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Business Solutions Report

Solution # Green
The proposed solution to the issue of improved cyber-security is to start with a self-assessment
and see where the company stands in its readiness to face an oncoming attack. This will give
insight on the various factors that have to be taken into consideration when acting on the three
steps mentioned previously. A consultation by Cylance and a demo of their product, Cylance
PROTECT, would be the first step after the initial self-assessment. This would help in defending
the company’s servers and networks from the initial wave of attacks. The AI programing of the
software also helps the company be more prepared as it can predict if an attack is imminent.
The next step is to set up a plan in the case that an attack is imminent. To detect and minimize
casualty, it is important to schedule frequent manual sweeps of the data and check for any
corruption in the data and if it is suspected that a virus has entered the company’s network, all
systems are to be pulled offline to ensure the infected area does not spread. Any information
regarding such an attack is then to be reported to the responsible authorities so that they may
be able to launch an investigation and find the people responsible for the attack. The customers
are also to be informed so that they can check and start any recovery processes if they have
fallen victim to the attack as well. The final step is to educate all the users, employees and
customers, on how to use the network data responsibly and how to avoid being access points
for unethical hackers and viruses. Intensive training through seminars/webinars or employee
guide handbooks will be required for employees while a simple mobile application such as
“Cyber Crime Clinic” will work for customers.
Solution #Yellow
Developing a yield improvement system to ensure the production quality and yield has become
an important issue to increase the productivity of manufacturers. In the first stage, one can
attach the data collectors, which are the runtest stands attached to the equipment on the
production line and then send that data to the production database. In the second stage, the
data will be stored in the production database in the big data repository for yield analysis. In the
third stage, one can use the NeSS algorithm to identify root cause(s) from the parameter data
when the FPY drops. In the last stage, the fourth stage, the equipment engineers can be asked
to tune the related parameters in the runtest stand where the failed numbers show to be higher.
Once the yield gets under a predefined margin, the collaboration of the four stages continues
(i.e., the NeSS algorithm can be applied to the problem). Once the tasks are completed, the
actual evaluation process can start and problem parameters can be identified and changed in
order to find a margin of yield that can be consistently tracked, therefore improving the FPY rate.
Solution # Blue
The current process used to manage customer tickets has inefficiencies that make it unreliable
as a long-term solution. Research indicates that Itarian is the most logical solution. Itarian offers
a free remote monitoring and management solution that not only allows the company to
generate tickets for clients, but also has the ability to be used as a remote accessing software.
While Itarian comes with a time-cost associated with the learning and instillation of the new
software, the monetary cost of the software is substantially lower than its competitors while
maintaining a high level of quality. This in turn would allow the company to consolidate the
current work with TeamViewer into the new software. The consolidation not only allows the
company to cut down on their spending but also allows the company to stay organized with
many functions stemming from one software.
Solution # Orange
The (company) should continue to incorporate aluminum stamping in its manufacturing process.
However, there are steps required to optimize newly implemented aluminum stamping over
operations that previously used steel. Design engineers need to update parts designs that are
now being made from aluminum. The implementation of hot stamping should be considered to
further reduce part failure. The press line should also use lubrication to reduce the wear on the
tooling created by the abrasive aluminum surface. The current setup for the destacker should be
assessed to see if the correct suction cup arrangement is being used. Implementing these
changes should help in optimizing the press line and increase overall productivity.
Solution # Red
1. Identify human errors involved in allowing defective housing to reach market
2. Identify potential solutions to each error found
3. Organize information into matrixes
4. Use formation in matrix form to find relationships between source of error and solution
5. Re-design quality control mechanism to avoid sources of human error
6. Recruit and hire quality control employees with a manufacturing background
7. The Taguchi model may also help in an approach to quality engineering through a lens of
planning and design. If (the company) can plan and ensure that loss is minimized through
prioritizing design, there should be less defective computer housings making it onto
8. Have experienced experts train employees in depth
9. Evaluate effectiveness of each solution implemented
Solution # Purple
Implement Ryo Nakamura’s (expert’s name, not company name) Training protocol. The training
would be done by the employees with the intent of developing their ability to detect “ambiguous
expressions”. This training protocol can be implemented along with some sort of scoring system
to ensure that the employees have “passed” and have a better knowledge of ambiguous
expressions. This training is designed for employees to be able to detect “ambiguous
expressions” that the physicians may use when describing a patient’s need. Once these
expressions are detected, the employees can then follow up with the physician quickly. This will
not only reduce product loss, but it will also improve (the company’s) relationship with the
physicians and patients.
Solution # White
The proposed recommendation for improving the qualities of the QM chassis on bumpy tracks
includes specifications of proper spring rates, the inclusion of an internal rebound spring, and
the proper damping ratio needed to optimize the platform for peak grip. The correct spring rate
required to satisfy the application is going to vary depending on the weight allowed by the rules
of the class. In general, the spring should be chosen that allows the damper to travel over as
much of its stroke as possible. This will result in more suspension travel than is currently being
utilized by the QM cars, yielding less unloaded of the spring during bumpy sections of track. In
addition to the compression spring, a new internal rebound spring will be added to further
prevent sudden unloading of the axle as the wheel reaches the top of a bump and begins to
extend downwards. The third recommendation is to lower compression damping to a point
where the wheel movement is still well controlled but not overly damped. This process will
require many iterations before the optimal setup is determined.
Solution # Black
For no extra cost auto test, TMA (Test Maturity Assessment), and TPI (Test Process
Improvement) can be implemented in (company name)’s controls group to help with process
releases. The auto test will allow the engineers to quickly validate and test the new calibration
file to be able to release it to the customer quickly. By saving time, the company will also save
money because less hours will be wasted and more importantly, this will make the customers
happier and that will encourage them to buy the product more.
Solution # Gray
It is recommended to begin the SMED project by identifying a set-up technician and machine to
perform data acquisition and implementation on. From there the next step will be to video record
the technician during a make-ready activity for analysis later. Next, determine the different steps
in the process and how long each one takes and create a spaghetti diagram to analyze the time
technicians spend moving around and out of the workspace.
The next phase is to categorize each step as internal or external and perform a root cause
analysis on the most time-consuming steps. Once causes have been determined, gather subject
matter experts and determine the best solution to convert internal activities to external ones and
address any of the root causes found from the analysis.
Once a plan is in place the next phase is to move into implementation. This phase should be
performed using the same technician and machine as the data acquisition phase. Use
upcoming jobs to gather data and refine the solution until it has achieved the desired result.
The final phase is to bring the solution to all the set-up technicians and develop training to
supplement their progress. It is very important that data acquisition continue through this phase
and that managers involved in the implementation are active on the production floor. This will
help to keep things on track and make sure that the changes implemented stay in place. Future
improvements may include benchmarking average set-up times and holding technicians
accountable for meeting those times.
Solution # Lime
The recommendation is that the company adapts lean manufacturing principles such as Kanban
or CONWIP. Doing this will decrease waste and increase customer satisfaction by delivering
product on time. Lean improvement is also more efficient and will save the company money. For
a Plant Manager, lean management will help develop employees’ skills and lead to better work
being done. A possible source of the problem is unpredictable employees in the production
process, and a lean enterprise will help create a positive culture change to make employees
more reliable. Kanban and CONWIP alone have flaws that may be disadvantageous to the
production, so a solution could be that they adapt a hybrid Kanban/CONWIP system using
principles from each method that work for them.