The number system is a way of representing and organizing numbers to give them meaning and structure. It includes various types of numbers, such as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Whole numbers are the numbers we commonly use for counting and representing quantities without fractional or decimal parts. They include positive numbers, zero (0), and negative numbers. Fractions represent parts of a whole or a quantity that is divided into equal parts. They consist of a numerator (the number above the fraction line) and a denominator (the number below the fraction line). For example, ½ represents one out of two equal parts. Decimals are a way to express numbers with fractional parts using a decimal point. They consist of a whole number part to the left of the decimal point and a decimal fraction part to the right of the decimal point. For example, 3.14 represents a number slightly greater than 3. The number system allows us to perform various mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, on different types of numbers. It also enables us to compare numbers. Numbers Unlocked | The Number System | PRM-L5-080623-00002 What type of number is 3.5? What type of number is 6.3? What type of number is -6? 3 What type of number is ? 2 What type of number is 5? 1 What type of number is ? 6 Numbers Unlocked | The Number System | PRM-L5-080623-00002 9, 5, 7, 2, 3 1.25, 0.8, 3.2, 2.7 1 5 3 7 , , , 2 2 2 2 Sam has $6, he gives half of his money to his friends. How much money does Sam have left? Martha receives a monthly salary of $2000; she spends a quarter of her salary on groceries. How much money does Martha spend on groceries? Numbers Unlocked | The Number System | PRM-L5-080623-00002 Tom and Emily went to a toy store. Tom bought a remote-controlled car for $30 and a puzzle set for $15. Emily bought a dollhouse for $50 and a board game for $20. They both wanted to split the total cost equally. Calculate the following: a) The total cost of their purchase. b) The amount both Tom and Emily would have to pay if they split the expenses equally in decimal form. c) If they both paid with a $100 bill, how much change should they receive? Write your answer in decimal form. Numbers Unlocked | The Number System | PRM-L5-080623-00002 Section Marks Awarded Test Yourself Mastery I Mastery II Mastery III Total marks awarded out of 20 Points Awarded Numbers Unlocked | The Number System | PRM-L5-080623-00002 Comments Question Answer Comments 1 Decimal 2 Decimal 3 Whole Number 4 Fraction 5 Whole Number 6 Fraction Question Answer Comments Mastery I 1 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 2 0.8, 1.25, 2.7, 3.2 Numbers Unlocked | The Number System | PRM-L5-080623-00002 1 3 5 7 , , , 2 2 2 2 3 Mastery II 1 $3 2 $500 Mastery III 1 (a) $115 1 (b) $57.15 1 (c) $42.85 each Award mark only if sufficient working shown. Marking Guidelines Section B Award one mark per question. The candidate may not score more than six marks in this section. Section C Mastery I Award one mark per question The candidate may not score more than three marks in this subsection Mastery II Award three marks per question The candidate may not score more than six marks in this subsection Mastery III Award a maximum of five marks for this question. All working must be shown to achieve full marks. Awarding Points Award 10 points for the completion of all questions by the candidate. Award 20 points for the correct completion of all questions by the candidate. Numbers Unlocked | The Number System | PRM-L5-080623-00002