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Child Development Multiple Choice Test

Child Development
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Fertilization of an ovum outside a woman's body is called
a. artificial insemination.
b. in vitro fertilization.
c. eugenics.
d. genetic engineering.
2. The first milk produced by a woman in the first few days after giving birth is called
a. formula.
b. enrichment.
c. colostrum.
d. amniocentesis.
3. Studies of the Head Start Program indicate that
a. children improve their school performance and abilities.
b. early childhood educational programs are a waste of the taxpayers' money.
c. the gains are about the same as if the child was in a caring environment.
d. children improve their performance while they are in the program but lose
it in elementary school.
4. When a gene is __________, the trait it controls will be present every time the gene is present.
a. recessive
b. dominant
c. polygenic
d. sex-linked
5. Which represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of intellectual development?
a. sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational, postoperational
b. preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor
c. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
d. preoperational, informal operational, formal operational, postoperational
6. Compared to mothers, fathers spend more time
a. playing with the infant.
b. feeding and care giving their infants.
c. providing routine child care.
d. that does not involve visual contact with the infant.
7. When parents around the world use a short, sharp rhythm, they are
a. warning their baby.
b. comforting their baby.
c. calling attention to objects.
d. praising their baby.
8. The three basic emotions which appear to be unlearned but take time to develop are
a. affection, anger, fear.
b. excitement, jealousy, anger.
c. delight, jealousy, fear.
d. anger, fear, joy.
9. Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the existence of emotional attachment?
a. separation anxiety
b. learning to walk
c. imprinting
d. language development
10. The grasping, rooting, and sucking reflexes of infants are best described as
a. fixed action patterns.
b. instincts.
c. conditioned reflexes.
d. adaptive reflexes.
11. According to Chomsky, humans have a __________ to develop language.
a. perceptual set
b. telegraphic readiness
c. learning set
d. biological predisposition
12. During the formal operations stage, children begin to
a. accurately use concepts of time, space, and number.
b. think primarily about concrete objects or situations.
c. develop the concept of object permanency.
d. think in terms of abstract principles and hypothetical possibilities.
13. __________ is an example of a congenital problem.
a. Williams Syndrome
b. Exposure to radiation
c. Down's Syndrome
d. Color blindness
14. Harlow's studies of surrogate mothers show that
a. infant monkeys prefer the cloth surrogate only when it is the source of
b. the wire surrogate is preferred because of its association with food.
c. when frightened, infants run to the cloth surrogates for security and
d. attachment to the wire "feeding mothers" is identical to that displayed
toward real mothers.
15. Harlow's finding that baby monkeys prefer a terrycloth surrogate mother to a wire mother
demonstrates the importance of
a. imprinting or critical periods.
b. contact comfort.
c. acceptance.
d. good nutrition.
16. Which reflex probably helps prevent falling?
a. Moro reflex
b. grasping reflex
c. rooting reflex
d. sucking reflex
17. A child is largely nonverbal, is learning to coordinate purposeful movements with sense
information, and is developing the concept of object permanence. The child is in Piaget's
__________ stage.
a. sensorimotor
b. preoperational
c. concrete operational
d. formal operations
18. Newborn children
a. have limited sense abilities at birth and cannot feel pain at all.
b. can follow a moving object with their eyes.
c. cannot learn and must depend on the adaptive reflexes in order to survive.
d. have extremely poor hearing.
19. When we say a child's thinking is less abstract than an adult's, we mean that
a. children use more examples and generalizations.
b. children use more principles, but require fewer generalizations.
c. children use fewer generalizations, categories, and principles.
d. adults base their understanding of the world more on particular examples
and tangible sensations.
20. If touched on the cheek, neonates will turn their head in that direction. This is called the
a. Moro reflex.
b. rooting reflex.
c. orientation response.
d. Babinski response.
21. Physical growth and development is called
a. readiness.
b. maturation.
c. mobility.
d. heredity.
22. Object permanence is to sensorimotor stage as conservation and reversibility are to
a. formal operational stage.
b. preoperational stage.
c. informal operational stage.
d. concrete operational stage.
23. The rapid and early learning of permanent behavior patterns during critical periods of
development in birds and other animals is called
a. separation anxiety.
b. learned referencing.
c. imprinting.
d. social referencing.
24. Substances capable of causing birth defects are known as
a. carcinogens.
b. teratogens.
c. chorionic villi.
d. antigens.
25. A child and her father are walking. The child knows there are such things as birds but has
never seen a bluebird before. Upon seeing one, she says, "See the birdie," and her father
replies, "Yes, that's a bluebird." This example demonstrates
a. assimilation.
b. accommodation.
c. conservation.
d. object permanence.
26. Piaget is mainly known for studying
a. language development.
b. sexual development.
c. social development.
d. cognitive development.
27. Which combination could not produce a blue-eyed child?
a. brown-eyed father, blue-eyed mother
b. blue-eyed father, brown-eyed mother
c. both parents have green eyes
d. Each of the above could produce a blue-eyed child.
28. When her mother leaves, Linda cries. When her mother returns, Linda crawls into her lap.
According to Mary Ainsworth, Linda has a(n) __________ attachment.
a. securely attached
b. secure-avoidant
c. insecure-avoidant
d. insecure-ambivalent
29. A child who thinks it gets dark so that she can sleep is demonstrating
a. object permanence.
b. imprinting.
c. deprivation dwarfism.
d. egocentrism.
30. Authoritarian parents
a. demand strict adherence to rigid standards of behavior.
b. require little in the way of responsible behavior from their children.
c. encourage their children to act responsibly.
d. do not enforce rules.
31. Cephalocaudal means
a. from the center of the body to the extremities.
b. from the past to the future.
c. from the head to the toes.
d. from birth to death.
32. You offer to trade your nickel for a dime held by a child. The child accepts the trade because
the nickel is "bigger." The child is
a. in the preoperational stage.
b. in the neonatal stage of the growth sequence.
c. obviously past the "age of reason."
d. displaying egocentric thought.
33. It is important for a mother to breast feed her baby, as it
a. ensures proper brain development.
b. appears to aid in attachment.
c. is the only way to gain enough nutrition to survive.
d. is fundamental to the development of a healthy personality.
34. Most human characteristics are the result of many genes working in combination. This is
referred to as
35. Each cell possesses 46 __________ that are responsible for all the genetic information passed
from parents to children.
a. genes
b. chromosomes
c. zygotes
d. gametes
36. A child and her father are walking. The child knows there are such things as birds. Upon
seeing a butterfly, she says, "See the birdie," and her father replies, "No, that's a butterfly; see
how small it is." This example demonstrates
a. assimilation.
b. accommodation.
c. conservation.
d. object permanence.
37. If an infant is startled by a loud sound, it makes movements similar to an embrace. This is
called a __________ reflex.
a. grasping
b. rooting
c. Babinski
d. Moro
38. "I demand that you obey" is to authoritarian as "Do your own thing" is to
a. authoritative.
b. permissive.
c. permissionable.
d. overprotective.
39. Babies will imitate actions they see when mothers show joy or interest because of
a. situational referencing.
b. learned referencing.
c. perceptual referencing.
d. social referencing.
40. A child has learned to get his or her way with a younger sibling by using physical intimidation.
If he or she uses the same tactics on peers, this demonstrates
a. social learning.
b. classical conditioning.
c. assimilation.
d. accommodation.
41. The repetition by infants of meaningless language sounds (including both vowel and consonant
sounds) is called
a. babbling.
b. cooing.
c. telegraphic speech.
d. crying.
42. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory suggests that a child's most important discoveries are guided
a. other children.
b. adults acting as tutors.
c. neither other children nor adults acting as tutors.
d. both other children and adults acting as tutors.
43. Which of the following is one of the four basic ingredients of positive parent-child
a. discipline
b. forced teaching and learning
c. flooding the infant with stimuli
d. mutual respect
44. Proximodistal means
a. from the center of the body to the extremities.
b. from the past to the future.
c. from the head to the toes.
d. from birth to death.
45. According to __________, all children pass through a series of distinct stages in their
intellectual development.
a. Piaget
b. Bloom
c. Watson
d. Harlow
46. You are playing with a neighbor's son, Sam. He is taking a stick and waving it through the air,
making airplane noises. You then take the stick and push it along the ground, making car
noises. Sam angrily takes back the stick and says, "No, it's a plane!" Sam appears to be in
a. preoperational stage.
b. concrete operational stage.
c. period of formal operations.
d. sensorimotor stage.
47. Which of the following is characteristic of good parenting?
a. "hothousing"
b. forced teaching
c. flooding the infant with stimuli
d. consistency
48. Which pattern of development would surprise you MOST?
a. A child stands holding furniture before he or she crawls.
b. A child walks if led before he or she stands alone.
c. A child sits alone before he or she stands holding furniture.
d. A child sits when supported before he or she holds his or her chest up.
49. Babies who don't hear normal speech during their first year may have impaired language
abilities because of
a. the human genome sequence.
b. the language sensitive period.
c. the period of motor primacy.
d. genetic abnormalities.
50. Environmental factors that shape development include all of the following except
a. quality of learning.
b. intelligence.
c. quality of nutrition.
d. culture.
51. You leave your child with a babysitter. When you return, your child ignores you. Your child's
behavior indicates a(n) __________ attachment.
a. securely attached
b. secure-avoidant
c. insecure-avoidant
d. insecure-ambivalent
52. Competent children who are characterized by autonomy, self-control, and curiosity are often a
consequence of the parenting style described as
a. authoritarian.
b. authoritative.
c. permissive.
d. submissive.
53. According to Noam Chomsky, day-old infants dance to speech due to
a. the primacy effect.
b. mother-infant attachment.
c. social learning.
d. innate factors.
54. A child knows that when you take yellow paint and then mix in blue paint, you get green paint.
When you ask her what color paint you get if you take blue paint and then mix in yellow paint,
she doesn't know. Her thinking lacks
a. clarity.
b. freedom from egocentricity.
c. conservation.
d. reversibility.
55. Which of the following reflexes are related to feeding?
a. The Moro and rooting reflexes.
b. The rooting and sucking reflexes.
c. The Moro and sucking reflexes.
d. The Babinski and orienting reflexes.
56. A two-year-old says, "Water go," to which the parent responds, "Yes, the water goes down the
drain." The parent is using the strategy of
a. extension.
b. expansion.
c. prompting.
d. parentese.
57. Developmental psychology is the study of
a. the language, personality, and emotions of children and adolescents.
b. the stages of life and the important tasks of each.
c. progressive changes in behavior and abilities from conception to death.
d. the role of maturation in the unfolding of human potential.
58. Studies of visual perception indicate that
a. newborn babies prefer simple patterns over complex ones.
b. babies make little use of the visual sense before age 6 months.
c. infants prefer faces to colored ovals.
d. infants prefer unfamiliar faces to familiar faces.
59. Sperm from an anonymous donor are used to impregnate the woman in a technique called
in vitro fertilization.
artificial insemination.
anonymous insemination.
60. The study of changes in behavior from conception to death encompasses
a. gerontology.
b. thanatology.
c. developmental psychology.
d. social psychology.
61. The part of a chromosome that contains "instructions" that affect a particular process or
personal characteristic is called a(n)
a. RNA.
b. gene.
c. soma.
d. protein.
62. When a gene is __________, it must be paired with a second gene of the same type before its
effect will be expressed.
a. recessive
b. dominant
c. polygenic
d. sex-linked
63. Using existing patterns of behavior in new situations is called
a. assimilation.
b. adaptation.
c. accommodation.
d. conservation.
64. Another name for a newborn baby is a(n)
a. embryo.
b. neonate.
c. zygote.
d. fetus.
65. Telegraphic speech refers to
a. the single-word stage of language learning.
b. the continuous outpouring of repeated language sounds.
c. words that communicate only part of an idea.
d. simple two-word sentences characteristic of early speech.
66. Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by
a. miscarriage, premature birth, and bodily defects.
b. increased birth weight.
c. genetic defects.
d. addiction to alcohol in the newborn.