolm C.
Bain, Orma
Bain, Orma (Boettger)
Bain, Trish
Baird, Roland & Betty
Bajewsky, Ingrid
Baker, Don
Baker, Heather
Baker, Ian
Baker, Lynda
Baker, Nicole
Baker, Paityn Lee P ~ ‘Grdtr’
Baker, Peggy & Larry
Baker, Rob
Baker, Ronald Orlan
Baker, Shane
Baker-Heckley-Saari Fam.
Baldwin, Ken
Baldwin, Richard E.
Bale, Michael R.J.
Balfe-Paul Family
Balinty Family
Ball, Fred
Ball, Naomi
Ballantyne, Maggie Blyth
Ballantyne, Pat & Bob
Ballard, Allison
Ballentine, Carole
Ballentine, Dorothy
Ballentine, T. & Family
Bancroft, Linda J.
Bannatyne, Kristine
Bannatyne, Linda
Bannatyne, Travis
Bannerman D./Martineau T.
Bannister, Elizabeth
Bannister, Pearl
Banting, Arthur & Isabelle
Banting, Sue
Bantten, Gord & Fran
Bar Italia Restaurant
Bar, Roman & Auguste
Barban, Cole David
Barban, Tyler James
Barber, Cassidy Lee Anne
Barber, Doreen
Barber, John
Barber, John & Doreen
Barber, Sarah Louise
Barber, Sean Timothy
Barbetta, Frank J.
Barclay, June
Barclay, Sue & Freeman, Val
Barker, John David Charles
Barker, Michael
Barkhouse, Connie
Barkhouse, Edith
Barkley Family
Barkwell, Bill
Barnacal, David
Barnard, Bryan W.
Barnard, Roy Benson
Barnes, Barbara & Edward
Barnes, Herbert
Barnes, Kevin R.
Barnes, Stephen
Barnes, William & Mary
Barnett, Theresa L.
Baronette, Gerry&Caroline
Baronette, Roland & Odette
Barrer, David Clayton
Barrett, George
Barrett, Jeff
Barrett, Katelyn Michelle
Barrett, Lydia
Barrett, Verna
Barrette, Marc
Barritt, Donna
Barrow, George/Ruth ~ T.Bay
Barry Family
Barry, Larry J.
Barry, Robt. D.
Barry, Ron John
Barsanti Orlando & Family
Barton, AC Majer & Family
Basile, Camaria Nicole
Baskey, John K.
Bastien, W. Bing
Basto, Jack Mathew
Bateman, Paul & Phyl
Bates, Marie
Battah, Jennifer ~ CTC
Battah, Joanne
Battle, Denis & Cindy-ONT
Baughman Family
Baulch, Samatha
Bauman, Marion I.
Baumann, Ruth & Bert
Baxter, Melissa L.
Bayles, Tom & Sandra
Bazinet, Richard
Beach, William
Beacock, Uriel (1930~2007)
Beale, Douglas
Beall, John Philip
Beaton, Heather
Beattie, Anne
Beattie, Beth
Beattie, Fred & Dorothy
Beattie, Fred & Heather
Beattie, Paul
Beaucage, George
Beaucage, Matthew
Beaucage, Raymond & Lori
Beauchamp, Andre
Beaudry, Leo L.
Beaudry, Madison
Beaugrand, Mr. Mrs. Joseph
Beaulieu, Angèle
Beaulieu, Jacqueline
Beauparlant, Brent
Beauparlant, Jasmin G.
Beauparlant, Nicole
Beauparlant, Yves R.
Beaupre, Barry
Beauregard, Daryl W.
Beauregard, Scouter Paul
Beausoleil-Lalonde, Lucie
Beauvais, Marielle
Beaver Lumber
Beaver, John & Julie
Beaver, Julie & John
Beavers, Bill & Gisele
Bebbington, Meredith
Beck, Elliot David
Beck, Nathan Jay
Beckett, Gerald James
Beckett, Peter & Brigitte
Becking, Marci
Becksted, Karen & Scott
Becksted, Shirley
Becksted, Shirley & Bob
Becky & Takara
Bédard, Annie (Göeland)
Bédard, John & Charlotte
Bedford, Karen Rob-bie Jen
Beebe, Doug
Beebe, Eugene & Marjorie
Beebe, Katherine
Beebe, Trish
Beeson, Kenny Ray
Beeson, Norm & Velda
Beeson, Teddy James
Beger Family
Begy, Brian & Maxine
Behrend, Frank
Beiles, Brian Oscar
Beilhartz, Dean
Beilhartz, Helen Mae
Beilhartz, Lorne & Helen
Beilhartz, Lorne Russell
Bekintis, Walter
Belan, Bradley
Belan, Peter
Belan, Velma
Belan, Wendy
Beland, Andrea
Béland, Ann Marie
Béland, Georges
Beland, Jaclyn
Beland, Norm & Darlene
Beland, Sarah
Bélanger, André & Tina
Belanger, Joan
Belanger, Lil K.
Belanger, Maurice & Family
Belanger, Sylvia & Henry
Bélanger, Vincent+Lucette
Belden, Ca$h
Belfiore, Andrea
Belfry, Allan & Suzanne
Belgrove, John
Belisle, Daniel
Bélisle, Joanne
Bell, Carl
Bell, Carl*/Shirley/Brenda
Bell, Eric
Bell, Gayle “Nana”
Bell, George H.
Bell, Jason
Bell, Jason K.
Bell, Laddie & Iona
Bell, Margot
Bell, Norm & Mary
Bellmore, Margaret
Bellmore,Ryley Kate Gibbs
Belton, Laura
Belton, Scott
Belton, Shawn
Belton, Tom
Belvedere Heights
Belyea, Jaime
Belyea, Victoria
Bénard, Debbie
Benne, Peter A.
Bennett, Bruce & Family
Bennett, Vera
Bennett, W.S.
Benoit, Dennis & Daniel
Benoît, Félix
Benoit, Jake
Benoit, Jamie Dale
Benoit, John D.
Benson Family
Benson, M & L/Alana/Sarah
Benton, Lyle
Bergelt, Joerg & Terri
Bergelt, Melanie
Bergeron, Georgette G.
Bergeron, Réal Delphis
Berghamer, Teresa
Berlinguette, Willow
Berndt, Horst
Bernie & Sylvie
Bernier, Raymond
Bernier, Romeo
Bernier, Theresa
Berry, Edmond 1934~2005
Berryman, Sarah C.
Berryman, Sarah Catherine
Bertha Bumchuckles
Bertin, Iris
Bertrand, Jerry & Joanne
Bertrand, Maggie
Bertrand, Margaret Doreen
Bertrim, David
Bertsch, Marie-Noella
Bertsch, Rudy
Bertuola, John R.
Best, Edgar
Beswitherick, Ken
Beswitherick, Marg
Bet, Domenico & Adriana
Betts, Kay
Betz, Elwood L.
Betz, May G.
Betz, Patricia E.
Bezner Kerr, Rachel
Bianco, Kurt & Melissa
Bice, Addie
Bichan, M. Joan
Bickerton, Sheila & Don
Bidin, Gino
Bielanski, Stashu P.
Bielby, Millie
Biffis, Benjamin Joel
Biffis, Jeremy William
Biffis, Jonathan Rudy
Biffis, Wesley James
Biffis-Kri, Sandy
Biggs, Robert
Biggs, Ted
Bigras, Clem J.
Bigras, Jordan & Brady
Bigras, Raymond
Bigras, Wade & Jennifer
Biloski, Edward J.
Bilous, Jacob Stefan
Bilous, Kristopher Patrick
Bilous, Landon Tomas
Bilous, Steve
Bilsbarrow, Marilyn
Binda Family
Binda, Doris Rita
Binda, Tracey & Dino
Binette, David James
Bingham, Keith
Binns, Ronald & Penny
Birnie, Ida & George
Birnie, Michael C. & Jan
Birta, Dianne
Bishop, Lyn & Betty-Lou
Bishop, Monica
Bisnaire, Lynn
Bisson, Donna/Marc/Family
Black, Bertha
Black, Darin G. 1976-2008
Black, Elliott & Shirley
Black, Elsa K.
Black, J. Aaron
Black, Ralph & Family
Blackall, Alana
Blackall, Pauline (Mom)
Blackbourn, Dr. Tony
Blackbourn, Harry
Blackbourn, Margaret
Blackledge, Art
Blair, Cameron
Blair, Christopher M.
Blair, David G.
Blair, Gabi
Blair, Morgan G.
Blair, Rose (Mrs John C)
Blais, Diane
Blais, Pauline S.
Blanchard, Donald H.
Blanchard, Kali-Lyn
Blanchard, Lloyd & Barbara
Blanchard, M et Plante, L
Blanchard, Marna I.
Blandford, George & Dot
Blaser, Bob & Geneva
Blewett, Catherine
Blewett, David
Blewett, Robert
Blewett, Ruth
Blind River Public School
Blind River XC Ski Club
Blomberg, Andrew & Sandra
Bloomfield, Alice Louise
Bloomfield, Dennis George
Blue & Allie
Blum, Britt & Brandy
Blum, Ron & Madelene
Blythe, Dawn
Bobrowich, Grant & Kim
Bobyk, Frank & Judy
Bode, Arthur
Bode, Christine & Marc
Bode, Leslie & Rena
Bode, Lothar
Boden, Allen
Boden, Helen
Bodimeade, Neil & Ian
Bodley, Steven Christopher
Bodnaryk, Garrett
Body Lines by Crack Ltd.
Boehm, Karen
Boilard, August/Virginia
Boileau, Vivian
Boire, Gail & George
Bois, Rich/Mike/Jo/Nancy
Boissonneault, Luc
Boisvert, Daniel M.
Boisvert, Laurier
Boisvert, Michelle C.
Boland, Frank
Boland, Winnifred
Bolduc, Normand
Boles, David Alan
Boles, Whitney
Bolton, Barbara
Bolton, David S.
Bolton, Dr. Robin
Bolton, Lynn R.
Bona, Leonard James
Bond, Robert & Eleanor
Bonfada, Larry & Shannon
Boniface, Grant W.
Booth, Jonathan
Booth, Leslie Arthur
Borchardt, John & Margo
Borden John/Ian/Fraser/Mo
Borland, Harry
Borton, Diana C.
Borys, Shelley
Bos, Cees & Eileen
Bos, Susan & Andrew
Boshcoff, Mayor Ken
Bosnjak, Barbara
Boston, Anthony Michael
Boston, Joe & Leida & Family
Bosworth, John & MaryAnn
Bottomley, E.M.
Bottomley, E.M. & Jack
Bouchard, Ambroise&Yvette
Bouchard, Gilles
Bouchard, Sue/McKenna, Wm
Boucher, Jack Edward
Boucher, Leslie A.
Boudreau, Willie
Boudreault, André J. A.
Bouffard, Cecile
Bouffard, Sabin
Boufford, Derek
Bould, Randy B.
Boulianne, Reggie
Bound, Peter
Bourcier, Louis & Eunice
Bourdon, Joe & Jackie
Bourdon, Paul
Bourdon, Rick & Carole
Bourgeois, Timothy G.J.
Bourgon, Rev. Robert O.
Bourne, Dave & Marilyn
Bourret, Louise
Bowden-Vipond Family
Bower, Michael David
Bowers, Jim & Rae
Bowes, Don
Bowes, Maureen
Bowes, Ron & Kaireen
Bowick, Bill
Bowiec, Ruth
Bowler, Dr. Adrian P.
Bowles, David L.
Box, Earl & Walker, Anne
Box, Thomas A.
Boyce, Shirley & James
Boychuk, Claire
Boyd, Andrea Marie
Boyd, DJ, PG, AM & TW
Boyd, Heather & Terry
Boyd, James Clinton JDSM
Boyd, Joshua
Boyd, Margaret Murphy
Boyd, Peter Graham
Boyd, Sarah
Boyd-Lucas, Jim & Brenda
Boyko, William Harry
Boyle, Joseph & Gillian
Boyuk, Denver Wesley
Boyuk-Henri, Brandon
Boyuk-Henri, Kelton
Bradford, David & Nora
Bradford, Erin E.
Bradford, Kendel
Bradford, Roger & Lynda
Bradley Law Office
Bradley, Austin
Bradley, Duncan
Bradley, Scott
Bradley, Wendy
Bradshaw, Alison
Bradshaw, Susan
Brady, Benjamin J.
Brady, Dave
Brady, Dwight J. & Family
Brady, Glenda Elizabeth
Brady, John & Marie
Brady, Michael & Michelle
Brady, Mrs. E.
Brady, Patrick J. & Dorreen
Brady, Robert & Jo-Anne
Bragnalo, Judy
Brandle-Robson, Dakota
Brandt, Alison Patricia
Brandt, Cate Helen
Brandt, Gweneviere Carole
Brandt, Isaac
Brandt, Jorja
Brandt, Lilah Grace
Branston, Roseann & Carl
Braun, Brittany Liza
Braun, Joseph Peter
Braund, Art
Brauner, Amy, Vicky & Mark
Brauner, Mayla & Parents
Brazeau, Jeff
Breadner, Elsa & Jim
Breadner, Moe
Breathat, Baby Thomas
Bredewold, Bill & Theresa
Bremner, Dave Chris & Sons
Bren Mar Mich Old & New
Brendel, Sylvie
Brennan, Eric
Brennan, Mike
Brennan, Philip
Brennan, Teresa
Brescacin Madio J & Eva L
Bresnahan, Jack & Kaye
Brethour, Gordon
Breton, Pierre & Lison
Brett, Brooke & Candice
Brett, Carolyn
Brewer, Ross & Noreen
Briand, Barbara
Brick Family
Brideau, Michael Allen
Briden, Pat
Briggs, Hugh
Brigham, Andrea Dawn
Brigham, Andrew & Dawn
Brigham, Andrew/M.D. Jr.
Brigham, Milford
Brigham, Milford*&Mary-Lou
Brightman, Angela
Brignall, Kyla & Mike
Thank you for your support
In memory of
Lorne* & Violet* (Puddy)
Leonard* & Mavis
Carl* & Shirley
Herman & Helen
Harry & Eleanor
Viola (Bell) Ney
Hommage à Blais
Jeanne (Daigle)
Guy et Joan (Bennett)
Robert et Sandra:
Stacey, Michell;
Richard et Olive: Geoffrey
In Honour Of Our Parents
Carl* & Viola (Bell)
Brian & Pat
Rita & Gary
Howard & Carol
Gloria & Wayne
& families
Rene (1914-89) & Jean (Ringrose) (1915-94)
Gary Franklin & Lyse (Rochette)*/Patricia (Maxwell)
David R~Philippe M
Thomas William & Karen (Willis)
Sarah W~Megan W
Terrance Rene & Janet (Fullarton)
Kimberly A~Jason T
Gerald R. Bernier
Claudette Mallette
Leonard Bernier
Roland Bernier
Jeannine and André
With love
Jacques, Denise,
Louis, Lina and Mona
Christmas 1999
Boyko Family
In loving memory of
Hartley & Edna
M. Patricia Brandle
William Harry
Tammy Gray
Donald F. & Michelle R.
Mark R.D. and Jason R.
May all who pass this point
arrive at their destination safely.
Richard F. McKean
October 24, 1916
July 29, 1993
Thanks for teaching us
to walk and enjoy it.
The Brunsch Family
In loving memory of
May 22, 1954
February 14, 1975
Richard Edward
You will always
be in our hearts
1947 - 1997
Your family
Fred Bernier &
Louise (Ranger)
The Bosley Family
In loving memory of
Frank Steven
In loving memory of
Traverse the Trail:
Rejoice, delight;
Remember those who
forged the way.
Clinton C. Brooks
Edward F* & Edith B*
Wayne E & Donna I
Bruce W & Linda M
Melanie L and Robert B
Brian P & Lorianne M
For Julie Derochie
In memory of
Carol D. Russell
So full of life, always anxious to please,
Giving, helping and serving others.
It’s your turn now to let the Angels
guide you along these Canadian trails,
to enjoy never-ending beauty and peace.
28 November 1948
23 January 2008
A trailbreaker, a pathfinder, a friend
An inspiration in the journey of life
Always remembered
Forever loved
In loving memory of
Austin O. Buck
October 1919 ~ May 1976
Always in our hearts
Martin, Murray, Susan,
Norman, Sharon & Nola
Until we meet atop God’s mountain slopes…
Your Silver Star Ski Buddies
In Memory of
Murray & Vera Cameron
1935 ~ 1972
In loving memory of
Clarence Buck
1912 ~ 1997
You will always
be in my heart
with their children
Don, Gord, Doug,
Kathy, Sandy, Norm
The village of
Burk’s Falls
Annie Marion Percival
In loving memory of
October 25, 1904 ~ February 20, 1995
Gordon Lind
Devoted mother, grandmother and great-grandmother; pillar of the North Bay community
and Presbyterian Church; friend and inspiration to all who knew her.
As you travel this trail, may you experience a sense of
the joy and serenity Gordie brought to our lives.
Eerik Plinte Percival
Family and friends.
December 29, 1985 ~ January 13, 2002
Cherished son and brother, forever loved and missed by all.
Brimmell, Helen & Richard
Briscoe, Diane Sheila
Briscoe, Donald C.R.
Brisland, Derek Wulstan
Bristow, Danyelle
Bristow, Lloyd & Wendy
Bristow, Margaret
Bristow, Matilda
Bristow, Terence
Brittain, Ainsley
Brittain, Caila Grace
Brochu, André
Brock, Alison
Brock, David
Brock, Douglas
Brock, John-Paul
Brock, Mary Lou
Brockie, Mildred & David
Brockie, Ted & Ruth
Brocklehurst Pathfinders
Brodeur, Grant
Bromley, Patricia
Bronell, Tim
Bronicheski, Joseph 1930~2009
Bronicheski, Stan 1929~2010
Brooks, David & Cindy
Brooks, Fred Sr.
Brooks, Marjorie Douglas
Brooks, Robert
Brosko, Jean
Brotherton, John A.
Broughton, Beverley
Brouse, Frances W.
Brouse, Kristy Allison
Brouse, Len & Carol
Brouse, Russell & Family
Brouse, Sterling W.
Brouwers, Adrian
Brown, Almeda
Brown, Andrew & Patricia
Brown, Bradley James
Brown, Carma
Brown, Cynthia Anne
Brown, Dawne Elizabeth
Brown, Deb L.
Brown, Doug & Edie
Brown, Dustin J.
Brown, Eliz/Chantal/Lucas
Brown, Gary & Karen
Brown, Gary D.
Brown, Heather G.
Brown, Jackie
Brown, James Joseph
Brown, Jane & Bob
Brown, Jeph
Brown, Joe
Brown, John & Joellen
Brown, John Cecil
Brown, Kenneth B.
Brown, Lauren Boyd
Brown, Lindsay & Jeff
Brown, Liz
Brown, Mackenzie 04 Apr 07
Brown, Marjorie A.E.
Brown, Owen James
Brown, R. Derek
Brown, Ray & Laurel
Brown, Robert E.L.
Brown, Ronald Alexander
Brown, Ruth & Rooney
Brown, Steve & Anne
Brown, Steve & Carolyn
Brown, Zachary Read
Browne, Christopher James
Browne, Marion
Browne, Mitchell Wayne
Browne, Ruth Marion
Browne, Tracy Joan
Browne, Zachary Christoph
Browning, Mrs. Charlotte M
Brownlee, Anna
Brownlee, Brendon H.
Brownlee, Caitlin M.L.
Brownlee, Cristina
Brownlee, Daniel J.
Brownlee, Diane, Sandra & Eric
Brownlee, James Jonathan
Brownlee, Michaela E.
Broxterman, Tony & Shirley
Bruce, Allan
Bruce, Donald A.
Bruce, Elaine & Murnie
Bruce, Verna M.E.
Brule, George W.
Brumpton, Benjamin
Brumpton, Jaclyn
Brundl, Stephanie
Brunet, Marcel
Brunet, Natalie
Bruno, David
Bruno, E. James
Brusse, Regan & Cheyenne
Bruzzese, Mark & Bev
Bryan, Daniel A.
Bryant, William B.
Bryce, Jeff
Bubba & Kaylyn
Buchanan, Sharon & Harry
Buchar, Chuk
Buchar, Katie
Buchler, John & Family
Buchner, Joyce
Buchowski, Steve
Buck, Dorothy Ann
Buckner, Yvonne & famille
Buell, Wesley
Buissinne, Ray
Bulford, Lisa-Beth
Bulloch, Lynn
Bullock, Lindsay & Derek
Bulman, Philip J.
Bulmer, Andrew R.
Bumbacco, Joe
Bunka, Mary
Bunker, Kathryn Leigh
Burant, Corey
Burbridge, Jennifer Lind
Burbridge, Stephanie Karen
Burchall, Roy
Burchill, Edna
Burchill, John
Burchill, Robert W.
Bureau, Marcel R.
Burger, George Sr.
Burgess, Helen & Ralph
Burgstaler, Peter & Vicki
Burk, Reg & Pat
Burke, Mrs. Isabel
Burke, Paul
Burke, Robyn
Burkhardt, Oma
Burkholder, Tessa
Burlack, Nick & Marg
Burnell, Rick
Burnell, Rick* & Family
Burnett, Ruth Lillian
Burns, Adeline M.
Burns, Lawrence Vincent
Burns, Marilyn Jean
Burns, Robert
Burrell, Gordon C.
Burris, Samuel Martin
Burrows, Ed
Burt, David & Pat
Burt, Harvey A.
Burt, John E.
Burtoft, Peter & June
Burton, Bill & Ann
Burton, Brian
Burton, Carey & Candace
Burton, Carol
Burton, James Osborne
Burton, Mary Elizabeth
Burton, R. Geoffrey
Burton, Richard J.
Busch, Bill & Bertha
Busch, Cletus
Buse, Judith & Dieter
Buse, Salvador J.R.P.
Bussières, Chantal H.G.
Bussières, Papa Johnny ~ 75th
Bussières-Bond, Nicole H.G.
Bussmann, Peter
Bustard, Ronald
Butcher, Elaine
Butler, Michelle H.G.
Butt, Christy
Byers, Alberta L.
Byers, Hazle/Constant*, HJ
Byers, Steven Paul
C.C.P.S. - Iroquois Falls
Cacciotti, Frank
Cacciotti, Renzo F.
Cacciotti, Vladimiro
Cade, Pamela
Caissie, Barbara Wykes
Caissie, Colleen Gauthier
Caissie, Elaine Pigeau
Caissie, Lynn Merrick
Caissie, Paul
Caissie, Richard
Caissie, Robert
Calaiezzi, Domonic
Calam, John & Henrietta
Calback, John W.
Calcafuoco, Giuseppe M.
Calder, Ray & Val
Calderwood, Hugh
Caldwell, Howard G.N.
Callahan, Tom & Kathy
Callander, Laura
Calvelli, Helen
Calvery, Doris M.
Cameco Corporation
Cameron, Bill & Treva-Lee
Cameron, Gordon & Marie
Cameron, J.B. Anne
Cameron, Mia Chi
Cameron, Nairne
Cameron, Patricia
Cameron, Peter
Cameron, Rose & Bill
Cameron, Roy & Family
Cammaert, Peter
Cammaert, Rose
Camp Chemong 1910
Camp Klahanie
Camp Koinonia
Campbell Baker, Catherine
Campbell Bernard & Helene
Campbell Nathan Thos. Wm.
Campbell, Adam Johnathon E.
Campbell, Alex
Campbell, Amy
Campbell, Amy M.
Campbell, Bert & Jo-Anne
Campbell, Bonnie & Gord
Campbell, Charles B.
Campbell, Charles D.
Campbell, Clinton Gordon
Campbell, Dave & Betty
Campbell, Douglas B.
Campbell, Elliot Frasier
Campbell, Everett
Campbell, Everett & Ada
Campbell, J. & Norman, D.
Campbell, Jay
Campbell, Jeffrey Robert
Campbell, Joel
Campbell, Joel C.
Campbell, Joshua
Campbell, Justin Peter F.
Campbell, Lisa & Don
Campbell, M. Jean
Campbell, Mary C.
Campbell, Mary S.
Campbell, Morris & Amber
Campbell, Robert
Campbell, Robert Gordon
Campbell, Robert*/Juanita
Campbell, Stella
Campbell, Virginia
Campeau, Sylvie
Campion, Jennifer
Campion, W.J.
Campling Family
Campsall, Eric
Campsall, Jeff
Campsall, Jeff M.
Campsall, Jeffrey M.
Canada Trust
Canadian Daughters #63
Canadian Daughters’ League #34
Canadian Daughters League 63
Cancilla, Frank Dominic
Cann, M. W. P.
Canniff, Lorrie
Cannon Family
Cano, Anthony
Cano, Anthony & Clarice
Cano, Clarice
Carbert Family
Carbert, Charles Lloyd & Anne
Carbone, Benjamin Peter
Carbone, Calla Agnes
Carbone, Dana L.
Carbone, Ian McGregor
Carbone, James W.
Carbone, Jason M.
Carbone, Laurel A.
Carbone, Peter John
Carbone, Sarah Elina
Cardinal, Léo
Carew, David Michael
Carfagnini, Shirley
Carloss, Paul
Carnie, John Andrew
Carnie, Robert
Carol & Guy
Caron, Don & Judy
Caron, Yvon
Carpeneto, Lynn
Carpenter, Art
Carr, Angele
Carr, Cameron G.
Carricato, Peter
Carrier, Godfrey
Carriere, Francine
Carrière, Marie-Andrée
Carrière, Renée
Carrière, Sophie & Eric
Carrillo, Joseph Edward
Carrillo, Kayla Zoe
Carroll, Anne & Paul
Carroll, Sarah Lacey Jess
Carroll, Tracy
Carruthers, Bruce J.
Carruthers, Margaret E.
Carscadden, Robert
Carscadden, Tim
Carson Family
Carswell, Donald H. J.
Carter, Bill & Marian
Carter, Charles E.
Carter, Darrin & Michelle
Carter, Dr. Joel
Carter, Glen & Sharon 2001
Carter, John Donald
Carter, John Paul
Carter, N. & Chan, A.
Carther, Tom & Dierdre
Caruso, John
Caruso, Michael John
Carvalho, Oscar
Cary, Ross
Casas, Maria
Case, Kenwood
Casement, Robert John
Casey, Makena Kelly
Cashaback Family
Casola, Silvana Eve
Cassell, Helen Mary
Castonguay, Denis
Castors-22 l’Annonciation
Caswell, Allison
Catalano, Mr. & Mrs. P.
Catellier, Rachelle
Cathie & Glenn 06/07/03
Catoen, Emmy
Catoen, Peter H.
Catona, Stefan
Cattarello, Carlo
Cattarello, Diana
Catton, Alexander Luoma
Catton, Zachary Luoma
Caudwell, Mary E.
Cavanagh, Connor & Family
Cavanaugh, William
Cawston, Mihlan & Betty
Cazabon, Melody J.
Ceaser, Dawn Marie
Ceaser, Jack, B.Sc.
Ceccarelli, Derek
Cecchetto, Edward J.
Cecchetto, Elena
Cechet, Larry S.
Cedarbough Ont. Rangers
Cederwall, Gillian Rae
Cederwall, Josée
Cederwall, Mark
Cédilot, Roger & Gisèle
CEP Local 105
CEP Local 1323
Cesarin, Taylor Marianna
CGC ID 2000
Chaboyer, Drew & Rowan
Chadbourne, D. Alexander
Chadbourne, Valerie G.
Chain, Philippe
Chalifoux*, Albert R
Chamberlain, Joe & Lila
Chamberlain, Pegg
Chambers, Andrea
Chambers, Bayly MacDonald
Chambers, Chris
Chambers, Diane
Chambers, Stephanie
Chambers, Thomas
Chambers, Thomas* & Heather
Chan, Dr. Ben
Chan, Jeffrey
Chandler, Lloyd Heatley
Chapman, Danny
Chapman, David MacLean
Chapman, Gord
Chapman, Mel
Chapple, Pat/Bob Jr./Bruce
Chaput, Shannon
Charbonneau, Angie
Charbonneau, Jean-Paul
Charette, Arlene
Charette, Elmer
Charette, Meimi (Maki)
Charette, Roland
Charette, Roy
Charlebois, Gilles
Charlebois, Jacob
Charlebois, Tim
Charles, Casey D.
Charles, Monique
Charles, Sidney
Charon, Jérémie
Charron, Eddie E.
Charron, René R.
Charron, Sylvain
Chartrand, Gilles/famille
Chartrand, Veronica
Charuk, Nick & Nadia
Chase, Adrian
Chase, Marilee
Chaves, James
Chayer, Hélène
Chaylt, Thérèse
Chen, Jimmy Aquen
Chen, Michelle
Chenier, Jason & Michelle
Cheslock Gord & Rosemarie
Chesnick, Chaz & Mae
Chesnick, Harry
Chevalier, Jean-Marc
Chevalier, Jo-Anne
Chevrefils Claude/Colette
Chevrette Family
Cheyenne Slusar
Chezzi, Carlee
Chezzi, Connor
Chiasson, Emile
Chichka, Monica T.
Chicoine Family
Childs McKenzie Families
Chinn, Yvonne
Chippendale, Rick & Debbie
Chircoski, Melvyn/Marilyn
Chirico, Dr. Jim
Chisholm, Nathalie & Kevin
Chisholm, Sarah Rose
Chivers-Wilson, Eileen/WM
Cholette, Stéphanie
Chris & Shelley ~ Aug. 6/94
Christakos, Athena
Christian, Donald E.
Christian, Johanna
Christian, Karl
Christian, Samuel
Christian, Susan
Christian, William
Christiansen, A.D. 1977~1999
Christie, Myrna Margaret
Christie, Rusty D.
CHS GCEOA Indecisive 1999
Chung, Wah
Church, Dwayne E.
Cianchetti, Ryan/Sam/Matt
Cianfrini, Aldo & Family
Cicci, Emma Laura-Marie
Ciccone, Alfredo
Cicero, Denise M.
Cicero, Michael A.
Cichelly, Robin, Tony & Family
Cichuttek, Philip
Cimone, Joseph & Helen
Cindy & Brad
Cindy, Dave, John, Sue, Ted
Cistaro, Epifanio
Cistaro, Letizia
Cistaro, Salvatore
Clair, Jacob/Helayna/Bill
Clan Cavanagh
Clara Grandkids
Clarance, Lynda & John
Clare, Tom & Barbara
Clark Gang
Clark, Bonita R.
Clark, David Angus 1922~2007
Clark, Jill
Clark, Kelsey
Clark, Kenneth H.
Clark, Kent 1952 ~ 2007
Clark, Laura Anne
Clark, Laurence Gilbert
Clark, Lorne M.
Clark, Nancy
Clark, Randy & Pat
Clark, Robert
Clark, Robert Bruce
Clark, Robin & Deb
Clarke, Darwin
Clarke, George & Ingrid
Clarke, Jonah Gordon
Clattenburg, Connie
Clattenburg, Mr. & Mrs. G.
Clausi, Margaret
Clausi, Ross
Clay, James R.
Clean North
Clear Lake Farm
Cleland, John
Cleland, Roy S.
Clement, Albert & Family
Clement, Max & Louise
Clement, Susan
Clement, Susan & Wes
Clement, Wray & Family
Clements, George Walker
Clifford, Helena
Clifford, Sean
Cline, Evan Patrick
Cline, Meghan Elizabeth
Clinesmith, Larry
Close, Donald & Clare
Clout, R. G. (Bob)
Clube Português de Sudbury
Clumpus, Dr. F.J.
Clyke, James
Clysdale, Don & Pat
Clysdale, Ivan A & A E Joy
Coates, Andrew Miller
Coates, Dorothy & George
Coates, Neil & Jana
Coats, Alexander Walker
Coats, Cameron Angus
Coats, Catriona
Coats, Celtie I.
Coats, David Paulsen
Coats, Neil & Jana
Coccimiglio, John & Laura
Coccimiglio, Luisa
Cochran, Colin & Jennifer
Cochran, Kathy
Cochrane, R. & Brusse, Y.
Cochrane, Robert D. (Bob)
Cochrane, Robert R. & Amy
Cockburn, Dan
Coderre, Laurent
Coe, Eileen M.
Coe, Richard & Rose
Coffey, David & Donna
Coffman, John ~ Happy 65th
Coffman, Lewis & Marilyn
Colasacco, Joseph
Colcock, Wm. E.
Cole, Blanche
Cole, Gloria
Cole, Willis & Diane
Coleman, Mark Poole
Coleman, Tyler Cody
Coles, C. & Cousineau, J.
Coles, Gordon & Patricia
Coles, Wendy
Collette, John
Collette, Leah (Ford)
Collette, Robert & Barb
Collette, Stephen
Collie, Eddie
Collins, Alain
Collins, Blair
Collins, Darcy
Collins, Ronald F.
Collins, Ryan D.R.
Collins, Sean C.N.
Collins, Todd & Becky
Collock, William E.
Comeau, Theresa
Compton, Lori
Computers Plus
Coniston Book Club
Coniston Book Club “CBC”
Conle, Karl W.
Conle, Krista E.
Connelly, Corey
Connoly, Mervin E.
Conrad, Harold Joseph
Conroy, Eileen (Sam)
Conroy, Paul
Conroy-Roy, Nicole
Constant, John
Constantineau, Denise
Contant, Claudette
Contini, Iolanda/Raffaele
Conway, Bill & Gail
Conway, William & Gail
Cook, Carolyn
Cook, Elizabeth (Semak)
Cook, Marie
Cook, R.D. (Bob)
Cook, Ray
Cook, Ray & Family
Cook, W.J. (Bill)
Cook, William John
Cooke, Heather Ying Ling
Cooke, Isabelle Jo-Ann
Coombs, Gerald A.
Coombs, Maureen
Cooney, Elizabeth
Cooney, John
Cooper, Carole
Cooper, Chris
Cooper, Dorothy Louise
Cooper, Edward A.
Cooper, Geoffrey
Cooper, Joan
Cooper, Joey & Ernie
Cooper, Madelyn & Jim
Cooper, Patrick Norman
Cooper, Paul
Cooper, Samuel J.
Coopersmith, Gladys
Copeman, Dr. William J.
Corbeil, Frank
Corbeil, Michel & Josée
Corbett, Brian Victor Shayer
Corbett, Jonathan Matthew
Corboy, Don & Verla
Cordes, Paul & Laurie
Coristine Family
Corkal, Amanda K.
Corkal, Jamie C.
Corley, Fred & Marlene
Cormier, Lillian
Cormier, Lillian L.
Cormier, Ray
Cornthwaite Caboodle
Corriveau, Germain O. /Flo
Cosby, Scott
Cospito, Joseph & Clement
Costelec, Beth
Cote, Frances Anne
Cote, Michel P.
Côté, Yvon
Cotton, Curtis
Cotton, Norah
Cottrell, John & Cheryl
Coughlin, Dave & Carol
Coughlin, Helen
Coughlin, Michael
Coughlin, Patrick/Theresa
Coughlin, Ross & Kay
Coughlin, Stewart & Edna
Coull, Ashleigh/Servant P
Coultis, David & Debra
Coultis, Ethan & Elias
Coupal, Karen & Ted
Coupal, Pit et Lili
Coupland, Carol
Coupland, Edith Mary
Coupland, George Cavell
Courchesne, Anne-Marie
Courchesne, Daniel
Courchesne, Michelle
Courchesne, Rhéo
Courchesne, Rhéo A.
Coureurs de Bois/Outdoors
Court, Angela L.
Court, Henrietta
Courtemanche, Josée, France
Courtemanche, Judy
Courtemanche, Tom, Emily, Sam
Courtin, Kai Aarup
Courtin, Miah Aarup
Courtman, B.J. & David
Courtney, Jane
Courtney, Jean
Courtney, Joel
Courtney, John J. - Jake
Courtney, John M.
Courville, Terry
Cousineau, Michelle
Cousineau, Ray
Cousineau, Richard & Gemma
Cousineau, Susan & Richard
Cousins, Fred & Vivian
Cousins, Linda
Cousins, Peter
Coutu, Adrien
Coutu, Christopher
Coutu, Pierre
Coutu, Rosalind
Coventry, Christopher J.
Coventry, Kathleen E.
Coventry, Kerry
Coventry, Mary
Coventry, Steven J.
Cowan, Ben
Cowan, Ben* & Frances
Cowley, Robert
Cowley, Robert Douglas
Cox, Barb & Peter
Cox, Bradley T.
Cox, J. Daniel
Craig, ADDA
Craig, Earl & Elizabeth
Craig, Robert Henry
Craig, S. Arthur
Craigen, George & Betty
Crain, Terry & Laurel
Cralle, Irene & Clare
Crampton, Carrie-Lynn
Crane, Donna
Cranton, Alan
Cranton, Cecil & Bernice
Cranton, Donna
Cranton, Ingrid
Crapper, Bruce & Barb
Crawford, Ian R.M.
Crawford, William J.
Crawford,Sybil~Belleoram, NF
Cree, Anouk
Crépeau, Nickolas James
Cress, H. John
Cribbs, Danial
Crichton, David Ian
Crighton, Jordan Robert
Crighton, Sheila Violette
Crisp, Alfred
Critchley, Gordon
Thank you for your support
Camp Kahquah
In loving memory of
Christian Camping
Retreat Center
Owned and operated
by the
Brethren In Christ Church
Since 1962
George & Doris
Nancy and Ian
Enjoy your route!
In loving memory of « Poppy »
Robert Mann “Bob” Fetherston GM
Wife Mary
Bob & May, Sue & Mike, Pat & Rob
Garry & Brian
Grand Children and Great Grand Children
Sarah Campbell
Kathleen Lindsay
Jordan Kiss
Andrew-Mathew Piper
Scott-Ben Vine
Sol Desmarais
In loving memory of
Cap Cappelletti
February 21, 1922
August 4, 1992
Allan & Elsie Chadwick
and their Siberians
Norma E Casey*
A Maxwell Paul*
Tom Casey & Evelyn Paul
Richard & Jo-Ann Paul
Susan & Jim Brushey
Barbara & John Caicco
Elizabeth & Paul Brooks
Köalle CGC
Champion Sergeant General
Black Velvet
Bonnie, Prince, Yodel
Kathleen (Crowe)
David Paul Cooper
The Cole Family
The Chatfield Family
Dr. Robert & Virginia
Andrea, Matt,
Ethan and Liz
Jeff & Kim
Cameron and Emily
Mike & Chris
Gregory and Julia
Jan & Ross MacLean
Callen, Braden and Adeline
In loving memory
Charles J.
Daisy Williams
The Conroy Family
Nels and Carol
Aunt Harriet
In celebration of her
90th birthday
September 1, 2002
A quiet proud Canadian
who loves the North
In memory of
Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary
Leslie Baden-Powell (1886 -1975)
September 29 2006
who became the first skier in the Magnetawan area in 1912
and was known as “The man with the go-devils”.
Norm & Betty Critchley
From his daughter Joan (Baden-Powell) Field
and his grandchildren:
Jeffrey & Jason Beckett; Eli & David Carlone;
John, Angelica and Princess Land;
and Simon, Jonathan, and Tova Plashkes.
Dedicated to the memory of
John Kovala
From your Colleagues and Friends at
Red Lake Mine
“He loved his work, exuded enthusiasm and always sought to improve something.
In this, John never wavered!”
“You have left us far too soon … Your leadership will remain steadfast beside us all.”
Critelli, Julia
Crocker, William & Anneli
Crockett, Lynn
Crockett, Russell O.
Croll, Nancy E.
Cromwell, Jack & Bea
Cronin-Mitchell Judy/Vikki
Crosdale, Gwenythe
Crossley, Joan
Crossley, Margaret Ann
Crossman, Floyd D.
Croswell, Marg
Croswell, Pamela V.
Crotaz, Teresa
Croteau, Loyd
Crothers, George
Crowder, Everett & Carolyn
Crowder, Perry & John
Crowley, Thomas Joseph
Crowley-Strom, Sabrina
Crown Family
Croxford, Florence Mildred
Croxson, Alan John
Crumplin, William
Cryer, Mary Martina
Cudmore, Geoff & Katie
Cudney, Benjamin Edward
Cudney, Ross Parker
Cullen, Bill & Gerry
Cullis, Lois
Cuninghame, Ian
Cuninghame, Sean
Cuninghame, Wilder
Cunningham, Alan C.
Cunningham, Anne & David
Cunningham, Dan
Cunningham, Dorothy
Cunningham, James O.
Cunningham, Kathy
Cunningham, Laura
Cunningham, Nancy
Cunningham, Roger E.
Cunningham, S. & Family
Cunningham, William
Cupp, Bob & Dot
Cupp, Ken/Pat/Jason/Sarah
Curl, Jacob Russel
Curran, Shaun & Catherine
Currie, Andrew & Robert
Currotte, Louis
Currotte, Louis & Family
Curry, Micheal M.
Curry, Spencer Andrew
Curtis, David & Margaret
Curtis, Wilson
Custeau, Hannah
Cuthbertson, Alexander James
Cyr Roger/Lameront Linda
Cyr, Conrad & Helen
Cyr, Jean-Paul
Czarnecki, Mark
Czinkota, Garnet & Iris
Czyrka, Peter & Hilda
D’Agostino Family
Daigle, Amy Marie
Daigneault, Richard
Daigneault, Ron & Jean
Dailey, Tyson D.R.
Dale, Andrew & Tara
Dale, Cilla
Dale, Kris
Dale, Mike
Daley, T.J. Family
Dallinga, Chelsey Nicole
Dalrymple, Libby
Daly, Bruce
Daly, Robert
Dalziel, F.R. Jean
Daminato, Dave & Melissa
D’Amour, Suzanne
Dand, Gladys (Burnie)
Dane, Joanne & Wayne
Daneman, Dr. Denis
D’Angelo, Don
Daniels, Julia Anna
Daniels, Reta L McCreight
Danis, Mary/Armand/Family
Danowski, Annalisa
Daoust, Claude
D’Aoust, Leon & Amanda
Daoust, Nathalie
Daoust, Ola
Darling, Brent D.
Darlington, Jim & Helen
Dasti, Benjamin J.
Dasti, Jason M.
Dasti, Kaitlyn B.
Dasti, Robyn M.
Daugherty, Margaret
Dauncey, Terry John
Dauncey, Verna
Davey, Charles W.
Davey, Myrtle & Dave
David, Cy
Davids, Rebecca Susanne
Davidson, Catherine
Davidson, Clifford
Davidson, Daniel Allan
Davidson, John T.A.
Davidson, Kris
Davies, Bob & Nan
Davies, Gary
Davies, Karen
Davis (née Foote), Jean
Davis, Alan & Linda
Davis, Don & Betty-Jean
Davis, Stewart
Dawson, Bev Jon Jason Adam
Dawson, David
Dawson, Larry & Nikki
Dawson, Lois & Patricia
Day, Allan C. & Carol A.
Daynard, Cook Schori Sitter
Dazé, Gerald Francis~1911-1982
Dazé, Violet May~1907-1974
de Beer, John C.
De Longhi, Gino 1925 ~ 2011
De Paolis, Maria
De Paolis, Sebastiano
De Simone, Megan/Mathieu
De Zan, Giacobbe
Deacon, Janet & William
Deacon, Kelly
Dean, Alex & Lily
Dean, Bob
Dean, Edward P.
Dean, James Byron
Dean, Kirsten
Dean, Margaret Lavina
Debbo, Diane & Craig
deBlois, Ray & Mitch
deCarufel, Richard/Andrea
Decevito, Michelle
Dederer, Maria
DeGiorgio, Michael E.V.
Degrace, K., D., M. et N.
DeGuida, Michael
Dehls, Minna & Emma
Deibel, Edward & Phyllis
Deibel, Melanie Ann
Del Monte, Marlene
DelBosco, Terry
Delean, Lucien
DeLeon, Carl
Delfante Family
Delich, George
Delin, Eden Lila Desiree
Delin, Sophia Patricia Janet
Dellandrea, Dr. Dave
Dellezay, Mark, Catherine
Delmonte, Marlene
Delorenzi, Enzo & Nora
Delorey, Cara
Delorme, Aurele J.
Delorme, Herbert
Delorme, Natalie
DeLuca, Bruno 1931~2007
Deluney, Donald Edward
Deluney, Edward James
Deluney, Norna Crystal E.
Delworth Family
DeMarco, Emily
Demchuk, Catherine
Demers, Alain Victor J.
DeMiglio, Aquilina
DeMiglio, Franco
DeMonte, Derek C.
Dempsey, Paul R.
Dempster, Cam, Todd & Tara
Dempster, Dr.David & Marion
Dempster, Josephine
Dempster,Josephine & Thomas
Denis, Lorenzo
Denison, Robert Wylie
Dennie, Rolande
Dennis, Mary-Beth
Dennis, Paul Clement
Dennis, Rita C.
Dennison, Cindy & Steve
Denniston, Robert W.
Denny, Paul
Denny, Paul & Sharron
Denson, Dr & Mrs Raymond
Denton, Richard
Depta, Caden Michael
Depta, Caden Micheal
Depta, Camryn Eliza Denise
Depta, Ivy Jane
Depta, Norm & Janet
Derby, Bill
Derbyshire, G. Wayne
Derhak, Paul
Derochie, Carli
Derochie, Danielle
Derochie, Derek
Derochie, Joe E.
Derochie, Joey
Derochie, Teresa
Deron, Chester R.
Desaulniers, Cassie Lynn
Desaulniers, Lise
Deschene, Dr. Jane M.
Deschene, Joseph R.
Desombre, Rene
Desourdie, Ron
Despatie, Marc
Desson, Andrew L.
Deveau, Sue & Jason
Devenport, A. Scott
Devins, Clark
Devnich, Doreen
Devon, Doug & Patti
DeVos, Leah
DeVos, Maeve
Dewar, Andrew
Dewar, Eric Fraser
Dewing, Gloria
Deyo, Jerry & Christina
Di Domenico, E. R. M. D.
Di Giuseppe, Don & Leanne
Diboll, Albert & Hazel
Dick, Katie
Dicker, Shirley
Dicker, Shirley C.
Dickey, Carolyn Elizabeth
Dickey, Gregory Nicholas
Dickey, Ian Alexander
Dickey, Jonathan Claude
Dickey, Marilyn & Gary
Dickey, Shannon Louise
Dickey, Tanya Victoria
Dickie, Janet D.
Dickinson, Andrew Donald
Dickinson, John & Mary
Dicks, Ruth
Dicks, Vernon L.
Dickson, Audrey
Dickson, Jennifer
Dickson, John & Jean
DiCorpo, Lorene
Didone, Vanessa Ann
Didur, Leo Myron
Diebel, Bob & Sheila
Diehl, Valerie G.
DiFant, Richard
DiGasparro, Angie & Mark
DiGiuseppe, James & Kathy
Dignan, Francis
Dillabough, George
Dillabough, Olga
Dilts, Amy
Dilts, Arnold & Irene
Dilts, Charles E.
Dilts, Diane
Dilts, Jessica
Dimmell, Dave ~ Temagami
Dimond, Daniel A.
Dinger, Rudolf & Barbara
Dingman, Gordon
Dingman, Rick & Valerie
Dinning Family
Dionne, Claudette
Dionne, Marc P.
Diren, Lynda & Sandra
Dishington William& Mary
Dishington, William
Dittman, Karl
Dittmann, Katherine
Dittmann, Tiffany
Dixon, Catharine & Ernie
Dixon, Donald T.
Dixon, Donna Marie
Dixon, James M.
Dixon, Martin C.
Dobbin, Pat & Bun
Dobis, Justin Michael
Dobis, Monika Maria
Doble Family K.A.M.B.
Dobson, Diane
Dodge, Leil Setchell
Doern, Louise (Kyle)
Doernbach, Joanne & Steve
Doherty, George Allan
Doherty, Jason
Doherty, Jim & Angela
Doig, Mary Louise
Doig, Peter
Doiron, Clifford
Doiron, Colette
Dokis, Leonard
Dolbeck, Dale
Dolbeck, Destiny Dawn
Dolinay, Agota
Domey, Stanley
Dominelli, Chris
Domm, John
Donald, Grace
Donaldson, L.P. ~ 2001
Donato, Katherine
Donnelly, Florence D.
Donnelly, Tom
Donohue Family
Dool, H. Edward
Doolittle, Ronald
Doornbos, Jim
Doornbos, Liz
Dopson, Kirk A.
Doran, Terry & Helen
Doré, Roger
Dorland, Arthur
Dorval, Jacob
Dossett, J.A. & Family
Dottori, Danielle & Paul
Doucet, Carole
Doucette, Darla A.
Doucette, Jordanne
Doucette, Joshua
Doug C. & Family Checkis
Dougall, Fraser/Elizabeth
Doughty, Douglas F.
Doughty, Rick & Rachelle
Douglas, Caitlin C.
Douglas, John W.
Douglas, Najem, Naomi & Nadia
Douglas, Peter A.
Douglas, Rhonda L.
Douglas, Zachary Robert James
Dove, John & Alison
Dovigi Richard/Nancy&Kids
Dow, Carol & Scott
Dow, Mr & Mrs Richard, Sr
Dow, Peter & Stella
Dowhaniuk, Bill & Michelle
Down, Corinne
Downey, Sarah
Downing, Andrew
Downing, Art/Betty&Family
Downing, Marc
Downtown General Store
Doyle, Ina ~ 1918 - 2011
Dr. H.A. Bruce Chapt IODE
Drake, Heather & Derek
Drapeau, Kanon
Draves, Dick & Betty 1997
Drebit, Aleck & Helena
Drolet, Jane & Reg
Drown, Carl J.
Drury, Fred C.
Drury, H. & Kuhns, F.
Drury, Ian & Erin
Drury, Jean M.
Dryden, Heather
Dryden, Ross
Drystek, Sabryn
Dubé, Robert
Dubeau, Jacob Carl
Dubeau, Janelle
Dubeau, Robert & Sherry
Dubeau, Tricia & Danny
Dubien, John & Lynn
Dubinsky, Sam & Emma
Dubois, Carole
Dubois, Sam
Dubray, Jeannie & Douglas
Dubuc, Alex/Taylor, Melinda
Ducharme, Daphne A. & Ray
Ducharme, Eric John & Ann
Ducharme, Evelyn Reid
Ducharme, Ian R./Cristina
Ducharme, Joey Scott
Ducharme, Maurice
Duchene, Yvette & Family
Duchesne, Yvon
Duckett, Sharon
Dudley, Diana 1941-1998
Duff, Tom & Edna
Dufour, Henri & Jeannine
Dufour, Jim & Wanda
Duggan, Donna & Paul
Duggan, Jack S.
Duggan, Kenji
Duggan, Michael
Duggan, Yuko
Duguay, Gerry Isaie
Duhamel*, Fern ~ Dear Friend
Dukes, Caroline Jane
Dukes, James Rylie
Dukes, Rossiter Michael
Dukovac, Melanie
Dumeney, Francis R.
Dumont, Raynald
Dumouchel Kimberly Seguin
Dumouchel, Henry & Carole
Dumouchel, J. Daryl
Dumouchel, Mike & Shelly
Dumoulin, René E
Duncan, Carol
Duncan, Chalmers
Duncan, Colin & Murphy, Kelly
Duncan, D.D.
Duncan, Dorothy Vera
Duncan, Grant George
Duncan, Jaiden Alyssa
Duncan, John & Brenda
Duncan, Mary Jane
Duncan, Tristan James
Dundas, Jillian
Dunford, Frank
Dunkley, Geoffrey
Dunlap, David M.
Dunlap, David M., Jr.
Dunlap, Gregory S.
Dunlap, Holly A.
Dunlap, Margriet
Dunlap, Nigel J.
Dunlop, David & Roxanne
Dunlop, Dr. Brett
Dunn, Andrew & Murray
Dunn, Audrey & Gord
Dunn, Carol
Dunn, Terry & Theresa
Dunnett Family
Dunnill, Kelly
DuPont, Sean & Benen
Duquette, George W.
Durbacz, Tony & Carmen
Dussome, Rick
Dutrisac, Kevin
Dwyer, Amy L.
Dyck, Cornelius & Ruth
Dyck, Wesley
Dyke, Thomas
Dykstra, Charlene
Dyrkawec, Jeffrey
Dysievick, Dale Robert
Dysievick, Gerald Micheal
Dysievick, Trevor Gerald
Eadie, Colter
Eady, Carmen
Eady, Dorothy M.
Eady, James Allen
Eagle, Lar Kel Gus Alyssa
Eardley-Somes, Wesley
Earle, G. Scott
Earle, Jane
Easterbrook, William Joseph
Eaton, Rees Henry
Eaton, Tamscin Marilyn
Ebel, John & Mary
Ebel, Marie & George
Ecclestone, Cynthia Jane
Ecclestone, Dr. Robert C.
Ecclestone, Penelope
Ecclestone, Robert J.S.
Echle, Lisa
Echle, Paul
Eckert, Brent M.
Edgar, A. & Waterbury, K.
Edmunds, Russel
Edmundson, Patrick B.
Edwards, Arlene
Edwards, David
Edwards, Elaine
Edwards, Eric Stephen
Edwards, Harold & Eleanor
Edwards, James
Edwards, Jennifer Nicole
Edwards, Joel Nathen
Edwards, Julie
Edwards, Liam & Nicholas
Edwards, Marni
Edwards, Richard Ernest
Edwards, Stephen Jackie
Edwards, Wyatt
Eikermann, Guenter
Einarson, Dorothy
Eindiguer, Tanya R.
Elder, Jenny
Elgey, Charles K.
Elgie, Jeff
Elgie, Scott
Elinkschuurman, Merel
Ellard, Elizabeth
Ellard, Patrick
Ellarma, Basilio
Ellerbeck, Mark
Ellery Family
Elliott, “Dinty” & Shirley
Elliott, Barry & Sandy
Elliott, Carl & Margaret
Elliott, Charles Edward Jr
Elliott, Clifford Samuel
Elliott, Connie & Wib
Elliott, Dinty & Shirley
Elliott, Elaine
Elliott, Jane & Kevin
Elliott, Paul
Elliott, Sandy & Barry
Elliott, Sharon
Elliott, Shirley
Elliott, Shirley & “Dinty”
Elliott, Steven
Ellis, Edward & Sheila
Ellison, B. & Me
Ellison, Hazel
Ells, Caroline
Ellwood, Benjamin
Ellwood, Charlyne
Ellwood, Keith Charles
Ellwood, Terry & Leni
Elson, John F.
Elste, Peter & Margo
Emerson, Vera E.
Emjay’s Pasture
Emond, Gerry A. Loudrey Ent
Emond, Guy/Deb/Rick/Lisa
Enbridge Consumers Gas
England, James
Engstrom, David
Engstrom, Freda
Ennis, Rosalind
Enosse, Tejyne
Epp, Helmut A.
Epp, Norman D.
Epps, A.A. (Nan)
Epps, Julie
Epps, R. Allan
Epps, R. Duncan
Epps, Robert F.
Ercit Family
Eric & Julie 7/24/99
Erickson, Douglas Wayne
Erickson, Robin ~ 1947-2009
Erickson, Wilf & Florence
Erik-Dietrich, Leers
Erkila, Derek & Maria
Erskine, Barbara
Ervick, Bernard H.
ES Chapleau HS Grads
ESCHS GCEOA Passmark 1997
Escott, Nicholas & Deborah
Espanola Home Hardware
Estabrooks, Steven
Estabrooks, Susan
Este, William A.
Euler, Gordon & Juliana
Euler, Todd/Wendy/J & R-R
Evans, Dennis & Beverley
Evans, Douglas C.
Evans, W.T. & Dora K.
Everingham, Kathleen M.
Everitt, John V. & Family
Everitt, Simonne J.
Everitt, W.H. “Curly”
Everitt, W.H. (Curly)
Ewen, Janet Elizabeth
Ewen, Norma & Elden
Ewing, Phyllis
Exley, Douglas Cameron
Fabio, Primo
Fabius Family
Fabris, Huguette
Fabris, René
Facette, Mark L.
Facey, Michael & Stephen
Fache, Dave
Fairfull-Smith, Robin
Fairman, Cliff & Gladys
Falcioni, Aaron Robert
Falcioni, Bryan Michael
Falcioni, Christopher J.
Falcioni, Darren Taylor
Falcioni, Kristen Marie
Fallis, Cooper
Fallis, Norma
Fallon, Sandy & Sean
Falls, Carl Jr.
Falls, Richard
Falls, Robert
Famille Graveline
Famille Lacroix Gauthier
Famille Léopold Généreux
Famille Maurice Soenens
Famille Robert
Famille St Jean
Farber, Kim
Farnel, Sean
Farquhar, Cynthia
Farquhar, Darlene
Farquhar, Douglas L.
Farquhar, Shawn
Farquhar, Spencer
Farrell, James & Janet
Farrell, Joey
Farris, Patti
Farrow, Dan
Fassina, M.J.
Fast, Mary
Faucon, Erik
Faucon, Kaytlyn
Faucon, Kristofer
Faulds, Evelyn
Faulker, John & Mary
Faulkner, Donald
Fawcett, Bernice
Fawcett, Keith Stewart
Feagan, Alma Marie
Fearn, Ian & Fernande
Fedyk, Frank & Susan
Feenstra, James
Felbel, Garry
Felbel, Susan
Felber, Conrad & Sandra
Fell, Michael
Feller, Maureen
Felske, Don & Agnes~60 years
Felstead, Jack
Felstead, Joy
Fennell, Leon & Frances
Fennell, Leon & Francis
Fenner, Beverly J.
Fenner, James L.
Fenske, Art & Bernice
Fenton, Linda & Dale
Fera, Luke
Fera, Michael
Ferguson, Aaron F.
Ferguson, Andrew J.
Ferguson, Catherine
Ferguson, Debbie
Ferguson, James A.
Ferguson, Katherine Angela
Ferguson, Philip
Ferguson, Robert Louis
Ferguson, William & Bernice
Ferminger, Jason
Ferracin, Gene
Ferracin, Gene & Mary
Ferrara, Wendy Coreen
Ferris Lioness Club (2)
Ferron, Silfred
Fesyk, Boris J.
Fesyk, Irene
Ffiona, Gwen & Alec ~ 2009
Fiander, Ed
Fickling, Les & Marg
Fickling, S.W. & Family
Fidler, Crystal
Field, D.W.
Field, Tim & Nancy
Fielder, Theodore M (Ted)
Fielding, Gerda & Carman
Fielding, Lil & Cliff
Fifield, Jamie & William
Fila, Ed & Brenda
Filer, Jay & Bob Dog
Filice, Carlo & Tuija
Filion, Jacques
Filippetto, Michela
Filippetto, Nicholas
Fillier Family of Five
Fillion, Guy & Johanne
Finck, Paul Albert
Findlay, Brittany & Leslie
Fingas, Ron
Fink, Jean
Finley, Christine
Finn, Heather & Oh, Eric
Finney, George
Firth, Denis
Fischer, Carson & Jo-Anne
Fischer, Donald
Fischer, Kathryn Julia
Fishback, LeeAnn
Fisher, Anne
Fisher, Bruce & Karen
Fisher, Carl A.
Fisher, Daniel & Betty
Fisher, George
Fisher, Mark D.
Fisher, Wink
Fitchett, James Kenneth
Fitzgerald, Gert & Ted
Fitzmaurice, James
Fitzmaurice, Zachary
Fitzpatrick Family
Fitzpatrick, Deanne
Flaherty Family
Flake, Ken & Lily
Flank, Deborah & Robert
Flaser, Nikki
Flaser, Oliver
Flaser, Sieghard
Flaser, Waltraud
Flatt, John
Fleguel, Darryl
Fleming, C. & Muir, M.
Fleming, Don/Judy/Family
Fleming, June
Fleming, Richard W.
Fleming, Robert L.
Fleming, S & Candelino, V
Fleming, Shirley & Milton
Fletcher, Bob & Marjorie
Fletcher, Gerry
Fletcher, Jack & Mary
Fleury, Marc L.
Flood, Jennifer
Flores, Tony & Beng
Thank you for your support
Stride forward
with passion.
Follow every trail
with curiosity.
Join paths with Nature
and all of humankind.
Harry Crockett
and Family
In loving memory of
our son
Peter Cryderman
February 14, 1974
September 4, 1997
A free spirit
loving life and nature
March 02, 1933 to December 04, 1999
Matheson, Ontario
Our Boss, Our Friend, Our Mentor
Fair to all concerned
Jessica P. &
Anne I. McDonald
Cory R. M. Lafond
Amber P., Amy J. &
Brandon B. Emond
Christmas 1998
Cameron Falls
(1921 ~ 1971)
Paul, Kathleen, Peter and
Mary Margaret Dandeneau
Jonda Pieratt
Famille Desaulniers
John M. Findlay
Tanis P., Erin T. &
Tyler K. Dokis
In memory of the village of
Kirk & Susan
Erika and Andrew
James & Andrea
William & Mabel
Peter & Sandra
Lara, Joshua and Zachary
Roger & Kelly
Ovide & Lorraine
Diane, Lise, Céline, Rachel
Marie-Claude Savoie
Claude & Carole
Joel, Julie
The Davison Family
Gary & Kelly
Ryan and Trevor
The Roach Family
Hubert & Vicki
Justin and Jaime
Brian Denomme
Dr. & Mrs.
Ian Delorey
February 1961 – June 2009
Forever Remembered by
Family & Friends
Betty Lafferty
Bill* & Ivy
Bill Jr. & Cathy
Rob & Julie
Connor and Kyle
Pat & Ruth and Dan
Sudbury’n Suomalainen Kansallisseura
Finnish National Society of Sudbury Inc.
Sampo A.C.
Established 1931
Noël 2004
Julia & Steven
Jade and Patrick
The Doughty Family
In memory of
Fort William 1910 ~ 1954
Jamie Dunlop
Frederick James* and
Hannah (Fisher)*
A hero in our hearts,
we will miss you.
Lillian Mae (Shepherd)
George Henry
Dedicated by friends
and co-workers at
Meritor, Bracebridge
In Loving Memory of
Mary Isabelle Dunlop
(nee Kress)
January 1935
March 2006
Much loved…
always remembered
In loving memory of
Pauline Dupuis
(nee Langlois)
1919 ~ 1994
You will always
be in our hearts
Your children and
Never forgotten
Fitzer Family
Russ+Dolores (Weiss)
Brian+Sandra (Moline)
Wm.*+Ethel* (McCartney)
Audrey+Drs. Kickham*/Wright*
Susan Fitzer
Laura+Bill Holt*
Margaret*+Harvey Fowler
Kathy Haws
In loving memory of
Keith “Bim” Easton
1931 – 1991
You will always
be in our hearts
Joyce (Zimmer)
Connie, Karen, Mindi,
Terry and Jana
Thomas Dyke
Happy trails
ao all!
Douglas E. Gartley
– a Sudbury-based
environmental youth
organization – continue to
encourage the community
to save our planet.
April 24, 1926 ~ July 1, 1999
March 1997
Our family with love
Doreen Randall Gartley
Chris & Steven, Mark and Greg Irvine
Jane & Craig, Will, Anna & Julian Brown
Dorothy & Emerson MacRae
Jean Lumb
Charlie & Kay Eldridge
Grant Haviland Eckert
Theda Irene Moorcroft
In memory of
Joe, Bert & Allen Eldridge
T Thyne, B Lane
R Scott, B Beaton
F Cryderman
A Thomson
Mrs. E Dodd
David, Brian, Paul,
Elizabeth, Brent, Sharon
Happy Trails to All!
In loving memory
Joan Mary Emond
Forever in our hearts
Erik* and Bettina (Moore) Hansen
Proudly donated by
Lucille and Marcel Gervais
for our family
Francine and Kent Floreani
Tammy and Bruno, Jacob, Sarah Gervais
Darquise and Gilles, Amélie Moreau
Pierre Gervais
Chantal and Bernard Gervais
Gary Hansen
Eric and Sheryl (McNamara) Hansen
Keith Hansen, Robert Paré and Michelle Paré
Linda (Hansen) and Denis Arseneau
Telana, Jasmine, Natalie and Brigitte Arseneau
Solange Chiasson
Focht, Randy & Family
Fogelman, Aaron
Fogleson, Anne & Tom
Foisy, Robert (Bob)
Fok, Gregory
Foley, Daniel E.
Foley, Hayden Gardhouse
Foley, Parker Gardhouse
Forbes, Andrew
Forbes, Beth
Forbes, Harvey
Forbes, Jillian
Forbes, Mitchell
Forbes, Peg
Forbes, Tom
Ford, Ann
Ford, William & Family
Foreman, Isabelle
Forget, Melanie
Forgie, Anne Marie
Forneret, Alica & Katherine
Forrest, Vern & Charlotte
Forsey, John & Gillian
Forster, Andrew Donald
Forster, Dorothy M.
Forsythe, Aubrey & Julie
Forsythe, Kyle
Forsythe, Robert G.
Forsythe, Zachary
Forteski, Tamara
Forth, Allen Wesley James
Forth, Freddie Galna
Fortier, Benoît M.-J.
Fortier, Doug & Marjorie
Fortier, Lindsay
Fortin, A.S.R.D.J.A.
Fortin, Amélie
Fortin, Ethel M.
Fortin, Marlyne
Fortin, Raymond
Fortin, Yves
Foster-Martin,Louise BA BED
Foucault, Pat Connie Jamie
Fournier, Barbara May
Fournier, Frank E.
Fournier, Hazel
Fournier, Jane Askin
Fournier, Madeleine R.
Fournier, Rock A.
Fournier, Wally
Fowler, David
Fox, Douglas
Fox, Katherine
Fraenkel, Marie-Luise
Franceschini, Dave & Sylvi
Franceschini, John, Sharon
Franceschini, Len
Franceschini, Muriel
Franchuk, Jean
Francis Family
Francom, Donna
Frankiewicz, Cheryl
Franklin, Walter
Franks, Elizabeth
Frantz, Chris
Frappier, D. & Family
Fraser, Alex & Aino
Fraser, Arthur D & Carmen C
Fraser, Chantal & Scott
Fraser, Darryl
Fraser, Glen B.
Fraser, Kevin N.
Fraser, Laura
Fraser, Lesley A.
Fraser, Mackenzie O.
Fraser, Nicole & James
Fraser, Paul & Bridget
Fraser, Zachary
Frazer, Douglas Gordon
Frech, Robert & Carole
Frederick, June & Ed
Frederick, Walter
Frederickson, Dr. Chris
Fredrickson, Eric
Freel, David James
Freel, Laura Ashley
Freel, Michael David
Freeman, Leanne E.
Freeman, Tim R.
Fregonese Family
Freiburger, Scouter Jack
Frelich, Ann & Jeff
French, Matthew
Fretz, Deb
Fricker, Ashley Lynn
Fricker, Nickolas G.A.
Friday, Teresa
Friedrich Family
Friendly Pamela/Smith Ron
Friends of Walden Trails
Frigon, Stephanie
Frind, Emil O.
Froats, Dale R.
Frost, Lynn Marie
Frow, B. & B.
Fullarton, Jim
Fullarton, Jim & Cynthia
Fuller, Paul
Fuller, Roy & Jennie
Fulton, Kristina & Family
Funnell, Ron
Funnell-Pady, Lynn
Furino, Michael & Joanne
Furino, Peter & JoAnne
Furino, Sharon & Robert
Furlong, Byrne
Furlong, Lindsay
Furlong, Travis
Futhey, Elaine
Fysh, Jimmy 1947-1964
G&B McNabb Lumber Company
Gaboury, Lise
Gabrielle & Grant
Gadd, Sheri
Gaetano, Anthony
Gagné, Roger
Gagné, Roger et Aline
Gagnon, Alain
Gagnon, Angèle et Claude
Gagnon, David W.
Gagnon, Ger Ang Eric Arny
Gagnon, Gerry & Jeannie
Gagnon, Michael John
Gagnon, Monica & Harley
Gagnon, Roger J. & Family
Gagnon, Wayne
Gahlinger, Adrian
Gainer, Kalle Annwyl
Gainer, Melissa & Bradley
Gainer, Saryn
Galajda, Dodie
Galajda, Larry
Galajda, Sarah
Galajda, Steven
Galandziej, Zdzislaw
Galay, Allan
Galbraith, Donald I.
Galbraith, Gordon E.
Galbraith, Jason Kirk Redgers
Gale, Scott D.
Galey*, Gertie & Fred
Galey, Patrick & Family
Galipeau, Cameron M.
Galipeau, Christopher P.
Galipeau, Gilles Boyd
Galipeau, Gregory P.
Galipeau, Heather J.
Galipeau, Virginia R.
Gallagher, Cathy & Jamie
Gallé, J.P.
Galloway, Charles
Galloway, Christine
Gannon, Jerry
Gardi, Victor E.
Gardiner, Alanna & Scott
Gardner Family
Gardner, William McLachlan
Garlick, Roy & Norma~1954
Garnett, Jim & Reba
Garrahan, Peter
Garrard, George Charles
Garrard, William Charles
Garratt, Brian
Garreau, Ed & Fleur
Garrett, Jeff & Ainsley
Garrett, Karen
Garrett, Sarah Katerina
Garrette, Edith & Grant
Gartshore, Carol Helen
Gascoigne, Maurice & Sharon
Gascon, Jerry M.
Gascon, Paul & Bonnie
Gasser, Dodick
Gate, Matthew
Gates, Craig A.
Gates, Elizabeth & Delbert
Gates, Monica & Bruce
Gates, Robert & Rosemary
Gateway Walkers CVFO11
Gatherum, Ian Dianne
Gatien, Dean G.
Gatto, Marisa
Gaudet, Joyce
Gaudette Geneviève Annick
Gaudette, Benjamin Léo
Gaudette, Jay & Jeanie
Gaudette, Jovette A.
Gaudreau, Albert & Family
Gauld, Tara
Gauthier, Adhemar
Gauthier, Bob, Christiane
Gauthier, Chantal Honora
Gauthier, Gail
Gauthier, Jacques Monique
Gauthier, Jeanne
Gauthier, Laurent & Alma
Gauthier, Liliane M.
Gauthier, Mona Josephine
Gauthier, Normand/Denise
Gauthier, Richard & Maria
Gauvreau, Richard Rupert
Gauvreault, Denyse
Gaviller, Chuck
Gawley, Donald William
Geary, Brett & Judy
Geary, Francine
Geary, Kevin & Debra
Geary, Pamela & Dalton
Geddes, Grace Evelyn
Geleynse, Joe
Gemmell, Al
Gemmell, Maymar
Gemmell, Maymar & Al
Génier, Laurent J.
Geniole, Gerald
Genys, Sarah M.
George, Robert
George, Sandra
Geraldton House LU ~ 1999
Gerber, Harry
Gerhard, Arthur & Diane
Gerrior, Sharon
Gerrow, Fred & Mary Lou
Gervais, Christopher
Gervais, Ronald/Rachelle
GGC - Voyageur Area
GGC-Thunder Bay Division
Ghent, Elsie B.
Gibb, Alice
Gibb, Ann
Gibb, Paul & Lynne
Gibb, Richard
Gibbins, Stuart
Gibbon, Andrew
Gibbons, Aiofe
Gibbons, Allan
Gibbons, Conor
Gibbons, Deirdre
Gibbons, Patricia
Gibbs, Elizabeth
Gibbs, Murray
Gibbs, Thomas Clifford
Gibbs, Yetive
Gibeau, Nicole
Gibson, Alice & Frank
Gibson, Christopher & Sean
Gibson, Hughes
Gibson, Mary Lou & Clarke
Gibson, Paul & Kelly
Gibson, Tam Jay Jer Jason
Gibson, Wendy & Ron
Gideon, Cynthia & Roy
Gierszewski, Lynn
Giesbert, C-A. Frédérique
Giesbert, Sabine-Laure
Gignac, Drake
Gignac, Jared
Gignac, Kurt
Gignac, Robyn
Gilbert, Reg & Jen
Gilchrist, Kathryn
Gilchrist, Marie
Gill, Marg/Biggins, Dick
Gill, Michelle & Kelly
Gillard, Harry Douglas
Gillard, Marion Isabell
Gillespie, David
Gillies, Brianne/Kaillie
Gillies, Brittney/Brandon
Gillies, Doug A.
Gillies, Jack A.
Gillies, Karen
Gillies, Megan Nicole
Gillies, Tyler Jordan
Gillin, “Willy” & Sarah
Gillman, Cory
Gilpin, Bob
Gilroy, Keith
Gingerich,Vic& Audrey
Gingras, Alan/Brigita/Family
Giommi, Paryse Daniella
Gionet, Yvon
Giorgi, Ric ~ Music Teacher
Girard, Carole et Nelson
Girard, Estelle
Giroux, Annette
Giroux, Louise G.
Giroux, Maurice
Giroux, Paul
Giroux, Roland Y.
Giroux, Serge
Glass, Susan
Glassford, Sam & Family
Glatz, Paul A.
Glendale Middle School AB
Glibbery, Joseph Roy
Globensky, Jesse
Globensky, Peter
Globensky, Rachel
Gloster, Stacy
Glustein Family
Gobbo, Ethan Mark
Gobbo, Rachel Margaret
Gobbo, Rebecca Aileen
Godard, E.J. (Ted)
Goddard, Taylor Logan
Goddard, Wilbert J.
Godfree, Jack & Marjorie
Godfrey, Arva P.
Godin, Alysha
Godin, Denise S.
Godin, Valerie
Goebel, Helmut
Goettlicher, Alex & Jesse
Gold, Efrat
Gold, Sean
Goldenberg, D. & J.
Goldstein, Muriel
Golesic, Geo,Lin,MK,Liz,Pat
Golightly, Ruth
Goltz, Shirley & Arnold
Gonzalez Family-Thorold
Goodbrand, M/Bergquist, K
Gooder, Kevin & Renate
Goodfellow, Dorothy
Goodhew, Garth
Goodman, Cathy & Thomas
Goodman, Cathy & Tom
Goodreid, MacGregor
Goodspeed, Herb
Goodspeed, Pauline & Herb
Goodwin, Murray
Goodwin, Pat
Gorchynski, Liz
Gordon, Adrienne
Gordon, Charles
Gordon, Jacqueline
Gordon, Nancy
Goreham, Ruby
Gorel, John & Mary
Gorman, Dr. Richard
Gosselin, Arthur
Gosselin, Laura & Steve
Gotziaman, Sonya & Family
Gougeon, Robert
Gough, Greg & Melissa
Gould, Margaret Betty
Goulet, Leo & Lillian
Govan, Louie V.
Govan, Reginald W.
Gowan, Mildred L.
Gowriluk, Sandra
Grace, Lawrence J.
Grace, Marianne
Grace, Michael K.
Gracey, David
Grade 4 N.L.P.S. 1997-98
Graf, Alois
Graf, Alois & Helen
Graham, C. Wayne
Graham, Carolanne
Graham, Eileen
Graham, Gordon & Agnes
Graham, Jane
Graham, Keara
Graham, Marg & Bill
Graham, Molly
Graham, Olivia Serena
Graham, Wayne
Grainger, Dianne E.
Grainger, PBKLE
Grammett, Gloria
Grandy, Douglas
Grandy, Janet
Grant, Nelson J.
Grant, Shannon
Grant, Tavia
Grapes, Berton M.D.
Grasis, Arija
Grasley, David Michael
Grauer, Julie
Gray, Albert
Gray, Bill
Gray, Gary
Gray, James W.
Gray, John & Gail
Gray, R. & Graydon, C.
Gray, Russell
Gray, Ryan Frances
Graydon, Ken
Graydon, Phyllis
Graydon, Sheila
Great Lakes Camp
Greaves, Peggy & Wilf
Greaves, Wayne
Greco, Janice
Greco, Lori A.
Green, Ben
Green, Ben & Ruth
Green, Cheryl
Green, Chris & Joyce
Green, Glen J.
Green, James William
Green, Joanne & Rod
Green, John & Norma
Greenlaw, David & Lorraine
Greenley, C. & W.
Greenough, Julia Elizabeth
Greenough, Kaitlyn Luisa
Greenwood, Susan
Greer Family
Greer, Crawford & Millie
Greer, Ivy Eleanor
Greer, Ken
Greet, Richard
Greet, Rick
Greggs, Robin & Robert
Gregor, Karen V.
Gregoris, Barbara-Ann
Gregoris, Danielle Primo
Gregory, Edith & Gord
Gregory, Sara
Gregory, Tania
Greier, Gary
Grenier, Jeannine
Grenko, John & Mary
Grenon, Francis & Aline
Grew, Jason
Grew, Tim A.
Grewar, Lois
Grey, James Percy (Buck)
Griener, Colin & Tara
Griese, Don
Grife, Len
Griffin, Dave & Jennifer
Griffin, James
Griffin, Tyler
Griffith, Bradley C.
Griffith, Donna L.
Griffith, Fred & Marguerite
Griffith, Susan E.
Griffiths, Dr. K.J.
Griggs, Harold
Grigio, Nikko Dante
Grigor, Dawn F.
Grimwood, Alan Regis
Grisé, Jean
Grist, William
Groom, Larry, Sherry, PR & A
Groom, Rick, Maureen, JB & T
Groom, Ron & Ingrid
Groom, Wayne, Sue, M & S
Groome, George Clifton
Groome, Holly Renae
Grose, Charlie
Groulx, Jessica Elise
Groulx, Jordan Ross
Grubber, Herbert C.
Grunewald, Linda & Frank
Grunig, Jean E.
Grybowski, David
Grzelak, Rudy & Vivian~1954
Guénette, Jean-Paul
Guénette, Stéphane J.
Guerrette, Armand Y.
Guerrette, Kayla Pauline
Guèvremont, J.
Guillet, Stephanie & Belle
Guindon, Bert
Guindon, Dr. Gilles G.
Guindon, Gaetane
Guindon, Germain
Guindon, J. & Baker, J.
Guindon-Robineau, Diane
Guirey, Tom & Margaret
Guise, Kenneth & Barbara
Gunn Vic+June-Harris Lake
Gunness, Isobel & Maurice
Gunson, Reg
Gustavson, Robert
Guthrie, Laurie & Family
Gutjahr, Joseph & Emily
Gutjahr, Joy & Ross
Gwinner, J. & J. ~ Germany
Gyalpo, Pamela
H. Sieloff Family
Haak, Clarence & Diane
Haas, Christina M.
Hagan, John & Ruth
Hager, Helen J.
Hager, John W.
Hager, Sandra D.
Hager, Stephen J.
Haggart Family
Haill, Andrew G.
Hainey, Thomas & Joanne
Hakojarvi, George & Frida
Halcro, Gillian Rose
Haldenby, Charlotte G.
Halford, Trevor
Hall, Amy Katherine
Hall, Ashia Lauren
Hall, Cathy
Hall, David J.M.
Hall, David Jason McClure
Hall, Diva Joell
Hall, Grant
Hall, Jeremy James
Hall, Jim/Cindy/Karen
Hall, Ken & Sally
Hall, Kevin & Mercer, Lorraine
Hall, Sarah Phyllis
Hallikainen, Reino M.
Halverson, Raymond E.
Ham, Frank
Haman, Lise
Hamel, Elizabeth M.
Hamel, Jacqueline
Hamel, Jeanne
Hamill, Sean & Elizabeth
Hamilton, Geoff
Hamilton, Hugh
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, Julie
Hamilton, Kay
Hamilton, Robert R.
Hammell, Elaine
Hammell, Ken
Hammer, Ashley Cassandra
Hammer, Logan
Hammond, Vern & Dorothy
Hampson, Bryan & Doris
Hampson, Wendy
Hampton, John & Marg
Handley, Peter & Pamela
Handyside & Richards
Hanes, Jacqueline Moscall
Hanes, Joan E.
Haney, Jasmine E. S.
Hanlan, Jane, R, M, A
Hann, Dianna
Hannah, Laurie
Hannell, Christine
Hannon, Gerald
Hannon, Joan & Peter
Hannon, John
Hansen, Barry & Carol
Hansen, Carol
Hansen, Edward Nelson
Hansen, Edwin V.
Hansen, Eric & Uhryn, Amy
Hansen, Finn & Cullen, MJ
Hansen, Harry & Irja
Hansen, Jack
Hansen, Robert W.
Hansen, Sandra & Bruce
Hansman, Charles A.
Hansman, Shirley I.
Hanson, Randy & Maureen
Hanz, Jenn & Jeff ~ 9/24/05
Hanzel, Gary & Donna
Hanzel, Leon
Harbour, Jacqueline
Harbour, John P.
Harbridge, Dean Gregory
Harche, Margaret
Harder, Rod & Heidi
Hargadon, Jonathan Samuel
Hargreaves, Sharon & Ted
Harkness, RoseAnne/Justin
Harknett, Reva
Harknett, Riva
Harland Family
Harlow, Dylon G. D.
Harman, Mae
Harper, Debbie & Dennis
Harper, Kenneth
Harrington Mealey Family
Harrington, Geoff
Harris - Lamont - McKim
Harris, Dean/Colleen/David
Harris, Fern
Harris, Gerry & Vivian
Harris, Hope & Deane
Harris, Mary, Ken & Family
Harrison, Joan & Richard
Harrison, Krista
Harrison, Michael
Harrison, Phil & Family
Harrison, Rodney
Harry, Alexander C.
Hart, Catherine
Hart, Dr. Alan
Hart, Hallie
Hart, Joan & Graeme
Hart, Phillip
Hart, Shannon
Hartley, Rika & Bill
Hartley, Robert
Hartman, Robert Allan
Hartung, Samantha
Harvey, George & Robin
Haskins, Marion
Hastings, Dave
Hastman, Shannon
Hastman, Trevor
Hathorn, Barbara J.
Hauser, Philip John P.
Hautala, Keith J.
Hautala, Vi
Hawkins Family
Hawkins, Arnot
Hawkins, Elizabeth
Hawthorn, Jessica & Kirk
Hawtin, Lovera A. & Keith
Hawton, Margaret
Hay, William Nils
Hayden, George & Verna
Hayes, David & Lilac
Hayman, H. Robert
Haynes, Richard William
Haynes, Ronald
Hayslip, Wende
Hayward, Stuart & Ruth
Head, Connie & Bob
Heard, Edwin Harold
Hearnden, KW/McCullagh, S
Hearne, Frances M.
Heath, Jerry
Hébert, Alban
Hébert, Daniel
Hébert, Eric
Hébert, Jo
Hébert, Margaret
Hedges, Amanda Marie
Hedges, Evan Andrew
Hedges, Jason Bradley
Hedges, Kyle Alexander
Hedman, Helen M.
Heger, George
Hegger, Shawn Alexander
Heidenreich, Barbara
Heidman, Stacey Jean
Heighton, Catherine L.
Heikamp, Harry & Linda
Heikkila, Olavi & Helena
Heinonen, Jan
Heinonen, Jean
Heinonen, Kauko
Heinonen, Pauline C.
Heinonen, Sandy
Helliar Children
Helliar*, Betty
Helliar, Ron ~ Fort Frances
Helms, Michael
Henderson, Darren Mark
Henderson, Ellen S.
Henderson, Rev. Dawn
Henderson, Ron & Sandra
Henderson, Sidney W.J.
Hendery, J. & Lindsay, L.
Heneberry, Myles Phillip
Hennessy*, Maureen
Henning, Duane
Henrickson, Thomas E.
Herbster, Kurt
Herman, Bella
Herman, Ben
Herman, Herb
Herman, Herb & Dale
Herman, Ramona
Hermick, Allan
Hermick, Gayle
Hermick, Isabel
Hermick, Peter
Herold, John & Judy
Herold, Todd & Jody
Heroux, Marcel
Herr, Larry
Herridge, Arthur 1925~2004
Hershey, David & Gabrielle
Hershey, Jean
Hertz, Raymond T.J.
Hewitt, Alan, Chris & Cindy
Heys, Cheryl & Bob
Hibbert, Ron & Verna
Hickey, Alexandra/Katrina
Higgins, Pat & Wilf
Higgins, Peter J.
Hignell, Joan
Hignett, C.G.
Hignett, Jeff & Cindy
Hignett, Jim & Nancy
Hilbert, Donald Herbert
Hill, Anthony
Hill, Carolyn
Hill, Cassidy
Hill, Karli
Hill, Laurie/Dona/Peter/Meg
Hill, Liz
Hill, Lorna Mae
Hill, Nicole
Hill, Stuart
Hill, Timmy
Hillman, Bartley
Hilyer, Clifford Kenneth
Thank you for your support
In memory of
In memory of
L. & D. Vaillancourt
A. & T. Endicott
The Endicott Family
Bruce Marie Kaitlyn Ryan
David Kim Katie
Gary Karen
Jim Marg Sue
Gus Frodbel
The Falk Family
The Falk Family
Helmut & Beverly
Karla, Katy and Kris
Josef & Cocco
June 15, 1924
October 2, 1978
Happy trails to all!
For all the walks
we share!
Tom Farquhar
March 16, 1942
November 23, 2001
Briana P.E. &
Benjamin M.W.
Hunter W.A., Ashley P.,
Dawson S. & Hannah T.A.
C.B. Lamontagne
Connor J. & Eric A.
In honour of our mothers
Peggy Fera
Frida Hakojarvi
Pat Lafleur
Gail Plexman
Connie White
Les Dames du Lac
Bonds of friendship
last forever.
In loving memory of
In memory of
Joan Vaughan
1952 ~ 2009
Nature was her utopia.
Love, her Bridge friends
Walter K. Fischer
Dalton & Julia Ferris
September 5, 1938
August 19, 2007
Timmins, ON
To honour the
35th wedding anniversary
of our parents,
with our deepest love
and devotion
Love Scott, Justin & Kathryn
Richard Raymond
Sudbury, Ontario
Peace, wisdom,
understanding and
enlightenment through daily
We love you grandpa!
Robert Sears
on our 25th
Our journey is touched
by those who come
before and after us.
For that we are
deeply grateful.
Maya Lazaridis and
Loreen Forsythe
I love you
July 3rd, 2001
In loving memory of
The Stephen Family
Lee Frederick
In memory of
Always in our hearts
William, Elsie, Charles,
Annie, Margaret, Edith
Elizabeth, John,
Norman and Lois
Lorri and Brent
Parry Sound Area
Community Business & Development Centre Inc.
A Community Futures Development Corporation
Hinatsu, Alan
Hinckley, Wilson
Hindle Family
Hindley, Carol E.
Hindman, Robert & Family
Hinich, Jeffrey Riordan
Hinschberger, D. & G.
Hintz, David W.
Hobin, Cecil
Hoeve, John
Hoey, Alverne
Hofbauer, Willi Wolfgang
Hofer, Sue & Hans
Hofer, Tina/Mike/Nicole
Hoffman, Gordon James
Hoffman, Merrill Dwight
Hoffman, Rick/Sue/Family
Hofley, Brendan
Hofley, Marcus
Hogan, Debbie & Blair
Hogenbirk, John & Family
Hogg, Bruce
Hogg, Laura
Hogg, Lauren, Mary, Gary
Hogg, Robin
Hogg, Stanton & Elspeth
Hohol, Blair Thomas
Holborn, Nancy (Daley)
Holder, Jeannie M.
Holdsworth, Amy Christine
Holford, Sam
Holford, Sam* & Connie
Holland, Candy & Ralph
Hollander Family
Holliday, Frank & Margaret
Holman, G.E. (Ted)
Holmberg Family
Holmberg, Kevin & Adriana
Holmberg, Marilyn
Holmes, Allison
Holmes, Andrew
Holmes, Brad
Holmgren, Curtis Jon
Holmlund, B., L. & Family
Holmstrom, Diane Katryna
Holomego Grandkids
Holt, Gordon
Holtby, David & Marjorie
Holtby, Jack
Holtby, Lila
Holtforster, Vince
Holub, Margaret
Hong, Alex
Hong, Betty
Hong, Beverly
Hong, Heather C.
Hong, Kathryn
Hood, Alan
Hood, Andrea
Hood, Michelle
Hood, Mr. Justice Sherman
Hoods of the Woods Bowles
Hook, David
Hooke, Betty Lou & Wayne
Hooke, Innis
Hooke, Ture
Hooper, Gwennie
Hooper, Sabrina Amyre
Hoover, Brian
Hope, Blayne
Hope, Blayne & Arlene
Hopkins Beaupre Family
Hopkins, Bert & Elisabeth
Hopkins, Mike & Debra
Hopson, Dr. & Mrs. W.L.G.
Hopson, Jeremy
Hopson, Marti/Maok, Peter
Horne, Iain & James
Hornepayne Public School
Horner*, Bill & Grace King
Horton, Barry Rita & Brian
Horton, R. Ivan
Horvat, Helen
Horvath, Imre J.
Hosfield, Dennis
Hoshino, A.
Houghton, Mary
Houghton, Ronald Edward
Houlbert, M. et Mme
Houle, Conrad & Sheila
House, Anne
Hovi Family
Howard, Christopher Ross
Howard, David & Kris
Howard, Dennis & Norma
Howard, John & Chris
Howard, Leah
Howard, Scott
Howden, Maurice & Karen
Howlett, Anne
Howse, Andrew & Jennifer
Howson, Cole & Tracy
Hreljac, Hurlie & Arletta
Hrkalová, Eva
Hryb, John
Hryb, John & Anna
Hrynyshyn, Derek S.
Hrynyshyn, James L.
Hryszkiewicz, Marian
Huard, Fulgence
Hubbel-Puff, Myrtle
Hubbs, Gladys & Frank
Hubbs, Maureen
Huber Family
Huber, Chris
Huber, Melissa
Huber, Robyn
Hudecki, Fred
Hudson, Brian (Capt.)
Hudson, Carol L.
Hudson, Joan E.
Hudson, Norman R.M.
Hueston, Marion P.
Huggins, Bruce
Hughes, Richard T.
Hughes, Robert W.
Hughson, Bob & Anne
Huisman, Allan
Hulvey, Andrew Watson
Humbert, Greg & Jennie
Hume, Donna Ann
Hume, Thomas Donald
Humphrey, Kathryn
Humphrey, Keith
Humphrey, Malcolm
Huneault, André & Sue
Hunjadi, Timea & Sibley
Hunt, Dorothy Kelly Erin
Hunt, Gordon J.
Hunter, Clifford E.
Hunter, Craig
Hunter, Dirab
Hunter, Graham
Hunter, Irene
Hunter, Milton
Hunter, Stewart
Huot, Claire
Huot, Lawrence & Paulette
Hupka, Victor ~ 80th Birthday
Hupponen, Eino
Hurd, Margaret
Hurd, Nolan Aubrey
Hurdman, Anne
Hurdman, Nicholas
Hurlbut, Robert & Patrick
Hurley, B. & F.
Hurley, H. & Tipler, K.
Hurley, Michael & Doreen
Hurry, James
Hurst, Charles Evert
Husband, Gunilla
Hussey, Paul & Nicole
Hutchinson, Don
Hutchinson, Neil & Family
Hutchison, Earl & June
Hutchison, Wanda Marie
Hutman, Charlie
Hutman-Scott, Jan
Hutt, Sandy & Mary
Hyatt, Trevor & David
Hyder, Adam Bruce
Hyndman, Mr. & Mrs. Roy
Hyndman, Ted & Betty
Hyndman, William & Dorothy
Hynes, Kelly
Iannelli, Michelle & Rob
Ibey, Hazel Stargratt
Ieropoli, Filippo
Imbeau, A. & Grandchildren
Imbeau, Art
Imbeau, Art & Irene
Immonen, Lisa
Imrie, Rebecca
Inch, George & Hilde
Ingalls, David & Christa
Ingham, Lynn
Inglis, Janice A.
Ingram, S.C.
Ingram, Shane
Ingram, T.D.
Ingram, Terri
Inkster, Janet
Inkster, Yvonne C.
Iotzov, Alexandar
Ireland, Dorothy G.
Ireland, Jack
Irish, James & Sandra
Iroquois Falls Scout Troop
Irvine, Sharon
Irvine, Sharon Margaret
Irwin, Alan L.
Irwin, Alan Scott
Irwin, Edna M.
Irwin, Frank
Irwin, Ken & Dianne
Irwin, Maria
Irwin, Rev. Donald & Alice
Irwin, Rita L.
Isaac, Olive
Isabelle, Claude/Jaqueline
Isber, Donna
Isberg, Bill & Jeane
Isleifson, Björn & Family
Isleifson, Dorothy & James
Isleifson, Ida & Murray
Isleifson, Sarah & Steven
Isnor, Shirley & Ron
Ivens, Jean Frances
Ives, Jane Margaret
Iwanyzki, Debbie
J. Moffit Construction
Jacklin, Steven & Andrea
Jackman, Harold R.
Jackson, Betty & Frank
Jackson, Colin M.
Jackson, Edna
Jackson, James R.S.
Jackson, John C.
Jackson, Laurie
Jackson, Wendy
Jacobson, Elsie
Jacobson, Neil & Michelle
Jacques, D., L. & Family
Jaenike, Karen & Chris
Jago, Mary ~ HRSRH 2011
Jain, Darshan
James, Dr. Cliff W.
James, Heather Nicole
James, John & Marcine
James, Kaileah
James, Keith & Susann
James, Len
James, Len & Marjorie
James, Leonard & Family
James, Martin & Family
James, Ralph Stanley
James, Shirley Joan
James, Stephen Allen
Jamieson, Jessie & Jim
Jamieson, John & Anne
Jamieson, Senni
Jamieson, Terry J.
Janicki, Clayton
Janssen, Mary Ann McClarty
Jantzi, Tammy
Japs, Iris Anne
Jaques, Jim
Jardine, Bert & Alice
Jaremy, David
Jarmovitch, Rod & Colleen
Jarvis, Marlene F.
Jarvis, Philip L.
Jasper Jenn Rob Savannah
Jauvin, Alain Anne Daniel
Jeckel, Herbert & Maria
Jefferson, Max & Alice
Jeffery, Cathy & Roy
Jeffery, Colin & Andrew
Jenkins, Bob
Jenkins, Bob & Dolly
Jenkins, Jim
Jenkins, June
Jenkins, Ruby M.
Jenne, Dick & Gayle
Jensen, Derek
Jensen, Sean Michael
Jereb, John
Jerry, Amber
Jerry, Angel
Jeske, Greg
Jessop, Dr. C.P.
Jessop, Dr. C.P. & Family
Jetten, Doreen~Happy Walker
Jetten, John/Denise/Derek
Jewell, Leonard & Mildred
Jewell, Terry & Terry Lynn
Jiggs, From the Brenner
Jinot, Nancy
Jiwa, Hanif & Family
Johansen, Heidi
John Wesley UC Strutters
Johns, David “Open Road”
Johns, Holly
Johns, Philippe
Johnson, Amy & Doug
Johnson, Audrey & Alan
Johnson, David Lowry
Johnson, Donald Garth
Johnson, Fred
Johnson, James WR
Johnson, Katherine E.
Johnson, Margaret J.
Johnson, Mark Ronald
Johnson, Matt Hannah Emma
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Samuel F.
Johnston Barb/Garry/James
Johnston, Audrey
Johnston, Blaine
Johnston, Cindy
Johnston, Don S.
Johnston, John & Gaile
Johnston, Lucy Jean
Johnston, Shelley
Johnston, Susan E.
Johnstone Chen, Mary
Johnstone Rossi, Loretta
Johnstone, Arleen
Johnstone, Dave & Pat
Johnstone, Joshua James
Johnstone, Rebecca M.
Johnstone, William Gowan
Joiner, Harold & Hazel
Joiner, Paul & Marcia
Jokinen, Agnes
Jolicoeur, Jean-Paul E.
Jones Norm/Cathy/Nat/Lisa
Jones, Bonny & Walter
Jones, Carol B.
Jones, Cheryl Anne
Jones, Don & Pepita
Jones, Erin Louise
Jones, Ian B.M.
Jones, Kenneth E.
Jones, Lorna & Harry
Jones, Paul
Jones, Robert & Dixie
Jones, Terrilyn
Jones, Thomas A.
Jordan, A. & Brett, L.
Jordan, Denise & Family
Jordan, Roberta
Jordison, Pat & Jerry
Jorgensen, David & Valerie
Jorgenson, Crystal Leigh
Josefchak, Joe J.
Joseph, Brian M.
Jouwsma, Kimberley Neile
Jouwsma, O. Brian
Jouwsma, Tyler John
Joy & Scott - One, Two
Joynt Family
Judd, Andrew Ronald
Judd, Kimberly Anne
Judge Family
Jull, Danny
Junor, Ruth W.
Juoksu, Hanna Dawn
Jury, J. Chester
Jylha, ED.
Kabsuwan, Kamol
Kachor, Peter
Kadikoff, B.J.
Kakabeka Physiotherapy
Kallio, James
Kallio, Mary
Kalm, Tom & Leone
Kalpage, Rosanne
Kane, Barbara C.
Kane, Rod F.
Kankaanpaa, Anita
Kappel, Colleen
Karlberg, Devon
Karlberg, Joel
Karlson, Ingevald
Karoglan, Walter
Karolewski, T.
Karpiak, Nestor
Karst-Riddoch, Tammy
Kaskiw, Gregory
Kasper, Max
Kassa, John
Katary, Shannon
Kaucharik, Susan & Henry
Kaufman, Michael
Kauppi, Carol
Kavanagh, Douglas Lloyd
Kawano, Kegan N.
Kawatra, Lindsey Kaushlya
Kawulia, Justin Paul
Keaney, Katie
Kearney, Frank & Mary
Kearns, Inta A.
Keast, John R.
Keating, Mary Jean
Keays, Raymond E.
Keely & Lindsay & Carmen
Keenan, Christine
Keenan, Margaret (Peggy)
Keenan, Sophie
Keenan, Ted
Kehler, Marie
Keiser, Gordon C.
Kelland, Chris
Kelland, Marjory
Kelland, Ronald
Kelland, Ronald & Marjory
Keller, Jacqueline
Keller, Steve & Esther
Keller, Thompson
Kellett, Ronald & Beverley
Kellett, William E.
Kellett, William Edward
Kellogg, Janelle Mary
Kellough, Joyce & John
Kells, Robert W.
Kelly, Brad
Kelly, Clifford & Clare
Kelly, Daniel & Frances
Kelly, Victoria Lynne
Kelly-McGorman Family
Kelter, Peter
Kemp, Danny ~ 1957-2007
Kemperman, Harry J.T.
Kenelly, Grant
Kennedy, Agnes C.
Kennedy, Bazil L.
Kennedy, Bill & Noretta
Kennedy, Brent
Kennedy, Doug
Kennedy, Fiona
Kennedy, John C.
Kennedy, Kevin J.J.
Kennedy, Lynn
Kennedy, Merritt Kathryn
Kennedy, Peter R.
Kenney, Rose
Kenny, Braydan
Kenny, Joanne
Kenny, Peter J.
Kenny, Tom & Bette Sue
Kenny-Petra, Jennifer Ann
Kent, Cheryl Ann
Kent, David G.
Kent, Lise & Patrick
Kent, Melinda
Kent, Millie
Kent, Paula J.
Kent, William
Keown, Barry
Keown, Bobjo Neil Stef Bry
Keppy, Colin
Keresztesi, Istvan Krüger
Kerr, Elizabeth
Kerr, G., M. & Glenn
Kerr, G., M. & Heather
Kerr, John (Jack) S.
Kerr, Monty
Kerr, Robert Murray
Kerr, William & Monica
Kerr, William K.
Kersey, Eve
Kervin, Tom & Elaine
Kesteris, Mara Inta
Ketcheson, Graham
Keuhl, Cassandra L.
Keuhl, David & Linda
Keuhl, Jessica A.
Kewell, Jim & June
Key, Brent & Karen
Keyfitz, Jason Daniel
Keyvani, Afshin & Elizabeth
Kibiuk, Michael
Kidd CD, Denzil Arthur
Kidd, Gordon M.
Kidd’s Home Hardware
Kiehna, Rubena & Herb
Kiessling, Oliver Clay
Kilbride, Patricia
Kilby, Kenneth B.
Kilgour, Jeanie & Murray
Kilian, Gabriele
Kilian, Robert
Killian, Tania
Kilner, Skip
Kim & Ross
Kim, Myung Hoon
Kimberley, Paul
Kimpel, Gay & John
Kimpton, David
Kimpton, Richard David
Kinach, Andrew
Kinach, Lesia
Kinach, Stefan
King Family
King, Amber
King, Arthur & Sarah Hicks
King, Ben & Jeff
King, Brady Ian~Jan. 13/09
King, Brenda
King, Daniel
King, Daniel Kenneth
King, David/Devon/Catlin
King, Dawn M./Schaus, Jim
King, Dennis & Margaret
King, Doug & Donna
King, Gage Parker
King, Glenn James
King, Jack & Willa
King, James C.
King, Jason Matthew
King, Jennifer
King, Mary Lou Doreen
King, Michael James
King, Mr. Beverly
King, Muriel
King, Noreen Doris
King, Olga
King, Ray
Kingaby, Ella & Alan~Aug 7/05
Kingaby, Ella&Alan Aug 7/05
King-Edwards, Adrian
Kingerski, Gary R.
Kingsbury, Albert
Kingsley, Alphonse J.
King-Wilson, Marianne DO
Kinsey, Meagan
Kinsey, Sarah
Kinsley, James
Kirby, Erle
Kirby, Peter
Kirk, Gerald & Rowena
Kirk, Mac & Deb
Kirkby Family
Kirkland, Clarke R.
Kirwin, Harry & Rose Mary
Kislock, William
Kitchen, R.T.
Kitching, Dean Paul
Kitlar, Mervin/Helen Fam
Kitson, Marjorie/Clifford
Kivi, Alfred
Kivi, Dolores
Kivisaari, Nels
Klaassen, Peter
Kleiser, Dana/Andi/Christian
Klemecky, Stanley & Edna
Klemkovitch, Rose
Kleniewski Family
Klenik, Judy
Kleyn, Albert
Kleyn, Samuel Albert
Kloetstra, Peter
Klose, Martin
Knack, Bruce Chesterton
Knarr/MacAlpine Children
Knicley, Norman
Knight, Andrew
Knight, Barbara & Geoffrey
Knight, Benjamin
Knight, Carolyn
Knight, Debra
Knight, Katherine
Knight, M.
Knights, Glenn
Knights, Michael
Knobloch, Danny Karl
Knott, Thomas
Kocmut, Nicole (Geoffrey)
Koehler, Michael Eric
Koepsell, Jacqueline
Koert, Jerry, Diane & Family
Kolisnik, Tyler & Kelly
Kolshuk-Bongfeldt Family
Kondrat Family
Kontschieder, Elizabeth
Koob, Dan & Helen
Koob, Martin
Koop, Henry
Kopechanski, Bill/Sophie
Kopechanski, Dori Suzanne
Koren Family
Korpi Family
Kortes-Miller, K. & K.
Kortleve, Govert & Nora
Kortshack, Laurie & Family
Kosir, Anthony
Kosir, Roberta
Koskela, Veikko E.
Koski, Michael A.
Koster, Steven D.
Kotsilidis, Paulette L.
Koutsoukis, Hellen D.
Kovacic Family
Kovacs, Beverley/Paul/Don
Koval Family
Kowalchuk, Harry P.
Kralik, Kevin Norman
Kramarich, Marnie
Kramer, Bill
Kramer, Erika ~ Sans Souci
Kramer, Janet & Joe
Kramer-Sjaarda, Gertie
Kramp, Jennie Marie
Kranjcec, Beatrice & John
Kreger, Taylor
Kremer, Sidney G.J.
Kreptowski, John
Kri, Steve
Krieg, Gordon
Krikke, Alex & Tina
Krit, Jonathan
Krmpotich, Randy & Janet
Kronner, David
Kruizinga, Case, Jr.
Kruse, Barbara E.
Krys, Shirley
Kuczmanski, Richard/Helen
Kuder, Gail
Kuehnbaum, Bill
Kuhn, Darrell
Kuhn, Gerry
Kujala, Peter & Lorraine
Kulchyski, Kristyn & Ryan
Kumar, Anna
Kumar, Ivan
Kunkel, Yvonne & Eugene
Kuntz, Carrie
Kuntz, Maureen
Kuntz, Michael & Ellie
Kupferschmidt, Anthony
Kupferschmidt, David Adam
Kupferschmidt. Philip D.
Kurisko, Stan & Joan
Kurki, Hank & Ellen
Kurtz, Bob
Kurtz, Gerhard ~ 1910-1984
Kurtz, Helen Jean
Kurtz, Marie ~ 1913-1986
Kurtze, Hans-Peter
Kushnier, Stan & Eleanor
Kusick, Edward & Lillian
Kusnierczyk, David/Ingrid
Kusnierczyk, Gerri & Ed
Kuzemchuck Family
Kuzemchuck, Brianne
Kuzik, Sandra
Kwok, Jennifer
Kydd, Robert Joseph
Kynoch, John (Ian) Whyte
Kytayko, George & Cathy
La Flamme, Jean K.
La Forêt, John Tait
La Rose, Barrie & Carol
Labadie, Mary
Labbé, Denise Jacqueline
Labelle, Daniel
Labelle, Gilles A.
Labelle, Joffre Andreeanne
Labelle, Lawrence
Lacelle, Jordan W.
Lachance, Marie
Lachapelle, Bernard C.
LaChapelle, Dennis
Lachapelle, Jos/Thérèse
Lachowich, Bradley Ross
Lacombe, Marguerite Marie
Lacourse, Carmen
Lacroix Dumont, J.
Lacroix, Bernard Paul
Lacroix, Lise
Lacroix, Marie Ange
Lacroix, Wilfrid Amede
Lacroix-Gosselin, Ginette
Laderoute, Scott Spencer
Laderoute, Sheila
Ladouceur, David&Claudette
Ladouceur, Dennis D.
Lafay, D. Elisabeth
Lafleche, Leonard
Lafond, Joanne & Mike
Laframboise, Jacques
Laframboise, Terry
Lafrance Bernard & Sharon
Lafrance, Paul & Dianne
Lafraniere, Bob & Viv
Lafreniere Daniel & Lindsay
Lagacé, Nicole
Laidlaw, D. & Family
Laing, Dawn
Laing, Kyle Matthew
Laing, Walter & Irene
Laird, Jack
Lake Helen Pow Wow
Lake Superior IODE
Lakehead Elem Teachers-ON
Lakehead Geography Club
Lalande, Guy
Lalande, Jean L. & Lucy
Lalande, Kerrie Anne
Laliberté, L. Wyman
Lalonde, Louis & Joan
Lalonde, Marcel H.
Lalonde, Paul A.
Lalonde, Shanley & Brady
Lalonde, Vernon & Denise
Lamacraft, George & Anna
Lamacraft, John & Linda
Laman, Rob
Lamarche, Julie Pauline
Lambert, Harold V.
Lambert, K/Edwardson, A
Lambert, Lucy
Lambert, Robert Jane
Lambert, Robert W.
Lambert, Stephen H.
Lamond Family
Thank you for your support
Dev. Ed. Prog.
In loving memory of
The Gascon Family
Lu Fremlin
Edgar & Viviane Gascon
Louie, Teresa, Tammy
Tania, Tracy, Corey
Bill & John
whose special gift was
Ontario, Sault Ste Marie
J. Fletcher, C. Fremlin
& F. Gioia
“To see the World in
a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in
a Wild Flower...”
Todd & Sheri
Noah, Hannah & Joshua
Joel & Tina Montgomery
In honour of
The McNutt Family
David Giddens
John* & Delta
age 27 years
Killed in a car accident
Hobart, Tasmania
October 2002
Earle & Marion (McNutt)
and Michael Gill
Merry Christmas 2003
Lou Goyette
Avid walker & nature lover
Warm & generous
husband, father
and grandfather.
Love: Laurette,
children & grandchildren
John Hicks*& (Rena Tarrant*)
Kenneth* (Janetta Brear)
Allan J*
Marion (Benjamin Harvey)*
Alvin (Louise Sararas)
Lloyd* (Elizabeth Noll*)
Velma (Carl Brear)
Jean (Fred Madden)
To all our
Canadian friends
past, present and future
in honor of
Peggy and Meredith
The Graham Family
Our grandchildren
Jared, Mathew and
Benjamin Ginter
Erika Cooper
Emily Frances Jones
The Tarrant Family
The Hicks Family
William J* (Susan Kennedy*)
Robert* (Amy*) (Ann)
John H* (Rena Tarrant*)
Thomas A* (Mae Norton*)
William E “Willie”*
Geoff & Lesley (Gill) Woods
For today’s achievers,
tomorrow’s leaders.
Girl Guides of Canada
Guides du Canada
Algonquin Division
From the girls of today,
to the girls of tomorrow
Slobodan Golubovich
Who delighted in nature
and loved to fish,
hunt and garden
In loving memory of
my father
H & M Enterprise
George E.* (Agnes*)
Rena* (John Hicks*)
James* (Ruby)
George W.* (Lila)
John A. Haskins
William Hartley
1929 ~ 1992
Gateway Walker
ONR Lineman
and in memory of
our camping and hiking
Loving and Loyal
Husband, Father,
Grandfather and Friend
George W.* (Lila)
Shirley Pollock
Lester (Sara)
Laverne (Frances)
Darle (Janie)
Dedicated in loving memory
William (Bill)
From his wife and children
May the force be with you!
The Hervieux Family
Lucien «Mouse»*
and Anita (Major)
Beulah Hess
May 4, 1912~June 12, 2000
Enjoyed weekly hikes
with “Y” hikers
’til age 85
Linda Lou, Carolee,
Johnny Ray, Leslie Anne,
Rosemarie, Mona Lise
Janice & John Horgos
The Hodgson Family
Mhora & Simpson
George R.B. and Marianne
Holy Trinity School
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Dr. Robert Kenneth Jensen
June 21, 1942 ~ September 20, 2000
We rise again in the faces of our children
We rise again in the voices of our song
We rise again like the waves out on the ocean
And then we rise again
Geno & Tara Padovese
Joanna & Dan Mackler
Emma S & Ben W
Love Maureen & friends
In loving memory of
David &
Charlene Padovese
Cameron D & Mitchell G
Gudrun Hogarth*
These 10 meters of the
Trans Canada Trail
are dedicated to you
from the
Hryszkiewicz Family
Christina, Jane,
Frank and John
Hugh John Humphrey,
1923 ~ 1971
Fondly remembered by
wife, Alice
sons, Christopher & Brian
and daughter,
Frances Cooke
In loving memory of
Robert Campbell Livingstone
September 3, 1939 ~ November 8, 1997
Gail Frances Livingstone
July 1, 1940 ~ October 15, 2001
Always in our hearts
In memory of our parents…
John & Olive
Girvan & Ruth
In memory of
Emily, Peter and
Samuel Hurst
Nicholas & Anne Hurdman
Jeffrey James Carlyle
In memory of
Otto Vaegler
March 7, 1975
October 10, 1995
1913 ~ 1993
Son, Brother, Friend
Lamothe, Aurèle
Lamoureux, James
Lamoureux, Wilfred H.
Lampi, John & Laura
Lamport, John Leslie
Lancaster, Gail E.
Lance, Julie
Landmark, Cheryl Ann
Landmark, Klaus
Landmark, M.-Relay 25/07
Landmark, Mike & Cheryl
Landry, Charron Elise C.
Landry, Raymond
Landry, Richard Ernest
Landry, Roger Albert
Lane, Kenneth A.
Lang, George & Patricia
Langdon, Jim
Langdon, Linda Lea
Langford, Doug & Doris
Langford, William
Langille Chrysler
Langille, Chris
Langlois, Bernie
Langlois, Julie
Langlois, Maxine & Nigèle
Langstaff, David
Lanktree, Pauline
Lanthier, Renée
Lapchinski, Ernest Steven
Laperrière,Amedée & Julie
Lapierre, Raymond
Lapointe, Valerie F. A.
Lapper Family
LaPrairie, Nicole
Lapworth, Diane
Lapworth, Garry
Larabie, Alex R.
Large, Frank & Jeanette
Larion, L. Melissa H.
Lariviere, Anthony (Tony)
Lariviere, Noel & Jean
Larivière, Richard André
Larmer James Philip Gilles
Larner, Herbert Thomas
Laroche, Isobel (Bake)
Larochelle, Aimé G.
Larochelle, John Jack
Larochelle, Lianne & Marc
Larocque G & S et famille
Larocque Gille & famille
Larocque Suzanne &famille
LaRocque, A. Vera
Larocque, Beatrice
Larocque, Izabella ~ 2008
Larose, Lucille
Larouche, Louise
Larry’s T.V. Towers
Larson, Barb Girl Guides
Lasook, Mike & Judy
Latour, Dennis & Joan
Lauer, Pat/Charlie+Girls
Laughren, Joel
Laughren, Joshua
Laughren, Max
Laughren, Sandra & Terry
Laughren, Tannys
Laundry, Allen J.
Laureate Beta Alpha
Lauro, Louis & Irene
Lauzon, C. Nicole
Lauzon, Jody
Lauzon, Lani
Lauzon, Lionel & Betty
Lauzon, Michel
Lavalle, David & Stephanie
Lavender, Emerson
Laverdiere, Heather & Paul
Lavergne, Rita & Lucky
Lavigne, Simone (Beaulieu)
Lavoie, Bibi & Jean-Guy
Lavoie, Jean Noël
Law, Cameron R.
Law, Jim & Leona
Lawrence, Betty McWilliam
Lawrence, Caleb & Maureen
Lawrence, Fiona
Lawrence, Jy Maya
Lawrence, Kailin
Lawrence, Karin
Lawrence, Katie
Lawrence, Leslie D.
Lawrence, Maureen
Lawrence, Rojha Raina
Lawrie, William & Jean
Lawson, Andrew
Lawson, Anne
Lawson, Gordon
Lawson, Heather
Lawson, Ian
Lawson, Isabel
Lawson, John & Frances
Lawson, Michael
Lawson, Patricia & Dennis
Lawson, Susan Dale
Lawson, Torry
Laycock, Glenn & Wendy
Leader, Adam A.
Leader, Howard A.
Leader, Ryan R.
Leaker, Jim
LeBlanc, Amy, Mike & Ben
LeBlanc, Chris
LeBlanc, Lise
Leblanc, Michael
LeBlanc, Moe & Shirley
Leblanc, Monique
LeBlanc, Richard
LeBreton, Keagan Alexander
LeBreton, Keeley Morgan
LeBreton, Kiera Jane
LeCaine, Trudi
Leclair, Atchey (Curé)
Leclair, Roger & Doreen
Lecomte, George-Étienne
Lécuyer, Denis George
Lécuyer, Maurice Ephrem J.
Ledger, Jack & Pat
Ledingham, Brian & Cathy
LeDressay, David
Leduc, Alain Julien
Leduc, Dany Patrice
Lee, Barbara & Marks
Lee, Brendan J. Jr.
Lee, Brendan J. Sr.
Lee, Frederick C.
Lee, Laila (Normi)
Lee, Ronald & Dorothy
Lee, Rosemary
Lee-Bender, Brendan A.
Lee-Bender, Brendan E.
Leek, Joyce & Jim
Leers, Steffi
Leers, Tanya
Lees, Mel & Faye
Leeson, Lewis Glen
Lefebvre Family
Lefebvre, Art & Donnie
Legaré, Thelma Maria
Legault, Celina
Leger, Joffre & Corinne
Legge, Gordon E.
Leggett, Robert
Leiberg, Oliver E.
Leigh, Robert & Jean
Lein, Alexander Duguld
Leitch, Lindsay Alana
Lemay, Patricia
Lemay, Paul Henri
Lemieux, Donald
Leo, Alessandro
Leonard Family
Léonard, Anna et Arthur
Leonard, Rene
Lepage, Annette (Tessier)
Lepage, Daniel
Lepage, Leah Lovesey
Lepage, Patrick
Lepage, Robert
Lepage, Rory
Lepage, Wayne
Lepkan, Erik Stephen
Lepkan, Sarah Emma
Leroux, Brittny
Leroux, Janna
Leroux, Keegan
Lesk, Frank
Lesk, Sally
Lester, Iris & Don
Lester, Phil 1940 ~ 2007
Leszczynski, Konrad
Lethbridge, Larry & Irene
Lethbridge, Maranda
Lethbridge, Travis
Létourneau, Meghan & Kevin
Létourneau, Nicole M.
Levasseur, Monique H.G.
Léveillée, Jean-Paul
Levesque, Bastien Pierre
Levesque, Douglas W.
Levesque, Emily Rose
Lévesque, Irène
Levesque, Rémy Antoine
Levesque, Sharon & Norm
Levin Bonder Family
Levinski, Carly & Andrew
Levis, Catherine J.
Levis, Peter & Arlene
Levitt, Adrian
Lewis, Gertrud J.
Lewis, Gloria & Dick
Lewis, J. & Shields, R.
Lewis, Jeff (1971-1998)
Lewis, Johanna
Lewis, Martin C.
Lewis, Nathan
Lewis, Nicole A.
Lewis, Rebecca~I Love You, Dad
Lewis, Ronald
Lex & Rosita
Lezun, Patrick
Lichti, David & Mary Ann
Lick, Amber & Taylor
Liddle, Bruce
Lieb, Colin
Lievers, Kathleen
Lighthouse Landing Cabins
Lilley, William Colling
Lillington, Patricia
Linchuang, Paul S.
Lindley Family
Lindley, Peter & Joan
Lindquist, Cliff
Lindsay Family
Lindsay, Elsa
Lindsay, L. Victor
Lindsey, William H. R.
Lindstrom, L. J. & F.
Lindstrom, Len & Jessie
Linklater, Mary
Linkletter, Don & Roxy
Lipinski, Karl & Loretta
Lipowy, Ryan D.
Liquornik, Zachary & Amy
Lisk, Jennifer
Lisk, Kelsey
Lisk, Matthew
Lister Family
Litalien, Mathieu & Erica
Litchfield, Beth
Little Current Home & Sch
Little, Carenie & Terry
Little, Jim & Jenny
Little, Ted & Family
Little, Wallace & Audrey
Littlejohn, Gordon
Living Fit/Inside & Out
Livingstone, Ken
Ljungkull, Jane
Ljungkull, Jean
Ljungkull, Jon & Deb
Lloyd, Brennain
Lloyd, Peter & Cynthia
Lloyd, Walter & Isabelle
Lloyd, Wm. A.
Lock, David Karen MRWJCD
Lockhart, Phyllis A.
Lockie, Norah & Albert
Lockie, Shay Austin
Lodwick, Rebecca M.
Loeffen, T&Y-N&K-A&D
Lofthouse Brass Mfg. Ltd.
Logan & Christine ~ Forever
Logan, Donna
Logan, Jesse
Logan, Sarah
Loghrin, Marg
Loghrin, Thomas F.
Loghrin, Tom
Logozzo, Sam/Donna/Family
Lokstet, Harry & Betty Lou
Loney, Bob
Loney, Hugh
Loney, Jack
Loney, Jim
Loney, Mary E.
Long, Antoinette
Long, C. Carl
Long, Jacqueline
Long, Janet E.
Long, Jerard Peter
Long, Raymond & Betty
Long, Roger C.
Long, Ruth
Longchamp, Rick & Jackie
Longe, Stuart
Longlac House
Longpré Family
Longtin, Maurice
Looker, Frank & Anna
Loose, Jess & Matt
Lopatnik, Sevastian
Lopez, Maria
Loponen, Eino/Joan-Tor.
Loponen, Leo Irja Lea Sara
Lord Family
Lortie, Jean-Noël
Los, Douglas J.
Loudon, Doris Rose
Lougheed, Gerry Jr.
Lougheed, Gerry, Jr.
Louttit, Shayna
Love, Alec V.
Loveday, Rose
Lovell, Doris J.
Love-Tremblay, Stephanie
Low, Maureen
Lowcock, John S.
Lowcock, Wilda G.
Lowe, Andrew
Lowe, Jessie
Lowe, Sheldon
Lowen, Steven
Lowther, Jessica K.
Loyst, Gail 1941 ~ 2010
LSHS - CGA 2GA ‘98
LU Political Science Dept
Lu, Pickseng Carmichael M
LU’84-Richichi (Ball), Susan
LU’84-Sacchetti, Gabriella
LU’84-Tsubouchi (Korol), Cathy
LU-84-Vita, Antonietta
Lucas, Andrew Frederick
Ludwick, Margaret & Orest
Ludwig, Sally
Lumgair, Ian
Lundmark, Eric & Beth
Lundquist, Jan & Gurini, Mike
Lundy, Stuart M.
Lunhild, Robert
Lunn, Brian P.
Lunn, Ethel
Luoma, Bruce Edward
Luoma, Don A.
Luski, Linda
Lustig, George & Nan
Luyt, Connie & George
Luzzi, Terryellen & Rick
Lyle, Archie C.
Lyle, Chico C.
Lyle, George David
Lyle, King Dan C.
Lynas, J & N & L & D
Lynas, Janet
Lynett, Jack & Sy
Lynham, James W.
Lyon, David Craig
Lyon, John & Mary
Lyon, John & Sharon
Lyons, Carol & Dick
Lyons, Christopher
Lysak, Terry & Sheila
Lyttle, Capt. Jeffrey
Mac Donald, Freda
Mac Donald, Gerald A.
Mac Donald, Katharine J.
Mac Donald, Michael
Mac Donald, Richard Alex
MacAlpine/Cavaliere Kids
MacAlpine/Kuntze Children
MacAulay, Murray
MacBrien, William & Nancy
MacDonald, “Ted” A.G.
MacDonald, Bill & Lorraine
MacDonald, Elna
MacDonald, Ian
MacDonald, Jeannine & Larry
MacDonald, Joshua
MacDonald, Mary C.
MacDonald, Rev. Freda
MacDonald, Rev. Graham
MacDonald, Ronald B.
MacDonald, Wendy
MacDonald-Rivett, Leona H.
MacDonell, Malcolm
MacDougald, Blaine
MacDougald, Clayton
MacDougall Family
MacDougall, William R.
MacElwee, James William
MacElwee, Taylor Jeannette
MacFarlane, Carol
MacFarlane, Clark
MacFarlane, John
MacFarlane, Josie
MacFarlane, Sarah
Macfie, James M.
MacGregor, Bruce & Jean
MacGregor, Roy
Macie, Greg & Kara
MacIntosh, Angus
MacIntosh, Donald L.
MacIntosh, Kelly
MacIntosh, Kristy
MacIver, Rusty & Paula
MacKay, Dr. M. & Family
MacKay, Scott
MacKeigan, Linda
Mackelvie, Dawn
MacKenzie, Alexandra C.
Mackenzie, Chris D.
MacKenzie, Connor D.
MacKenzie, Crystal L.
MacKenzie, Cynthia G.
Mackenzie, David J.
MacKenzie, Dewar F.
MacKenzie, Douglas R.
MacKenzie, Heather L.
Mackenzie, Mary L.
MacKenzie, Pat (Simpson)
MacKereth, Tom
MacKinnon, Brian & Diane
MacLaren, Suzanne (Cotton)
MacLaurin, Mari Jo
MacLean Family
MacLeish, Don
MacLeod, Alexander Dick
MacLeod, Carol A.
MacLeod, Douglas
MacLeod, Jennifer
MacLeod, Samuel D.H.
MacMillan, Lisa
Macnae, William
Macnamara, Michael
MacNaughtan, Heather
MacNaughtan, Paul
Macnaughton, M. & K.
MacNiven, Frank
Madalvee, Roy
Madden, Delia
Madden, Robert
Maddigan, George
Maddigan, Jacob Murray
Maddigan, Kate
Maddigan, Will
Madell Family
Madge, Gordon S.
Madge, Jennifer & Jim
Madge, Joan & Victor
Madic, Peter & Evena
Madill, Diana & Larry
Madill, Janice Roslyn
Madsen, Ronald
Maedel, Thomas & Charles
Maenhaut, Ann
Maenhaut, Barbara
Maenhaut, Gina
Maenhaut, Nick
Maenhaut, Pol
Magee Family
Magnetawan Bait & Tackle
Magnetawan Building Ctr.
Maguire, Colleen
Maguire, Michael P.F. 3rd
Magus, Joseph
Mahon, Ryan & Keitha ~ 2010
Maijac Cottages & Marine
Maillé, H. Bairstow E.
Mailloux, Denise
Mailloux, Joe & Teresa
Mairs, Bali~Sudbury
Maitland, Robert
Majer, Nathan F. & Family
Makela, Ryan A.
Maki, Anne & Torlone, Gary
Maki, Douglas
Maki, Tom & Judy
Mäkinen, Bill & Arja
Makinen, Grandma Tillie
Makkinga, John
Makkinga, Peter
Makuch, Mary Ann (Roman)
Malaher, David
Malaher, Rosemary
Malcolm, Delicia Sharon
Malette, Emilie & Katie
Maliska, Dalia M.
Malleau, J., M. & Family
Mallory, Elaine
Mallory, Jennifer
Malo, Aurel et Famille
Malo, Michel E.
Malone, Deirdre
Malott, Everett
Maltman, John & Carolyn
Manary, Paul A.~2/3/2005
Manegold, Dean
Mangoff, Steve & Loretta
Manitouwadge Chamber of
Mann Clan-Clearwater Bay
Mann, Beverly-Jo
Mann, Carol & Fred
Mann, Issac
Mann, Levi
Mann, Serene
Mann, Tabitha
Manning, Fraser
Manning, Helen
Mansfield, Fred & Vivian
Mansz, David Bruce
Mansz, Jasmine Diane
Mansz, R. Paul
Mantha, Fern & Romeo P.
Manthei, Eva
Manton, J.T.
Marak, Sheldon Trevor
Maranger, Angela
Maranger-Litalien Family
Marcellus, Dwaine
Marchant, Colleen E.
Marchant, Robert James
Marchment, Erika
Marchment, Skye
Marcil, Patrick
Marcolini, Bruno
Marcolini, Nellie
Marechaux, Otis & Family
Marentette, Lyle A.
Margarit, Kevin
Marier, Sylvio J.A.
Marijean & John ~ Aug 12/06
Marini, Guido
Marinigh, Brian W.
Marinigh, Jenna A.
Marion, Jeffrey
Marion, Michael James
Marion, Sheryl (Sabaz)
Marion, Wesley
Marks, Don & Ida
Marks, George
Marks, Mary Hughes
Marlow, Corinne J.
Marlow, Terry
Marolt Family
Marozas, Albert 1904-2004
Marquette, Daryl
Marquis, Valerie Arlene
Marr Family
Marr, Granny
Marr, Saxon
Marren, Michelle
Marrier, Susan
Marsh, Christopher John
Marsh, Peter
Marshall, Dan
Marshall, Dawson
Marshall, Dennis P.
Marshall, Harrison
Marshall, Kelly & Scott
Marshall, Kristjana & Brodie
Marshall, Larry
Marshall, Michael C.
Marshall, Roslyn
Marshall, Sandra E.
Marshall, Scott Richard
Marshall, Shawn F.
Marshall, Skylar
Marshman, Bev & Mike
Marson, Barry & Joanne
Marsonet, Brody & Matthew
Martel, Elie W.
Martel, Gaye Carol
Martel, Gisèle (Gem)
Martel, Larry & Margie
Martel, Michael
Martel, Sharon
Martell, Jim
Martin Family
Martin, Debbie A.
Martin, Dr. Robert & Joan
Martin, Elizabeth J.
Martin, Frank D.M.
Martin, Jim & Michelle
Martin, Joanne & Gordon
Martin, Juanita MacMillan
Martin, M. 3133RC(Army)CC
Martin, Milo Anthony
Martin, Mr. & Mrs. M. B.
Martin, Nancy Marie
Martin, Terry
Martin, Thomas
Martin, Will
Martin/Stewart 2000 Bash
Martineau, Mariette
Martyn, Brady & Bryce
Masciovecchio, Daniel
Masih, Dr. Robert
Masih, Robert J.
Mason, George B.
Mason, George Nathan
Mason, Helen
Mason, Jack Michael
Mason, Jeannine M.
Mason, Laura
Mason, Owen Matthew
Mason, Robert H.
Mason, Thomas Taylor
Mateer, Audrey & Carlton
Mathé, Ruth & Ralph
Mather, Anne Christina
Mather, Emily Joan
Mather, Mary Janet
Matheson, Cora
Matheson, Gordon & Bernice
Matheson, Kyle
Matheson, Reid
Matheson, Teresa & David
Mathieu, Alice (Cassidy)
Mathison, Joseph (Fishon)
Mathon, Ray
Mathon, Raymond et Denise
Matichuk, Craig
Matijevich, Inara & John
Matikainen, Olli & Cindy
Matiss, Oswald & Elspeth
Matte, Sidney & Corinne
Matthews, Benjamin
Matthews, Bernice & Bill
Matthews, Brian
Matthews, Bruce & Karen
Matthews, Jayce
Matthews, Kimberly
Matthews, Sarah
Matthews, Scott
Matthews, Stan & Helen~1966
Matthieu Family
Matthieu, Jim & Judy
Mattson, Leif Eric
Maule, Peter/Taylor, Bev
Mauthe, R. & Hanson, J.
Mavrinac, Mary Ann
Mawhinney, Neil
Maxwell, Lorna
May, Clell
May, Ed, Thelma & Girls
Maycock, Mark
Maycock, Mark J.A.
Mayer, Hector
Mayes, Dave & Colleen
Mayhew, L. George
Maynard, Donald 1931~2009
Mayor, Norm & Lois
Mazonas, Jané & Zen
Mc Arthur, Linda
McAnulty, Michael
McArthur, Emma
McArthur, H.K. & Barb
McArthur, Sarah Quinn
McArthur, Theresa Quinn
McAsh, J. Floyd
McAuley Family
McAuley, Jaimie Melissa
McAuley, Mary Kathleen
McAuley, Michael
McBain Brunsch, Barbara
McBain, Kristin Lindsay
McBride, Graham & Fiona
McCabe, John Thomas
McCann, Georgie Lynn
McCann, Patrick James
McCann, Ryan James
McCann, W.D. James
McCarthy, Kelsey
McCarthy, Martin J.
McCarthy, T.E.
McCarty, Devin
McCarvell, Bill
McCaul, Evan J.
McCauley, Gordon/Victoria
McCauley, Marsha M.
McCendie, Dr. Ross
McClarty, Breanna
McClarty, Conor
McClelland, A., M. & Sons
McClenaghan, David
McClendon, Kylie Anne
McClendon, Ryan Thomas
McClintock, J, C, J & K
McCluskey, John A.
McCoig, Beulah
McConnell, Cody
McConnell, Mary & Mac
McConnery, Joan M.
McCool, Alex & Marion
McCord, Ken & Barbara
McCormack, Bill
McCormack, William Robert
McCormick, Bill
McCormick, J/L
McCormick, Rod & Mildred
McCracken, Jack W.
McCrady, Erin Elizabeth
McCready, S., S., S. & B.
McCreath Family - IGHC
McCubbin, Alma
McCubbin, Dean
McCulligh, Marie
McCulligh, Mark
McCulligh, Murray
McCulloch, Chloe
McCulloch, Dianna M.
McCulloch, Melissa
McDermid, Andrew K.
McDermid, Christopher G.
McDermid, Dennis J.
McDermid, Evan Russell
McDermott, Patrick
McDonald, AM/MA 30th Ann.
McDonald, Archie G.
McDonald, Bernice Boyd
McDonald, Christopher M.
McDonald, David
McDonald, F.L. (Mac)
McDonald, Gail E.
McDonald, Jack
McDonald, James & Lori
McDonald, Nathan Kyle
Thank you for your support
Machinists and
Aerospace Workers
Nipissing Lodge 2412
In memory of
Mark Walker
A truly caring, loving
and unique young man
John Wesley Strutters
Robert John Ivens
In memory of
William* & Marybelle
Norma Jefferson,
our last walk together.
Missing you is the
heartache that will
never go away.
Alan Jarvis
Richard Jarvis
Suzan (Jarvis) Breton
Barbara Jarvis (Humphries)
Tracy Jarvis-Jacques
a friend and fellow hiker,
whose spirit is with us
In memory of our son
John Wesley Strutters
Build body, mind & spirit
In memory of
The family of
John E. Johnson
James Duncan
Molly, Ron, Clark & Tabby
Love Always
Bob, John, Alice & Dorothy
The Killeen Family
In memory of
Robert & Réjeanne
Darryl James Cook
(1921 ~ 1999)
of Philadelphia,
Zurich and Toronto
In honour of
Mary & John Kervin
who settled in
Callander in 1890
and their son
Leo Kervin &
his wife Mabel
Brenda & Sean Cavallin
Arthur, Louis, Nora and Linnea
Elaine & family
Jean-Marc Killeen
James & Lori Killeen
Braeden and Alana
30 January 1920
7 June 2008
Father, husband, brother, son,
“The memory of a good
person is a blessing”
In loving memory of our dear parents
Edward Louis Forget
Georgette Yvonne Marie Forget
April 9, 1921 – Sept. 8, 2008
In memory of
John and Maria (Langton)
immigrated to Magnetawan
from Lancashire, England
in 1875
“Together Forever”
Proud descendants 2002
Sept. 7, 1918 – Feb. 22, 1980
Phillip, Pat, Trish, Barb, John, Keith, Michelle
In loving memory of
Gerald Kitts,
a man who loved
the outdoors.
Barbara May
Peter Krauss
1950 ~ 1983
Formerly Beckett
For my son,
a nature lover.
In Loving Memory
Her Family
She enjoyed Fielding Park
In loving memory of two fearless Trail Blazers
Walt Maund (1913 ~ 1998)
Kay (Young) Maund (1915 ~ 1995)
Remembered fondly by:
Family: William, Elma, Ruth, Christian, Joe, Mona
Friends: Stan, Jody, Tance, Willard, Jane
With every deed, the
earth echoes a
joyous shout or tear.
Awareness Days ‘98
Samuel* & Emily*
Lakehead University
Forestry Association
February 1998
Lakehead University
Joshua Daniel
03-21-1964 – 02-05-1997
Finally, his own piece
of his beloved outdoors.
From his family
and many friends
Alan* & Tina*
Douglas & Doris
Mark & Lila
Kyle and Eric
Ahmic Maintenance
& Storage Ltd.
In loving memory of
Maria & Fioravante
In loving memory of
Noella Benard
Elmer Langlois
Mabel Dubé
William Kelly
Pioneers of Redbridge
German PoW
Drowned at
Lucianto Lake, ON
07/11/19 ~ 13/05/45
Lakehead Region
Saskatchewan Military
Collectors’ Club
In loving memory of
Roger Charles
September 30, 1929
June 19, 1999
Happy Trails
The Gateway Walkers
and family
Our family
The Mack Family
Giovanni & Dorothy’s
70th birthdays
May 2009
The Leon Family
Kevin J.
David & Suzanne
Matthew J., Micheal G.
Christopher R.
Adrian & Josée
Félix G., Jasmine R.
To Honour
Freda & Graham
50th Anniversary 2002
Laura & Nicolo
Thanks for
your years of service
Nick Joseph Contini
Sundridge – Burk’s Falls
Henry Rivett &
Evelyn Leigh
~ 1932 ~
Leona - Norma Vivian - Ted Lorraine - Mervin Helen - Arnold
Marilyn & Johnny
Ruthanna Mack and Rob
Emily & Clare Dalingwater
Agricultural Society
Since 1877
Susan (Mack) and George
Madeleine & Sophie
McDonald, Raymond & Joan
McDonald, Raymond & Kim
McDonald, Russell
McDonald, Steve & April
McDonald, Zoë
McDonald-Tisdale, Myrna
McDonell Family
McDougall, Wally
McDowell, Krista & Ralph
McDowell, Norman David
McEachern, Betty
McEachern, Donald L.
McElhanney, Sean & Kairn
McElhanney, Tom & Arlene
McElheran, Frank & Thérèse
McEvoy, Molly Marie
McEwan, Kevin Joseph
McEwen Rob/Sue/Elise/Cath
McEwing, Sandra
McFadden, Pat
McFadden, Ron
McFarlane, Dr. Bruce
McFarlane, Marilyn
McFarlane, R.J. & M.K.
McGauley, Erin
McGhee, J.W.B. & Family
McGillis, William E.
McGinley, James
McGinn, Trudi
McGinnis, Joan (Dean)
McGinn-McTeer, Gloria
McGogy, Christine
McGogy, Kevin
McGogy, Patrick
McGogy, Randal
McGonigal, Winston
McGorman, John
McGrath Children
McGrath, Audrey L.
McGrath, Michael Yuill
McGregor, Becky
McGregor, Betty Ann
McGregor, George
McGregor, Heather
McGregor, Kerri Lynn
McGregor, Robbie
McGuffin, Gary
McGuffin, Joan
McGuffin, Kalija
McGuffin, Lorne R.
McGuire, Mitchell E.
McHugh, Michael
McIlraith, Don & Joan
McIntosh, Debra
McIntosh, Joan B.
McIntyre Family
McIntyre, Caroline
McIntyre, Jim M.
McIntyre, Michael
McIntyre, Peg & Hugh
McKay, Margaret
McKay, Vivian E.
McKechnie, Ann & Andy
McKee-Robertson, B. & M.
McKenney, David
McKenney, Peter
McKenney, Suzanne
McKenzie Family
McKenzie, Fred
McKenzie, Helen Mary
McKenzie, Ken & Shirley
McKenzie, Lee
McKeon, Gerry & Cis
McKeown, Heather
McKercher, Verna
McKerral, Norman & Trina
McKerroll, Natalie
McKibbon, Rev. John
McKinley, Dr. C.A.
McKinnon, Donny L.
McKinnon, Duncan P.
McKinnon, Helen & Bill
McKinnon, John S (1912-94)
McKinnon, Korey
McKinnon, Kristopher
McKinnon, Rod & Alexa
McKinty Sisters
McKinty, Charlotte
McKinzey, John Edward
McLandress, Diane Ruth
McLandress, John Ernest
McLaren, Archie
McLaren, Christine
McLaren, Elizabeth
McLaren, Keith & Betty
McLaughlin, Judy
McLaughlin, Kelly Lyn
McLaughlin, Lea & Jack
McLaughlin, Mollyanne
McLean, Gavin J.
McLean, Gwen & Alan
McLean, Ian
McLean, Jerry
McLean, Kathy
McLean, Mark & Helen 1999
McLean, Mary Edna
McLellan, Horace
McLellan, Tyler Alexander
McLennan, Donald & Judy
McLennan, Mollie Ramsay
McLeod, Connor
McLeod, Don & Betty
McLeod, John Glenn
McLeod, Margaret J. Reg.N
McLeod, Stewart C.
McMahon, Rita
McMartin, Neil W.
McMeekin, Laura
McMillan, Ron
McMullan, Hugh
McMullan, Joan & Floyd
McMullen, Mike
McMurchy, Karin
McMurray, Fred & Betty
McMurray, Karen & Dick
McNabb, Clifford J.
McNabb, Joseph A.
McNabney, Michael Sean
McNeely, Bruce & Mary
McNeely, Mary E.
McNeil, Clarke & Laura
McNeil, John
McNeil, Peter J.
McNeil, Steve & Elisa
McNern, Anne
McNulty, Gord & Angie
McNutt, Fred
McNutt, Jack
McNutt, Jim & Lindy
McNutt, Joanna
McPhee, Katherine & Rob
McPhee, Lorraine, O, L
McPhee, Ralph
McPherson, Donald
McQuay, Jan
McQuestion, Ellen & Floyd
McQuillan, Jack ~ 90th BD
McRae, R.W. (Bob)
McShane, Jim
McSherry, Marilyn P.
McVay, John & Margot
McWhirter, C. & I.
McWhirter, Rob & Becky
Meader, John & Agnes
Mecci, Dr. S.U.
Mechis, Dora L.
Medved, Michael
Megens, Johnnie Peter
Meil, Jennifer
Meilleur, Bob
Meisel, John
Melançon, Lynn
Melançon, Ray
Melanson, Louis
Melick, Bruce & Ellen
Melnyk, Dean
Melnyk, Gloria
Melnyk, Liana
Melnyk, Nicole
Menard, Gislaine
Menard, Josephat
Ménard, Monique et Evans, John
Menard, Pierre
Mercer, Howard
Mercer, Viola
Mergens, Greg 1962 ~ 1999
Merits, Joel-Arli
Merla, Allison Elizabeth
Merriman, Don
Mertens, Boots
Mertes, Paul
Merwin, Kathryn Anne
Merwin, Scott Miles
Meservier, Barry
Messenger, Donald
Messenger, Doris
Messier, Denise (Laure)
Messier, Romeo C.
Meston, Hellen P.
Metcalf At McArthurs View
Metcalfe, Micheline & Brian
Methe, Shawn & Daniel
Metrailler, Joseph
Métrailler, Joseph
Metzler, Beatrice
Meulemeester, J. & D.
Meyer, JERJacHgiKrisRicJ
Miceli, L/Bebinski, Z/Zara
Michaud, Alain
Michaud, Carole Martine
Michaud, Suzanne
Miclef, Albert
Micus, Al
Micus, Peter & Connie
Migwans, Richard Aidan
Mihell, Jim
Mika, Karla
Mike Landmark Relay 2000
Miles, Allan & Mary
Miles, Ian J.
Miles, Lloyd
Miles, Tyler
Millar, Barbara & Ellis
Millar-Railroader, T.A.B.
Miller, Alex & Rita
Miller, Anneliese
Miller, Bob & Joanne
Miller, Bonnie Jean
Miller, Cathy
Miller, Delmar & Maxine
Miller, Dennis
Miller, Graham W.
Miller, Grant & Elaine
Miller, Grant W.
Miller, Joshua Graeme
Miller, Margaret
Miller, Martha L.
Miller, May
Miller, Myrtle May
Miller, Percy H.
Miller, R.M.K.L.M.
Miller, Rol/Kristi/Cassidy
Miller, Stephen
Miller, Todd
Miller, William
Miller, William Victor
Milliken, Eleanor M.
Milliken, John & Eleanor
Milliken, John F.S.
Milling, Lee Daryl
Millman, Ruth & Ken
Mills, Alison J.
Mills, Chris P.
Mills, Cindy D.
Mills, Frederick James
Mills, Georgina Ibberson
Mills, Jessica
Mills, John F.
Mills, Lenore Isobel
Mills, Sean
Mills, Shirley G.
Mills-Daly, Val
Milne, A. James (Jim)
Milne, John Swan (Swanie)
Milne, William C. (Billy)
Milton, Alice
Milton, Charlie
Miner, David
Miner, Gordon J.
Miner, Michael
Miner, Shawna
Miner, Tim
Minogue, Ron & Bea
Minogue, Stanley
Miron, Theodore (Ted)
Miron, Yolande
Miscampbell, Patricia
Mitchell, C.C. & L.G.
Mitchell, Gordon & Marjorie
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Jennifer Lynn
Mitchell, Kristin Marie
Mitchell, Michael J.
Mitchell, Philip
Mitchell, Ross & Ruth
Mitchell, Tracy D.
Mitchell, W. Brian
Modeen, Joseph
Modolo, Valentino
Moeltner, Joachim
Moffett, David John
Moffi, Josh & Jo Ann
Mogk, Kenneth P.
Moir, Barrie & Thora
Moise, Irene
Moise, Joseph
Moist, Earl
Molaski, Dorothy M.
Mollison, Andy
Mollison, Heather
Molson, Margaret
Monahan, Abigail Paulina
Monahan, Andrew
Monahan, Dylan Edward T.
Monahan, Edward Darwin
Monahan, Gloria
Monahan, Norma
Monahan, Pauline
Monahan, Thomas
Monette, Raymond et famille
Moniz, Aaron & Ashlee
Moniz, Tony & Deanna
Monken, Mary
Mono Amaranth ~ GR. 5, 1999
Mono Amaranth GR. 5, 1999
Montelpare, Dr. William
Montgomery, Gail Marie
Montgomery, James Dorland
Montgomery, Ray & Ardis
Montpetit, Jean-Lys
Mooder, Larry & Carol
Moon, Gregory D.C.
Moon, John D.W.
Moor, Nick & Elaine
Moore, Andrew Ryan
Moore, Arthur W.
Moore, Brian & Cheryl
Moore, Brianne
Moore, Craig M.
Moore, Darren
Moore, Dianne
Moore, Donald
Moore, Eldon & Lois
Moore, Hartley O.
Moore, Hazel Lilya N.
Moore, Heather
Moore, Ian, Tracy, Hayden
Moore, Jeffrey L.
Moore, Lloyd
Moore, Lloyd & Ollie
Moore, Marie
Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Moore, Olive
Moore, Ollie
Moore, Patrick
Moore, Ray & Betty
Moore, Ruby & Don
Moore, Russell
Moore, Sherrill
Moore, Sherrill C.
Moore, Siobhan E.
Moore, Ted & Sylvie
Moore, Tim W.
Moorhouse, Joyce & Anson
Mootoo, Samara & Paul
Morabito, Anthony A.
Moran, David John Close
Moran, George William
Moran, Grand Kids of D.K.
Moran, Jack & Barb
Morawek, Bryant
Morden, Janet Leigh
Morden, Julie Lorraine
Moreau, Dan & Terri
Moreau, Leo J. & Jean
Moreau, Mark & Gale
Moreau, Rob
Moreira, Patrick John
Moretton Family
Morgan, Brien Robert
Morgan, Dr. Paul
Morgan, Hedy
Morgan, Justin David
Morgan, Mabel
Morgan, Mr&Mrs Charles R.
Moriarty, Paige & Brendan
Morier-Genoud, Guy
Morin, Annick O.
Morin, Calixte
Morin, Clément et Huguette
Morin, Hermann & Louisette
Morin, Paul J.
Morneault, Melissa
Morrell, Bob & Faye
Morris, Dr. Jim
Morris, Harvey E.
Morris, Shantie & Brandon
Morrison K 3133 RC(Army)CC
Morrison, Bill & Irene
Morrison, Dr & Mrs George H
Morrison, George
Morrison, Harvey
Morrison, Janet D.
Morrison, Jean & Ken
Morrison, Randy & Marion
Morrison, Scott & Pauline
Morrissette, Edgar
Morsch, Rosemarie
Mortimor, Alan J.
Mortimor, Patricia
Morton, Barbara (Kempt)
Morton, Robert & Family
Morton, Rod
Moss, Rebecca & Jason
Moss, Rina & Jack
Moss, Terry & Dick
Mossing Family
Mossop, Josephine
Motlong, Beth ~ Sept.15/99
Mott, R. Clare & Ina L.M.
Moull, Mona L.
Moulton, Nancy & Bill
Mount, Graeme & Joan
Mountain, Lara ~ JCSC
Mountain, Lois
Moutsatsos, Christopher
Moutsatsos, Jasmine
Moutsatsos, Peter
Moutsatsos, Sophie
Moxam, Andrew James
Moxam, Bonnie & Dennis
Moynes, Elgin
Moynes, Velma
Moysey, Kirby & Margo
Moziar, Mike ~ Prof. Eng.
Mrozowski, Irene & Bogdan
Muckenheim, Peter John
Muckenheim, Ronald
Muckenheim, Ursula+Dieter
Mueller, Bernd
Muir, Don Renie & Family
Muir, Patricia L.
Muir, Sam A.
Muir, Thomas L.
Muirhead, Marlene
Mulchinock, Bill & Betty
Mullan, Bryan
Muller, Irene J.
Mulligan, Harvey & Gail
Mulligan, Mitchell & Morgan
Mullin, Al & Laura
Mullin, Art
Mullin, Phil
Muloin, Jean-Marie
Mulroney, Joe & Yvonne
Mumford, Don & Diane
Mun. of Markstay-Warren
Mundy, Paul F.
Muniak, Krzysztof
Municipality of Magnetawan
Murchison, Jan & Gary
Murdoch, Griffin Scott
Murphy, Adam
Murphy, Bernard Q.
Murphy, Brian & Annette
Murphy, Joshua
Murphy, Marylynn
Murphy, Nathan Howard
Murphy, Nellie & Family
Murphy, Steven
Murphy, Steven & Sharon
Murphy, Vanessa
Murray, Andrea Ruth
Murray, Charles, D, S, H
Murray, Dawn
Murray, Isobel & Douglas
Murray, Joan
Murray, Laura
Murray, Peter
Murray, Tim
Musson, David & Donna
Musson, Martin & Joan
Mustapic, Christian
Muth, Kerstin
Mutrie, Dr. David
Mutrie, Eric
Mutrie, Jane
Mutrie, Julie
Mutton, Barry & Carole
Muzzatti, Adrian
Mycan (Rudyk), Alice
Myers, Marie
Myers-Estey, P. & C.
Myre, David Allen
Naccarato, Luigi & Lucia
Najgebauer, Ed
Nancekivell, Natasha
Nancy & Ellie ~ Walk on!
Napier, Bill & Bette
Napier, Laura
Napier, Tori
Napper, Graeme Cole
Napper, Jason Hale
Napper, Jeanette & Dennis
Napper, Kael Ewan
Napran, Jeffrey
Nardi, Cynthia & Frank
Nash, Janet
Natoli, Ana & Frauley, Jon
Nazar, Linda L.
NBGH - 6th Floor Nurses
NBGH Finance Dept.
Neave, Fraser
Needham, Linda
Neheli, Don
Neil Family
Neil, Thomas & Janet
Nelles, John S.
Nelles, Joseph & Marilyn
Nelson, Brian Jacob
Nelson, Caitlyn
Nelson, Carmen
Nelson, David
Nelson, Douglas
Nelson, Fleur
Nelson, Isabel & Bud
Nelson, Patrick Joseph
Nelson, Robert
Nelson, Sarah Anne
Nelson, Skye
Nesbitt Family
Nesbitt, Michael
Nesseth, Shawn
Nesterenko, Greg & Laura
Netzke, Douglas Keith
Neufeld, Fred & Ingrid
Neufeld, Kenneth
Nevins, M.K. & Durand, P.
Newell, Bruce & Linda
Newell, Carey
Newell, Emilie
Newell, Jonas
Newman, Donald & Mary
Newman, Jack & Mary
Nichol, Liz & Don
Nichol, William
Nicholls, Blaine
Nicholls, Byron
Nicholls, Lewis
Nicholls, Sylvia
Nichols, Mr. & Mrs. A & G
Nichols, Stan & Rae
Nicholson, Donald W.
Nicholson, Lorry M.
Nicholson, Tyler Michael
Nickel City Walker
Nickerson, Dean & Liz
Nickerson, John & Joyce
Nickerson, Judson
Nick’s Automotive
Nicol, Kevin Allan
Nicoll, Deanna Jean
Nicolson, Page & Joyce
Nielsen, David & Debra
Nielsen, Debra
Nielsen, Towhee
Nielsen, Trevor John
Nielsen-Jones, Ian & Linda
Niemi, Fred 46-90 / Baby 05
Niemi, Karl & Family
Nikolaou, Andreas
Nikolaou, Louis
Nikolaou, Petra
Nikoniuk, Eugene
Nipissing First Nation
Nipissing Respiratory Org.
Nipissing U B. Sec.2 94-95
Nip-Rock Raceway
Niskala, Ethel
Niskala, Helen
Niskala, Leo
Niskala, Marlene
Nix, Raymond & Nancy
Nixon, Dan Pat Derek Dana
Nixon, Dorothy & Peter
Nizzero, Irene
Noack, Laura A.
Noble, Jean M.
Noble, Sharon
Noël, Denis & Family
Nolan, Erin
Noll-Manegold, Britt
Noonan, Leo
NOR - Ont Supply Ltn.
Nordal, Stan & Debbie
Nordstrom, Patricia L.
Nordstrom, Peter G.
Norman, Carolyn
Norman, Tim
Normore, Kevin
North Bay G.H. 5W Nurses
North, Taylor & Lindsay
Northern Display Service
Norton, Tanika A.
Novak, David & Cameron
Novak, John P.
Nubel, Betty & Wilfred
Nucara, Frank & Mimma
Nunan, Denise
Nunner, Steve/Davis, Judy
Nunweiler, Rudy & Sherry
Nursall, Alan “Four-0”
Nursall, Alexandra
Nursall, Cameron
Nursing Staff~Room 7637~SRH
Nuss, Bette
Nutchey, Don
Nuttall Family
Nuttall, Suzanne
NWHU Kenora Staff
Nyberg, Eric & Olive
O’Brien, Kevin Joseph
O’Brien, Lynda & Pat
O’Brien, Sally
O’Connor Women’s Institute
O’Connor, Christopher
O’Connor, Jack Slim
O’Connor, Janet
O’Connor, Jeremy & Jake
O’Connor, John B.
O’Connor, Leo Joseph
O’Connor, Ralph
O’Connor, Robert & Renelle
Oda, J. A. A. C.
O’Donal Giller Families
O’Donnell, James Donald
O’Donnell, Joshua Thomas
Odonnell, Michael James
O’Donnell, Pat & Betty
Ogilvy, Constance
O’Halloran, Bonnie
O’Halloran, Carrie
O’Halloran, Sean
O’Halloran, Trisha
O’Handley, Pat & Sandy
Ohman, Rauha & Arvi
O’Keefe, Jennifer
Olacke- Manitoulin Isl.
Old Green House Restaurant
Ole Guitar Pickers Corner
O’Leary, Joan
O’Leary, Michael
Oleszka, Karl & Brigitte
Olive, Ashley
Olive, Brock
Olive, Mike
Olive, Susan
Oliver, Duncan & Anita
Olson Family
Olson, Andy & Martha
Olson, Dean
Olson, K. & Churchill, G.
Olson, Marvin
Olsson, Charles & Sasha
Olthuis, Ariana
Olthuis, Doug
Olthuis, Janine
Olthuis, Katarina
OLV School
Olver, Ellen Aja
Olver, Robert Bond
Olympia Cycle & Ski
Olynyk, David
Olynyk, John
Olynyk, Nora
Olynyk, O.E.
Olynyk, Olie & Helen
O’Neil, Dave
O’Neil, Doreen R.
O’Neil, Janice
O’Neil, Marilee
O’Neil, Shirley
O’Neill, Judge J. Stephen
Ongman, Roberta
Onichuk, Thomas Tony
Onions, C.-P. J. & R.
Ontario Travel Staff 2000
Ontario Works ~ E. Kenora
O’Pallie, Moyra Hughes
Optimist Club-Parry Sound
OR 4110 ~ 1999 (FB & FC)
Orasi, Gary
O’Reilly, James M/Louisa L
Orford, Anna C.
Ort, Jeremiah Douglas W.
Orton, Murray
Ortved, Niels
Osberg, Jean & Roy ~ 50th
Osborne, Lizabeth
Osborne, TyCoJa
O’Shaughnessy, Larry & Ida
O’Shea, Jo Anne & Michael
Oslund, Stone E.
Osmaston, Dorothy F.
Ostermeier, Agnes & Max
Ostrom, Anne & Bill
O’Sullivan, Deirdre
Oswin, Fred
Othmer, Jeremy
Ott, Michelle
Ott, Robert
Otten, Ingrid
Otto, Trudi
Ott-Owens, Kimberley
Ouellette, Gaétan M.
Ouellette, Pauline
Ouimette C 3133RC(Army)CC
Oussoren, B. & Anderson, B.
Oussoren, Betty
Oussoren, S & Thompson, J
Oussoren, T. & Bush, K.
Outdoors/Coureurs de Bois
Ovens, Patrick & Joanne
Overend, Ian
Owen, Robert & Suzanne
Owen, Steven & Nancy
Owens, Ronald Lee
Ozolins, Terence
Paakkunainen, Sinikka
Paavola, Perry
Pacan, Matthew Michael
Pacaud, Lisa & Rhea
Pacaud, Richard & Mira
Pace, Murray & Angela
Paczka-Prentice, Heidi
Thank you for your support
In loving memory of
Douglas B. Maxwell
January 31, 1945 to January 8, 1995
“So much laughter,
so much life enjoyed”
Robert Burns
Magnetawan Inn
Service with a smile. 
In memory of
Archibald Mason
St. George’s Anglican
Trinity United
St. Paul’s Lutheran
Lions Club
Linda and Leo
John, Kathryn and Kevin
Since 1966
Denise & Raymond
Jack Sr. & Marg
Nellie May Bazinet
(Aug 11, 1918~May 4, 1965)
Vos familles et vos amis
admirent votre amour
et votre joie de vivre.
Rosemary, Margie, Susan,
Brenda & Heather
Helen Mason
Jonathan Hosick
Joyeux 40ième
et bonne fête vous deux.
Jason, Justin,
Michael & Jack, Jr.
The Scott Family
Geoff, Dawn,
Lindsay and Adam
Granny and Grandad Marr
dedicate a wee
bit of the trail to
Blake, Mia and Prudence.
They and all children
are invited to enjoy
this rich and vast trail.
Our natural world is a great
legacy to protect.
The McCracken
(Oct 8, 1912~Sep 29, 1995)
Downtown General Store
Calvary Pentecostal
The Makela Family
Over 75 years
“on the Trail”.
A great place
to meet and eat.
Knox Presbyterian
À la douce mémoire de
Greg L. Neno
Gary R. McIlwain
Hearts and Souls
Together Forever
Sébastien Michaud
1981 ~ 2002
In loving memory of
L’équipe de croissance intelligente
du Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Members of the Northeastern Smart Growth panel
Normand* & Marguerite
Paul/Carol Melanson
Roméo/Denyse Perron
Gerald/Doris Storie
Alexander and Ada (Smith)
and their proud and
loving descendants
1875 - 2002
In loving memory of
David Owain Martin, Jr.
March 7, 1960
June 29, 2001
Forever In Our Hearts
Dad, Mom,
Scott, Andy & Darren
The McMahon
Sarah, Natalie,
Russell, Chantal,
Sydney, Stéphanie,
Jaimie, Mackenzie, Frankie
In tribute to
Mrs. Karin McMurchy
and in memory of
Dr. A. Donald McMurchy
With love from
Roy & Beth,
Ian, Derek and
Megan Lubetkin
John “Bruce” Dunlop
May 1932
September 2006
Loved by many…
Respected by all
A true gentleman…
We miss you.
M. J. Labelle Co. Ltd.
Contractor-Roadbuilder, Inc. 1955
Marcel J. Labelle & Family:
Frances, Darcy, Arlett and Tylan Labelle;
Jennifer Labelle-Cloutier,
Rennie Carson & Alana Labelle-Carson,
Braydon and Blayne Carson
Katherine Mae O’Hare
July 3, 2001
To commemorate your
birth as a proud Canadian
We love you very much
Mommy and Daddy
Zur Erinnerung an unsern
Vater und Grossvater
Christian Oesterle,
der mit uns auf diesen
Pfaden wandert.
Toechter Ursula und
Sieglinde mit
Kindern und Enkeln
Merritt Family
Don and Kaye
Spencer and Karen & Kaitlin
Jim and Ute
Samantha, Karl & Ania, Devon
& Joanne, Nicholas & Victoria
In loving memory of
The Mounce Family
A dedication to all
Volunteers and in
Recognition of the
Councils of Magnetawan
Darlene Merritt and Milton
Jennifer & Ryan Halliwushka
In memory of
Eli Nevala
The Nicholls Family
In loving memory of
David John Close Moran
Kaisa, Robert & Linda Moran
Sandy Robinson, Louis Ferron
Jennifer, Sarah, Brendan, Lucas
and friends
– H.V. Poikkimaki
Oct. 6, 1963
Feb. 5, 1999
Missed by wife Hazel,
children and
July 19, 1937 ~ September 16, 2003
Stephanie King
Paul Ottaway
Lawrence Napran
Blaine, Lise
Kyla, Tyler
On behalf of
Finnish Canadian
Athletic Association
“Voima” of
Sudbury, Inc. (F.C.A.A.)
In loving memory of
Municipality of
Always in our hearts
Adam N. Patterson
Thank you for sharing!
J.G.M.J. Ouellette
1863 – 1942
CPR construction labourer
1884 – 1885 north of Superior.
Later employed by CPR
in Schreiber,
then as a conductor
based in Fort William.
The Balfe Family
John & Margaret (Paul)
Sarah, Alan and Sean
March 2004
Paddick, Douglas W.
Paddick, Kaela M.
Paddick, Keshia S.
Pady, Bryan Patrick
Pady, Ian James
Page, Leonard L.
Pagnini-Bourassa, Irma
Pagnotta, Louis & Shirley
Pagnutti, Doreen A.
Pagnutti, Mike
Paige, Christine
Paisley, Geoffrey William
Paivarinta, Aino Jorma HHH
Palladino, Edoardo 1935~2006
Pallard, Henri
Palmer, Cecilia
Palmer, William J.
Palmer, William John
Pam, Thomas Walter
Pan, Rong
Pandy, Joe & Marlene
Panos, Ted
Paquette, Edgar
Paquette, Janice Ruth
Paquette, Mark H.
Paradis, Al & Marie
Paradis, Hélène F.
Paradis, Kevin T.
Paranuik, Michael
Parent, Missy
Parfitt, Dana
Parfitt, Don
Parfitt, Hannah
Parfitt, Helen
Parfitt, Ian
Parish, Holly
Parker, M.
Parker, Merilyn
Parker, Rod
Parkes, Christopher
Parkes, Louella E.
Parkins, Ted
Parkinson, Abe & Emily
Parkinson, David R.
Parlow, John David
Parmelee, Anne
Parr, Tanya
Parris, Christie Jane
Parris, Michael
Parris, Robert & Marlane
Parrish, Colin
Parrish, Sheila (Clamp)
Parry, Megan
Parsons, David
Parsons, Donald Edward
Parsons, Frank & Jo
Parsons, Gerald
Parsons, James Gordon
Parsons, Michael John
Particka, Tracey
Pascoe Family
Pasternak Family
PATA-Eastern Canada Chapt.
Patay, Robert James
Patay, Steven David
Patchett, Florence
Pate, Michele/Cooper, Joe
Paterson, Donald A.
Paterson, John Roy (Jack)
Paterson, Ted
Paton, Richard
Patriarche, Andrew L.G.
Patrick, Ronson
Patrick, Sandra
Patry, Julie
Patterson Family
Patterson, Carol A.
Patterson, David Joseph
Patterson, Derek James
Patterson, K. Jane
Patterson, Monika
Patterson, William F.
Pattison Family
Patton, Morris
Pattyson, Kathleen Mary
Patyk, Bettina
Patyk, Briana
Patyk, Briana Christine
Patyk, Erik Stephen
Patyk, Steve
Paul, Gary & Suzanne
Paulins, Chris Stevie Jenn
Paulins, Viki Nick Hayley
Paull, Tara (CABIN TEAM)
Pavelka, Rowan-Hewitt
Pawlowsky, Meaghan L.
Pawluch, Theodor & Maria
Paxson, Donald
Paxson, Donald & Emily
Paxton, Catherine A.
Paxton, Heather J.
Paxton, Joseph & Edith
Payne, Kathrine M.
Payne, Kenneth D.
Payne, Roger
Paynter, Devon
Peace, Daniel John
Peace, Wilf & Christa
Peach, Edna L.
Peacock, Chris
Peacosh, Iris & Rick
Pearce, Cherie
Pearce, Dick & Lois
Pearce, Gord & Lynn
Pearce, Joan & Bud
Pearce, Lois & Dick
Pearce, Margaret & Bob
Pearce, Richard John
Pearce, Rob, Jen & Adam
Pearen, Blair F.
Pearen, Dale M.
Pearson, Dave
Pearson, David D., D. & R.
Pearson, Denise J.
Pearson, Elizabeth
Pearson, Jennifer
Pearson, Jeremy
Pearson, John
Pearson, Jonathan
Pearson, Margaret
Pearson, Mathilda & Raoul
Pearson, Matilda & Raoul
Pearson, Thu-Lan & Mark
Peat, Nora
Pechkoff, Arne & Viv
Pedalino, Donna & Joe
Pedersen, Annika
Pedskalny, Bill & Pat
Pedwysocki, Andrew/Steven
Peever, Jenny/Casey/Daniel
Pelette, Fredena
Pelette, William
Pella, Michael
Pelletier, Doug & Linda
Pelletier, Maura
Pellow, Frank Christopher
Peltola, M. Paul
Pencoff, K. William
Pengelly, John & Betty
Penney, Dawson Gryphon
Penney, Gunnar
Penney, Teagan Grace
Pepin, Carol
Peppler, Ed & Fern
Perabo, Eugene
Percy, William L. (Bill)
Perfect, Norman
Périgny, Robert
Perisiol, Tim & Michelle
Perkins, Helga
Pernokis, Daniel R.
Peroni, Andrea
Peroni, Tyler
Perozzo, Angelo (Star)
Perpick, Nick
Perpick, Nicki (Roman)
Perreault Arthur & Yvette
Perreault, Jack & Anita
Perreault, Marc & Julie
Perrier, Doreen & Henry
Perrier, Louise
Perron, Roger
Perschbacher, Glen
Persic Family
Persson, Elmer A.
Pertus, Francis Claude
Perus, Cameron Walter
Perus, Nicholas Joseph
Petcoff, Peter D.
Peters, Delbert
Peters, Julie
Peterson, Jim & JoAnn
Peterson, Kathy & Wally
Petracek, Catherine
Petri, Sig Adam
Petrie, Allan & Paula
Petrilli, Anthony J.
Petrone, Penny
Petroski, Hélène
Pettigrew, Kenneth A.
Pettit, Joanne
Pettit, Ronald
Petura, Jack F.
Peura, Anna
Peura, Eemil
Peuramaki, Stephen
Peycha, Abbey & Andrew
Pezzetta, Anne M.
Pfeiffer, Adam
Pfeiffer, Caleb D.J.
Phair, Michael
Phase 3 1999-2000
Philippi, Dieter
Phillip & Angelina
Phillips, Gayle
Phillips, George & Rhoda
Phillips, James Young
Phillips, Margaret A.
Phillips, Roger
Phillips, Will & Fielding
Philp, Erin
Philp, George Owen
Philp, Ian
Philp, Lauren
Philp, Sabrina
Phipps James, Cole Angus
Physiotherapy North
Picard, Megg
Picard, Remi et Madeleine
Piccolo, Cynthia M.
Piche, J. Harold
Piche, Shawn & Family
Pichette, Kevin
Pickard, Matthew
Pickard, Sid & Eileen
Pierce, Grenville&Marion
Pierce/Reynolds Family
Pierog Family
Pigden, Chris
Pigeon, Fleur
Pighin, Aldo
Pigott, Brent & Linda
Pigott, Elsie
Piippo, Raili M.
Piirainen, Rauni & Veikko
Piller Family
Pimlott, Barbara K.
Pimlott, G. Mark
Pine Grove Resort Friends
Pinkerton, Harvey & Joan
Pinkerton, Mike & Tracy
Piper, Kathleen P.
Pitkethly, Doug & Jean
Pitkin, Harry Charles
Pitre, Ronald et Noella
Pitt, Grace, Jenn & Lori
Pitt, Ronald
Planche, Greg
Plant, Peter & Valerie
Platt, Dixie J.
Platt, Douglas A.
Plaunt, Allana Jane
Plaunt, Andrew Glenn
Plaunt, Angela Mae Gene
Plaunt, Christopher S.
Plaunt, Douglas
Plaunt, Hali Rose Elizabeth
Plaunt, Jennifer Suzanne
Plaunt, Jesse Simpson
Plaunt, Judy A. (Simpson)
Plaunt, Judy-Marie
Plaunt, Richard A.
Plaunt, Richard J.
Plaunt, Robert Allan
Plaunt, Robin Connie
Plaunt, Yvon (Sehovic)
Playfair, Norman James
Playter, Patricia & Carl
Pliniussen, Edith & Egon
Plosker, Irv & Sandra
Plouffe Family
Plourde, L. André & Andrée
Plourde, Michel Levis
Plourde, Patricia J.
Plumb, Phil & Barb
Pochmurski, Tammy K.
Podgorski, John & Irene
Poeverlein, Bruno
Poikkimaki, Helli
Poldmaa, Ebba Marits 1925~2011
Poliquin, Chantal
Politi, Germinio Pio
Pollard, Colin
Pollari, Claire/Ross/Alex
Pollari, Danielle & Russell
Pollock, Ken & Marg
Pollock, Robert & Eulalie
Pollock, Ted & Bonnie
Polowski, Christopher
Pon, Mary-Ellen & Ken
Pong, Raymond
Pong, Raymond W.
Poole, Jackson E.
Poole, Kennedy Grace
Popovich, Nicholas
Porporino, Anthony
Port Arthur Collegiate I
Port Carmen Marina
Porter, Christopher
Porter, J.
Porter, Jeff
Porter, K.A.
Porter, Margaret
Porter, S.K.
Porter, Sarah
Porter, Winnifred & Alex
Post, Edith
Post, Graham
Post, Joan
Post, Nancy
Post, Neil
Potadle, Kurt
Pothakos-Coppola, Chamberlain
Pothakos-Coppola, Madison
Pothier, Jérome Théodore
Pothier, Sandra
Potter, Shirley Madelene
Potters, Jackie
Potts, John L.
Potvin, Ginger
Poulin, Denis
Poulin, Monique
Poulin, Paul
Poulin, Wilma
Poulter, Dr. Frederick H.
Poulton, Albert
Poulton, Aleksander
Poulton, Nigel & Lynn
Powell, Aaron
Powell, Emily
Powell, Justin
Powell, Kevin Michael
Powell, Lauren
Powell, Mark A.J.
Powell, Ray & Judy
Powell, Scott
Power, Melanie & John
Powles, Brooke Patricia
Powles, Eric Glenn
Powles, Taylor Ann
Powley Family
Poxleitner, Marie A.
Poxleitner, Shawn A.
Poxleitner, Tony J.
Pozer, Bruce/Di/Rob/Lora
Pratt, Albie
Preley, Dan
Prentice, Nancy
Prentice, W. Bruce
Presgrave, Biz
Presgrave, Ian
Presse, Bradley
Prest Family
Prévost, Ray
Price, Alexis
Price, Anna & Clifford
Price, Dale Lynden
Price, Elizabeth & Jim
Price, Lauren
Price, Mary & Richard
Price, Ted & Grace
Prichard, Alexandra
Prichard, Alice
Prichard, Edward
Prichard, Hugh & Rachel
Prichard, William
Primeau, Gilles
Primeau, Gilles R.
Primiani, Tina
Prince, Ben
Prins, Kate Elizabeth
Prins, Sarah Jane
Prior, Ashleigh
Prior, Hayden
Prior, Laura
Prior, Scott
Pritchard, Jane & Doug
Pritchard, Meg
Professor Parker
Prokopetz, Nicole & Jim
Prosser, Sheila & Norm
Provencher, Monique
Pryhitko, Carol
Pryhitko, Debra
Pryhitko, Lisa
Pulchinski, David Joseph
Pulchinski, Sheila Ruth
Pulsifer, Yvonne & Ralph
Punkari, Rebecca Anne
Purdy Rae, Jeanne 1911~2011
Purdy, Boomer
Purkhart, Lenore A.
Purnis MacLeod
Puskas, Al
Putman, Mary
Putman, Rick & Kathy
Pyke, Chris Rebecca Richie
Pyke, Sharon & Allan
Quackenbush, Allen C.
Quane, Ross & Diane
Queen’s University ~ PHE’ 62
Quenneville, Geo & Edna
Quenneville, René
Quesnelle, Ivy L.
Quigley, Sandra Jane
Quinlan Landry, Joan Rose
Quinlan Margaret Rochette
Quinlan, Scott
Quinn, Alf & Betty
Quinn, Dorothy Prasch
Quinn, Gene & Elayne
Quinn, Nick, Erin & Emma
Quinsey, Vernon L.
Quirt, Delia E.
Quirt, Ian Chesney
Quirt, Preston Roy
Quixtar Canada Corporation
R. Watts Real Estate
Raaflaub, Edward
Raaflaub, Philip & Christine
Raaflaub, Ruth
Raaflaub, Willard & Joyce
Raaska, Tapio
Rabazo Lopez, Brigitte
Rabeau, Mary & Lawrence
Rabel, Leslie
Rabideau, John
Racey, Brian E.
Racey, Erin E.
Racey, Ian D.
Racicot, M. Joan
Radde, Ingeborg C.
Rahrer, Marion
Rain, Janse & Jenna
Rainville, Donald
Rake, Tim
Ramage, Ailie Cath. Musson
Ramage, Robert Donald
Ramage, Susan Eliz. Musson
Ramchandar, Rudy & Audrey
Ramsay, Alan Graham
Ramsay, John & Marsha
Ramsay, Patrick Ross
Ramsay, Rebecca Elizabeth
Ramsey, Tim & Christina
Rancourt, Adélard
Rancourt, Claire
Rancourt, Kyle Anthony
Rancourt, Maurice A.
Rancourt, Suzanne
Randall, Katherine Paige
Randall, Keli Anne
Randall, Tracy Lynne
Randmaa, Lembit
Raney, Alan F.
Ranney, Arthur & Rita
Ransome, Christopher
Ransome, Judy
Ranta, Brian John
Rapsey, Dorothy W.
Rashleigh, Ronald
Rathbone, John & Jessie
Rathwell, Marjorie
Ratz, Bob
Rawlings, Glenn&Georgette
Rawn, Myrna & Harold
Ray, N.
Raybone, Roy David D.
Rayburn, Cheryl (O’Neil)
Raymond & Domenica
Rayner, Bob
Rayworth, Diane
Rayworth, Nell
RCMP Vet’s Assoc.-T. Bay
Re/Max New Lifestyles Inc.
Reaburn, Stephen G.
Reaman, Devon Danielle
Reardon, Stacy B.
Reaume, Larry & Lorna
Recker, Ed & Judy
Reckzin, Lukas
Recoskie, Christina L.
Red Lake Walkers
Red Rock Public School Gr.7/8
Redgrift, R. & Simser, F.
Redpath, Corey G.
Reed, Arla
Reed, Lloyd
Reed-Wood Family
Reeves, George & Betty
Reeves, Peter, Mary & Norm
Regimbal, Lucille
Reichert, Don
Reid, Cecil & Janice
Reid, David & Geraldine
Reid, Miles & Summer
Reid, Patrick
Reid, Susan Patricia
Reill, William H.
Reilly, Irvine
Reimer, Bill
Reinhardt, Rev. Theodore C
Reiser, Frank
Reist, Anne & Bill
Renco Foods
Rendell, Stephen & Vicky
Renner, Carol Joan
Repath, David L.
Reschke, Henry & Anita
Retson, James C.
Retson, Jillie
Retson, Julia
Retson, Roberta
Retson, Susie
Retty, Bobby Jr.
Réunion Familles Delorme
Reuten, Paul & Kenny, Megan
Reutter, Robert & Joan
Rex, Wendy & Greg
Reyburn, Robert A.
Reynolds, Paul
Reynolds, Valda
Rezler, Vencl & Josephine
Rhind, Cathy
Rhodes, Harold
Rhodes, Robert & Winnifred
Ribeiro, Diana & Alisa
Ribout, Armand
Ribout, Jacques & Karen
Ricci, Louie & Sue
Ricci, Vanessa & Tano
Rich, Albert
Richard, Jacob Adam
Richard, Lise
Richard, Sean Roger
Richards Russ/Ruth&Family
Richards, Louise 1928 ~ 2001
Richardson, Bill & Sheila
Richardson, Charles M.
Richardson, Christopher
Richardson, Curtis Ryan
Richardson, Frank
Richardson, Ian A.
Richardson, Tyler Sullivan
Riche, Donald Albert
Richer, Diane Iva
Richer, F. & Leger, T
Richer, Garrett
Richer, Jessica
Richer, John E.
Riches, JimPattyJimmyKatie
Richmond, Lorraine
Richter, Kirsten
Rickwood, Trevor
Ridall, Duncan, Miller
Riddell, H. Morrow
Riddell, Isabelle & Joe
Rideout, Tim
Ridler, Nadine M.
Rienguette, Ted Jr.
Riepert Family
Rimmer, Barry -”The Guide”
Ring, Elsie & Ern
Ring, Linda
Ring-Ade, Robert C.
Rinsma, Arthur
Ripley, Christopher
Rippin, Cecil Elwood
Rippin, Reta G. (Thiessen)
Ristimaki, Lauren
Ristimaki, Lise
Ristimaki, Ronald
Ritchey, Zenta & Joseph
Ritchie, Alan & Barbara
Rittenhouse, Ryan Chabala
Ritzel, Margaret
Riverside High Youth Group
Riverside Legacy B & B
Rivet, Francis & Bernice
Rivett, Henry & Evelyn~1932
Rivett, Mervin & Alice~1964
Rivett, Ted & Marg ~ Oct 1958
Rizzo’s Cabinets
Rob, Alyson & Travis
Robart, RN & McKenzie, JM
Robb, Barbara & Ian
Robb, Ian & Graham
Robbins, John
Roberge, Tiffany June
Robert, John
Robert, Philippe
Robert, Russell W.
Roberton, Rob, Val & Kids
Roberts, Alexandra Anne
Roberts, June R.
Roberts, Sarah Anne Lea
Robertson, Bob & Judith
Robertson, Gill & Ted
Robertson, James & Emma
Robertson, Pierce Murphy
Robertson, Ray
Robertson, Roy & Kate
Robertson, William & Daisy
Robertson,Garfield & Gayl
Robichaud, J. Allison
Robichaud, Jeff
Robichaud, Jeffrey Sr.
Robichaud, Jocelyn
Robillard, Mary Lorraine
Robineau, Michel C.
Robinson, James Richard
Robinson, L & Mariutti, J
Robinson, Matthew
Robson, Roger
Rocca, Daniel
Rocca, Franca
Roche, Ed & Gail
Roche, Gaetane
Roché, Helen & Osvaldo
Rochefort, Dr. Jean-Marie
Rochefort, Jean-Paul
Rocheleau, Ginette
Rock, James Fraser
Rockett, Lisle “Dana”
Roderick, Greg
Rodger, Berthe & Archie
Rodgers, Shirley
Roedde, Steve
Rogers, Dick & Gloria
Rogers, Joan M.
Rogerson, Darrell A.
Rogerson, Judy
Rogerson, Louanne G.
Rogerson, Loyde W.
Rogozynski, Nick & Barb
Roland Michener Sec. School
Rollick, Gary & Shirley
Rollin, Thomas Allen
Rolph, Thomas Paul
Romani, Dario
Romanko, Bill,Sue,Ron,Joan
Romanko, Joanne & Family
Romi & Tim - Aug 16, 2003
Ronholm, James
Ronkainen’s Pharmacy Ltd.
Ronnebeck, Lynn & Will
Ronnebeck, Sandy & Rob
Roosevelt~Loyal Companion
Rosehart, William Daniel
Rosen, Jamey
Rosenberg, Susan
Rosenburgh Family (L,M,J)
Ross Windows & Doors
Ross, Cathy
Ross, James & Lisa
Ross, Johnny
Ross, Kevin & Carol
Ross, Mark
Ross, Mary H.
Ross, Mervin Gerald
Ross, Mervyn & Karen
Ross, Sandralee
Ross, Vic & Judy
Ross, Wm/Lena/Ona/Howard
Ross-Groulx, Linda
Rossi, Filipo Vencenzo
Rossi, Tim & Karen
Rossi, Trevor
Rossiter, Allan
Rossiter, James Henry
Rossiter, Mary Caroline
Rossiter, Pam & James
Rosskopf, Bob (1931-2007)
Rosso, David
Rothery, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.
Rothschild, Herb
Rouleau, Norm
Rouse, Madison Emily
Rousseau, Paul
Roussel, Lise
Roussel, Robert & Lynda
Roussy, Alain Antoine
Routery, Fred & Mary Ann
Rovinelli, Alfea & Gino
Rovinelli, Nadia
Rowe, Eva M.
Rowntree Family
Roy, Agathe
Roy, Brendan J.
Roy, Charlotte V.
Roy, Cory
Roy, Darcy Denis
Roy, Harvey
Roy, Jackie & Smith, Ross
Roy, Léandre
Roy, Rene
Roy, Renee
Roy, Robert Daniel
Royer, Rejean Leo
Rubocki, John
Rudack, D. James
Rudakas, Donna Roman
Ruddy, Merle Pat
Rudiak, Bill Jr. & Stephen
Rudolph, Donald & Carolyn
Ruffle, Quita
Ruggle, Tom & Kim
Ruller, Pastor Shirley
Rumleski, Art
Rumney, Dr. W.J.
Runciman, Ken
Running, Dorothy
Running, Peter
Running, Ron & Maureen
Running, Tom
Rushby, Jane
Thank you for your support
Matilda & Raoul Pearson
60 years (2010) of Family
Robert Pearson *
Maryanne Pearson
Patricia & Carl Falls & kids
Denise Pearson
Paul & Sylvia Pearson & kids
Suzanne Pearson *
Maggie & Terry Bristow & kids
trailing the Trail
from sea to sea
without fail
Canada in her splendour
for all to see
Raymond W. Pong
In loving memory of
In loving memory of
Elizabeth Pearson
Don Pennell
We feel her in the wind
Thanks for
watching over us.
John & Lee Ann Pearson
Jennifer, John and Katie
Your Loving Family
October 30, 1974
September 21, 1996
William L. Pickett
of North Bay
Christmas Gift
Celebrating their
50th Wedding Anniversary
Bogumil & Patricia Dembek
September 16, 2011
In memory of
The Postenka Family
Thunder Bay
Sgt. B. Archie Poupore
V50774 WWII
Lover of land and nature,
Peace and harmony.
From his loving family
Dr. Frank & Kathy Power
Carol Weerdenburg
Rosemary Paetkau
Frances Rose
Jane Meyer
Theresa Mirka
Kathleen Palik
to his son, Scott
granddaughter, Juliea
of Fort Erie
In loving memory of
Shawn Richard Price
“There is a way out
of every dark mist,
over a rainbow trail.”
Your family
In Honour of
The Pioneer Families of
An anonymous donor
Happy 50th
Shirley & Ralph
Ruth, Frank, Mardi, Art,
Sheila, Ted, Betty, Norm,
Jackie, Dorothy, Anita, Ruth,
Kurt, Dianne, Sheila, Bob,
Mary Ann, Fred, Elaine,
Stella, Ann & Jack
Always Remembered
Dan & Helen Rain
To our Dad & Mom
Thank you for sending
us along our paths
of discovery.
We love you!
In memory of
Norma Ramsay
who enjoyed the beauty
of Northern Ontario
Your friends
Glenrose Hospital
Edmonton, Alberta
Ted Ozimkowski
Love deepened by moments shared
T. Alec Rigby
April 6, 2003
The Rigby Family
Wendy, Olivia, Kenzie,
Keegan and Tom
Gilbert J. Rinaldi
January 30, 1944
September 25, 2008
Always in our thoughts, Forever in our hearts . . .
Franz Xaver Pruegger
1931 ~ 2007
Gena Prugger
1953 ~ 2008
Ich liebe dich auf Wiedersehen
In loving memory of
Michael, Geoffrey
Stephen, Jon &
David Robinson
Evariste*, Jeannette
Julia & Alex Rivard
John B. Robinson*
Jerry & Julia Smith
Arthur Edward
1881 – 1962
1878 – 1938
Glady Robinson
Family and Friends
Matthew, Jake &
Sara Gougeon
March 10, 2004
Lina Alice
June 1997
With love from Alan, Bill, Judy and families
Jacob & Annie
and the
Rolston Grandchildren
Alexander & Kiera Rolston
Charlotte Raney
A loving wife, mother and grandmother.
She blazed a cheerful trail of beauty,
charm, talent, friendliness and wisdom
in her eventful and rewarding journey through life.
Bill & Shaen Rolston
In loving memory of
In memory of
Switzerland to
Sleepy Hollow,
Ryerson Township 1878
James 1888
Henry 1930
Bob & Alanna 1986
Jeremy, Carleigh &
Cameron Burns
Vic Fell Memorial
Branch 405
of the Royal
Canadian Legion
Burk’s Falls
Lest We Forget
Ivar & Eva
In loving memory of
Brenda Rupar
November 22, 1951
October 12, 1996
Karin & Donald J.
Emily A., Charles I.
and Edward T.B.
You will always
be in our hearts
From family and friends
Tiina R. & Mark R.
Christmas 2003
Rotary Club
of Thunder Bay
Jeanne Besner,
Order of Canada 2011
From Class of ‘64
St. Joseph’s Hospital
North Bay, ON
Russell, Ciaron
Russell, Graeme
Russell, Herb & Irene
Russell, Jim & Penny~11/12/05
Russell, Peter & Vivian
Russell, Ryan
Russell, Taylor
Rustan, Garry & Sandra
Ruth, Mike & Janet
Rutherford, Charlotte
Rutherford, James Alan
Rutherford, Jessica
Rutlands of Wawa
Ruttan, Charlotte Edwards
Ryckman, Gordon
Ryckman, Karen
Ryder, Zachary
Rydholm, Carl W.L.
Rye, Dawn & Robert
Ryeland, Timothy
Rykert, Liz
Rymer, Evelyn
Rymes Family
S.S.S. Biker Babes
Saari, Tauno & Joyce
Sabatini, Linda
Sabourin, Beverly
Sabourin, Eric
Sabourin, Josée
Sacchetti, Ashley E.~3/28/09
Sacino, Pasquale & Josie
Saffrey, Eric & Linda
Sage, Connor & Benjamin
Sage, Doug
Sainsbury, Ron & Dorothy
Saito, Tak
Sakiyama, Akira
Sakiyama, Christine
Sakiyama, Drew & Brett
Sakiyama, Kazuko
Sakiyama, Keeler
Salaj, Vlad G.
Salemink, Joseph & Ans
Salerno, Linda
Salituri, John
Saliwonchyk, Edward
Saliwonchyk, Karen
Saliwonchyk, Kent
Salmon, Claire
Salmon, J. Richard
Salmon, Jennifer
Salmon, Lorna
Salo, Bruce, Debra & Eric
Salonin, Stephen
Saltstone, Dr. Scot
Samuel Allen Molendyk
Samuelson, Jon Thomas
San Cartier, Heather
San Cartier, Lesley
Sander, Lee (Keewatin)
Sandercock, Bob & Barbara
Sanderson, Leslie
Sanderson, R.A. (Sandy)
Sandford, Claire
Santa Maria, Brock Andrew
Santamaria C., Nuria
Santi, Nicolas & Genna
Santos, Tony & Margaret
Sarah Maxine McLean~2004
Sargeant, Dr. H.L
Sauer, Marguerite
Sauerwein, Dorothea
Sauerwein, Klaus
Saul, John & Shelagh
Saunders, Ashley & Brooke
Saunders, Clayton P.
Saunders, Donnie & Larry
Saunders, Jamie D.
Saunders, Lee
Saunders, Wesly B.
Sauvé, Andrea
Sauvé, Chaylene
Sauve, Claire-Helene
Sauve, Madeleine
Sauve, Theodore A.
Savage, Joy
Savard, Frances Guthrie
Savard, Marie-Paule
Savela, David & Jennifer
Savignac, Ray & Jane
Saville Mike/Linda/Kerrie
Saville, Harold & Gloria
Savorn, Spencer & Dakota
Sawchuk, Louise
Sawiak, Sarah & Alanah
Sawicki, Jason
Sawicki, Mike & Karen
Saxberg, Diane & Bob
Saxberg, Robert W.
Saxby, David
Sayer, Ted
Saynor, John Kennedy
Scali, Joseph & Norma
Scally, Colleen
Scammell, Evelyn
Scanlon, Allan & Bernice
Scarlett, David
Scarnati, Benjamin Joseph
Scarnati, Timothy Clarence
Scarr, Stanley
Schaman, Dr. John & Family
Schan, Raphael & Alice
Schandlen, Liz & David
Scharbach Family
Schaubel, Terence John
Schaworski, Christine
Scheel, Ingrid
Scheel, Julie
Scheer, Gerald & Suzanne
Schell, Christina K.
Schell, Kay & Larry
Schembri, Harold & Carole
Scherdtel Family
Scherer Johnston Family
Scherer, Dan & Dale
Scherpereel, Bryon
Scherz, Annie
Schiavone, Barb & Mike
Schiavone, June
Schibler, Andrea/Puniska R
Schibler, Leonard & Dawn
Schibler, Tannis & Lance
Schieck, David
Schira, Sandra Kerrera
Schliephacke, Amena Sadie
Schlueting, Heinz
Schlueting, Helga
Schlueting, Lori
Schlueting, Pacey
Schlueting, Parker
Schlueting, Torsten
Schmeler, Fred & Susan
Schmidt Family
Schmidt, A. & H. ~ Germany
Schmidt, Allan & Lois
Schmidt, Allan & Shirley
Schmidt, Judy & Arnie
Schmidt, Norbert
Schneider, Jonathan
Schneider, Justin
Schneider, Richard Gordon
Schneiders - Beaver Lake
Schnepf, Sig & Carol
Schofield, Jack & Laila
Schofield, W Allan & Family
Schokking, Timothy
School Sisters Notre Dame
Schouten, Rosa F.
Schrader, Virginia
Schreiber, Craig
Schroeder, Blaine G.
Schryer, Julien
Schültke, Rainer&Elisabeth
Schultz, Bernard&Doreen
Schultz, Garrett
Schultz, Mackenzie
Schulze, C.M. (Sarge)
Schuurman, Johannes
Schwartz, Daphne & Arthur
Schwartz, Dave & Pat
Schwartz, Jeff & Berk
Schwarz, Markus
Schwarz, Vicky Diane
Scimmi, Frank
Scoffin, Andrew
Scoffin, Thomas
Scorgie, John & Cheryl
Scott, Bill & Sabina
Scott, G. Wayne
Scott, Jason D.
Scott, Joyce & Gary
Scott, Kallie & Mya
Scott, Ken
Scott, Marie
Scott, Murdock (Farmer)
Scott, Nancy
Scott, Sheldon
Scott-Thomas, Dave/Brenda
Scott-Thomas, John
Scott-Thomas, Rod
Scotty, Lance & Bonny
Scrivens, Roxie
Scriver, Robert D.
Scully, Dominic
Scutt, Neil
Sdraulig, Gigi & Family
Sean, Carter
Searle, Toni & Tiina
Searles, Elizabeth Roberts
Searles, Lee (Emilee)
Searles-Kimberley, Benjamin
Seaward, Adeline
Sebalj Family
Sebecic, Michael & Debbie
See Family
Seed, Bruce A.
Seggewiss Family
Seguin, Jean
Seguin, Kenneth Marc
Séguin, Marie-Pier
Seguin, Robin Alexandra
Sehmrau, Uwe
Sekuler, Laurence
Selander, Katharine
Selander, Peter J.
Selander, Timothy J.
Seljan, Art & Gwen
Sellick, Fin & Burt
Semen, Jennifer
Semmerling Dorothea Maria
Sencza, Judy & Wally
Senden, Ronald Wayne
Senkow, Brian
Sennett, Edward
Serebrin, Shelley
Serkowney, Joy
Serkowney, Lloyd
Serpent River Lioness
Serpent River Lions Club
Sertich, M.
Servais, Moe & Kim
Service, John & Elizabeth
Setchell, Gordon
Setchell, S.H.L.
Sewell, John
Sewell, Judy & Jeff
Sewell, Ted & John
Sewell-Robinson Kelandean
Sferrazza, Veronic
Shand, Leigh
Shand, Skip
Shanks, Lindon
Shannon, Arthur J.
Sharman, Killaine
Sharmulaive Family
Sharon Reiser
Sharpe, Carmen & Pat
Sharpe, Dave & Gaye
Sharpe, Frank & Joyce
Sharpe, Rev. James M.
Shaw Family
Shaw, Graham P. ~ #8
Shaw, Gwen
Shaw, James & Lois
Shaw, Linda
Shaw, Marjorie E.
Shaw, Merv & Maureen
Shaw, Virginia
Shea, Carol / Casey, Vince
Shea, Emma
Shea, Jarod
Shea, Lise
Sheare, Robert & Virginia
Shearer, Sandy
Sheehan, Vincent Eric
Sheldon (Davis), M. Jean
Sheldrake, Douglas L.
Shenkarow, Marvin
Shenkarow, Phyllis
Shepherdson, Floyd
Sheppard, Gordon
Sheppard, Harry A.
Sheppard, Susan
Sheppard, Thomas S.
Sheremetta, Emily (1999-2008)
Sheridan, Mike & Louise
Sheridan, Whitey & Eileen
Shermack, Aleksa
Shermack, Kyre
Sherry, Paul & Marilyn
Shiach, Margaret T.
Shields, Abbey Elizabeth
Shields, Darrel/Van Exan, Marge
Shields, David
Shierson, Elizabeth
Shilling, John Edward
Shimokura, Gregg
Shodin Family
Shoguchi, Karen Barry/Kids
Shook Family
Shore, Ken & Helen
Short, Ron & Nancy
Shortts, Cam & Marg
Shortts, Jane
Shoup, Joshua Victor
Shred, Jeffrey
Shred, Jessica
Shred, Kim & Karen
Shrimpton, Brianna
Shrimpton, Jessie
Shrimpton, Leo
Shrimpton, Lindsay
Shubat, Tammy
Shuttleworth, Lorraine
Shuttleworth, Nan
Sicard, Freda & Lucien
Sicoli, Aidan & Evan
Sidders, Ian
Sider, Ray & Sandy
Sidney, Ben
Sidney, Irene
Sidney, Ken
Sidney, Lynda
Sidney, Rebecca
Sidock, Joe & Gloria
Siegfried, Brian
Siegfried, Linda
Siegwart, Josh & Kelli
Signcraft Custom Signs
Silver, Kenneth & Helen
Simard, Christian & Family
Simard, Raymond A.
Simmens, Diondre Richard
Simmons, Jeremy Fraser
Simmons, Ronald L.
Simmons, Ronald W.
Simms, C. Boyd
Simon, Miriam & Sivaun
Simoneau, Gerry
Simoneau, Jacqueline
Simpson, Barb
Simpson, Barb & Vern
Simpson, Barbara J.
Simpson, Benjamin
Simpson, Grant & Madelaine
Simpson, James & Edith
Simpson, Janet
Simpson, Jennifer
Simpson, Katherine
Simpson, Rosemary
Simpson, Stewart & Maxine
Simpson, Vern
Simpson, William
Simpson-Malek, Gracie
Sims, Elizabeth A.
Simser, Lorraine
Simson, Sarah
Simunovic, Paul
Sinclair, Donna
Sinclair, J. David
Sinclair, Shelley
Sindholt, Karl Robert
Singbush, Alex
Singer, Carolyn Dawn
Sinton, Nancy 1951~2011
Siple, Michael H.
Sippell, Doris & Lloyd
Sismondo, Sergio
Sisters F. C. J.
Sitch, Bert
Sitch, Harry & Doreen
Sitko, Arnold & Claire
Sivilotti, Eric Americo
Sjonnesen, Finn
Skaftfeld-Veenis, Alice
Skierszkan-Davidson, Ryan
Skinner, Dan
Skinner, Janice & Allen
Skinner, Kenneth A.
Skinner, Nola J.
Skinner, Robert F.
Skochinski, Donald
Skot Family
Skouris, Mike & Shelley
Skuce, Charles Murray
Slack, Todd M.
Slade, Christopher J.
Slade, David J.
Slade, Ingeborg M.
Slade, W. John
Slater, Sheryl L.
Sloan, Marilyn
Sloan, W. Alan
Sloane, Travis Cameron
Sloat, Roy
Sloat, Steven
Slotnick, Sam
Sluis, Henk
Slusar, Samson & Delilah
Slusarcyk, Michael E.G.
Small, Adam R.D.
Small, Amy S.D.
Small, Dana A.
Small, John M.
Smegal, Edward J.
Smetaniuk, Lawrence
Smirle, William
Smith, AL
Smith, Alexandra Lesley
Smith, Andrea/Jason/ DJ/Lia
Smith, Anna Mae Mitchele
Smith, Augustin
Smith, Barb
Smith, Benjamin Charles
Smith, Bernard* & Glenna
Smith, Bob & Debbie
Smith, Bob & Jan
Smith, Brian
Smith, Bryan & Marie
Smith, Carl & Donna
Smith, Charlie & Family
Smith, Charlie William Macaulay
Smith, CL Chris Adam Pat
Smith, Daisy & Stan
Smith, David M.
Smith, Don & Daulphine
Smith, E. Lloyd
Smith, Eleanor G.
Smith, Emily Frances
Smith, Frank & Grace
Smith, Glenna
Smith, Greg L. - ABSCC
Smith, Guy K.M. & Family
Smith, Heather
Smith, Irene & Raymond
Smith, Jesse
Smith, Jonathan D.
Smith, Karla Brittany
Smith, Krisha
Smith, Laura & Andrew
Smith, Lynda Shaw
Smith, Marguerite
Smith, Mary Elizabeth Mitchele
Smith, Max Ray
Smith, Mervin & Patricia
Smith, Norm
Smith, Rodney E.
Smith, Rose & Goldie
Smith, Stanley L.
Smith, Tammy & Ray
Smith, Vaughan C.
Smith, Wm. Ronald
Smith,Marion & Mulder,Otto
Smrek, Stephen William
Smulders, Carson C.
Smulders, Patrick G.
Smylie, Peter S.
Smylie, Sarah A.
Smyth, Stanley John
Snable, John
Snider, Sarah M.I.
Snoxell, James & Ellen
Snyder, Bradley Adam T.
Snyder, Laurel Jayne
Snyder, Robert
Socholotuk, Garry & Brenda
Soeder, Edward & Shirley
SoftSider Tubs Canada Inc.
Sohm, Harvey & Sharon
Sokoloski, John F.
Solbeck, Nina M.
Soldera, John & Louise
Sollman, Danae
Sollman, Daria P.L.
Sollman, Dryden Greggory
Sollman, Lesli-Anne
Solomon, Andrew Jr.
Somerville, D./Adams, P.
Somerville, James
Somme, Charles & Family
Sommer, Heidi & Hans
Sommerville, Marc~Love Mum
Sonser, D.J. & Family
Soots Family
Sopher, Georgette G.
Sorensen, E. & Beaton, M.
Sorensen, Forrester Halden
Sorensen, Hudson Atticus
Soulsby, Ann
Sound Horse Association
Spacek, Jak David Miroslav
Spackman, Robin F.W.
Spadoni, Allison Marie
Spalding, Gordon L.
Sparling, Colin James
Speak, Sylvia
Speakman, John
Spears Family
Spears, Robert M.
Specht, Jon Philip
Spedding, Mandy
Speirs, James
Speirs, Rosemary
Speller Family
Spence, Jack & Family
Spencer, Dr. Jon & Donna
Spencer, Jon
Spencer-Rutherford, Margery
Speth, Brian & Lee, Kathy
Spiers, Betty & Alex
Spiess C., J. & Family
Spink, Laura
Spirito, Luigi & Family
Spleiss, Chantal K.
Spooner, Aaron Joel
Spooner, Alan/Linda/Beth
Spooner, Debra Georgina
Spooner, Joshua Sean
Spooner, Peter Raymond
Sprachman, Andrew
Spraggett Family
Sprange, Joanne
Spreng, Rod & Shirley
Spriggs, Kyle Robert
Sproull, Donald
Spyrka, Henry & Louise
Squires, Mary & Frank
St Barts 23 Scouts Sarnia
St. Amand, Dan
St. Amour, Helen
St. Amour, Ray
St. Amour, Sandra
St. Aubin, Jamie
St. Denis, Brent
St. Germain, Kenneth A.
St. Hilaire Andre/Eveline
St. Jacques, Nathan Opaywis
St. John, Brian
St. John, Grant
St. Louis, Eric Russell
St. Louis, Keri
St. Louis, Vera A.
St. Marie, Lillian
St. Onge-Gervais, Gaëtanne
St.Bonaventure School Toronto
Stach, Justice E.W.
Stadler-Salt, Nancy
Stadnik, Stella
Stafford, Elizabeth
Stafford, Gail
Stafford, Jim
Stafford, Julie
Stafford, June
Stafford, Laurien
Stafford, Norman & Hellen
Stafford, Vanessa
Stafford, William
Stahr, Michael D.
Staines, Ann & John
Stajkowski, Lloyd R.
Stanger, Cameron
Stankiewicz, Brenda S.
Stanley, Kenneth
Stanley, Mr. & Mrs. W.H.
Staples, Richard Wellesley
Stapleton, Matt & Mary
Stark, Jamie
Stark, Kaeli
Stark, Kristin
Stark, R. Cory
Starr, Raven
Starratt, Cameron J.D.
Starratt, Mrs. Ardelle
Start, Gertrude
Stawson: ST, SH, D & V
St-Denis, Gaetan - P.Eng.
Steacy, Elaine
Steacy, George
Stecho, Jack
Steel Charles/Faye/Graham
Steele, Alex & Susan
Steele, Don & Doreen
Steele, Malinda & Robert
Steeves, John & Alice
Stefanich, Jody & Carole
Stefurak, Brian
Stein, Trevor & Alison
Steinhauser, Augustus
Steinwender, Benjamin D.
Stemeroff, Marvin
Sten, Allan & Heidi
Stepanic, Elizabeth
Stepanic, Lou
Stephens, John David
Stephens, Pee-Wee, Eilleen
Stephens, Sharon
Stephens, Sharon M.
Stetsko Family
Stetsko, Ignit
Stetsko, Marie
Stetsko, Peter
Stevens, Jason
Stevens, Marg M.E.M.
Stevens, Randy J.
Stevens, Timothy
Stevenson, David M.
Stevenson, Edward & Ann
Stevenson, Lyle Ronald
Stewart & Finlay Families
Stewart, Alanna Fay
Stewart, Bob
Stewart, Bradley & Jamie
Stewart, Brian & Sharon
Stewart, Coleen~Forest Hill PS
Stewart, Dave & Kathleen
Stewart, Dr. Greg
Stewart, Glenn, Linda & Family
Stewart, Gordon (1929~2004)
Stewart, Gordon Douglas
Stewart, John W.
Stewart, Joyce
Stewart, Katherine
Stewart, Kelly R.
Stewart, Linda 1959-2004
Stewart, Lynn
Stewart, Megan & Hannah
Stewart, Norman
Stibler, Robert J.
Still, Joy King
Stinson, Ian & Danielle
Stinson, Owain Connor
Stirling, Nancy
St-Jean, George
Stockfish, Alexandra K.L.
Stockfish, George & Lynn
Stockfish, Madeline G.
Stockla, Gary
Stoddart, Dan & Tonya
Stolar, B.
Stolar, Jacqueline
Stolar, Michael
Stoltz, Ed
Stoltz, John E.
Stoltzfus, Gene
Stoltzfus, Ronald James
Stoltzfus, Ryan Lynn
Stoltzfus-Smith, Shari Lou
Stonehouse, P. & A.
St-Onge, Gisèle
St-Onge, Michel
Stoot, Herb
Storey, Arthur T.
Storey, Randy
Storie, Gerald
Storm, Dell
Storms, Frederick Stanley
Stortini, Ray
Stortini, Ray & Mary-Kay
Stos, Don & Taina
Stos, Taina & Don
Stout, Iris
Stout, Patricia
Stoycheff, Peter G.
Stoyle, J. Craig
Strachan, Lorne
Straight, Bill
Straight, Geoff
Straight, Marty
Straight, Sue
Strain, Heather Irene
Strain, Katie
Strain, Katie Anne
Strain, Kelsey
Strain, Kelsey Lynn
Strange, Ina
Straus, Denise
Strazds, G.O.
Streich, Helge E.
Streich, Randolph C.
Streich, Robert K.
Streich, Walter H.
Strilchuk, Gloria
Strilchuk, Thomas
Strom, Gladys & Alvar
Struik-Greenway, Fenna M.
Stubbings, Daniel V.
Stubbings, Randall V.
Stubbings, Vicki L.
Stubbings, Victor
Stubbins, Robert A.
Stubgen, Geoff
Stuckey, Norman & Flora
Stuhec, Stanley
Stupple, Peter John
Sturdy, Thomas
Subic, Betty
Sudbury Cycle Club
Sudbury Naturalists
Sulis, Mary Anne
Sullivan, Kendall
Summers, AC, SE, JM, KMJ
Sundholm, Tony
Sundridge IGA
Suni, Caen
Suni, Justin
Superior Spec Olympics Cl
Suraci, Al
Sutherland, Ian A.
Sutherland, Jill Allison
Sutherland, Joan
Sutherland, W. Don
Sutinen, Martin K.
Sutton, Barry
Sutton, Gerald D.
Sutton, Hazel M.
Sutton, Jeff
Suzuki, Diana
Svalina, John
Swainson, Daniel Robert
Swan, Roland A.
Swann, Cameron S.H.
Swanson, Clarence D.W.
Swanson, Ray/B.J./Kate
Swarek, M. Rodney
Swayze, Douglas
Swayze, Marjorie Helen
Sweatman, Scott & Susanne
Sweetie & Patty-Mine
Swerhun, Nicole
Thank you for your support
In loving memory of
In loving memory of
Thomas & Nellie
Robert C. (Bob) Scott
1928 ~ 1997
Richard “P’ti-Pit”
Gone Fishing
Love Léona and family
The Simmons Family
Merganser Bay
Byron & Janet
Kenneth, Kristin
and Daniel
In memory of
Loveda Smith
March 2, 1915
October 20, 1997
A loving wife and mother
From Goldwin and Jeffrey
John & Maud
Always in our hearts
Gordon & Eileen Scott
A Trail Blazer
Sir Collingwood
1831 ~ 1918
Railway Engineer
Transcontinental Railways
The Women’s Association
of the
Mining Industry of Canada, Toronto
Since 1921 we have supported the mining industry,
the earth sciences and students, as well as worthy
community endeavours such as this Millennium Project.
The varied experience of our members affords the
organization a deep appreciation of the beauty and
geographic diversity of this land.
It is with pride that we support the
Trans Canada Trail in the Sudbury area,
a region rich in natural resources and historical
significance to Canadian mining.
The Alan Fraser Raney Families
“For it is in giving
that we receive.”
Prayer of St. Francis
St. Francis School
Student Council
Millennium Project
For their love of Northern Ontario
Alan & Charlotte*; Bill & Bonnie;
Leigh & Simon, Lyjah and Prema;
Deborah & Dwayne;
Amanda & Jon, Cameron, Raney and Norah;
Judy & Doug*; Liz & Ryan; David
With love from the Reg Raney Families.
wife Marie
Stephen & Sally Scott
Stewart & Linda Scott
Allison & Ted Anderson
Janet & Reid Stewart
In memory of avid outdoorsman
Aldon Jon (Skip)
Husband of Beatrice (nee Moro)
Father of Tony & Tamara
Opa to Cassie, Brieana, Dia,
Callie & Selena
In memory of
Carmen Sharpe
A man who contemplated
the beauty of nature
while walking amongst
wild flowers, trees
and rocks.
Bleau, Jassy &
Savannah Moores
Chelsea, Parker,
Taylor, Amanda, Mitchell,
Nicole & Shane Smith
Jay Bishop
Dusty Evans
“Happy trails to you,
until we meet again!”
Love Grande
The Stewart Family
Thomas Stewart
Francis* & Ellen*
Ireland to Chapman Twp
Dave* & Rita*
Frank & Janet
Dorothea & Bill Hayes
Norm* & Joyce
Sam & Helen
Verna* & Pat* Soulliere
Thomas Edward - 1911
Gordon – 1953 and
families honour
their dedication
In loving memory of
Margaret (Beda) Pineau
August 26, 1919 ~ December 7, 1996
Always in our hearts
From your family
Swierczynski, Ed & Sophie
Syme, Bob & Frankie
Symington, Ann
Symons, George & Family
Symons, Jim, Gwen & Family
Symons, Richard & Family
Szabo, Elmer
Szaflik, Tim & Jenn
Szarabura, Brandon
Szarabura, Justin
Szarabura, Ken
Sze, Robert
Szklar, Mr. & Mrs. J.
Szyja, Laura & John
Szymkowski, Gary & Sharon
T.D. Canada Trust
Taddeo, Kevin & Kurtis
Tafel, Clara
Tafel, Dick & Elsa
Tafel, Richard
Taggart, William (Bill)
Taillefer, Emmett
Taillefer, Nicholas
Taillefer, Nicholas/Emmett
Taillefer, Oliver
Taillefer, Pierre
Taim, Astrid L-Sprucedale
Taipale-Gerard, Nikki
Talarico, Marisa
Tall, Cy & “T”
Tallman, Jennifer L.
Talma, Tyler
Talpiainen, Pentti & Eila
Tan, T.K./Scavetta, R.J.
Tanguy, Jacques
Tank, Melissa
Tanney, Cyan
Tannys & Bob ~ LOVE 28/07/07
Tapp, Lawrence G.
Tardiff, Edwin
Taricani, Angeline
Taricani, Astrida
Taricani, Bernard
Taricani, Dempsey
Taricani, Jonathan
Taricani, Nicholas
Taricani, Timothy
Tastula, Leo & Ulla
Tattersall, John
Taylor, Alexandra Nicole
Taylor, Bill & Jackie
Taylor, Brad & Carrie
Taylor, Brian & Jill
Taylor, Bud & Jo
Taylor, Charles & Sheila
Taylor, Ernest Andrew Sr.
Taylor, Ernest Jr.
Taylor, Fraser
Taylor, Fred & Beverly
Taylor, Gerald A.
Taylor, Hilkka
Taylor, JoDee
Taylor, John M.
Taylor, Kayla
Taylor, Lee & Scott, Ian
Taylor, Pauline (Abigail)
Taylor, Peter Douglas
Taylor, Sophie
Taylor, Steven
Taylor, William Bruce
Tchorzewski, Michael
TD Canada Trust-Br.#3644
Teahan Family
Team Squires ~ Caledonia
Teare, Robert William
Teasdale, Todd
Teixeira, Abel Joseph
Telkamp, Jannie
Ter Braak, John A.
Terrace Bay Res. LU ~ 98/99
Terrick, Jesse
Teska, Wally
Tessier, Colette
Tessier, Denis & Noella
Thaler, Robert & Ann
Thauvette, Emile
The Bill Turton Family
The Blind Bay Masons
The Carl Simpson Family
The Cornball Store
The Cubs
The Daniel Racicot Family
The Friends Tenant Assoc.
The Gillies Sisters
The Grand’s
The Lougheed Family
The Petersens, T. Bay
The Rappala Brothers
The Roundstone Inn
The S. Porcupine MacRae’s
The Stuart Family
The Township of Barclay
The Wooden Roo
Theiling, Fiona
Theiling, Grace
Theobalds, Arthur C.
Theriault, George & Joan
Theriault, Jake Ferguson
Therrien, Joseph M.
Therrien, Rainette
Thibault, Sandra Ruby
Thibeault, Alyssa
Thibeault, Michael
Thibert, Terri & Michael
Thibodeau, Amie
Thiel, Orval & Marjorie
Think ? First Foundation
Thivierge, Donald, Sr.
Thivierge, Jim & Marney
Thivierge, Joann Dawn
Thom, Trent
Thomas (Paul), Myrna Mae
Thomas, Alan & JoAnne
Thomas, Alan Jeffrey
Thomas, Alma
Thomas, C. Christopher
Thomas, David
Thomas, Josephine Hall
Thomas, Meghan L.
Thomas, Richard
Thomas, Rick/Pam - M. ‘76
Thomas, Shelley & Jeff
Thompson, Arthur & Nancy
Thompson, Bob & Cheryl
Thompson, David Charles
Thompson, Gordon
Thompson, K. & Fisher, C.
Thompson, Ken & Betty
Thompson, Lilian
Thompson, Mad & Derek
Thompson, Maxx Bun
Thompson, Robert L.
Thompson, Scott
Thoms, Jlorne
Thomson, Carolyn R.
Thomson, Dana
Thomson, David
Thomson, Diane
Thomson, Doug
Thomson, Douglas
Thomson, Kent
Thomson, Kevin
Thomson, Max, Meg & Kate
Thomson, Norma Betty
Thomson, Violet
Thor, Erik
Thor, Evan
Thor, Jaime
Thor, Peter
Thorgrimson, Joelle
Thorgrimson, Mitchell
Thornham, Susan L.
Thornley, Bill & Barb
Thornton, Donna L.
Thorpe-Manson Families
Thunder Bay Gymnastics
Thunder Bay Health Unit
Thunder Bay P.H. Nurses
Thurier, Eloise Marie
Tibbles Family
Tidswell, Kate
Tienhaara, Brennan, Lauren
Tierney, E., S. & Family
Tiffin Kari/Andrew/Chanel
Tiffin, Richard
Tighe, Christena
Tighe, Murray
Tiisler, Helgi & Martin
Till, Ian & Noble, Michelle
Tilley, Nelson S.
Tilson, Gilford R.
Tilston, James G.
Tilston, Jane Frances
Timeriski, Don
Timko, Kenneth Jason
Timlin, Karin Barbara
Timmermans, Albert&Twila
Timmins Social Services
Timms, Shelley L.
Tincombe, Deborah
Tiplady, Robin & Valerie
Tipler, Harold & Carol
Tivendale, Edith
Tkachyk, Mark
Tkaczuk, Peter
To My Mother-Love J. Jocko
Tobin, Pamela
Tod, Bill/Scott/Jeff/Ted
Tod, Kathleen & Frank
Todd and Anna
Todd, James Phillip
Todd, Lois M. (Hutchings)
Toewater, Leona Nesbitt
Toffoli, Anna & Leo
Toivonen, Ed, Stella Jablinchuk
Toland, Wilbur
Tole, Rodney
Tom Veert Contracting
Tomini, Adam
Tomini, David
Tomini, Emmalie
Tooke, Jim
Tooker, Robert E.
Toporowski, Wanda
Toppin, G.L. “Chopper”
Toppin, James L. “Tex”
Topple, Amy & Aleesha
TOPS Walk-NF4429-BC2510
Torbay, Christopher J.
Toren, Eleanor
Torresan, Katie
Torresan, Peter J.
Tose, Ellen
Tost, Alois
Toswell, Doris Ann
Toswell, Frank John
Towers, John Herbert
Towill, Bill & Marg
Towill, Michael A.
Town of Blind River
Townsend, Lois
Tracey, Jacqueline Lee
Tracey, Maren
Tracey, Susan
Tracz, Michael
Traill, Peter
Tramontin, Jimmy
Tramontin, Mara
Tranquility Base
Travers, James Ch’town PE
Travis, Pat & Flo
Traynor, William (Bill)
Trbovich, Michael (Mike)
Trbovich, Nicholas (Nick)
Treftlin, Teri
Tregarthen, Frank & Marg
Treidlinger, Joanne
Tremblay, Donald L.
Tremblay, Reilly Aaron
Tremblay, Steve Rock
Trenka, Charles
Trenka, Diane
Trenka, Kristina
Trenka, Tanya
Trent, Herb & Shirley
Tribe, Mark Joseph
Tripargoletti, Pasquale
Triplett, Wesley H.
Tropea, Anna & Frank
Trottier, Donald R.
Trottier, Fern
Trowbridge, Susan, R, A
Troyer, J.W. Family
Truchon, Darlene
Trudeau, Denise
Trudeau, Evelyn
Trudeau, Roy & Bette
Trudeau, Thomas V.
Trudeau, Tim & Denise~25 yrs.
Trudel, Nathalie
Trudel, Sylvie
Trusdale, Beverly
Trusdale, Paisley
Trusdale, Terry N.W.
Truss, Jean
Trusz, Mark
Tryon, Allan
Tryon, Donald
Tryon, Patricia
Tryon, Shirley
Tryon, Valerie
Tsang, Evelyne E-Yeng
Tullio, Brenda & Michael
Tulloch, John, Bernice & Family
Tunney, Brenda
Tunnicliffe, Nan & Grant
Tunnock Consulting Ltd.
Tuomi, Vivian
Tuominen, Chris & Elmer
Turcotte, Eximer
Turcotte, Joan
Turcotte, Lois & Albert
Turcotte, Mike & Carolyn
Turenne, Roger & Alma
Turewich, Paul
Turnbull, Elizabeth
Turnbull, Harry & Sylvia
Turnbull, Janet
Turnbull, John
Turnbull, Katherine
Turnbull, Pete & Mary-Jo
Turnbull, Rodd Taylor
Turner, Andrea
Turner, Barbara
Turner, Helvi L. King
Turner, Henry
Turner, Karen & John
Turner, Ken & Carol
Turner, Lyle
Turner, Lyle & Helen
Turner, Margaret Anne
Turner, Shirley K.
Turner, Sydney Brett
Turpin, Jason Thomas
Turpin, Marilyn
Turvey, David & Rachel
Turvey, Noah & Max
Twiner, Donald H.
Two Great Dogs-Abby/Dana
Tyler, David Ryan Groh
Tyler, Evan Peter Groh
Tyler, Sarah Lilian Groh
Tyler, Talma
Tyson, Jonathan & Donna
Tyson, Thomas
Ubukata, Richard Allan
Uhlig, Nicholas & Christopher
Ulinski, Monika
Ulrick, Agnes & Felix
Umpherson, Don J.
Unger, Lindsay
Untinen, Leni
Upham, Mervyn A.
Usipiuk, Tammy & Ron
Uttley, Aaron Alexander
Uttley, Alison Victoria
Uxbridge Public School 98
Vachon, Richard
Vaes-Eerdekens, Lieve
Vahed, Roxanna Natalie
Vaillancourt, Alex
Vaillancourt, Sean Marc
Vairo, Ann Marie Rafla
Valiant, J.J.
Valle, Alana
Valle, Daniela
Valle, Kristina
Vallée, Bertrand
Vallée, Fernand & Anita
Vallee, Ms. Desneiges L.
Van Biesbrouck, Josh /Dane
Van cleeff, Mark
van den Bergh, Peter
Van Der Valk, John J.
Van Der Valk, Robert James
Van Doorens
Van Driel, Marria
Van Dyke, C. Elmer
Van Dyke, Wilma G.
Van Exan, Russell
Van Haeften, Pamela P.
Van Mierlo, H Leo
Van Niejenhuis, Annette
van Nostrand, Paul
Van Oort, Joseph
van Osnabrugge, Sean
Van Schie, Lila
Van Someren, Ken & Shirley
Van Wagner, Vicki ~ Midwife
Vance, Darryl
Vance, Stephanie
VandenBroeke Grijpskerke
Vanderluit, Elizabeth
Vanderluit, Jan
Vandermaas, Cornelia
VanderWees, William+Betty
VanderZande, N.
Vandyk, Jack Deb Dani Jake
VanKessel, Annika
Vann, John & Esther
Vansantvoort Family
Vanstone, Joan & Jabez
VanWallegham, Kameryn
Vaughan, Shelagh
Veal, Donald J.
Veall, Mike
Veenis, R.M.
Veldhuisen, Richard
Vella, Paul & Francine
Vendramin, Courtney/Carlee
Veneruz, Thomas & Dominique
Venturi, Carmen
Venturi, Sophia
Venturini, Adriana
Verbruggen, Steph & Bryan
Verdecchia, Wayne
Verheul, Frank & Mark
Vero, Samantha Elizabeth
Verrall, Jennifer
Verrilli, Matt/Mark/Chris
Vezina, Patrick, Darrien, Ethan
Vibert, Russ & Ollie
Viens, Jessyca J.
Viinalass, Benjamin Paul
Vilcini, Adrien Noel
Villeneuve, Betty
Vincer, Marcelle~July 2004
Vincer, Ralph
Vincer, Richard~July 2004
Vlaar, Anita
Vogrig, Ashley Joanne
Vogrig, Mason John
Vola, Chelsea & JJ ~love Mom
Volkov, Magdalena
Vollum, Lee
Von Aweyden, Friederike
von den Baumen, André Rolf
VON Sudbury Branch
VON Thunder Bay&District
VON Values Volunteers
Vopni, Deborah Lynn
Vopni, Kevin Ronald
Vopni, Ronald Neil
Vopni, Stephen Warren
Voth, Elizabeth
Voth, Ian & Graham
Vouk, Ivana
Vrillaud, Magali
Vucko, Cassandra Teresa
W Ft William Credit Union
Wabigoon Public School
Wachnuk, Ryder
Wachsmuth, B. & Scott, N.
Waddell, Frederick F.
Wade & Tracey
Wadge, Lyndsay
Wadge, Nathan
Wagar, Cassandra
Wagar, Donald K.
Wagar, Jennifer Cynthia
Wager, Don/Ona/Donna/Bev
Wagstaff, Connor
Wagstaff, Heather
Wainman, Mark E.
Wainwright, Eleanor C.
Waisanen, Allan
Wakewich, Russ
Walberg, Margot
Walberg, Ronald
Walde, Paul & Christine
Walden Cross-Country Club
Walicki Family
Walker, Alley
Walker, Alyssa
Walker, Audrey
Walker, Bill
Walker, Cori & Brad
Walker, Dorothy
Walker, Lynda
Walker, Madison Paige
Walker, Nicholas
Walker, Nigel
Walker, Robert Miles
Walker, Sandra
Walker, Taylor
Wallace, Jack
Wallace, Kristen & Park, Dan
Wallace, Lynda
Wallace, Mary & Walter
Wallbridge, Robert J.
Wallgren, Donna
Walli/Ellsworth Family
Wallis, Sylvie & Don
Wallischek, Pete
Walser, Willi/Maria/Maria G.
Walsh, Christopher
Walsh, Jason
Walsh, Marg & Isadore
Walters, Cecil T.
Walton, Syd & Doris
Wanless, Alissa Jean
Wanless, Mitchell David
Wanless, Warren
Wannan, Barry Winston
Wannan, Nancy-Jo
Ward, Ainsley
Ward, Daniel
Ward, David & Mari Lou
Ward, Donna (Skuce)
Ward, Eric M.
Ward, Gordon & Susan
Ward, Hendry
Ward, James
Ward, John Ryan 1963-2002
Ward, Mike
Ward, Ron
Ward, Seth
Ward, Stephen Michael
Ward, Stephen P.
Wardlaw, Eva
Warner, Bill & Helen
Warner, Isabel & Graham
Warner, Lawrence D.
Warren, Douglas W.
Warren, James & Bertha
Warren, Norm
Warwick, Lawrence
Washbrook, Terry E.
Waterfield, Thomas G.
Watkins, John Dawson
Watkinson, Linda & Larry
Watling, Chris
Watling, David
Watling, Marie & Peter
Watrous, Tom
Watson, Aimee
Watson, Colin & Susan
Watson, Eileen D. (Jackie)
Watson, Robert
Watson, Tim
Watt, Jean
Watt, Mitchell
Watt, Roberta
Watters, Lilian
Watts, Ian
Watts, John
Watts, Michelle
Watts, O. James & Dagmar
Watts, Steven
Wawa Lab Staff
Wayda, Charlene
Wayda, Dan
Weaver, Jim & Lise, M & M
Weaver, Mary P.
Weaving, Charlene
Webb, Bill & Pat
Webb, Frank & Margaret
Webb, Vane & Julia
Webber, Joshua
Weber, Jennifer L.
Weber, Roger
Weese, Sinthai
Weese, Tassanee
Weigeldt, Stéphanie N.
Weingartner, Gabrielle
Weir, Donald
Weir, Doris
Weir, Frank
Weir, Ian & Sharon
Weir, Yvonne
Weisflock, Len & Mary
Weisflock, William F.
Weiss, Don
Weiss, Lucille
Weld, Lindsay
Wellard, John
Wells, Harold & Patricia
Wells, Kay
Welsh, Brian Arthur
Welsh, Eileen
Wendling, Sherry Dennis
Wendy and Friends ( )
Wenzlau, Tom & Nancy
Wepruk, Ruby
Werbowy, Wes
Werner, Jeff
Wesley, Charles Arthur
West, Christopher
West, Kristin & Ryan
West, Malarie & Paul
Westaway Family
Westcott, Myrna & David
Westfall, George & Martha
Westover, Russ Cheryl Cory
Wethers, Elizabeth - JAEM
Weyerhaeuser Canada
Whatley, Samantha M.
Wheaton, Dr. Chris J.
Wheeler, Mark & Jackie
Wheeler, Nancy
Wheeler, Roy Lambert
Whelan, Lori M.
Whilsmith, Arthur/Gwyneth
White Mamie Heino 1918 ~ 77
White, Connie
White, David E. 1916 ~ 1974
White, David Gregory
White, Don
White, Don & Birdie
White, G&A, JoAnn Cottage
White, Jacob Preston
White, Linda
White, Nancy/Dunc&Family
White, Nick & Barbara
White, R. Kirby
White, Rebecca
White, Robert John
White, Shirley Louise
White, Sigmund & Doreen
Whitefield, George Boyd
Whitefield, Kamma Jensen
Whitehead, Hilda I.
Whitehead, John Harold
Whitehead, Robert Joseph
Whitell, Chris
Whitell, Mikhayla
Whiteside, Del R.
Whiteside, Mark D.
Whiteside, Marlene A.
Whitham, Ray & Denise
Whitman, John G.
Whitney, Dane
Whitney, T. Harold
Whittaker, William F.
Whittemore, Eric & Jane
Whittle, Jake
Whyte, James
Whyte, James T.
Wicklander, Ed G.
Wickstrom, Chris
Wickstrom, Eric
Widgett, Albert Alliston
Wiebe, Allison S.E.
Wiebe, Daniel N.P.
Wiebe, Jessica J.G.
Wiebe, Julia A.
Wiebe, Lara/Martell, Paul
Wiebe, Neil J.
Wiebe, Susan E.
Wieckowski, Jan/Alexandra
Wiedmann, Dave
Wiedmann, Tracey
Wiegand, Grandma Grace
Wiersma, Y. & Sandlos, J.
Wiggins, William
Wiggins, Wilma
Wigmore, Alexander W.N.
Wigmore, Christopher R.D.
Wigmore, Daniel J.D.
Wilcox, John Angelo
Wilcox, Sidney
Wild, Rodney B.
Wildeman, Richard
Wilgos, Isabel
Wilk, Hannah Louise
Wilkie, Bill & Kay
Wilkie, Bruce & Dorothy
Wilkins, Mark
Wilkinson, Diane
Wilkinson, H&W-Yorkton, SK
Wilkinson, Jean & John
Wilkinson, Margaret
Wilks Christopher Douglas
Willan, Jim/Jocelyne/Alex
Willett, Mindy
Williams Family
Williams, Andrea & Mike
Williams, Andrew David
Williams, Bob
Williams, Dave & Florence
Williams, Eleanor
Williams, Father Michael
Williams, Joyce
Williams, Lorry & Bill
Williams, Lynne & Tim
Williams, Mary
Williams, Megan
Williams, Sam
Williamson, Jack (Sonny)
Williamson, Megan
Williamson, Mrs. E.
Willner, Lisa
Wills, Anna
Wilson, Carol
Wilson, Cheyenne J.V.
Wilson, Chircoski CarolAnn
Wilson, Dale
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, Dharana Sage
Wilson, Doreen K.
Wilson, E. & Bird, D.
Wilson, Emma
Wilson, Freda
Wilson, Harold & Susan
Wilson, James Kevin, M.A.
Wilson, Kathryn B.
Wilson, Kelly, Phil & Bev
Wilson, Lydia E.
Wilson, Mark
Wilson, Matthew
Wilson, Molly
Wilson, Shannon M.L.
Wilson, Susan
Wilson, Tom & Bonnielee
Wilson, V. & Szarko, A.
Windsor, Keith & Anne
Winger, Earl A.
Winter, Mateas
Winter, Rena M.
Winters, Derald
Winters, John Ellis
Winters, Thomas E.
Wiseman, Beverly
Wiseman, Terry & Family
Wisniewski, Michael 1942~2010
Wittkes & Pépère
Witzu, Dr. T.M.
Witzu, Dr. Terry & Marjy
Woito, Daren
Wojtowicz, Bruno/Francine
Wolf, Peter & Lynda
Wolfe, Jim/Reta/Kelly/Sean
Wolfe, Roger & Lois
Thank you for your support
Walter and Regula Reich
with Philip and Simon
Immigrated to Magnetawan, Canada
on the 18th of April 1995
and opened the
Quiet Bay Log Motel
The Stockdales of
Cedar Croft
James & Johanna
and all
of their Descendants
1871 ~ 2002
Tom* & Dorothy
The Storey Family
Settled in 1922
Balsam Creek, Phelps Twp
Early residents of
the Magnetawan and
Ahmic Lake Area
Mae & William
Floyd, Veda, John,
Ruby, Neil, Ida,
Cassie, Audrey & Cecil
John Tait,
In memory of
Christopher E. Sr. &
Agatha Tallon
Dominic Tallon and
Bridget O’ Hara
The Taillon Family
Jean-Louis &
Mary (Hooey)
Tiffany and Raymond
loved from coast to coast
forever in each province
and territory for us to visit
Lise (Taillon) &
Steve Monardo
Steven and Antoinetta
Love your family
In memory of
Christopher E. Jr.
Maureen, Sharon
Aileen Tallon
Ron Sherry
A great canoeist and natural outdoorsman,
lover of fine music, the Northern Lights Festival,
and the songs of a campsite – the loons,
fire, wind, waves, and conversation.
He is always with us.
The Bishop Strachan
Environmental Geography
Class 1997
of Ryerson
Where life, history and
nature are bridged
Strong Township
S Rawn, M Snow, C Ellis,
J Newstead, S Eddison
D Georgie, S Sohm,
K Minor, W Kent,
D Pringle, M Basso
In loving memory of
David Turnbull
Born April 2, 1961
Died May 26, 1993
From your friends at the
University of Waterloo
The Ibbitson Family
1958 ~ 1978
Evan & Verna
Dale, Faye, Barbara,
Allan, Kelly and Darrell
In loving memory of
Joe Van Asselt,
who had a special place
in his heart for
Ahmic Lake and this area.
In memory of
Norm Taub
A friend and colleague who lived to follow trails. It was always
the journey that mattered and the little vignettes of life that one
discovers “on the trail”.
In memory of the
Families begin with the touch of hearts and hands
Vigrass and Plumtree
Frank and Ingrid Starnyski
early settlers at
Dufferin Bridge and
North Seguin,
on the Nipissing Road
Rebecca, Jared, Mathew and Benjamin Ginter
Barbara and Emily Frances Jones
Jacqueline and Erika Cooper
For today’s achievers, tomorrow’s leaders.
This site, on the Old Ghost Trail, halfway between Rosseau
and Nipissing is a place from which Norm would have
found great comfort and a source of endless stories.
In recognition of
His spirit lives on in all of us who were fortunate
to have known him and heard his tales.
Porcupine volunteers
“Remember, my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by
how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.”
Professor Marvel, Wizard of Oz
in Timmins Hornepayne
Hearst Kapuskasing
Smooth Rock Falls
Cochrane Iroquois Falls
His Humber College Family
Walter von Sigritz
1926 ~ 2026
Ilse G von Sigritz
1924 ~ 2024
Be true in heart –
though far apart.
Thanks to the volunteers,
whose labours produced the
Voyageur Hiking Trail.
Voyageur Trail
“Hiking Since 1973”
W. John Fraser
Lumber Ltd
In Business Since 1939
John & Marjorie Fraser
Jack and Ruth Fraser
Dan & Jill Fraser
Tina Barrett
Alicia Barrett
Jamie Barrett
Zander Barrett
Tammy Tomlinson
Chase Tomlinson
Skyler Whitelaw
Quinn Whitelaw
In loving memory of
Lizzy Tomlinson
Phyllis Tomlinson (nee McEwan)
In memory of
“Come forth into
the light of things.
Let nature be your teacher.”
W. Wordsworth
David Watson
Elizabeth, Stephen,
Frances, Brenda & Ellen
Robin H. Watson
1954 ~ 2002
For all of the beauty
that he witnessed
in his lifetime
and for his passion.
Charles Karoly
“So, finally, you’re
walking across Canada
with your pal Ficko.”
We miss you
Wolff, Roy 1918-2003
Wollman, Ilsavada E., RN
Wollman, Jerome S. MD
Wolsey, Ken
Womersley, “Arctic Joe”
Wood, Beth & Lindsay
Wood, Bob
Wood, Bonny/Terry/Family
Wood, Christopher
Wood, Jaye
Wood, Keith
Wood, Kirk
Wood, Lisa
Wood, Maggie, Tom & Katie
Wood, Michael
Wood, Norma
Wood, Robert & Deany
Wood, Steven
Wood, Thomas & Janice
Wood, Wade Anthony
Wood, Wendy
Woodland, Rita Audrey
Woodman, Marion
Woodruff, Bill & Nancy
Woods, Dr. David
Woods, Gavin
Woods, Katharine S.
Woods, Keith
Woods, Samuel R.
Woods, Susan E.
Woolfrey, Sioux Lookout~ON
Woollatt, George
Woolmer, Robin & Bobbi
Woolsey, Jamie & Jason
Woolvett, Christine
Worrall, Tom
Wortel, Ronald Joseph
Wotherspoon Fam.-Oakville
Wragg, Carol
Wren, Mary
Wright, Allan
Wright, Bill & Linda
Wright, Bill aka Willard
Wright, Charles Brooks
Wright, John & Heather
Wright, John S.
Wright, Lindsay M.
Wright, Tony & Frances
Wright, Wendell Russell
Wuilleme, Earl N.
Wurth, Claudius
Wurth, Jonathan
Wurth, Moritz
Wylde, Geoffrey
Wyley, Tom Sr.
Wylie, Linda
Wynn, Jonathan
Wynn, Spencer
Xi Alpha Theta
Yahn, Terrence Albert
Yakamovich, Bill & Rita
Yakobchuk, Amelia
Yakobchuk, Cristina
Yank, Margaret Echo Ruth
Yapps, Dennis
Yaremchuk, Allan
Yasenovskiy, Vlad
Yellenik, Steven
Yeo, Douglas & Agnes
Yeo, Edward
Yeo, Joan
Yeung, Cheryl
Yeung, Christine
Yeung, Lawrence
Youck, Frances Roxena
Youmans, David
Young, Dale
Young, Guy
Young, Jim & Louise
Young, Marion Campbell
Young, Mary & Gerald
Young, Murray
Young, Nancy
Young, Rebecca
Young, Robert & Barbara
Young, Vernon Guy
Ypma, Dawn V.E.
Ypma, Henny
Ypma, John
Ypma, Jonathan K.
Y’s Hikers-Sault SteMarie
Yuke, Tyler
Yung, Chor Wan Amy
Yurkoski, Kay & Peter
Yurkoski, Ronald & Barbara
YWCA - Sudbury
Zacharatos, John & Mary
Zacharias, Patricia
Zachary, Joseph
Zagar, Andrea M.
Zahra, Shirley Ann
Zahradka, Karel
Zahynacz, William & Family
Zalan, Peter
Zaldiner Family
Zamalloa, Andres
Zamalloa, Keegan
Zanetti, TJBE
Zankl, Bianca
Zappala, Katherine-Lyn
Zarowski, Lindsay & Colin
Zass, Dohn Raymond
Zawadzki, Nicola Skye
Zehethofer, Suzy
Zehr, Connie L.
Zekas, Reina ~ 1947-2008
Zekas, Reina/Ray/Ron
Zelenak, Eleve Amie
Zemoroz, Ernie & Elsie
Zenker, John & Anne
Zentner, Joan & Clancy
Zers, Ojars
Zeuge, Kurt F.
Zier-Vogel, Richard A.
Zimmer, Hugo & Emmy
Ziter, Carly
Zonta Sault Ste Marie Area
Zorbas, Greg & Suzanne
Zroback, Fred & Cathy
Zroback, Nick & Mary
Zrobin Family
Zurba, Anna
Zurby, Walter
Zweerman Family
Zweerman, Bernie
Zwygart, Helen & Ernie
Zwygart, Yolanda
Zyma, Taylor
Zywina, John
Zywina, Linda
Thank you for your support
In memory of our parents
George Munro
1890 ~ 1980
Katherine May
1902 ~ 1985
Students and Staff
Secondary School
Willa, Milan, Ivan
& Myda Egrmajer
A dear husband and father,
still very much
a part of our lives.
North Bay, Ontario
Connie, Ken, Katherine
& Alison Mackenzie
Bev, Debbie and Patti
Walter & Lois
Arthur & Beatrice
Larry & Carrie
Breanna and Benjamin
Elwood & Pamela Latimer
Echoes Resort
Love reigns forever
In recognition of
the 50th Anniversary
Lois and Walter
August 21, 2001
Wilbur George
Wes & Elva Robinson
George & Annie Luxton
Scott & Jodee
Zachary and Amelia
In memory of
The Wylie Family
Post Master in Parry Sound
1953 ~ 1959
Post Master in North Bay
1959 ~ 1975
Robert and Martha (Finlay)
Roman & Sonia Vlach
Lee & Shelley
Matthew, Christopher
and Jesse
1910 ~ 1997
Always in my heart
In loving memory of
Ches, Marg, Kelly,
Merrillynn, Alena
& Adrienne Wilson
Jack, Martha
Isabella, Ethel,
Sarah, Robert
Bud & Anita Winton
Elsie A. Watt
The Zinn Family
Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend
A lover of children, dogs and all aspects of the great outdoors
Ken, Cheryl,
Marjorie, Kathleen,
Natalie, Carolyn,
Greg, Madison,
Shannon, Ida and
Glenn W. & Jill A. (Ferguson),
Keith W. and Lauren A. Watt
~ EST. 1951 ~
Magnetawan, Ontario
Hurford and Turner
proud sponsors of
The Trans Canada Trail
In loving memory of
In loving memory of
William T.* & Isabella W.*
William J., Robert J.*
Jack Wilson
Anita Zwygart
1944 – 2006
Wishes for the enjoyment
of this trail by dogs
and their people.
“a dog owns nothing, yet is
seldom dissatisfied.”
Irish proverb
In Memory
À la mémoire de…
Abby & Samantha
Abols, Aija Alexis
Acheson, Andrew
Acheson, Trevor
Ackerland, Kevin Raymond
Adair, Ernest Albert
Adair, Robert George
Adams, Arthur & Rhoda
Adams, Edith
Adams, Ralph
Ainger, Susan Joan
Albrighton, Fred
Aldrich, John
Alexander, Pat
Algar, Marion D.
Allen, Scouter Dick
Allman, Joan Edith
Almquist, Borghild
Almquist, Carl Oscar
Anderson, Dorothy 1905 ~ 97
Anderson, Archbold ~ 1902
Anderson, Doig ~ 1922
Anderson, Elma
Anderson, Ida & Roy
Anderson, Margaret
Anderson, Roland & May
Anderson, Thomas Lyell~1873
Andrews, Colin Ronald
Andrews, Orest William
Andrews, Pamela Dorothy
Andrews, Ronald E.
Anness, Earl John
Ansons, Eva
Antoine, Elizabeth Hanh
Archer, James Douglas
Ardiel, Alexander A.
Ardiel, Evelyn & Lewis
Ardiel, Lewis J.
Armitage, Mike
Armstrong, Alvin
Armstrong, George Ansley
Armstrong, George Ernest
Aro, George
Arthur, Joanne
Askin, Alfred R.
Askin, Robert J.
Assad, Harry
Atherton, James Henry
Attwater, David
Aubertin, John C.
Aucoin, Louise
Aucoin, Robert
Audette, Andre
Auger, Alan
Auger, Ernest William
Auger, Jonathan
Auger, Jonathan Stuart
Auger, Travis
Austin, Rosamond Ann
Auvinen, Mr. Heikki
Averhoff, Linda Ann
Axent, William HK~Vet
Aylett, Kelly
Backmann, Eberhard H.
Backstrom, Anni
Baden-Powell, Alma
Baden-Powell, Leslie
Bailey, Darrell
Bain, Rachel Gail
Baker, Doris
Baker, George
Baker, John & Family
Baker, Patricia Rose “Mom”
Baker, Rev. W. Ernest
Baker, Ronald Bruce
Baldassi, Regina/Benigno
Banks, Donald
Bannon, Marie (Nelles)
Barazzuol, Norman
Barclay, Paul
Barclay, Sue
Barclay, Susan
Barker, Danny James
Barker, Donald
Barley, Sam
Barnard, Sandie
Barnekoff, Janet Healey
Barns, Ella (Helen)
Barns, George Albert
Barron, Betty
Barth, Leonard & Helen
Bartlett, Mildred
Barton, Deborah
Barton, Paul
Barton-Briggs, Lillian
Barzan, Dr. Anthony Peter
Bateman, Muffet
Bates, Pauline Barbara
Baxter, John B. R.A.F.
Baxter, Jonathan David
Baxter, Martin & Rhoda
Baycroft, Sharon
Bayliss, Gord & Mable
Bazzo, Kerri-Lynn
Bazzoni, Amelia
Beach, Milton Fredric
Beall, Douglas John
Beaney, Allan
Beaton, Gladys (Boville)
Beattie, Arnold S.
Beaucage, Flora & Jim
Beauchamp, Ronald Louis
Beauchamp, Wayne
Beaudoin, Jeannine
Beaudoin, Rolly
Beaulieu, Wilfrid
Beaulne, Gerald
Beaulne, Roger
Bechard, Ella & Eugene
Beckett Flo Davis Gordon
Beckett Shirl Kalak Steve
Becksted, Norma Violet
Becksted, Violet & Walter
Becksted/Wray, Joan G.
Bedard, Ann
Bedard, Red
Belan, Peter & Elizabeth
Bell, Donna
Bell, Leonard
Belleau, Frederick Joseph
Bellinger, Joy L.
Bellmore, Leonard
Bemowski, Linda Ostricki
Bender, Dr Ken (Mattawa)
Benedetti, Graeme W.P.
Bennett, J. R.
Bennett, Janet
Bennett, Ralph Ernest
Benson, Jack
Berard, M. Giles
Bergelt, Erna
Bergeron, Blaine
Berglund, Ingvar
Bernard, Randy
Bernier, Fred
Berry, Jack & Bea
Berry, Jack & Maggie
Berthelot, Guy
Berthiaume, Julien
Bertin, John Joseph
Bertoia, Guerrino
Bertrand, Ginger
Bertrand, Robert
Bertrim, Tom
Bice, Ralph & Edna
Biffis, Bill
Biggs, Allan Russell
Binda, Alcibiede
Bingham, E. Margaret
Bingham, Margaret
Bishop, Ronald A.
Bisson, Aurele
Black, Albert & Goldie
Black, Stanley
Blackbourn, Dr. Anthony
Blair, Cyril & Eileen
Blair, Jan
Blair, John Crawford
Blanchard, Lesley
Blanchette, Mrs. Marie
Blomeley, J.T.
Bloom, David J.
Boettger, William & Lila
Bogehold, Kenneth L.
Bogehold, Linda B.
Boisvert, Daniel
Boland, Mary L.
Boldt, Arthur
Bolechowsky, Klym Antin
Bond, Samantha
Bonhomme, Conrad
Bonkowski, Ronnie
Bonnell, Kenneth (Biff)
Bonthron, Mary
Booker, Sidney Sheldon
Boothby, Kathryn Anne
Boreham, Alden C.
Boreham, Lillian J.V.
Boreham, W.A. (Bill)
Bortnak, Terry
Bortolussi, Pasquale
Boschulte, Jack
Bottomley-Jones, Dylan
Boucher, Ken D.
Boucher, Wm. Robert
Boudignon, Frances Rebecca
Boulet, Laurie A.
Bourgeois, Gabriel
Bourgeois, Luc A.
Bousquet, Keith
Bouvier Houle, Laurette
Bowden, Maureen
Bowers, Joseph James
Bowman, Leslie W.
Boyd, Ron (Bubba)
Boyd, Susie
Boyle, A. Armstrong-Army
Boyle-Montgomery, Carol L
Bozec, Guy
Brady, Anna P.
Brady, Wm. E.
Brandon’s Misty Blue
Brankley, Mary
Braslins, Mrs. Lydia
Bray, Hubert D.
Bray, Maggie
Brear, Cecil Cyril
Breathat, Baby Charlie
Brennan, Len
Brideau, Gilbert
Briscoe, Alice
Briscoe, Carroll
Briscoe, Harold
Brisland, Janice Margaret
Bromley, William & Olive
Brooks, Harry Andrew
Brooks, Pearl A.
Brophy, Mona
Brothers, Cecil & Jessie
Brouse, Douglas David
Brouse, Margaret Gray
Brown, Don
Brown, Fred
Brown, Fred D.O.C.
Brown, Karen
Brown, Kenneth G.
Brown, Mabel & Orloff
Brown, Macdonald Edward
Brown, Robert
Brown, Robert C.
Brown, Roma Esther Smith
Brownlee, Edward (Ned)
Brownlee, Tom H.
Brownlow, Marilyn Ratz
Brownlow, Ralph Nelles
Brownlow, Violet Conboy
Bruce, John & Maryanne
Bruhlman, Kevin L.
Bruley, Melinda
Bryson, Bill
Buchan, Kelly Donn
Buckner, Albert
Buerkle, Matilda
Bugaliski, Dad gone fisn 1998
Bullock, Betty
Buntin, Kathleen
Burd, William Stewart
Burkholder, Stephen
Burnett, James Albert
Burnett, James Edward
Burns, George
Burns, Philip David
Burt, Shelley
Burton, Cecilia
Burton, Edward (Ted) C~QC
Butorac, Frank
Button, Christopher
Byers, Hazle/Constant, HJ
Byland, Peter (a friend)
Cacciotti, Giuseppina
Cadieux, Richard
Caissie, Ernest
Caissie, Joseph
Cameron, Evelyn & Bain
Cameron, Frederick A.
Cameron, Leonie
Campanelli, Dante
Campbell, Martha & Robert
Campbell, Donald James
Campbell, Fred PC 1241MTP
Campbell, Gerald & Dora
Campbell, Ronald Y.W.
Campbell, Scott Charles
Campbell, Scott Mark
Campbell, Thérèse
Campbell, Velma M.
Campling, Roy A.W.
Capyk, Steve
Carbone, Alfred
Carey, Meaghan
Carlson, Melvin Stuart
Caron, Marcel Joseph
Carr, Gordon
Carr, Lela
Carr, Roy
Carrey, Wesley
Cartier, Leona
Cartwright, Hank
Cartwright, Henry Lennox
Carucci, Anna
Case, Thomas Frederick
Cassell, Albert
Caswell Corky/Maki Irene
Catton, Ken
Cayen, Romeo L.
Cerre, Charles
Cervenak, John
Chadbourn, Randy
Chambers, James Leonard
Champagne, James H.
Channon, Virginia
Chapdelaine, Jean P.
Charbonneau, Nicole
Charbonneau, Philippe J.
Charlton, Thomas Ernest
Charron, Glen
Charron, Roger (1937-95)
Chartier, Barbie
Chartrand, Euclid John
Chaumont, Robert J.
Chaylt, Maxime
Chercuitte, Jacques
Chesnik, Marilyn
Chester, Jessica
Childerhose, Helen
Childerhose, Morley
Chilton, Pat
Chinn, Alfred Esmond
Chirico, Aileen Margaret
Chisholm, Frank
Chivers, John & Evelyn
Cholette, Gabrielle
Chretien, Kathleen
Christie, Bruce Alexander
Chuitac, Bella
Chute, Cecile/Guy
Ciotti, John
Clark, Annie
Clark, Evelyn & Bob
Clark, Ian Greig
Clark, Kenneth Ray
Clark, Meagan
Clark, Nancy Elizabeth
Clarke, Alma
Clarke, John
Clarke, Michael William
Clark-Greno, Brie
Clegg, Pearle
Clement, Aurele
Clermont, Gordon
Coates, Adele Kathleen
Cockfield, Dr. Richard L.
Cockwell, Michael Murray
Coghlan, James H.
Coghlan, Joanne Therese
Colborne, Hank
Colborne, M.B.
Cole, Arthur F. & Edith A.
Cole, Baby Dawson Thomas
Coleman, Fredrick Wesley
Coles, Sheree Lynn
Colgrove, Doris & Gordon
Colizza, Claudia
Collard, Elgin & Ruby
Collard, Juliette
Collie, Kay
Colwell, June Ann
Compardo, Armand
Connell, Homer & Elsa
Connelly, Lee Thomas
Connelly, Robert A.
Convery, Dennis
Conway, Diane
Cook, Pauline
Cook, Robert A.
Cooke, Rose Marie
Cookson, James Vernon
Cooper, Carl
Cooper, Dorothy Elizabeth
Copeland, Edward N.
Cormack, Irene (George)
Cormier, Hector J.
Cornish, Nancy Lightbourn
Cornwell, Dorothy
Cornwell, Douglas
Cosens, Sgt. Aubrey VC
Cossitt, William C.
Côté, Ray ‘Bubs’
Coughlin, Caleb
Coughlin, Caleb A.
Couling, Harry & Thora
Coulombe, Denis
Coulombe, Dolorès
Coulombe, Réal
Courtemanche, Conrad L.
Courtice, Beth & Jack
Courvoisier, Benjamin J.
Courvoisier, Fred & Anna
Cousins, Howard
Coutts, Adams Casson
Coutts, Ethel Jean
Coutts, Harker Francis
Coutts, Mabel (Suse)
Coutts, Vera Casson
Coutu, Normand
Couture, Robert
Cowan, Michael D.
Craford, William Lloyd
Cramp, David & Christine
Crandell, Evelyn
Crawford, Glenn
Cresswell, Big Bob
Cresswell, Shirley
Crocker, Fay
Crocker, Robert J.
Croft, Lincoln
Cronin, John & Velma
Crookham, Sarah
Cross, John
Crothers, George
Crowell, Pearl
Cruickshank, Ian William J
Culbert, Dr. Milton R.
Cunningham, Meta R.
Curry, Isabel
Curry, Jane
Curtis, Don
Cuthbertson, Blanche
Cutler, Momsy & Popsy
Cvitkovich, Anthony
Czerw, Henry
Czerw, Katherine
Czerwinski, Andy
Dahl, Elfie E.
Dalcourt, Luc Joseph
Dambrowitz, Wanda
Dame, Fernand
Damery, Lester Rolston
Damiani, John (Gino)
D’Amour, Bernadette
D’Amour, Jean
Danuk, Roddy F.
Dauncey, Jack
Dauncey, Jacqueline
Davidson, Georgina
Davidson, Gillian
Davidson, Islay Campbell
Davidson, Myra & Chester
Davie, Edward L.
Davie, Manola (Babe)
Davies, William E.
Davison, Betty June
Dawn, David Robert
Dawson, Brent
De Falco, Salvatore
Dean, Audrey & Paul
DeCaire, Irma
Dederer, Maria
Deighton, Thomas F.
Dekker, Ken
Del Bianco, Carlotta & Victorio
Del Bianco, Elsa Anne
Del Bianco, Gina
Del Bianco, Neva
Dellelce, Thomas & Rachelina
Delorme, Fernand
Delyea / Perreault
Demers, Eugene
Demers, Guy
Demkiw, Albert J.
Denault, Dalton
Dendy, Cyril Robert(Bob)
Denham, Marjory L.
Denis, Emela-Jeanne
Denison, Helen Rochester
Dennie, Glenn
Dennis, Dr. & Mrs. F.T.
Dennis, Ronald Cecil
Dent, Julie
Deschesne, Mr & Mrs Gerard
Desjardins, Rick
Despatie, Louise Marie Celine
Devenyi, Laszlo
Dewar, Connie Ross
Dickinson, Jack & Mary
Diehl, A. Dewarren
Digasparro, Nellie
Digby, Helena
Dignard, Narcisse
DiIanni, Pasquale & Anna
Dingee, Claudette
Dingee, George Weeks
Dinnes, Harry & Beatrice
Dishington, Ian George
Dishington, Mary
Disisto, Dolores
Dittrich, Hans J.
Dixon, Harold T. (Hal)
Dodman, John S.
Dodson, Olar Aubrey
Dolson, Douglas
Dolson, Douglas A.
Donnelly, Stewart
Donneur, Louis-Ferdinand
Dorfling, Ingrid
Dorschner, Bernard R.C.
Doubleday, Doris Bernice
Doubleday, Wilbert Buster
Doud, Norman Wallace
Doud, Wilfred Wallace
Dowds, Harry
Downes, Grant Kensington
Downey, Peter
Draycott, Albert F.
Drouin, André & Georgette
Drury, Lloyd & Mavis
Dubnewych, Robert
Ducharme, Célestine
DuChene, Don & Phoebe
Dudley, Diana
Duffield, Wally (LSRU)
Duffy, Mike
Dugard, Harry
Duke, Esther B.
Duke, William O.B.
Dumas, Felix E. L.S.R.
Dumont, Ronald (Nook)
Dumouchel, Patrick Dale
Duncan, Grant George
Duncan, Ronald
Dunfield, Super Dave
Dunford, Bill & Anne
Dunlop, George & Violet
Dunlop, Gloria J. (GJ)
Dunn, Lloyd “Midge”
Dunn, Pam
Dunsmore, Lori
Duplante, Rosaire
Durand, Tony
Durocher, Katheryn
Durrell, John Raymond
Dutfield, Dawn
Dutton, Anita Christine
Eadie, Donald Thomas
Eager, Richard S. (Dick)
Earle, William
Earley, Anna
Earley, James
Eccles, William Bill
Eccles, Wm. Lindsay
Eckhardt, Alice
Eckhardt, John William
Ede, Myrtle
Edelman, Arie & Marie
Edmunds, David
Edmundson* Herbert J.
Edwards, W. George
Elliott, Stephen
Ellstrom, Allan & Mary
Embury, Dorothy
Enosse, Madeline
Epp, Harley Nichols
Essery, Nanna & Poppa
Ettles, Roy McCulloch
Evans, Douglas
Evans, Gwyneth (Wales)
Everitt, Marie
Everitt, John & Marie
Evers, Wayne
Evershed, Edwin (ED) James
Eves, Ernest Justin
Ewing, John W.
Exley, Mary M.
Faddis, George Sr.
Fahlgren, Edward J.
Faid, John & Winnifred
Fairservice, Terry
Faris, Robert E. (Bob)
Farrell, David
Faubert, Christianne
Faucon, Denis
Fauvelle, Lucy
Favron, Albert
Fawcett, Norman
Fedchuk, William
Federico, Phyllis
Feister, George
Fenlon, Lisa King
Fera, Annalea
Ferguson, Don
Fetherston, Robert “Bob”
Findlay, John
Fischer, Jan
Fischer, Walter ~ Timmins, ON
Fisher, Doug “Fish”
Fisher, Drew Gregory
Fisher, Laura Verity
Fitzulak, Maria
Flayer, Donald Hilding
Flayer, Hilding W.E.
Fleck, Susan
Fleming, E.Bruce
Fleming, Geore M. & Roma
Fleury-Richardson, Joanna
Flostrand, Kirby
Fluge, Hermann
Fogarty, Cory
Foley, Percy Harry
Folts, Wesley & Dora
Fonda, Carlo
Forbeck, Donald
Forbes, Margaret & Adam
Foreman, Bert
Fortier, Ernest & Elena
Fortier, Joseph & Evelyn
Fortier, Nazaire Valeda
Fortin, Caroline
Foster, Jean
Foster, Joseph
Foster, Mr. Ken
Fournier, Marcel Emile
Fowler, A.C. (Bert)
Fox, Rena
Fox, Terry
Franchuk, Bill
Francis, Stuart (Barney)
Franks, Frederick
Frantz, Sandra
Fraser, Claudette
Frederick, David Ross
Frederick, Gerald
Frederick, Gerry
Free, Derek
Freebury, David
Fremlin, Lu
Frezell, Jean
Frid, Douglas
Friesen, Alaster
Frost, Elizabeth I.
Frost, Irving R.
Fryer, Bernice Eileen
Fryer, Norman
Fuller, Lily Marie Blayney
Funnell, Edna
Furino, Gino
Furino, Mildred
Gagné, Aline ~ naturaliste
Gagné, Jacques Conrad
Gagné, Jovette
Gagnon, A. Lorne
Gagnon, David W.
Gagnon, Lawrence J.
Galbraith, Merle
Gall, Mrs. Violet
Gallagher, Gerry
Gallo, Riley (1996-2002)
Galloway, Barry
Galvin, Susan
Gamache, Betty
Gardzil, Frances
Garrett, Joseph
Gartshore, George William
Gatchell, Amber Dawn
Gate, Albert & Lois
Gatenby, Harold & Emily
Gaudette, Theodore Gerard
Gaudreau, Ernest J.
Gauthier, Ester - Nan
Gauthier, Germain J.
Gauthier, Joseph H.
Gauthier, Margaret Beaudoin
Gauthier, Paul
Gauthier, Philomene Landry
Gauvin, Archie
Gazarek, Joseph
Geary, Wm. Allen
Geddes, Helen
Geddis, Harold & Jane
Gelineau, Gerald Terry
Gemmell, Allie
Gendron, Jean-Noël Denise
George, John Henry
George, May (Thomas)
George, May Thomas
George, Pauline MBE
George, Thomas John
Geretto, Marie
Gibson, H.V.
Gibson, Sandy
Gideon, James
Gido & Darka/Fall 1994
Gignac, Marie
Gilks, Norris
Girard, Daniel H.
Glibota, Matt J.
Gobbo, Andrew (Andy)
Goddard, Lillian Autumn
Godfrey, Walter B.
Godick, Jim
Godman, Gordon James
Gofton, I.W. (Ike)
Gomes, Ana
Goodearle, John A.
Goodman, Morse Lamb
Goodmurphy, Marjorie
Goodwin, Isabelle Louise
Gore, James Dewhurst
Goring, Bill
Goring, William Stewart
Goriup, Vladimir & Mary
Goulet, Muriel
Gow, Thomas Kevin
Gowan, James Edward
Gowan, Mildred Almeda
Gowan, Stanley W.
Graham, Ann
Grainger, Christina M.
Grainger, E.E. (Nem)
Grandmont, Roland
Grant, John & Eva
Grant, Maude Frances
Gratton, Maurice R.
Grawbarger, George Ray
Gray, Beverly Joan
Greaves, Mary
Greaves, Rick
Greaves, Sean
Greaves, Ted
Green, George Elmer
Greenlaw, Colin Basil
Greenwald, Ann McKay Lyons
Greet, John Edward
Greet, Stella
Grierson, Gordon
Grose, DF FO RCAF 1945
Grosszman, Emil
Grote, Jacques
Grottoli, Denis
Grozelle, Claudette
Grunig, Godfrey John
Grunig, Ralph David
Grunig, Sarah Jane
Guénette, David B.
Guertin, Eric Michael
Guillemette, Aurelien
Guindon, Scott
Guscott, Francis (Red)
Gutcher, Nora
Guzzo, Gabriel Anthony
Haddow, Jack & Margaret
Hager, Kenneth Andrew
Hagerman, Jane
Hale, Paul
Haley, Art & Ernie
Hall, Donald E.
Hall, James Douglas
Hall, Matthew
Hall, William Roy
Hall-Horan, Sally
Halliday, Deborah Anne
Halucha, Jan
Ham, Cliff
Hamilton, Don
Hamilton, Janet
Hammel-Cameron, Marion V.
Hann, Elwood Avates
Hannan, Martin
Hanson, Jay
Hanson, John “Jay”
Hanson, Kay & Lorne
Hanwell, Aunty Dodie 2001
Hardie, Lisa
Harper, Robert L.
Harris, Boyd & Dora
Harrison, David Frederick
Hart, William & Louisa
Harten Glenda~JW Strutters
Harvey, Duane Charles
Hass, Katherina Sybil
Hawkes, William Charles
Hawthorne, Nancy & Steve
Hayes, Aurele et Alma
Hayes, Christian Michael
Hayman, Alden
Hayman, Mae
Hazelton, John W.
Hazelton, Margaret I.
Healy, Beatrice
Heard, Helen Alexandria
Heath, Roy L.
Heatherington, Jackie
Hebert, Lois
Heikkila, Verner
Heimbecker, Milt & Verna
Heise, Art
Heise, Phoebe
Helin, Rose (nee Maki)
Hellberg, Magnus
Helliar, Betty
Hembruff, Cindy
Henderson, Robert Bruce
Hendsbee, Winston
Heneberry, Karl J. Ryan
Henley, Daintry (Caley)
Hennessy, Maureen
Henry, Gordon D.
Hersant, Terry
Heubach, Ellis Lillian
Hewitt, Howard & Muriel
Hibbins, George
Hickey, Ignatius
Hickey, Patricia
Hicks, Tim
High Sisters & Eileen
Hignell, Bob
Hildner, Wilfried
Hill, Archie
Hill, Jeanne Marie
Hill, Thomas
Hinch, Pauline
Hinchliffe, Christopher
Hnatiw, Jerry
Hoblyn, Alma
Hochu, Eugene & Mary
Hockridge, Clarence
Hockridge, Glen Thomas
Hoenisch, Richard W.
Hogan, Edgar
Hogan, Justin
Hogg, Frank & Eleanor
Holland, John ‘Jack’ F.
Hollingsworth, Ronald E.
Holmes, Evelyn & Albert
Holmes, R.I.
Holmes, William
Holtforster, Aline
Honke, Fred
Hood, Gert & Don
Hood, Gwen & Robin
Hook Sr., John
Horne, David Stanley
Horwitz, Hyman & Golda
Hould, Kelly
Howes, Lester (Pete)
Hubbs, Hartley
Huber, John
Hueston, Bill
Humbert, William & Laurette
Humbert, William/Lorette
Humhauser, Josef
Humphries, Ben
Humphries, Betty
Huneault, André
Hunt, Rick
Hunter, Joyce M.
Hunwicks, John “Red”
Hurst, Lynne May
Hurst, Philip
Husband, David
Hutchings, J. W. “Bill”
Hutchins, Don “Grandpa”
Hutchins, Gizele “Gramma”
Hutchinson, W.H. (Dick)
Hutchison, Ross Alexander
Hynes, Joyce
Hyslop, John Bradshaw
Ibey, Michael
Innes, Donald
Irrgang, Richard
Ivens, John Herbert
Ivens, Robert John
Iwanyshun, Roman
Jablinchuk, Ahafia
Jablinchuk, Wasyl
Jack, James
Jackson, John S & Martha
Jackson, Leslie-Ann
Jaksic, Betty
James Family (Wawa, ON)
James, Wayne Mike
Jankowski, Leonard PhD
Jeffery, Grant
Jelly, William Dalton
Jenkins, J. Larry
Jennings, Maurice “Moe”
Jensen, Dr. Robert
Jessop, Albert Frederick
Jewell, L. & M. ~ 2012
Johansen, Mary
Johns, Roy
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Brian Wayne
Johnson, Delia
Johnson, E.-S.S.M.
Johnson, Gayle Christine
Johnson, Reg
Johnston, Edna
Johnstone, Gertrude Mary
Johnstone, William Richard
Jonasson, Peter Anthony
Jonasson, Anna Maria Fiorito
Joy, Rebekah
Joyal, Justice L.M.
Junor, Albert John
Jussila, Toivo Niilo
Kane, R.W. & R.T.
Kannegiesser, A.C. (Anne)
Kannegiesser, G.A. (Alec)
Kapush, Harry
Kauppi, Anna
Kavanagh, Michael Edward
Kaven, Costantina (Connie)
Keenan, James Duncan
Kelly, Douglas J.
Kelly, Fred
Kennedy, Teresa
Kennelly, Tom
Kennely, Tom
Kenney, Roy W.
Kennific, Hazel A.
Kenny, Thomas Wilfrid
Keppy, Robert Amos
Kerr, Charlie
Kerr, Michael Reid
Kerr, Erba & Hugh
Kervin, Erna & Don
Kidd, Ernest
Kidd, James Daniel
Kidson, Frances
Kiiveri, Anna-Liisa
Killen, David
Kilmer, William & Grace
Kilpatrick, Basil & Bea
King, Alvin James
King, Fred & Ruth
Kingerski, John & Margaret
Kirby, Earle George
Kisman, Ernest
Kivisaari, Irja
Kivisaari, Kustaa
Kivistik, Martin Vanaisa
Kivisto, Kristine E.
Kleven, Denise Rhea
Kloosterhuis, Kenneth
Knabe, Rick
Knights, Grant
Knights, Martin Peter
Knott, Alvin & Dora
Knott, Reginald N.
Kocsis, Ralph
Koegler, Joel
Koegler, John
Koivu, Vili & Vilma
Kolosky, Pat
Korcak Nikolic, Vera
Koster, Walter E.
Kovala, John
Kowch, Peter
Kraby, Kristian & Ellen
Krantz, Gus Vermilion-Bay
Kreviazuk, Michael R.
Krull, Horst W.
Kujala, Henry
Kulba, Paul
Kuley, Emil M.
Kuley, Theresa
Kuzyk, Sr., Peter
Kyle, Dorothy & Bob
La Haye, Ruth Irene
Laberge, Paul
Lacelle, Arthur
Lacelle, Marie-Anne
Lachance, Daniel U.
Laderoute, Janice & Rick
Lafay, Joseph Arthur
Laffier, Hal
Laframboise, G. “Sonny”
Lafrance, Adelard, Jr.
Lafrance, F./McCabe, G.
Lafreniere, Norman
Lagadin, Alexis
Laine, Martha
Laing, Lenard
Lajoie, Jean-Guy (QC)
Lalonde, G.R.
Lamarche, Raymond
Lambert, Ellen
Lambert, William
Lamble, Russell George
Lammi, Sandra
Lancaster, J. Graham
Landmark, Hildegard Maria
Lane, Jean L.
Lang, Jean-Anne
Langridge, David Innes
Lapalme Taillfer, Diane
Laplante, Anna
Lapointe, Henri
Lapointe, Victor C.
Lariviere, Noel
Lariviere, Ovide [Larry]
Laroche, Irene
Laroche, Maurice
Larocque, Coleman O.
Laroque, Laurent (Bud)
Lasante, Raymond, Robert
Lasook* Frank
Latour, Alan Henry
Laurence, Germain & Suzanne
Laurie, Willa Ruth
Laurnitus, Violet
Lauzon, Antoine
Lauzon, Rheal J.
Lavoie, Marcel
Lawrence, Andrew John
Lawrence, Fred
Lawson, Anne & Todd
Lawson, Arthur
Laye, Herbert B.
Leach, Harry & Ruth
Leader, Kenneth G.
LeBlanc, Edward Michael
Leckie, R.J. “Red”
Leckie, Robert G.
Leclair, Helen
Lediett, David A.
Lediett, Vernon A.
Lee, Allan
Lee, Carolyn (Lamming)
Lee, Victor
Leece, Jack & Eleanor
Leeney, Maurice David
Lefebvre, Hubert
Lefebvre, Lorenzo Albert
Leger, Linda D.
Legge, Ferguson William
Legge, Helen
Legros, Wesley Thomas
Lehman, Alfred
Lehovich, Joseph John
Leistner, Jack
Lemay, Cyril J.
Lemay, Pierre
Lemick, George
Lemick, John Paul
Lemick, Peter
Lemieux, Andrew Owen
Lennon, G.B.
Lennox, Ralph
Leonard, Lucie
Levecque, Cameron A.
Leveille, Randy
Levesque, Patrick
Lewis, Jack
Lichti, Trevor Robert
Liebrock, Mark S.
Lif, Hilbert
Lightbody, Hugh
Lindsay, Betty (Markham)
Lingenfelter, John & Helen
Lister, Elsie
Little, Margaret Elizabeth
Liznick, George
Lloyd, Graham
Lloyd, Helen E.
Locherer, Joseph D.
Locherer, Joshua Daniel
Locker, Gladys
Locker, Gladys & Lorne
Lockhart, G. Art & Vi A.
Lodge, Bernice (Bunny)
Lodge, Bunny (Munson)
Lodge, Frederick T.
Logan Kerry, Dr. Barbara
Long, Lester J.
Long, Marlene
Long, Nora (Taus)
Long, Robert Steven
Lorusso, Francesco
Loughton, Pte. Bertie
Louttit, Sherry Jean
Lovink, Dr. Antonius HJ
Lowe, Margaret
Loyer, Paul & Sheri
Loyer, Paul & Sherri
Lucier, Kim Marie
Ludlow, Naomi
Lunny, Bea & Jack
In Memory
À la mémoire de…
Lusk, Marie-Jeanne & Robert
Lutowicz, Michael Milan
Luzius, Arthur
Lyness, Alice & William
Mac Donald, Harry
Macdonald, Bill
Macdonald, Fraser
Macdonald, R.B.
MacFadyen, Charles
MacGibbon, Robert B.
MacInnes, Stewart S.
MacKenzie, Lachlan
MacKenzie, Norman
Mackler, Bill
Mackler, Wm. Bill
MacLennan-Hauen, Andrea
MacLeod, Idna Thelma
MacMinn, Jack Donald
MacPhail, Barbara
MacPhail, John A.
MacPherson, Malcolm
MacPherson, Margaret
MacQuarrie, Edna B.
MacRae, Shirley C.
MacTaggart’s Pass
MacVittie, William E.
Maddison, Raymond
Maddock, R. Stanley
Madge, Betty
Madge, Bonnie
Madge, Lillian & Stan
Madore, Paskal
Maguire, Dennis P.
Mainville, Gilles
Major, Eugene
Major, Flt. Lt. J.F.O.
Major, George
Major, Mae (nee Knight)
Makela, Eric
Maki, Aino (Niskala)
Maki, Leo
Maki, Oscar
Mallory, Tom
Malone, Nick
Maluish, Tom
Mann, Jason
Mannella, Fred
Mannonen, Woitto
Manson, Maureen
Manuel, Courtney
Manuel, Kyle Thomas
Maracle, Gene Mae
Marcon, Richard 1940~2009
Marcon, Rita Mary 1919~2009
Marcuccio, Andrew
Marcuccio, Nicoletta
Margareta, Cate
Markham, Ruth Mabell
Markle, Marilyn Joyce
Marr, Alex
Marr, Saxon
Marsh, Arthur Stanley
Marsh, Kira (Lumme)
Marshall, Aimo John
Marshall, Leonard & Amanda
Marshall, Gordon & Ruth
Marson, Elvis & Mickey
Martel Normand Marguerite
Martel, Hervé
Martell, Bert & Kay
Martin, Aime & Maymie
Martin, Christian B.
Martin, Edwin B. (Pepper)
Martin, Jack L.
Martin, Luc
Martin, Roy A.
Martin, Velma Florence
Martin, Virginia
Martineau, Réjeanne
Marwood, Bob
Marzetti, Roland (Rick)
Mascotto, Bernard John
Mascotto, Jeannine
Masih, John
Mason, Freda
Mathe, Louis P.Eng.
Mather, Joseph
Matheson, Helen (Dal)
Matheson, Jack
Matichuk, Craig
Matijevic, Mr. & Mrs. Mike
Matthewman, Debbie
Matthews, Ronald J.
Matto, Milt
Maurstad, Margaret
Maxwell, Diane Linda
Mayerat, Clémence
Mayeu, Duane
Maynard, Ken Sr.
Mayville, Raymond
McAllister, Bradly D.
McAnaul, Lance
McAuley, Isabella & Alex
McAuley, Willard
McCarthy, Les & Blanche
McCauley, Bill & Helen
McCloskey, Paul
McColl, John William
McColl, Theodore Rodney
McCormick, Francis Xavier
McCormick, Gordie
McCoy, Peter Christian
McCrea, Tom
McCreight, Denzil Kent
McDermott, Stephen
McDonald, Bruce
McDonald, Gregory A.
McDonald, Thomas W.
McEvoy, Gerie
McEvoy, Gerie/Hamilton,Kay
McEvoy, Gerie/Ward, Else
McEwen, John L.
McFadzean, Karen
McGinnis, Donald Lee
McGowan, Donald F.
McGrath, William R.
McGulloch, Charles Wm
McInnis, Joseph William
McIntosh, Bonnie Howe
McIntyre, James
McKechnie, Lloyd
McKen, Wilmer
McKenzie, Pat
McKibbon, Patti Lynn
McKinnon, Erin
McKinnon, Ryan
McKinty, Doreen Beaton
McKinty, Patrick Beaton
McLaren, Bill
McLarty, Emma & Colin
McLean, Adrian
McLean, Adrian Glen
McLellan, Father Donald
McLeod, Alice
McLeod, Robert
McManus, Charles L.
McMeekin, Joseph
McMeekin, Joseph L.
McMillan, Gordon
McNabb, Lettie
McNair, Marguerite
McNamara, Patrick
McNeely, Donald A.
McNeely, Vaughan G.
McNeil, James H.
McNeil, William T.
McNeil, Geneva & John
McNulty, Bill & Liam
McPhaden, Len
McPhee, Joan & Jock
McQuade, Chad
McQuaker, Jason J.D.
McTaggart, Elinor
Mead, Leonard Suggitt
Mead, Michael
Medwid, David
Meek, Ethel B.
Meldrum, Haddon
Melvanin, Frank Wm.
Menard, Claudette L.
Menic, Rafael
Mennear, George & Mae
Mentore, Catherine Guyana
Mercer, William R.
Mercure, Leonard
Merrell, Douglas E.
Merrifield, Levis
Mersereau, Brad
Mertens, K. Bruce
Mertens, Margaret “Peggy”
Meservier, Catherine
Michel, Antoine (Tony)
Michlowski, Stan
Middlemiss, Gordon Johnson
Mignacco, Ronald
Migwans, Randy
Mikulka, Bonnie
Millar, Joyce
Miller, Arnold (Arnie)
Miller, Dale
Miller, Ellwood
Miller, Mrs. Enis
Mills, Phyllis
Milne, Ura Charlotte
Milroy, Mary Ann McKenna
Mitchell, D. Eric
Mitchell, Fred A. G.
Mizuik, Phyllis Moreau
Moden, Frederick Percival
Moeltner, Helmut
Moir, Kathleen
Molaski, Kenneth J.
Molloy, Dennis
Monaghan, Stan
Monahan, Randy
Montgomery, Eldon
Mooney, Garland
Moore, Charlie & Hilda
Moore, Keith
Moore, Peggy Ann
Moore, Phyllis Beatrice
Moore, Richard
Moore, Warren Stewart
Moran, Blanche (Mattaini)
Moran, Valentine
Morash, Roy
Moreau, Hector
Morellato, Emilia & Celeste
Morgan, Agnes Jean (Nan)
Morgan, Nan
Morin, Cecilia
Morin, Jean-François
Morley, Bill
Morphet, John & Lilly
Morphet, Ron
Morrice, Marty
Morris, Peter
Morris, WH & KM (Hoerner)
Morrison, Donald
Morrison, Rodney Wayne
Morrissette, Buster
Morrow, Vernon
Morton, Prue
Moss, Joan & Bob
Mossey, Wendy Howarth
Mossop, David Fletcher
Moulder, Elaine Aurora
Mountain R.E.Stratford ON
Mountain, Bob
Mountain, R.E.& Family
Moxam, Jaden Darcy
Moyer, Floyd & Doreen
Mt. Pleasant Mona/Albert
Mudge, A.C. “Barney”
Muir, Sarah Ethel
Mulroy, Loretta Mary
Mumford, John Edward
Munn, Anne Sudbury
Munro, Catharine
Munro, Dr. Howard B.
Munro, John G. (Jack)
Murdoch, Jim & Arlene
Murphy, Ambrose
Murphy, Angela H.
Murphy, Anne & James
Murray, Dee
Murray, John Simpson
Murray, Joseph “Joe”
Murray, Phyllis Isobel
Mutch, Anne
Mutch, James D.
Nagler, Theodor
Nangle, Robert
Napran, Larry
Nardi, Connie
Neal, Cora
Neal, William
Neduchal, Drahomira
Neheli, Donald Steven
Nelles, William David
Nelson, Harry Sr.
Nelson, May Gildart
Nelson, Ted
Nelson, Vickie
Nesbitt, Hazel Sutherland
Netzke, Joseph Earl
Neuert, William
Neville, Christopher
Neville, Leonne
Newton, Herb
Nicholls, Francis James
Nicholls, Gladys Evelyn
Nicholls, Jack & Lettie
Nicholls, Muriel
Nidd, Bessie/Martin, J.
Nielsen, Chika & Tiki
Nielsen, Gerda & Harry
Niemi, Reino
Nigh, Ross & Roxena
Nikolic, Vera
Niskala, Aino (Koivisto)
Niskala, Annie (Erickson)
Niskala, Carrol Anne
Niskala, Seth
Niskala, Taavetti
Niskala, Viljo
Noonan, John F. (Jack)
Norcross, Gary
Nordberg Carl A 1919 ~ 92
Nudds, Norma (Swayne)
Nugent, J. O.
Nugent, Joan
Numerla, Mr. Arthur
Nurmi, Kari & Ilmari
Nyman, Robert
O’Brien, Dennis & Hannah
O’Brien, John (Clifford)
O’Brien, Lawrence
O’Brien, Margaret M.
O’Brien, Veronica & Harold
O’Donnell, Unity
Ogden, Frederick
Oicle, Sarah
Oliver, Jeffrey
Oliver, Leo
O’Neill, John Ronald
Onotsky, Gordon
Oost, Sandy
O’Reilly, Gerry
O’Reilly, Ken
Osborne, Murray & Pearl
Oshiro, Dr. George
Oshiro, Dr. Jim
Oshiro, George Sr.
Oshiro, Hiro
Oshiro, Tsuru Kohazima
Osmachenko, Ronald
Oswin, Shirley
Otten, Joan A.
Ouellette, Elizabeth & Jerome
Page, Larry
Page, Rodolphe
Pakenham, Arthur B.
Palladino, Edoardo
Palmer, Elwin
Palmer, Stephen
Pannabecker, Earl
Paoliello, Frank/Felicia
Paquette, Anna
Parent, Réal-Arthur
Park, Gordon
Park, James
Parke, Irene
Parkes, Scott
Parkinson, Celine
Pasieka, Michael
Paterson (McCann), Peggy
Paterson, Jean Saunders
Paterson, Leslie Robert
Patrick, Liz & Jimmy
Patterson, Edith K.S.
Patterson, Jean
Pattyson, Louis (Patty)
Paul, Jim
Paul, Jurgen & Family
Paulin, Carmen
Pauls, Michael
Payette, Mike
Peach, Elisabeth
Peach, Stanley James
Peach, Vincent Edward
Peaire, Jason Carl
Pearce, Richard & Lois
Pearson, Mike
Pearson, Tim
Pechan, Alphonse
Pechkoff, Michael Walter
Peck, Jack & Muriel
Peever, Anne & Gerry
Peever, Lorraine
Pelky, Elsie Marion
Pelletier, Eva T. & Alfred G.
Peltier, Clint
Peroni, Justin
Perozzo, Ilca Bel
Perreault / Morin
Perry, David G.
Peruniak, William S.
Peterson, Erland
Petryna, William
Petts, Tom
Phelps, John Alfred
Philippe, Victor Mathias
Philippe, André Maurice
Phillips, ON/Daglish, CG
Phillips, Wayne
Pianosi, Ezio & Olvide
Piaskoski, Gerry
Piccinetti, Jack Sr. ~ 2010
Piché, Marc
Pickering, Sonia
Piconeri, Anthony
Pierce, Norman
Pierce, Pamela (Cowie)
Pigeau, Al
Pigott, Elsie
Pilkev, Leah J.
Pilote, Agnes Evangeline
Pineau, Margaret (Beda)
Pirraglia, Mrs Pauline~2006
Pitoscia, Mary
Plastino, Vincenzo & Vincenza
Plummer, Kenneth W.
Pockele, Julian A.V.
Poeta, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne
Polnick, Isabella
Polnick, William
Porlier, Pete & Vida
Potapchuk, John
Potter, Ronald Albert
Poupore, Andrew
Poupore, Andrew ‘Dooders’
Power, Patrick J.
Powley, Nellie & John
Pratt, Betty
Pretty, John (Jack)
Pretty, Sheila
Price, James & Germaine
Price, Shawn
Pringle, Bill
Pringle, James Farrand
Prokulevich, Walter
Pronger, Aleta
Proudfoot, Elsie Kennedy
Pte. Wyatt, Alan RHLI
Puccini, Jean
Puddister, Lynda
Purdie, Joyce E.
Pushman, Brenda
Putos, John
Pype, George Albert
Pyper, George
Quesnel, Evelyn
Quirt, Edith Martha
Quirt, Harry Lawrence
Raaflaub, Arthur & Olga
Raaflaub, Howard
Raaflaub, Edie & Len
Racette, F.
Rachar, Jesse
Racho, Jean
Racicot, Norman “Joe”
Radunsky, Josh
Radunsky, Joshua John
Raftery, Rory & Evelyn
Ralph, Walter
Ramsay, Nora
Ramsay, Peggy
Ramsey, Laurie Vincent
Ranger, Marcel et Rita
Rankin, Mildred Dorcey
Rankin, Roy William
Ranney, Rick
Ranney, Rita
Rapsey, Hugh Albert
Rawn, Beatrice
Raymond, Juliette (Jones)
Raymond, Henri
Raymond, Karen Liinamaa
Rayworth, Art
Reasbeck, Gilles
Recchia, Dan
Reccia, John
Reddyhoff, Kitty
Regan, Ruth Gilbert
Reid, Arnold C.
Reid, Arthur
Reid, Jerry
Reid, John A.
Reid, Laurie C.
Reid, Ruth (May) & Weir
Reid, Sandra
Reilly, Louise M.
Reipas, J. Lester
Reiser, Ronald & Rene
Renaud, Gerry
Renaud, James Thomas
Renaud, Mathieu
Renault, Sheila M.
Renault, Steve & Margaret
Restoule, Geraldine
Reynolds, John “Skip”
Rhamey, Bill & Freda
Rheault, Philippe
Rich, Henry
Richards, Norman Andrew
Rickard, John & Dorothy
Riddy, Audrey & Gordon
Rigato, Giulia Angelina
Rigato, Virginio (Vic)
Rinaldi, Gilbert
Rintoul, Tanya Leah
Riopel, Richard W.
Ritrel, Vernon H.
Ritzel, Vernon H.
Rivard, Dwayne
Robbins, Brian
Robbins, Stella
Roberton, John B.
Roberts, Jennifer
Robertson, Arthur M.
Robertson, Arthur W.
Robertson, Evelyn
Robertson, Jean
Robertson, Valeda
Robinson, Jean
Robitaille, Jerome R.
Rochon, Lorance V.
Rochon, Reg (Bud)
Rodger, David
Rogerson, Archie
Rogerson, Mabel
Rolf von den Baumen, C.H.
Rolfe, Dana Scot
Roman, Bill & Olga
Rose, Cecil & Marguerite
Ross, Mr. Peter
Ross, Robert J.
Ross, William Irvin
Rosskopf, Henry W. & Edna
Rosskopf, J. Gottlieb & Eliza
Rotondo, Armando
Rouleau, Norm 01-2K
Rouse, Norman
Rousseau, Russell
Rousselle, Dorian “Joe”
Rowlandson, Gordon
Roy, George Edouard
Roy, Mr. & Mrs. George
Rozenbergs, Janis
Rubick, John Adolf
Rudiak, Lorraine & Bill
Ruest, Yvette M.
Ruggles, D.B.
Rumgay (Cannon), Lettie
Rumleski, Alida
Rumney, Dr. Wilfred John
Rupoli, Ontario (Terry)
Russell, Deirdre
Russell, Susan & Tom
Russell, Tom & Susan
Rutenberg, Robert (Din)
Rutherford, Marie
Ryan, Wayne Donald
Rybak, Tanner
Saarinen, Jalmari
Saarinen, Pentti
Sadick, Tiny & Nick
Salidas, Tammy
Salo, Juha & Tyyne
Salyer, Wendell & Hazel
Salyer, Wendell Wallace
San Cartier, Paul
Sanders, Cora (O’Donell)
Sanders, Jason
Santon, Johannes
Sarafinchan, Helen
Sargent, David
Sarlo, Micklen
Saunders, Kyle T. M.
Sauve, Norman & Marilyn
Savage, Edward
Savage, James
Savage, Paddy
Savage, Patrick
Savoie, Isabelle
Sawyer, Baby Nadia
Scala, Michael Allan
Scale, Amanda Nicole
Schabler, Vivian
Schmelefske, Edward
Schmidt, Allan James
Schmidt, Gaye-Laura
Schneider, Elizabeth
Schneider, Frank
Schottroff, Karl
Schryer, Cec
Schulte, Don ~ A Great Dad
Schulte, Donald Arthur
Schuster, Dianne
Scopaz, Enrico
Scott, John
Scott, John C. & Sarah M.
Scott, Robert D.
Searles, A. John
Seaton, Doug
Secord, Rhyan
Seddon, Zachary Thomas
Sedley, William Elliott
Sefton, Walter Hugh
Séguin, Delima
Seitz, William Logan
Selander, Bill
Selin, Hilda
Selin, John Henry
Sells, Florence Irene
Sells, Herman Albert
Sells, Kathleen Helen
Sephton, Gregory S.
Setchell, Charles E.
Setchell, Muriel & Clarence
Setchell, Russ
Shannon, Iva
Shaw, Mary
Shea, Patrick
Shea, Shirley
Shearer, Sheila
Sheffield, Frank Norman
Sheffield, James Norman
Shelest, Walter
Sheridan, Gordon James
Shermack, Anne
Shewchuk, Andrew/Sophie
Shields, John & Mae
Shpirko, Shirley Margaret
Shunsby, Martin John~2007
Sielski, Czeslaw P.
Siemieniuk, Edward & Mary
Simard, J.G. Prospector
Simon, Lucien
Simoneau, Jason B.
Simoneau, Oliver
Simoneau, Sue
Simpson, Allan
Simpson, Allan W.
Simpson, Robert Manford
Simpson, Robert Richard
Sinclair, Dr. Robert A.
Sinclair, Duncan & Nita
Sinclair, Hugh & Ray
Siscoe, Mr./Mrs. Joseph
Siwicki, Joseph Ksenia
Skakoon, Mary
Skinner, Trevor
Skuce, Charles Lionel
Slater, Marilyn
Slawson, Michael
Sloane, Norman
Slosser, Pamela Marie
Slusar, Jack
Slusarcyk, Ed
Small, Norman & Jessie
Smillie, Robert Hall
Smith, Alexander Harrison
Smith, Allan W.
Smith, Aubrey
Smith, Bernard
Smith, E. Roy
Smith, Ernest Clifford
Smith, Larry
Smith, Loveda
Smith, Mark Lynton
Smith, Owen R.
Smith, Scott Allen
Smith, Sheila Barton
Smith, Bernard & Glenna
Smokorowski, Anne
Smowton, Edward John
Soini, Ellen
Soini, Maire
Sokol, Robert (Big Guy)
Soldink, John (XOKim)
Solman-Lockton, Monica
Somer, Tye & Family
Soth, Taffy
Soucy, Bertrand
Soulsby, John F. 1929 ~ 96
Spadaro, Baby Gabriel
Spakowski, John & Marge
Spencer, Byron & Marjorie
Spencer, Lillian
Spicer, Alan W.
Spicer, Frederick Howard Jr.
Spicer, John M.
Spicer, Lloyd Gordon
Spooner, Lorne & Dorothy
Spurvey, Pauline
St. James, Peter
Stacey, William John
Standing, Elsie
Stanley, John V.
Staples, Joanne Marie
Staples, Merle
Start, Don & Germaine
Start, F. Hubert
Stasiuk, Harold & Ethel
Staskus, Emily Shesnicky
Steep, Lyse
Stephens, Rev. E.S.
Stesco, Mary
Stevens Wayne/Ogilvie DL
Stevens, Douglas Nelson
Stevens, Ellsworth Ray
Stewart, Johnston Gray
Stewart, Thomas E. & Lottie
Stewart, Tom,Hazel &Gail
Still, Alway E.A.
Stokes, Margaret Rachel
Stonehouse, Marguetite
Stoneman, Herbert J.
Stoneman, Herbert John
Stoneman, Mark
Storms, Samuel B.
Stothart, Kenneth
St-Pierre, Lise
Strachan, William James
Strain, Craig
Street, Donald & Violet
Strom, Jean
Strong, Leslie
Strowbridge, Muriel
Stuart, Fredric
Stubbings, G.H. (George)
Stubbings, M. L. (Marion)
Stubbings, Myrna (Purkis)
Stubbs, Harry E.
Stubbs, James M.
Stucke, Heinrich/Hildegard
Sullivan, Fred
Sullivan, Jean~RN 19/11/06
Summersides, John Jemson
Sunstrum, Courtney/Marie
Sutcliffe, Denzil
Sutherland, Alison Joyce
Sutherland, Bill
Sutherland, Rae
Svetins, Antons Atis
Swain, Bruce
Swanson, Gustav Arthur
Switzer, Donald G.
Synnott, Norman Edward
Szczepaniak, Judy
Szyja, Katherine
Talarico, Frank & Irene
Taman, Lloyd Whitney
Tamminen, Agnes
Tandy, Frederick
Taricani, Bernardo
Taricani, Palmira
Taylor, Bowman S.
Taylor, James D. (Jimmy)
Taylor, Paul F.
Taylor, Ruth & Bill
Taylor, Sheila Margaret
Taylor, Al & Helen
Tedford, Rick & Christine
Tees, Doug
Tees, W. Alan
Telfer, Shirley Anne
Tellier, Frederick Lorne
Teske, Debby
Teskey, WMBC
Theobalds, Berna
Theoret, Leo J.
Therrien, Larry
Thom, Jim (Grampa)
Thomas, Mary Ann (House)
Thomas, Maureen
Thomas, Ron A.
Thompson, Edward (Ted)
Thoms, Edith (Peggy)
Thomson, Bill
Thomson, Kenneth Ross
Thomson, Mabel
Thomson, Mervin (Tommy)
Thomson, Rev Canon Alvin
Thomson, Fred & Lois
Thornham, Jack & Flo
Thornham, James & Hallie
Thorniley, M.-Thérèse Joyal
Thornton, Lester/Bernice
Thorp, Owen (Skip)
Tiessen, Allan Lloyd
Tiessen, Violet
Tiessen, Violet (nee Maki)
Tilson, Audrey (Bud) Jr.
Tilston, Christopher R.B.
Tipler, Lance G.
Tivendale, Dave
Toivonen, Katrina
Tompkins, Kay
Toniolo, Armoza
Tough, Michael Jay
Townsend, Bruce Henry
Tracey, James Jacob
Trahan, Jacques
Trbovich, Dan & Rita
Trbovich, Nicholas (Nick)
Tremblay, Donalda
Tremblay, Richard
Tremonti, G. & Tozzo, C.
Trenka (Brindza), Paula
Tripe, Elizabeth & Philip
Trochimchuk, Mike
Trottier, Germain D (Germ)
Trottier, Janet
Trump, Wanda Gebhardt
Tucker, Horace P.
Tucker, Mary & Thomas
Tucker, Rudy
Tucker, Thomas
Tucker, Tommy & Chris
Tudhope, Joan
Tuhkanen, John Frederik
Tull, Bill & Earlett
Tuncali, Owen
Turcotte, Adele
Turcotte, Anna
Turcotte, Larry & Sarah
Turcotte, Leo
Turcotte, Romeo
Turks, Dr. Paul
Turton, William (Bill)
Turton, Bill & Marg
Turu, Heino
Tuybens, Eira Cavell
Twai, Barbara
Tweedle, John
Ukrainec, Steve & Nellie
Vallier, Bertha Victoria
Van Brunt, Jack
Van Horne, Naomi
Vanclieaf, Neale R.
VanSpankeren, Henk & Etty
Vassella, Fred & Leona
Vautour, Diane
Veilleux, Eric
Vendette, Henry - CL B76
Veneranda, Canadiano
Veneranda, Mary
Verrette, Jean-Guy
Vézina, Sylvain
Vickers, Shirley
Vickers, Shirley Abel
Violino, Aliana 1912-2002
Vlahovich, Zivko (Jeep)
Vojnovic, Nokola
Volquardsen, E. & M.
Vuk, Mladen
Vukovich, Matt
Waddell, Diane
Wade, John Gordon (Jack)
Wagner, Helmut
Wain, Every Chance
Wainwright, Ada Louise
Wainwright, John Russell
Walicki, Helena
Walker, Carl
Walker, Charlie
Walker, Norma
Walker, Richard “Dick”
Walsh, Darcy George
Walters, Andrew C.
Walton, Robert E.
Warbrick, Ross E.
Ward, John Malcolm
Ward, Kenneth Garfield
Ward, Ruth~Poet & Friend
Warren, Fred
Watkins, Ted & Bud
Watkins, William Ross
Watson, James Martin
Watt, Gordon & Mary-Lou
Watts, Chris & Josephine
Watts, Jim
Waugh, Jack & Eileen
Wearden, William
Weaver, Colby
Webb, Clarence & Mary
Webb, Donald
Webster, June~Ajax
Weichel, Maggie
Wells, Geoffry
Welsh, Jean A.
Westman, Fran for Reg
Whalley, Charles
Whalley, Donald
Whalley, Pearl (nee Jeffery)
Whelan, James M.
White, Donald G.
White, Dr. W. J.
White, Gordon
White, John H.
White, Marjorie 1935-96
White, Muriel
White, Richard G.
Whiteley, Bill
Whiteside, Bertha
Whiteside, Thomas C.
Whitney, Audrey G. 1905-95
Widmer, Anna
Wiggeshoff, Heinz W.
Wightman, Verna
Wilbee, Lorne
Wileman, Alan
Wiles, Wallace “Curly”
Wilkes, Fred & Alexandra
Wilkins, Francis James
Wilkins, Joseph James
Wilkins, Mary
Willett, Melissa Dawn
Williams, Blanche & George
Williams, Jack
Williamson, Jean Viola
Willson, John
Wilson, Amy~Always
Wilson, Brent Alexander
Wilson, Jean F.
Wilson, Joan
Wilson, John Francis
Wilson, Marie Claire
Wilson, Robert James
Wilson, William (Bill)
Winckel, Philip
Wing, Allan John
Wing, Barbara Mary
Winger, Barry James
Winlaw, John Clarke
Winn, John Sr.
Winters, E. John
Wishart, Arthur Allison
Wishman, Brian
Wolgemuth, Edith
Wolgemuth, Lorne
Wood, Fred
Wood, Grant
Wood, H. Gary
Wood, Leonard Allen
Wood, Myrtle
Wood, Neil C.
Wood, Richard
Woodcock, Percy & Alice
Woodliffe, Judge W.F.
Woods, Michelle Renee
Wright, Arthur
Wright, Muriel & Clare
Wuilleme, Harry
Wuilleme, Louis & Ellen
Wyatt, Mel & Ena
Wylie, John “Jack”
Yatkowski, Frank & Vicky
Yawney, Zanna
Yeates, William & Mildred
Young, (Chip) Harold
Young, Bradley
Young, Dalt & Evelyn (Ev)
Young, Hester Florence
Young, Robert Creighton
Ypma, Rodney (Rod)
Zahra, Anthony Ronald
Zahradka, Ann
Zarry, Boris & Carolyn
Zehr, Parry
Zekas, Reina Maria
Zilinski, Doris
Zimmerman, Keith
Zinkie, Elizabeth
Zoschke, Stan
Zucchiatti, Joe