What's the date today? 1. Days Write the days of the week in the correct order: Wednesday - Friday - Monday - Thursday - Sunday Tuesday - Saturday ...................... ...................... ......................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... 2. Months Complete the missing vowels of the months of the year: Jan_ar_ F_bru_ ry M_ rch _pr _ l M_y J_ne J_l_ A_g_st S_pt_mb_r _ct_b_r N_v_mb_r D_c_mb_r 3. Numbers Look for the dates in your copybook et complete the numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 the fir_ _ the seco_ _ the thi_ _ the fourth the fi_th the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth the tenth 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 the eleventh the twel_th the thirteenth the fourteenth the fifteenth the sixteenth the seventeenth the eighteenth the nineteenth the twent_ _th 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 the twenty-fir_ _ the twenty-seco_ _ the twenty-thi_ _ the twenty-fourth the twenty-fi_th the twenty-sixth the twenty-seventh the twenty-eighth the twenty-ninth the thirt_ _th 31 the thirty-fir_ _ 4. Years : 1998= nineteen ninety-eight 1825= eighteen twenty-five 1905= nineteen o five 2000= two thousand 2016= two thousand and sixteen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, October 6th, 2016 Monday, the sixth of October, 2016