Effects of attitudinal and sociodemographic factors on pro-environmental behaviour in urban China Author(s): XIAODONG CHEN, M. NILS PETERSON, VANESSA HULL, CHUNTIAN LU, GRAISE D. LEE, DAYONG HONG and JIANGUO LIU Source: Environmental Conservation , MARCH 2011, Vol. 38, No. 1 (MARCH 2011), pp. 45-52 Published by: Cambridge University Press Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44519560 JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at https://about.jstor.org/terms Cambridge University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Environmental Conservation This content downloaded from on Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:55:45 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Environmental Conservation 38 (1): 45-52 © Foundation for Environmental Conservation 201 1 doi:10.1017/S037689291000086X Effects of attitudinal and sociodemographic factors on pro-environmental behaviour in urban China XIAODONG CHEN1*, M. NILS PETERSON2, VANESSA HULL1, CHUNTIAN LU3, GRAISE D. LEE2, DAYONG HONG4 AND JIANGUO LIU1 1 Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability , Department of Fisheries and Wildlife , Michigan State University , East Lansing , MI 4882 3 f U S A, 2 Fisheries and Wildlife Programy Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources , North Carolina State University , Box 7646y Raleighy NC 27695 y USA , 3 Department of Sociology , Michigan State University , East Lansing , MI 48823 , USA, and 4 Department of Sociology , Renmin University of China y Beijing 100872 , China Date submitted: 13 November 2009; Date accepted: 20 May 2010; First published online: 18 January 2011 SUMMARY environments (Dunlap & Michelson 2002). Environm sociologists suggested a new environmental paradigm China currently faces severe environmental challenges, was emerging among the USA public (Catton & Du and information regarding the predictors of pro1978/>; Dunlap et al. 2000). This paradigm rejected the H environmental behaviour in China is needed to manage emphasizing limits to growth, anti-anthropocentrism, them. This study addresses this need by modelling the in future ecocrisis, belief in a fragile nature and rejecti sociodemographic and attitudinal factors predicting human exemptionalism. Accepting the NEP was consiste pro-environmental behaviour in urban China. Pro- related to pro-environmental behaviour (Buttel 1987; Du et al. 2000). of environmental attitude (measured using the new enSeveral sociodemographic factors may also be correla vironmental paradigm) and various sociodemographic with pro-environmental behaviour. Females are more li characteristics. Respondents who were employed, to engage in pro-environmental behaviour due to cult environmental behaviour was modelled as a function holding leadership positions, living in larger cities and single were more likely to participate in pro- environmental behaviour. These results accord with and social-structural factors that make them on av more aware of the interconnections between causes and consequences of environmental harm (Stern et al. 1993; previous studies suggesting being female, younger, Hunter et al. 2004). More educated people are more likely highly educated and having environmentally oriented to engage in pro-environmental behaviour because they are attitudes increased the odds of participating in proexposed to more information about environmental harm environmental behaviour. The rapid urbanization and through schooling (Scott & Willits 1994). The relationships economic development in China may significantly between income, environmental attitudes and behaviour have impact pro-environmental behaviour in the future. been important topics within environmental sociology. Early Keywords'. China, environmental attitude, new environmental paradigm, odds ratio, pro-environmental behaviour research suggested a positive relationship between people's income and pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour because environmental quality was often considered a luxury good for which people have more degrees of freedom to INTRODUCTION emphasize when their material needs are well satisfied (Van Liere & Dunlap 1980; Scott & Willits 1994). However, citizens of poorer countries may have similar or even Environmentalism emerged as a global phenomenon in the late more pro-environmental attitudes (Brechin & Kempton 1960s and early 1970s (Buttel 2002; Mertig et al. 2002). Since 1994; Dunlap & Mertig 1995; Brechin 1999), and may be then, scholars have recognized the fundamental importance willing to make similar or larger economic sacrifices for of exploring how knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes influenced environmental protection partly because they more likely have human response to ecological degradation and pollution experiences (Maloney et al. 1975). This awareness led to lessdirect public support with the consequences of environmental degradation (Dunlap & York 2008). Mixed results regarding for the human exemptionalism paradigm (HEP), the notion the relationship between people's age and pro-environmental that humans are free to do as they please because they are behaviour have also been reported (Scott & Willits 1994; Stern exempt from the laws of nature (Catton & Dunlap 1978a; et al. 1995; Tindall et al. 2003). Dunlap & Michelson 2002). Endorsing the HEP implied Cross-cultural and international research on the predictors thinking: (1) humans are separate from environments, (2) pro-environmental behaviour is critical for future environments have only instrumental value, (3) of environmental conservation success but is, as yet, limited in scope (Schultz resources are inexhaustible, and (4) humans can control et al. 2000; Leung & Rice 2002). Globalization has made expanding this research into international and non-western * Correspondence: Dr Xiaodong Chen e-mail: chenxia2@msu.edu contexts absolutely essential, and no place is more important This content downloaded from on Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:55:45 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 46 X. Chen et al. & Christianson 1990; Mohai & Twight 1987). Urban size for this research than China (Liu & Diamond 2005). China's may be especially important for pro-environmental behaviour economy has grown faster than in other major nations over in China given China's explosive urbanization and economic the past three decades, fuelling unprecedented environmental (United Nations 2004). degradation and pollution (Liu & Diamond 2005; growth Liu 2010). In this paper, we study relationships between proChina is already the world's largest contributor to atmospheric environmental sulphur oxides and chlorofluorocarbons, as well as CO2 behaviour and its sociodemographic predictors in urban China. In addition to the attitudinal and emissions (Liu & Diamond 2008), and acid rain fell on predictors that were used in previous more than a quarter of Chinese cities duringsociodemographic the 1990s in China and abroad, we also assessed the impacts (World Bank 2001; Feng et al. 2002). China isstudies also the of urban world's largest importer of tropical rainforest logs (ITTOsize and occupational status on pro-environmental We used multivariate analysis to control for po[International Tropical Timber Organization] behaviour. 2006), and tential et correlations among attitudinal and sociodemographic accounts for 33% of global seafood consumption (Pauly al. variables. 2003; Liu & Diamond 2005). Although China exerts a majorOur findings provide important implications for managing environmental challenges in urban China, and the environmental impact by virtue of being the world's most approaches populous country, per person consumption is rising rapidlywe used may be applicable elsewhere. as well (Liu & Raven 2010). The state of environmental degradation in China warrants a close look at factors affecting environmental attitude and METHODS behaviour among Chinese citizens. Previous studies in China We used a recently released national dataset from the Ge found that Chinese people tended to have anthropocentric Social Survey of 2003 administered jointly by the Surv viewpoints (Harris 2006). People valued the environment for what it could do for them, and generally chose Research economic Center of the Hong Kong University of Scien and the Department of Sociology at Ren growth over environmental protection. Thereand wasTechnology also a University pervasive lack of personal responsibility, as people tended to of China. Respondents were selected usi stratified random design with five strata. The strata w think it was the government's job to protect the environment rather than their own. Pro-environmental attitudes (such asto eliminate double sampling any group of designed those measured with NEP scores (Dunlap et al. 2000)) population were and facilitate comparisons between respond living in cities of different sizes. Sample size was chos more common among more educated, urbanized and affluent to and ensure groups than those among more rural, less educated less an absolute sampling error of <3% at the affluent groups (Hong 2005; Harris 2006; Hong & confidence Xiao 2007), level ( n = 5073, 98.6% compliance rate). The stratum included the 44 urban districts in Beijing, Tia which reflected findings from western studies (Buttel 1987; Dunlap et al. 2000). Less research has addressed predictors of pro- and Shanghai (central municipalities). The second strat included 175 urban districts in 24 provincial capital citie environmental behaviour than predictors of environmentalChongqing (a central municipality). Provincial capital c attitudes in China, however, behaviour is the ultimatewere smaller and generally had lower gross domestic pro concern of conservationists. Recent studies found more (GDP) per person and lower percentages of non-agricult population than central municipalities. Chongqing, the n educated people, younger people, females and those with established central municipality, was sampled together higher NEP scores were the most likely to engage in pro- other provincial capital cities because it was demograph environmental behaviour (Hong 2006; Gong & Lei 2007), but (for example as measured by GDP per person and most of these findings were obtained from bivariate analyses that did not control for correlations among attitudinal and non-agricultural population) more similar to provincial c cities than to the other three central municipalities. The t sociodemographic variables. In addition, previous studies included the 611 city districts and counties in Bei have often neglected occupational status, which is stratum an Tianjin and Shanghai (excluding urban districts of Beij important indicator of social class and may affect proenvironmental behaviour. Tianjin and Shanghai), and five provinces in the eastern re Further, little is known about the effects of urban size (excluding urban districts of their provincial capital cit on pro-environmental behaviour in China, although people The fourth stratum included 1136 city districts and cou living in different size cities usually face different levels in ten provinces in the central region (excluding urban dist of environmental deterioration due to different stages in of their provincial capital cities). The fifth stratum incl economic growth. This research gap reflects most previous 835 city districts and counties in ten provinces in the wes studies using regional level data, without capacity for region (excluding urban districts of their provincial c exploring effects of urban size that requires data at larger scale cities). Tibet, Jilin, Guangdong and Taiwan provinces, (such as nation level). Research in western contexts suggests Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions w urban residents exhibit greater pro-environmental attitudes excluded from the survey due to logistic constraints ( and behaviour than rural residents because urban residents are & Xiao 2007). Survey data were collected through perso often exposed to greater environmental degradation (Arcury interview. This content downloaded from on Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:55:45 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Pro-environmental behaviour in urban China 47 Measures occupational variables: employment status (employed = 1, unemployed = 0) and employment rank (leadership Respondents were asked if they engaged in one position or more= 1, and 0 for others), because people's occupational of six pro-environmental behaviours during the last year: status may represent differences in social classes that may classifying garbage (sort garbage), talking about environmental influence pro-environmental behaviour (Van Liere & Dunlap issues with relatives or friends (environmental-talk), recycling 1980; Ebreo & Vining 2001). We evaluated effect of urban plastic packing bags (recycle bags), participating actively in administrative level (0 for towns of counties, 1 for county education programmes about environmental knowledge held level cities, 2 for non-capital cities above county level, and 3 by the government or corporations (environmental education), for municipalities of the nation and capital cities of provinces) participating voluntarily in environmental activitiesthe heldrespondent by lived in. The urban administrative levels non-governmental organizations (environmental volunteer), represent political power, but are related to population size, and participating actively in appeal and prosecution processes environmental degradation and influence concentration of about environmental issues (environmental litigation). resources (for example education resources and development Although participation in environmental litigation funds)is(State Bureau of Statistics of China 2003). We also low compared to other environmental behaviours in marital status (married = 1, unmarried = 0) because included many countries (Blocker & Eckberg 1997; Barkan 2004), family responsibilities may reduce discretionary time available sociopolitical structures in China facilitate unusually forhigh participation in pro-environmental behaviour. participation rates. Further, environmental litigation may be particularly important in many developing countries such as methods China, where people have been experiencing higherAnalytical levels of environmental degradation than their counterparts in logistic regression to estimate effects of respondents' We used developed countries (Brechin & Kempton 1994; Dunlap & environmental attitudes (NEP) and sociodemographic York 2008). attributes on each pro-environmental behaviour. In addition The NEP scale (Dunlap et al. 2000) was used to measure to the ordinary odds ratios which represent effects of environmental attitudes. The NEP addresses five aspects of anchange of the independent variables, we also a unit environmental worldview with three statements for each: the calculated the standardized odds ratios (X standardized), realization of limits to growth, anti-anthropocentrism, belief which represent effects of a standard deviation change of in the fragility of the balance of nature, rejection of human the independent variables. Standardized odds ratios allow intuitive exemptionalism, and belief in future ecocrisis. Attitudes are comparisons among the effects of continuous independent variables (Long & Freese 2006). We conducted measured with five-point Likert type scales ranging from all statistical analyses with STATA 8.0 (software, STATA strongly disagree to strongly agree. Among these fifteen Corp., College Station, Texas, USA). statements, there are eight positively (pro-environmentally) narrated statements and seven negatively narrated statements. Agreement with eight positively narrated statements results RESULTS in higher measures, while measures of the seven negatively narrated statements are reversed so that disagreement with Respondents of the survey had a mean NEP score of 51.71 them results in higher measures. The NEP scale aggregates (Table 1). The sample was 52% female, mean age was 44 all fifteen statements and scores can range from 15 and to 75. In mean education level of 10.44 corresponded to the this study, the scale had moderately high internal consistency level between middle school and high school (Table 1). Mos (Cronbach's alpha = 0.71). Previous studies consistently respondents (89%) were married and mean annual income wa found members of environmental organizations score higher about 10 000 Yuan. Most respondents were employed (76%) on the NEP scale than do the general public orand non26% held jobs with leadership positions. Less than half o environmental interest groups (Dunlap & Van Lierethe 1978; respondents (44%) lived in municipalities of the nation o Widegren 1998; Dunlap et al. 2000; Dunlap & Michelson capital cities of provinces. Among respondents in the sampl 2002). The NEP has shown significant, if weak, correlations more than half reported engaging in environmental-talk (68% with pro-environmental behaviour and intentions in andmany recycling bags (71%), while less than half of them reporte studies (Vining & Ebreo 1992; Scott & Willits 1994; Stern in sorting garbage (37%), environmental education engaging et al. 1995; Schultz & Oskamp 1996; Tarrant & Cordell 1997; (41%), environmental volunteering (24%) and environmenta Schultz & Železný 1998). litigation (17%) in the previous year (Table 1). All independent variables were significant predictors of We used four demographic variables traditionally studied at least one pro-environmental behaviour (Table 2). A one in association with NEP and pro-environmental behaviour (Scott & Willits 1994; Tarrant & Cordell 1997; Gongstandard & Lei deviation increase in NEP score increased the odds environmental-talk 1.35 times and increased the odds of 2007): gender (female = 1, male = 0), age, educationof(years) and income (annual income of the respondent in the recycling previous bags 1.42 times (Table 2). Being female increased the Yuan odds of sorting garbage 1.26 times and recycling bags year measured in ten-thousands of Yuan [US$ 1 = 8.3 1.51 two times. Older respondents generally had lower odds when the survey was conducted]). We also included This content downloaded from on Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:55:45 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 48 X, Chen et al. Table 1 Summary statistics of pro-environmental behaviours, environmental attitude and sociodemographi conditions of respondents. SD = standard deviation. Variables Description Mean SD NEP Aggregation of responses to 15 NEP questions 51.71 7.24 Gender Female = 1; Male = 0 0.52 0.50 Age Years 43.51 13.18 Education Years 10.44 3.70 Marital status Married = 1; Unmarried = 0 0.89 0.31 Income Ten thousands of yuan 1.00 1.21 Employment status Employed = 1; Unemployed = 0 0.76 0.42 Employment ranking Leadership position = 1; 0 for others 0.26 0.44 Urban administrative level Towns = 0; county level cities = 1; 2.03 1.03 non-capital cities above county level = 2; central municipalities of the nation and capital cities of provinces = 3 Sort garbage 1 if engaged in sort garbage; 0 otherwise 0.37 Env-talk 1 if engaged in environmental-talk; 0 otherwise 0.68 Recycle bags 1 if engaged in recycling bags; 0 otherwise 0.71 Env-education 1 if engaged in environmental education; 0.41 0.48 0.46 0.45 0.49 0 otherwise Env-volunteer 1 if engaged in environmental volunteering; 0.24 0.43 0 otherwise Env-litigation 1 if engaged in environmental litigation; 0 otherwise 0.17 0.38 participating employment effects suggest that people may be exp in pro-environmental A one standard deviation increase in education level increased to the diffusion of environmental values through t of the odds of environmental-talk, environmental volunteering employment (Brechin & Kempton 1994). Further, many and environmental litigation 1.59, 1.40 and 1.30 times, environmental practices (such as environmental educatio respectively (Table 2). Single respondents had higher environmental volunteering) are organized by the emplo odds of participating in sorting garbage, recycling bags, (for example corporations) of respondents. People in n and environmental volunteering than married respondents leadership positions may engage less in pro-environme behaviour because they perceive low levels of control ove (Table 2, Fig. 1). In general, employed respondents had higher odds of behaviours and their outcomes (Ajzen 1991). Employme pro-environmental behaviour than unemployed respondents effects on pro-environmental behaviours may also reflec (Table 2, Fig. 1). Holding a leadership position within fact that Chinese people tend to place the majority of employment generally increased the odds of participating responsibility for carrying out environmental conserva in pro-environmental behaviour. The greatest impact on people in powerful positions who they believe was on environmental litigation, environmental-talk and influence policy (Harris 2006). Harris (2004) noted participating in environmental education programmes where environmental policy making in China has been 'top d those in leadership positions had 1.52, 1.43 and 1.51 times with little involvement among the general public. In fact, higher odds of participation than those not in leadership relationship between holding leadership roles in employ positions, respectively (Table 2, Fig. 1). Respondents in and participating in environmental litigation may reflect more urban regions were significantly more likely to engage fulfilment of a public role in society and higher level in sorting garbage, recycling bags, and environmental perceived control. volunteering (Table 2, Fig. 1). The more pro-environmental behaviour among more u residents may reflect an aggregate of the same phenom observed at the individual level in terms of employment leadership positions. In this case, larger cities with poli power and jobs can afford to promote pro-environmen behaviour, while the smaller cities lacking jobs and poli Our results identify employment status, employment rank and urban level as key variables to consider power in future are compelled to pursue economic growth even studies of pro-environmental behaviour. Both highemployed environmental costs. Ironically this difference in environmental behaviour would relate to past decision respondents and respondents holding leadership positions reported more participation in four of six pro-environmental sacrificing environmental protection for economic grow behaviours than their counterparts (Fig. 1). Although Significant more pro-environmental attitudes and behavi DISCUSSION This content downloaded from on Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:55:45 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Pro-environmental behaviour in urban China 49 v II § s s© ✓-v co rsi ^ONONOs.OVOvg.^ ^ <=> s * s SO .#. * * ö ^ ro i - i vo i - i co i-i * i - i o i - i i - i w i - i * i - i i - i ij_ VI «OOOOvOOvDr^OOt^Ov0^ļ^-rĪO^ļco<vļ°0 J I «OOOOvOOvDr^OOt^Ov0^ļ^-rĪO^ļco<vļ°0 ¿»¿»¿»g^O^O^So^gONN ^ * * >3 laiaiao^iaiao^o^o^iS * O ö VI * * ^ ö *o •5 ^ ¿§§:s«ss!§ss8i?ï5:«st^?:s O Ol - I O I - I oí I - I , - I Ol I - I tJ- , - I , - , * , - I * , - I CO J ^g^^o^S^oSo^o^Sr-;® kj ® a o I a ö I a I ão ud uö u I m * c¿ ï ■E» .Ë S S c« § ■e G T3 C ì* ^ ^ a a * ~ * ~ _Z ® ® ~ tí ~ o * * * ï, * * * t? i Ü - i s»^ c o ^ <3 '> - i r* i - i * i - i * i - i > s»^ ® £! > oo on ^hON^^HLOOC^^H^ Z u i ^■^ONCO^^^fļl^ tí G ^t" O Ol eu O i cr 8 C/5 C/5 - s |^StÍNg-§NdovSo-o¿2!5n«3; "§ c i •Si ^ Oí dud ud ud tS I 2.d üo u I a o I m V» o * ® r** 2 4ř Ï „ Î „ . „ Î ^ - _ , - „ ® „ Ï rn«! bo 0 1 i 3t r** ' - ' * - ' ' '. * - ' * ' O ' ' ®, ' - ' í » £ 2 i- >5, o a 1>» ļ| ö ^o I ao E, I a I £/d ^lo "o u I ^* t: o 1 a •3 o - « J§8aSooa2aoSoag5-;?-;gp^s ì ts C i ^^«P!"S2S«-§SSg;S2®a«-^ .g C/5 _ ^ ^ ř: d : » »H " I tg T3 Slo^ lo ^ O Ol - I O I - I oí I - I * , - I Ol I - I tJ- , - I ^ , - , * , - I * , - I CO * VI 'S e S • • jo _j_j oj _j * .* * ,* * a^c-c-ï» * _j * ^ * ** O > o šSS-'c.aas™-: o lo Já o? ^ ^ ^ ^ - *N "^ * o ^ OI O ^ w p 8 • ^ ^ i ^lo^i-ox^ON^oyo^oo^voN^vûq ^ J gS^S9ó0(!2'«a9g929S-:S9N2 i ^lo^i-ox^ON^o ^«3 o^jÖ^i I ůdudududududu I in n £ 2 O c <L> S uu §> V 2 a .£ Tí ltT 0s ON ^ O vO °o IS = ï * -ī * 22 * W ^ , &S^¿So£-íq-2 c G O , 2 W * "ï. ** •w 5s i - i * i - i o i - i * i - i oo i - i W i - i W i - i s3< i - i * i - i oo * •w U ^l^LcOHCO*iOhO*ON*H i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i yO*Ot^ i i i «k» 20^NOOOOxcoO'^O^OO^U5NrtO^ J «k» ^89a-d°®g^ò«}892oaosnNg ^ ^ o ^ o ^ I So ¿ I Ło £2jO ^2jÖ ö Z2j I Tļ- 'v> Ltl O § 'S "o > 2 ?» J» bo 2 C/5 'bb 2 N Já 3 **■> š®M 3 M **■> u-j u-j Q 's § S s H •Ä •Ä C ^ I 23 2 M i - <u > *C -a G I g g G -s •§ 2 3 J 'S C « s ë« ëIl^ë8 "Si gli SI« •S" ^ ň^«3'Sog.O.^S5 w K, ¡z;0<¡tí¡S£títíDUtí ^ w cu bß-rtjs y E B *-> or^ This content downloaded from on Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:55:45 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 50 X. Chen et al. Figure 1 Frequency of participation in pro-environmental behaviour among respondents with different ( a ) urban level status, (c) employment ranking and (d) marital status. Significant differences indicated by regression analysis: *p < 0.05 0.001. may emerge as China and many other parts of athe luxury world good that otherwise may be correlated to income continue to urbanize, urbanization may produce(Brechin substantial & Kempton 1994; Dunlap & York 2008). environmental threats (Vitousek et al. 1997; Kalnay Our&results Cai reflect the findings of previous studies 2003). In fact, the threats associated with urbanization addressingin pro-environmental behaviour in China by finding China (for example air and water pollution) may that explain the highly educated, more urbanized, young, female and link between pro-environmental behaviour and environmentally urban level oriented Chinese demonstrated more profound in this study. environmental behaviours than their counterparts (Harris While findings on effects of income on pro-environmental 2006; Hong 2006; Gong & Lei 2007). These findings largely matchChung those from pro-environmental behaviour studies in behaviour have been mixed (Scott & Willits 1994; & Poon 2001), we found that in urban China Western income countries (Howell & Laska 1992; Scott & Willits 1994; Tindall et al. 2003; Hunter et al. 2004). Education was a relatively unimportant predictor of pro-environmental behaviour. This difference may be explained plays in part a keyby role because it may not only facilitate people's the inability of previous studies, using bivariate understanding methods, of environmental issues, hence improving environmental knowledge, but also promote to differentiate between correlated variablespeople's including education level, employment rank, employment status, individuals' urban realization of their own responsibility for the administrative level and income. Weak correlation between environment. income and environmental behaviour may also reflect the The age related impact of pro-environmental behaviour fact that respondents, regardless of their income levels, have may be explained by the cohort effect (Buttel 1979), where been experiencing the effects of environmental degradation younger Chinese have come of age during a period of intense in China, hence may not consider environmental qualityenvironmental as degradation. Our findings also indicate marital This content downloaded from on Sun, 31 Jan 2021 08:55:45 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Pro-environmental behaviour in urban China 51 status should be considered in future environmental behaviour Brechin, S.R. (1999) Objective problems, subjective values, and studies since single respondents generally demonstrated more global environmentalism: evaluating the postmaterialist argument pro-environmental behaviours than married respondents. and challenging a new explanation. Social Science Quarterly 80(4): 793-809. The additional predictive power of marital status (single Brechin, S.R. & Kempton, W. (1994) Global environmentalism: a respondents were younger than married respondents) over challenge to the postmaterialism thesis. Social Science Quarterly age may relate to time constraints on pro-environmental behaviour imposed by family responsibilities. Environmentaltalk (an easily multi-tasked behaviour) was the behaviour with 75(2): 245-269. Buttel, F.H. (1979) Age and environmental concern: multivariate analysis. Youth and Society 10(3): 237-256. smallest participation differences between single and married Buttel, F.H. (1987) New directions in environmental sociology. respondents (Fig. 1). Gender effects on pro-environmental Annual Review of Sociology 13: 465-488. behaviour may be explained by traditional gender roles in Buttel, F.H. (2002) Environmental sociology and the sociology of China, where women perform more domestic tasks than men, natural resources: institutional histories and intellectual legacies. for example sorting garbage and recycling (Li 2003). Society and Natural Resources 15(3): 205-21 1. The positive relationship between NEP score and pro- Catton, W.R. & Dunlap, R.E. (1978#) Environmental sociology: new environmental behaviour is not surprising since NEP reflects, in part, belief in future ecocrisis. The finding, however, has major implications in China where land erosion, flooding, drought and other natural disasters have boomed (Liu & Diamond 2005). In these contexts, perspectives reflecting the NEP may become more prevalent (Lo & Leung 1998; Harris 2006). Our findings suggest pervasive views reflecting paradigm. American Sociologist 13(1): 41-49. Catton, W.R. & Dunlap, R.E. (1978¿) Paradigms, theories, and primacy of Hep-Nep distinction. American Sociologist 13(4): 256259. Chung, S.S. & Poon, C.S. (2001) A comparison of waste-reduction practices and new environmental paradigm of rural and urban Chinese citizens. Journal of Environmental Management 62(1): 319. the NEP would correlate with more pro-environmental Dunlap, R.E. & Mertig, A.G. (1995) Global concern for the behaviour. environment: is affluence a prerequisite? Journal of Social Issues Efforts to promote pro-environmental behaviour in urban China could well target less educated people, those with low employment status (unemployed or low employment rank), and inhabitants of smaller cities, at least for the six behaviours analysed in this study. However, our study excluded some rural regions of China due to lack of data, thus these findings 51(4): 121-137. Dunlap, R.E. & Michelson, W., eds (2002) Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood. Dunlap, R.E. & Van Liere, K.D. (1978) The 'new environmental paradigm': a proposed measuring instrument and preliminary results. Journal of Environmental Education 9(4): 10-19. Dunlap, R.E. & York, R. (2008) The globalization of environmental cannot be assumed to extend to those regions and a few concern and the limits of the postmaterialist values explanation: provinces where the survey was not conducted. Although we Evidence from four multinational surveys. Sociological Quarterly identified potential mechanisms for explaining predictors of 49(3): 529-563. pro-environmental behaviour in urban China, future studies Dunlap, R.E., Van Liere, K.D., Mertig, A.G. & Jones, R.E. (2000) should test those mechanisms. Measuring endorsement of the new ecological paradigm: A revised NEP scale. Journal of Social Issues 56(3): 425-442. Ebreo, A. & Vining, J. (2001) How similar are recycling and waste reduction? Future orientation and reasons for reducing waste as predictors of self-reported behavior. Environment and Behavior ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 33(3): 424-448. We thank the General Social Survey of China project for Feng, Z.W., Miao, H., Zhang, F.Z. & Huang, Y.Z. (2002) Effects of providing the data, and the editor and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive criticisms on an earlier draft of this paper. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from NSF. acid deposition on terrestrial ecosystems and their rehabilitation strategies in China. 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