#separator:tab #html:false Traditional Views About Universe1.Geocentric Universe 2.Heliocentric System The Earth is the center of the universe and is stationary.The planets, sun and stars revolve around Earth.Geocentric Universe Geocentric Universe was presented by ____Claudius Ptolemy Sun is the center of the solar systemHeliocentric System He concluded that Earth is a planetNicolas Copernicus (1475-1543) He first proposed the Heliocentric SystemAristarchus of Samus (312-230 B.C.) This theory assumes that the universe is getting continually bigger or getting bigger forever.Open Universe He discovered that galaxies of the universe are moving farther apart.Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) This theory successfully explains the expansion of the universe and the observed abundance of helium in the universe.Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory was first developed in 1927 by _____A.G.E. Lemaitre (1894-1966) This theory suggests that there is neither beginning nor end to the universe, and it has a constant mean density.Steady State Theory They proposed the Steady State TheoryHemann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle It is a symbolic narrative of the beginning of the world understood by a culture.Creation Myth A battle between gods focused on the supremacy of Marduk (Marduk was a god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron of deity of the city of Babylonian.EnÅ«ma Eliš (Enuma Elish) He believed in a primordial universe and explain that the original state of the cosmos was a primordial mixture of all its ingredients which existed in infinitesimally small fragments of themselves.Anaxagoras It describes the universe as an oscillating universe in which a “cosmic egg” or Brahmanda containing the whole world universe – including the sun, moon, planets, and space – expanded out of a single concentrated point called Bindu, will eventually collapse again.Rigveda They believed in an atomic universeGreek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus It is a red dwarf star, and is the sun’s nearest known stellar neighbor, at a distance of 4.3 light-years away.Proxima Centauri it is a part of about 30 galaxies called the local group. Stars within our galaxy are dominant source of light at the infrared wavelength.Milky Way The nearest large galaxy is the _____Andromeda Galaxy It contains 99.86% of the mass of the solar system and forms the central body around which all other bodies revolve.The Sun This theory supposed that the planetary system was formed from the materials removed from the sun by great gravitation.The Planetisimal Theory As this star collided with the sun, it eventually exploded and its materials were held by the sun's gravitation. From these materials, various planets and other bodies in the solar system were formed.The Companion Star Theory He proposed the Companion Star TheoryFred Hoyle This theory proposed that the gas and dust particles began to come together under gravity to form a denser and denser mass, which started to rotate. The more it collapsed, the faster it rotated. Over time, formed into a disc, with a bulge in the middle.NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS