▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ . • • • • • • • • ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ملتي فيتامين: اوميجا : 3 1جرعة مع الوجبة األولى 1جم مع الوجبة األولى و الثالثة ايزو بروتين: 1سكوب بعد التمرين ال-كارنتين : 1.5جم على الريق و 1.5جم قبل التمرين ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ - - Incline Chest press Smith 3 10-15 30-45 CHEST PRESS MCHINE 3 10-15 30-45 Butterfly machine 3 10-15 30-45 machine Shoulder Press machine ROPE CABLE PUSH DOWN GRIP PUSHDOWN 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 Crunches 4 25 30-45 Leg raise Crunches 5 25 30-45 Side Crunches 5 15 30-45 Stretch using anchor (wall ,pole ) Kneeling chest stretch Double arm stretch chest with arms behind back Arm Down Rotator Stretch Standing Reverse Shoulder Stretch Across Chest Shoulder Stretch Elbow Extensor Anconeus Stretch Reaching Down Triceps Stretch Overhead Triceps Stretch " ▪ ▪ ▪ BACK PULL 3 10-15 30-45 Row machine 3 10-15 30-45 SEATED ROW CLOSE-GRIP 3 10-15 30-45 DOWN CLOSE GRIP Reverse butterfly Shrug front Biceps Cable curl 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 Cable Standing Wrist Curl 5 15 30-45 Warming-up in Lunge (seven) One arm Lat Stretch Upper Back Stretch Elbow Supination - Pronation Supination Suspension Stretch Arms Stretch On A Support Forearm Stretch " ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Squats LEG EXTENSION LEG PRESS WIDE POSITION 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 Lever Seated leg curl Lying leg curl Standing calves machine Seated calves machine 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 Crunches 4 25 30-45 Leg raise Crunches 5 25 30-45 Side Crunches 5 15 30-45 Seated Single Leg Hamstring Stretch Supported One Leg Standing stretch Single Leg Calve Stretch Chest press Machine 3 10-15 30-45 Chest fly machine 3 10-15 30-45 SHOULDER PRESS machine 3 10-15 30-45 DB front raise horizontal Db side laterals Triceps kickbacks 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 3 10-15 30-45 Crunches 4 25 30-45 Leg raise Crunches 5 25 30-45 Side Crunches 5 15 30-45 Stretch using anchor (wall ,pole ) Kneeling chest stretch Double arm stretch chest with arms behind back Arm Down Rotator Stretch Standing Reverse Shoulder Stretch Across Chest Shoulder Stretch Elbow Extensor Anconeus Stretch Reaching Down Triceps Stretch Overhead Triceps Stretch Wide grip lat pull down 3 10-15 30-45 BACK HIGHROW 3 10-15 30-45 10-15 30-45 Hyperextensi on 3 high cable face pull Rear delt 3 10-15 30-45 DUMBBELL SHRUGS 3 10-15 30-45 Biceps preacher curls - single arm DB 3 10-15 30-45 Cable Standing Wrist Curl 5 15 30-45 Warming-up in Lunge (seven) One arm Lat Stretch Standing Hamstrings and Back Stretch Elbow Supination - Pronation Supination Suspension Stretch Arms Stretch On A Support Forearm Stretch Hack Squats 3 10-15 30-45 Leg Curl 3 10-15 30-45 Wide Leg press 3 10-15 30-45 Hip abductor 3 10-15 30-45 Leg extension 3 10-15 30-45 Standing Calves machine 3 10-15 30-45 in Seated Calves Machine 3 10-15 30-45 Crunches 4 25 30-45 Leg raise Crunches 5 25 30-45 Side Crunches 5 15 30-45 Seated Single Leg Hamstring Stretch Supported One Leg Standing stretch Single Leg Calve Stretch ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪