Personal Assistantance By: Rahat Roll-3 Class-10 What is an online personal assistant? Online personal assistants are software agents that can interpret human speech and respond via synthesized voices What concepts are used while creating a virtual personal assistant? • Natural language processing -To understand the users speech input • Automatic speech recognition -To understand commands input by the user • Inter-process communication -To get important information from other applications Speech to text -A certain software interprets everything the user says How does a virtual assistant work? Text analyzing -The device does not understand the text so a different software converts it to binary code for the device to understand Voice over -After the command is sent the virtual assistant gives the output in text and speaks it. 1.Google assistant 2.Siri 3.Cortana Available assistants 4.Alexa Conclusion • Virtual Personal Assistants are very effective at organizing your schedule. Now there are many Smart Personal Digital Assistant applications available for various platforms. • These new Software Applications are performing well as they provide all resources of your smartphone. Virtual assistants are also more reliable than Human Assistants because ,Virtual assistants are more portable, and you can use them anytime. • They also have lot of information than any assistant as they relate to the internet