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MAT320 Discrete Mathematics Course Syllabus SUNY New Paltz

MAT320: Discrete Mathematics for Computing
SUNY New Paltz, Spring 2023
MAT320-01 (CRN 1297)
3 credits
MR 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
CSB 154
Instructor: Sarah Winden (she/they)
e-mail: windens@newpaltz.edu
Ofce Hours: Mondays 10:00 am - 11:00 am and Wednesdays 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm in person in FOB E8.
Mondays and Wednesdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm ONLINE via Webex.
Maintaining Public Health on Campus and in the Classroom For students testing positive
for COVID:
Per current guidance from the CDC and the New York State Department of Health (DOH), those who
have COVID must isolate for fve days after becoming symptomatic or testing positive and must wear a
well-ftted mask on days 6-10. Students must report positive cases to the Student Health Center (845-2573400 or healthservice@newpaltz.edu) as soon as possible. Notices of positive cases reported to the Student
Health Center will continue to be sent to the student’s in-person faculty to validate excused absences.
For students exposed to COVID:
Current CDC and New York State DOH guidelines require that those who are not “up to date” with vaccinations (including having a booster when eligible) and who are exposed to COVID through a close contact
must quarantine for fve days after exposure. If documentation is required, see Afrmation of Quarantine:
Course Description: This course is designed to provide Computer Science and Computer Engineering
majors with a working knowledge of discrete mathematics topics they will need in future courses and in
later work. Does not count towards the Mathematics major.
Prerequisite: EGC220 Minimum Grade of C- or EGC230 Minimum Grade of C- or CPS310 Minimum
Grade of C-.
Objectives: Upon completing this course, students should:
1. understand the essentials of mathematical arguments, notation, and vocabulary relevant to beginning
the study of discrete mathematics.;
2. understand the connection between fundamental mathematics and computing;
3. apply methods learned in this course to problem solving and algorithm analysis;
4. analyze arguments and algorithms to understand how to form your own;
5. synthesize useful techniques from pieces of diferent arguments and algorithms; and
6. evaluate and create mathematical arguments in formal English and algorithms in pseudocode.
Textbook: Essentials of Discrete Mathematics, 3rd Edition, by David J. Hunter, Jones & Bartlett Learning. We will cover much of the material from chapters 1 – 5. ISBN: 978-1284056242.
Exam 1 25%
Exam 2 25%
Homework 15%
Final Exam 35%
93 – 100
90 – 92
87 – 89
83 – 86
80 – 82
77 – 79
73 – 76
70 – 72
60 – 69
below 60
Class Expectations: We will cover a large amount of material every day, and missing class can make it
very hard to catch up. You are responsible for all material covered in class, regardless of whether you were
present. I strive to foster a classroom environment conducive to learning for all students. I expect that
everyone will be supportive and respectful of fellow community members.
Homework: Weekly homework sets will involve a mix of simpler exercises to check your reading comprehension and more involved problems to push the limits of your understanding and skills. This is an
upper-division course and will likely be signifcantly more challenging than calculus. If you work in a group
on an assignment, be sure to write up your solutions on your own afterwards to assure yourself that you
are learning sufciently to pass the exams.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams during the semester. The dates of these exams are in the course
schedule and make ups are not allowed without prior arrangements. If you have a confict on an exam
date, please let me know as soon as possible.
Final Exam: The fnal exam is cumulative and will be administered on Monday, May 15th from 12:30
pm – 2:30 pm.
Campus-wide Academic Policies: Please read through all posted policies here: https://www.newpaltz.
Important Dates:
January 23, 2023: First day of class
February 5, 2023: End of Add/Drop period
February 20, 2023: President’s Day – no classes
March 13, 2023: Semester midpoint
March 13 - March 17, 2023: Spring break – no classes
March 21, 2023: Thursday classes meet
April 2, 2023: Last day to withdraw
April 6, 2023: No classes
April 12, 2023: Friday classes meet
May 10, 2023: Last day of classes
May 15: Final exam 12:30 - 2:30 pm
Summary of Topics and Course Schedule
Week One: 1.1 Formal Logic; 1.2 Propositional Logic
Week Two: 1.3 Predicate Logic, 1.4 Logic in Mathematics
Homework 1 Due
Week Three: 1.5 Methods of Proof
Homework 2 Due
Week Four: 2.1 Graphs; 2.2 Sets
Homework 3 Due
Week Five: 2.3 Functions
Homework 4 Due
Week Six: 2.4 Relations and Equivalences, 2.5 Partial Orderings
Week Seven: 2.6 Graph Theory, Exam 1: Chapters 1 and 2 on Thursday, March 9
Homework 5 Due
Week Eight: 3.1 Recurrence Relations; 3.2 Closed-Form Solutions and Induction, 3.3 Recursive Defnitions
Week Nine: 3.4 Proof by Induction
Homework 6 Due
Week Ten: 4.1 Basic Counting Techniques
Homework 7 Due
Week Eleven: 4.2 Permutations and Combinations
Homework 8 Due
Week Twelve: 4.4 Discrete Probability; 4.4.1 Conditional Probability
Homework 9 Due
Week Thirteen: 4.5 Counting Operations in Algorithms, 4.6 Estimation
Homework 10 Due
Week Fourteen: Exam 2: Chapters 3 and 4 on Monday, May 1; 5.1 Algorithms
Week Fifteen: Review
Week Sixteen: Final Exam on Monday, May 15 from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm