Level 1 Texture Certification Schools sub headline here. Body Copy can go here. Whatever you’d like to say. Overview • General information of the Skin and Hair • Chemistry of the Hair • Take Home and Product Guide Workbook Skin • Only barrier against the environment • Largest Organ • Should be slightly moist, flexible, and soft. Skin Structure HAIR TYPES 1. VELLUS or LANUGO HAIR Short, fine, downy hair; commonly found on infants: on adults, it is on areas usually considered “hairless”, such as the forehead, eyelids and bald scalp, as well as nearly all other areas of the body, except the palm of the hand and soles of the feet HAIR TYPES 2. TERMINAL HAIR Long hair found on the scalp, arms, legs and body. Its coarser than vellus hair and is almost always pigmented, except gray hair. TWO PARTS OF A HAIR STRAND HAIR ROOT the part of the hair located below the surface of the scalp HAIR SHAFT The portion of the hair located above the skin surface STRUCTURES OF THE HAIR ROOT * FOLLICLE* a tube-like pocket in the skin or scalp containing the hair root; surrounds the dermal papilla; located all over the body with the exception of the palm of the hand and the soles of the feet *BULB* lowest area of the hair strand; club-like structure that forms the lower part of the hair root; fits over and covers the dermal papilla *DERMAL PAPILLA* small, cone-shaped area at the base of the follicle; contains blood and nerve supply to provide nutrients needed for hair growth STRUCTURES OF THE HAIR ROOT STRUCTURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE HAIR FOLLICLES *ARRECTOR PILI* A tiny, involuntary muscle in the base of the hair follicle: strong emotions or cold causes it to contract making hair stand straight up, resulting in “goosebumps:! *SEBACEOUS GLANDS* Oil glands that connect to the hair follicle; they secrete sebum, an oily substance which lubricates the hair and skin 4-18 Layers Hydrophilic Outermost layer Hair Structure Cuticle Protects the cortex No speci c size of function Not always present Medula Air pockets & keratin 85% of hairs weight Cortex fi Keratin & Protein Strongest & Most Vital GROWTH CYCLES OF HAIR ANAGEN the growth phase when new hair is produced. At any one time, 90% of scalp hair is in this phase which generally lasts 3-5 years. The longer the anagen phase, the longer the hair can grow. Average hair growth is ½ inch per month. CATAGEN the transitional phase; The follicle shrinks and detaches from the dermal papilla; the hair bulb disappears and the shrunken root forms a rounded club.This stage lasts from 1-2 weeks. TELOGEN the resting phase or final phase of the hair cycle, which lasts until the fully grown is either shed or is pushed out during the next anagen phase. This phase lasts about 3-6 months. GROWTH PATTERNS * WHORL hair that forms a circular pattern, usually on the crown *HAIR STREAM *COWLICK a tuft of hair that stands straight up Hair that flows in the same direction; 2 streams that flow in opposite directions form a natural part The bonds of the hair Hydrogen Bonds: The largest in # but the weakest bond ff *A ected by water and heat * The bonds of the hair Salt Bonds: Moderate in amount and in strength *Affected changes in pH* The bonds of the hair Disul de Bonds: Least in # but the strongest bond fi *Affected by reactive chemicals* Chemical and Physical Process of a perm • Breaking and shifting of the bonds • Reduction- adding hydrogen • Oxidation- adding oxygen Chemical and Physical Process of a relaxer • Breaks the disulfide bond • Removes sulfur atom • Creates new lanthione bond • Lanthionization Activity ♦ Using OBE, go to your curly hair doll head, have partner A teach first time curly relaxer application. The pH Scale * pH stands for Protenz Hydrogen * the pH scale is Logarithmic meaning... LOL * every increase or decrease in pH equals a tenfold change in alkalinity or acidity The pH Scale * acid - hardens & closes the cuticle * alkaline - softens & swells the cuticle The Ph scale measures the acidity and alkalinity ranges from 0-14 Healthy hair 4.5-5.5 Neutral 7 Perms 6.5-9.5 Relaxers 11.5-14 CLIENT CONSULTATION Guests Needs Consultation • Desired end result? • Specific questions for all Texture Service! • Challenges / Solutions • Budget • Additional Services • Recommend Take Home • Product Guide Workbook Activity ♦As a group come up with a list of Consultation questions you would ask a clinic class room guest Safety Precautions Relaxers 24-48 hours no shampooing before service Relaxer and lightner will melt hair Perm 72 hours no shampooing after service Changing of cotton Style and Finish Comb on the scalp to prevent burn with hot tools CONDITION OF THE HAIR & HAIR & SCALP ANALYSIS D.E.P.T.H. Density The number of hairs per square inch. Blonde - 140,000 Brown - 110,000 Black - 108,000 Red - 80,000 ELASTICITY The ability of hair to stretch and return back to its original length without breaking. Wet hair will stretch 50% of its length, while dry will only stretch 20% POROSITY The ability of hair to absorb moisture Low porosity Resistant hair, more alkaline substances, doesn't take on moisture easily Average porosity Takes on and releases moisture easily High porosity Overly porous, less harsh chemicals and lower heats, hair is fragile or damaged Texture and Formation Chart Pg. 163 TEXTURE The fabric of our hair Coarse Medium Fine Hair History Activity ♦On a classmate, by using texture and formation chart, determine the texture and formation of the other student Take Home Recommendation Level 1 Texture Certification Schools sub headline here. Body Copy can go here. Whatever you’d like to say.